Tuesday, September 15, 2009

LI complains about LEE to UN MEETING

as usual, traitorous national betrayer master chee had confirmed himself to be was behind all these craps. he was instigating LI to hantam LEE, namely lau lee from the infamous famiLEE LEEgime which ruled over peesailand for 2 generations now. there might be a 3rd uprising famiLEE progeny in the making if SDP CLAN kept on with their incessant public nonsense which was now taken globally and internationally to smear the good name of peesailand with all their craps and shits smearing activities.

it was puzzling. why would master chee who fail miserably here to rapport with the peasants want to take his personal vengeance and vendetta worldwide? who would bother about a tiny red dot peesailand? obviously, master chee is the bad guy here in this land where peasants consider themselves fortunate to be born in and FTs clamber too to be naturalised here.

as usual again, master chee is surely up to more nonsense to follow on the arrival of the overlord of the overlords of the martial arts world - THE ARRIVAL OF USA OBAMA - overlord of the USA and the most powderful man in the world.

stay tuned....and now for the crappy comprains SDP CLAN and chee are truly good for: TO BRING PEESAILAND DOWN.

The Liberal International (LI) has submitted a written statement to the United Nations' Human Rights Council. The statement cites human rights violations in several countries including Singapore and Burma. (See below)

LI is an international body of liberal democratic parties with ruling parties as members including the US Democratic Party. The SDP's membership was recently approved by the LI's Bureau and will be confirmed at its Congress to be held in Cairo in October this year.

On another front, the Young Democrats have just returned from a communications workshop in Hong Kong this week. The event was organised by the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD). YD Honorary Secretary Jarrod Luo attended the workshop together with activist Chong Kai Xiong.

LI Statement


The International Bar Association (IBA) produced a report in July 2008 after it held one of its annual conferences in Singapore. In that report, the IBA stated that:

“The judiciary in Singapore has a good international reputation for the integrity of their judgments when adjudicating commercial cases that do not involve the interests of People’s Action Party (PAP) members or their associates. However, in cases involving PAP litigants or PAP interests, there are concerns about an actual or apparent lack of impartiality and/or independence, which casts doubt on the decisions made in such cases.”

That same year, half a dozen individuals were found guilty of contempt of court in three separate cases. The five Singaporeans and one US citizen were imprisoned.

In addition, the editor of the Wall Street Journal was ordered to pay approximately 5,000 Euros for contempt of court in three articles that appeared in the newspaper.

In March 2008, a group of activists participated in a peaceful protest against price hikes and the million-dollar salaries of the ministers. Led by Chee Soon Juan, the group was arrested and the activists were prosecuted for taking part in an assembly and procession without permit.


Notes the Attorney-General's Chambers’s complicit role in its suppression of freedom of expression, assembly and procession and urges the Attorney-General's Chambers to stop prosecuting activists in Singapore;

Stands in solidarity with the persecuted democracy activists and censures the Singapore Government for its use of public institutions against the Singapore Democratic Party and its associates;

Urges the judiciary to adhere to its commitment to uphold justice in the city-state without prejudice, fear or favour.

if there were really fear, then why wasn't master chee and his imbecile diisciples being detained and thoroughly chromed by ISD (Imbecile, silly and dimwit) - the secret imperial assassins of the royal famiLEE?

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