attacks, counter attacks....targeting, victimising...flaming, defaming...etc..etc....the heroic acts of the clones deployed for the dirty works were simply amazing!!
mimicking and impersonating are specialised skills these baddies are good at. in this scheming martial world, those who claim to be goodies could just as well be the baddies once their masks of deceit are removed.
it really entertains with intrgues, twists and sudden turns, betrayals, trickeries and all the colourful excitment in some of the chinese kungfu classic novels.
when will it ask? if it ever end, another new episode and more devious plot would hatch out. such is the complexity of human nature. it never ends. how could it end when so many wanna be the leader? too many cooks spoil the broth and too many chiefs squeezed into a wigwam destroy a tribe.
whatever the events unfold, peasants must be educated to look at things more indepthly lest they would be played into their deceitful mindgame.
the truth is peesailand is too good a place and too peaceful. hence, master chee and his sdppies just couldn't wait to pepper it with some mischievious excitement.
we could play our roles. we could be participants in chee's antics or the observers and bystanders witnessing their wayang or we could be storytellers and entertain
but then what are the jobs of the comic relief clones here? well, it could be personal or they could be serious deranged losers probably having unresolved resentment or maybe they were the sdp calefares over rating themselves.
just relax. read, laugh and after that switch off. strange that some find it so hot and yet they are coming and ranting continuously.
2009.....and here we go again!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
saikongseng's turn to minibomb
gms in hk minibomb issue. steady poon pee pee!! what did master chee did?
Finance chief given report on minibonds saga
January 2, 2009 by admin
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Joyce Man, 1 Jan 2009
The banking and securities regulators handed a report on the minibonds saga to the financial secretary yesterday, three months after investors started complaining.
The Monetary Authority and the Securities and Futures Commission filed the report, on the lessons learned and issues they identified during an investigation into complaints about the Lehman Brothers-issued minibonds, to acting Financial Secretary Chan Ka-keung.
Although there has been speculation that the report would pinpoint a few banks, sources at the regulatory bodies said the securities commission’s investigation had highlighted more than 20 distributors that sold minibonds, including banks and brokers.
The report focused on the mis-selling of the investment product.
Minibonds are not corporate bonds, but consist of high-risk credit-linked derivatives. They are marketed as proxy investments in well-known companies.
Although the Monetary Authority regulates banks, it has referred all the cases to the commission for further investigation, the sources said.
The government would keep an open mind on any review of the regulatory system and on whether the city needed a single regulator for all investment products, a spokesman for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said.
He said the government would probably publish the report but that the regulators who submitted it had expressed concern that doing so would affect the ongoing investigation and any improvements to the system.
The Monetary Authority and the commission declined to comment on the report.
Meanwhile, two leaders of Singapore’s Lehman investors flew to meet their Hong Kong counterparts yesterday in the hope of finding common ground for a class action in the US.
Both the Singaporeans and Hongkongers said they were considering inviting leaders for similar investors from Taiwan to form a Southeast Asian group to mount the suit on US turf. They would probably meet again soon in Hong Kong, which had greater political freedom than Singapore, they said.
Lung Tze Kuen, a Minibond Victims Group committee member, and Goh Meng Seng, a National Solidarity Party executive council member, met Hong Kong’s Kam Nai-wai - a Democratic Party member - and Peter Chan Kwong-yue, chairman of the Allied Victims of Lehman Products.
The four investors’ leaders hope to go to the US because the legal system there provides for class action, which Hong Kong’s does not.
Mr Lung added that the jury system and contingent fee - where clients do not pay lawyers if they lose their cases - would work in the favour of investors who decided to join the suit.
They attempted to identify commonalities in the products sold in the two cities that would allow them to unite for a class action in the United States.
Mr Chan said: “The Lehman products are very similar in their basic structures, in issuer, trustee, and even the law firms that drew up their documents.”
In Singapore, about 10,000 people invested S$500 million (HK$2.69 billion) in Lehman-related investment products, of whom 8,000 purchased minibonds, Mr Lung said.
Finance chief given report on minibonds saga
January 2, 2009 by admin
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Joyce Man, 1 Jan 2009
The banking and securities regulators handed a report on the minibonds saga to the financial secretary yesterday, three months after investors started complaining.
The Monetary Authority and the Securities and Futures Commission filed the report, on the lessons learned and issues they identified during an investigation into complaints about the Lehman Brothers-issued minibonds, to acting Financial Secretary Chan Ka-keung.
Although there has been speculation that the report would pinpoint a few banks, sources at the regulatory bodies said the securities commission’s investigation had highlighted more than 20 distributors that sold minibonds, including banks and brokers.
The report focused on the mis-selling of the investment product.
Minibonds are not corporate bonds, but consist of high-risk credit-linked derivatives. They are marketed as proxy investments in well-known companies.
Although the Monetary Authority regulates banks, it has referred all the cases to the commission for further investigation, the sources said.
The government would keep an open mind on any review of the regulatory system and on whether the city needed a single regulator for all investment products, a spokesman for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said.
He said the government would probably publish the report but that the regulators who submitted it had expressed concern that doing so would affect the ongoing investigation and any improvements to the system.
The Monetary Authority and the commission declined to comment on the report.
Meanwhile, two leaders of Singapore’s Lehman investors flew to meet their Hong Kong counterparts yesterday in the hope of finding common ground for a class action in the US.
Both the Singaporeans and Hongkongers said they were considering inviting leaders for similar investors from Taiwan to form a Southeast Asian group to mount the suit on US turf. They would probably meet again soon in Hong Kong, which had greater political freedom than Singapore, they said.
Lung Tze Kuen, a Minibond Victims Group committee member, and Goh Meng Seng, a National Solidarity Party executive council member, met Hong Kong’s Kam Nai-wai - a Democratic Party member - and Peter Chan Kwong-yue, chairman of the Allied Victims of Lehman Products.
The four investors’ leaders hope to go to the US because the legal system there provides for class action, which Hong Kong’s does not.
Mr Lung added that the jury system and contingent fee - where clients do not pay lawyers if they lose their cases - would work in the favour of investors who decided to join the suit.
They attempted to identify commonalities in the products sold in the two cities that would allow them to unite for a class action in the United States.
Mr Chan said: “The Lehman products are very similar in their basic structures, in issuer, trustee, and even the law firms that drew up their documents.”
In Singapore, about 10,000 people invested S$500 million (HK$2.69 billion) in Lehman-related investment products, of whom 8,000 purchased minibonds, Mr Lung said.
internal injuries of minibomb peasants
JJ after mastering his WU DA LANG skill decided to carry the balls of chia sai. (JJ's drastic newly acquired skills dealed with balls: either kicking them or carrying them.) many peasants who foolishly being internally injured by LEHMAN minibombs were wallowing in distress. their blood money and savings vanished overnight and most vomitted blood and sufferred serious internal injuries.
another kungfu master suddenly popped up into the martial arts scene. he was none other TKL, the fame crooner of SHANGAHI BITCH who were consoling badly internally injured peasants almost every weekends at hong lim hill.
his transfer of internal energy to inflicted peasants had almost depleted his own energy battery. he needed the legal eagles kungfu masters to retrieve M$PILLs from the LEEgime's con-banks to fully heal the injured peasants. without that, peasants would have to live the rest of their lives sustaining this chronic injury with daily whinnings.
TKL was trying to gather a cohort of martial arts exponents. he planned to be PRESIDENTO or 武林门主 of peesailand if only 100K peasants would put their thumbprints and vouch to support him. so far, they ran out of ink. the endorsed thumbprints was a far cry from the figure tkl wanted.
chia sai seeing this opportunity was beckoning to tkl that he was one of the legal eagle expert who could aid him. tkl must have missed him obviously when lamui kept sending F&D signals. realising that, JJ was deployed to hint his intention to tkl.
would tkl TAC chia sai's TIT? would they combine force to retrieve $MPILLS so that the injured peasants by the minibombs would recover fully?
it would be a uphill task now. somewhere in a distant land, HK, another local kungfu expert, gohmengseng were invited there by their LEGCO rulers to discuss about the minibomb hkies.
ramseth is now the spokesman for gms in this report here:
another kungfu master suddenly popped up into the martial arts scene. he was none other TKL, the fame crooner of SHANGAHI BITCH who were consoling badly internally injured peasants almost every weekends at hong lim hill.
his transfer of internal energy to inflicted peasants had almost depleted his own energy battery. he needed the legal eagles kungfu masters to retrieve M$PILLs from the LEEgime's con-banks to fully heal the injured peasants. without that, peasants would have to live the rest of their lives sustaining this chronic injury with daily whinnings.
TKL was trying to gather a cohort of martial arts exponents. he planned to be PRESIDENTO or 武林门主 of peesailand if only 100K peasants would put their thumbprints and vouch to support him. so far, they ran out of ink. the endorsed thumbprints was a far cry from the figure tkl wanted.
chia sai seeing this opportunity was beckoning to tkl that he was one of the legal eagle expert who could aid him. tkl must have missed him obviously when lamui kept sending F&D signals. realising that, JJ was deployed to hint his intention to tkl.
would tkl TAC chia sai's TIT? would they combine force to retrieve $MPILLS so that the injured peasants by the minibombs would recover fully?
it would be a uphill task now. somewhere in a distant land, HK, another local kungfu expert, gohmengseng were invited there by their LEGCO rulers to discuss about the minibomb hkies.
ramseth is now the spokesman for gms in this report here:
chia sai, the minibomb healer (?)
chia sai offered to heal minibomb peasants
Written by Ng E-Jay
31 December 2008
In his final rally for structured products investors held at Speaker’s Corner on Sat 27 Dec 08, Mr Tan Kin Lian reflected that he had experienced grave difficulties procuring legal assistance for investors who were in the midst of considering whether to initiate a class action lawsuit against the errant financial institutions.
This is in stark contrast to Ms Sylvia Lim’s (Chairman of Worker’s Party) assertion at the IBA Conference in 2007 that WP has no problem finding lawyers — perhaps Ms Lim should step forward to help rope in lawyers for Mr Tan.
Many senior lawyers whom Mr Tan Kin Lian spoke to were too afraid to step forward to provide legal aid or to represent investors because of their ties with the financial institutions. They were fearful of offending the banks, thinking that if they helped investors, the banks might cut them off.
Other lawyers whom Mr Tan has known personally for 10-20 years have also responded negatively to him, citing issues with compensation. These lawyers would not spend the time to read the prospectus and research into the case without first receiving payment, which can be very expensive.
This prompted me earlier to make the following comments: “Has civic-mindedness and social responsibility gone completely out of the window? Are Singapore lawyers so afraid for their livelihood that they do not dare to assist fellow citizens in times of need, or are they so materialistic and caught up in the rat race that they refuse to even spend a little time researching the cases to see if they can be fought in Court? The attitudes of Singapore lawyers are truly disappointing. With our legal profession having castrated itself, no wonder the authorities dare to wayang and deny Singaporeans their basic rights.”
However, at least one more lawyer has expressed his willingness to fight for Singaporean investors, if he had been approached by Mr Tan Kin Lian. He is none other than Chia Ti Lik, my buddy who helps me with this blog,, from time to time.
When I asked Ti Lik if he would be willing to take up these cases and whether he, like so many other lawyers, was afraid of the authorities, Ti Lik answered: “I was not approached. I am willing to take up the case. TKL did not approach me. Afraid of the Administration? — You must be joking!”
Chia Ti Lik is a litigation lawyer who is also a political and civil activist. By his actions and his willingness to stand up to the authorities, he has shown that he is not afraid to walk the talk. I am sure that if he had been approached by Mr Tan Kin Lian to take up a class action lawsuit on behalf of investors, he would have been more than willing to do so.
Perhaps Mr Tan should have cast his net wider.
Or perhaps, Mr Tan should have looked beyond the prejudices which other people have pulled over his eyes.
Written by Ng E-Jay
31 December 2008
In his final rally for structured products investors held at Speaker’s Corner on Sat 27 Dec 08, Mr Tan Kin Lian reflected that he had experienced grave difficulties procuring legal assistance for investors who were in the midst of considering whether to initiate a class action lawsuit against the errant financial institutions.
This is in stark contrast to Ms Sylvia Lim’s (Chairman of Worker’s Party) assertion at the IBA Conference in 2007 that WP has no problem finding lawyers — perhaps Ms Lim should step forward to help rope in lawyers for Mr Tan.
Many senior lawyers whom Mr Tan Kin Lian spoke to were too afraid to step forward to provide legal aid or to represent investors because of their ties with the financial institutions. They were fearful of offending the banks, thinking that if they helped investors, the banks might cut them off.
Other lawyers whom Mr Tan has known personally for 10-20 years have also responded negatively to him, citing issues with compensation. These lawyers would not spend the time to read the prospectus and research into the case without first receiving payment, which can be very expensive.
This prompted me earlier to make the following comments: “Has civic-mindedness and social responsibility gone completely out of the window? Are Singapore lawyers so afraid for their livelihood that they do not dare to assist fellow citizens in times of need, or are they so materialistic and caught up in the rat race that they refuse to even spend a little time researching the cases to see if they can be fought in Court? The attitudes of Singapore lawyers are truly disappointing. With our legal profession having castrated itself, no wonder the authorities dare to wayang and deny Singaporeans their basic rights.”
However, at least one more lawyer has expressed his willingness to fight for Singaporean investors, if he had been approached by Mr Tan Kin Lian. He is none other than Chia Ti Lik, my buddy who helps me with this blog,, from time to time.
When I asked Ti Lik if he would be willing to take up these cases and whether he, like so many other lawyers, was afraid of the authorities, Ti Lik answered: “I was not approached. I am willing to take up the case. TKL did not approach me. Afraid of the Administration? — You must be joking!”
Chia Ti Lik is a litigation lawyer who is also a political and civil activist. By his actions and his willingness to stand up to the authorities, he has shown that he is not afraid to walk the talk. I am sure that if he had been approached by Mr Tan Kin Lian to take up a class action lawsuit on behalf of investors, he would have been more than willing to do so.
Perhaps Mr Tan should have cast his net wider.
Or perhaps, Mr Tan should have looked beyond the prejudices which other people have pulled over his eyes.
fattie john's TIT mastery in jail
fattie john had indeed mastered the lost ancient skill of TIT - Telepathic Info Transmission during his recluse in QRP resorts. ang mo lau kaus from the nearby island of oz had picked up his signals using their unique TAC or Telepathy Absorbing Capability.
ideally, TIT blended well with TAC. the ang mo lau kaus were mesmerised or simply put it - CONNED to a fried blain! why did the lau kaus so interested in peesailand's martial arts in local politic? why??
again, fattie john couldn't apply his TIT to the peasants' local TAC. why again? was john's TIT was too big for local TAC to penetrate? maybe. maybe that's explained why chee's clan needed the dogs to do the job then again, dogs weren't peasants' staple. had they used meesiam without hums or nasi lemak with lots of sambal, perhaps, their TITs would penetrate peasants' TACs.
it was destined to fail....whatever master chee plotted, there were always loopholes. this time the matas were too busy to be drawn into their devious scheme. it was such a year's last day blessing in disguise - for the matas and peesailand that is.
no wonder the SHIT TIMES didn't even report their non-event. mediacorpse was totally oblivion to it. no one bothered except for their own diehards blainwashed disciples, followers and the freebies-loaders who got to tau pau the excessive dogs leftovers to last them for 1 week's breakfast
Here is the transcript.
ideally, TIT blended well with TAC. the ang mo lau kaus were mesmerised or simply put it - CONNED to a fried blain! why did the lau kaus so interested in peesailand's martial arts in local politic? why??
again, fattie john couldn't apply his TIT to the peasants' local TAC. why again? was john's TIT was too big for local TAC to penetrate? maybe. maybe that's explained why chee's clan needed the dogs to do the job then again, dogs weren't peasants' staple. had they used meesiam without hums or nasi lemak with lots of sambal, perhaps, their TITs would penetrate peasants' TACs.
it was destined to fail....whatever master chee plotted, there were always loopholes. this time the matas were too busy to be drawn into their devious scheme. it was such a year's last day blessing in disguise - for the matas and peesailand that is.
no wonder the SHIT TIMES didn't even report their non-event. mediacorpse was totally oblivion to it. no one bothered except for their own diehards blainwashed disciples, followers and the freebies-loaders who got to tau pau the excessive dogs leftovers to last them for 1 week's breakfast
Here is the transcript.
2008 SDPPY GETAI NITE - where are the ang mos?
irrelevant to most but relevant to some - a quote from the blurqueen TSR111:
highlight for the new year eve sdp getai nite.
chin chin would sing her love song rasquedoing her pipa. she would dedicate and serenade her secret love hinting to fattie john. too bad fattie was married, if not it would be THE HILLS ARE ABLAZE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC for chin chin.
her next renditon would be another hinting love song to chia sai. as a satire she would borrow lamui's natural organic pak kut or ribs as the human pipa for this next number. seriously, that song would really mean business
a dejected kungfu senior, uncleyap would stage his version of love song: a love lost after he was bitten by chin chin during the kangaroocourt duel. the title of his song sorely called: MAMA MIA, U LEFT UR TEETH MARKS ON MY BUTT! to aid uncleyap hit the high octave at the ending with: "and i will always love (high pitch shrill)....!!", chin chin would have to bite his other butt.
chia sai would be next in a dance performance, LET'S LA MAMBA. no, no...he wasn't letting out his black mamba. he was merely doing the "grooves and the smooves". in accompaniment, chin chin and lamui would groove along in threesome sexy smooves, each trying to bum-bum out the other from the stage. hmmm...a silent battle of the bony bums to win a LA MAMBA hump. whatever that is...just use your wildest imagination!
if tkl turned up, he would definitely sing his SHANGHAI BITCH...."long kar! long tao...luan long ka pa ling tao....!" translated would be: bang legs, bang heads...bang until upside down.
such a croaking night, how could master chee be left out. well, u guess it. it would be AMAZING DIS-GRACE for chee's number.....
finale closing group rendition: WE ARE THE WORLD....we are the clowns...we are the idiots of peesaitown....
when the music, or noises whichever u take it, had stopped, it was awfully quiet with only the crickets and katydids chorussing away. the dogs, chips and buns were gone and so was the crowd heading towards the nearby clarke quay for another FREE NEW YEAR EVE PARTY.
and the clock strikes 12 midnight....and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 EVERYONE!!
the ang mo lau kaus were missing!!
did the lau kaus (monkeys) were also caught and minced with the stray dogs churning them out hotdogs for the sdppy ny eve feast?
yep! about 100 peasants turned out. that included the chiefs of different martial sects. master chee turned the event to into a tribute to the late JBJ. and it was new year's eve. my god!! the creativity they could exploit!
the new chiefy of RP sect, EH BO mimic chee's clan. they sold T-shirts, books and etc just like the sdpies disciples. wonder whether they barter traded among each other?
tkl was there to belt out his forever SHANGHAI BITCH which burst their cheapskate amplifier by his rendition of "long tau....long kar ...long kar par ling tao..."
well, it was new year's eve. there were other free celebrations in vivocity, marina bay, clarke quay, boat quay and other heartlander RC. all the matas were deployed. sadly - and fortunately, none paid much attention to the chee's clan.
while the orgasm of the night was thunderous mesmerising fireworks, master chee's orgasm was "fix SINGPORE...FIX the bloody SINGAPORE!!". he was yelling when his disciples laid out "FREE SINGAPORE" using lighted candles and half of the candles forming the S wasn't lit up.
a pal who was there had this to report: JJ sang a number. he must have used too much of his internal energy. after his performance, he was ravish and gulped dozens of hotdogs downing it with barrels of orange juices (syrup plus tap water not the freshly squeezed one)
meanwhile the sinister AVANTAS - the shadowy solitary ninja from the WAYANG CLAN notorious for trouble-making was greatly disappointed. so intense his disappointment cos he wasn't acknowledged or invited to sing, he went on a spree of harrassing old uncles and aunites at PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE - a place where the god of fortune dwelled...
Buying 4D and Toto !! How can anybody beat that ??
Let’s walk over and ask them some questions:
wayangparty: “Ah Pek, how are you ? Are you going for SDP’s countdown later ?”
Ah Pek: “Huh ? Simi taiji ? What countdown ? Don’t disturb me, you will chase my fortune god away !”
wayangparty: “Ah Soh, have you heard of SDP’s event this evening at Hong Lim Park ?”
Ah Soh: “What does SDP stand for huh ?”
wayangparty: “Hello, auntie, do you know about SDP’s countdown today at Hong Lim Park ?”
Auntie: “SDP ? The one led by Dr Chee ? Shoo…shoo, go away.”
that ended temporarily 2008 MARTIAL ARTS IN LOCAL POLITCS.
part 2 would definitely continue in 2009. stay tuned!
highlight for the new year eve sdp getai nite.
chin chin would sing her love song rasquedoing her pipa. she would dedicate and serenade her secret love hinting to fattie john. too bad fattie was married, if not it would be THE HILLS ARE ABLAZE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC for chin chin.
her next renditon would be another hinting love song to chia sai. as a satire she would borrow lamui's natural organic pak kut or ribs as the human pipa for this next number. seriously, that song would really mean business
a dejected kungfu senior, uncleyap would stage his version of love song: a love lost after he was bitten by chin chin during the kangaroocourt duel. the title of his song sorely called: MAMA MIA, U LEFT UR TEETH MARKS ON MY BUTT! to aid uncleyap hit the high octave at the ending with: "and i will always love (high pitch shrill)....!!", chin chin would have to bite his other butt.
chia sai would be next in a dance performance, LET'S LA MAMBA. no, no...he wasn't letting out his black mamba. he was merely doing the "grooves and the smooves". in accompaniment, chin chin and lamui would groove along in threesome sexy smooves, each trying to bum-bum out the other from the stage. hmmm...a silent battle of the bony bums to win a LA MAMBA hump. whatever that is...just use your wildest imagination!
if tkl turned up, he would definitely sing his SHANGHAI BITCH...."long kar! long tao...luan long ka pa ling tao....!" translated would be: bang legs, bang heads...bang until upside down.
such a croaking night, how could master chee be left out. well, u guess it. it would be AMAZING DIS-GRACE for chee's number.....
finale closing group rendition: WE ARE THE WORLD....we are the clowns...we are the idiots of peesaitown....
when the music, or noises whichever u take it, had stopped, it was awfully quiet with only the crickets and katydids chorussing away. the dogs, chips and buns were gone and so was the crowd heading towards the nearby clarke quay for another FREE NEW YEAR EVE PARTY.
and the clock strikes 12 midnight....and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 EVERYONE!!
the ang mo lau kaus were missing!!
did the lau kaus (monkeys) were also caught and minced with the stray dogs churning them out hotdogs for the sdppy ny eve feast?
yep! about 100 peasants turned out. that included the chiefs of different martial sects. master chee turned the event to into a tribute to the late JBJ. and it was new year's eve. my god!! the creativity they could exploit!
the new chiefy of RP sect, EH BO mimic chee's clan. they sold T-shirts, books and etc just like the sdpies disciples. wonder whether they barter traded among each other?
tkl was there to belt out his forever SHANGHAI BITCH which burst their cheapskate amplifier by his rendition of "long tau....long kar ...long kar par ling tao..."
well, it was new year's eve. there were other free celebrations in vivocity, marina bay, clarke quay, boat quay and other heartlander RC. all the matas were deployed. sadly - and fortunately, none paid much attention to the chee's clan.
while the orgasm of the night was thunderous mesmerising fireworks, master chee's orgasm was "fix SINGPORE...FIX the bloody SINGAPORE!!". he was yelling when his disciples laid out "FREE SINGAPORE" using lighted candles and half of the candles forming the S wasn't lit up.
a pal who was there had this to report: JJ sang a number. he must have used too much of his internal energy. after his performance, he was ravish and gulped dozens of hotdogs downing it with barrels of orange juices (syrup plus tap water not the freshly squeezed one)
meanwhile the sinister AVANTAS - the shadowy solitary ninja from the WAYANG CLAN notorious for trouble-making was greatly disappointed. so intense his disappointment cos he wasn't acknowledged or invited to sing, he went on a spree of harrassing old uncles and aunites at PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE - a place where the god of fortune dwelled...
Buying 4D and Toto !! How can anybody beat that ??
Let’s walk over and ask them some questions:
wayangparty: “Ah Pek, how are you ? Are you going for SDP’s countdown later ?”
Ah Pek: “Huh ? Simi taiji ? What countdown ? Don’t disturb me, you will chase my fortune god away !”
wayangparty: “Ah Soh, have you heard of SDP’s event this evening at Hong Lim Park ?”
Ah Soh: “What does SDP stand for huh ?”
wayangparty: “Hello, auntie, do you know about SDP’s countdown today at Hong Lim Park ?”
Auntie: “SDP ? The one led by Dr Chee ? Shoo…shoo, go away.”
that ended temporarily 2008 MARTIAL ARTS IN LOCAL POLITCS.
part 2 would definitely continue in 2009. stay tuned!
secret admiration
Monday, 29 December 2008
Chee Siok Chin
I first met John in September of 2006 during our three-day standoff at Hong Lim Park with the police. He had heard about our rally and march on September 16 and came to lend his support.
I remember him staying on into the wee hours of the morning with us that first day. He came every day subsequently and buoyed our spirits by encouraging us. He had brought refreshments and little things like raincoats and toiletries that would make our stand-off less taxing.
He has since been one of the most active members of the party as well as a dedicated practitioner of Nonviolent Action.
That's John Tan.
The mettle in this man is inspirational. On the morning that he found out that James Cooke University had suspended him, John broke the news to me over brunch. I was angry for him. That was evident especially in my language. It wasn't quite French, but still...
John, on the other hand was cool, composed and very "head" about it. Getting fired from one's job is a big enough blow for anyone who is the sole-bread winner in a family of five. Getting fired unjustly is downright infuriating.
But John never once expressed any anger or ill-will towards those who were responsible for his suspension. Instead of lamenting and complaining, our conversation was steered by him to talking about possibilities and opportunities that would arise from this situation.
It dawned on me that I was upset than he was. Instead of my helping to bring comfort to him, John's steadiness and refusal to succumb to bitterness served to console me.
This was the same reaction when he received the 15-day imprisonment judgement. John had argued before High Court Judge Judith Prakash that his wearing of the kangaroo t-shirt was a matter of self-expression and fair criticism of the way her colleague Belinda Ang had presided over the Lees vs Chees defamation suit.
Some of us put our arms around him and tried to offer some consolation when we met immediately afterwards, but there was no hint of anxiety or resentment in this man. Sure he thought the judge shouldn't have found him guilty for contempt of court in the first place, but he accepted the sentence without any doom or gloom.
That's John Tan.
About a half a dozen of us took him out for lunch the day he was to surrender himself at the High Court to serve his sentence, but it was John who paid for our lunch.
He ordered a big meal and we joked about that being his last edible meal for the next two weeks (especially difficult for him as he is a fantastic cook).
Although he wasn't looking forward to spending the next two weeks in jail, he was upbeat, positive and confident.
John will be released on Tuesday morning, 30 December. While most of us are merry-making over the Christmas period, he is spending that time in a tiny cell. But despite this, I'm certain his conviction to his struggle against the self-serving PAP and to bring greater justice and freedom to Singaporeans will only grow from strength to strength.
That's John Tan.
John Tan, Asst Secretary-General of the SDP, will be released from Queenstwon Prison at 9.30am on 30 Dec 08 (Tue). He was sentenced to 15 days imprisonment for wearing a t-shirt with a kangaroo in a judge's gown during the defamation hearing between Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore Democrats. Two other activists, Shafi'ie and Isrizal, were both sentenced for 7-days jail. They were released on 18 Dec 08.
Chee Siok Chin
I first met John in September of 2006 during our three-day standoff at Hong Lim Park with the police. He had heard about our rally and march on September 16 and came to lend his support.
I remember him staying on into the wee hours of the morning with us that first day. He came every day subsequently and buoyed our spirits by encouraging us. He had brought refreshments and little things like raincoats and toiletries that would make our stand-off less taxing.
He has since been one of the most active members of the party as well as a dedicated practitioner of Nonviolent Action.
That's John Tan.
The mettle in this man is inspirational. On the morning that he found out that James Cooke University had suspended him, John broke the news to me over brunch. I was angry for him. That was evident especially in my language. It wasn't quite French, but still...
John, on the other hand was cool, composed and very "head" about it. Getting fired from one's job is a big enough blow for anyone who is the sole-bread winner in a family of five. Getting fired unjustly is downright infuriating.
But John never once expressed any anger or ill-will towards those who were responsible for his suspension. Instead of lamenting and complaining, our conversation was steered by him to talking about possibilities and opportunities that would arise from this situation.
It dawned on me that I was upset than he was. Instead of my helping to bring comfort to him, John's steadiness and refusal to succumb to bitterness served to console me.
This was the same reaction when he received the 15-day imprisonment judgement. John had argued before High Court Judge Judith Prakash that his wearing of the kangaroo t-shirt was a matter of self-expression and fair criticism of the way her colleague Belinda Ang had presided over the Lees vs Chees defamation suit.
Some of us put our arms around him and tried to offer some consolation when we met immediately afterwards, but there was no hint of anxiety or resentment in this man. Sure he thought the judge shouldn't have found him guilty for contempt of court in the first place, but he accepted the sentence without any doom or gloom.
That's John Tan.
About a half a dozen of us took him out for lunch the day he was to surrender himself at the High Court to serve his sentence, but it was John who paid for our lunch.
He ordered a big meal and we joked about that being his last edible meal for the next two weeks (especially difficult for him as he is a fantastic cook).
Although he wasn't looking forward to spending the next two weeks in jail, he was upbeat, positive and confident.
John will be released on Tuesday morning, 30 December. While most of us are merry-making over the Christmas period, he is spending that time in a tiny cell. But despite this, I'm certain his conviction to his struggle against the self-serving PAP and to bring greater justice and freedom to Singaporeans will only grow from strength to strength.
That's John Tan.
John Tan, Asst Secretary-General of the SDP, will be released from Queenstwon Prison at 9.30am on 30 Dec 08 (Tue). He was sentenced to 15 days imprisonment for wearing a t-shirt with a kangaroo in a judge's gown during the defamation hearing between Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore Democrats. Two other activists, Shafi'ie and Isrizal, were both sentenced for 7-days jail. They were released on 18 Dec 08.
master chee & his hotdogs
2 more days to go for D-DAY or doggie day
the uncanny calm preluded the land. stray dogs seemed to be rare now. had sdppies gather enough dogs for D-DAY? what about the buns that clasped the dog. A&W have corny dogs. would chee's clan come up with their own version of dogs....maybe the HORNY DOGS??
as the weather grew colder each day, dogs that were hot would be delighting relish to hungry peasants that were increasing. have the sdppies gathered enough dogs?
oh dogs, dogs....ever so hot!!
could master chee do a jesus' fish & bread trick that fed thousands and with leftovers enough to tau pau back?
another problem. if there were plenty of dogs n buns and not enough peasants present as anticipated, what would happen to their dogs?? and don't we forget the wet weathers.....
the uncanny calm preluded the land. stray dogs seemed to be rare now. had sdppies gather enough dogs for D-DAY? what about the buns that clasped the dog. A&W have corny dogs. would chee's clan come up with their own version of dogs....maybe the HORNY DOGS??
as the weather grew colder each day, dogs that were hot would be delighting relish to hungry peasants that were increasing. have the sdppies gathered enough dogs?
oh dogs, dogs....ever so hot!!
could master chee do a jesus' fish & bread trick that fed thousands and with leftovers enough to tau pau back?
another problem. if there were plenty of dogs n buns and not enough peasants present as anticipated, what would happen to their dogs?? and don't we forget the wet weathers.....
year end getai from master chee
the dogs, the dogs....are they hot?!!
4 more days and it would be showtime soon for chee's clan. have they gathered all the dogs and the buns? are all the chips up??
what other original songs they are going to ruin and defame? most importantly, would their early getai be on?
man propose; heave dispose.
what if there would be a heavy downpour? then how....and a BOW- WOW!!?? finally would it be a 'peaceful' one or the intrusion of matas. yes again. they appear to be ilLEEGALLY out of place in a LEEgal venue - the bbq, the pasar malam sales of kungfu manuals and unauthorised 7th mth getai.
4 more days and it would be showtime soon for chee's clan. have they gathered all the dogs and the buns? are all the chips up??
what other original songs they are going to ruin and defame? most importantly, would their early getai be on?
man propose; heave dispose.
what if there would be a heavy downpour? then how....and a BOW- WOW!!?? finally would it be a 'peaceful' one or the intrusion of matas. yes again. they appear to be ilLEEGALLY out of place in a LEEgal venue - the bbq, the pasar malam sales of kungfu manuals and unauthorised 7th mth getai.
pipaist needed urgently!
pipaists needed for SDP's schemed new year's eve party
chee's clan sent out an appeal for pipa players to perform for their new yr's eve party. no kidding!!
first, it was barbequeing doggies. next was some pasar malam sales for master chee's secret kungfu manuals. and now, pipaists needed to enhance the mood.....what a joke!!
honglim hill was a place meant to loudhail about opinions for distress peasants to unwind and let out their pent-up voices. trying to burn down the hill, doing business or having an early 7th month getai there were definitely a no-no.
would the LEEgime be alerted and their lackeys of matas be deployed to stop it? was all this already schemed and plotted by master chee - again in anticipation to be arrested? another upheavaling drama unfolding soon - the grand finale for the last day of 2008?
the supportive ang mo lau kaus would be there. if such an ugly scene were to be replayed, they definitely would be misled and conned into confirming what untrue infos fed to them. then it would be deja vu! human rights, sdppies being marked, leegime out to annihilate master chee and his entire sdppies clan...etc, etc....all within the evil anticipation of master chee.
chee's clan sent out an appeal for pipa players to perform for their new yr's eve party. no kidding!!
first, it was barbequeing doggies. next was some pasar malam sales for master chee's secret kungfu manuals. and now, pipaists needed to enhance the mood.....what a joke!!
honglim hill was a place meant to loudhail about opinions for distress peasants to unwind and let out their pent-up voices. trying to burn down the hill, doing business or having an early 7th month getai there were definitely a no-no.
would the LEEgime be alerted and their lackeys of matas be deployed to stop it? was all this already schemed and plotted by master chee - again in anticipation to be arrested? another upheavaling drama unfolding soon - the grand finale for the last day of 2008?
the supportive ang mo lau kaus would be there. if such an ugly scene were to be replayed, they definitely would be misled and conned into confirming what untrue infos fed to them. then it would be deja vu! human rights, sdppies being marked, leegime out to annihilate master chee and his entire sdppies clan...etc, etc....all within the evil anticipation of master chee.
JJ's elfy kungfu stance
discovery of the secret lost manual that would counteract the sdppies nonsense and pretty much haywired kungfu!!
master chee realised that his secret deadly stance was neutralised by the mysterious chilvarous hero's LOST MANUAL OF UNCHEEISM. after an urgent confidential meeting with his aiya beloved disciple of lamui and chia sai, he decided to expose to the world his other family secret heirloom of another deadly kungfu. JJ, the disgruntled disciple took a break to ICELAND to mingle with elves and to learn their special skill of WU DA LANG - the dwarfing deadly kungfu that hit at a man's most painful organ due to the advantage of height.
during his stray dogs and mantou party on new year's eve at honglim hill, he decided to exploit the situation. instead of giving away free as a late christmas gift, he decided to fleece the peasants. after the peasants had eaten his dogs peppered with the highest level of FLIRT&DESTROY, most of them would be under their spell. they would be gladb to give master chee their hard-earned taels in exchange for his deadly heirloom kungfu manual, CHEEISM - secret for longevity, prosperity and longkangivity....whatever the last one supposed to mean
2009, JJ would be back after mastering the elf's deadly unique kungfu called WU DA LANG. his foes, critics and stalkers have better beware of their precious family heirloom jewels cos this deadly technique was meant to "dwarf" the adversary to JJ's stature when he swiftly executed it sharply in between the legs. those high kicks never miss a dun pray pray with JJ after jan 15, 09
not to be outdone by JJ's new WU DA LANG deadly skill, lamui stole a few strokes from him. she came out with her new version of her own PANG JIN LIAN SLAP SLAP kungfu. watch this:
master chee realised that his secret deadly stance was neutralised by the mysterious chilvarous hero's LOST MANUAL OF UNCHEEISM. after an urgent confidential meeting with his aiya beloved disciple of lamui and chia sai, he decided to expose to the world his other family secret heirloom of another deadly kungfu. JJ, the disgruntled disciple took a break to ICELAND to mingle with elves and to learn their special skill of WU DA LANG - the dwarfing deadly kungfu that hit at a man's most painful organ due to the advantage of height.
during his stray dogs and mantou party on new year's eve at honglim hill, he decided to exploit the situation. instead of giving away free as a late christmas gift, he decided to fleece the peasants. after the peasants had eaten his dogs peppered with the highest level of FLIRT&DESTROY, most of them would be under their spell. they would be gladb to give master chee their hard-earned taels in exchange for his deadly heirloom kungfu manual, CHEEISM - secret for longevity, prosperity and longkangivity....whatever the last one supposed to mean
2009, JJ would be back after mastering the elf's deadly unique kungfu called WU DA LANG. his foes, critics and stalkers have better beware of their precious family heirloom jewels cos this deadly technique was meant to "dwarf" the adversary to JJ's stature when he swiftly executed it sharply in between the legs. those high kicks never miss a dun pray pray with JJ after jan 15, 09
not to be outdone by JJ's new WU DA LANG deadly skill, lamui stole a few strokes from him. she came out with her new version of her own PANG JIN LIAN SLAP SLAP kungfu. watch this:
discovery of lost kungfu manual
discovery of the secret lost manual that would counteract the sdppies nonsense and pretty much haywired kungfu!!
master chee realised that his secret deadly stance was neutralised by the mysterious chilvarous hero's LOST MANUAL OF UNCHEEISM. after an urgent confidential meeting with his aiya beloved disciple of lamui and chia sai, he decided to expose to the world his other family secret heirloom of another deadly kungfu. JJ, the disgruntled disciple took a break to ICELAND to mingle with elves and to learn their special skill of WU DA LANG - the dwarfing deadly kungfu that hit at a man's most painful organ due to the advantage of height.
during his stray dogs and mantou party on new year's eve at honglim hill, he decided to exploit the situation. instead of giving away free as a late christmas gift, he decided to fleece the peasants. after the peasants had eaten his dogs peppered with the highest level of FLIRT&DESTROY, most of them would be under their spell. they would be gladb to give master chee their hard-earned taels in exchange for his deadly heirloom kungfu manual, CHEEISM - secret for longevity, prosperity and longkangivity....whatever the last one supposed to mean
master chee realised that his secret deadly stance was neutralised by the mysterious chilvarous hero's LOST MANUAL OF UNCHEEISM. after an urgent confidential meeting with his aiya beloved disciple of lamui and chia sai, he decided to expose to the world his other family secret heirloom of another deadly kungfu. JJ, the disgruntled disciple took a break to ICELAND to mingle with elves and to learn their special skill of WU DA LANG - the dwarfing deadly kungfu that hit at a man's most painful organ due to the advantage of height.
during his stray dogs and mantou party on new year's eve at honglim hill, he decided to exploit the situation. instead of giving away free as a late christmas gift, he decided to fleece the peasants. after the peasants had eaten his dogs peppered with the highest level of FLIRT&DESTROY, most of them would be under their spell. they would be gladb to give master chee their hard-earned taels in exchange for his deadly heirloom kungfu manual, CHEEISM - secret for longevity, prosperity and longkangivity....whatever the last one supposed to mean
and the end of 2008
come new year eve, chee clan would be holding a party at honglim hill. behind this facet of celebrating a new year hid a devious brainwashing skill which master chee had mastered after recovering from the internal injury inflicted by the the kangaroos in a deadly duel at kangaroo hill. coupled with lamui's hidden devastating FLIRT&DESTROY stance now powered by chia sai enhanced telepathic info transmission, TIT, attending peasants were unwittingly in for a surprise. to entice and seduce more gullible hungry peasants, they would slaughter stray dogs and serving it hot - bones, furs and whatever all chipped in.
however, unknown to sdppies, their evil scheme was discovered by another unknown chilvarous hero. "Beware of the songs...beware of the lyrics...beware and more beware...." was the message he pyschicly transmitted to many peasants.....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Guitarists to lead Brainwashing songs
The SDP is seeking guitarists to perform for free for their event. They would be playing three songs (see lyrics below) - Imagine, You Raise Me Up, Auld Lang Syne - to brainwash party activists and the public.
I have skimmed through the lyrics and highlighted parts of it to illustrate my points.
John Lennon - Imagine
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace ----> contradicts Protests in front of Parliament House by TBT18
You may say that I'm a dreamer ---> Yeah! Dreaming without concrete grassroots action
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions ---> Then why get so worked up over economic recession?
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up ==> Read "You" as "SDP"
(This is the brainwashing part of the night, where SDP becomes a supreme body that raised people up)
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
Auld Lang Syne
And for auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne,
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind? --> "Yes they should," answers the SDP. Read how 3 of them betrayed the rest.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' auld lang syne.
And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp!
And surely I'll be mine!
And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes
And pu'd the gowans fine;
But we've wander'd mony a weary foot
Sin auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl'd i' the burn,
Frae mornin' sun till dine;
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin auld lang syne.
And there's a hand, my trusty fiere!
And gie's a hand o' thine!
And we'll tak a right guid willy waught,
For auld lang syne.
Say no to SDP propaganda.
however, unknown to sdppies, their evil scheme was discovered by another unknown chilvarous hero. "Beware of the songs...beware of the lyrics...beware and more beware...." was the message he pyschicly transmitted to many peasants.....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Guitarists to lead Brainwashing songs
The SDP is seeking guitarists to perform for free for their event. They would be playing three songs (see lyrics below) - Imagine, You Raise Me Up, Auld Lang Syne - to brainwash party activists and the public.
I have skimmed through the lyrics and highlighted parts of it to illustrate my points.
John Lennon - Imagine
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace ----> contradicts Protests in front of Parliament House by TBT18
You may say that I'm a dreamer ---> Yeah! Dreaming without concrete grassroots action
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions ---> Then why get so worked up over economic recession?
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up ==> Read "You" as "SDP"
(This is the brainwashing part of the night, where SDP becomes a supreme body that raised people up)
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
Auld Lang Syne
And for auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne,
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind? --> "Yes they should," answers the SDP. Read how 3 of them betrayed the rest.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' auld lang syne.
And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp!
And surely I'll be mine!
And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes
And pu'd the gowans fine;
But we've wander'd mony a weary foot
Sin auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl'd i' the burn,
Frae mornin' sun till dine;
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin auld lang syne.
And there's a hand, my trusty fiere!
And gie's a hand o' thine!
And we'll tak a right guid willy waught,
For auld lang syne.
Say no to SDP propaganda.
invasion of ang mo lau kaus
more ang mo lau kau criticises the duel at kangaroo wonder new year eve, chee's clan is celebrating with them by feeding the ang mos with free hotdogs and chips. why can't we have mee siam - mai hums - or nasi lemak with extra sambal chilli>
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Gary Slapper
Times Online
Three men in Singapore are jailed for contempt of court after protesting a libel ruling
Three men in Singapore have been jailed for contempt of court for wearing T-shirts picturing a kangaroo dressed as a judge.
A “kangaroo court” is an unfair tribunal that disregards proper procedure. (The term originated in the 1849 Californian gold rush, to which many Australians had travelled). The three men involved in the T-shirt protest were prosecuted for a form of contempt known as “scandalising the judiciary” on the grounds that it was the worst insult that could be levelled at the judicial system.
The men are members of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), which had been found liable for defaming the Prime Minister and a government minister. It was at a hearing to determine damages in that case that the men staged their T-shirt protest.
At their subsequent contempt trial, they were given an opportunity to apologise for their insinuation and to withdraw it but they declined to do so. They told the court that the T-shirt they wore to the defamation hearing was fair criticism. One of the defendants told the judge the meaning of the T-shirt was to express a hope that the quality of justice would be improved. He said, politely, that by wearing the shirt he had hoped to identify “weaknesses in the system”.
The court disagreed. One defendant, a senior officer of the SDP, was given a 15-day jail sentence and the others got seven days; each man was also ordered to pay $5,000 to the prosecutor’s office.
Across the world, all sorts of conduct has been punished under the law against scandalising a court or contempt “in the face of the court”. Convicts have included people who have sung songs at the judge, distributed leaflets in court, wolf-whistled at a juror, shouted insults and one person who gradually stripped off to lie naked on a courtroom bench.
The person, though, who should have been least surprised to have spent time in jail for scandalising the court was the editor of the Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong in 1999. His paper published articles that severely criticised the integrity of several judges but, resentful of the bench, he went a step further, staging a three-day campaign in which he commissioned a horde of photographers to hound and monitor the daily activity of a Court of Appeal judge in order to “teach him a lesson”. The Court of Appeal responded by reversing the educational process: it sentenced the editor to 120 days in jail.
Professor Gary Slapper is Director of the Centre for Law at the Open University
master chee must have achieved the highest form of another lost ancient martial art: TELEPATHIC INFO TRANSMISSION (TIT).
how the ang mo lau kaus knew the duel at kangaroo hill in such details? if they were such expert in pinpointing flaws in peesailand what about the obvious cracks in their own hideouts where their own species were in a mess themselves?
oh i see...the ang mo lau kaus had also mastered a sister lost skilled called TAC or Telepathic Absorbing Capability. master chee's TIT sure clicked with the ang mos' TAC. tit for tac - the perfect telepathy unison!!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Gary Slapper
Times Online
Three men in Singapore are jailed for contempt of court after protesting a libel ruling
Three men in Singapore have been jailed for contempt of court for wearing T-shirts picturing a kangaroo dressed as a judge.
A “kangaroo court” is an unfair tribunal that disregards proper procedure. (The term originated in the 1849 Californian gold rush, to which many Australians had travelled). The three men involved in the T-shirt protest were prosecuted for a form of contempt known as “scandalising the judiciary” on the grounds that it was the worst insult that could be levelled at the judicial system.
The men are members of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), which had been found liable for defaming the Prime Minister and a government minister. It was at a hearing to determine damages in that case that the men staged their T-shirt protest.
At their subsequent contempt trial, they were given an opportunity to apologise for their insinuation and to withdraw it but they declined to do so. They told the court that the T-shirt they wore to the defamation hearing was fair criticism. One of the defendants told the judge the meaning of the T-shirt was to express a hope that the quality of justice would be improved. He said, politely, that by wearing the shirt he had hoped to identify “weaknesses in the system”.
The court disagreed. One defendant, a senior officer of the SDP, was given a 15-day jail sentence and the others got seven days; each man was also ordered to pay $5,000 to the prosecutor’s office.
Across the world, all sorts of conduct has been punished under the law against scandalising a court or contempt “in the face of the court”. Convicts have included people who have sung songs at the judge, distributed leaflets in court, wolf-whistled at a juror, shouted insults and one person who gradually stripped off to lie naked on a courtroom bench.
The person, though, who should have been least surprised to have spent time in jail for scandalising the court was the editor of the Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong in 1999. His paper published articles that severely criticised the integrity of several judges but, resentful of the bench, he went a step further, staging a three-day campaign in which he commissioned a horde of photographers to hound and monitor the daily activity of a Court of Appeal judge in order to “teach him a lesson”. The Court of Appeal responded by reversing the educational process: it sentenced the editor to 120 days in jail.
Professor Gary Slapper is Director of the Centre for Law at the Open University
master chee must have achieved the highest form of another lost ancient martial art: TELEPATHIC INFO TRANSMISSION (TIT).
how the ang mo lau kaus knew the duel at kangaroo hill in such details? if they were such expert in pinpointing flaws in peesailand what about the obvious cracks in their own hideouts where their own species were in a mess themselves?
oh i see...the ang mo lau kaus had also mastered a sister lost skilled called TAC or Telepathic Absorbing Capability. master chee's TIT sure clicked with the ang mos' TAC. tit for tac - the perfect telepathy unison!!
fattie john & his hidden ricebowl fattie john has another ricebowl with MDIS. well, he's off to check in to queenstown resort. he would be there for about 15 days and tried to master another form of deadly skill to take on the LEEgime later. till then, there was certain uncanny calm maybe prelude to another storm??
Dec 15, 2008
Lecturer to start jail term
By Khushwant Singh
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo (picture left) and full-time national serviceman Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman (picture right) leaving the High Court. --ST PHOTO: AZIZ HUSSIN
A PSYCHOLOGY lecturer, who was to serve his 15-day jail sentence on Thursday for contempt of court for wearing a T-shirt depicting a kangaroo dressed in judge's robes, will start his jail term on Tuesday.
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo, 47, told the High Court that he had been able to reschedule his lectures at the Management Development Institute of Singapore.
He also said that he had lost his primary job at the James Cook University and would like to get his jail term over with so he can start looking for another job upon his release.
Tan and two other men - activist Isrizal Mohamed Isa and full-time national serviceman Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman - wore the T-shirts between May 26 and 28 at the Supreme Court.
This was when they were at hearings where Justice Belinda Ang assessed defamation damages that the SDP, its leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin had to pay Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
The trio were sentenced on Nov 27.
Isrizal and Muhammad Shafi'ie were jailed for seven days each and started serving sentence last Friday as Isrizal had wanted to settle his personal affairs while Muhammad Shafi'ie wanted to complete his basic military training.
Justice Judith Prakash also ordered the three men to pay $5,000 each in costs to the Attorney-General's Chambers, and for other expenses it incurred during the proceedings.
Tan, who had been given a postponement as he was conducting lectures, said on Monday that he had been able to reschedule his classes and is now free to go to jail.
Tan, who was accompanied by his wife, was also allowed to surrender himself to the High Court at 1pm on Tuesday instead of the customary 10am, after he told Justice Choo Han Teck that some friends had arranged a sending-off lunch for him.
Dec 15, 2008
Lecturer to start jail term
By Khushwant Singh
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo (picture left) and full-time national serviceman Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman (picture right) leaving the High Court. --ST PHOTO: AZIZ HUSSIN
A PSYCHOLOGY lecturer, who was to serve his 15-day jail sentence on Thursday for contempt of court for wearing a T-shirt depicting a kangaroo dressed in judge's robes, will start his jail term on Tuesday.
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo, 47, told the High Court that he had been able to reschedule his lectures at the Management Development Institute of Singapore.
He also said that he had lost his primary job at the James Cook University and would like to get his jail term over with so he can start looking for another job upon his release.
Tan and two other men - activist Isrizal Mohamed Isa and full-time national serviceman Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman - wore the T-shirts between May 26 and 28 at the Supreme Court.
This was when they were at hearings where Justice Belinda Ang assessed defamation damages that the SDP, its leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin had to pay Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
The trio were sentenced on Nov 27.
Isrizal and Muhammad Shafi'ie were jailed for seven days each and started serving sentence last Friday as Isrizal had wanted to settle his personal affairs while Muhammad Shafi'ie wanted to complete his basic military training.
Justice Judith Prakash also ordered the three men to pay $5,000 each in costs to the Attorney-General's Chambers, and for other expenses it incurred during the proceedings.
Tan, who had been given a postponement as he was conducting lectures, said on Monday that he had been able to reschedule his classes and is now free to go to jail.
Tan, who was accompanied by his wife, was also allowed to surrender himself to the High Court at 1pm on Tuesday instead of the customary 10am, after he told Justice Choo Han Teck that some friends had arranged a sending-off lunch for him.
after failing to regain his valuable rice bowl back from his ang mo seniors and sifus, fattie john resorted to calling external reinforcement. chia sai and chin chin, bull-dogged face sis of master chee decided to lend him a hand.
along with many others chee's disciples, they stormed into JCU or Jerk Cum Unlimited to pacify with Ahderson to take back fattie john. ahderson was startled with a jerk cumming from such an unannouced big groups of peasants. he was after all one of the ang mo lau kau (red haired monkey) and seeing such a big group of angry intimidating bunch of peasants was jerking the shits or rather the cum out of him.
ang mor lau kau also needed face badly. such rash antics obviously won't be tolerated. if ahderson gave in, it would mean that he was too soft to handle them. he did try to be friendlier but those angry was better he prepared himself into attack mode.
single-handedly, with his ang mo lau kau's special skills of "monkey fists plucking peaches". he defeated the gregarious and boisterous visitors.
the whole group left with sore deflated egos and many swollen "peaches" to attend to.
it was really weird. there were so many different schools of martial art. didn't fattie john try to get himself re-instate in one instead?
JCU or JERK CUM UNLIMITED had already made up their mind to jerk fattie off and there wasn't any way that they would be welcuming him back.
why such simple fact couldn't be sunk into fattie's blain? if like that, other martial schools now also scared of fattie john. didn't they think of adversed consequences for every of their erratic kungfu stance.
alamak!! like using all the wrong stances to hantam themselves rather than seriously injuring any adversaries. what a bunch of clowns!
along with many others chee's disciples, they stormed into JCU or Jerk Cum Unlimited to pacify with Ahderson to take back fattie john. ahderson was startled with a jerk cumming from such an unannouced big groups of peasants. he was after all one of the ang mo lau kau (red haired monkey) and seeing such a big group of angry intimidating bunch of peasants was jerking the shits or rather the cum out of him.
ang mor lau kau also needed face badly. such rash antics obviously won't be tolerated. if ahderson gave in, it would mean that he was too soft to handle them. he did try to be friendlier but those angry was better he prepared himself into attack mode.
single-handedly, with his ang mo lau kau's special skills of "monkey fists plucking peaches". he defeated the gregarious and boisterous visitors.
the whole group left with sore deflated egos and many swollen "peaches" to attend to.
it was really weird. there were so many different schools of martial art. didn't fattie john try to get himself re-instate in one instead?
JCU or JERK CUM UNLIMITED had already made up their mind to jerk fattie off and there wasn't any way that they would be welcuming him back.
why such simple fact couldn't be sunk into fattie's blain? if like that, other martial schools now also scared of fattie john. didn't they think of adversed consequences for every of their erratic kungfu stance.
alamak!! like using all the wrong stances to hantam themselves rather than seriously injuring any adversaries. what a bunch of clowns!
beh kum guan fattie john
wow lau eh!! fattie john confirmed broke his own rice bowl, beh kum guan(unsatisfied) and piang chui(gathered reinforcement):
Just Cant Understand - JCU (James Cook University)
John Tan was a kangaroo shirter. He had worn a kangaroo shirt to Court on 26th and 27th May 2008.
Understandably the Honourable Attorney General took him, Rizal and Shafi’ie to task over the same.
However, a new player came into the picture. James Cook University.
The university took it upon itself to suspend John because he was involved in a court case.
The court case in question was that of the application for committal for contempt by the Attorney General.
The Just Cannot be Understood JCU chose to get itself involved.
Thereafter JCU came under fire even from its own homeland in Australia where freedom of speech and expression.
JCU’s Dr Dale Anderson was arguably in a very difficult situation when i visited him. At least this was what i found out.
I had approached JCU’s administration on 21st November 2008 to present a petition of signatures. i did so with Carl, Siok Chin, Vincent, Choon Hiong, Seelan, Kaixiong, and others.
Dr. Dale Anderson had reacted very badly to what he thought to be one of us taking a photo of him. He then quickly beat a retreat and claimed that he did not want to have anything to do with us.
The staff if JCU then asked me and the rest to leave. as we were about to leave, the staff of JCU then called us to say that Dr. Dale Anderson would now see only two of us and receive the petition in the audience.
Siok Chin and myself were chosen as representatives.
Siok Chin and I then met Dr. Dale Anderson in the presence of Manager James Tan. Dr. Anderson could not be understood. He accused me of lying to him. He accused me of being unethical. He was very much red-faced in the process. When he mentioned the word ethics, Siok Chin decided to engage him in a conversation. Dr. Dale Anderson got even more upset, he started raising his voice. He then snatched over the petition which we have been previously trying to get us to accept and he then got his manager to send us to the door.
We left then walking away from the administration building and to the entrance of the campus. Dr. Dale Anderson and James Tan followed. Some in the group ended up speaking to the pair. As to what eventually transpired, I do hope that it was sincere and cordial.
From that moment in time, JCU no longer meant merely James Cook University, to me it meant Just Can’t Understand. Just like the way Dr. Dale Anderson Just ouldn’t Understand that we were there to express support for John Tan and ask for his reinstatement and no other intent.
Just Cant Understand - JCU (James Cook University)
John Tan was a kangaroo shirter. He had worn a kangaroo shirt to Court on 26th and 27th May 2008.
Understandably the Honourable Attorney General took him, Rizal and Shafi’ie to task over the same.
However, a new player came into the picture. James Cook University.
The university took it upon itself to suspend John because he was involved in a court case.
The court case in question was that of the application for committal for contempt by the Attorney General.
The Just Cannot be Understood JCU chose to get itself involved.
Thereafter JCU came under fire even from its own homeland in Australia where freedom of speech and expression.
JCU’s Dr Dale Anderson was arguably in a very difficult situation when i visited him. At least this was what i found out.
I had approached JCU’s administration on 21st November 2008 to present a petition of signatures. i did so with Carl, Siok Chin, Vincent, Choon Hiong, Seelan, Kaixiong, and others.
Dr. Dale Anderson had reacted very badly to what he thought to be one of us taking a photo of him. He then quickly beat a retreat and claimed that he did not want to have anything to do with us.
The staff if JCU then asked me and the rest to leave. as we were about to leave, the staff of JCU then called us to say that Dr. Dale Anderson would now see only two of us and receive the petition in the audience.
Siok Chin and myself were chosen as representatives.
Siok Chin and I then met Dr. Dale Anderson in the presence of Manager James Tan. Dr. Anderson could not be understood. He accused me of lying to him. He accused me of being unethical. He was very much red-faced in the process. When he mentioned the word ethics, Siok Chin decided to engage him in a conversation. Dr. Dale Anderson got even more upset, he started raising his voice. He then snatched over the petition which we have been previously trying to get us to accept and he then got his manager to send us to the door.
We left then walking away from the administration building and to the entrance of the campus. Dr. Dale Anderson and James Tan followed. Some in the group ended up speaking to the pair. As to what eventually transpired, I do hope that it was sincere and cordial.
From that moment in time, JCU no longer meant merely James Cook University, to me it meant Just Can’t Understand. Just like the way Dr. Dale Anderson Just ouldn’t Understand that we were there to express support for John Tan and ask for his reinstatement and no other intent.
december is here. it's raining very frequently now. LANDSLIDE!!! sdppies in longkang now facing LANDSLIDE!!
would master chee survive this ordeal? would his disciples of sdppies evacuate themselves being stuck in the landslided longkang?
no noise now doesn't mean no troubles brewing beneath the calm longkang water.
would master chee survive this ordeal? would his disciples of sdppies evacuate themselves being stuck in the landslided longkang?
no noise now doesn't mean no troubles brewing beneath the calm longkang water.
放虎归山 - returning the tiger (in this case the black mamba)to the hills.
Dec 3, 2008
Nair retracts apologies
Two days after returning to the US from Singapore, Gopalan Nair announced that he was withdrawing the admission and apologies, and repeated his criticism of the judiciary. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW
FORMER Singaporean lawyer Gopalan Nair, now back home in the United States, has retracted apologies and statements he made in court here last month.
Mr Nair, an American citizen, had admitted to being in contempt of court and apologised for offending remarks he made about the judiciary and a district judge.
He also promised to remove two blog posts relating to his trial and conviction for disorderly behaviour.
But in a blog post on Nov 28 - two days after returning to the US from Singapore - he announced that he was withdrawing the admission and apologies, and repeated his criticism of the judiciary.
Mr Nair, who lives in Fremont, near San Francisco, wrote: 'The only reason for my apology was a desire to get out of prison as soon as possible.
'They brought these new contempt charges while I was incarcerated in prison, with only eight days to go for my release. If I had not apologised as Lee Kuan Yew wanted, there was the possibility that I could be kept in prison for a further period of up to six months...'
On the two postings he agreed to remove, and which he did delete from his blog, he 'will be re-posting those two blog posts and stand by every word that I had written in them'.
He has yet to re-post them, a check last night showed.
Asked for comments on these developments, a spokesman for the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) said it is 'currently looking into the matter'.
Mr Nair came to Singapore in May to attend a hearing to assess damages in a defamation suit that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew won against the Singapore Democratic Party, its chief Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin.
In writing about the case on his blog, he insulted High Court Justice Belinda Ang, who presided over the case. He was charged and found guilty of the offence and received a three-month jail term in September.
Separately, in July, he behaved in a disorderly fashion and hurled expletives at police officers. He was charged and after a trial held on various dates between July and September, he was fined $3,000.
In late October, while he was serving his three-month term, the AGC applied to start contempt proceedings for Mr Nair's attacks on the independence of the judge and judiciary. These were made during his trial for disorderly conduct and in two blog posting.
The posts on Sept 1 and Sept 6 were titled 'Another classic case of trying to use the courts to silence dissent' and 'Convicted'.
But when he was brought to court on Nov 12 for the contempt hearing, Mr Nair unconditionally withdrew the allegations he made against District Judge James Leong, and statements alleging that the courts were beholden to the Government.
As a result of the apology and an undertaking he gave not to make such statements in future, and to remove the offending blog posts, the AGC did not press for a jail term.
Mr Nair was admonished, warned against launching future attacks on the judiciary, and had to pay the AGC $5,000 in legal costs.
Shortly after his release from prison on Nov 20 - following a one-third remission on his three-month sentence for good behaviour - he returned to the US.
Apart from last Friday's blog post retracting his statements, Mr Nair had a separate post on Sunday criticising High Court Justice Judith Prakash. This was over the jail terms she imposed on three men found to be in contempt of court for wearing T-shirts depicting a kangaroo in judge's robes.
if gopalan can do this to the gabramen, would we be surprised if he can do the same to peasants? he's already an 'exile', why is he still so bent in humiliating his ex cuntry? now, he even has the audacity to plead for donations from peasants. what kind of nutcase he thinks himself to be?
Dec 3, 2008
Nair retracts apologies
Two days after returning to the US from Singapore, Gopalan Nair announced that he was withdrawing the admission and apologies, and repeated his criticism of the judiciary. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW
FORMER Singaporean lawyer Gopalan Nair, now back home in the United States, has retracted apologies and statements he made in court here last month.
Mr Nair, an American citizen, had admitted to being in contempt of court and apologised for offending remarks he made about the judiciary and a district judge.
He also promised to remove two blog posts relating to his trial and conviction for disorderly behaviour.
But in a blog post on Nov 28 - two days after returning to the US from Singapore - he announced that he was withdrawing the admission and apologies, and repeated his criticism of the judiciary.
Mr Nair, who lives in Fremont, near San Francisco, wrote: 'The only reason for my apology was a desire to get out of prison as soon as possible.
'They brought these new contempt charges while I was incarcerated in prison, with only eight days to go for my release. If I had not apologised as Lee Kuan Yew wanted, there was the possibility that I could be kept in prison for a further period of up to six months...'
On the two postings he agreed to remove, and which he did delete from his blog, he 'will be re-posting those two blog posts and stand by every word that I had written in them'.
He has yet to re-post them, a check last night showed.
Asked for comments on these developments, a spokesman for the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) said it is 'currently looking into the matter'.
Mr Nair came to Singapore in May to attend a hearing to assess damages in a defamation suit that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew won against the Singapore Democratic Party, its chief Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin.
In writing about the case on his blog, he insulted High Court Justice Belinda Ang, who presided over the case. He was charged and found guilty of the offence and received a three-month jail term in September.
Separately, in July, he behaved in a disorderly fashion and hurled expletives at police officers. He was charged and after a trial held on various dates between July and September, he was fined $3,000.
In late October, while he was serving his three-month term, the AGC applied to start contempt proceedings for Mr Nair's attacks on the independence of the judge and judiciary. These were made during his trial for disorderly conduct and in two blog posting.
The posts on Sept 1 and Sept 6 were titled 'Another classic case of trying to use the courts to silence dissent' and 'Convicted'.
But when he was brought to court on Nov 12 for the contempt hearing, Mr Nair unconditionally withdrew the allegations he made against District Judge James Leong, and statements alleging that the courts were beholden to the Government.
As a result of the apology and an undertaking he gave not to make such statements in future, and to remove the offending blog posts, the AGC did not press for a jail term.
Mr Nair was admonished, warned against launching future attacks on the judiciary, and had to pay the AGC $5,000 in legal costs.
Shortly after his release from prison on Nov 20 - following a one-third remission on his three-month sentence for good behaviour - he returned to the US.
Apart from last Friday's blog post retracting his statements, Mr Nair had a separate post on Sunday criticising High Court Justice Judith Prakash. This was over the jail terms she imposed on three men found to be in contempt of court for wearing T-shirts depicting a kangaroo in judge's robes.
if gopalan can do this to the gabramen, would we be surprised if he can do the same to peasants? he's already an 'exile', why is he still so bent in humiliating his ex cuntry? now, he even has the audacity to plead for donations from peasants. what kind of nutcase he thinks himself to be?
disguise of chia sai
chia sai could disguise himself as another forummer and was trying to force out martial arts senior UY who was obstructing his plans for martial world domination starting with master chee clan. of late, he had conjured up many letters spiked with poison. anyone who opened and read it, lamui's mind control feat of F&D would take immediate effect.
there was a cure for it....that would be the LIGHT OF TRUTH which was easy to expedite. just chant: emptiness is form...form is emptiness. all would be revealed and restored in real form.
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 289
My Reputation:Points: 37 / Power: 6
Re: Challenge for Yap Keng Ho, Put up Or Shut Up!
Originally Posted by Porfirio Rubirosa
To me it is still not clear whether Yap Keng Ho is a bo liao fruitcake activist or a pathetic agent provacatuer. His above replies are of NO assistance whatsoever, pure rhetorical self righteous shit and motherhood statements.
Also I am curious to know why Dr Chee/SDP have yet to take a clear definitive unequivocal position on Yap's link with Dr Chee/SDP?
However what is clear beyond doubt is that Yap Keng Ho is a publicity whore. He even panders to ST to get bo liao publicity.
Yap Keng Ho has been identified and exposed, hence the exclusion of his name in SDP reports. When the TBT case came up for trial, he was not included both in the group photograph and the story.
Maybe, SDP/Dr Chee are of the view why give this attention seeker further publicity. Who is he after all but a windbag?
But strangely, the 154th ST continues to call him SDP supporter, despite numerous denials by the party. A simple google will reveal this fact.
there was a cure for it....that would be the LIGHT OF TRUTH which was easy to expedite. just chant: emptiness is form...form is emptiness. all would be revealed and restored in real form.
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 289
My Reputation:Points: 37 / Power: 6
Re: Challenge for Yap Keng Ho, Put up Or Shut Up!
Originally Posted by Porfirio Rubirosa
To me it is still not clear whether Yap Keng Ho is a bo liao fruitcake activist or a pathetic agent provacatuer. His above replies are of NO assistance whatsoever, pure rhetorical self righteous shit and motherhood statements.
Also I am curious to know why Dr Chee/SDP have yet to take a clear definitive unequivocal position on Yap's link with Dr Chee/SDP?
However what is clear beyond doubt is that Yap Keng Ho is a publicity whore. He even panders to ST to get bo liao publicity.
Yap Keng Ho has been identified and exposed, hence the exclusion of his name in SDP reports. When the TBT case came up for trial, he was not included both in the group photograph and the story.
Maybe, SDP/Dr Chee are of the view why give this attention seeker further publicity. Who is he after all but a windbag?
But strangely, the 154th ST continues to call him SDP supporter, despite numerous denials by the party. A simple google will reveal this fact.
penpals chee & TKL
this exchange of mails by trained homing pigeons looked quite ludicrous. was TKL being exploited for another hidden agenda?
Chee replies to Tan Kin Lian
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Singapore Democrats
Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,
Thank you for your email and apology (below). Your gesture is appreciated and accepted.
I join with the many to commend you for standing up for the people who have fallen prey to the banks that sold the toxic financial products to unwary retail investors. We share the anguish and pain suffered by those who have lost their savings.
In this regard, I hope that you will take greater interest in helping to raise awareness about freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly which are the cornerstones of a just and democratic society. Without these fundamental freedoms, those who were short-changed in the mini-bonds saga could not have congregated and do what they did at the Speakers' Corner, restricted as the venue is.
There will be more of such cases where ordinary people will need the power of their collective voice to tackle injustice, economic or otherwise. The best way that we can help Singaporeans is to empower them, to help them reclaim their rights. It is far better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish.
If there's anything that I can do to help in the cause, please feel free to ask. I wish you the very best in your endeavours.
Chee Soon Juan
Message from Mr Tan Kin Lian:
The posting in my blog was written by somebody else in CNA forum. I reproduced the message in my blog but forgot to mention the author. It gave the wrong impression that the message was written by me.
I wish to apologise to Chee Soon Juan and his sister for the damage that is caused to them by the statement, "what many stupid and selfish politicians in Singapore have done and seek self destruction." This statement came from the original posting (by someone else).
I do not personally share this sentiment and wish to acknowledge their personal sacrifice in fighting for what they believe in.
that really was what master chee trying to do himself and his entire clan of followers!!
Chee replies to Tan Kin Lian
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Singapore Democrats
Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,
Thank you for your email and apology (below). Your gesture is appreciated and accepted.
I join with the many to commend you for standing up for the people who have fallen prey to the banks that sold the toxic financial products to unwary retail investors. We share the anguish and pain suffered by those who have lost their savings.
In this regard, I hope that you will take greater interest in helping to raise awareness about freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly which are the cornerstones of a just and democratic society. Without these fundamental freedoms, those who were short-changed in the mini-bonds saga could not have congregated and do what they did at the Speakers' Corner, restricted as the venue is.
There will be more of such cases where ordinary people will need the power of their collective voice to tackle injustice, economic or otherwise. The best way that we can help Singaporeans is to empower them, to help them reclaim their rights. It is far better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish.
If there's anything that I can do to help in the cause, please feel free to ask. I wish you the very best in your endeavours.
Chee Soon Juan
Message from Mr Tan Kin Lian:
The posting in my blog was written by somebody else in CNA forum. I reproduced the message in my blog but forgot to mention the author. It gave the wrong impression that the message was written by me.
I wish to apologise to Chee Soon Juan and his sister for the damage that is caused to them by the statement, "what many stupid and selfish politicians in Singapore have done and seek self destruction." This statement came from the original posting (by someone else).
I do not personally share this sentiment and wish to acknowledge their personal sacrifice in fighting for what they believe in.
that really was what master chee trying to do himself and his entire clan of followers!!
bionic heart oldman
After the terrible due with master chee and sis, chin chin in kangaroo court, the chees were devastated with grievous internal injuries. however, pinky and father oldman weren't spared. pinky now looked brownied and haggard. oldman's heart nearly exploded from holding bad those anger and humiliation blows from the chees.
the official SHITTING TIMES had reported that the oldman had opted for a bionic heart called the pacemaker. he was a strong bugger. after hiring the best court physicians, the gadget was installed inside him. the next day, he was off to chit chat with CLINTON - the master of BJ, ex-ruler of the USA. they should be having nice dimsum in HK now.
it was worrisome to pinky and anticipating to peasants of PEESAILAND. how could the oldman from the LEEGIME still had to be so occupied with so many court socialising. what happen to his lackeys of 82 minitoot minsters and minitoot people?
pacemaker is operated by battery. when would it expire?
Minister Mentor Lee has minor surgery
Posted: 30 November 2008 1506 hrs
SINGAPORE: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew had a minor surgery to implant a cardiac pacemaker on Saturday.
A statement from the Prime Minister's Office says the surgery was performed because Mr Lee had been experiencing symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia (that is irregular heart rhythm), which showed up with his atrial flutter on 14 September.
Mr Lee is recovering from the surgery and is expected to be discharged from the hospital on Monday, said the statement.
His doctors have agreed to and will accompany him on his trip to Hong Kong from 1-3 December to have a dialogue session with former US President Bill Clinton at his Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Asia Meeting.
After the terrible due with master chee and sis, chin chin in kangaroo court, the chees were devastated with grievous internal injuries. however, pinky and father oldman weren't spared. pinky now looked brownied and haggard. oldman's heart nearly exploded from holding bad those anger and humiliation blows from the chees.
the official SHITTING TIMES had reported that the oldman had opted for a bionic heart called the pacemaker. he was a strong bugger. after hiring the best court physicians, the gadget was installed inside him. the next day, he was off to chit chat with CLINTON - the master of BJ, ex-ruler of the USA. they should be having nice dimsum in HK now.
it was worrisome to pinky and anticipating to peasants of PEESAILAND. how could the oldman from the LEEGIME still had to be so occupied with so many court socialising. what happen to his lackeys of 82 minitoot minsters and minitoot people?
pacemaker is operated by battery. when would it expire?
Minister Mentor Lee has minor surgery
Posted: 30 November 2008 1506 hrs
SINGAPORE: Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew had a minor surgery to implant a cardiac pacemaker on Saturday.
A statement from the Prime Minister's Office says the surgery was performed because Mr Lee had been experiencing symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia (that is irregular heart rhythm), which showed up with his atrial flutter on 14 September.
Mr Lee is recovering from the surgery and is expected to be discharged from the hospital on Monday, said the statement.
His doctors have agreed to and will accompany him on his trip to Hong Kong from 1-3 December to have a dialogue session with former US President Bill Clinton at his Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Asia Meeting.
kangaroos news update
news update: 3 stooges senior disciples of master chee thrown in jail!!
Jail term for 3 S'poreans found guilty of contempt of court
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 27 November 2008 1117 hrs
SINGAPORE: The three Singaporeans who have been found guilty of contempt of court in the kangaroo T-shirt case have been sentenced to jail.
Two of them, 19-year-old Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman and 33-year-old Isrizal Mohamed Isa, received seven days' jail term each, while 47-year-old John Tan Liang Joo was slapped with a 15-day jail term.
Even before sentence was passed on Thursday, the trio refused to apologise to the court.
On May 26, the three men were at the Supreme Court building wearing T-shirts showing a kangaroo in a judge's gown, while a hearing was taking place in the high court to determine damages Singapore Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister, Chee Siok Chin, had to pay.
The two were being sued for defamation by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
for fattie john, his rice bowl confirmed broken
Jail term for 3 S'poreans found guilty of contempt of court
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 27 November 2008 1117 hrs
SINGAPORE: The three Singaporeans who have been found guilty of contempt of court in the kangaroo T-shirt case have been sentenced to jail.
Two of them, 19-year-old Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman and 33-year-old Isrizal Mohamed Isa, received seven days' jail term each, while 47-year-old John Tan Liang Joo was slapped with a 15-day jail term.
Even before sentence was passed on Thursday, the trio refused to apologise to the court.
On May 26, the three men were at the Supreme Court building wearing T-shirts showing a kangaroo in a judge's gown, while a hearing was taking place in the high court to determine damages Singapore Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister, Chee Siok Chin, had to pay.
The two were being sued for defamation by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
for fattie john, his rice bowl confirmed broken
master chee stole the limelight again
Nov 26, 2008
Chee, 5 others charged
By Aaron Low
Jeffrey George faces a fine of up to $1,000 and his guilty plea is being dealt with at a separate hearing this afternoon. -- ST PHOTO: AZIZ HUSSIN
ONE of six people charged with attempting to hold a public processsion without a permit has pleaded guilty.
Jeffrey George, 44, was part of a group that allegedly tried to hold a procession at the Speaker's Corner in 2006 when the International Monetary Fund and World Bank were holding meetings here.
Four of the six - Singapore Democratic Party chief Chee Soon Juan, 46; his sister Chee Siok Chin, 42; Teoh Tian Jin, 23; and Yap Keng Ho, 47 - have pleaded not guilty to the charge.
The other individual, Gandhi Ambalam, 65, did not enter a plea.
George faces a fine of up to $1,000 and his guilty plea is being dealt with at a separate hearing this afternoon.
Earlier, at the hearing held in the morning in the Subordinate Court, the Chees, Yap and Gandhi complained about an amendment made to the charge against them.
They were unhappy that the prosecution amended the charge from 'holding the public procession' to 'attempting to hold the public procession'.
The group, who are representing themselves, pointed out that this was done just a week before the trial started.
They argued that this caused difficulties in preparing for their defence and asked the court to give them more time.
District judge Toh Yung Cheong will hear their application for an adjournment of the trial tomorrow morning.
george again pleaded guilty. admmission by him could directly weaken master chee's special skill of "smoking the house" just like the duel in kangaroo hill, george and turdy nerd's PG indirectly already proven the rest were also guilty as charged
Chee, 5 others charged
By Aaron Low
Jeffrey George faces a fine of up to $1,000 and his guilty plea is being dealt with at a separate hearing this afternoon. -- ST PHOTO: AZIZ HUSSIN
ONE of six people charged with attempting to hold a public processsion without a permit has pleaded guilty.
Jeffrey George, 44, was part of a group that allegedly tried to hold a procession at the Speaker's Corner in 2006 when the International Monetary Fund and World Bank were holding meetings here.
Four of the six - Singapore Democratic Party chief Chee Soon Juan, 46; his sister Chee Siok Chin, 42; Teoh Tian Jin, 23; and Yap Keng Ho, 47 - have pleaded not guilty to the charge.
The other individual, Gandhi Ambalam, 65, did not enter a plea.
George faces a fine of up to $1,000 and his guilty plea is being dealt with at a separate hearing this afternoon.
Earlier, at the hearing held in the morning in the Subordinate Court, the Chees, Yap and Gandhi complained about an amendment made to the charge against them.
They were unhappy that the prosecution amended the charge from 'holding the public procession' to 'attempting to hold the public procession'.
The group, who are representing themselves, pointed out that this was done just a week before the trial started.
They argued that this caused difficulties in preparing for their defence and asked the court to give them more time.
District judge Toh Yung Cheong will hear their application for an adjournment of the trial tomorrow morning.
george again pleaded guilty. admmission by him could directly weaken master chee's special skill of "smoking the house" just like the duel in kangaroo hill, george and turdy nerd's PG indirectly already proven the rest were also guilty as charged
adieus, gopal!!
after a fierce battle between the black mamba from san francisco and peesai kangaroos, gopalan who was formerly a peesai kid was captured, grilled and fleeced of a couple of gold taels.
he was thrown into jail for insulting kangaroo mama. due to his incredible appetite, kangaroo jail was going bust if it fed gopalan for too long. as a result, they decided to exile him back to his cuntry where "pretty people wear flowers in their hair" - SAN FRANCISCO.
it was curtain for gopalan. he was henceforth banned from returning to PEESAILAND where he was born and raised there as a peesai kid. adieus, gopalan!! we shall miss you. *wave hankerchief and sob sob.."
he was thrown into jail for insulting kangaroo mama. due to his incredible appetite, kangaroo jail was going bust if it fed gopalan for too long. as a result, they decided to exile him back to his cuntry where "pretty people wear flowers in their hair" - SAN FRANCISCO.
it was curtain for gopalan. he was henceforth banned from returning to PEESAILAND where he was born and raised there as a peesai kid. adieus, gopalan!! we shall miss you. *wave hankerchief and sob sob.."
internal clashing in F4?
[Despite being found guilty of holding the court in contempt, full-time national serviceman Shafi'ie did not want to apologise "due to his personal convictions", said his lawyer Chia Ti Lik. ]
did shafie say that or it was highlighted by leeporter (or otherwise by chia) to spite ngejay?
was there gunpowder between chia n ejay now brewing?
did shafie say that or it was highlighted by leeporter (or otherwise by chia) to spite ngejay?
was there gunpowder between chia n ejay now brewing?
more kangaroos version
another more detailed version with chia involved (and loving the attention given):
Trio found guilty of offending court, refuse to budge
Leong Wee Keat
FOR 15 minutes, they huddled to discuss their options.
The trio had just been found guilty of contempt of court, and faced the possibility of jail.
But offered a possible reprieve, Mr John Tan Liang Joo, 47, Mr Isrizal Mohamed Isa, 33, and Mr Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman, 19, opted not to take it.
"It was not too late" for them to apologise for their actions, the Deputy Solicitor-General told them. It was just two weeks ago that blogger Gopalan Nair escaped a jail sentence after he offered an unreserved apology for his most recent contempt of court offences.
But after the 15-minute adjournment, the trio declined to apologise.
They denied any intention of holding a court in contempt by wearing T-shirts depicting a kangaroo dressed in a judge's robes, and cited various personal beliefs, such as the right to freedom of expression.
They will now be sentenced on Thursday.
In May, they had turned up at the Supreme Court each wearing the T-shirts to show their support for Dr Chee Soon Juan, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general, who was at a hearing for a defamation lawsuit filed against him by the Prime Minister and Minister Mentor.
The Attorney-General then started contempt of court proceedings against the three as their actions were meant to imply that the Court was a "kangaroo court", which is "generally understood as being a court characterised by unauthorised or irregular procedures, or sham and unfair legal proceedings".
Yesterday, Deputy Solicitor-General Jeffrey Chan Wah Teck argued that the trio's allegations were the "worst insult anyone can give" to a judiciary and pressed for jail sentences.
He argued that Mr Tan was more culpable than the other two as he was "obviously a leading player" in this initiative.
Closed-circuit television footage played yesterday showed that Mr Tan, who is also the SDP assistant secretary-general, had distributed the T-shirts inside the courthouse.
Another clip showed the trio wearing the T-shirts and posing for photographs outside the Supreme Court. Media photographers gathered outside snapped pictures of the trio.
Mr Shafi'ie claimed that they were taking photos for "private remembrance", while Mr Tan said that he tried to wave the media away.
But Mr Chan argued that the trio stood there for 26 seconds. If they did not want the media to snap their pictures, they could have walked away.
One photo of the three eventually appeared on the SDP website.
Despite being found guilty of holding the court in contempt, full-time national serviceman Shafi'ie did not want to apologise "due to his personal convictions", said his lawyer Chia Ti Lik.
Justice Judith Prakash, who was presiding, asked Mr Chia if his client knew of the adverse consequences.
"I have submitted as per instructions," replied the lawyer. "It is his personal belief."
Trio found guilty of offending court, refuse to budge
Leong Wee Keat
FOR 15 minutes, they huddled to discuss their options.
The trio had just been found guilty of contempt of court, and faced the possibility of jail.
But offered a possible reprieve, Mr John Tan Liang Joo, 47, Mr Isrizal Mohamed Isa, 33, and Mr Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman, 19, opted not to take it.
"It was not too late" for them to apologise for their actions, the Deputy Solicitor-General told them. It was just two weeks ago that blogger Gopalan Nair escaped a jail sentence after he offered an unreserved apology for his most recent contempt of court offences.
But after the 15-minute adjournment, the trio declined to apologise.
They denied any intention of holding a court in contempt by wearing T-shirts depicting a kangaroo dressed in a judge's robes, and cited various personal beliefs, such as the right to freedom of expression.
They will now be sentenced on Thursday.
In May, they had turned up at the Supreme Court each wearing the T-shirts to show their support for Dr Chee Soon Juan, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general, who was at a hearing for a defamation lawsuit filed against him by the Prime Minister and Minister Mentor.
The Attorney-General then started contempt of court proceedings against the three as their actions were meant to imply that the Court was a "kangaroo court", which is "generally understood as being a court characterised by unauthorised or irregular procedures, or sham and unfair legal proceedings".
Yesterday, Deputy Solicitor-General Jeffrey Chan Wah Teck argued that the trio's allegations were the "worst insult anyone can give" to a judiciary and pressed for jail sentences.
He argued that Mr Tan was more culpable than the other two as he was "obviously a leading player" in this initiative.
Closed-circuit television footage played yesterday showed that Mr Tan, who is also the SDP assistant secretary-general, had distributed the T-shirts inside the courthouse.
Another clip showed the trio wearing the T-shirts and posing for photographs outside the Supreme Court. Media photographers gathered outside snapped pictures of the trio.
Mr Shafi'ie claimed that they were taking photos for "private remembrance", while Mr Tan said that he tried to wave the media away.
But Mr Chan argued that the trio stood there for 26 seconds. If they did not want the media to snap their pictures, they could have walked away.
One photo of the three eventually appeared on the SDP website.
Despite being found guilty of holding the court in contempt, full-time national serviceman Shafi'ie did not want to apologise "due to his personal convictions", said his lawyer Chia Ti Lik.
Justice Judith Prakash, who was presiding, asked Mr Chia if his client knew of the adverse consequences.
"I have submitted as per instructions," replied the lawyer. "It is his personal belief."
kangaroos, kangaroos hoppity hop....
another media's version:
3 Singaporeans to be sentenced for contempt of court
By Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 24 November 2008 2059 hrs
SINGAPORE: Three Singaporeans have been held in contempt of court for appearing at the Supreme Court building in May wearing T-shirts showing a kangaroo in a judge's gown.
Appearing before Justice Judith Prakash on Monday, the men were given an opportunity to apologise for their actions, but refused to do so.
Due to be sentenced on Thursday, 19-year-old Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman, 33-year-old Isrizal Mohamed Isa and 47-year-old John Tan Liang Joo could be facing fines or even jail time for contempt of court.
In court, Deputy Solicitor General Jeffrey Chan Wah Teck said the action by the three was the worst form of insult when they branded Singapore's justice system as a 'kangaroo court' by wearing T-shirts with a kangaroo dressed in a judge's robe.
'Kangaroo court' is usually understood as being a court characterised by irregular procedures or sham proceedings.
Addressing the court, Tan told the judge he had worn the T-shirt in May to express criticism over the quality of justice meted out and he hoped the judiciary would improve from strength to strength.
Justice Prakash then asked if that was meant as an encouragement, to which Tan replied that it was "in a way, to point out weaknesses in the system".
At the time of the incident, the three had been outside the Supreme Court building where a hearing had been taking place to determine damages that Singapore Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin had to pay.
The Chees had been sued for defamation by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew
3 Singaporeans to be sentenced for contempt of court
By Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 24 November 2008 2059 hrs
SINGAPORE: Three Singaporeans have been held in contempt of court for appearing at the Supreme Court building in May wearing T-shirts showing a kangaroo in a judge's gown.
Appearing before Justice Judith Prakash on Monday, the men were given an opportunity to apologise for their actions, but refused to do so.
Due to be sentenced on Thursday, 19-year-old Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman, 33-year-old Isrizal Mohamed Isa and 47-year-old John Tan Liang Joo could be facing fines or even jail time for contempt of court.
In court, Deputy Solicitor General Jeffrey Chan Wah Teck said the action by the three was the worst form of insult when they branded Singapore's justice system as a 'kangaroo court' by wearing T-shirts with a kangaroo dressed in a judge's robe.
'Kangaroo court' is usually understood as being a court characterised by irregular procedures or sham proceedings.
Addressing the court, Tan told the judge he had worn the T-shirt in May to express criticism over the quality of justice meted out and he hoped the judiciary would improve from strength to strength.
Justice Prakash then asked if that was meant as an encouragement, to which Tan replied that it was "in a way, to point out weaknesses in the system".
At the time of the incident, the three had been outside the Supreme Court building where a hearing had been taking place to determine damages that Singapore Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin had to pay.
The Chees had been sued for defamation by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew
3 sdp stooges who wore pirated kangaroo T-shirts hopping mischieviously in kangaroo hill was finally being boomerang. charges would be meted out this coming thursday. how would they wanna be served? bbq, grilled, deep fried or raw sashimi?
Found to be in contempt
By Goh Chin Lian, Political Correspondent
The trio wore the T-shirts between May 26 and May 28 at the Supreme Court. -- PHOTO: REUTERS
THREE men who wore T-shirts depicting a kangaroo dressed in a judge's robes were found to be in contempt of court on Wednesday afternoon.
Justice Judith Prakash adjourned the hearing, which began in the morning, to give time to the trio to decide if they want to tender an apology.
Should they decide not to apologise, the court will decide on an appropriate punishment.
The three men are Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman, a full-time national serviceman; Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo, 47; and activist Isrizal Mohamed Isa, 33.
The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) initiated contempt of court proceedings against them for having 'scandalised the Singapore Judiciary by publicly wearing identical white T-shirts, imprinted with a palm-sized picture of a kangaroo dressed in a judge's gown, within and in the vicinity of the New Supreme Court Building'.
They wore the T-shirts between May 26 and May 28 at the Supreme Court.
This was when they attended hearings before Justice Belinda Ang to to assess defamation damages that the SDP, its leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin had to pay Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
When contempt of court proceedings were started against the trio in October, the AGC said in a statement that in wearing the T-shirts, the men meant to imply that the Court was a kangaroo court.
A kangaroo court is generally understood as being a court characterised by unauthorised or irregular procedures, or sham and unfair legal proceedings, noted the AGC.
Found to be in contempt
By Goh Chin Lian, Political Correspondent
The trio wore the T-shirts between May 26 and May 28 at the Supreme Court. -- PHOTO: REUTERS
THREE men who wore T-shirts depicting a kangaroo dressed in a judge's robes were found to be in contempt of court on Wednesday afternoon.
Justice Judith Prakash adjourned the hearing, which began in the morning, to give time to the trio to decide if they want to tender an apology.
Should they decide not to apologise, the court will decide on an appropriate punishment.
The three men are Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman, a full-time national serviceman; Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) assistant secretary-general John Tan Liang Joo, 47; and activist Isrizal Mohamed Isa, 33.
The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) initiated contempt of court proceedings against them for having 'scandalised the Singapore Judiciary by publicly wearing identical white T-shirts, imprinted with a palm-sized picture of a kangaroo dressed in a judge's gown, within and in the vicinity of the New Supreme Court Building'.
They wore the T-shirts between May 26 and May 28 at the Supreme Court.
This was when they attended hearings before Justice Belinda Ang to to assess defamation damages that the SDP, its leader Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin had to pay Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
When contempt of court proceedings were started against the trio in October, the AGC said in a statement that in wearing the T-shirts, the men meant to imply that the Court was a kangaroo court.
A kangaroo court is generally understood as being a court characterised by unauthorised or irregular procedures, or sham and unfair legal proceedings, noted the AGC.
now even the russians are interested!!
now master chee even got the RUSSIANS interested!!
DECLARATION of Russian defenders of human rights
We, Russian defenders of human rights, assess with deep indignation the fact of the latest arrest of the leader of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Chee Soon Juan.
This time, the arrest took place in October of this year merely because Chee Soon Juan was expressing protest against the complete prohibition on public demonstrations and other political restrictions in the city-state, intended to conduct a rally, despite the threats of the police. Leader of the Singapore Democratic Party Chee Soon Juan is likewise being subjected to persecutions for criticism of the system of justice, expressed by him during the time of an open hearing, at which the leader of the Singaporean opposition was being accused of libel by the official powers of the country.
Earlier, he had been charged with libel and had been convicted after in the year 2006 he had published articles with the denunciation of corruption in the Singaporean government. In February of this year by decision of the court doctor Chee was declared bankrupt due to the inability to pay 500 000 Singaporean dollars (318 000 US dollars) for causing harm with «libellous statements» to the address of former prime-ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong.
Human rights activists of many countries indicate that the actions of the government fully contradict the ideals expressed by ex-premier Lee Kuan Yew in the year 2004 at the ceremony of celebration of the 50th anniversary of the People's Action Party: : "In our country not a single organization is subjected to oppression, prohibition or suppression. Our political culture values other principles - inviolability, elitism and the observance of fairness".
We, Russian defenders of human rights, join with the defenders of Chee Soon Juan and demand of the Singaporean government his prompt release. Together with this we note that persecution for political motives is well known to us, Russians, because in our country such persecutions also take place. And in our country people are persecuted who are unwanted by the powers, innocent people are subjected to criminal punishments.
In the period of the election campaign, current president of the RF Dmitry Medvedev spoke on numerous occasions about what important significance for Russia has the principle of the supremacy of law. However, the words have remained just words. By our deep conviction, politically motivated criminal prosecutions and politically motivated court sentences are found in flagrant contradiction with the principle of supremacy of law.
It is precisely for this reason that we called on the president of the RF to pardon people who had become, in our opinion, victims of politically motivated prosecutions. Here are their names: Valentin Danilov, Igor Sutyagin, Igor Reshetin, Alexander Rozhkin, Sergey Vizir, Mikhail Ivanov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Platon Lebedev, Alexey Pichugin, Vasily Alexanyan, Svetlana Bakhmina, Zara Murtazaliyeva, Zaurbek Talkhigov...
This is far from a complete list of Russian political prisoners. We understand those feelings that are experienced by free-thinking people in Singapore, who, like us, want to see their country as a democratic state, free from persecutions in it of citizens for their convictions. We express our solidarity with leader of the Singapore Democratic Party Chee Soon Juan, because we are personally experiencing the pressure of the powers for criticism of their actions, because we are fighting for free and honest elections, because we demand the release of political prisoners in Russia.
We are fighting for human rights, for freedom for political prisoners, against torture, tyranny and wars. We are acting as our conscience tells us to.
Freedom for Chee Soon Juan! Freedom for all political prisoners in Russia and throughout the world!
L.M. Alexeeva, Moscow Helsinki Group
S.A. Gannushkina, "Civic assistance" Committee
S.A. Kovalev, A. Sakharov Foundation
L.A. Ponomarev, Movement "For human rights"
Yu.A. Ryzhov, RAN academician
Yu.V. Samodurov, A. Sakahrov Museum and Public Center
A.K. Simonov, Glasnost defense foundation
E.I. Cherny, Public committee for the defense of scientists
G.P. Yakunin, Public committee for the defense of freedom of conscience
political prisoner? chee? how long he squatted in holiday resort? why did he choose not to pay the fine? who's torturing who? chee tortured the gabramen more likely. tyranny? war? *gasp!! i think the RUSSIAN got conned: this is PEESAILAND not NORTH KOREAN!!
DECLARATION of Russian defenders of human rights
We, Russian defenders of human rights, assess with deep indignation the fact of the latest arrest of the leader of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Chee Soon Juan.
This time, the arrest took place in October of this year merely because Chee Soon Juan was expressing protest against the complete prohibition on public demonstrations and other political restrictions in the city-state, intended to conduct a rally, despite the threats of the police. Leader of the Singapore Democratic Party Chee Soon Juan is likewise being subjected to persecutions for criticism of the system of justice, expressed by him during the time of an open hearing, at which the leader of the Singaporean opposition was being accused of libel by the official powers of the country.
Earlier, he had been charged with libel and had been convicted after in the year 2006 he had published articles with the denunciation of corruption in the Singaporean government. In February of this year by decision of the court doctor Chee was declared bankrupt due to the inability to pay 500 000 Singaporean dollars (318 000 US dollars) for causing harm with «libellous statements» to the address of former prime-ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong.
Human rights activists of many countries indicate that the actions of the government fully contradict the ideals expressed by ex-premier Lee Kuan Yew in the year 2004 at the ceremony of celebration of the 50th anniversary of the People's Action Party: : "In our country not a single organization is subjected to oppression, prohibition or suppression. Our political culture values other principles - inviolability, elitism and the observance of fairness".
We, Russian defenders of human rights, join with the defenders of Chee Soon Juan and demand of the Singaporean government his prompt release. Together with this we note that persecution for political motives is well known to us, Russians, because in our country such persecutions also take place. And in our country people are persecuted who are unwanted by the powers, innocent people are subjected to criminal punishments.
In the period of the election campaign, current president of the RF Dmitry Medvedev spoke on numerous occasions about what important significance for Russia has the principle of the supremacy of law. However, the words have remained just words. By our deep conviction, politically motivated criminal prosecutions and politically motivated court sentences are found in flagrant contradiction with the principle of supremacy of law.
It is precisely for this reason that we called on the president of the RF to pardon people who had become, in our opinion, victims of politically motivated prosecutions. Here are their names: Valentin Danilov, Igor Sutyagin, Igor Reshetin, Alexander Rozhkin, Sergey Vizir, Mikhail Ivanov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Platon Lebedev, Alexey Pichugin, Vasily Alexanyan, Svetlana Bakhmina, Zara Murtazaliyeva, Zaurbek Talkhigov...
This is far from a complete list of Russian political prisoners. We understand those feelings that are experienced by free-thinking people in Singapore, who, like us, want to see their country as a democratic state, free from persecutions in it of citizens for their convictions. We express our solidarity with leader of the Singapore Democratic Party Chee Soon Juan, because we are personally experiencing the pressure of the powers for criticism of their actions, because we are fighting for free and honest elections, because we demand the release of political prisoners in Russia.
We are fighting for human rights, for freedom for political prisoners, against torture, tyranny and wars. We are acting as our conscience tells us to.
Freedom for Chee Soon Juan! Freedom for all political prisoners in Russia and throughout the world!
L.M. Alexeeva, Moscow Helsinki Group
S.A. Gannushkina, "Civic assistance" Committee
S.A. Kovalev, A. Sakharov Foundation
L.A. Ponomarev, Movement "For human rights"
Yu.A. Ryzhov, RAN academician
Yu.V. Samodurov, A. Sakahrov Museum and Public Center
A.K. Simonov, Glasnost defense foundation
E.I. Cherny, Public committee for the defense of scientists
G.P. Yakunin, Public committee for the defense of freedom of conscience
political prisoner? chee? how long he squatted in holiday resort? why did he choose not to pay the fine? who's torturing who? chee tortured the gabramen more likely. tyranny? war? *gasp!! i think the RUSSIAN got conned: this is PEESAILAND not NORTH KOREAN!!
latest hearsay in the martial world
Alfrescian Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 16
My Reputation:Points: 10 / Power: 0
SDP no longer trusts sabo-king Ng E Jay after 2 incidents
Just heard from a source inside SDP:
They no longer trust Ng E Jay after he changed t-shirts at the protest and plead guilty in court without informing them, sabo-ing the SDP court case. Even his good friend Chia Ti Lik did not know about Ng E Jay pleading guilty until they went to court that morning. Everyone in SDP was stunned.
The source say look out for Ng E Jay jumping ship to another party.
would they send another double agent into NSP, SDA or whatever? SDP clan facing imminent extinction. maybe it's time to diffuse all their disciples to all the other martial arts sect where they could slowly usurp other's territories which they could later unite and take on the LEEgime. possible martial world domination plot?
Alfrescian Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 16
My Reputation:Points: 10 / Power: 0
SDP no longer trusts sabo-king Ng E Jay after 2 incidents
Just heard from a source inside SDP:
They no longer trust Ng E Jay after he changed t-shirts at the protest and plead guilty in court without informing them, sabo-ing the SDP court case. Even his good friend Chia Ti Lik did not know about Ng E Jay pleading guilty until they went to court that morning. Everyone in SDP was stunned.
The source say look out for Ng E Jay jumping ship to another party.
would they send another double agent into NSP, SDA or whatever? SDP clan facing imminent extinction. maybe it's time to diffuse all their disciples to all the other martial arts sect where they could slowly usurp other's territories which they could later unite and take on the LEEgime. possible martial world domination plot?
sleeping with the enemy
Originally Posted by leetahbar
in another mountain, a gathering of heroes and heroines who were hurt en masse by a special mind-deranging skill by the LEEgime. however, master chee wasn't there. such a disappointment!! unless the heroes/heroines were BURMESE, maybe master chee would make a guest appearance. since they were peasants like him, he jolly well ignored them.
from this saga, suddenly allies were forged. the cunning thinknothing who was lurking in the old sbf tea-house is now appearing as AVANTAS. JJ, the nerd with the turd was once his arch-enemy. that naturally went together for chia sai and lamui.
however due to this latest drama LEHMAN, the turd had accompliced with the weasel and lodging fresh attacks. SCROOBAL, the ultra-modernistic poet aka to LI BAI in old china was targeted for trying to unravel a hideous plot hatching from the mating of the turd and the weasel.
as the drama unfolds, more suspense, twists and turns would follow
eversine JJ bribed the kangaroos to free himself, there was awkardness with chia sai. though lamui was desperately trying to patch things up for their strained confidence and trust, it was a rather weak F&D.
rumour had it that lamui was pregnant! she was seeking solace in a remote place called TISNEYLAND - an exclusive place where money could buy all the brief happiness. wait a minute? did she absconded with all the $M pills that could cure so many of their internal injuries???
she secretly told ramseth that she would be taking her LEAPING JAGUAR instead of the deformed FLYING TIGER rode by chia sai. with heart broken further, ramseth threw out another splash of warm blood and fainted.....
upheaval upon upheaval. wow!! now another secret society of "anti-gov" was also dragged in. they were in support of the lau leelo TKL who was now the brightest limelight overshadowing master chee. chia sai must be kicking himself for not anticipating this drama where he could be posterboy splashed on the notices pasted on every walls in PEESAILAND.
Originally Posted by leetahbar
in another mountain, a gathering of heroes and heroines who were hurt en masse by a special mind-deranging skill by the LEEgime. however, master chee wasn't there. such a disappointment!! unless the heroes/heroines were BURMESE, maybe master chee would make a guest appearance. since they were peasants like him, he jolly well ignored them.
from this saga, suddenly allies were forged. the cunning thinknothing who was lurking in the old sbf tea-house is now appearing as AVANTAS. JJ, the nerd with the turd was once his arch-enemy. that naturally went together for chia sai and lamui.
however due to this latest drama LEHMAN, the turd had accompliced with the weasel and lodging fresh attacks. SCROOBAL, the ultra-modernistic poet aka to LI BAI in old china was targeted for trying to unravel a hideous plot hatching from the mating of the turd and the weasel.
as the drama unfolds, more suspense, twists and turns would follow
eversine JJ bribed the kangaroos to free himself, there was awkardness with chia sai. though lamui was desperately trying to patch things up for their strained confidence and trust, it was a rather weak F&D.
rumour had it that lamui was pregnant! she was seeking solace in a remote place called TISNEYLAND - an exclusive place where money could buy all the brief happiness. wait a minute? did she absconded with all the $M pills that could cure so many of their internal injuries???
she secretly told ramseth that she would be taking her LEAPING JAGUAR instead of the deformed FLYING TIGER rode by chia sai. with heart broken further, ramseth threw out another splash of warm blood and fainted.....
upheaval upon upheaval. wow!! now another secret society of "anti-gov" was also dragged in. they were in support of the lau leelo TKL who was now the brightest limelight overshadowing master chee. chia sai must be kicking himself for not anticipating this drama where he could be posterboy splashed on the notices pasted on every walls in PEESAILAND.
le pinky's turn for his PAP talk....
PM Lee says two-party political model cannot work in Singapore
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 16 November 2008 1820 hrs
SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said a two-party political model cannot work in Singapore.
Mr Lee, who is also the ruling People's Action Party's Secretary General, added that change must take place not between parties but within the PAP.
Addressing the party's activists on Sunday, Mr Lee explained why tackling the economic crisis needs both a policy and political response.
He said: "We cannot sail through this storm on autopilot. The government has to lead, watch the changing environment, implement the policies needed, mobilise Singaporeans and mount a national response to get us through. It's the party's business to provide this leadership for Singapore."
He added that the country is much better off with one dominant party, as long as the PAP provides clean and good government, and the lives of Singaporeans improve.
Mr Lee said: "If the party doesn't work, if something goes wrong with the party, you can be sure new parties will come, new contests will come. People will spring up to take on the government in no time at all.
"But it is not our job to build up the opposition or split the party into two, because it is hard enough to find one team to look after the country. How can we find two?"
Mr Lee said that as a small country, Singapore depends critically on an outstanding team of leaders to make up for the many limitations.
Hence, the country cannot afford to compromise the quality of the nation's leadership.
Mr Lee said that at every general election, the party brings in 20 or more new MPs and ministers.
The progress of leadership renewal in the PAP determines whether Singapore will continue enjoying stability and good government in the long term, he said.
- CNA/ir
inevitably, this is kiasuism propaganda at its best! maybe he would just leegalise TYRANNY or DYNASTIC RULE would be better. then again, the disunity of opposition parties is really such an embarrassment!
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 16 November 2008 1820 hrs
SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said a two-party political model cannot work in Singapore.
Mr Lee, who is also the ruling People's Action Party's Secretary General, added that change must take place not between parties but within the PAP.
Addressing the party's activists on Sunday, Mr Lee explained why tackling the economic crisis needs both a policy and political response.
He said: "We cannot sail through this storm on autopilot. The government has to lead, watch the changing environment, implement the policies needed, mobilise Singaporeans and mount a national response to get us through. It's the party's business to provide this leadership for Singapore."
He added that the country is much better off with one dominant party, as long as the PAP provides clean and good government, and the lives of Singaporeans improve.
Mr Lee said: "If the party doesn't work, if something goes wrong with the party, you can be sure new parties will come, new contests will come. People will spring up to take on the government in no time at all.
"But it is not our job to build up the opposition or split the party into two, because it is hard enough to find one team to look after the country. How can we find two?"
Mr Lee said that as a small country, Singapore depends critically on an outstanding team of leaders to make up for the many limitations.
Hence, the country cannot afford to compromise the quality of the nation's leadership.
Mr Lee said that at every general election, the party brings in 20 or more new MPs and ministers.
The progress of leadership renewal in the PAP determines whether Singapore will continue enjoying stability and good government in the long term, he said.
- CNA/ir
inevitably, this is kiasuism propaganda at its best! maybe he would just leegalise TYRANNY or DYNASTIC RULE would be better. then again, the disunity of opposition parties is really such an embarrassment!
Chia Tilik angry with PAPa again! Subscribe
From: 4stooges3 9:12 pm
To: ALL (1 of 2)
PAPa Dun Kick [the Bucket] yet, I am in trouble you see….
Let us just summarise the events of the recent days. We have the following happening:
1. The shameless announcement of reduction of electricity tariffs, this has come after the previous shameless increase in electricity tariffs in the backdrop of falling oil prices, when in the first place our stations are gas fired.
2. The bringing forward of the budget. I spoke to several associates and found out that i have overlooked the recent bringing forward of the budget. This is most unusual. Some friends think that this signals the intention to bundle out the goodies to our materialistic population and then ask for mandate to face the shit that is to come in Singapore’s path.
3. Rubbish statements from Lee Hsien Loong - for example like the 2 party system can never work in Singapore. We are better off with a one dominant party.
All these point to pre-election jitters from the PAP. These are signs of a cowardly ruling party leveraging again on public resources and tall tales to fool the population. Well, I don’t know how many of them will start crying on nomination day but that is not the point.
Basically, Lee Hsien Loong isn’t confident of the worm ridden ship that he is now helming. He needs to drag old father off his dying bed to ask for the comfort of having him negotiate that impending shallows nearing from the distance. Though the Old Sea Dog being the experienced mariner will pull the worm ridden ship through this time round, I am sure that the wheels of motion have been set in place - The prevalence of self-centredness and lack of public service spirit that permeates through the administration will set itself for its eventual doom.
The essence of calling for snap elections would be to secure power and mandate to ride through the uncertainty [for themselves] and not so much of having the mandate of the people to give out goodies. Has anybody ever wondered why they never consult us when they choose to increase the cost of living but they claim to need your vote before they can return a pittance of your money back to you?
Our brothers and sisters have yet to awaken. A number of people i spoke to have yet to see the flaws created. Some persist to perpetuate them either by reason of their work or by simply by choice.
If the failings of this administration is not clear enough yet, we would have to continue to persevere and wait to watch the dominoes fall.
There are too many failings within this administration. It does not matter if the PAP were to hold on for one more term. It merely means that it was the Singaporeans who have not woken up set up the country for a harder fall. Everyone in the administration who helps to keep the PAP in power and perpetuate the myths of the PAP and the misgivings within its system are also responsible for pushing the nation into dangerous waters.
It is with this backdrop of pessimism that i would make the prediction that in the next snap election to be called, with a heavily tweaked electoral system, the results would be the same. No new seats will be won by the opposition.
This does not mean that the PAP will get more confident and better because of the win. In fact it will be worse, they can continue to fatten themselves on their huge salaries and continue their abomination of Singapore’s system. This is good. This is the natural progression of things. There is no avoiding it.
For change to come, change must come from Singaporeans themselves. Singaporeans can continue to think that the PAP is the only party who can run Singapore. Singaporeans will pay dearly for their continued returning of the PAP to power. The PAP will not just run singapore, it will RUIN Singapore.
The PAP will persist in its policies of being the PESTS AND PARASITES that it is so effective at sucking the blood of the Singaporean people. This will set the stage for real change to come. The bullshit will pile up. The cock ups will continue and the Singaporeans will continue to bleed either through taxes or through even more badly made investment decisions by Temasek and GIC. This will be so such that when the shit hits the fan, even the staunchest PAP supporter will have to decide that this administration has to go.
This time round, the PAP will again make very grand promises to help the people. This will come in several hundred or thousands of dollars of benefits to each potential elector. Subsequent thereafter, there will be another string of price increases to bleed Singaporeans to cough out what they were given multifold. This will be a repeat of the 2001/2006 General Elections. Alot of fanfare but no real progress.
Until Singaporeans [including our opposition] realise the shit dished out to us is only a FRACTION of that which has been covered up throughout all these years and that the people’s power can only come in assembling in thousands to kick the asses of the PAP, no real change will come. Mark my words.
shit?? shits not enough and now must add in the foreign shits to brighten up!!?? maybe they should just PG, pay the fines and re-strategise. or maybe dun PG, dun pay the fines, go to jail and re-strategise. whatever it is: RE-STRATEGISE.
From: 4stooges3 9:12 pm
To: ALL (1 of 2)
PAPa Dun Kick [the Bucket] yet, I am in trouble you see….
Let us just summarise the events of the recent days. We have the following happening:
1. The shameless announcement of reduction of electricity tariffs, this has come after the previous shameless increase in electricity tariffs in the backdrop of falling oil prices, when in the first place our stations are gas fired.
2. The bringing forward of the budget. I spoke to several associates and found out that i have overlooked the recent bringing forward of the budget. This is most unusual. Some friends think that this signals the intention to bundle out the goodies to our materialistic population and then ask for mandate to face the shit that is to come in Singapore’s path.
3. Rubbish statements from Lee Hsien Loong - for example like the 2 party system can never work in Singapore. We are better off with a one dominant party.
All these point to pre-election jitters from the PAP. These are signs of a cowardly ruling party leveraging again on public resources and tall tales to fool the population. Well, I don’t know how many of them will start crying on nomination day but that is not the point.
Basically, Lee Hsien Loong isn’t confident of the worm ridden ship that he is now helming. He needs to drag old father off his dying bed to ask for the comfort of having him negotiate that impending shallows nearing from the distance. Though the Old Sea Dog being the experienced mariner will pull the worm ridden ship through this time round, I am sure that the wheels of motion have been set in place - The prevalence of self-centredness and lack of public service spirit that permeates through the administration will set itself for its eventual doom.
The essence of calling for snap elections would be to secure power and mandate to ride through the uncertainty [for themselves] and not so much of having the mandate of the people to give out goodies. Has anybody ever wondered why they never consult us when they choose to increase the cost of living but they claim to need your vote before they can return a pittance of your money back to you?
Our brothers and sisters have yet to awaken. A number of people i spoke to have yet to see the flaws created. Some persist to perpetuate them either by reason of their work or by simply by choice.
If the failings of this administration is not clear enough yet, we would have to continue to persevere and wait to watch the dominoes fall.
There are too many failings within this administration. It does not matter if the PAP were to hold on for one more term. It merely means that it was the Singaporeans who have not woken up set up the country for a harder fall. Everyone in the administration who helps to keep the PAP in power and perpetuate the myths of the PAP and the misgivings within its system are also responsible for pushing the nation into dangerous waters.
It is with this backdrop of pessimism that i would make the prediction that in the next snap election to be called, with a heavily tweaked electoral system, the results would be the same. No new seats will be won by the opposition.
This does not mean that the PAP will get more confident and better because of the win. In fact it will be worse, they can continue to fatten themselves on their huge salaries and continue their abomination of Singapore’s system. This is good. This is the natural progression of things. There is no avoiding it.
For change to come, change must come from Singaporeans themselves. Singaporeans can continue to think that the PAP is the only party who can run Singapore. Singaporeans will pay dearly for their continued returning of the PAP to power. The PAP will not just run singapore, it will RUIN Singapore.
The PAP will persist in its policies of being the PESTS AND PARASITES that it is so effective at sucking the blood of the Singaporean people. This will set the stage for real change to come. The bullshit will pile up. The cock ups will continue and the Singaporeans will continue to bleed either through taxes or through even more badly made investment decisions by Temasek and GIC. This will be so such that when the shit hits the fan, even the staunchest PAP supporter will have to decide that this administration has to go.
This time round, the PAP will again make very grand promises to help the people. This will come in several hundred or thousands of dollars of benefits to each potential elector. Subsequent thereafter, there will be another string of price increases to bleed Singaporeans to cough out what they were given multifold. This will be a repeat of the 2001/2006 General Elections. Alot of fanfare but no real progress.
Until Singaporeans [including our opposition] realise the shit dished out to us is only a FRACTION of that which has been covered up throughout all these years and that the people’s power can only come in assembling in thousands to kick the asses of the PAP, no real change will come. Mark my words.
shit?? shits not enough and now must add in the foreign shits to brighten up!!?? maybe they should just PG, pay the fines and re-strategise. or maybe dun PG, dun pay the fines, go to jail and re-strategise. whatever it is: RE-STRATEGISE.
sacred honglim hill is ALIVE!!
another prominent kungfu expert formerly from WP clan spoke up. he does make a point: WHY ARE THE MPs muffled? best of all, isn't this a good chance for executing a hurtful blow by master chee. but he's quite silent. his internal injuries must be more serious than anticipated.
After five weeks, where are the politicians?
Sunday, 16 November 2008, 5:09 pm
Andrew Loh / Deputy Editor
This is a personal observation piece on what has been happening at Speakers’ Corner with regards to the credit-linked securities saga.
Mr Tan Kin Lian has been making speeches there for five weeks now – giving advice to the aggrieved investors who have lost, in some cases, all their life savings. When I look at the faces on some of them, especially the more elderly ones, it saddens me a great deal. While there are those who say that they should have known better or that they should have exercised personal responsibility when they bought the products, this is seeing things in a very simplistic and puritanical manner.
There are a number of reasons why they did not understand what was written in the various prospectus provided by the banks, some of which are as thick as 80 to 100 pages. I shall not go into that here. Many have already spoken about it.
What saddens me even more is that none – absolutely zero – of our Members of Parliament have seen it necessary or worthy for them to visit Hong Lim Park on any of those five Saturdays to speak to the affected investors in person. Considering that the first event attracted 1,000 and more people, and subsequent ones between 400 to 600 people, with extensive media publicity, it puzzles me that no MPs found it necessary to grab the opportunity to speak to the hundreds of Singaporean investors in person and see if they can help.
What on earth are our MPs doing? What are our MPs for?
Isn’t 10,000 investors enough reason for them to come forward and help out?
Instead, the job of advising the investors is left to a lone Singaporean, Mr Tan, and his helper, Mr Goh Meng Seng and a group of volunteers. They, to their total credit, are doing what they can. In this, I take heart – that though some may shy away from what they may consider a “sensitive issue” or may be more interested in making sure they do not “get trapped politically”, there are Singaporeans who will stand up for what is right.
I can’t say the same for our MPs, though – whether they are from the ruling party or the opposition. As far as I know, they’ve only made comments and asked some questions in Parliament – to no effect whatsoever. The Workers’ Party, officially, have released one press statement on the issue thus far – expressing “concern” that some investors are contemplating legal action against the financial institutions. The WP said it is “concerned that such investors may end up paying huge legal costs.”
The other opposition parties, save for Mr Goh who is from the National Solidarity Party, basically, have done nothing. Perhaps there are no political points to be scored. Or that it is politically risky to get involved. Maybe they just dislike Speakers’ Corner, seeing it as a “rabble-rousing” venue unworthy of their presence. Whatever their reasons, it is sad to see them well, being nonchalant about the losses faced by thousands of investors.
Perhaps some will ask, “What can the opposition do?” I would answer, sometimes, just being there for someone in need is enough. Perhaps just being there will show the government that if they do not take the issue seriously and deal with it quickly, there is a cost to be paid politically. Perhaps you only need to be there to show that you care.
Perhaps you should stop thinking like a politician and behave more like a Singaporean who cares for those in need.
But alas, none of our PAP MPs and opposition MPs care, apparently.
When I was at Hong Lim Park, elderly investors would come up to me and ask me questions about certain investment banks, how to go about writing statements, or what they should do generally. I wish I could give them more substantial advice but I am no expert in such matters. My job in helping Mr Tan is to provide publicity for his events – either through The Online Citizen or by sending out press releases to the media.
I wish I could do more to help the investors individually.
I wish our MPs would do more too.
Mr Tan has said that he will be there at Speakers’ Corner every fortnight until the matter is resolved satisfactorily. Thus, our MPs will still have opportunities to visit Hong Lim Park and speak personally to the investors.
Perhaps only then will they understand the acute anxiety which the affected Singaporeans are feeling – and get a real feel of the ground, so to speak, instead of relying on the newspapers to get their information.
Otherwise, making meaningless speeches in Parliament and issuing press releases are not going to do anything – as have been shown in the past five weeks. Nothing, really, has changed and the banks and the financial institutions – indeed, the Government itself – are dragging their collective feet. Perhaps hoping that this matter will go away somehow. (Compare this to Hong Kong where the government there is doing more and doing it swiftly as well.)
Until some politicians are willing to stand up for Singaporeans, Singaporeans have to stand up for themselves.
If that is the case, one wonders why we elect MPs in the first place.
Indeed, some at Hong Lim have also wondered the same.
if we rewind to the era where peesailand was hit by CLOB SAGA, nothing much was done then. so what's 10,000 conned investors are compared to the entire nation of "clobbered" investor for that scenario.
Pinky was then the finance minitoot who was said to have initiated that accursed CLOB and was totally clueless when peasants were badly and unfairly clobbered by the tyrant from matland, MATHATTER.
the sufferings then was many times greater than what LEHMAN's victims face
After five weeks, where are the politicians?
Sunday, 16 November 2008, 5:09 pm
Andrew Loh / Deputy Editor
This is a personal observation piece on what has been happening at Speakers’ Corner with regards to the credit-linked securities saga.
Mr Tan Kin Lian has been making speeches there for five weeks now – giving advice to the aggrieved investors who have lost, in some cases, all their life savings. When I look at the faces on some of them, especially the more elderly ones, it saddens me a great deal. While there are those who say that they should have known better or that they should have exercised personal responsibility when they bought the products, this is seeing things in a very simplistic and puritanical manner.
There are a number of reasons why they did not understand what was written in the various prospectus provided by the banks, some of which are as thick as 80 to 100 pages. I shall not go into that here. Many have already spoken about it.
What saddens me even more is that none – absolutely zero – of our Members of Parliament have seen it necessary or worthy for them to visit Hong Lim Park on any of those five Saturdays to speak to the affected investors in person. Considering that the first event attracted 1,000 and more people, and subsequent ones between 400 to 600 people, with extensive media publicity, it puzzles me that no MPs found it necessary to grab the opportunity to speak to the hundreds of Singaporean investors in person and see if they can help.
What on earth are our MPs doing? What are our MPs for?
Isn’t 10,000 investors enough reason for them to come forward and help out?
Instead, the job of advising the investors is left to a lone Singaporean, Mr Tan, and his helper, Mr Goh Meng Seng and a group of volunteers. They, to their total credit, are doing what they can. In this, I take heart – that though some may shy away from what they may consider a “sensitive issue” or may be more interested in making sure they do not “get trapped politically”, there are Singaporeans who will stand up for what is right.
I can’t say the same for our MPs, though – whether they are from the ruling party or the opposition. As far as I know, they’ve only made comments and asked some questions in Parliament – to no effect whatsoever. The Workers’ Party, officially, have released one press statement on the issue thus far – expressing “concern” that some investors are contemplating legal action against the financial institutions. The WP said it is “concerned that such investors may end up paying huge legal costs.”
The other opposition parties, save for Mr Goh who is from the National Solidarity Party, basically, have done nothing. Perhaps there are no political points to be scored. Or that it is politically risky to get involved. Maybe they just dislike Speakers’ Corner, seeing it as a “rabble-rousing” venue unworthy of their presence. Whatever their reasons, it is sad to see them well, being nonchalant about the losses faced by thousands of investors.
Perhaps some will ask, “What can the opposition do?” I would answer, sometimes, just being there for someone in need is enough. Perhaps just being there will show the government that if they do not take the issue seriously and deal with it quickly, there is a cost to be paid politically. Perhaps you only need to be there to show that you care.
Perhaps you should stop thinking like a politician and behave more like a Singaporean who cares for those in need.
But alas, none of our PAP MPs and opposition MPs care, apparently.
When I was at Hong Lim Park, elderly investors would come up to me and ask me questions about certain investment banks, how to go about writing statements, or what they should do generally. I wish I could give them more substantial advice but I am no expert in such matters. My job in helping Mr Tan is to provide publicity for his events – either through The Online Citizen or by sending out press releases to the media.
I wish I could do more to help the investors individually.
I wish our MPs would do more too.
Mr Tan has said that he will be there at Speakers’ Corner every fortnight until the matter is resolved satisfactorily. Thus, our MPs will still have opportunities to visit Hong Lim Park and speak personally to the investors.
Perhaps only then will they understand the acute anxiety which the affected Singaporeans are feeling – and get a real feel of the ground, so to speak, instead of relying on the newspapers to get their information.
Otherwise, making meaningless speeches in Parliament and issuing press releases are not going to do anything – as have been shown in the past five weeks. Nothing, really, has changed and the banks and the financial institutions – indeed, the Government itself – are dragging their collective feet. Perhaps hoping that this matter will go away somehow. (Compare this to Hong Kong where the government there is doing more and doing it swiftly as well.)
Until some politicians are willing to stand up for Singaporeans, Singaporeans have to stand up for themselves.
If that is the case, one wonders why we elect MPs in the first place.
Indeed, some at Hong Lim have also wondered the same.
if we rewind to the era where peesailand was hit by CLOB SAGA, nothing much was done then. so what's 10,000 conned investors are compared to the entire nation of "clobbered" investor for that scenario.
Pinky was then the finance minitoot who was said to have initiated that accursed CLOB and was totally clueless when peasants were badly and unfairly clobbered by the tyrant from matland, MATHATTER.
the sufferings then was many times greater than what LEHMAN's victims face
appearance of new wu lin heelo
oh where, tell me where, has that master chee gone to? (adapted from BLUEBELLS OF SCOTLAND lyrics)
DBS slammed for layoffs
By Sue-Ann Chia
'We are disappointed by the sudden decision,' Labour chief Lim Swee Say told The Straits Times when asked for his views on the DBS layoffs. -- PHOTO: THE NEWPAPER
LABOUR chief Lim Swee Say on Friday slammed DBS Bank for failing to consult its staff union on retrenching its workers or exploring other cost-cutting measures first.
'We are disappointed by the sudden decision,' he told The Straits Times when asked for his views on the DBS layoffs.
'There was no prior consultation with the DBS Staff Union. There was no exploration with the union on other cost reduction alternatives,' he said in an email reply on Friday.
Mr Lim, an advisor to the DBS staff union, said this lack of communication has weakened the trust between the bank's management and union.
Not mincing his words, he added: 'It is regretable because trust takes a long time to build but a short time to destroy.'
His criticism came on day 2 of DBS' retrenchment exercise, a move that has drawn flak from the public as being pre-emptive rather than reactive.
Mr Lim laid it on, saying: 'Perception on the ground is that DBS has decided on retrenchment as the first resort. Ground reaction is critical and highly negative.'
DBS is laying off 900 workers, with slightly more than half coming from Singapore and the rest from its Hong Kong office.
The secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) also had a word of advice for other companies.
'We do not demand zero retrenchment because we know fully well that at times, it is better to let go of some workers so that the remaining workers can survive and keep their jobs, then for business to be closed down and for all workers to lose their jobs,' he said.
'However, we do not support retrenchment as the first resort because there are alternatives for us to explore together to reduce cost and save jobs - from flexible wage system to flexible work arrangements.'! the new heelo is not shit suay. it's TAN KIN LIAN! oh where, tell me where has that master chee gone?
oh where, tell me where, has that master chee gone to? (adapted from BLUEBELLS OF SCOTLAND lyrics)
DBS slammed for layoffs
By Sue-Ann Chia
'We are disappointed by the sudden decision,' Labour chief Lim Swee Say told The Straits Times when asked for his views on the DBS layoffs. -- PHOTO: THE NEWPAPER
LABOUR chief Lim Swee Say on Friday slammed DBS Bank for failing to consult its staff union on retrenching its workers or exploring other cost-cutting measures first.
'We are disappointed by the sudden decision,' he told The Straits Times when asked for his views on the DBS layoffs.
'There was no prior consultation with the DBS Staff Union. There was no exploration with the union on other cost reduction alternatives,' he said in an email reply on Friday.
Mr Lim, an advisor to the DBS staff union, said this lack of communication has weakened the trust between the bank's management and union.
Not mincing his words, he added: 'It is regretable because trust takes a long time to build but a short time to destroy.'
His criticism came on day 2 of DBS' retrenchment exercise, a move that has drawn flak from the public as being pre-emptive rather than reactive.
Mr Lim laid it on, saying: 'Perception on the ground is that DBS has decided on retrenchment as the first resort. Ground reaction is critical and highly negative.'
DBS is laying off 900 workers, with slightly more than half coming from Singapore and the rest from its Hong Kong office.
The secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) also had a word of advice for other companies.
'We do not demand zero retrenchment because we know fully well that at times, it is better to let go of some workers so that the remaining workers can survive and keep their jobs, then for business to be closed down and for all workers to lose their jobs,' he said.
'However, we do not support retrenchment as the first resort because there are alternatives for us to explore together to reduce cost and save jobs - from flexible wage system to flexible work arrangements.'! the new heelo is not shit suay. it's TAN KIN LIAN! oh where, tell me where has that master chee gone?
the lehmen's connection

in another mountain, a gathering of heroes and heroines who were hurt en masse by a special mind-deranging skill by the LEEgime. however, master chee wasn't there. such a disappointment!! unless the heroes/heroines were BURMESE, maybe master chee would make a guest appearance. since they were peasants like him, he jolly well ignored them.
kungfu auntie's revelation about master chee's misdeeds
LETTER TO EDITOR: Singapore and human rights
Singapore's constitution and laws are different from the U.S. ("The Singapore 18," Op-Ed, Friday). They have ensured law and order, stability and prosperity for Singapore. We do not seek to impose our laws on others, nor do human rights groups have the right to impose their values on Singapore.
The writer, Timothy Cooper, says that 18 Singaporeans have been unconstitutionally indicted for taking part in a peaceful assembly. They were charged with taking part in an assembly without a permit as required under Singapore law. There is nothing unconstitutional about this long-standing law, or the charges against the 18.
Mr. Cooper refers to a report by a subgroup of the International Bar Association (IBA). In 2007, the IBA held its annual conference in Singapore, despite being lobbied by Chee Soon Juan to boycott Singapore.
In his opening speech, the president of the IBA, Fernando Pombo, said the IBA had done so because of Singapore's "outstanding legal profession" and "an outstanding judiciary."
Mr. Pombo is not alone. The latest World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report rated Singapore 19th out of 131 countries on independence of the judiciary from political influences, ahead of Japan, France, Luxembourg and the U.S.
Mr. Cooper also says that Mr. Chee has been imprisoned seven times.
On five occasions the courts had imposed fines on Mr. Chee for various miscellaneous offenses, but he deliberately chose not to pay the fines and to go to jail instead. Twice he was committed for contempt of court for alleging judicial bias.
As for the defamation suits against Mr. Chee, he had accused the prime minister and ministers of lying and financial malfeasance involving billions of dollars. He has also freely made claims of corruption, nepotism and dishonesty, without any basis. They had to sue to clear their names or have the false allegations believed and their integrity impugned.
We believe that it is important to keep the public discourse honest, and that when individuals, especially public figures, have been defamed, the truth can be established in court, one way or the other.
Republic of Singapore
LETTER TO EDITOR: Singapore and human rights
Singapore's constitution and laws are different from the U.S. ("The Singapore 18," Op-Ed, Friday). They have ensured law and order, stability and prosperity for Singapore. We do not seek to impose our laws on others, nor do human rights groups have the right to impose their values on Singapore.
The writer, Timothy Cooper, says that 18 Singaporeans have been unconstitutionally indicted for taking part in a peaceful assembly. They were charged with taking part in an assembly without a permit as required under Singapore law. There is nothing unconstitutional about this long-standing law, or the charges against the 18.
Mr. Cooper refers to a report by a subgroup of the International Bar Association (IBA). In 2007, the IBA held its annual conference in Singapore, despite being lobbied by Chee Soon Juan to boycott Singapore.
In his opening speech, the president of the IBA, Fernando Pombo, said the IBA had done so because of Singapore's "outstanding legal profession" and "an outstanding judiciary."
Mr. Pombo is not alone. The latest World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report rated Singapore 19th out of 131 countries on independence of the judiciary from political influences, ahead of Japan, France, Luxembourg and the U.S.
Mr. Cooper also says that Mr. Chee has been imprisoned seven times.
On five occasions the courts had imposed fines on Mr. Chee for various miscellaneous offenses, but he deliberately chose not to pay the fines and to go to jail instead. Twice he was committed for contempt of court for alleging judicial bias.
As for the defamation suits against Mr. Chee, he had accused the prime minister and ministers of lying and financial malfeasance involving billions of dollars. He has also freely made claims of corruption, nepotism and dishonesty, without any basis. They had to sue to clear their names or have the false allegations believed and their integrity impugned.
We believe that it is important to keep the public discourse honest, and that when individuals, especially public figures, have been defamed, the truth can be established in court, one way or the other.
Republic of Singapore
From: PAPbest Nov-9 12:44 am
To: ALL (1 of 1)
Dr Chee Soon Juan wrote an article asking Singaporeans to learn from Foreigners. In its most dramatical twist of events, Dr Chee has chosen to be represented by a Canadian lawyer. And now, Dr Chee is asking you and me to learn from Americans who just voted in their first Black President.
Let me now show you how myopic Dr Chee is getting.
“And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn,” the new leader says, “I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.” In Singapore, our government refuses to build lifts that stop on every floor for the elderly because one of its candidate is not voted in.
Can Dr Chee stand out and admit that he did not accept any performance package from the Government? GST rebates? Growth Package? When the PAP government was established in the 1960s, it ensured that every Singaporean would be given opportunities in this island. Meritocracy and multiracialism enabled Singaporeans to achieve their dreams. Ironically, the US had just begun to give voting rights to the Blacks then.
Mr Obama points out that the “true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.” In Singapore, our leader measures his success by the number of billions he accumulates in the reserves.
I thought a doctorate graduate would know how to differentiate between talk and action. The sole superpower - the United States has always been using its weapons in the international arena. US action in Southeast Asia has resulted in massive deaths (Vietnam War, Pol Pot, etc). Let's not forget that the US had conducted espionage activities in Singapore.
In Singapore, our leaders have much success to boast about. For instance, we have the highest number of home ownership, we are clean and green, etc. All this occured even before Dr Chee entered politics.
In America, people come together to argue, to celebrate, and to change. In Singapore, the police arrest you and the judges imprison you.
Has Dr Chee heard of Guantanamo Bay?
While Americans take pride in their vote and protect that right jealously, we in Singapore look nervously over our shoulders and wonder whether our votes can be traced.
The fact is Singapore's election has been globally recognised as fair. As the only political party that did not even garner 25% of the votes in the 2006 elections, we can understand how Dr Chee feels.
Change. It's not just a word, it is the key to survival. Americans know it, the world knows it. But Singaporeans are still too frightened to embrace it and fight for it.
I wonder how Dr Chee defines change. Singapore has changed to become such a vibrant international hotspot.
Yet one thing that hasn't changed is Dr Chee's ignorance.
To: ALL (1 of 1)
Dr Chee Soon Juan wrote an article asking Singaporeans to learn from Foreigners. In its most dramatical twist of events, Dr Chee has chosen to be represented by a Canadian lawyer. And now, Dr Chee is asking you and me to learn from Americans who just voted in their first Black President.
Let me now show you how myopic Dr Chee is getting.
“And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn,” the new leader says, “I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.” In Singapore, our government refuses to build lifts that stop on every floor for the elderly because one of its candidate is not voted in.
Can Dr Chee stand out and admit that he did not accept any performance package from the Government? GST rebates? Growth Package? When the PAP government was established in the 1960s, it ensured that every Singaporean would be given opportunities in this island. Meritocracy and multiracialism enabled Singaporeans to achieve their dreams. Ironically, the US had just begun to give voting rights to the Blacks then.
Mr Obama points out that the “true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.” In Singapore, our leader measures his success by the number of billions he accumulates in the reserves.
I thought a doctorate graduate would know how to differentiate between talk and action. The sole superpower - the United States has always been using its weapons in the international arena. US action in Southeast Asia has resulted in massive deaths (Vietnam War, Pol Pot, etc). Let's not forget that the US had conducted espionage activities in Singapore.
In Singapore, our leaders have much success to boast about. For instance, we have the highest number of home ownership, we are clean and green, etc. All this occured even before Dr Chee entered politics.
In America, people come together to argue, to celebrate, and to change. In Singapore, the police arrest you and the judges imprison you.
Has Dr Chee heard of Guantanamo Bay?
While Americans take pride in their vote and protect that right jealously, we in Singapore look nervously over our shoulders and wonder whether our votes can be traced.
The fact is Singapore's election has been globally recognised as fair. As the only political party that did not even garner 25% of the votes in the 2006 elections, we can understand how Dr Chee feels.
Change. It's not just a word, it is the key to survival. Americans know it, the world knows it. But Singaporeans are still too frightened to embrace it and fight for it.
I wonder how Dr Chee defines change. Singapore has changed to become such a vibrant international hotspot.
Yet one thing that hasn't changed is Dr Chee's ignorance.
more foreigners' interest in local martial arts world of poltics
COOPER: The Singapore 18
Prosecution or persecution?
Timothy Cooper
Friday, November 7, 2008
The names Gandhi Ambalam, Chia Ti Lik, Chong Kai Xiong, Jeffrey George, Jaslyn Go, Chee Siok Chin, Govindan Rajan, Chee Soon Juan, Jufrie Mahmood, Jufri Salim, Surayah Akbar, Ng E-Jay, Seelan Palay, Shafi'ie, Carl Lang, John Tan, Francis Yong and Sylvester Lim aren't exactly household names -- but they should be. This week 18 Singaporeans -- the Singapore 18 -- are standing trial for purported crimes against America's 11th largest trading partner -- Singapore.
Indicted for violating the Miscellaneous Offences Act for assembling peacefully without a permit to register their concerns over escalating housing costs, they claim that they're innocent by virtue of their right under the Singapore constitution to enjoy the guarantees of freedom of assembly and expression. Historically, however, Singapore has viewed political dissent through a lens darkly, treating protest as a threat to social tranquility and economic prosperity, rather than what it is -- a fundamental right and necessity in any democracy.
While Singapore claims to be a constitutional democracy, it nevertheless routinely arrests Singaporeans for attempting to assert those rights articulated under the constitution in the open light of day. A democracy, it's not quite.
Ironically, while their trial is about their right to public assembly in numbers more than four without a permit, and to free speech, they view it as a test about whether Singapore's judiciary is independent enough to interpret the country's constitution objectively. In effect, Judge Chia Wee Kiat, who's presiding magistrate over the case, is on trial, too. Many Singaporeans will be watching how he rules. Americans should be watching, too.
That's because Singapore's Minister for Home Affairs, Wong Kan Seng, appears to refuse to be bound by the affirmative rights guaranteed under the country's basic law. Last February, he stated that "[w]e have stopped short of allowing outdoor and street demonstration … Our experiences in the past have taught us to be very circumspect about outdoor and street protests." His reference is to the race riots in Singapore during the 1960s -- almost 50 years ago. Which is like saying that because Washington, D.C. experienced race riots in the 1960s, the residents of Washington must be denied the right to protest government policies. That argument simply doesn't wash.
But the judge in the case will likely rule accordingly, regardless of the plain language of the constitution.
The late Singaporean politician, Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam, stated in an interview shortly before his death that his main concern was that the public had the "perception that its judiciary was not independent." He himself had been made a bankrupt by defamation lawsuits filed against him by his political opponents and the high damages awarded them by Singapore courts. After paying off his debts, he'd recently committed to heading a new political party, whose primary agenda was calling for the independence of the judiciary.
He was not alone. In July, the International Bar Association (ABA) issued a 72-page report on the state of Singapore's judiciary noting that "there are concerns about the objective and subjective independence and impartiality of Singapore judges." The report's final recommendations advocate tenure be granted Singapore judges and that the transfer of judges between "executive and judicial roles" be banned. They also call on the government to prohibit defamation as a criminal offense, and forbid public officials from initiating criminal defamation suits, which detractors claim are used by government to silence its critics.
One of those critics is Chee Soon Juan. He's been jailed seven times on a potpourri of politically-related charges, including speaking without a permit, contempt of court, and even for attempting to depart Singapore in order to attend an international rights conference. He's been fined nearly $1 million to date and made bankrupt by defamation suits brought against him by former Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew, Goh Chok Tong, and Singapore's current Minister Mentor, Lee Hsein Loong. In the next few months, he faces six more trials and an indeterminate amount of jail time. Yet all he wants is for the courts to properly enforce the spirit and letter of the Singapore constitution. Barred from leaving the country, he's been put under country arrest and is a prisoner of conscience.
Were the Singapore 18 living in China or Russia, they'd be enjoying considerable support from the U.S. Instead, they're victims of a sad neglect. They've been cut loose by a nation otherwise preoccupied. But the next Congress and administration should take up the cause of freedom in Singapore. They should exert their influences on Singapore to open up its political space to peaceful dissent and to embrace the benefits of political pluralism. Economic prosperity and political freedoms are not mutually exclusive in Singapore or anywhere else.
Above all, this country should call for judicial reform in Singapore because as J.B. Jeyaretnam would no doubt agree without independence there can be no rule of law.
Timothy Cooper is executive director of the human-rights group Worldrights.
doesn't anyone find it very peculiar that foreigners are more interested in this KANGAROOCOURT HILL DUEL than their own peasants?
maybe this is the cause to all the unsettlements, unrests and boisterous west.
Prosecution or persecution?
Timothy Cooper
Friday, November 7, 2008
The names Gandhi Ambalam, Chia Ti Lik, Chong Kai Xiong, Jeffrey George, Jaslyn Go, Chee Siok Chin, Govindan Rajan, Chee Soon Juan, Jufrie Mahmood, Jufri Salim, Surayah Akbar, Ng E-Jay, Seelan Palay, Shafi'ie, Carl Lang, John Tan, Francis Yong and Sylvester Lim aren't exactly household names -- but they should be. This week 18 Singaporeans -- the Singapore 18 -- are standing trial for purported crimes against America's 11th largest trading partner -- Singapore.
Indicted for violating the Miscellaneous Offences Act for assembling peacefully without a permit to register their concerns over escalating housing costs, they claim that they're innocent by virtue of their right under the Singapore constitution to enjoy the guarantees of freedom of assembly and expression. Historically, however, Singapore has viewed political dissent through a lens darkly, treating protest as a threat to social tranquility and economic prosperity, rather than what it is -- a fundamental right and necessity in any democracy.
While Singapore claims to be a constitutional democracy, it nevertheless routinely arrests Singaporeans for attempting to assert those rights articulated under the constitution in the open light of day. A democracy, it's not quite.
Ironically, while their trial is about their right to public assembly in numbers more than four without a permit, and to free speech, they view it as a test about whether Singapore's judiciary is independent enough to interpret the country's constitution objectively. In effect, Judge Chia Wee Kiat, who's presiding magistrate over the case, is on trial, too. Many Singaporeans will be watching how he rules. Americans should be watching, too.
That's because Singapore's Minister for Home Affairs, Wong Kan Seng, appears to refuse to be bound by the affirmative rights guaranteed under the country's basic law. Last February, he stated that "[w]e have stopped short of allowing outdoor and street demonstration … Our experiences in the past have taught us to be very circumspect about outdoor and street protests." His reference is to the race riots in Singapore during the 1960s -- almost 50 years ago. Which is like saying that because Washington, D.C. experienced race riots in the 1960s, the residents of Washington must be denied the right to protest government policies. That argument simply doesn't wash.
But the judge in the case will likely rule accordingly, regardless of the plain language of the constitution.
The late Singaporean politician, Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam, stated in an interview shortly before his death that his main concern was that the public had the "perception that its judiciary was not independent." He himself had been made a bankrupt by defamation lawsuits filed against him by his political opponents and the high damages awarded them by Singapore courts. After paying off his debts, he'd recently committed to heading a new political party, whose primary agenda was calling for the independence of the judiciary.
He was not alone. In July, the International Bar Association (ABA) issued a 72-page report on the state of Singapore's judiciary noting that "there are concerns about the objective and subjective independence and impartiality of Singapore judges." The report's final recommendations advocate tenure be granted Singapore judges and that the transfer of judges between "executive and judicial roles" be banned. They also call on the government to prohibit defamation as a criminal offense, and forbid public officials from initiating criminal defamation suits, which detractors claim are used by government to silence its critics.
One of those critics is Chee Soon Juan. He's been jailed seven times on a potpourri of politically-related charges, including speaking without a permit, contempt of court, and even for attempting to depart Singapore in order to attend an international rights conference. He's been fined nearly $1 million to date and made bankrupt by defamation suits brought against him by former Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew, Goh Chok Tong, and Singapore's current Minister Mentor, Lee Hsein Loong. In the next few months, he faces six more trials and an indeterminate amount of jail time. Yet all he wants is for the courts to properly enforce the spirit and letter of the Singapore constitution. Barred from leaving the country, he's been put under country arrest and is a prisoner of conscience.
Were the Singapore 18 living in China or Russia, they'd be enjoying considerable support from the U.S. Instead, they're victims of a sad neglect. They've been cut loose by a nation otherwise preoccupied. But the next Congress and administration should take up the cause of freedom in Singapore. They should exert their influences on Singapore to open up its political space to peaceful dissent and to embrace the benefits of political pluralism. Economic prosperity and political freedoms are not mutually exclusive in Singapore or anywhere else.
Above all, this country should call for judicial reform in Singapore because as J.B. Jeyaretnam would no doubt agree without independence there can be no rule of law.
Timothy Cooper is executive director of the human-rights group Worldrights.
doesn't anyone find it very peculiar that foreigners are more interested in this KANGAROOCOURT HILL DUEL than their own peasants?
maybe this is the cause to all the unsettlements, unrests and boisterous west.
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