Wednesday, September 8, 2010

NO ONE shall be left behind.....screwed the lau peng!

Hitler Finds Out about his NS Recognition Award from mrbrown on Vimeo.

the recent NDP speech by the pinky ruler of peesailand was simply amazing. 9K tael was hanging over for all new conscripts. what emperor pinky forgot to mention was: what about the lau pengs or the old soldiers?

peesailand might be just a little red dot but hell, it had great ambition. it wanna take over the world...or perhaps south east asia. ok fine. just the surrounding matland and indocunt would be sufficient to begin with.

hence, all the males in peesailand on reaching hairful puberty must be conscripted and be trained and mean killing machine. some were trained as mean sex machine and deployed to taiwan kao shiong where they were in complete gears - condoms, lubes and bonking instructions, rules, regulations and penalties thoroughly inclusive.

our poor lau pengs were now left out in the cold after their more arduous toiling part of their lives. the new conscripts were treated wtih utmost tender loving care. they were so precious due to the immensely successful family control program. yet they were quite fragile. they could easily fake fainting spell and do convincingly drop dead drama. sadly the drop dead most of the time ended with quite disastrous and fatal result in an authentic dropped dead precious only heir to a family.

9K tael now hang over new conscripts who survived their less regimented army ordeal. the lau pengs were pissed. they got nothing. they too had undergone more sadistic and maschoistic times with food the dogs wouldn't even eat! they got nothing. nothing at all.

the murmurings were getting louder among the peasants as most were the aged and were feeling dejected for getting nothing...the words of emperor pinky was still ringing loud and clear: NO ONE SHALL BE LEFT BEHIND. perhaps, the aged, sick and poor were the exception and might be quietly left behind to decay. the GE was getting near and nearer. would there be a mid-autumn revolution that repeat what happened during the ming dynasty?

stay tuned to find out the much awaiting contests for ruling a province in the grand GE which was held once every 4 years.

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