Friday, January 30, 2009

more revelations and exposures....part 1

From: 4stooges3 3:09 am
To: ALL (1 of 2)


fishmonger wife chose to run down turdy nerd... this is amazing and unbelievable!

what kind of lame excuse for the turdy nerd to plead guilty? no time?

where is the fighting spirit? can anyone rely on the F4 to fight for their human rights?

all are just clowns!


The trial begins - Part 1 - The Dilemma

I was at the meeting place early on Thursday and met SDP’s Assistant Treasurer Jeffrey George Since it has been some time since we last met, we were both elated to see each other. It turned out that Jeff had been away since his project started about a month back. Jeff then shared with me about his dilemma - that he needed to be back at work that evening and would not be available for the entire trial period.

Jeffrey George is an Offshore Drill Engineer, an esoteric line where not many people get to be acquainted with. Being skilled enough to start his own business as a private sub-contractor, he works on a project basis, his income is not fixed, and once he finishes one job, he would have to wait for another. He won’t know when his next project will be.

Due to a loss of travel documents recently which the SIR had been slow to replace, he was put out of work for almost a year, and had been living on his savings for the period. Jeff is a family man with kids and wife to support and the year must have been really hard on him having to balance the need to look after his family, on the other hand, to fight for his convictions.

Like the rest of the TBT 18. We each all have our own difficulties.

For myself, throughout the entire trial period, my day will start dropping off my kids to school in the morning and rushing to court (barely in time for breakfast) and when the court adjourns for lunch, I will have to rush to pick up my kids from school, send them home before rushing back to court by 1430. This is tough as usually my kids will not let me go, not to mention, I will be skipping lunch when I only have 1.5 hours to rush from the Subordinate Courts to West Coast and then to Bukit Merah before heading back to sub court.

I spoke to another of my co-accused during the 1st day of the boring trial. I found out that he is a Despatch Rider who is the sole breadwinner in his family. He has a wife and 3 kids, the youngest being only 20 months old. As he works on a contract basis with no basic pay, 2 weeks absence from work will make him almost $2k poorer. However he remains committed to stand trial for his beliefs.

Jufri and Suraya are in a similar position as well. Jufri is the sole breadwinner. They have 3 kids, the youngest was due to have operation for her tonsils removed. As both Jufri and Suraya need to attend court, they have to make special arrangement for family members to help look after their 3 kids during their absence.

Shafie - the youngest among the TBT 18, is only 19 years old and a full time national serviceman. He trudges to court everyday from camp with a full pack on his back. He then makes his way back to camp when the Court rises for the day.

Shafie is a very gentle and soft spoken guy. His mum accompanied him to court on the first day of trial, looking worried and concerned. This was made worse by the AG-C’s representatives sent to identify Shaffie and Isrizal at the Court and serve them documents for Contempt of Court Committal hearing dates for their wearing kangaroo t-shirts.

Despite being unable to get a lawyer to represent him, he at such a tender age exhibits courage and fortitude in claiming trial together with the rest of us.

My good friend E-Jay who decided to throw in the towel during the 1st day of trial. I am sure he has his personal reasons for doing so.

The establishment is deliberately hurting our pockets to deter us from speaking up making it so easy to be tempted to throw in the towel. The only reason why the rest of us choose not to do so is due to our wish to stick to our convictions but also we face less problems as compared to Jeff and E-Jay who have no choice given their situation and circumstances.

Therefore, my compatriots Jeffrey George and Ng E-Jay, do not let all the unkind words of others affect you. You have done your best to stand alongside with us in this battle. I am truly proud of both of you. TBT 18 will always be TBT 18, there will never be 1 less, let alone 2..

was that leetahsar over another forum?? time to execute F&D for mass hypnosis and of course to be more outstanding amongst the circus. strangely, she reserved her deadly stroke or stroking on uncleyap.

when the inevitable didn't happen, they had their reasons for all their bo liao antics of executing CRAZY DRAGON 18 DEADLY BLOW. when the evitable happens, again they have another set of reason for mutiny.

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