Tuesday, April 21, 2009

fairy godbrothers at the centre

very sad. flower monk also needed his gang of fairy godbrothers which spelled his downfall from the 7th storey diamond pagoda. fairy godbrothers were an envious bunch of toyboys. tb 1 had platinum card with unlimited spending but tb2 only got gold, so the latter not happy and jealous. worst. tb3 only got standard credit card with limited spending. but worst of the worst, tb4 & 5 got nuts - not even peanut shells. and the backstabbing began....

one guy at kopi session was peering blankly into the sea view of the rich pal's luxurious condo. softly he muttered, "fuck!! he was trying to accost me...."

yep!! more kopi spilled. hojinx - the pinay maid, hurry to wipe the dark spillage. all attention was now focused on him. he kept his blank glanced at the sea view.

"once, i was at SHAFTHIM TEMPLE doing some sutra chanting. i know this flower monk personally. then he invited me to his private room...." oh oh! kama sutra chanting??

"no lah!! he invited me for tea" the blank glaring pal was peeved at our insinuation. "but.....but...."

WHAT? SAY LAH!! our kopi getting cold and lesser from the spilling.

"but...suddenly he asked me personal things like, 'are u married...got gf...then are u a virgin?' i was feeling so uneasy and bashful, i excused myself and zoomed off his room. from there onwards, i seldom return to SHAFTLIM TEMPLE...."


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