i think li'l brother LEETAHSAR now understood his strange spiritual encounter in 2006, OCT 23.... it was a prelude to what is happeing now. his pious staunch social worker pal explained to him that such priceless encounter with GUANYIN was an infinity link.
Monday, October 23, 2006
today was 23rd OCT.
blusotong striked lottery 3rd prize. he to me and wrote he had a near missed NS highway accident. he said the buddhist bead i gave him and the one he bought after our roast duck makan in JB gave him a certain unexplained tranquility...enabling to think clear when an imminent oncoming out of control car was heading in the opp direction towards him.
it was in the news. 2 sgp indians were killed. one instantly and the other brain death...
the cursed vehicle hit a metal thing on the road surface, went out of control and somersaulted towards the car sotong was driving. his whole family was in the car then....his wife and his 2 grown sons.
sotong was cool as cucumber. was observing the car. it went...BANG..BANG...AND BANG!...and stop short of his opposite direction. he couldn't jerk brake his car cos it was on the NS highway. to do that was even more disastrous....
just when he thought it was over, off flew a wheel from the consecrated car. it bounced...boink...boink...and BOINK!!...TOWARDS SOTONG'S DIRECTION!!..
mati second disaster approaching..but before it could hit his car...it's last boink when off tangent and headed in another direction...
so it was only rumblings of thunder. no rain. sotong and his entire tribe was safe...ornitoufo...
sotong, my cid dudi and I visited FOO HAI CHAN MONASTERY today.
sotong took my advice seriously to visit temple to thank the buddha's merciful protection. my dudi being cid, needs to pray that there was no big crime, so that he could play his golf peacefully in his country club.
as for me...i was there to hunt for the TARANTULA BOTAK...hahahaha...;9)
PG 2...
someone gave me the info that on every 23rd of the month, there would be PUJA FOO HAI CHAN MONASTERY...so sotong being an ardent foodie..and of course this piggy here headed there. he could pray. i could pray too. then after go for the makan.
my cid dudi happened to call. having nothing on, no big crime what, he also wanted to meet us up to do some praying. ok lor!..we had a TAO YUAN JIE XIONG DI AGAIN...hahahaha...;9) the brotherhood of the PEACH GARDEN ( an excerpt from the THREE WARRING STATES.....;9)
sotong was first to arrive. me was still walking when i exited from ALJUNIED MRT STATION. i was happily singing MEMORY...and walking very briskly towards GEYLANG EAST AVE 2....soon i reached there.
paid my obeisance to the humongous thousand arms and eyes GUANYIN and started searching high and low for this blur like sotong sotong!!...worst than me...hahahaha...;9)
after getting his sms, headed towards B1 or basement one.
from a distant i saw handsome sotong..yes today he damn chio...wearing a deep blue stylo milo casual shirts like a blur sotong swimming in his portable water...hahahaha....;9)
sotong: uncle, how cum no buffet table one huh?
lts: huh, tot u told me makan now in ur sms?....where's all the yao gui (hungry ghosts)...
looked like the only yao guis there was sotong and me....
so we went veggie food hunting. we came to a door. peeped in...GOODIE!!....FOOD...FOOD..AND chotto...monks feasting on the food???...what's going on??..there was an empty table next door...so the bold and garang goon, just opened the door and thought of going in, sit there and wait to be served with FOOD...
the monks was shocked...all eye wide opened...and their mouths even wider open will all the rice n veggies hanging there...like as though all frozen in a remote control PAUSE....hahahaha....;9)
one of the monk: ni men yao kai si mo?...(what do u all want?)
lts: sorry...wrong number....( and quickly exited....)
sotong looked at me. i looked blank back at him. i suggested we head for the kitchen...surely all food was there, right?...wrong again!!...and i could help laughing when i asked one of the chef: uncle, today go PUJA right?...free buffet makan, correct?
chef, stunned and blurred: yue mei yue gao chuo!!...(u made a mistake).....hua ren jie 23 not engrish lah...hahahaha...
there...means no more makan for these 2 clowns here...hahahah...and as though not enough, in came another clown: MY CID DUDI...hahahaha...;9)
3 of us looked at each other...and we really make a good set of the THREE STOOGES...hahahaha....;9)
what to do next?...brought all the jokers to the main hall of the humongous GUANYIN and did our praying and meditation..and there the unexpected weird happening occurred onto me.....
PG 3
WE WERE NOW IN THE MAIN HALL....infront of us was the awesome humongous thousand arms with thousand eyes MERCIFUL GUANYIN PUSA....
without hesitation i knelt at the low stool facing directly at guanyin...the stools got this wording..THIS STOOL IS FOR THE MONK....written in chinese. what monk?...no monk what?....me also monk wannabe ..so i didn't care just kneel and clasp my hand in prayer. closed my eyes and focus my thought on the guanyin infront of me....
i dunno how to put it....i tot i heard sutras...dunno what sutras...like i knew it..like i din know it...it was strange.
what was stranger after that really astound me. it was very cooling in the massive hall. beads of sweats started to form on me...i could feel even on my scalp, big big beads of sweat were congregating...and it flowed...like niagra fall...yes...beads dropping onto the floor....
i opened slightly my eyes to peep at the awesome guanyin...AND YES THIS TIME I SAW TEARS IN HER EYES....yes i did!!!....was it the lighting??...like yes ...like no...but this time, i saw...2 streams of tears...and without any emotion in me...i was feeling rather tranquil and peaceful....my 2 rows of tear also started to flow.....
it flowed..and it flowed...and i really was stunned!!
i opened my teary eyes. my cid pal was already suddenly next to me, wide mouth opened. he din make a noise. he was observing me....he was stunned...sotong was walking all over the hall like searching for lucky numbers like that...hahahaha....;9)
i was stunned...i couldn't control the tears...it kept coming out of my big round eyes...my spectacle was drenched...oh shit!...i got to dig into my hare krishna bag for paper napkin to wipe cos the tissue i used wasn't enough!
after that, i heaved a sigh of relieve...and impromptuly it came, the tears just stopped...just like this!...like a turned off tap instantly..hahahaha...;9)...why?
i dunno. that's why i m posting this weird happening maybe some powderful buddhist brothers here could enlighthened me..
after that....3 of us brothers headed to OLD AIRPORT ROAD HC and have our makan there....and that would be another funny tale to tell...hahahaha....;9)
- end of our FR for today...;9)
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