Thursday, December 17, 2009

all about alex tan zhixiang

at first, i thought alex tan could be the ONE daring fresh hero emerging in the martial arts world of politics. now he could only be HEELO if what the about link reveals his liasion with SDP CLAN. once any hero mixes up with SDP CLAN, most likely he's no more hero but HEELO. birds of a feather flock together. sdp clan's motive can never be good or beneficial towards peasants. their every kungfu executions hides a devious underhandedness of insiduous motive that benefit master chee's masterplan to ruin peesailand.

exposure of master chee's little petty schemes must be continuous. if not, one of this day, it could be a FREAK msfortune that it might really create chaos and upheaval in the martial arts world. the entire wu-lin could be drastically turned into turmoil with all the other clans after each others' throats.


Alex Tan said...

wow leetahsar

thats a lot of accusation made. i chatted with you a number of times before in the old Sammyboy forum, my nick is interpretsg. though i dont know whats with you and others, i hope you get more objective alright?

my explanation is in my blog

okay reader discretion, judge what you analyze. thank you

leetahsar said...

thanks alex for your comment. it was really surprising that u responded.
both u and i are almost similar. we say what's in our mind but usually get misread and misinterpreted. really if u were to be mixed up with SDP, the ending u get would be terrible. i think u should do better if u were to mingle with other opp like the new REFORMED PARTY.
i ven't really read what's the squabbing between u and the YPAP but whatever it is, each should be entitled to his own opinions. i do not often like to hear "only the good stuffs". i wanna hear only the REAL STUFFS.

Alex Tan said...

hahah you want to hear the REAL stuffs but your believe in fake stuffs so easily and even post it for all to see.


leetahsar said...

what is real and what is fake is all a matter of subjective.
if u think sdp give the real stuffs even a blind knows they are fake, then real stuffs become unreal.
just look around you in our country. remember the scene when u go abroad. look around you again there.
our country is still very conducive for living but why do many wish it to be worst? u look at those in sdp. are they a happy lot? unhappy people usually want others to be as unhappy like them. how can they be gracious to see others happy?