Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 6:24pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Jaslyn
I'm afraid your post wasn't clear- It's always advisable to quote the source, which in this case was the S.T. article linked below. Naturally the number 20 only was expressed and confidential membership information was not divulged. (1)
And with the extraordinary number of people joining this FB page- 37 in the last hour since you posted- you can see why it would be unclear. Can you believe there were only 4 members here before Friday's news.
Thank you for clarifying and congratulating us-- while we are at it, TS has been too busy to promote this page lately- I posted the photos and links as the public is crying out for more information about the party.
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 5:11pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Kenneth,
My comment was in response to the "20 new members" that join RP recently.. (1) :-)
I myself who is spearheading Friends of SDP facebook group, (which Teck Siong and E-Jay are also member), understand your concern, in fact, I am a fan / supporter of RP too which is why I join this group..
now that RP facebook group has reach out to more than 100 fans / supporters...another round of congrats to RP..
Keep up the good work Reform Party :-)
Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 1:59pm on April 14th, 2009
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hi for all visitors to this FB page.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Jaslyn. Thank you.
In response to your post I just want to make sure that there is no misunderstanding when you congratulate us on the growing numbers of RP members and people coming forward to join the opposition . This is a Facebook group. I want to be crytsal clear about this. When any person joins as a member of This FB page they are NOT members of The Reform Party. The Register of members of The Reform Party is not public knowledge. They are certainly not (necessarily ) coming forward to join the opposition by being on this page- !!! It's just Facebook. In fact many of the 'members ' on this page are well know members of other parties or completely apolitical or overseas well -wishers and democracy supporters.
I will request admin to change the set up to say "become a fan or a supporter".
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 9:24am on April 14th, 2009
Hi Teck Siong,
Thank you for starting this group to keep us posted on RP's happening and events..
Congrats on the growing numbers of RP members too..
Hope to see more people coming forward to join the opposition..
(1) how did she know? it's "CONFIDENTIAL". is there an infiltration of SDP members into RP? why? is sdp sinking or sddpies were deployed into RP to check out whether there is a possibility of a usurping the clan in preparation for the probable demise of SDP? sdp has created so much foolish public nuisance. it's better dead than alive. but these sdppies would need a new hideout so along conveniently comes RP CLAN which has just lost their grandmaster.
again, why would someone so busy in her own ktichen bothers to check into other's kitchen? trying to steal some secret kungfu manual or curry-flavoured recipe?
just hope that there won't be a migration of those deviant sdppies into RP and do an "AWARE" drama. SDP CLAN always boasts about their "popularity and increased supports". it's puzzling why they would wanna meddle into another clan's domestic matter.
ng ah teck, the aiya longlost father of JJ had been made a sacrificial cow from being too obssessed with his long lost son JJ. JJ might be skilful and multi-talented in different deadly forms of kungfu BUT his skills were exploited and instigated. he was nothing but a brainless weapon puppet-stringed by his manipulators.
JJ had in a way sacrificed much for SDP. it's bewildering that he wasn't their official disciple and instead chose to join RP. why? cos his long lost father ah teck had found his long lost aiya son. he might have treated him as a longlost son but the reversed might not be true.
....and so ah teck had to quit the party he co-founded with the late grandmaster JBJ. his introduction of JJ probably irked the supports from other RP disciples.
rumour had it that he might be setting up another clan. what's the point then? opp clan disciples were already so scare. another clan means further dilution of opp power and another redundant fragmentation.
ah teck should just remain with RP CLAN. his seniority was much more useful there. setting up a new clan would waste much of his resources, time and effort. ah teck wasn't young any more. hopefully he would not face the same fate as the late JBJ.
on the other hand, RP's new boss ken should be gracious and magnaminous to persuade ah teck back to RP CLAN. whatever differences there are, it should be meticulously worked out. the sudden departure of a co-founder of RP definitely doesn't sink in well with peasants. it only creates more doubts and speculations that internal strife could be taking place. if such is the impression in peasants, it certainly would mar the confidence built up over the years when JBJ was ruling it.
as for the new kid in RP, JJ had yet to prove his credilbility and his real motive. if he was wrongfully shunned because of his past actions - stripped red t and PG without hesitation, then he would be right to leave SDP. it just revealed how abnoxious SDP could get. (just look at their SDP IB clones posting repetitively nasties here, you should have an idea.)
then again, there were lamui and chia sai still lingering in SDP CLAN. JJ was linked to this pair of CONDOM HEROES who were famous for attack with hidden execution of poisonous darts and deadly FLIRT&DESTROY skill. if all these links were not clarified, there would always be doubts.
RP CLAN is currently trying to build up credibility to gain supports from peasants. JBJ was a pillar of admiration, strength and hope for many. he had sacrificed much to peasants till his last breathe. but with the inclusion of dubious characters who frivolously jumped from one clan to another, no one could guarantee what was their motive or pledged loyalty. are their hearts with the new clan or still linger with the old one? or are they in RP as an alternative standby just in case SDP could be fully demolished by the LEEgime? with SDP's impeccable sickening public records, most peasants would hope it just closes shop cos their presence hinders the advancement of other hardworking clans trying to win wards.
master chee had always boasted that his clan wasn't here to win ward. then why should he still need a political clan instead of just switching it to a socio-activist one? such bragging already exposed his own tongue in cheek hypocrisy and hidden agenda. many suspect that master chee could be an agent for bigger sinister foreign forces bent in bringing the downfall of the entire peesailand.
one thing for sure, peasants know that master chee could be anything but for the good of peasants welfare and goodwill.
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