Tuesday, April 5, 2011

JJ and his powderful brush of deceit

it was spring soon in peesailand. the other season was summer there. the birds were chirping happily. the mangoes were in full bloom with tempting fruits hanging in big bunches. the fever was on. it was real hot. THE GE FEVER!! JJ being the dwarf elf with the deadly groin kick was keeping low. he had too. he was only like barely 3ft tall. beside his deadly elf balls kick, JJ had another secret weapon - his powderful brush. just look what he now trying to sabotage saikongseng of NSP CLAN and the rest of the opp clans...or for that matter any clans that was fighting against the leegime except the decepticons SDP CLAN. Why is NSP such a bully? (Part 1) April 5th, 2011 Author: Contributions I read this news (Seehttp://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_652585.html) with great disappointment in NSP. Why is NSP not keen on RP’s proposal to exchange Pioneer SMC and Radin Mas SMC with Chua Chu Kang GRC? We have all seen RP worked the ground for the past two years (especially in Pioneer, West Coast, Chua Chua Kang and Hong Kah) since Kenneth Jeyaretnam became the Secretary General of RP. Moreover, RP is among the first to announce that it will be contesting at West Coast GRC, Chua Chu Kang GRC, Pioneer SMC, Hong Kah North SMC and Radin Mas SMC (See http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/02/24/opposition-parties-declare-interest-in-both-grcs-and-smcs/) on the same day the electoral boundaries were released. I know this because I “Like” all opposition facebook page since 2009 (those with facebook page) and I have been seeing RP update its status on facebook about its walkabouts in these locations but not for NSP. Let me give you a very obvious example -_ I challenge Steve Chia who is set to contest in Pioneer SMC to show pictures of his walkabouts (or even NSP’s walkabouts) in Pioneer BEFORE the election boundaries were announced. I can tell you this guy is an opportunist who had previously announced his retirement in GE2006 on 20 March 2006 (seehttp://singaporegovt.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html andhttp://www.selectbooks.com.sg/getTitle.aspx?SBNum=038659) but now he is back to “fight” with RP for Pioneer SMC. We all know that the PAP will benefit most from any 3-corner fight. I urge all opposition parties to be fair and only contest in the area which you have been working the ground. I also urge all Singaporeans to vote for the opposition party who had worked the ground and not any other opposition who are “opportunist”. So why is NSP being such a bully? Maybe NSP likes to harbour “moles”? Or is NSP set to be the next “approved” opposition party? I will explain why I think NSP likes to harbor “Moles” in my next letter. . JJ http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/04/05/why-is-nsp-such-a-bully-part-1/#comment-353792

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