the kangaroocourt had adjourned trial until march next month.
lamui using her FLIRT&DESTROY had linked up with a gay pervert pinoy from the palawan bitch. he invited her over for brandy, whisky and then the "me". it had been a stressful period for lamui and her other condom lover half chia sai. together they were now the reputated couple THE CONDOM HEROES of the martial arts world.
according to info fr my pinay maid, palawan bitch was a very remote island in philippines. the gay pinoy who boasted about ruling over a tribal community was notoriously known here as BABAERO11. baba in tagalog is boy and ero is "NOTI" - not the typical naughty but the very XXX + X kind of NOTI
hailing their flying tiger, the jian or illicit couple galloped off to their illusive destination palawan bitch. again, my pinay maid said that was such a seclusive spot ...u die also u dunno why the tribal that inhibited the place could be cannibals. BABA was known to have sized people up so that he could throw them into cauldron or save the trouble and made sashimi out of his unwary victim.
would the CONDOM HEROES be back in time for the kangaroocourt trial? 16 tbts left now. if they forsake them, it means their strength would be depleted to 14. more mutiny happneing soon?
the fame CRAZY DRAGON 18 DEADLY BLOWS had finally sizzled down to a maimed stroke. what a pity! and who started it?......yep, the answer would appear sooner than u think. look out for the next poster and that would be your answer.
alternatively, it's marked in red in my personal quote
note: this piece of travel tale was from a double agent - the notorious secret darling.
emptiness is form...form is emptiness
guavatree is now PIRATE COPY leetahsar who's actually ngejay

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