Monday, March 16, 2009

master chee, the osama bin laden of peesailand

watch this clip. although it's a creatively done dark humour, it can be easily relate to master chee. he's like osama bin laden of peesailand. while the real osama is a terrorist creating destruction, mass murders and fear, master chee's in the brain controlling technique is not much different.

he plays on FEAR of harebrained peasants. he plays on unreal anxieties, unexplained vague resentments and mistrusts he implanted in peasants against the peace and security of peesailand.

master chee and his 18 TBT disciples do not qualify the sympathy of peasants. they are the seeds of his FEAR, ANXIETY & MISTRUST propaganda which are targeted to causing unrest and uprising of peasants. it is meant to cause chaos of the land.

if that's not "terrorism", what is?

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