Monday, August 17, 2009

is baey yam keng a descendant of ma wern qing?

ma wen qing is hanyu and translated to engrish should be BAEY WERN KENG.

still blur? baey wen keng is the 3rd party who stole chu yin tai from liang shan po.

baey yam keng is a korean look-alike hunk hounded by abc desperate troll.

baey yam keng. baey wern yan qing, ma wern qing. related by descendancy?

if they were related, then my god!! the abc troll could be chu yin tai back for her revenge!


gosh! if this theory is true, SDP CIRCUS OF CLOWN might just be singing their 7th wayang opera titled: LIANG SHAN PO & CHU YIN TAI, guest starring baey yam keng acting as his great great great grandfather ma wern qing.

this is so bizzarre!!

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