kids not included in CRAZY DRAGON 18 DEADLY BLOWS
you see, before the trial had even formally commenced, the 18 jokers were already condemned as GUILTY AS CHARGED. didn't JJ and that indian chap plead guilty without a second consideration for the other 16 chee's disciples?
if the current imperal magistrate would to allow them to go SCOTS FREE, then the other 2 TBTS who pleaded guilty would be maliciously "innocent". see the conflict of interests, ambuigity and contradiction?
the crazy dragon 18 deadly blows had to be executed exactly by 18 jokers. they had to advance or withdraw in synchronisation. any offbeat spells mortal fatalities to all 18.
if they were wise, just plead guilty, move on and stop wasting courts time and their own effort, time and resources. this losing court duel is entirely disadvantageous to them. the more they drag on, the higher the penalty fine for them. and if they wanna to check in, then they would be really in for a longer holidays in changi resort. maybe lamui would have more "fun" inside there.
their concentration now at tackling the war of words seem distracted. unless they are focussed on "what damage they had caused" or "what injuries that were inflicted on bystanders" or "what injurious reputation they had caused to any dignitaries", the imperial magistrate might be knocked off his balance.
they could cite NTUC's previous leegal protests which was i think held at the parleement house - the scene and source of their "crime". ntuc was an even bigger group. if there was no damage then and no arrest, why should a mere 18 jokers be more threatening and more illeegal?
in simple language, those bunch should be concentrating in tackling the CASE and not causing more unnecessary "defamation" which might end up as more vexatious proceedings.
chia sai was named chia sai not for nothing. he is after all a scholar training in si ya course or leegal advisory work.

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