Wednesday, March 3, 2010

pantyless partyless and the cloak of invisibility

the GABRA SDP NITE was a nite for wild party animals! firstly, the cost of the event was $50 per participants. it was a HALAL buffet with FREE FLOW OF WINE. yep! u got it right. HALAL VS ALCOHOL side by side.

the water buffalos of alcoholics anonymous were thrilled but the non-drinkers and muslims lembus were disadvantaged - paying dearly to subsidise the drinkers. the surprise for the nite had to be the invited vip orang utans ang mo lau kaus who were foreigners and alleged "human rights" fighters.

WHAT THE FUCK!!?? wtf were those foreign insurgents doing in a domestic GARBA SDP PARTY?? so now it was even clearer that $50 from imbecile sdppies went to subsidize for those foreign troublemakers who would exacerbate master chee's evil sliming against peesailand. it would be better and more effective when the orang utan ang mo lau kaus got themselves stoned like pigs.

there u have it folks! the years of GABRAING of the sdp clan and more gabraing years to follow after this. well, the big longkang is always there waiting for the flea circus of clowns to fall in - as usual, what else?

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