Wednesday, April 8, 2009

the power of a brainwashed mind

more confusion is brewing in the martial arts world of politics.

the famous SBF or SiBeiFuckup kopitiam is now wildly infested incessantly by clones replication from JJ, the master shapeshift of all time. most of their ninja lame clones have been exposed. if they are not annihilated, their revelations have already rendered them quite harmless and hence their withdrawals from the martial arts scene.

however, just when u think that all are quiet, calm and peaceful, another breed of clones were activated. in the SBF's membership vaults lies a bigger horder of clones from sdp ib creation.

master chee has indeed used his pyschic brain-washing skill very well. enhanced by lamui's UFDS or Ultimate FLIRT&DESTROY Supremo, the lovelorn horny JJ is now fully under their mental control. JJ's unique skill of unmatched intensity is the replication and creation of clones.

it gives a false impression about the support of SDP CLAN. ludicrously, it has also misled master chee to think that there is indeed an increase in support for him and his clan. when problems really rise in the real world and need urgent aid, the virtual supports are still there. obviously! it's the diabolical works of the clones fr master shapeshifter JJ. however, in reality master chee was in a way self-deprecating and indirectly embarrassed. in reality, there was none except the few handful of blurcocks and diehards ranting the same lame weak support.

it is a shameful revelation about real "supports" that never is. they exaggerated too much, too often and finally they immerse into their own lies and treachery.

JJ must have been given some stern lecturing from master chee. to aggravate and shame him further, his lovelorn secret obssession lamui must have rubbed more salts into his bruise pride.

JJ is also a scholar and a lecturer in the LEEgime's school of CONFUSIONISM. yep! u got it right! not confuciusnism but CONFUSIONISM. LOL!! his altered ego talent is teaching even more cumfused algebraic dunno-whats of x plus y equals to LOVE. this indirectly answers everyone why and how he is so intensely in LOVE. too much x plus too much y!!

that sadly is also the source of all his miseries. there was prc mei mei and off went most of his meagre savings of gold taels leaving him with broken taels. then came the matland girl who was a teetujia or spider spirit who needed more taels to mend her broken web - i mean, roof of her sick father's matland home. and zapped away, JJ's remaining broaken taels. that left him only with copper shillings.

as broken hearted, lovelorn scholar, he wandered one day into a geylang whorehouse. wah la!! he met a "girl" and immediately took a liking. they ended up in bed, shagged from dusk to dawn. woe was he!! he realised that girl he had just deposited his lovejuices was a he and he was his secretly inl oved army campmate! mama mia!! when the lights was off, any hole made no different to a turdy nerd!

it was a sob story pouring out from his ex-campmate who JJ once was obssessed with too. with more sobs, booboos and hoohoos, the last remaining copper shillings soon departed from our poor scholarly JJ.

in the end, what was left were bills, debts and unpaid credit cards expenses.

now, comes the UFDM from lamui, this nerd is doomed!!

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