JJ cheonging with SDP & F4?
Ng E-Jay (National University of Singapore) wrote
at 1:46am on April 21st, 2009
Hi David Wu, I would to offer my personal thoughts on your question posed to Kenneth Jeyaretnam, from the view of someone who is not a committee member of the Reform Party. I feel that opposition parties, Reform party especially, should campaign for constitutional reform alongside bread-and-butter issues because the two are so inextricably linked.
Only when adequate checks and balances have been introduced into the system and there is a multi-party system coupled with effective separation of powers between the legislature, executive and judiciary, can we effectively win the fight over bread-and-butter issues.
But that being said, all opposition parties, Reform party included, face time constraints, and as such often we will have to focus our attention on our issue at a time. Since bread and butter issues concern Singaporeans the most, we will have to give that priority. But rest assured the larger goal of reforming the political system will not be forgotten in the hustings.
roti & kaya issues?? now why didn't he say that to master chee n his SDP CLAN? i forgot chee is not interested in "winning wards". maybe he is just interested in "doing in" peesailand for his foreign bosses.
master chee: sausage, sunny eggs, ham, bacon and freshly baked bread?
JJ: er, roti, gu -yue (butter) and kaya please. 2 soft-boiled eggs and pass the dark soy sauce n pepper. kopi O , one cup please!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
what is JJ hiding?
obviously there are more to the story. what is he hiding and why?
I am not associated with Wayang Party’s blog
April 25, 2009 by admin
Filed under: Chief Editor
Statement from the editor
25 April 2009
The purpose of my blog posting is to clarify my alleged association with Wayang Party’s blog, a question that has been posed to me by other bloggers, by members of the Institute of Policy Studies, by the mainstream press, and even by some members of the Reform Party.
I read Wayang Party’s blog regularly and sometimes they aggregate my articles on their website under the “Fellowship” section. I have also written an article for one of Wayang Party’s affiliate websites, the Singapore Enquirer. The article was on my meeting with Mr Tan Tarn How of the Institute of Policy Studies and his research assistant, Ms Tan Si Min. I met fellow bloggers Ms Mathia Lee and Mr Daniel Ling during that event. No member from Wayang Party’s blog turned up. The purpose of that informal chit chat was to share ideas on how the blogosphere is progressing.
Recently, Wayang Party wrote an article entitled “TOC Andrew Loh sent informant’s photos to HDB without his explicit permission“, dated 23 April 2009. In this article, Wayang Party mentioned Kenneth Jeyaretnam, and alleged that he has not agreed to join TOC as a Senior Writer. In the comments section of that article, the admin also alleged that Kenneth Jeyaretnam will be setting up his own blog instead.
I am unable to provide any information on these allegations as I have no knowledge about Kenneth’s writing plans, and neither would it be appropriate for me to speak on his behalf. But these allegations by Wayang Party have led concerned individuals to again query me on my involvement with their blog.
The only extent of my past involvement with Wayang Party is that we sometimes aggregate each others’ articles. That is all. I do not know who are the editors of Wayang Party or the Singapore Enquirer. We have corresponded via email, and I provided them my contact number in connection with the meet up with the Institute of Policy Studies researchers. However, I do not have their contact numbers, and we have not corresponded in any way apart from email. Once again, at the risk of repetition, I do NOT know who they are.
I hereby affirm that I will not be associated in any way, shape or form with Wayang Party’s blog henceforth.
Accordingly, I request Wayang Party to remove me from the “Fellowship” section. I thank them in advance for their understanding.
Ng E-Jay
I am not associated with Wayang Party’s blog
April 25, 2009 by admin
Filed under: Chief Editor
Statement from the editor
25 April 2009
The purpose of my blog posting is to clarify my alleged association with Wayang Party’s blog, a question that has been posed to me by other bloggers, by members of the Institute of Policy Studies, by the mainstream press, and even by some members of the Reform Party.
I read Wayang Party’s blog regularly and sometimes they aggregate my articles on their website under the “Fellowship” section. I have also written an article for one of Wayang Party’s affiliate websites, the Singapore Enquirer. The article was on my meeting with Mr Tan Tarn How of the Institute of Policy Studies and his research assistant, Ms Tan Si Min. I met fellow bloggers Ms Mathia Lee and Mr Daniel Ling during that event. No member from Wayang Party’s blog turned up. The purpose of that informal chit chat was to share ideas on how the blogosphere is progressing.
Recently, Wayang Party wrote an article entitled “TOC Andrew Loh sent informant’s photos to HDB without his explicit permission“, dated 23 April 2009. In this article, Wayang Party mentioned Kenneth Jeyaretnam, and alleged that he has not agreed to join TOC as a Senior Writer. In the comments section of that article, the admin also alleged that Kenneth Jeyaretnam will be setting up his own blog instead.
I am unable to provide any information on these allegations as I have no knowledge about Kenneth’s writing plans, and neither would it be appropriate for me to speak on his behalf. But these allegations by Wayang Party have led concerned individuals to again query me on my involvement with their blog.
The only extent of my past involvement with Wayang Party is that we sometimes aggregate each others’ articles. That is all. I do not know who are the editors of Wayang Party or the Singapore Enquirer. We have corresponded via email, and I provided them my contact number in connection with the meet up with the Institute of Policy Studies researchers. However, I do not have their contact numbers, and we have not corresponded in any way apart from email. Once again, at the risk of repetition, I do NOT know who they are.
I hereby affirm that I will not be associated in any way, shape or form with Wayang Party’s blog henceforth.
Accordingly, I request Wayang Party to remove me from the “Fellowship” section. I thank them in advance for their understanding.
Ng E-Jay
analytical thoughts of motives: real, hidden and exposed

Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 6:24pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Jaslyn
I'm afraid your post wasn't clear- It's always advisable to quote the source, which in this case was the S.T. article linked below. Naturally the number 20 only was expressed and confidential membership information was not divulged. (1)
And with the extraordinary number of people joining this FB page- 37 in the last hour since you posted- you can see why it would be unclear. Can you believe there were only 4 members here before Friday's news.
Thank you for clarifying and congratulating us-- while we are at it, TS has been too busy to promote this page lately- I posted the photos and links as the public is crying out for more information about the party.
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 5:11pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Kenneth,
My comment was in response to the "20 new members" that join RP recently.. (1) :-)
I myself who is spearheading Friends of SDP facebook group, (which Teck Siong and E-Jay are also member), understand your concern, in fact, I am a fan / supporter of RP too which is why I join this group..
now that RP facebook group has reach out to more than 100 fans / supporters...another round of congrats to RP..
Keep up the good work Reform Party :-)
Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 1:59pm on April 14th, 2009
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hi for all visitors to this FB page.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Jaslyn. Thank you.
In response to your post I just want to make sure that there is no misunderstanding when you congratulate us on the growing numbers of RP members and people coming forward to join the opposition . This is a Facebook group. I want to be crytsal clear about this. When any person joins as a member of This FB page they are NOT members of The Reform Party. The Register of members of The Reform Party is not public knowledge. They are certainly not (necessarily ) coming forward to join the opposition by being on this page- !!! It's just Facebook. In fact many of the 'members ' on this page are well know members of other parties or completely apolitical or overseas well -wishers and democracy supporters.
I will request admin to change the set up to say "become a fan or a supporter".
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 9:24am on April 14th, 2009
Hi Teck Siong,
Thank you for starting this group to keep us posted on RP's happening and events..
Congrats on the growing numbers of RP members too..
Hope to see more people coming forward to join the opposition..
(1) how did she know? it's "CONFIDENTIAL". is there an infiltration of SDP members into RP? why? is sdp sinking or sddpies were deployed into RP to check out whether there is a possibility of a usurping the clan in preparation for the probable demise of SDP? sdp has created so much foolish public nuisance. it's better dead than alive. but these sdppies would need a new hideout so along conveniently comes RP CLAN which has just lost their grandmaster.
again, why would someone so busy in her own ktichen bothers to check into other's kitchen? trying to steal some secret kungfu manual or curry-flavoured recipe?
just hope that there won't be a migration of those deviant sdppies into RP and do an "AWARE" drama. SDP CLAN always boasts about their "popularity and increased supports". it's puzzling why they would wanna meddle into another clan's domestic matter.
ng ah teck, the aiya longlost father of JJ had been made a sacrificial cow from being too obssessed with his long lost son JJ. JJ might be skilful and multi-talented in different deadly forms of kungfu BUT his skills were exploited and instigated. he was nothing but a brainless weapon puppet-stringed by his manipulators.
JJ had in a way sacrificed much for SDP. it's bewildering that he wasn't their official disciple and instead chose to join RP. why? cos his long lost father ah teck had found his long lost aiya son. he might have treated him as a longlost son but the reversed might not be true.
....and so ah teck had to quit the party he co-founded with the late grandmaster JBJ. his introduction of JJ probably irked the supports from other RP disciples.
rumour had it that he might be setting up another clan. what's the point then? opp clan disciples were already so scare. another clan means further dilution of opp power and another redundant fragmentation.
ah teck should just remain with RP CLAN. his seniority was much more useful there. setting up a new clan would waste much of his resources, time and effort. ah teck wasn't young any more. hopefully he would not face the same fate as the late JBJ.
on the other hand, RP's new boss ken should be gracious and magnaminous to persuade ah teck back to RP CLAN. whatever differences there are, it should be meticulously worked out. the sudden departure of a co-founder of RP definitely doesn't sink in well with peasants. it only creates more doubts and speculations that internal strife could be taking place. if such is the impression in peasants, it certainly would mar the confidence built up over the years when JBJ was ruling it.
as for the new kid in RP, JJ had yet to prove his credilbility and his real motive. if he was wrongfully shunned because of his past actions - stripped red t and PG without hesitation, then he would be right to leave SDP. it just revealed how abnoxious SDP could get. (just look at their SDP IB clones posting repetitively nasties here, you should have an idea.)
then again, there were lamui and chia sai still lingering in SDP CLAN. JJ was linked to this pair of CONDOM HEROES who were famous for attack with hidden execution of poisonous darts and deadly FLIRT&DESTROY skill. if all these links were not clarified, there would always be doubts.
RP CLAN is currently trying to build up credibility to gain supports from peasants. JBJ was a pillar of admiration, strength and hope for many. he had sacrificed much to peasants till his last breathe. but with the inclusion of dubious characters who frivolously jumped from one clan to another, no one could guarantee what was their motive or pledged loyalty. are their hearts with the new clan or still linger with the old one? or are they in RP as an alternative standby just in case SDP could be fully demolished by the LEEgime? with SDP's impeccable sickening public records, most peasants would hope it just closes shop cos their presence hinders the advancement of other hardworking clans trying to win wards.
master chee had always boasted that his clan wasn't here to win ward. then why should he still need a political clan instead of just switching it to a socio-activist one? such bragging already exposed his own tongue in cheek hypocrisy and hidden agenda. many suspect that master chee could be an agent for bigger sinister foreign forces bent in bringing the downfall of the entire peesailand.
one thing for sure, peasants know that master chee could be anything but for the good of peasants welfare and goodwill.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
lamui chitchats with RP's new boss
another ploy of UF&DS or ultimatum flirt&destroy supremo level 10?? why isn't she busy making mantou in her own kitchen then popping over to check on ah ken's fabulous chepati? er, read and see for yourself .....
Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 6:24pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Jaslyn
I'm afraid your post wasn't clear- It's always advisable to quote the source, which in this case was the S.T. article linked below. Naturally the number 20 only was expressed and confidential membership information was not divulged.
And with the extraordinary number of people joining this FB page- 37 in the last hour since you posted- you can see why it would be unclear. Can you believe there were only 4 members here before Friday's news.
Thank you for clarifying and congratulating us-- while we are at it, TS has been too busy to promote this page lately- I posted the photos and links as the public is crying out for more information about the party.
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 5:11pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Kenneth,
My comment was in response to the "20 new members" that join RP recently.. :-)
I myself who is spearheading Friends of SDP facebook group, (which Teck Siong and E-Jay are also member), understand your concern, in fact, I am a fan / supporter of RP too which is why I join this group..
now that RP facebook group has reach out to more than 100 fans / supporters...another round of congrats to RP..
Keep up the good work Reform Party :-)
Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 1:59pm on April 14th, 2009
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hi for all visitors to this FB page.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Jaslyn. Thank you.
In response to your post I just want to make sure that there is no misunderstanding when you congratulate us on the growing numbers of RP members and people coming forward to join the opposition . This is a Facebook group. I want to be crytsal clear about this. When any person joins as a member of This FB page they are NOT members of The Reform Party. The Register of members of The Reform Party is not public knowledge. They are certainly not (necessarily ) coming forward to join the opposition by being on this page- !!! It's just Facebook. In fact many of the 'members ' on this page are well know members of other parties or completely apolitical or overseas well -wishers and democracy supporters.
I will request admin to change the set up to say "become a fan or a supporter".
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 9:24am on April 14th, 2009
Hi Teck Siong,
Thank you for starting this group to keep us posted on RP's happening and events..
Congrats on the growing numbers of RP members too..
Hope to see more people coming forward to join the opposition..
hidden motives? or playing accomplice to JJ's infiltration into RP? really cannot understand. SHOULDN'T JJ BE A SDP MEMBER INSTEAD? SHOULDN'T LAMUI PERSUADE HIM BACK IN THE FIRST PLACE? something is definitely not very right here. (???) if something is not very right here, it means something must be very wrong in SDP CLAN. if not why does JJ leave just like that?
Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 6:24pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Jaslyn
I'm afraid your post wasn't clear- It's always advisable to quote the source, which in this case was the S.T. article linked below. Naturally the number 20 only was expressed and confidential membership information was not divulged.
And with the extraordinary number of people joining this FB page- 37 in the last hour since you posted- you can see why it would be unclear. Can you believe there were only 4 members here before Friday's news.
Thank you for clarifying and congratulating us-- while we are at it, TS has been too busy to promote this page lately- I posted the photos and links as the public is crying out for more information about the party.
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 5:11pm on April 14th, 2009
Hi Kenneth,
My comment was in response to the "20 new members" that join RP recently.. :-)
I myself who is spearheading Friends of SDP facebook group, (which Teck Siong and E-Jay are also member), understand your concern, in fact, I am a fan / supporter of RP too which is why I join this group..
now that RP facebook group has reach out to more than 100 fans / supporters...another round of congrats to RP..
Keep up the good work Reform Party :-)
Kenneth Jeyaretnam (Singapore) wrote
at 1:59pm on April 14th, 2009
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hi for all visitors to this FB page.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Jaslyn. Thank you.
In response to your post I just want to make sure that there is no misunderstanding when you congratulate us on the growing numbers of RP members and people coming forward to join the opposition . This is a Facebook group. I want to be crytsal clear about this. When any person joins as a member of This FB page they are NOT members of The Reform Party. The Register of members of The Reform Party is not public knowledge. They are certainly not (necessarily ) coming forward to join the opposition by being on this page- !!! It's just Facebook. In fact many of the 'members ' on this page are well know members of other parties or completely apolitical or overseas well -wishers and democracy supporters.
I will request admin to change the set up to say "become a fan or a supporter".
Jaslyn Go wrote
at 9:24am on April 14th, 2009
Hi Teck Siong,
Thank you for starting this group to keep us posted on RP's happening and events..
Congrats on the growing numbers of RP members too..
Hope to see more people coming forward to join the opposition..
hidden motives? or playing accomplice to JJ's infiltration into RP? really cannot understand. SHOULDN'T JJ BE A SDP MEMBER INSTEAD? SHOULDN'T LAMUI PERSUADE HIM BACK IN THE FIRST PLACE? something is definitely not very right here. (???) if something is not very right here, it means something must be very wrong in SDP CLAN. if not why does JJ leave just like that?
precarious situation of grandmaster chiam
who is trying to do in chiam see tong?
probably another conspiracy from SDP IB.
Lee Hsien Tau
Alfrescian Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 4
My Reputation:Points: 10 / Power: 0
Chiam See Tong's blog.
http://chiam-see-tong.blogspot.com is ready for the next election.
the timing for this thread co-incides with the riddance of ng teck siong from RP co-incides with the inclusion of ngejay into RP.
time for some sherlock holmes detective solving of all the coincidences and mysteries.
who is trying to do in chiam see tong?
probably another conspiracy from SDP IB.
Lee Hsien Tau
Alfrescian Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 4
My Reputation:Points: 10 / Power: 0
Chiam See Tong's blog.
http://chiam-see-tong.blogspot.com is ready for the next election.
the timing for this thread co-incides with the riddance of ng teck siong from RP co-incides with the inclusion of ngejay into RP.
time for some sherlock holmes detective solving of all the coincidences and mysteries.
things are really heating up now
things are really heating up now. hope that more insider info can be shared here. if the opp wants to topple the LEEgime, certain instigative and discord sowing elements have to be weeded out first before any advancemnet or strategy could be implemented.
SDP CLAN is one one stumbling block. though once under the brilliant leadership of ex-grandmaster and founder chiam s t, it had gloriously won 4 provinces. since the day master chee ah juan's unprecendent takeover and betrayal of grandmaster chiam, SDP had not become the infamous clan spiralling downwards in popularity and now best known for infamous public notoriety. master chee was even trying to instigate grand overlord from USA to hantam peesailand. he had despicably linked his clan now to shadowy foreign forces and had never stopped to scheme for destruction of the entire peesailand.
the wu-lin fraternities in peesailand should first organised themselves and prevent such tryst from happening. SDP clan is now facing the probability of self-destruction. hopefully, it should be earlier than later as with their existence, it stymies the advancement of all opp clans to unite their combined forces against the LEEgime.
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 26
My Reputation:Points: 76 / Power: 0
I see..the reason Ng TS force to quit Reform party
Haha because KJ don't like Ng TS assotiation with the SDP..there were some exchange of words, and also somethimg to do with Ng E-jay invlovment in the SDP
SDP CLAN is one one stumbling block. though once under the brilliant leadership of ex-grandmaster and founder chiam s t, it had gloriously won 4 provinces. since the day master chee ah juan's unprecendent takeover and betrayal of grandmaster chiam, SDP had not become the infamous clan spiralling downwards in popularity and now best known for infamous public notoriety. master chee was even trying to instigate grand overlord from USA to hantam peesailand. he had despicably linked his clan now to shadowy foreign forces and had never stopped to scheme for destruction of the entire peesailand.
the wu-lin fraternities in peesailand should first organised themselves and prevent such tryst from happening. SDP clan is now facing the probability of self-destruction. hopefully, it should be earlier than later as with their existence, it stymies the advancement of all opp clans to unite their combined forces against the LEEgime.
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 26
My Reputation:Points: 76 / Power: 0
I see..the reason Ng TS force to quit Reform party
Haha because KJ don't like Ng TS assotiation with the SDP..there were some exchange of words, and also somethimg to do with Ng E-jay invlovment in the SDP
hypocrisy of JJ

from what was happening in RP CLAN now, it seem that JJ had also done an "AWARE" drama. he had ousted his longlost aiya father, ng ah teck. and now for some very happening wayang from the leading dragqueen himself singing his opera blues.
How come Ng E-jay writting style and wayan party author sama sama??
Written by Ng E-Jay
29 April 2009
Dear Ms Josie Lau,
In your letter to AWARE members dated 28 April 2009, you wrote of your wish to “honour and celebrate the achievements of first generation Singapore women and to emulate their spirit of perseverance and to learn from their experience and vision”. You also put forward your rhetoric that “AWARE belongs to you”.
Yet all your actions thus far have been in contradiction to your supposed ideals. You used stealth and subversion to invade AWARE, you got your supporters to vote your team into office despite not having made any contribution towards women in Singapore, you unceremoniously displaced the Old Guard, and you spread vicious lies about AWARE’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programme. Your contradictions have been exposed one after another, yet you persist on your sordid path, pretending to bury your head in the sand.
You tell readers that you wish to honour those who had served before you. Yet you sacked Braema Mathi in the rudest way possible and removed the subcommittee chairs the moment you took office. You say that AWARE belongs to all, yet on the other hand you attempt to impose your own values and beliefs upon others, and ostracized the Old Guard at your press meetings. If this is your definition of inclusiveness, you are making a mockery of the English language.
You claimed in your letter that you want to make a positive difference and help women in distress. Yet your abrupt and disruptive actions over the past few weeks have caused many genuine seekers of help to be neglected, due to the organization being caught up in the conflict that you have engendered.
You claimed that you are seeking to serve other women in Singapore, but all I can see is that you are serving your own bigoted cause. Your resume posted on AWARE’s website lists an impressive array of corporate credentials, but unfortunately it also reveals that you have never been involved in feminism or helping women. In the absence of any track record of feminist work, we have to judge you based on your words and deeds over the past few weeks. Your behaviour speaks for itself.
It is interesting you spent two full paragraphs of your letter discussing CEDAW, but mentioned nothing about the CSE programme that you and your motley crew have raved and ranted about. Perhaps you finally came to your senses when even the Ministry of Education had to step in to rebut your lies concerning CSE. Or perhaps after having laid your hands on the data and research that AWARE has painstakingly accumulated over the past decade, you are now ready to take over the work which rightfully belongs to others.
You said in your letter that “we should not be passive where we can band together to work for positive change”. On May 2, I am quietly confident that concerned members of AWARE will band together to reclaim the organization and the values that they cherish.
To use your own words, that is something worth protecting and fighting for.
Yours truly,
Ng E-Jay
the main problem facing the county of the bitches was centred on HOMOSEXUALITY - probably lesbianism which was grossly misrepresented by the recent takeover by another group of xtian hooleey bitches led by JOSIE and her wild pussycats on heat.
JJ was revealed as the mysterious geylang cheongster from his episodes of bonkings and cummings rampage through all the geylang lorongs.
in the cyberforum world, JJ had shapeshifted into unlimited clones which he deployed to attack and ostracise gays. as his first display of prowess after his access into RP CLAN, he pretended to fight for gay rights and took on the new bitchqueen JOSIE from the all-sheman county of AWARE.
so as we continue to listen, watch and be mesmerised by dragqueen fa-tan JJ singing his opera blues and wayanging away with his flowing water sleeves, a solemn cloud of hypocrisy began to set in and overwhelm the entire martial arts world of politics.
chatting in the secret chamber of FACEBOOK
seems that JJ's mix-up with SDP then made a left turn into RP was one of the causal factors that got his long lost father ng ah teck into trouble and ousted from RP CLAN which was like a "phoenix" club co-founded by ah teck and the late grandmaster JBJ.
ken must be well-informed about the notoriety of SDP and JJ. the following was an in chamber chat. a surprise revelation: lamui was involved too!! look like she was trying her F&D on ken. if she succeeded, stage 2 of the SDP's conspiracy could ignite more plots to come. stay tuned!
Ng is attending Monthly Pow Wow Gathering for FS. · Comment · LikeUnlike · Show Feedback (10)Hide Feedback (10)You like this.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:03pm April 17
Hi Teck Siong what is this POW Wow. I may have some problems w my gmail lately. I didn't get any notice that we the council shoudl attend? Pls let me know if you have aview on this?Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:04pm April 17
TECK SIONG. Hi, saw thsi posting. Is something happening tonite that we in RP should know about?
Hi there all in Friends Of SDP...
Hope to see all of you down at the meeting..
Its been the usual guys and gals that turn up..... Read More
Hope to see all friends and bring along your friends..
You will definitely miss out on something important if you miss out on this meet-up..
No need to ask me why or what... :)
You will know when you are there...
See you all this Friday...Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:06pm April 17
P.S. Don't be shy! Let us know why you are a memeber of friends of SDP. I presume that this is an expression of denmocracy. Still lsome public may be confused so share your thoughts please.Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:08pm April 17
P.S I notice that Ng E-Jay says he is not attending but he set up and spearheaded the friends of SDP page. So good of you to support them when he doesn't.Jaslyn Go at 1:24pm April 19
Hi Kenneth..
Chance upon your wall post when I stop by TS FB to wish him Happy Birthday..
Allowed me to correct you please..... Read More
E-Jay did not set up or spearhead the FS of SDP. It was me all along.
E-Jay is still a member of FS, same goes for TS..
As you yourself mentioned in the RP group, that there are other members of the opposition joining RP group, so what is wrong with having E-Jay and Teck Siong joining in FS group?
Pow Wow is a once a month informal get together that FS arrange, anyone can come irregardless of which ever party they belong to.Anna Ismail at 1:29pm April 19
I think there is no problem of being who's friend to whom...
To me it is no problem for politicians :)
Cheers.Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 6:52pm April 19
Hi ts hAPPY BIRTHDAYKenneth Jeyaretnam at 6:54pm April 19
Hi Jaslyn- you seem to have misread my comments . I'll clarify on the RP FB page. This is TS's pageNg E-Jay at 1:59am April 21
Hi Kenneth,
I did not spearhead the Friends of SDP page. The credit should go to Jaslyn Go, Vincent Liaw and a couple of others. I don't know how to set up my own group yet! -- but will get down to it someday (I hope!)
E-JayKenneth Jeyaretnam at 2:15am April 22
But you were one of the earlier members right?
ken must be well-informed about the notoriety of SDP and JJ. the following was an in chamber chat. a surprise revelation: lamui was involved too!! look like she was trying her F&D on ken. if she succeeded, stage 2 of the SDP's conspiracy could ignite more plots to come. stay tuned!
Ng is attending Monthly Pow Wow Gathering for FS. · Comment · LikeUnlike · Show Feedback (10)Hide Feedback (10)You like this.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:03pm April 17
Hi Teck Siong what is this POW Wow. I may have some problems w my gmail lately. I didn't get any notice that we the council shoudl attend? Pls let me know if you have aview on this?Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:04pm April 17
TECK SIONG. Hi, saw thsi posting. Is something happening tonite that we in RP should know about?
Hi there all in Friends Of SDP...
Hope to see all of you down at the meeting..
Its been the usual guys and gals that turn up..... Read More
Hope to see all friends and bring along your friends..
You will definitely miss out on something important if you miss out on this meet-up..
No need to ask me why or what... :)
You will know when you are there...
See you all this Friday...Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:06pm April 17
P.S. Don't be shy! Let us know why you are a memeber of friends of SDP. I presume that this is an expression of denmocracy. Still lsome public may be confused so share your thoughts please.Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 1:08pm April 17
P.S I notice that Ng E-Jay says he is not attending but he set up and spearheaded the friends of SDP page. So good of you to support them when he doesn't.Jaslyn Go at 1:24pm April 19
Hi Kenneth..
Chance upon your wall post when I stop by TS FB to wish him Happy Birthday..
Allowed me to correct you please..... Read More
E-Jay did not set up or spearhead the FS of SDP. It was me all along.
E-Jay is still a member of FS, same goes for TS..
As you yourself mentioned in the RP group, that there are other members of the opposition joining RP group, so what is wrong with having E-Jay and Teck Siong joining in FS group?
Pow Wow is a once a month informal get together that FS arrange, anyone can come irregardless of which ever party they belong to.Anna Ismail at 1:29pm April 19
I think there is no problem of being who's friend to whom...
To me it is no problem for politicians :)
Cheers.Kenneth Jeyaretnam at 6:52pm April 19
Hi ts hAPPY BIRTHDAYKenneth Jeyaretnam at 6:54pm April 19
Hi Jaslyn- you seem to have misread my comments . I'll clarify on the RP FB page. This is TS's pageNg E-Jay at 1:59am April 21
Hi Kenneth,
I did not spearhead the Friends of SDP page. The credit should go to Jaslyn Go, Vincent Liaw and a couple of others. I don't know how to set up my own group yet! -- but will get down to it someday (I hope!)
E-JayKenneth Jeyaretnam at 2:15am April 22
But you were one of the earlier members right?
Monday, April 27, 2009
would it be a NG DYNASTY?
would it be a NG DYNASTY?
JBJ’s son Kenneth joins Reform Party to keep his legacy alive
April 10, 2009
The Reform Party, which has been rudderless since the passing of opposition scion Mr Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam was given a big boost when JBJ’s son Kenneth joined the party and was co-opted into the party’s CEC 2 weeks ago. (read article here)
Mr Jeyaretnam said the timing was right and joining the party is one way to honor his father and to continue his legacy.
We applaud Kenneth’s move to join the Reform Party and hope that he will serve as a nidus to attract more qualified Singaporeans to join it.
In a way, the Reform Party was a farewell gift left to us by JBJ. Throughout his political career, he had fought consistently to overhaul and reform the obsolete PAP system to one which is based on the rule of law, democratic principles and power to the people.
The late JBJ never feared to speak up for the people even if it had led him to financial ruins brought upon him by the countless defamation suits launched by his opponents.
JBJ is one deserving opposition MP we should have put in Parliament to represent us. The PAP feared him and tried ways and means to bar him from Parliament.
Our parents’ generation have let JBJ down. Let us make up for the tribulations he has gone through for us by giving our whole-hearted support to his son, Kenneth and the Reform Party.
The Reform Party is not set up by JBJ just to make up the numbers. It is not a party which is contented to manage a HDB estate and willing to wait 50 more years to be in a position to challenge the incumbent.
Why “Reform” Party? Because without reforming the entire system, it is pointless to have elections after elections to give legitimacy to the PAP to masquerade Singapore as a vibrant democracy when it is nothing more than a totalitarian fascist state.
JBJ had called for reform of the political system, the judiciary, the media and many other flaws in the system put in place by the PAP to keep them perpetually in power.
The younger generation of Singaporeans desire more political competition and a level playing field. We must not allow ourselves to be fooled and misled by these shenigans again.
The time has come for change and we hope that Kenneth’s arrival into the polical scene will be a catalyst to galvanize and united the entire opposition camp to press on with its mission to demand for greater accountability and transparency from the PAP which is seriously lacking now.
the ngs were too dominating in RP CLAN which was scheming to overthrown the LEEgime and probably start a new dynasty - JB DYNASTY. with 3 NGS within their club, the lawful heir, ken's ascent to the throne would be jeopardised.
JJ being one of the snakey ng decided to execute his conspiracy. he plotted with ken to oust his aiya long lost father ah teck. ng senior being the oldest and founding member of RP CLAN must be eliminated asap as he stood in the way of the scheme of JJ's evil plot.
with the sudden unexpected departure of ah teck, it would be easier for JJ to deal with fattie EDMOND NG, his aiya longlost brother. he would have to devise another ploy to instigate ken who was now the chiefy in charge of RP CLAN. probably he would remind ken that the goal was to establish a JB DYNASTY instead of a NG DYNASTY. BUT....in his contorted mind, the cunning shortie JJ had already schemed another evil plan for his ASCENT OF THE NERD.
JBJ’s son Kenneth joins Reform Party to keep his legacy alive
April 10, 2009
The Reform Party, which has been rudderless since the passing of opposition scion Mr Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam was given a big boost when JBJ’s son Kenneth joined the party and was co-opted into the party’s CEC 2 weeks ago. (read article here)
Mr Jeyaretnam said the timing was right and joining the party is one way to honor his father and to continue his legacy.
We applaud Kenneth’s move to join the Reform Party and hope that he will serve as a nidus to attract more qualified Singaporeans to join it.
In a way, the Reform Party was a farewell gift left to us by JBJ. Throughout his political career, he had fought consistently to overhaul and reform the obsolete PAP system to one which is based on the rule of law, democratic principles and power to the people.
The late JBJ never feared to speak up for the people even if it had led him to financial ruins brought upon him by the countless defamation suits launched by his opponents.
JBJ is one deserving opposition MP we should have put in Parliament to represent us. The PAP feared him and tried ways and means to bar him from Parliament.
Our parents’ generation have let JBJ down. Let us make up for the tribulations he has gone through for us by giving our whole-hearted support to his son, Kenneth and the Reform Party.
The Reform Party is not set up by JBJ just to make up the numbers. It is not a party which is contented to manage a HDB estate and willing to wait 50 more years to be in a position to challenge the incumbent.
Why “Reform” Party? Because without reforming the entire system, it is pointless to have elections after elections to give legitimacy to the PAP to masquerade Singapore as a vibrant democracy when it is nothing more than a totalitarian fascist state.
JBJ had called for reform of the political system, the judiciary, the media and many other flaws in the system put in place by the PAP to keep them perpetually in power.
The younger generation of Singaporeans desire more political competition and a level playing field. We must not allow ourselves to be fooled and misled by these shenigans again.
The time has come for change and we hope that Kenneth’s arrival into the polical scene will be a catalyst to galvanize and united the entire opposition camp to press on with its mission to demand for greater accountability and transparency from the PAP which is seriously lacking now.
the ngs were too dominating in RP CLAN which was scheming to overthrown the LEEgime and probably start a new dynasty - JB DYNASTY. with 3 NGS within their club, the lawful heir, ken's ascent to the throne would be jeopardised.
JJ being one of the snakey ng decided to execute his conspiracy. he plotted with ken to oust his aiya long lost father ah teck. ng senior being the oldest and founding member of RP CLAN must be eliminated asap as he stood in the way of the scheme of JJ's evil plot.
with the sudden unexpected departure of ah teck, it would be easier for JJ to deal with fattie EDMOND NG, his aiya longlost brother. he would have to devise another ploy to instigate ken who was now the chiefy in charge of RP CLAN. probably he would remind ken that the goal was to establish a JB DYNASTY instead of a NG DYNASTY. BUT....in his contorted mind, the cunning shortie JJ had already schemed another evil plan for his ASCENT OF THE NERD.
another funeral poem from NERD
as soon as the nerd funeral poem was exposed, he appeared in another clone with another poem:
didn't he just show what he is capable of? poor ng ah teck his aiya longlost father - so fast game over for him. all stand and bow 3 times to JJ's dearly departed longlost father ah teck.....
the master shapeshifter shall divert all attention away from his true identity.
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 49
My Reputation:Points: 17 / Power: 0
Re: To bonerman and alter ego tuileilomoh
Originally Posted by Vendetta
Is Bonerman and TLLM series the same person?
What a pathetic alter ego sia...
We got Superman alter ego Clark Kent, Spiderman alter ego Peter Parker...
Here we got Bonerman alter ego TLLM... no difference leh...
Vendetta, I know you are quite new in this forum. I have never attempted to hide my various nics for I write with the same style all the time.This little lanjiao bastard cunt and the hiao cheebye Gay Pig know. It started with him putting his mouth over my cock when I am not into homo sex as his nic mudskipper. My nicks are as follows..Zeitgeist, Debonerman, TheBonerman. MoonWu, and more. Register standbys. Some for talking like a gentleman, some like ah bengs. The typical motherfucker sinkie will always sniff at this kind of behaviour. They look at it as Poodle and Gangster talk. But when they are being bullied, they start looking for that type!
but we know who he is now, don't we? after sabotaging ng teck siong, his aiya longlost father, who's next? edmund ng ranks the highest probability.
JJ aka all those clones is one infamous coward that would gladly strip off red-t shirt, plead guilty and then turn around and talk cocks or bites and betrays his friends - 三顾转心卖朋友. he makes a good politician wannabe but would the peasants benefit from such a deplorable character put in charge?
RP is heading towards some unexpected upheavaling soon like losing GE deposits.
didn't he just show what he is capable of? poor ng ah teck his aiya longlost father - so fast game over for him. all stand and bow 3 times to JJ's dearly departed longlost father ah teck.....
the master shapeshifter shall divert all attention away from his true identity.
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 49
My Reputation:Points: 17 / Power: 0
Re: To bonerman and alter ego tuileilomoh
Originally Posted by Vendetta
Is Bonerman and TLLM series the same person?
What a pathetic alter ego sia...
We got Superman alter ego Clark Kent, Spiderman alter ego Peter Parker...
Here we got Bonerman alter ego TLLM... no difference leh...
Vendetta, I know you are quite new in this forum. I have never attempted to hide my various nics for I write with the same style all the time.This little lanjiao bastard cunt and the hiao cheebye Gay Pig know. It started with him putting his mouth over my cock when I am not into homo sex as his nic mudskipper. My nicks are as follows..Zeitgeist, Debonerman, TheBonerman. MoonWu, and more. Register standbys. Some for talking like a gentleman, some like ah bengs. The typical motherfucker sinkie will always sniff at this kind of behaviour. They look at it as Poodle and Gangster talk. But when they are being bullied, they start looking for that type!
but we know who he is now, don't we? after sabotaging ng teck siong, his aiya longlost father, who's next? edmund ng ranks the highest probability.
JJ aka all those clones is one infamous coward that would gladly strip off red-t shirt, plead guilty and then turn around and talk cocks or bites and betrays his friends - 三顾转心卖朋友. he makes a good politician wannabe but would the peasants benefit from such a deplorable character put in charge?
RP is heading towards some unexpected upheavaling soon like losing GE deposits.
poetry of the NERD
must learn from ngejay. after ridding the stumbling block his longlost father ng teck siong, composed a funeral poem for him and shed a few crocodile snake tears.
From: NgEjay
From: NgEjay
ascent of the NERD

gosh!! erection must be cumming especially when the turdy nerd aka geylang cheongster had successfully infiltrated RP CLAN.
happening!! after finding and bringing in his long lost son into RP, lau ng finally throws in the towel.
the ascent of the NERD is put into rolling.....
Mr Ng Teck Siong resigns from Reform Party
April 27, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Reform Party
(As communicated by Mr Ng Teck Siong on Monday, 10.30am)
Mr Ng Teck Siong, Chairman of the Reform Party, has submitted his resignation to the party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC).
Mr Ng has worked for the Opposition cause for close to 3 decades. His first foray into party politics was when he joined the Singapore Democratic Party in 1980 under Mr Chiam See Tong. He has also been a trusted friend and confidant of the late J.B. Jeyaretnam for many years. He helped JBJ set up the Reform Party in 2008.
Mr Ng has informed the press that in the interest of party renewal, this is an appropriate juncture for him to step aside and allow fresh blood to take over the helms of leadership in Reform Party.
Mr Ng wishes Reform Party all the best, and hopes it will provide a credible and robust challenge to the PAP.
i knew it!! there is indeed something big brewing in RP. first, get rid of long lost brother edmond and next to go, his long lost father, ng ah teck.
a new thriller is beginning in RP CLAN. would our turdy nerd successfully ascend to his new found throne now deserted suddenly by his long lost father ah teck?
the sequence is starting to roll out.....
lst step: filtration into RP - successful CHECKED
2nd : rid edmund ng long time adversary of gaylord and discord troll - successful CHECKED
3rd: rid blurcock ng teck siong - successful CHECKED.
4th: .....bring in more SDP lackeys perhaps the infamous couple of F4 - kiv.
5th: demise of SDP CLAN and all could jump over to RP which could be by now ruled by JJ.
Friday, April 24, 2009
double agent JJ
emptiness is form...form is emptiness...
form is emptiness...emptiness is form is actually very simple to understand. but humans are too distracted by wordly matters and hence find it very cheem.
it's like a dream. u tot what's happening seem real. when u awake, u enter into another dream...and u tot its happening again seem very real....then suddenly u enter into another dream...this time to be more precise is REALM...and again, u tot what the hell is all this about....
....and the cycle repeats.
emptiness is PRADA...and LOUIS VINTTON is emptiness....
the trial of flower monk will continue in june so it's back to martial arts turmoil in the wulin fraternity.....
so is JJ still a member of SDP? or is he never a sdppie? he's been leeported to join RP cos his long lost father ng ah siong now acknowledges him. could he be a double agent? as sdppie and also an RPpie?
confusing isn't it? it's very strange that he doesn't clarify his political stance in his own blog.
my catch is he's in RP scheming to overthrow whoever ruling there now to pave way for NOT for chee soon juan but the gaylord lawyer. so bothe sdp n rp might just end up overthrown by a double agent. wow!!
form is emptiness...emptiness is form is actually very simple to understand. but humans are too distracted by wordly matters and hence find it very cheem.
it's like a dream. u tot what's happening seem real. when u awake, u enter into another dream...and u tot its happening again seem very real....then suddenly u enter into another dream...this time to be more precise is REALM...and again, u tot what the hell is all this about....
....and the cycle repeats.
emptiness is PRADA...and LOUIS VINTTON is emptiness....
the trial of flower monk will continue in june so it's back to martial arts turmoil in the wulin fraternity.....
so is JJ still a member of SDP? or is he never a sdppie? he's been leeported to join RP cos his long lost father ng ah siong now acknowledges him. could he be a double agent? as sdppie and also an RPpie?
confusing isn't it? it's very strange that he doesn't clarify his political stance in his own blog.
my catch is he's in RP scheming to overthrow whoever ruling there now to pave way for NOT for chee soon juan but the gaylord lawyer. so bothe sdp n rp might just end up overthrown by a double agent. wow!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
hahaha! to the 2 laosaipeks*. (from the way they keep chatting to each other, they seems 'gayfully' indulging in it)
up till today, there is a riddle still haven't solved. maybe both of u have an answer to it.
Why would the perverted gay sotong give $200 angpow to the turdy nerd? what was really his motive?
when my li'l brother LEETAHSAR told me about this, i was too embarrassed cos i dunno the answer.
now i read from shin min daily that li ka shing gave 10k or 20k or maybe more in angpows to flower monk, i was even more embarrassed. i only gave my li'l brother an AMEX PLATINUM CARD but he hardly uses it. maybe i should give angpows instead.
our resident long lost goon is quite similar to the flower monk. he also has a GOD OF FORTUNE (GOF) and many GODDESSES OF FORTUNE.
* these 2 laosaipeks are none other the turdy nerd and bluesotong who are spamming every posts from my more evil older brother LEETAHBAR in www.sammyboy.com - a wacky. zany and uncanny forum. it's a FREE FOR ALL HELL BREAKs LOOSE kind of royal-rumble forum.
up till today, there is a riddle still haven't solved. maybe both of u have an answer to it.
Why would the perverted gay sotong give $200 angpow to the turdy nerd? what was really his motive?
when my li'l brother LEETAHSAR told me about this, i was too embarrassed cos i dunno the answer.
now i read from shin min daily that li ka shing gave 10k or 20k or maybe more in angpows to flower monk, i was even more embarrassed. i only gave my li'l brother an AMEX PLATINUM CARD but he hardly uses it. maybe i should give angpows instead.
our resident long lost goon is quite similar to the flower monk. he also has a GOD OF FORTUNE (GOF) and many GODDESSES OF FORTUNE.
* these 2 laosaipeks are none other the turdy nerd and bluesotong who are spamming every posts from my more evil older brother LEETAHBAR in www.sammyboy.com - a wacky. zany and uncanny forum. it's a FREE FOR ALL HELL BREAKs LOOSE kind of royal-rumble forum.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
more revelation and reasoning

Today, 10:06 AM
but this is what he told the proscecutor:-
问:我很坦白跟你说。当我看到这些开销时,对你在非常高档商店花费的次数和所花的款项,感到有 点惊讶。所以 ,在 我还没有问你问题前,你是不是要先说明一下?
答:我认为……就像其他人有的……我想有人赚钱比其他人更多,有人就会花得更多,对吗?比如说 ,我花钱买的 一些东西……我不是常把钱看得重要,好比说,当我可以办到,我就花,就这样,我没有的,我不花 。
问:让我们开门见山吧。我是说,这里(指信用卡账单上)的物品是非常名牌的东西,我们是说万宝 龙( Mont Blanc),路易威登(Louis Vuitton),我们是说在瑞吉酒店(St Regis), 丽晶酒店(The Regent),四季酒店(Four Seasons)住宿,你是在购物,在买高档品、名牌货,而款项非常大。你入住悦榕庄(Banyan Tree)。
答:我不会说是可以。这得看你如何看待它。我想,不同人的看法不一。对我来说,货品、品牌等, 是的,你可以 说这些东西可以耐上好长时间。但对我来说,我觉得如果我花费……我不拿仁慈的钱来花费。很清楚 的,我没有拿 仁慈的钱来做这些花费

"dun pray pray with me. i got lost powderful kungfu manual" - flower monk
Today, 09:29 AM
yes, we are nobody to judge, we can only base what he had said before and what he said now to see who this person really is.
in dec 2005 http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/printfr...,99432,00.html
he said he doesn't get sky high pay of 14k and he told The New Paper : 'As long as people support me and give me enough to eat, I'm happy.'
He told the Chinese evening daily: 'No matter what, I'm a monk, and I'm different from other people.
明义法师是于2007年12月18日,从上午10时53分至下午1时38分,接受安永会计 公司调查员的 问话,历时两小时又45分。以下是有关信用卡花费的部分问答录。
问:……我要问你有关信用卡花费的事。我看过这些开销,有的开销相当大。你要解释为何这样?这 些是做什么的 ?
问:我很坦白跟你说。当我看到这些开销时,对你在非常高档商店花费的次数和所花的款项,感到有 点惊讶。所以 ,在 我还没有问你问题前,你是不是要先说明一下?
答:我认为……就像其他人有的……我想有人赚钱比其他人更多,有人就会花得更多,对吗?比如说 ,我花钱买的 一些东西……我不是常把钱看得重要,好比说,当我可以办到,我就花,就这样,我没有的,我不花 。
问:让我们开门见山吧。我是说,这里(指信用卡账单上)的物品是非常名牌的东西,我们是说万宝 龙( Mont Blanc),路易威登(Louis Vuitton),我们是说在瑞吉酒店(St Regis), 丽晶酒店(The Regent),四季酒店(Four Seasons)住宿,你是在购物,在买高档品、名牌货,而款项非常大。你入住悦榕庄(Banyan Tree)。
答:我不会说是可以。这得看你如何看待它。我想,不同人的看法不一。对我来说,货品、品牌等, 是的,你可以 说这些东西可以耐上好长时间。但对我来说,我觉得如果我花费……我不拿仁慈的钱来花费。很清楚 的,我没有拿 仁慈的钱来做这些花费。
答:我想不论是红包或你怎么用善信给的红包,人们是不会加以理会的,我不认为他们会真的理会。 是的,身为僧 人,我也说法……一些人会这么认为“ok,僧人应该只是在寺庙里,不到处去”,对吗?你应该穿 破烂衣服,就 像在泰国,你到处乞食等,对吗?那我说,现在是现代世界……我没有批评他人,但有人一直乘坐头 等舱,我没有 这么做。
答:我不知道。当时,我们只是不断在买,就是这样……其实,去年我在想取消一些卡。你会发现, 最近这些卡的 使用 量已大大减少了,对吗?我想,当人成长,变得更成熟时,一些东西你已不需要,而且你不想再买了 。如果你在数 年前问我——我像其他人一样年轻……所以你可能不会想得这么仔细。如果你现在看看——其实我已 停止使用许多 卡,它们只是摆在那里。
答:那只狗没有跟我,还在仁慈。因为(仁慈)在摩绵路,他们说(到了晚上)向来都很暗,他们要 狗。
but now he said he is afterall a human, so... which version of what he said should we believe?
fast backwards.....2005
The Electric New Paper :
I don't get sky-high pay of $14,000 a month
Ren Ci's CEO clears misunderstanding over earlier reports
HE may be the chairman and chief executive officer.
But Venerable Shi Ming Yi of Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre doesn't draw a salary.
27 December 2005
HE may be the chairman and chief executive officer.
But Venerable Shi Ming Yi of Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre doesn't draw a salary.
And contrary to earlier press reports, he doesn't get $14,000 a month.
In fact, he stopped getting an allowance from Ren Ci this year, because he said he doesn't need it.
All because he sees himself as a 'volunteer'.
He told The New Paper over the phone yesterday: 'As long as people support me and give me enough to eat, I'm happy.'
He declined to reveal what his Ren Ci allowance had been.
The news that former National Kidney Foundation (NKF) chief executive T T Durai earned a massive $50,000 a month threw the spotlight recently on what CEOs of other charities are paid.
The question of Venerable Shi Ming Yi's pay resurfaced yesterday in a Lianhe Wanbao report.
Earlier articles in the Chinese press suggested he was getting a salary of more than $10,000, said the report.
The misunderstanding arose when the press were told, in response to queries, that the highest monthly salary paid out in Ren Ci is $14,000.
But it wasn't made clear this sum was paid to Dr Ong Seh Hong, Ren Ci's chief operating officer and clinical director.
Venerable Shi Ming Yi has since clarified that point.
He told the Chinese evening daily: 'No matter what, I'm a monk, and I'm different from other people.
'My conscience is clear.'
Venerable Shi Ming Yi said that, for some time, Ren Ci Hospital did give him an allowance.
'I am human after all, I need to eat and go overseas to spread Buddhist teachings.'
After the building of the Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery in Geylang - of which he is the abbot - was completed, it paid for Venerable Shi Ming Yi's living expenses.
So from this year, he stopped getting an allowance from Ren Ci Hospital.
He sees himself as a volunteer with Ren Ci, and doesn't want to go further into the details of salaries.
He also added that he doesn't pressure the artistes to raise funds in the charity shows.
'I have never cheated the audience,' he said.
So, were the stars crying for real in the Ren Ci charity shows?
Venerable Shi Ming Yi said it's beyond his control, but he wants to emphasise that he didn't control them behind the scenes.
'I can say that I have never asked any artistes to do anything, or exaggerate anything,' he told Lianhe Wanbao.
'I also took part in the show, and know how hard it is to perform. I can understand how they feel.
'I may not perform well, so how can I dictate how they perform?'
A video, showing how Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre handles the cash that comes in through its donation boxes, will be aired at the Ren Ci Charity Show on 8 Jan.
Said Venerable Shi Ming Yi: 'The Ren Ci show is going into its fourth year, so there's a need to be accountable to the audience, let them better understand how we help the patients.'
For every dollar that goes into Ren Ci's coffers, 80 cents go to the patients and the rest is spent on operational and manpower needs like hiring doctors and nurses.
Its operating costs are about $13 million annually, of which 53 per cent comes from the Ministry of Health's endowment fund.
It needs to raise about $6m every year.
Launched in 2003, Ren Ci's TV charity shows have managed to raise about $7m each time.
The Electric New Paper :
I don't get sky-high pay of $14,000 a month
Ren Ci's CEO clears misunderstanding over earlier reports
HE may be the chairman and chief executive officer.
But Venerable Shi Ming Yi of Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre doesn't draw a salary.
27 December 2005
HE may be the chairman and chief executive officer.
But Venerable Shi Ming Yi of Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre doesn't draw a salary.
And contrary to earlier press reports, he doesn't get $14,000 a month.
In fact, he stopped getting an allowance from Ren Ci this year, because he said he doesn't need it.
All because he sees himself as a 'volunteer'.
He told The New Paper over the phone yesterday: 'As long as people support me and give me enough to eat, I'm happy.'
He declined to reveal what his Ren Ci allowance had been.
The news that former National Kidney Foundation (NKF) chief executive T T Durai earned a massive $50,000 a month threw the spotlight recently on what CEOs of other charities are paid.
The question of Venerable Shi Ming Yi's pay resurfaced yesterday in a Lianhe Wanbao report.
Earlier articles in the Chinese press suggested he was getting a salary of more than $10,000, said the report.
The misunderstanding arose when the press were told, in response to queries, that the highest monthly salary paid out in Ren Ci is $14,000.
But it wasn't made clear this sum was paid to Dr Ong Seh Hong, Ren Ci's chief operating officer and clinical director.
Venerable Shi Ming Yi has since clarified that point.
He told the Chinese evening daily: 'No matter what, I'm a monk, and I'm different from other people.
'My conscience is clear.'
Venerable Shi Ming Yi said that, for some time, Ren Ci Hospital did give him an allowance.
'I am human after all, I need to eat and go overseas to spread Buddhist teachings.'
After the building of the Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery in Geylang - of which he is the abbot - was completed, it paid for Venerable Shi Ming Yi's living expenses.
So from this year, he stopped getting an allowance from Ren Ci Hospital.
He sees himself as a volunteer with Ren Ci, and doesn't want to go further into the details of salaries.
He also added that he doesn't pressure the artistes to raise funds in the charity shows.
'I have never cheated the audience,' he said.
So, were the stars crying for real in the Ren Ci charity shows?
Venerable Shi Ming Yi said it's beyond his control, but he wants to emphasise that he didn't control them behind the scenes.
'I can say that I have never asked any artistes to do anything, or exaggerate anything,' he told Lianhe Wanbao.
'I also took part in the show, and know how hard it is to perform. I can understand how they feel.
'I may not perform well, so how can I dictate how they perform?'
A video, showing how Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre handles the cash that comes in through its donation boxes, will be aired at the Ren Ci Charity Show on 8 Jan.
Said Venerable Shi Ming Yi: 'The Ren Ci show is going into its fourth year, so there's a need to be accountable to the audience, let them better understand how we help the patients.'
For every dollar that goes into Ren Ci's coffers, 80 cents go to the patients and the rest is spent on operational and manpower needs like hiring doctors and nurses.
Its operating costs are about $13 million annually, of which 53 per cent comes from the Ministry of Health's endowment fund.
It needs to raise about $6m every year.
Launched in 2003, Ren Ci's TV charity shows have managed to raise about $7m each time.
fast forward to 2006, 23 OCT....

i think li'l brother LEETAHSAR now understood his strange spiritual encounter in 2006, OCT 23.... it was a prelude to what is happeing now. his pious staunch social worker pal explained to him that such priceless encounter with GUANYIN was an infinity link.
Monday, October 23, 2006
today was 23rd OCT.
blusotong striked lottery 3rd prize. he to me and wrote he had a near missed NS highway accident. he said the buddhist bead i gave him and the one he bought after our roast duck makan in JB gave him a certain unexplained tranquility...enabling to think clear when an imminent oncoming out of control car was heading in the opp direction towards him.
it was in the news. 2 sgp indians were killed. one instantly and the other brain death...
the cursed vehicle hit a metal thing on the road surface, went out of control and somersaulted towards the car sotong was driving. his whole family was in the car then....his wife and his 2 grown sons.
sotong was cool as cucumber. was observing the car. it went...BANG..BANG...AND BANG!...and stop short of his opposite direction. he couldn't jerk brake his car cos it was on the NS highway. to do that was even more disastrous....
just when he thought it was over, off flew a wheel from the consecrated car. it bounced...boink...boink...and BOINK!!...TOWARDS SOTONG'S DIRECTION!!..
mati second disaster approaching..but before it could hit his car...it's last boink when off tangent and headed in another direction...
so it was only rumblings of thunder. no rain. sotong and his entire tribe was safe...ornitoufo...
sotong, my cid dudi and I visited FOO HAI CHAN MONASTERY today.
sotong took my advice seriously to visit temple to thank the buddha's merciful protection. my dudi being cid, needs to pray that there was no big crime, so that he could play his golf peacefully in his country club.
as for me...i was there to hunt for the TARANTULA BOTAK...hahahaha...;9)
PG 2...
someone gave me the info that on every 23rd of the month, there would be PUJA FOO HAI CHAN MONASTERY...so sotong being an ardent foodie..and of course this piggy here headed there. he could pray. i could pray too. then after go for the makan.
my cid dudi happened to call. having nothing on, no big crime what, he also wanted to meet us up to do some praying. ok lor!..we had a TAO YUAN JIE XIONG DI AGAIN...hahahaha...;9) the brotherhood of the PEACH GARDEN ( an excerpt from the THREE WARRING STATES.....;9)
sotong was first to arrive. me was still walking when i exited from ALJUNIED MRT STATION. i was happily singing MEMORY...and walking very briskly towards GEYLANG EAST AVE 2....soon i reached there.
paid my obeisance to the humongous thousand arms and eyes GUANYIN and started searching high and low for this blur like sotong sotong!!...worst than me...hahahaha...;9)
after getting his sms, headed towards B1 or basement one.
from a distant i saw handsome sotong..yes today he damn chio...wearing a deep blue stylo milo casual shirts like a blur sotong swimming in his portable water...hahahaha....;9)
sotong: uncle, how cum no buffet table one huh?
lts: huh, tot u told me makan now in ur sms?....where's all the yao gui (hungry ghosts)...
looked like the only yao guis there was sotong and me....
so we went veggie food hunting. we came to a door. peeped in...GOODIE!!....FOOD...FOOD..AND chotto...monks feasting on the food???...what's going on??..there was an empty table next door...so the bold and garang goon, just opened the door and thought of going in, sit there and wait to be served with FOOD...
the monks was shocked...all eye wide opened...and their mouths even wider open will all the rice n veggies hanging there...like as though all frozen in a remote control PAUSE....hahahaha....;9)
one of the monk: ni men yao kai si mo?...(what do u all want?)
lts: sorry...wrong number....( and quickly exited....)
sotong looked at me. i looked blank back at him. i suggested we head for the kitchen...surely all food was there, right?...wrong again!!...and i could help laughing when i asked one of the chef: uncle, today go PUJA right?...free buffet makan, correct?
chef, stunned and blurred: yue mei yue gao chuo!!...(u made a mistake).....hua ren jie 23 not engrish lah...hahahaha...
there...means no more makan for these 2 clowns here...hahahah...and as though not enough, in came another clown: MY CID DUDI...hahahaha...;9)
3 of us looked at each other...and we really make a good set of the THREE STOOGES...hahahaha....;9)
what to do next?...brought all the jokers to the main hall of the humongous GUANYIN and did our praying and meditation..and there the unexpected weird happening occurred onto me.....
PG 3
WE WERE NOW IN THE MAIN HALL....infront of us was the awesome humongous thousand arms with thousand eyes MERCIFUL GUANYIN PUSA....
without hesitation i knelt at the low stool facing directly at guanyin...the stools got this wording..THIS STOOL IS FOR THE MONK....written in chinese. what monk?...no monk what?....me also monk wannabe ..so i didn't care just kneel and clasp my hand in prayer. closed my eyes and focus my thought on the guanyin infront of me....
i dunno how to put it....i tot i heard sutras...dunno what sutras...like i knew it..like i din know it...it was strange.
what was stranger after that really astound me. it was very cooling in the massive hall. beads of sweats started to form on me...i could feel even on my scalp, big big beads of sweat were congregating...and it flowed...like niagra fall...yes...beads dropping onto the floor....
i opened slightly my eyes to peep at the awesome guanyin...AND YES THIS TIME I SAW TEARS IN HER EYES....yes i did!!!....was it the lighting??...like yes ...like no...but this time, i saw...2 streams of tears...and without any emotion in me...i was feeling rather tranquil and peaceful....my 2 rows of tear also started to flow.....
it flowed..and it flowed...and i really was stunned!!
i opened my teary eyes. my cid pal was already suddenly next to me, wide mouth opened. he din make a noise. he was observing me....he was stunned...sotong was walking all over the hall like searching for lucky numbers like that...hahahaha....;9)
i was stunned...i couldn't control the tears...it kept coming out of my big round eyes...my spectacle was drenched...oh shit!...i got to dig into my hare krishna bag for paper napkin to wipe cos the tissue i used wasn't enough!
after that, i heaved a sigh of relieve...and impromptuly it came, the tears just stopped...just like this!...like a turned off tap instantly..hahahaha...;9)...why?
i dunno. that's why i m posting this weird happening maybe some powderful buddhist brothers here could enlighthened me..
after that....3 of us brothers headed to OLD AIRPORT ROAD HC and have our makan there....and that would be another funny tale to tell...hahahaha....;9)
- end of our FR for today...;9)
fairy godbrothers at the centre
very sad. flower monk also needed his gang of fairy godbrothers which spelled his downfall from the 7th storey diamond pagoda. fairy godbrothers were an envious bunch of toyboys. tb 1 had platinum card with unlimited spending but tb2 only got gold, so the latter not happy and jealous. worst. tb3 only got standard credit card with limited spending. but worst of the worst, tb4 & 5 got nuts - not even peanut shells. and the backstabbing began....
one guy at kopi session was peering blankly into the sea view of the rich pal's luxurious condo. softly he muttered, "fuck!! he was trying to accost me...."
yep!! more kopi spilled. hojinx - the pinay maid, hurry to wipe the dark spillage. all attention was now focused on him. he kept his blank glanced at the sea view.
"once, i was at SHAFTHIM TEMPLE doing some sutra chanting. i know this flower monk personally. then he invited me to his private room...." oh oh! kama sutra chanting??
"no lah!! he invited me for tea" the blank glaring pal was peeved at our insinuation. "but.....but...."
WHAT? SAY LAH!! our kopi getting cold and lesser from the spilling.
"but...suddenly he asked me personal things like, 'are u married...got gf...then are u a virgin?' i was feeling so uneasy and bashful, i excused myself and zoomed off his room. from there onwards, i seldom return to SHAFTLIM TEMPLE...."
one guy at kopi session was peering blankly into the sea view of the rich pal's luxurious condo. softly he muttered, "fuck!! he was trying to accost me...."
yep!! more kopi spilled. hojinx - the pinay maid, hurry to wipe the dark spillage. all attention was now focused on him. he kept his blank glanced at the sea view.
"once, i was at SHAFTHIM TEMPLE doing some sutra chanting. i know this flower monk personally. then he invited me to his private room...." oh oh! kama sutra chanting??
"no lah!! he invited me for tea" the blank glaring pal was peeved at our insinuation. "but.....but...."
WHAT? SAY LAH!! our kopi getting cold and lesser from the spilling.
"but...suddenly he asked me personal things like, 'are u married...got gf...then are u a virgin?' i was feeling so uneasy and bashful, i excused myself and zoomed off his room. from there onwards, i seldom return to SHAFTLIM TEMPLE...."
flower monk spotted with fairy godmum - GODDESS OF FORTUNE
I want to be a monk and owns a BMW and 3 properties
The ex-chief of Ren Ci Hospital revealed today that he owns three properties in upscale districts and owned a BMW in Menbourne, Australia as recently as two years ago.
According to Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao, Ming Yi's response to an earlier question about his lavish lifestyle was, "While helping others, I have to take care of myself as well."
The monk, 47, is facing four charges for making an unauthorised loan from Ren Ci's coffers to his ex-personal aide Raymond Yeung in 2004. Yeung faces two charges related to the same case.
Ming Yi broke down several times as he took the stand today, Wanbao reported. He told the court how he became a monk, how be became abbot of Foo Hai Ch'an monastery and how he set up Ren Ci.
The court proceedings also revealed that the monk has three properties under his name. The properties are located in upscale areas at Orchard, Stevens Road and Holland Road.
According the Wanbao report, the properties were purchased with the help of a wealthy woman from Brunei as well as contributions from devotees. Ming Yi also revealed in court that he lived in one of these properties with other monks when the Foo Hai Ch'an monastery was under construction.
He also told the court that he is one of the listed owners of three other properties, including The Cornwall, a condominium at Holland Road. These properties were purchased using Foo Hai Ch’an monastery’s money and were meant to be investments, Wanbao reported.
The monk also stressed that none of Ren Ci’s money was used in the purchase of all the properties.
Lianhe Wanbao also reported that Ming Yi once owned a BMW which he purchased in Melbourne, Australia.
Ming Yi told auditors in December 2007 that the payments made on his credit card to BMW were not for car parts as previously claimed, but for the purchase of a car. The payments were all made in Melbourne.
But when the auditors questioned him on how he could arrange to pay for a car by credit card, Ming Yi changed his statement, saying that he forgot which car parts were purchased at that time.
The monk also added that the BMW in question was sold in 2007, and that the car belongs to him. His then personal assistant Raymond Yeung, owns a second-hand car, which was subsequently sold.
oolala!! SHIN MIN leeported that even the hk tycoon, li ka shing could be his fairy godfather. ang pows from him alone is either 10k or 20k - flower monk couldn't remember the figure. maybe it could be even more!
now for his fairy godmum - a brunei laukuaybu. this flower monk is truly blessed, charmed and chromed. left hand, he has the fairy godfathers, GOD OF FORTUne; right, he has the fairy godmums, GODDESS OF FORTUNE. no wonder, my li'l brother LEETAHSAR wants to be a monk wannabe. LOL!!
The ex-chief of Ren Ci Hospital revealed today that he owns three properties in upscale districts and owned a BMW in Menbourne, Australia as recently as two years ago.
According to Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao, Ming Yi's response to an earlier question about his lavish lifestyle was, "While helping others, I have to take care of myself as well."
The monk, 47, is facing four charges for making an unauthorised loan from Ren Ci's coffers to his ex-personal aide Raymond Yeung in 2004. Yeung faces two charges related to the same case.
Ming Yi broke down several times as he took the stand today, Wanbao reported. He told the court how he became a monk, how be became abbot of Foo Hai Ch'an monastery and how he set up Ren Ci.
The court proceedings also revealed that the monk has three properties under his name. The properties are located in upscale areas at Orchard, Stevens Road and Holland Road.
According the Wanbao report, the properties were purchased with the help of a wealthy woman from Brunei as well as contributions from devotees. Ming Yi also revealed in court that he lived in one of these properties with other monks when the Foo Hai Ch'an monastery was under construction.
He also told the court that he is one of the listed owners of three other properties, including The Cornwall, a condominium at Holland Road. These properties were purchased using Foo Hai Ch’an monastery’s money and were meant to be investments, Wanbao reported.
The monk also stressed that none of Ren Ci’s money was used in the purchase of all the properties.
Lianhe Wanbao also reported that Ming Yi once owned a BMW which he purchased in Melbourne, Australia.
Ming Yi told auditors in December 2007 that the payments made on his credit card to BMW were not for car parts as previously claimed, but for the purchase of a car. The payments were all made in Melbourne.
But when the auditors questioned him on how he could arrange to pay for a car by credit card, Ming Yi changed his statement, saying that he forgot which car parts were purchased at that time.
The monk also added that the BMW in question was sold in 2007, and that the car belongs to him. His then personal assistant Raymond Yeung, owns a second-hand car, which was subsequently sold.
oolala!! SHIN MIN leeported that even the hk tycoon, li ka shing could be his fairy godfather. ang pows from him alone is either 10k or 20k - flower monk couldn't remember the figure. maybe it could be even more!
now for his fairy godmum - a brunei laukuaybu. this flower monk is truly blessed, charmed and chromed. left hand, he has the fairy godfathers, GOD OF FORTUne; right, he has the fairy godmums, GODDESS OF FORTUNE. no wonder, my li'l brother LEETAHSAR wants to be a monk wannabe. LOL!!
flower monk sighted in SQ bizclass
Emotional Ming Yi breaks down on witness stand
By Claire Huang, 938LIVE | Posted: 22 April 2009 0013 hrs
Photos 1 of 1
Ming Yi
Related News
• Former Ren Ci CEO Ming Yi approved several loans to staff
• Ming Yi's former aide confesses to a cover-up
• Ren Ci management committee didn't approve Ming Yi's salary rise
Emotional Ming Yi breaks down on witness stand
SINGAPORE: The founder and former head of Ren Ci, Ming Yi, broke down in court on Tuesday as he recounted the struggles he faced in setting up the hospital.
The 47-year-old is accused of giving S$50,000 to his former aide Raymond Yeung, a Singapore Permanent Resident.
Ming Yi had allegedly conspired with 34-year-old Yeung to cover up the unauthorised loan by making it look as if Ren Ci used the money to buy two statues and some wood from an artefacts firm called Mandala Buddhist Cultural Centre.
It was clearly an emotional day for Ming Yi as he recounted his dream to help as many people as he can.
Testifying in his own defence, the monk was overcome with emotions as he spoke of his parents' initial disapproval of monkhood. He also recalled the many setbacks he suffered in the early days of managing Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery.
When he spoke of his benefactor, the late Venerable Siong Khye who was a president at the Singapore Buddhist Federation, Ming Yi broke down.
Trying hard to hold back his tears, Ming Yi revealed that it was Venerable Siong Khye who sparked the determination in him to set up a hospital for the chronically ill.
It was to fulfil his wishes that Ming Yi went on to take over the Chronic Sick Unit at the old Woodbridge Hospital, despite his acquaintances telling him he would not succeed.
It was clear from Ming Yi's evidence that he had no prior experience in corporate governance nor the running of a hospital.
The court was told that for a substantial number of years, Ren Ci lacked funding constantly and Ming Yi was under tremendous pressure to improve the hospital's finances.
It was in their desperation for funding that the Management Committee ventured into businesses. That was how artefacts firm Mandala came about. But the ventures did not help much.
In fact, Ren Ci loaned money to quite a few of its related entities. They included Mandala, Bodhicherrie Singapore as well as Foo Hai Ch'an.
Ranging from S$300,000 to more than S$1.3 million, the loans were categorised in Ren Ci's books as "Advances to Chairman".
Ming Yi told the court that he was solely responsible for all these loans and that the committee approved of them. But this soon changed when a board member raised his doubts. Such loans were later categorised as "Other receivables" from the year 2000.
The case continues.
it was very relaxing to have kopi chat especially if the venue was a posh condo with a spectacular sea view....
among the chatters was an cabin crew supervisor. he told us that flower monk always flew around with a chiohunk (a pretty boy) by his side - presumably his "personal aide".
"does he fly lst class?" everyone was eager to know.
"nah! he flies biz class with his hunk." he revealed. "monk was very quiet. usually just shut eyes. BUT.... the chiohunk is always very busy chatting up with the crew especially the goodlookers...."
ok!! someone choked again. KOPI SPILLED!! servettes please!
By Claire Huang, 938LIVE | Posted: 22 April 2009 0013 hrs
Photos 1 of 1
Ming Yi
Related News
• Former Ren Ci CEO Ming Yi approved several loans to staff
• Ming Yi's former aide confesses to a cover-up
• Ren Ci management committee didn't approve Ming Yi's salary rise
Emotional Ming Yi breaks down on witness stand
SINGAPORE: The founder and former head of Ren Ci, Ming Yi, broke down in court on Tuesday as he recounted the struggles he faced in setting up the hospital.
The 47-year-old is accused of giving S$50,000 to his former aide Raymond Yeung, a Singapore Permanent Resident.
Ming Yi had allegedly conspired with 34-year-old Yeung to cover up the unauthorised loan by making it look as if Ren Ci used the money to buy two statues and some wood from an artefacts firm called Mandala Buddhist Cultural Centre.
It was clearly an emotional day for Ming Yi as he recounted his dream to help as many people as he can.
Testifying in his own defence, the monk was overcome with emotions as he spoke of his parents' initial disapproval of monkhood. He also recalled the many setbacks he suffered in the early days of managing Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery.
When he spoke of his benefactor, the late Venerable Siong Khye who was a president at the Singapore Buddhist Federation, Ming Yi broke down.
Trying hard to hold back his tears, Ming Yi revealed that it was Venerable Siong Khye who sparked the determination in him to set up a hospital for the chronically ill.
It was to fulfil his wishes that Ming Yi went on to take over the Chronic Sick Unit at the old Woodbridge Hospital, despite his acquaintances telling him he would not succeed.
It was clear from Ming Yi's evidence that he had no prior experience in corporate governance nor the running of a hospital.
The court was told that for a substantial number of years, Ren Ci lacked funding constantly and Ming Yi was under tremendous pressure to improve the hospital's finances.
It was in their desperation for funding that the Management Committee ventured into businesses. That was how artefacts firm Mandala came about. But the ventures did not help much.
In fact, Ren Ci loaned money to quite a few of its related entities. They included Mandala, Bodhicherrie Singapore as well as Foo Hai Ch'an.
Ranging from S$300,000 to more than S$1.3 million, the loans were categorised in Ren Ci's books as "Advances to Chairman".
Ming Yi told the court that he was solely responsible for all these loans and that the committee approved of them. But this soon changed when a board member raised his doubts. Such loans were later categorised as "Other receivables" from the year 2000.
The case continues.
it was very relaxing to have kopi chat especially if the venue was a posh condo with a spectacular sea view....
among the chatters was an cabin crew supervisor. he told us that flower monk always flew around with a chiohunk (a pretty boy) by his side - presumably his "personal aide".
"does he fly lst class?" everyone was eager to know.
"nah! he flies biz class with his hunk." he revealed. "monk was very quiet. usually just shut eyes. BUT.... the chiohunk is always very busy chatting up with the crew especially the goodlookers...."
ok!! someone choked again. KOPI SPILLED!! servettes please!
Flower monk sighted at taipei 101
April 21, 2009
Trial of Ren Ci founder
Ming Yi takes the stand
By Carolyn Quek and Selina Lum
Ming Yi (left), 47, is facing four charges for making an unauthorised $50,000 loan from Ren Ci's coffers to his ex-personal aide Raymond Yeung (far left) on May 17, 2004. --ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW
SEVERAL times, the monk choked back tears as he recounted his life story and the uphill task of bringing up his 'baby', Ren Ci Hospital.
It took him six years to convince his mother to let him become a monk, said Ming Yi on Tuesday.
As a young monk, he had to make ends meet by conducting funeral rites. something he disliked doing.
Then, as he was trying to fulfill a mentor's last wish for a hospital for the destitutes run by Buddhists, he had to deal with naysayers who thought the idea was too far-fetched.
'I am a Buddhist monk. The worse it is, the more I have to go into it,' said the former chief of Ren Ci Hospital.
Ming Yi, 47, was taking the stand for the first time on Tuesday in his trial for making an unauthorised $50,000 loan to his former personal aide.
Testifying in English, he spoke at length about how he came to wear the saffron robes and his journey from a novice monk to his involvement in the Singapore Buddhist Federation and the abbott of Foo Hai Ch'an monastery.
His move to fulfill the late Venerable Siong Khye's wish for a hospital started modestly enough, with a day care centre for the elderly in Yuhua.
Then came a suggestion from the ward's MP, Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, that he take over a wing in the then-Woodbridge hospital for the destitute and mentally sick.
On his first visit, he was appalled to see mostly senile patients tied to their beds and yelling at the top of their voices.
Read the full report in Wednesday's edition of The Straits Times.
it isn't easy being a monk or just merely adhering the the practices of buddhism in our daily life.
during our kopi chat at the rich pal's luxurious condo with a great sea view, another revealed that he saw flower monk shopping with a guy at TAIPEI 101. another chore of a personal aide: to carry shopping bags while the master shops to his delight!
Trial of Ren Ci founder
Ming Yi takes the stand
By Carolyn Quek and Selina Lum
Ming Yi (left), 47, is facing four charges for making an unauthorised $50,000 loan from Ren Ci's coffers to his ex-personal aide Raymond Yeung (far left) on May 17, 2004. --ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW
SEVERAL times, the monk choked back tears as he recounted his life story and the uphill task of bringing up his 'baby', Ren Ci Hospital.
It took him six years to convince his mother to let him become a monk, said Ming Yi on Tuesday.
As a young monk, he had to make ends meet by conducting funeral rites. something he disliked doing.
Then, as he was trying to fulfill a mentor's last wish for a hospital for the destitutes run by Buddhists, he had to deal with naysayers who thought the idea was too far-fetched.
'I am a Buddhist monk. The worse it is, the more I have to go into it,' said the former chief of Ren Ci Hospital.
Ming Yi, 47, was taking the stand for the first time on Tuesday in his trial for making an unauthorised $50,000 loan to his former personal aide.
Testifying in English, he spoke at length about how he came to wear the saffron robes and his journey from a novice monk to his involvement in the Singapore Buddhist Federation and the abbott of Foo Hai Ch'an monastery.
His move to fulfill the late Venerable Siong Khye's wish for a hospital started modestly enough, with a day care centre for the elderly in Yuhua.
Then came a suggestion from the ward's MP, Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, that he take over a wing in the then-Woodbridge hospital for the destitute and mentally sick.
On his first visit, he was appalled to see mostly senile patients tied to their beds and yelling at the top of their voices.
Read the full report in Wednesday's edition of The Straits Times.
it isn't easy being a monk or just merely adhering the the practices of buddhism in our daily life.
during our kopi chat at the rich pal's luxurious condo with a great sea view, another revealed that he saw flower monk shopping with a guy at TAIPEI 101. another chore of a personal aide: to carry shopping bags while the master shops to his delight!
a bloody rich monk!
Former Ren Ci chief breaks down in court
The monk is found to have purchased three upscale properties in Singapore and owned a BMW in Melbourne, Australia as recently as two years ago. -AsiaOne
Tue, Apr 21, 2009
The ex-chief of Ren Ci Hospital broke down several times as he took the stand today, Wanbao reported. He told the court how he became a monk, how he became abbot of Foo Hai Ch'an monastery and how he set up Ren Ci.
The monk, 47, is facing four charges for making an unauthorised loan from Ren Ci's coffers to his ex-personal aide Raymond Yeung in 2004. Yeung faces two charges related to the same case.
The court proceedings revealed that the monk has three properties under his name. The properties are located in upscale areas at Orchard, Stevens Road and Holland Road.
According the Wanbao report, the properties were purchased with the help of a wealthy woman from Brunei as well as contributions from devotees. Ming Yi also revealed in court that he lived in one of these properties with other monks when the Foo Hai Ch'an monastery was under construction.
He also told the court that he is one of the listed owners of three other properties, including The Cornwall, a condominium at Holland Road. These properties were purchased using Foo Hai Ch’an monastery’s money and were meant to be investments, Wanbao reported.
The monk stressed that none of Ren Ci’s money was used in the purchase of all the properties.
Lianhe Wanbao also reported that Ming Yi once owned a BMW which he purchased in Melbourne, Australia.
Ming Yi told auditors in December 2007 that the payments made on his credit card to BMW were not for car parts as previously claimed, but for the purchase of a car. The payments were all made in Melbourne.
But when the auditors questioned him on how he could arrange to pay for a car by credit card, Ming Yi changed his statement, saying that he forgot which car parts were purchased at that time.
The monk added that the BMW in question was sold in 2007, and that the car belongs to him. His then personal assistant Raymond Yeung, owns a second-hand car, which was subsequently sold.
they left out one in the eastern side.
The monk is found to have purchased three upscale properties in Singapore and owned a BMW in Melbourne, Australia as recently as two years ago. -AsiaOne
Tue, Apr 21, 2009
The ex-chief of Ren Ci Hospital broke down several times as he took the stand today, Wanbao reported. He told the court how he became a monk, how he became abbot of Foo Hai Ch'an monastery and how he set up Ren Ci.
The monk, 47, is facing four charges for making an unauthorised loan from Ren Ci's coffers to his ex-personal aide Raymond Yeung in 2004. Yeung faces two charges related to the same case.
The court proceedings revealed that the monk has three properties under his name. The properties are located in upscale areas at Orchard, Stevens Road and Holland Road.
According the Wanbao report, the properties were purchased with the help of a wealthy woman from Brunei as well as contributions from devotees. Ming Yi also revealed in court that he lived in one of these properties with other monks when the Foo Hai Ch'an monastery was under construction.
He also told the court that he is one of the listed owners of three other properties, including The Cornwall, a condominium at Holland Road. These properties were purchased using Foo Hai Ch’an monastery’s money and were meant to be investments, Wanbao reported.
The monk stressed that none of Ren Ci’s money was used in the purchase of all the properties.
Lianhe Wanbao also reported that Ming Yi once owned a BMW which he purchased in Melbourne, Australia.
Ming Yi told auditors in December 2007 that the payments made on his credit card to BMW were not for car parts as previously claimed, but for the purchase of a car. The payments were all made in Melbourne.
But when the auditors questioned him on how he could arrange to pay for a car by credit card, Ming Yi changed his statement, saying that he forgot which car parts were purchased at that time.
The monk added that the BMW in question was sold in 2007, and that the car belongs to him. His then personal assistant Raymond Yeung, owns a second-hand car, which was subsequently sold.
they left out one in the eastern side.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Flower monk of shafthim temple
to tell or not to tell.....that is the confusion
the storyteller is very confused now after reading this posting....
#20 Today, 01:14 AM
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 389
My Reputation:Points: 40 / Power: 11
Re: Is Ming yi a Guy?
答:你最好把這件事忘記,就是無量功德,會得清淨心。若放在心裡,你想一次他犯戒,就是自己犯 一次戒;想他 造一次業,就是自己造一次業。他在身口上造業,你在意地上造業。惠能大師言:「若真修道人,不 見世間過。」 如果能做到這一句,這一生道業會成就;常將別人的過失放在心上,就毀了自己的前途,來生決定墮 三惡道。你心 不清淨,沒有什麼掩飾不掩飾,這是自己嚴重的過失。
so whether to tell or not to tell, let him clear up his confusion first
JJ is interested in the flower monk
Re: Defrock the monk
Originally Posted by NgEjay
Hi Dogtracker,
3whitetiger = Leetahbar?
Explains everything I guess.
His large red fonts almost made me think he was Clinton8888/Jefferson888 of the old sammyboy forum, but I guess even Clinton888 was a credible forummer compared to him.
hahaha! the guilty will always be conscious about his shadowy deeds.
now tell us what about the correct behaviour of a "NUS SCHOLAR" should be? walk about naked in holland V or regularly cheonging geylang? or get himself wank by transvestite camp-mate?
i think the best is to get exploited by more FLIRTS & DESTROYS. please continue to write more prejudices when FLIRTED to do so so that everyone would side her bangalas instead of local sgporean workers.
the recent upheaval in SHAFTHIM TEMPLE boiled down to one person - flower monk ah heng and his cronies of teetukongs. everything would be fine until jealousy among the teetukongs erupted and escalated into back-stabbing. of course, all the knives ended up stabbed into poor ah heng's back.
finally, just like the eruption of the volanco, all the shits were spilled into the open. many in the martial art fratenity were stunned and dumbfounded by the heinous revelation of what were going on behind the scene of charity.
instead of carrying alm bags, our flower monk was obssessed with GUCCI, PRADA and LOUIS VINTTON. instead of dwelling in the monastery, he invested in luxurious prime location condos. many only knew about the at COCKWALL GARDEN. few knew that he got another many times more luxurious in the east called the ATTARASS.
too many cooks spoil the broth...it was the same dilemma for the flower monk who adopted too many teetukongs and ruined his web of deceit, lust and passion.
so as the flower teetu spins his web, more teetukongs would be exposed in due time.
the storyteller is very confused now after reading this posting....
#20 Today, 01:14 AM
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 389
My Reputation:Points: 40 / Power: 11
Re: Is Ming yi a Guy?
答:你最好把這件事忘記,就是無量功德,會得清淨心。若放在心裡,你想一次他犯戒,就是自己犯 一次戒;想他 造一次業,就是自己造一次業。他在身口上造業,你在意地上造業。惠能大師言:「若真修道人,不 見世間過。」 如果能做到這一句,這一生道業會成就;常將別人的過失放在心上,就毀了自己的前途,來生決定墮 三惡道。你心 不清淨,沒有什麼掩飾不掩飾,這是自己嚴重的過失。
so whether to tell or not to tell, let him clear up his confusion first
JJ is interested in the flower monk
Re: Defrock the monk
Originally Posted by NgEjay
Hi Dogtracker,
3whitetiger = Leetahbar?
Explains everything I guess.
His large red fonts almost made me think he was Clinton8888/Jefferson888 of the old sammyboy forum, but I guess even Clinton888 was a credible forummer compared to him.
hahaha! the guilty will always be conscious about his shadowy deeds.
now tell us what about the correct behaviour of a "NUS SCHOLAR" should be? walk about naked in holland V or regularly cheonging geylang? or get himself wank by transvestite camp-mate?
i think the best is to get exploited by more FLIRTS & DESTROYS. please continue to write more prejudices when FLIRTED to do so so that everyone would side her bangalas instead of local sgporean workers.
the recent upheaval in SHAFTHIM TEMPLE boiled down to one person - flower monk ah heng and his cronies of teetukongs. everything would be fine until jealousy among the teetukongs erupted and escalated into back-stabbing. of course, all the knives ended up stabbed into poor ah heng's back.
finally, just like the eruption of the volanco, all the shits were spilled into the open. many in the martial art fratenity were stunned and dumbfounded by the heinous revelation of what were going on behind the scene of charity.
instead of carrying alm bags, our flower monk was obssessed with GUCCI, PRADA and LOUIS VINTTON. instead of dwelling in the monastery, he invested in luxurious prime location condos. many only knew about the at COCKWALL GARDEN. few knew that he got another many times more luxurious in the east called the ATTARASS.
too many cooks spoil the broth...it was the same dilemma for the flower monk who adopted too many teetukongs and ruined his web of deceit, lust and passion.
so as the flower teetu spins his web, more teetukongs would be exposed in due time.
Friday, April 17, 2009
another chee's scheme brewing in the pot?

Singapore warns of action against protestors during APEC summit
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Singapore warned Thursday it would not tolerate violent protests during high profile events, including the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in November. The city state's Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng warned tough action would be taken against protests like those seen recently in Thailand and London where demonstrators damaged public property and caused tourists to stay away.
Wong, who is also the home affairs minister, said a new Public Order Act was passed this week, giving the police more power to deal with those who disrupt public order.
"As many important heads of state and government will be here for the APEC Summit, we have to anticipate that it may attract terrorist interest," the Straits Times quoted Wong as saying.
Wong's remarks put on notice foreigners who might plan to cause a scene during the summit, saying some foreigners might instigate Singaporeans to stage street protests or even take part in these activities themselves during the summit.
master chee had never stopped to plot evil treacherous ploy to embarrass peesailand. this time the LEEgime had set the law and the record straight for chee and his sdppies clowns.
let's wait and see what kind of public nonsense they would stir then.
master chee was a *chee yao!!

buaya chee yao guai
talk cock chee
*chee yao is a chicken spirit taking the human form to create havoc.
Chee Soon Juan To Replace Flying Dutchman on Millionaire Gameshow
Posted on Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Topic: Politics
by Pak Cham Kai
Impressed by his in-your-face style of questioning, Mediacock has hired Singapore Democratic Party Chief Dr Chee Soon Juan as the new host of 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'
"We think viewers were getting too used to the show," said Mediacock spokesperson Mr. Boh Lang Kuah. "We needed fresh input. Just looking stern and asking, 'Is that your final answer?' was getting damn stale."
Mediacock began looking for someone to replace the present host, Mark Van Cuylenberg, aka the Flying Dutchman. However, no one had that x-factor.
That is, until Dr. Chee began famously stalking Prime Minister Goh and haranguing him about a $17 billion loan to Indonesia.
Mediacock then invited Dr Chee to come in for a test screening where by all accounts, he performed admirably.
"It was frankly, the most exciting questioning we've seen in a long while," said Mr. Boh.
Dr Chee apparently harangued guests with confrontational questions like, "Mr. Tan, won't you answer the question?" and "Where is the money?"
Mediacock has since made Dr Chee a formal offer. However, Dr Chee has not confirmed whether he will accept the position.
Mediacock, however, remains confident. Said Mr Boh, "He'll need lots of help to pay off the defamation damages."
"We think he just needs a little sweetener to close the deal," added Mr. Boh. "So we're promising him a lot of glucose syrup in his dressing room."
2001 till 2009. gosh! 9 years passing by. what has chee accomplished so far? still talking cock.
beside a hen that talks cock, we have also a talking cock chee.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Leegime's new POA law

sdppie pariah doggie resorting to alm begging to finance their fines for their public nonsense.
master chee and his sdppies blurcock followers were finally immobilised in strapped jackets. there was another imminent massive wu-lin meet from all over the world. the LEEgime was not taking any chances to let those national betrayers embarrass peesailand land.
any of those nonsensical public protests and ranting especially from master chee and company would be severely slapped with heavier fine of 10k. obigood!! now peasants realised where all their donations to that circus of clowns went to.
poor peasants!! if they had only realised earlier, they wouldn't have parted with their hard-earned copper shillings.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

those in red were condensed for the purpose of revealing the real motive.
1. SDP duo Chee Soon Juan and Chee Siok Chin were sued by the Singapore government for libel over an article in the party’s newsletter which alleged that it is corrupted.
2. 18 peaceful “Tak Boleh Tahan” protestors were charged for participating in an illegal procession when they tried marching from Parliament House to the city.
3. Blogger Gopalan Nair was arrested and jailed for three months for allegedly insulting the judiciary.
4. 3 SDP members were jailed for wearing kangaroo T-shirts outside the court whcih was construed as casting aspersions on the integrity of the judiciary
1. SDP duo Chee Soon Juan and Chee Siok Chin were sued by the Singapore government for libel over an article in the party’s newsletter which alleged that it is corrupted.
2. 18 peaceful “Tak Boleh Tahan” protestors were charged for participating in an illegal procession when they tried marching from Parliament House to the city.
3. Blogger Gopalan Nair was arrested and jailed for three months for allegedly insulting the judiciary.
4. 3 SDP members were jailed for wearing kangaroo T-shirts outside the court whcih was construed as casting aspersions on the integrity of the judiciary
1. they do not have factual evidences to back up their accusation. they lost and blamed the court being biased n prejudiced against them
2. the childish TBT hid a more sinister intention to spark a national riot. luckily citizens had seen through their disguised ploy.
3. why would gopalan wanted to do that? he thought he was safe since he's now a "US citizen" but even the USA couldn't find any reason to shield him from our law.
4. again why did those clowns want to do that? singaporeans embarrassing their own country and SDP considered that as patriotic? gosh!! no wonder when chee is smeared with shits, they applaud and cheer and motivate him further. such is the lame and warped mentality these ingrates have when they unshamefully still dare to regard themselves as singporeans. sgporeans trying their best to embarrass their own singapore - what kind of logic these idiots have?
we can defend enemies attacking from outside but breeding and harbouring a bunch of betrayers is like keeping wolves among the sheep. such is a dangerous situation we are living now. the greatest enemies are none other than our own "sgporeans" who wish for the worst to befall on singapore.
2. the childish TBT hid a more sinister intention to spark a national riot. luckily citizens had seen through their disguised ploy.
3. why would gopalan wanted to do that? he thought he was safe since he's now a "US citizen" but even the USA couldn't find any reason to shield him from our law.
4. again why did those clowns want to do that? singaporeans embarrassing their own country and SDP considered that as patriotic? gosh!! no wonder when chee is smeared with shits, they applaud and cheer and motivate him further. such is the lame and warped mentality these ingrates have when they unshamefully still dare to regard themselves as singporeans. sgporeans trying their best to embarrass their own singapore - what kind of logic these idiots have?
we can defend enemies attacking from outside but breeding and harbouring a bunch of betrayers is like keeping wolves among the sheep. such is a dangerous situation we are living now. the greatest enemies are none other than our own "sgporeans" who wish for the worst to befall on singapore.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wisdom of fattie edmond

Alfrescian Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 14
My Reputation:Points: 10 / Power: 0
Re: Singapore Is Dropping Quickly
Originally Posted by halsey02
Never mind about the bird flu, it is the country over ran with rats, that is nibbling at the grain silos; that is worrying!; the rattus nea & rattus pappies & the various rattus famili's???!!
In the US, more and more people now know that half of their retirement funds are already gone. That's the reason why when riot breaks out, they are prepared with all the FEMA camps that are in place.
In Singapore, sadly most people do not realize that the Government has on many occasions made the barrier to withdrawing their CPF to a higher level all the time. From 55 ==> 62 ==> 65. The minimum sum is going up by the year and all this is meant for holding up the vast sums of our money so that funds are plentiful for their investment needs.
We have one of the biggest middle class based on salaries per capita in the world. Sadly most will realize they have nothing to pass on to their next generation with the high property prices and funds being locked up in CPF. That's why more and more capable & enterprising people of Singapore choose to migrate to other countries.
Singaporeans are too easily manipulated.
It's a fact known as "Sheeple". We're worst than sheeps. At least for sheeps, they do need a sheep dog to get us controlled. But for the Sheeple, they get the people to manipulate & strike fear amongst each other.
It's like don't do this...Don't do that... Gahment will do this & that...
That is the reason why Singapore has lost it's competitive edge in Entrepreneurship as people are more fearful of taking risks and going pass the OB Markers. What the heck are OB Markers? Why should there be OB Markers in the first place?
Remember my friends, the elected officials are here to serve the people, not the other way round. It's not the people who are supposed to please the government.
If you go back to the fundamental basics of being a person. A person should be able to live a life of their dreams. Sadly these moments are being robbed the moment they realized that in this country, a small group of people are the ones that really control the country.
If you were to ask people what their goals were...many would be clueless. Too many people their dream was to just get a good education and get a good job. Great work, the Singapore system does create a good pool of obedient workers. Only thing is that they probably didn't see what was coming.
We have graduates, not being able to find jobs because they are so sold on the story that fresh graduates could get a salary of $4,000 when this is only for a handful of scholars who joined government linked companies. Hence, they take their time to find their job. Some still jobless even after they've graduated 1 year ago.
This is a country of Good News. It's so great that all the negative news in Singapore are all filtered out. It's a Feel Good country. I am a person who believes that a Positive thought is more powerful than 100 negative ones but sometimes the reality check that comes in later would be extremely painful. That is the reason why people decide to end their lives when they see their lives shattered.
We have 6 million graduates from China asking for 150USD who can't find a job. Are you sure you are still the most qualified and most certified. The world has changed. I thank God that my mind has not been corrupted by the system due to the lack of formal education.
This has prompted me to work harder than others. The Government is slowly changing their stance by removing exam structures for secondary schools and removing exams for Pri 1 & 2. This is a good start. However, they need to undo many more of the damages that they've created.
Since Singapore is dependent on imports and produces less than 10% of the food required for the country, be prepared for an extremely difficult 1-2 years down the road if the evil conspirators are able to take control of food products.
The truth is out there. The moment you step out of the matrix, you will be utterly disgusted by what the world is coming to. Welcome to the New World Order. It has arrived.
No.1 SEO SEO Expert
is he hinting at the deadly FLIRT&DESTROY skill famed? talk big. talk deep. in reality, how authentic?
Alfrescian Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 14
My Reputation:Points: 10 / Power: 0
Re: Singapore Is Dropping Quickly
Originally Posted by halsey02
Never mind about the bird flu, it is the country over ran with rats, that is nibbling at the grain silos; that is worrying!; the rattus nea & rattus pappies & the various rattus famili's???!!
In the US, more and more people now know that half of their retirement funds are already gone. That's the reason why when riot breaks out, they are prepared with all the FEMA camps that are in place.
In Singapore, sadly most people do not realize that the Government has on many occasions made the barrier to withdrawing their CPF to a higher level all the time. From 55 ==> 62 ==> 65. The minimum sum is going up by the year and all this is meant for holding up the vast sums of our money so that funds are plentiful for their investment needs.
We have one of the biggest middle class based on salaries per capita in the world. Sadly most will realize they have nothing to pass on to their next generation with the high property prices and funds being locked up in CPF. That's why more and more capable & enterprising people of Singapore choose to migrate to other countries.
Singaporeans are too easily manipulated.
It's a fact known as "Sheeple". We're worst than sheeps. At least for sheeps, they do need a sheep dog to get us controlled. But for the Sheeple, they get the people to manipulate & strike fear amongst each other.
It's like don't do this...Don't do that... Gahment will do this & that...
That is the reason why Singapore has lost it's competitive edge in Entrepreneurship as people are more fearful of taking risks and going pass the OB Markers. What the heck are OB Markers? Why should there be OB Markers in the first place?
Remember my friends, the elected officials are here to serve the people, not the other way round. It's not the people who are supposed to please the government.
If you go back to the fundamental basics of being a person. A person should be able to live a life of their dreams. Sadly these moments are being robbed the moment they realized that in this country, a small group of people are the ones that really control the country.
If you were to ask people what their goals were...many would be clueless. Too many people their dream was to just get a good education and get a good job. Great work, the Singapore system does create a good pool of obedient workers. Only thing is that they probably didn't see what was coming.
We have graduates, not being able to find jobs because they are so sold on the story that fresh graduates could get a salary of $4,000 when this is only for a handful of scholars who joined government linked companies. Hence, they take their time to find their job. Some still jobless even after they've graduated 1 year ago.
This is a country of Good News. It's so great that all the negative news in Singapore are all filtered out. It's a Feel Good country. I am a person who believes that a Positive thought is more powerful than 100 negative ones but sometimes the reality check that comes in later would be extremely painful. That is the reason why people decide to end their lives when they see their lives shattered.
We have 6 million graduates from China asking for 150USD who can't find a job. Are you sure you are still the most qualified and most certified. The world has changed. I thank God that my mind has not been corrupted by the system due to the lack of formal education.
This has prompted me to work harder than others. The Government is slowly changing their stance by removing exam structures for secondary schools and removing exams for Pri 1 & 2. This is a good start. However, they need to undo many more of the damages that they've created.
Since Singapore is dependent on imports and produces less than 10% of the food required for the country, be prepared for an extremely difficult 1-2 years down the road if the evil conspirators are able to take control of food products.
The truth is out there. The moment you step out of the matrix, you will be utterly disgusted by what the world is coming to. Welcome to the New World Order. It has arrived.
No.1 SEO SEO Expert
is he hinting at the deadly FLIRT&DESTROY skill famed? talk big. talk deep. in reality, how authentic?
Edmond's secret letter
Originally Posted by look4edmund
Don't worry. I'm ok and it's great to be back.
Most people here are too consumed by what's happening in the local politics here to not know what's going to happen in the next few months.
Go read this post.
==> http://edmund-ng.blogspot.com/2009/0...save-your.html
The US Government has already built mass and graves and ready for in impending attack on the helpless and clueless sheep. This will hit people worldwide.
Go read up on how Bird Flu vaccine trials in Poland and many countries end up killing people.
Edmund Ng
CEO, President
the real edmund ng or another pirate copy from the master shapeshifter? is he in recluse trying to master certain deadly form of kungfu? usually he is very outspoken and loves the limelight. or was he grievously internally injured from the low groin kick deviously executed by JJ?
Originally Posted by look4edmund
Don't worry. I'm ok and it's great to be back.
Most people here are too consumed by what's happening in the local politics here to not know what's going to happen in the next few months.
Go read this post.
==> http://edmund-ng.blogspot.com/2009/0...save-your.html
The US Government has already built mass and graves and ready for in impending attack on the helpless and clueless sheep. This will hit people worldwide.
Go read up on how Bird Flu vaccine trials in Poland and many countries end up killing people.
Edmund Ng
CEO, President
the real edmund ng or another pirate copy from the master shapeshifter? is he in recluse trying to master certain deadly form of kungfu? usually he is very outspoken and loves the limelight. or was he grievously internally injured from the low groin kick deviously executed by JJ?
GOOD NEWS!! angpows for peasants again soon!!

our very good GOVSF - God Of Very Shiok Fortune :)

kiong hee huat chye!! angpow ko bei lai!! (good prosperity!! angpow coming soon!)
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 3
My Reputation:Points: 54 / Power: 0
Singapore Govt Considering Second Stimulus Package - Source (S$10 billion)
SINGAPORE (Dow Jones)--The Singapore government is considering a second stimulus package worth around S$10 billion after the economy suffered its worst contraction on record in the first quarter, a person familiar with the situation said Tuesday.
"The GDP numbers are much worse than expected. There are thoughts of another stimulus (package) but no firm decision yet," the person told Dow Jones Newswires. There is no timeline on when a decision might come, the person said, adding, "It may not happen."
Asked about the size of any supplementary package, the person said it could be "close to half" that of a S$20.5 billion package announced in January. If the government compiles an extra budget, it would likely draw on the nation's reserves again to finance the package, the person said.
The Finance Ministry had no immediate comment.
Singapore's gross domestic product plunged at an unexpectedly sharp annualized rate of 19.7% in the first three months of the year from the previous quarter, the government said Tuesday, the worst since the government began compiling comparable data in 1976.
It now expects the economy to shrink between 6% and 9% this year, far worse than the 2.4% contraction of 2001, the biggest drop since the island became independent in 1965. The government had previously forecast a full-year contraction of between 2% and 5%.
In February, Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam told the parliament that the government might have to dip into its reserves again if economic conditions deteriorate more than it has anticipated.
"We may have to make more moves (to dip into the nation's reserves) in future," Tharman said at the time.
-By Costas Paris, Dow Jones Newswires; 65 6415 4153; costas.paris@dowjones.com
Monday, April 13, 2009
special law specially for master chee
look like this law is tailor-made specially to attire chee ah juan and all his SDP public antic. many may not realise it. chee's nefarious ulterior motive is to turn singapore into what's happening in thailand now. this is his so called "peaceful" protest - the calm masking the turbulence below the water.
Singapore says new law will prevent meeting disruption
13/04/2009 05:29:00
Singapore passed a law affecting freedom of assembly on Monday it said would help prevent the sort of disruption of international meetings that caused the cancellation of a summit in Thailand last weekend.
An opposition member of parliament, however, said the rules would tighten restrictions on Singaporeans' rights.
Singapore is due to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in November.
Law Minister K Shanmugam and other government lawmakers told parliament the Public Order Bill, introduced last month, was needed to prevent trouble at such conferences.
"The backdrop of current events in Thailand, with the international leaders having to leave the conference by helicopter hurriedly, showed very tellingly the need for this legislation," he said.
Bangkok called off the summit of leaders from Southeast and East Asian countries on Saturday after anti-government protesters swarmed into the meeting's venue in the beach resort of Pattaya.
Shanmugam said the government would do everything it could to make hosting APEC, an annual gathering of leaders from 21 economies, including such economic heavy-hitters as the United States, Japan, China and Russia, a success.
"Singapore cannot afford the luxury of having this meeting disrupted," said Shanmugam. The law loosens some rules applying to indoor gatherings, but allows police to order a person to leave an area if they determine he is about to break the law.
All outdoor activities that are cause-related will need a police permit, no matter how many people are involved. That is a change from the current law requiring a permit for gatherings of five or more people.
The bill allows police to stop people from filming law enforcement if it could put officers in danger. The bill cited live media coverage of Indian police trying to rescue hostages in the Mumbai attacks last November as posing risks to the officers.
Legislator Sylvia Lim of the opposition Workers' Party told parliament the government was taking advantage of political struggle in Thailand to "justify the implementation of draconian laws to inhibit the basic rights of Singaporeans further".
"As long as this government respects and upholds democracy, the problems now we are seeing in Thailand will not happen here," said Lim, one of the three parliamentarians to vote against the bill.
"But if the government wants to tinkle with individual freedom and democracy to an oppressive level it will actually become the source of public order problems."
SINGAPORE, April 13 (Reuters)
the current political unrest is mainly due to a personal vendetta of thaksin against his rife with thai gov. it's sad that thai citizens were being made a pawn for his evil motive.
the people suffer. the economy suffer. nothing good resulted from it. ahbisit could be the answer to their economic and political woes if only he is given a chance to do his word, implement his policies and prove his worth.
if he's shown he is inadept, then maybe he should be formally ousted. there are so many leadership changes already so far only violence is the name of the game that's happening in thailand.
singaporeans should be considered blessed with our kind of gov. they should look seriously at the unrest in thailand as an example what could have happened if too many were foolishly exploited by master chee ah juan.
the seriousness of SDP's persistent public antic of bo-liaoness was playing into the master chee's evil scheme to ruin peesailand. maybe a tighter strait-jacket should be tailor-made to strap chee so as to prevent calamity from erupting unexpectedly just like what was happening now in thailand.
Singapore says new law will prevent meeting disruption
13/04/2009 05:29:00
Singapore passed a law affecting freedom of assembly on Monday it said would help prevent the sort of disruption of international meetings that caused the cancellation of a summit in Thailand last weekend.
An opposition member of parliament, however, said the rules would tighten restrictions on Singaporeans' rights.
Singapore is due to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in November.
Law Minister K Shanmugam and other government lawmakers told parliament the Public Order Bill, introduced last month, was needed to prevent trouble at such conferences.
"The backdrop of current events in Thailand, with the international leaders having to leave the conference by helicopter hurriedly, showed very tellingly the need for this legislation," he said.
Bangkok called off the summit of leaders from Southeast and East Asian countries on Saturday after anti-government protesters swarmed into the meeting's venue in the beach resort of Pattaya.
Shanmugam said the government would do everything it could to make hosting APEC, an annual gathering of leaders from 21 economies, including such economic heavy-hitters as the United States, Japan, China and Russia, a success.
"Singapore cannot afford the luxury of having this meeting disrupted," said Shanmugam. The law loosens some rules applying to indoor gatherings, but allows police to order a person to leave an area if they determine he is about to break the law.
All outdoor activities that are cause-related will need a police permit, no matter how many people are involved. That is a change from the current law requiring a permit for gatherings of five or more people.
The bill allows police to stop people from filming law enforcement if it could put officers in danger. The bill cited live media coverage of Indian police trying to rescue hostages in the Mumbai attacks last November as posing risks to the officers.
Legislator Sylvia Lim of the opposition Workers' Party told parliament the government was taking advantage of political struggle in Thailand to "justify the implementation of draconian laws to inhibit the basic rights of Singaporeans further".
"As long as this government respects and upholds democracy, the problems now we are seeing in Thailand will not happen here," said Lim, one of the three parliamentarians to vote against the bill.
"But if the government wants to tinkle with individual freedom and democracy to an oppressive level it will actually become the source of public order problems."
SINGAPORE, April 13 (Reuters)
the current political unrest is mainly due to a personal vendetta of thaksin against his rife with thai gov. it's sad that thai citizens were being made a pawn for his evil motive.
the people suffer. the economy suffer. nothing good resulted from it. ahbisit could be the answer to their economic and political woes if only he is given a chance to do his word, implement his policies and prove his worth.
if he's shown he is inadept, then maybe he should be formally ousted. there are so many leadership changes already so far only violence is the name of the game that's happening in thailand.
singaporeans should be considered blessed with our kind of gov. they should look seriously at the unrest in thailand as an example what could have happened if too many were foolishly exploited by master chee ah juan.
the seriousness of SDP's persistent public antic of bo-liaoness was playing into the master chee's evil scheme to ruin peesailand. maybe a tighter strait-jacket should be tailor-made to strap chee so as to prevent calamity from erupting unexpectedly just like what was happening now in thailand.
shocking news!!
Re: Martial arts in local politics
new discovery!! ng teck siong is father of ng ejay!!
new discovery!! ng teck siong is father of ng ejay!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
where is fattie EDMOND?

fattie edmond was dominating fine after the demise of grandmaster JBJ from the newly formed RP clan. suddenly, there was news that jbj's eldest son, ken was back to claim the father's throne. a surprising news was JJ was brought in with him. both were from very related scholarly school. ken was from CUMFREAK, engkok while JJ was from CUMFUSION, peesailand. both were great scholars in CUMFUSCIUS, a mental skill in cumfusing with weird logics.
everyone thought JJ was the master shapeshifter in SDP and already mastered some other deadly skills like the - 0uch! ouch! low groin kick - THE KATEK ELF'S DEADLY KICK acquired from the northpole's master elf during the last x'mas.
could it be that the trial of 18 clowns of which JJ was one of the vital members for this CRAZY DRAGON DEADLY 18 BLOW famed be the reason he quit SDP?
he was needed to execute this deadly skill. however, he abdicated himself to excuse himself when he most seriously needed to execute the stance. soon a couple of the team-mates bashfully also excused themselves when the duel with the kangaroos in kangaroo hill was about to commence.
CRAZY DRAGON DEADLY 18 BLOW was thus rendered harmless and useless resulting all being arrested and now standing trial in the magistrate court. (the trial was still on going. look like soon they would face the music from the famiLee.)
JJ gave reasons that he didn't have time to cope with the duel which ended up with the capture of all 18 TBTs in trial. his scholarly study in CUMFUCIUS in SCHOOL OF CUMFUSCION had cumfused him overly. it was puzzling he could have time to write so many articles and posted in many opp TIC FOR TAC site. he didn't appear too cumfused then and lack of time. strange....
just when everyone was speculating there might be a GE - GRAND ERECTION which appeared every 5 yrs when highly skilled martial arts exponents pitted their kungfu to win provinces and then rule over it for 5 yrs, JJ jumped clan. why? was he ostracised in SDP and was feeling awkard - he was first to do a topless T-shirt change, first to excuse himself for the duel....and what else first, only those within SDP clan knew better but ain't telling.
then our kungfu expert, fattie edmond who was happily sitting on the RP throne suddenly found himself sitting on the floor. who now ruled over RP was anybody's guesses? was it blurking lo-so senior ng ah teck? or maybe it was JBJ's son who had just returned from the hills of ang mo mountain range?
if edmond remained in RP, it would be a formidable formation of the NG-NG-NG : edmond ng, ng ah teck and the new member ng JJ. NG-NG-NG was a lost kungful skill. the 3 ngs could have co-operated and master this ancient deadly kungfu skill.
the adverse effect it could cause was a bloated tummy and terrible constipation. hence, NG-NG-NG.....the intense anal-retentive groanings and moanings one could heard in the attaped lavatory. when the injured was inflicted with NG-NG-NG palm blows, he would be reserved to squatting in the mozzies infested stinking lavaotory. he would have to heave and puff and forcing his chi to expel the fart and bigtime biz inflating his colons. by the time, he had successfully done that, all his internal strength would be fully drained rendering him at risk from enemies.
anyway, 2 NGs might not be as effective as 3 NGS. hence, the mystery of edmond's disappearance was puzzling. there might be more upheavaling or the presence of JJ in RP could be a undercover sent by master chee who might be scheming to usurp RP clan for himself. his SDP clan was facing financial woes. pleading for donations from peasants wasn't as smooth or effective as anticipated.
the sdppies needed big fat gold ingots taels. most peasants were hard up and badly affected by recent world economic turmoils. they had donated too ofteen their hard-earned copper shillings but the sdppies had never stopped to ask for more. it was a form of protection fees collection. now peasants realised that they were totally ineffective to improve their lives nor were sdppies helping in any way.
the last copper shilling from peasants was dried up for buying master chee's secret manual of deadly heirloom kungfu. many suffered internal injuries after trying to learn it. many had lost faith in them.
the presence of JJ now in RP might spell a new beginning to an inevitable upheaval soon in the martial arts of local politics.
stay tuned for more exciting twists and turns as the martial art kungfu rolled out more and louder drums.
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