Thursday, February 10, 2011

master chee became the LEADER of martials arts fraternity

Singapore opposition leader escapes jail term

Economy Government and Policy
On Thursday 10 February 2011, 16:21 SGT

A vocal opposition leader in Singapore Thursday escaped a jail term after an online donation drive raised enough money to pay a fine instead.

Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), had faced a fine of Sg$20,000 ($16,000) after being convicted of "making an address in a public place without a licence" in 2006.

Chee, 48, would have been imprisoned for 20 weeks had he failed to pay the amount by Thursday, prompting his political party to organise an online fund-raising drive.

"We are glad to announce that we have reached the target of Sg$20,000 in contributions for Dr Chee Soon Juan's fine," said a post on the SDP's website.

"More than just keeping Dr Chee out of jail, Singaporeans have rallied and sent a message that they will not sit idly by when the opposition is persecuted."

The SDP said many of the donors were "youths," and added the success of the drive was unprecedented.

"This is a historical development in that it is the first time that Singaporeans have rallied together to show such encouraging support for an opposition cause," it said.

"It is important that we continue to (use) cyberspace to increase political space in Singapore. This exercise has given civil society and the opposition a gauge on the power of the new media."

Chee was convicted on four counts of speaking in public without a permit after a trial lasting from 2007 to 2010. His final appeal against his conviction dismissed by a high court on January 17, 2011.

International rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) had on Wednesday slammed the sentence imposed on Chee, who has been jailed in the past for actions related to his struggle against the ruling People's Action Party.

"The Singaporean government is once again abusing the justice system and trampling on basic rights to remove an opposition politician from the political playing field," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights Watch.

"The government should end this persecution of Dr. Chee and show that free speech is not a dead letter in Singapore."

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A Yahoo! User 1 minute ago Report Abuse
Every home and every country has its own rules and regulations. Why does he need to stubbornly go against the law when he can jolly apply for permit to speak at the Speaker Corner or to speak in public. If such person do not know how to behave appropriately, how can he lead a country. I am puzzled and sad that there are such people who condon such act. This shows the inmaturity of such people. I just can not imagine how sensible are those people. Chee and those people are in fact the puppets of outsiders who want to destroy our country. They are preaching about freedom of speeches which they used to disguise their main ill intent. For me, I will not trust such irresponsible person.

since when master chee had been the "leader" was really puzzling. SDP CLAN after master chiam had always have the lowest votes. well, peesailand didn't consider master chee the LEADER but that didn't mean the ang mo lau gaos couldn't pedestal master chee as their version of leader of martials art fraternity.

chee really lived up to his deadly CHEET skills. he loved to be branded as the leader. he loved all the misled info and the exaggerated attention. that's master chee - master of CHEET skill!

more about master chee from another blog: