Friday, January 30, 2009

a disciple's voice....

another injured chee's disciple spoke out. whether his action was right or wrong, it's rather subjective. if they really know what the LAW is, then they are wrong. if they don't but trying to glorify their own law, then to them it's always right.

Seelan Palay

Since I began to read actively in my teens, I have been keeping myself aware of civil disobedience and how it is effectively used by people all over the world. In relation, I could always see the merit, reason and rationale in the actions of Dr Chee Soon Juan. Meeting and befriending him a few years ago helped assure my opinions.I found that we shared a vision to see a freer, fairer, more compassionate Singapore. But there was a burden to carry for that, which Dr Chee definitely carried more than me. And so I decided that I must help him as much as I can, because I could not just stand by and watch the Singapore government try to ruin this honest man.We mostly worked together from then on and then came March the 15th – a day I knew was going to be different. On that day, we were going to send a strong and clear message to the authorities that we've had enough.Almost everyone was arrested, myself being dragged on the road by police officers who refused to tell me what I was being arrested for. This Thursday all 18 of us will be tried in court, and after that, probably jailed.But I will continue participating in protests and demonstrations. My experiences in Malaysia and Indonesia have taught me that protests are important because they give people a sense of belonging, community and hope. And through my participation in protests here I want to prove these values to be true.In the years to come, I hope for you and I in Singapore to reclaim the term "nation building" from the government, its institutions and its media. And in doing so, open the way for Singaporeans to participate more actively in all facets of life so that we may together build a future that we can call our own.

LATEST: Ng was fined $600, or six days in jail in default, after he admitted to the charge.had he persisted to stand trial, the punishment would be heavier. it's his FREE CHOICE but would he be ostracised henceforth?

it's a test of solidarity from the bunch of sdppies. true colours would surface very soon to sieve the seeds from the shafts.

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