words from sdp are like shits out of my big fat butts!
About Wayangparty/Temasek review Subscribe
From: commoner2009 Aug-4 11:37 pm
To: ALL (1 of 28)
Haven't really trusted the Wayang party since apology to SHT.
Why did they call themselves as Wayang Party (WP) in the 1st place, because they feel Worker's Party not doing their job? A ploy to tarnish the worker's party hardwork? And sometimes, when mentioned in other blogs/site, WP people still not sure whether it was Worker's or Wayang's Party.....
Now they renamed as Temasekreview. 1st thing that come to my mind is Temasek is under review, will be transparent and accountable thus the review. It is a probably a subliminal programing to make people less hate Temasek, that the review is making progress and making temasek holdings more open.
If one really reads the article on Temasekreview:
Lukewarm response to Tan Kim Lian latest petition:
Though there were some rumblings of bewilderment and discontent on the ground, nobody dares to question the decision of the Temasek Board.
to me, subsconsciously, the website has make people believe Tan Kim Lian is not longer effective, and nobody shld dare to question Temasek Holdings....
Anyway, this is just my opinion of the new Temasekreview which to me, I will not recommend to my opposition skewed friends and relatives
many are being taken for a ride and a wild goose chase. the answer lies with the nerd, NGEJAY. he's secretly linked with WAYANGPARTY as both wanted to see the downfall of workers' party. why do they wanna do that? well, to realise this answer, u must trace and back track all the way back when chiatilik and lamei was undercovering within WP and brewing and concocting some kind of evil agenda...
they know. they are not telling. they could be with wayangparty cos the motives are similar : TO DESTROY WP AND OTHER OPP PARTIES.
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