Tuesday, April 7, 2009

suckuppers & backstabbers

many like to equate "suckuppers" when forummers support paps. they mocked at those who try to expose SDP's nonsense calling them "backstabbers" or worst "pappies doggies".

now think of it this way. what if the same suckupper and backstabber is the same person from SDP? can any of u accept this fact?

just like once, ex-wp member tried to suck up to WP - ths suckuppers. after knowing that their suckupping was to no avail, they quit so now instead of suckupper, they turn backstabbers.

there are many around us. we can even find them in msn. at this window, sucking up to u but at the same time in another window, backstabbing you.

such are the characteristics of the lesser mortals who are trying to present themselves as "higher beings" like standing up for FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS n DEMOCRACY craps.

when they are not exposed, their behaviour was like a chilvarous swordsman. when exposed, they are worst than ruffians. they are nothing but true blue HYPOCRITES who are making use of their faked up image to gather more easily instigated forummers to side with them and propagate untruths that prevail and create messiness and confusion.

be careful. be aware of such shadowy characters. they are here not to improve your life but here to exploit and ruin more lives.

have u met any of this character before? suck up to u as suckupper then stab u behind as backstabber?

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