billion vs BILLIONS.....
a dark gloomy thunderstorm is brewing over the sky of peesailand......
i must have read too many martial kungfu novels to come up with this evil ploy.
since auntie jinx lost BILLIONS, they must billions out the billions to peasants. but this billions is different from the billions peasants thought they were benefitting.
the BILLIONS were deployed instead to patch up the holey patchworks of the goof-up whammies investment. figuratively, it seem peasants benefitted. BUT.... can we be seriously sure about that?
next. a blurcock ang mo lau kor is engaged to substitute for auntie's vacated throne. THINK again.....would u leave ur throne for an ang mo lau? to manage national funds by a foreigner?? joking is it?
again learning from the plot of kungfu fighting, plots and subplots from my many perused novels, i think this ang mo is hired to shoulder whatever discredit that might be revealed later....could be a year or many years later.
by then auntie would be out of the picture and peasants being weak memory minded would surely soon forget about this episode.
and prestos!! ang mo lau kao gets hit and not even knowing why should this be happening to him...the missing billions!! the goofups, the whammied investments...etc...
maybe when this happens, auntie would turn up again. this time as WONDER WOMAN to save the day....and she would be crown once more the heroine from the LEEgime!!
master chee must learn from wonder auntie. she breeds ang mo lau kau not for nothing. they would be exceptionally useful at goof-up times like this. master chee's pet ang mo lau kaus only gawk alot and aggravate the already very tedious problems chee and his gang of clowns are facing now.
if you are not the problem, do not add into the problem!:p...but make a joke out of it.
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