Tuesday, January 12, 2010

martials arts in local politics abruptly DELETED in sbf!

12 jan 2010.

after putting scroobal as the stand-in moderator, MARTIAL ARTS thread in sammyboy kopitiam was abruptly obliterated. the last count it hits 72,800 + viewership.

it's sheer bewilderment why a thread with so many hits would be unceremoniously being taken off. what could the reason be? that is suppose to be a FREE SPEECH forum but it's like a deja vu to the destruction of UPHEAVAL OF LEETAHSAR in the old sbf kopitiam.

human nature is just too petty and anal retentive. usually if i dislike to read certain thread or certain postings usually spammings from nasty clones, i just click the IGNORE button. it's strange that parasitising nasty clones are spared when they spammed non stop while comical bo liao couldn't be tolerated in a FREE SPEECH forum.

perhaps the moderator is himself a biased or jealous loser who cannot tolerate other's nonsensical postings greatly surpassing his own boring threads and postings. if such is a case, then he shouldn't have been put up as a "moderator".

making a notorious netizen whose postings evoked much mixed emotion, sentiments and extreme responses is such a X-factor feat not many could achieve. anyway, the martial arts showdown in local politics are far from over.

PART 2 would be up soon. so stay tuned! :)

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