"don't pray pray with me hor. i might be small but i m very powderful!"
after this trial is over, the 18TBTs would be somewhat very well-versed in sg laws. and no matas or civil servants from the LEEgime could touch them again for petty summons like illeegal parking, littering, unlicensed hawking and all the menial frivolous petty crimes. steady and a very poon pee pee to them so do not pray pray with them, ok.
hurray for them!! a very valuable lesson mastered! they would have stolen some shrewd tactic and maybe improve their gift of gab skill. surely they would win over countless arguments in the martial arts world.
maybe if they mastered the extremity of the poison gab called LAN SEE BEH C or YAYAPAPAYA UNTIL CANNOT DIE - the highest form of seriously maiming your opponent by forked tongue. remember the warning from the bible: a 6 inches tongue can kill a 6ft man.
wow!! we better steer clear of the 18 crazy dragon deadly blow for soon they wouldn't even need to execute their injurious chi emitted from their palms. they could just internally injure you by a tiny spittle from their machine-gun loaded gift of gab.
warning: DO NOT PRAY PRAY...and please remember to PAY PAY - donate generously to prevent calamity from befalling on you.

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