Thursday, March 12, 2009

moni, moni cum....

has anyone ask cheenies and sdppies how much do they actually contribute to master chee's piggy bank? how often? is it every sunday's fake gospel or whenever they have spared broken taels or copper coins to spare to master chee?

the recent GSTOFFSET PAYOUT by the LEEgime, most of them should be quite rich. did anyone donate their undeserving angpows to the more deserving master chee?

what is the purpose they need the fund for? to pay back to the LEEgime? to buy extra cans of FORTUNE abalone? to sponsor for chin chin or master chee's next holiday trip abroad to slime peesailand?

how come nobody dare to ask? didn't they read master chee's secret manual about DARE TO SPEAK? only dare to thick skinned F&D peasants of their modest money. why isn't their great plan or scheme of things reveal? what's the purpose of parting with their hard-earned copper coins then? why does master chee being so heartless and avaricious to suck peasants dryer? didn't he very "tak boleh tahan"? then why make others also more TAK BOLEH TAHAN their tak boleh tahan?

why like that one huh? WHY??:confused:

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