Thursday, October 29, 2009

secret mission to the pharoah's tomb

the sdp clan had been in the news again. sadly, the SHITTIMES gave them a miss. master chee was exasperated after being also ignored by SHENG SIONG, a reputable grocerer who was targeted by his hairy bayi sidekick, AMABOLAN.

amabolan was persistently trying to harrass the chio secretary of SHENG SIONG. she was grossly pissed off by this hairy bayi's abnoxious body odour. anyway, SHENG SIONG was doing a leegal biz supplying cheap groceries to peasants while the bayi amabolan was a ruffian who loved using hooligan tactics. well, that was the sdppie's speciality: BULLY THE WEAK BUT WHIMPER AT THE POWDERFUL which was why they targeted SHENG SIONG instead of CUNT. CUNT had the famiLEE's backing and emit a pussy stench which was so familiar akin with sdppies trolls and pussies. they smelled alike and hence it was kinda of ka di lan or family related & orientated.

running out of wits, master chee decided that he would don on his messiah outfit to become MESSIAH CHEE or meesiam chee or missmy chee or whatever. he instucted lamui to embark on a secret journey to EGYPT to hunt for the NOAH OF ARK from one of the pharoah's tomb.

it was now clear that why they were asking for alms and donations. this was the preparation for the SECRET MISSION TO THE PHAROAH'S TOMB - the search for the powderful and legendary ARK.

once messiah chee get his hands on this holey treasure, he could easily defeat the PAPS and the LEEgime with it. wow!! and we thought RAIDER'S OF THE LOST ARK indiana joe had already sealed it up.

would the peasants got their money's worth from the donations they generously and foolishly being CHEETED into sdppie's bank account? would lamui land in the right tomb or would she lay in one of the tomb - permanently? would she divert her attention and instead search for the CROWN OF CLEOPATRA in order to seize power from messiah chee? don't forget, lamui called herself the EMPRESS DOWAGER. the sudden twists and turns churning as the story progresses.......

stay tuned and find out what the outcome would be.

important note: she gotta be back before the arrival of USA obamamamak, the powderful black president. messiah chee was hatching another devious plot for another - what else? public circus show to entertain the world's most powderful man who was visiting peesailand in a couple of weeks.

NOV spells a very exciting month! so better stay tuned for more real-life reporting. :)

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