RP clan's boss KJ had sent to many heroes in the martial arts world to attend his clan annual dinner. however, the envious and evil sdppies were trying ways to ruin it as could be seen here:
RP'S 2nd anniversary. GIVE YOUR SUPPORT!
The Reform Party 1st Anniversary Dinner
"Inviting all to celebrate our first anniversary!"
Host: The Young Reformers: The Reform Party Youth Wing
Type: Party - Dinner Party
Network: Global
Price: S$45.00 per pax
Date: Friday, September 25, 2009
Time: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: Fortunate Restaurant @ Blk 181 Lorong 4, Toa Payoh #02-602, Singapore 310181
Phone: 65349641
Email: enquiries@thereformarty.net
DescriptionThe programme for the evening will include speeches by our Secretary-General, C.E.C
master chee being the utmost loser in the martial arts in local politic world is always sore when he sees and notices other opp parties clans are getting better response than his.
he recalls what an embarrassent his own HAWAIIAN NITE theme night had turned out to be a hot lava disaster! lamui the overall mc made a big mess and boo-boo out of a simple gathering. first it was suppost to be held in some AWESOME HOTEL. after that, there was a last minute goof-up which she conveniently blamed it on the "interferrence from the LEEgime" for preventing them holding it in AWESOME HOTEL.
such a cheap ploy was to inflict anger and resentment from peasants who could be misled to think that SDP was really a very intimidating clan to the famiLEE. but this is really not. it was just a very super MO LAN C behaviour from the abc desperate troll who finally held it in some HOTPARK and claimed that it was even more expensive venue.
the reasoning was given as such as the food they supplied was super yucky, cheap and maybe was leftovers from some rejected catering firm. many left the place and couldn't even gargle off the horrendous aftertaste of the food debris in their mouth and throats. some even threw up secretly in the bushes benefitting the plants there with an organic splurge of fertilisers.
and so we are going to celebrate RP CLAN's another year of achievement dinner. all the heroes and supporters are requested to book their seats. hopefully, KJ would be more generous with the quality and quantities of food served this year.
last year food was like feeding the famish from a famine. the portion was pathetic. the quality was really worst than any tai pai tong or roadside zi cha stall.
i was there with 9 other heroes but everyone of us left home like we hadn't really even eaten! we zoomed off in our merczs, bmws and porche for another sumptuous TAIWANESE PORRIDGE BUFFET in goodwood.
this year hopefully a more decent and sincere meal could be served for the increased price guests gotta pay which is $45 instead of $30 last year per pax.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009

master chee surely would ask the snakey JJ to write a beautiful petition-cum-sanction to welcum obbie
as everyone knows this is the month of the HUNGRY GHOSTS, sdp clan should be very active cos dwelling within there are the relatives of the hungry ghosts - the sdppies zombies and imbeciles.
many are puzzled about what has happened to the 18 TAK BOLEH TAHAN clowns which trial is suddenly and abruptly suspended. if we flip back the pages, ngejay aka JJ the mastershapeshifter pleaded guilty without hesitation. he was fined a mere $600. of course he engaged a lawyer but on the part of leegal fees paid, it was all a hush-up. why huh? why leh?

could obbie reply graciously to master chee like that?
another indian george also PG citing the same reason, "no time. busy. got contract works to do...(etc)" he was fined $1,200 double of ejay's. why huh? why leh? it was a similar offence but the amount of fines compounded was a vast different. was ngejay cuter than george and hence fined at half price? ($600 vs $1,200. strange law indeed!)
later, the famous 1/2past6 lawyer chiatilik was really a chia sai! being a lawyer and defending for himself he was fined initially $1,200. being an idiot and a stubborn brainless ox, his loud ranting defiance to the magistrate costed him another extra $400 which he ranted even louder in his blog. what a loser and a wimp!!
and so the remaining 15 TBT clowns and clownlets were left standing on the shelf. the happening after that just ceases there with no updating. why huh? why leh? ain't SDP always keeping fans updated. surprisingly, not this time. why leh?
the trial of the bo liao 18 TBTs is thus held in suspense.....the lonely lamei once again tries to depict her hiaojiness and posted to reveal her emptiness and loneliness. forever, she's feeling lonely. surprise isn't it? a married mother with 2 teletubbies kids...so free and cho bo lan...and feeling lonely? good gracious!! this means her overloaded indo maid is doing most of the domestic chores. the indo maid is unofficially the official wifey and mum of her 2 teletubbies kids!
aug is almost done now. soon it would be sept, oct....and NOVEMBER - a very happening sddpy month. USA president obama is here! master chee is now very anticipating. he is planning. he is scheming and rubbing his fingers and scratching his itch. his itch to bring peesailand down by pestering obama to sanction peesailand.
it's about another 2 months to nov. sdp clan is now motivating all their zombies and imbeciles disciples to practice la-la-ing obama.
it's a new obbie mantra that the sdppies clowns, zombies and imbeciles diligently practise 24/7 now. forget about their TBT trial. forget about that. most are prepared to check into changi holiday resorts. hopefully, they shall be exploiting this and FLIRT&DESTROY to obama to highlight about their collective plights.
it also very heart-wrenching that the "patriotism in the highest level" - a supreme mind-washing tactic by master chee has formed full circle. their highest level patriotism is to see the SANCTION OF PEESAILAND thereby to bring all the peepees(people of peesailand) to more aggravated economic woes beside the current social problem of increased unemployment, closures or re-location of many big MNCs.
so that's the real concern and motive of master chee. his highest level of patriotism is to sink the entire PEESAILAND....and sink it good by using the ever popular strategem:
what would the peepees - the peasants of peesailand now think about master chee's patriotism, free speeches, human rights and oh ya....DEMOCRAPSY?
a peepee himself, it's very strange that he only hopes to fix peesailand in such a way so as to appease his personal anger and resentment against the LEEgime and the famiLEE. all the clowns, clownlets, zombies and imbeciles in SDP CLAN are really brainless - of course, in the highest level, aiding an evil pagan messiah to advance the ruin of peesailand.
maybe master chee is really synonymous to the 2nd coming of christ which eventual result is END OF THE WORLD OR ARMEGEDDON.
does obama visit here spell another "geddon" - OBAMAGEDDON - the end of peesailand?
stay tuned.....and wait until this NOV to find out the exciting conclusion of messiah chee and OBAMAGEDDON.
only exclusive to theatre in this sbf kopitiam!:D
Thursday, August 27, 2009
lamui's tiger crouching; JJ's dragon worming
the infuraiated lamei who couldn't get the nerd to sing the mari kita decided to clutch his vitals into her own hands. wow!! fierce!
lamui was furious! she couldn't - no matter how revealing she wore, she couldn't get the nerd JJ to stand up erect and loudly sing for her MARI KITA.
so pissed was her that she decided to execute her crawling tger crouching stance. to enhance her stimulating low blow, she used her deadly fa bao high-heeled show and shoved it up the nerd, JJ's little dragon worm.
JJ just loved it! she gave her more. he moaned. and more! he groaned!....and one big clutch and twist and slap, JJ finally cum! it was ecstasy for the nerd...and now he was fully in the tiger crouching clutch of the F&D extraordinaraire lamui.:
obsession of JJ exposed!

"miss u" in her brain while humping away in her sexmobile
Ng E-Jay Says:
July 1st, 2009 at 5:08 pm
Jas and I have known each other for close to 3 years now, and over time she has really gotten to know me inside out, to the extent she scored full marks in the “know E-Jay” quiz on facebook!
I’m just glad to be a listening ear to my friend Jas, it’s the least I could do for an activist mother who is bravely stepping out into the fray to stand up for the rights of Singapore citizens.
Jas, you have so much more life experiences compared to a bookworm like me, so I don’t have that much advice to offer you, but just know I’ll always stand by you whenever you need me.
Our activist group is really made up of great people. I’m so happy to be friends with each and every one of you!
this open posting is very subtle and appears very innocent. but if u think deeper...can it be a confession or a personal obsession?
don't forget, jaslyn is a married mother with 2 teletubbies kids. ejay is the reputated geylang cheongster kaixin1. so just go think about it
chia sai is now the 1/2past6 guniang swordswoman!
the richest now is that 1/2past6 lawyer. he just sold his yishun flat for an obsence profit and lamei still dare accuses HDB in profiteering. i think she must have benefitted some dessert from his flat sale! or maybe she didn't and that's why the lan-c humorous speech for SDP craps. LOL!
it's easy to deduce. how can one living in HDB owns 3 junk out bikes that are not running and can be parked hogging 3 lots?
1/2past6 isn't living in yishun flat any more. he has upgraded himself to live with his rich parents in landed property in changi. hmm....during evening time, he can also haunt the changi village akuas to reinstate his title of GAYLORD
his kungfu is always half-heartedly executed just like a guniang in her dilly-dally mini skirt.
his bombastic plan and proposal and whatever always ends up in a whimper. yep! just like a guniang who jumps at the sight of a tiny cocroaches.
if u look at chia sai's head, u tot u see a tiger. but as u descend ur radar downwards ...NO! not at his groin which is negligible but to his butt. it's flat but there is a tail. i said a tail not a PRICK! it isn't anything tiger. it appears more like a rat...just like the rat faced abc troll! chia sai is always donning a tiger head but disappointing wagging a rat's tail. get the meaning?
as for the nerd JJ. well, shits is his name and turds is always his game!
it's easy to deduce. how can one living in HDB owns 3 junk out bikes that are not running and can be parked hogging 3 lots?
1/2past6 isn't living in yishun flat any more. he has upgraded himself to live with his rich parents in landed property in changi. hmm....during evening time, he can also haunt the changi village akuas to reinstate his title of GAYLORD
his kungfu is always half-heartedly executed just like a guniang in her dilly-dally mini skirt.
his bombastic plan and proposal and whatever always ends up in a whimper. yep! just like a guniang who jumps at the sight of a tiny cocroaches.
if u look at chia sai's head, u tot u see a tiger. but as u descend ur radar downwards ...NO! not at his groin which is negligible but to his butt. it's flat but there is a tail. i said a tail not a PRICK! it isn't anything tiger. it appears more like a rat...just like the rat faced abc troll! chia sai is always donning a tiger head but disappointing wagging a rat's tail. get the meaning?
as for the nerd JJ. well, shits is his name and turds is always his game!
SDA clan is partnering RP clan
it's good news! sda and rp clan would be planning to partner and take on a GRC province. this means if KJ and master chiam coupling win, they would have won a couple of provinces in one shot!
it's quite obvious that some troll in this kopitiam is trying to defame master chiam by posting many baseless accusation about chiam. it could be a genuine resentment of misunderstanding from one of chiam's client or it could probably be a sdppy troll deployed by master chee to sow discord.
one couldn't help to suspect such as we had witnessed how another desperate abc troll trying to suck up to KJ, RP's boss when she bragged to him that "20 sdppies clown" supported his RP (actually it's RP Facebook and not RP the party).
KJ had corrected the abc brainless lan C troll. it was such a direct hit to her dry pussy and she privately and personally resented that. henceforth, KJ had been marked and targeted for flaming. JJ, the obsessed nerd full of turds was deployed for this nefarious task.
being a shapeshifter and a master in this skill, JJ now appears in many nasty clones and shit slam KJ. he always targets on master low from the WP CLAN and many of wp's more senior and advanced disciples. JJ thought he was still invisible to all these deplorable and cheapskate antics but many have already seen through this snake. his rattling tail has been exposed and he's now a marked nerd. many cannot wait to hammer in some senses into oversized martian brain.
lamui meanwhile being the infamous desperate abc troll continues her LAN C-ness and thought she was cool and wise which in fact revealed how stupider she can really get!
sdp clan is really at a dead-end desperate for media attention. helplessly and hopeless, master chee deployed her sis, chin chin, lamui and a blanky chepati indian laukuaybu and another mushy malay mee-rebus blur auntie to relay some humourous NDP speech. they didn't missed the CRAPS - no not chillies crabs. it was really CRAPS! SDP SPICY msg-ed or monosodium glutamated CRAPS!! it was ludicrous and u thirst after u heard from the 4 ignorant bitches. u thirst at such funny CRAPS for your daily entertainment how silly that circus of SDP clowns and clownlets can really get.
....and so, SDP has failed to sow discord. it's despicable act had infact created stronger rapport between some of the opp parties like SDA & RP. they know that in order to win some provinces, they must really unite and fight the LEEgime and famiLEE.
in SDP's lame mentality. it was the reversal. that's why sdp up till this day remains squatting in the damp cold longkang. will they ever learn?
NEVER! of course! how could they with master chee lying persitently to them and mind-washing their freaking pea brains? and so, to longkang....to longkang ...to where they shall stay.
it's quite obvious that some troll in this kopitiam is trying to defame master chiam by posting many baseless accusation about chiam. it could be a genuine resentment of misunderstanding from one of chiam's client or it could probably be a sdppy troll deployed by master chee to sow discord.
one couldn't help to suspect such as we had witnessed how another desperate abc troll trying to suck up to KJ, RP's boss when she bragged to him that "20 sdppies clown" supported his RP (actually it's RP Facebook and not RP the party).
KJ had corrected the abc brainless lan C troll. it was such a direct hit to her dry pussy and she privately and personally resented that. henceforth, KJ had been marked and targeted for flaming. JJ, the obsessed nerd full of turds was deployed for this nefarious task.
being a shapeshifter and a master in this skill, JJ now appears in many nasty clones and shit slam KJ. he always targets on master low from the WP CLAN and many of wp's more senior and advanced disciples. JJ thought he was still invisible to all these deplorable and cheapskate antics but many have already seen through this snake. his rattling tail has been exposed and he's now a marked nerd. many cannot wait to hammer in some senses into oversized martian brain.
lamui meanwhile being the infamous desperate abc troll continues her LAN C-ness and thought she was cool and wise which in fact revealed how stupider she can really get!
sdp clan is really at a dead-end desperate for media attention. helplessly and hopeless, master chee deployed her sis, chin chin, lamui and a blanky chepati indian laukuaybu and another mushy malay mee-rebus blur auntie to relay some humourous NDP speech. they didn't missed the CRAPS - no not chillies crabs. it was really CRAPS! SDP SPICY msg-ed or monosodium glutamated CRAPS!! it was ludicrous and u thirst after u heard from the 4 ignorant bitches. u thirst at such funny CRAPS for your daily entertainment how silly that circus of SDP clowns and clownlets can really get.
....and so, SDP has failed to sow discord. it's despicable act had infact created stronger rapport between some of the opp parties like SDA & RP. they know that in order to win some provinces, they must really unite and fight the LEEgime and famiLEE.
in SDP's lame mentality. it was the reversal. that's why sdp up till this day remains squatting in the damp cold longkang. will they ever learn?
NEVER! of course! how could they with master chee lying persitently to them and mind-washing their freaking pea brains? and so, to longkang....to longkang ...to where they shall stay.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
what would SDP CLAN n master chee doing in this NOV?
one posting from me receives so many spamming from the nasty clones from SDP IB and mastershapeshifter ngejay.
so far, i hope u guys have seen through their fakery and hypocrisy. never trust SDPPIES! their words are brainless and their deeds are definitely detrimental to the cohesiveness of society and cohesiveness of all the opp parties.
they could be double agents deployed by the paps to sow discords and distrust amongst all the opp parties members.
KJ from RP knows. gohmengseng knows. and if i know, you too should know by now.
this political satires about the lame antics from SDP IB and master chee shall continue. NOV would spell another active month for master chee and his SDP CLAN due to the arrival of the world's most powerful man, USA PRESIDENT BARRACK OBAMA.
what would chee and his sdppies be brewing in their singapore shits slamming pot? stay tuned and find out then.
so far, i hope u guys have seen through their fakery and hypocrisy. never trust SDPPIES! their words are brainless and their deeds are definitely detrimental to the cohesiveness of society and cohesiveness of all the opp parties.
they could be double agents deployed by the paps to sow discords and distrust amongst all the opp parties members.
KJ from RP knows. gohmengseng knows. and if i know, you too should know by now.
this political satires about the lame antics from SDP IB and master chee shall continue. NOV would spell another active month for master chee and his SDP CLAN due to the arrival of the world's most powerful man, USA PRESIDENT BARRACK OBAMA.
what would chee and his sdppies be brewing in their singapore shits slamming pot? stay tuned and find out then.
Friends or foes?
as i listened tentatively to my li'l brother LEETAHSAR's far-fetched encounters with some of the old forummers in the old sbf, i was shocked at how bold and courageous he could be!
LTS' acquaintances with so many strangers from the forums were simply amazing! some were just nondescript. they met him out of curiosity from the crazy stories he wrote about his personal life encounters. it was a "hello, goodbye" meeting. lst and last.
however, there were some which unfortunately continues until today either as friends of unresolved foes.
besides the nefarious F4 of lamei, chiatilik and ngejay, there was this sex pervert bluesotong aka kelvin thum being fuck. how to thread all the pieces into a complete jigsawed picture, let me see.....
LTS' acquaintances with so many strangers from the forums were simply amazing! some were just nondescript. they met him out of curiosity from the crazy stories he wrote about his personal life encounters. it was a "hello, goodbye" meeting. lst and last.
however, there were some which unfortunately continues until today either as friends of unresolved foes.
besides the nefarious F4 of lamei, chiatilik and ngejay, there was this sex pervert bluesotong aka kelvin thum being fuck. how to thread all the pieces into a complete jigsawed picture, let me see.....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
in the beginning, the first he met was his sweet ozzie dearie cantbeassed who loved his UPHEAVAL OF LEETAHSAR (it was completely DELETED in the old forum but can still be read here: http://upheavalofleetahsar.blogspot.com )
next on the list was surprisingly - NGEJAY, the nerd. before that ejay was an ardent flammer to whatever LTS posted. by a twist of fate, they ended up quite a pair of pals with same pyschic wavelength: they knew what was in each other's minds. weird, isn't it?
then along came max1418 and bluesotong who read his EAT A PAO, SIP A TEA, TAKE A SEAT & POON PEE PEE. it was a thread all about smelling the roses and appreciate the simple things in life and not being carried away in a rat race craving for more wealth.
then there was his free gardening class in the temple where he met even more neutral forummers who attended his class. most remained as his pals till now. they came from a wide array of lifestyle. there were cabdriver, cid, interior designer, sales executives, share broker and photo shop owner etc. the organising of this free gardening class was both a blessing, a curse and a shock revelation about the temple he used to volunteer as "kelefe". that would be another story from his blog.
the acquaintance with bluesotong was a curse in disguise. initially, sotong was trying to mimic the zaniness of LTS. he even tried to copy his style. bluesotong was the one who intro LTS to the troll, lamei. she tried to PM LTS but left our her personal name. it was dubious and so LTS ignored her emails. there were many he ignored cos they were nameless. how to respond? it could be a virus!
lamei was very bold indeed. she exploited sotong to get to meet LTS as she knew from the forum postings that sotong met up very often with LTS. so that was how LTS came to know lamei. sotong was having hidden intention in lamei but lamei wasn't really that simple either. she was harboring hidden motive in LTS. later, again through sotong, LTS met chiatilik with lamei in his mei ling hawker centre.
it was a very plain acquaintance...and so that was what the silly goon LTS thought. he thought it was just for a simple friendship to share simple interests especially in makan or just plain everyday qualms of life.
later, LTS got ngejay to meet up with the couple cos in his freaking twerped mind, he thought ngejay would be an asset to chiatilik who was quietly and secretly trying to establish THE CHIA DYNASTY with lamei being his concubine!
it was like a regular weekend meeting at mei ling hawker centre. after breakfast there, LTS would bring the would bunch to his humble home, served them his best OOLONG TEA or whatever he had in his house. the group lamei, chiatilik, ngejay n sotong would chit-chat for hours and hours. (he missed his favorite POWER RANGERS series every sat then. LOL!)
usually after the meeting, ngejay n LTS would hop into sotong's car and continue for lunch and some other activities like cheonging in geylang! surprisingly, sotong was the old bird here. he knew what lorongs had what sort of whores! gosh! it was surprising to LTS cos sotong appeared like a decent family man with 2 grown up boys and a IMH nurse wifey.
very soon, ramseth was added into the scene. lamei intro ramseth to LTS during their daily msn. one fine day, LTS striked lottery and decided to meet up ramseth and treat him to dimsum at turf's city AH YAT.
the inclusion of ramseth was the beginning to all the woes and feuds of the silly goon.
LTS checked on ramseth one day regarding the "funny" relationship of chiatilik n lamei. it didn't appear normal mere friends. to LTS - and many others especially the even more kaypohji-er sotong, it was more complicated. ramseth always trying to act as the "jedi" or the old wise and all-known one.
but things again wasn't as simple as that. after msn LTS, ramseth relayed to lamei what LTS asked. that alerted the troll and striked a panic button in her. she plotted to "skin the blur piggy" alive in chiatilik's office during the next meet up. it was a devious plot. ngejay was indirectly standing with the nervous couple and together they grilled LTS with question such as: IF U WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT ME AND CHIA, U COULD VE ASKED ME. WHY U ASKED RAMSETH?....
was it guilt? was it a self-defensive wall being built up? was it apprehension and anxiety that they suspected that LTS had already known what fishy business was going on?
actually, NO! LTS was a blurcock. he knew nothing. it was just his usual curiosity. but because of lamei's extreme fidgety, now LTS knew from A to Z!!
that spelled the end of a very dubious friendship after so many months. discords had been sown between them by the troll. that was also the last LTS continued to meet up with them....and that was also the beginning on the ongoing petty feud.
babaero11 was also one of the clowns LTS met in mei ling hc. he was very friendly initially. after much posting by LTS in the forum about his FR or field reports of meeting who n who and what and what had transpired, this pinoy's weird attitude changed for the worst!
he had also liaise with lamei in a way in msn cos LTS' dudi jixiaolan had unwittingly discovered that when he got his nic BANNED!! babaero11 was behind this and he could only know about such matter through lamei cos jixiaolan msn her and told her about a nic he registered for LTS to enable him to post. so how did babaero11 know it? right!! through lamei who was using her famous FLIRT&DESTROY stance and her nefarious "borrow other's parang for the kill" strategy!
the rest of the clowns and spammers here u see very often are probably from SDP IB. since lamei, ngejay and chiatilik now take refuge there, they have become their "patriots in the highest level". the little sdppy clowns there adore those 3 stooges. it is very strange that's why when they preach loudly their HUMAN RIGHTS, FREE SPEECHES AND DEMOCRAPSY cos they behave in another reversed and very deplorable cheapskate way.
and so, the feud shall continue until eternity. pettiness and miserly unresolved resentment and anger are what SDP and those 3 stooges are best dwelled in. with such negativity they harbour, they can never be doing anything but good to the society, to their family or even to their own personal friends.
if u believe in such clowns, u are bring sorrow, unhappiness and eventual sufferings to yourself and all those u love. precisely and sadly, this is also the type of mentality that is invading the minds of SDPPIES....and that's why this bunch of circus of clowns cannot be deem as "happy people".
not only that, being unhappy, unsatisfied and angry people, they would want to spread that negative influence to many peasants and hoping they would rev up mass anger and displeasure and distrust against our gov ...and finally cause chaos in our society.
so people, i implore u to think carefully their nefarious and destructive action. NEVER TRUST THE SDP!! THEY ARE ALL OUT TO BRING SINGAPORE DOWN!! u believe in them, u die pain pain and worst, without even knowing why!
next on the list was surprisingly - NGEJAY, the nerd. before that ejay was an ardent flammer to whatever LTS posted. by a twist of fate, they ended up quite a pair of pals with same pyschic wavelength: they knew what was in each other's minds. weird, isn't it?
then along came max1418 and bluesotong who read his EAT A PAO, SIP A TEA, TAKE A SEAT & POON PEE PEE. it was a thread all about smelling the roses and appreciate the simple things in life and not being carried away in a rat race craving for more wealth.
then there was his free gardening class in the temple where he met even more neutral forummers who attended his class. most remained as his pals till now. they came from a wide array of lifestyle. there were cabdriver, cid, interior designer, sales executives, share broker and photo shop owner etc. the organising of this free gardening class was both a blessing, a curse and a shock revelation about the temple he used to volunteer as "kelefe". that would be another story from his blog.
the acquaintance with bluesotong was a curse in disguise. initially, sotong was trying to mimic the zaniness of LTS. he even tried to copy his style. bluesotong was the one who intro LTS to the troll, lamei. she tried to PM LTS but left our her personal name. it was dubious and so LTS ignored her emails. there were many he ignored cos they were nameless. how to respond? it could be a virus!
lamei was very bold indeed. she exploited sotong to get to meet LTS as she knew from the forum postings that sotong met up very often with LTS. so that was how LTS came to know lamei. sotong was having hidden intention in lamei but lamei wasn't really that simple either. she was harboring hidden motive in LTS. later, again through sotong, LTS met chiatilik with lamei in his mei ling hawker centre.
it was a very plain acquaintance...and so that was what the silly goon LTS thought. he thought it was just for a simple friendship to share simple interests especially in makan or just plain everyday qualms of life.
later, LTS got ngejay to meet up with the couple cos in his freaking twerped mind, he thought ngejay would be an asset to chiatilik who was quietly and secretly trying to establish THE CHIA DYNASTY with lamei being his concubine!
it was like a regular weekend meeting at mei ling hawker centre. after breakfast there, LTS would bring the would bunch to his humble home, served them his best OOLONG TEA or whatever he had in his house. the group lamei, chiatilik, ngejay n sotong would chit-chat for hours and hours. (he missed his favorite POWER RANGERS series every sat then. LOL!)
usually after the meeting, ngejay n LTS would hop into sotong's car and continue for lunch and some other activities like cheonging in geylang! surprisingly, sotong was the old bird here. he knew what lorongs had what sort of whores! gosh! it was surprising to LTS cos sotong appeared like a decent family man with 2 grown up boys and a IMH nurse wifey.
very soon, ramseth was added into the scene. lamei intro ramseth to LTS during their daily msn. one fine day, LTS striked lottery and decided to meet up ramseth and treat him to dimsum at turf's city AH YAT.
the inclusion of ramseth was the beginning to all the woes and feuds of the silly goon.
LTS checked on ramseth one day regarding the "funny" relationship of chiatilik n lamei. it didn't appear normal mere friends. to LTS - and many others especially the even more kaypohji-er sotong, it was more complicated. ramseth always trying to act as the "jedi" or the old wise and all-known one.
but things again wasn't as simple as that. after msn LTS, ramseth relayed to lamei what LTS asked. that alerted the troll and striked a panic button in her. she plotted to "skin the blur piggy" alive in chiatilik's office during the next meet up. it was a devious plot. ngejay was indirectly standing with the nervous couple and together they grilled LTS with question such as: IF U WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT ME AND CHIA, U COULD VE ASKED ME. WHY U ASKED RAMSETH?....
was it guilt? was it a self-defensive wall being built up? was it apprehension and anxiety that they suspected that LTS had already known what fishy business was going on?
actually, NO! LTS was a blurcock. he knew nothing. it was just his usual curiosity. but because of lamei's extreme fidgety, now LTS knew from A to Z!!
that spelled the end of a very dubious friendship after so many months. discords had been sown between them by the troll. that was also the last LTS continued to meet up with them....and that was also the beginning on the ongoing petty feud.
babaero11 was also one of the clowns LTS met in mei ling hc. he was very friendly initially. after much posting by LTS in the forum about his FR or field reports of meeting who n who and what and what had transpired, this pinoy's weird attitude changed for the worst!
he had also liaise with lamei in a way in msn cos LTS' dudi jixiaolan had unwittingly discovered that when he got his nic BANNED!! babaero11 was behind this and he could only know about such matter through lamei cos jixiaolan msn her and told her about a nic he registered for LTS to enable him to post. so how did babaero11 know it? right!! through lamei who was using her famous FLIRT&DESTROY stance and her nefarious "borrow other's parang for the kill" strategy!
the rest of the clowns and spammers here u see very often are probably from SDP IB. since lamei, ngejay and chiatilik now take refuge there, they have become their "patriots in the highest level". the little sdppy clowns there adore those 3 stooges. it is very strange that's why when they preach loudly their HUMAN RIGHTS, FREE SPEECHES AND DEMOCRAPSY cos they behave in another reversed and very deplorable cheapskate way.
and so, the feud shall continue until eternity. pettiness and miserly unresolved resentment and anger are what SDP and those 3 stooges are best dwelled in. with such negativity they harbour, they can never be doing anything but good to the society, to their family or even to their own personal friends.
if u believe in such clowns, u are bring sorrow, unhappiness and eventual sufferings to yourself and all those u love. precisely and sadly, this is also the type of mentality that is invading the minds of SDPPIES....and that's why this bunch of circus of clowns cannot be deem as "happy people".
not only that, being unhappy, unsatisfied and angry people, they would want to spread that negative influence to many peasants and hoping they would rev up mass anger and displeasure and distrust against our gov ...and finally cause chaos in our society.
so people, i implore u to think carefully their nefarious and destructive action. NEVER TRUST THE SDP!! THEY ARE ALL OUT TO BRING SINGAPORE DOWN!! u believe in them, u die pain pain and worst, without even knowing why!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
history of master chee
From: cocksteru Aug-17 9:53 pm
To: Rowbox
I dun trust MIW but I dun trust Chee even more.Chee is doing this for himself and not for the citizen, in fact, I have not seen him do anything for the counrty. However, it would be interesting to see how MIW respond to him. If it is CST or LTK, I would support all the way.
Dr. Chee Soon Juan (simplified Chinese: 徐顺全; traditional Chinese: 徐順全; pinyin: Xú Shùnquán, born 1962) is the Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), the fourth and current Prime Minister of Singapore.
Chee is a neuropsychologist and received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in 1990. He joined SDP in 1992 and became the Secretary-General of SDP, replacing founder Chiam See Tong who left to join the Singapore People's Party. Chee has been convicted and imprisoned several times. Chee lost a defamation lawsuit filed by PAP leaders in 2001. Chee was declared bankrupt in 2006 when he failed to pay the damages. He is in jail at present for contempt of court. He has since been released and will be contesting to be the next Prime Minister in Singapore
Chee was Honorary Research Associate at the Monash Asia Institute in 1997 and at the University of Chicago in 2001. In 2004, he participated in the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Program at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, D.C.. He is the Chairman of the Alliance for Reform & Democracy in Asia, and was a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the Washington-based National Endowment for Democracy (2004)[1]. He participated in many international organisations such as World Movement for Democracy and the Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia Pacific. He was the recipient of the Defender of Democracy Award 2003 given by the Parliamentarians for Global Action.
[edit] Before 2001: Chee's beginnings in SDP.
In 1992, Dr. Chee joined the SDP. [2] The first election Chee contested was the 1992 Marine Parade By-election when his team won 24.5% of the votes. In 1993, a few months after Chee joined the SDP, NUS terminated Chee's employment for alleged misappropriation of research funds. Chee later staged a hunger strike in response.[3] Later on, Chee would back down and stop his hunger strike.
Later, a new party, the Singapore People's Party (SPP) was formed, out of an internal disagreement[4] between Chiam and Chee.[5] Chiam was formally ousted by
the SDP; and he joined the SPP. As Members of Parliament (MPs) in Singapore are not supposed to join a party in his/her term unless he/she decides to call a by-election, Chiam would not leave the SDP until 1997.[citation needed] On the other hand, the SDP, headed by Chee, was later sued by Chiam See Tong, for insinuating that Chiam was acting on behalf of the ruling party. SDP lost and was ordered to pay Chiam damages of $150,000. [6]
Chee lost in the 1997 election, in the MacPherson Single Member Constituency; garnering 34.8% of the votes, below the national average for the other opposition candidates for that election.[7]
[edit] 2001-2005
[edit] 2001 General Elections and its aftermath
In the Singapore General Election, Chee led another team, losing with 20.2% of the votes in Jurong GRC in 2001. After the election, Chee was sued for defamation by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew for remarks he made during the General Election. He allegedly accused both Goh and Lee for misleading Parliament over an alleged $17 billion loan to former Indonesian president Suharto. Chee lost the lawsuits and was ordered to pay S$200,000 to Lee and S$300,000 to Goh. Chee was later declared a bankrupt in 2006, for failing to pay the damages.
In 2002, Chee was fined S$3,000 for speaking at the Speakers' Corner in Singapore on 15 February 2002, which requires prior registration and where discussion about race and religion is prohibited. Chee was commenting about the suspension of three Muslim schoolgirls whose parents wanted them to wear headscarves in school. Chee commented that it is against the parents' personal choice to force their children not to wear headscarves.[8]. As a result of this conviction, Chee was ineligible for the 2006 general election.
Later on Labour Day, 1 May 2002, Chee staged a rally in front of Istana, official residence and office of the President of Singapore. Chee had earlier applied for a license to hold the rally, but the application was denied. Chee was later charged for trespassing and for attempting to hold a rally without a license by the Police.[9].
[edit] Disallowed Documentary
See also: Censorship in Singapore
In 2004, Martyn See directed a documentary on Dr. Chee called Singapore Rebel. It was supposed to be screened at the Singapore International Film Festival but was forced to be withdrawn from the festival and later banned by the Singapore government because of its political content. Singapore's Film Act forbids the production and distribution of "party political" films, which are defined as films "made by any person and directed towards any political ends in Singapore". Martyn See agreed to surrender the film on 29 August 2005 along with his video camera, though he still faces the threat of prosecution. Despite the Singapore government's efforts to stop the distribution of such a documentary, the documentary is available on the Internet. [10]
[edit] 2006-present
[edit] 2006 election
Despite a recent rule in Singapore that bans podcasting during elections, [11] Chee released a political podcast nevertheless on 23 April 2006. However, it was, on the order of the Elections Department, removed by 25 April 2006. [12] On 27 April 2006, Chee challenged Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to a public debate about the government role in the NKF scandal during a forum held in the National University of Singapore, titled - "The General Election: Does Singapore have a choice?"[13]
On the same day, nomination day for Singapore's General Election 2006, SDP chairman Ling How Doong was reported to say the party's executive committee is planning to remove Dr Chee Soon Juan as its secretary-general. This was quickly debunked by both Chee and chairman Ling, with them blaming the local media as being a government mouthpiece and waging a campaign against the SDP. [14] At the 2006 General Elections, the SDP was the worst performer at the polls. They are the only party that did not garner at least 25% of the votes. [15]
[edit] Civil disobedience at Annual Meetings of IMF and World Bank
On August 22, 2006, Chee announced that he was planning to hold rallies and marches in Singapore during 61st Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group as part of Singapore 2006 in September 2006 to protest against the rising income gap and raise awareness of the hardship of working-class people in the country. [16][17][18] The police application for the protest was rejected on 30 August 2006.[19] Nonetheless, Chee, in the SDP website, continued to urge people to participate in the protest. [20] [21]
On September 9, 2006, Chee started to alert the public to the planned "Empower Singaporeans Rally and March" on September 16, 2006 by distributing leaflets but was stopped by the police from doing so. The police then reminded the public that anyone participating in Chee's planned rally and march would be committing an offence.[22][23]
On September 13, 2006, Chee invited both Mr Paul Wolfowitz, President of World Bank and Mr Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, to his planned rally on September 16, 2006. At a press conference the next day, Chee announced that his application to be a civil society representative to Singapore 2006 as a representative of the Open Singapore Centre, was rejected by the IMF/World Bank. His sister and party's member Chee Siok Chin's application to represent the Alliance for Reform & Democracy in Asia, was approved by the IMF/World Bank but was rejected by the Singapore government.[24][25] On September 15, 2006, Chee released a podcast that warned Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong that the Singapore 2006 event was a "public relations disaster" for Singapore. [26]
On September 16, 2006, Chee started off the "Empower Singaporeans Rally and March" at 1100 at the Speakers' Corner, Singapore, Hong Lim Park but was stopped by the police when he started his march.[27][28] As the police had formed a human barricade to stop him whenever he resumed his march, Chee announced at 1730 that there would be a rally the following day in front of the Parliament House.[29] Nevertheless, Chee was stopped from leaving the park unless he agreed to stop the protest immediately. Left with no choice, he stayed at the park with his party's members and supporters.[30]
On September 17, 2006, Chee announced his plan to continue the protest by remaining at the park until the start of the IMF-World Bank meetings two days away. On September 18, 2006, after hours of negotiations with police, Chee went to Raffles City to hand out pamphlets to the public and he returned to the park.[31] Chee stopped his protest accordingly at noon on September 19 and concluded that his protest had achieved its purpose.[32] Chee further announced that the just concluded 72-hour protest was only a start. Chee mentioned that for the next few months, more activists would be recruited and trained, and more activities would be organized for the campaign to bring pressure on the Singapore Government to reform.[33]
[edit] 2006 bankruptcy and contempt of court
On 10 February 2006, Chee was declared a bankrupt by the High Court, after failing to pay S$500,000 in damages awarded to Goh and Lee in the 2001 defamation lawsuit. Upon this bankruptcy order, Chee will not be allowed to stand for elections until February 2011. [34]
On 24 February 2006, Singapore attorney-general filed contempt of court charges against Chee for refusing to answer court's questions and criticising the Singapore judiciary during a bankruptcy petition hearing on February 10. [35] Later, Chee was sentenced to a day in jail and a fine of $6,000, but he failed to pay the fine and was jailed for an additional seven days. [36] [37] He was released on 24 March 2006. [38]
In April 2006, Chee was stopped at the airport as he was preparing to board a flight to Istanbul. He is currently facing a charge for attempting to leave the country without official approval, which he was required to seek as a bankrupt.[39]
[edit] NKF incident
On 21 April 2006, Chee rejected an offer by Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan to call for a Commission of Inquiry to look into his ministry's handling of the NKF Scandal, instead he asked the government to stop all their 'wayang'. [40] This came after the former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his son, the current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had demanded an apology from SDP (including Chee) for their slanderous remarks on the NKF in the latest issue of its party newspaper, The New Democrat.[41] In it, SDP insinuated that the government was run like the NKF, and had covered up the infamous NKF Scandal that had rocked Singapore, suggesting corruption at the highest level.
The SDP, its 12 members and its printer, Sum Kwai Lum trading as Melodies Press Company, had until 10am April 25, to respond to the demands for an apology. This apology, according to the text set out in the letters of demand, was to be published in two local dailies on April 27, failing which both leaders would sue all parties involved. But the SDP announced ahead of time they would not be apologising. However, currently all members of the SDP and the printer have apologised except Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin.
The defamation lawsuit by the PAP leaders Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and Goh Chok Tong, against Chee, his sister and the SDP for insinuating that the government was run like the NKF is ongoing.[42]
[edit] Charges for speaking in public without a permit
On 20 June 2006, Chee was charged in court facing eight counts of speaking in public without a licence between 13 November 2005 and 22 April 2006, allegedly violating the Public Entertainments and Meeting Act. Two other SDP members were also charged. [43]
On 23 November 2006, Chee was jailed for five weeks over his failure to pay a S$5,000 fine for speaking in public without a permit in April 2006. Two other SDP members, Gandhi Ambalam and Yap Keng Ho, were also imprisoned.[44] Chee reportedly became ill in prison, leading to speculations from the SDP that he was poisoned. From a statement released by SDP [45], Chee was feeling nauseous and dizzy, and was unable to sleep.
Four days later, the Ministry of Home Affairs asserted that Chee was treated the 'same as other prisoners' and that the SDP's claims were 'baseless, malicious and seek to undermine the reputation of the Singapore Prison Service'.[46] On December 3, 2006, after the doctor at the Queenstown Remand Prison had found traces of blood in Dr Chee's urine, he was admitted to Changi General Hospital. [47] On 10 December 2006, about a dozen of Chee's supporters, including Chee's family and his sister Chee Siok Chin, held a protest march starting at the Speakers' Corner in Singapore and ending at Queenstown Remand Prison where Chee was incarcerated.[48] Several foreign non-government organisations released statements expressing concerns about Chee's health and treatment in prison.[49]
Chee was released on 16 December, 2 weeks short of his sentence, for good behavior in jail.[45] Two days later, he published a statement on what happened during his stint in jail. He claimed that his food tray was marked, and that the light in his cell had remained on during the night, causing sleep deprivation. [50] Two days later, the Ministry of Home Affair replied to this, claiming "Chee’s insinuations about being the victim of a food conspiracy are ridiculous and a product of his own mischief..." and that "Chee’s purported 'ailment' in prison served only to provide an expedient story for his associates and foreign supporters to faithfully distort and exploit for political mileage." [49] Chee immediately released another statement rebutting MHA, claiming "the MHA’s statement is riddled with inconsistencies, contradictions and outright lies." [51]
Another hearing began for Dr. Chee began on 8 January 2007 for attempting to leave the country without a permit.[52]
[edit] Tak Boleh Tahan arrests and trial
Main article: Tak Boleh Tahan
On March 15, 2008, Chee Soon Juan and 17 others were arrested at a demonstration held outside Parliament and later charged with unlawful assembly. The trial began on October 23, 2008.
To: Rowbox
I dun trust MIW but I dun trust Chee even more.Chee is doing this for himself and not for the citizen, in fact, I have not seen him do anything for the counrty. However, it would be interesting to see how MIW respond to him. If it is CST or LTK, I would support all the way.
Dr. Chee Soon Juan (simplified Chinese: 徐顺全; traditional Chinese: 徐順全; pinyin: Xú Shùnquán, born 1962) is the Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), the fourth and current Prime Minister of Singapore.
Chee is a neuropsychologist and received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in 1990. He joined SDP in 1992 and became the Secretary-General of SDP, replacing founder Chiam See Tong who left to join the Singapore People's Party. Chee has been convicted and imprisoned several times. Chee lost a defamation lawsuit filed by PAP leaders in 2001. Chee was declared bankrupt in 2006 when he failed to pay the damages. He is in jail at present for contempt of court. He has since been released and will be contesting to be the next Prime Minister in Singapore
Chee was Honorary Research Associate at the Monash Asia Institute in 1997 and at the University of Chicago in 2001. In 2004, he participated in the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Program at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, D.C.. He is the Chairman of the Alliance for Reform & Democracy in Asia, and was a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the Washington-based National Endowment for Democracy (2004)[1]. He participated in many international organisations such as World Movement for Democracy and the Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia Pacific. He was the recipient of the Defender of Democracy Award 2003 given by the Parliamentarians for Global Action.
[edit] Before 2001: Chee's beginnings in SDP.
In 1992, Dr. Chee joined the SDP. [2] The first election Chee contested was the 1992 Marine Parade By-election when his team won 24.5% of the votes. In 1993, a few months after Chee joined the SDP, NUS terminated Chee's employment for alleged misappropriation of research funds. Chee later staged a hunger strike in response.[3] Later on, Chee would back down and stop his hunger strike.
Later, a new party, the Singapore People's Party (SPP) was formed, out of an internal disagreement[4] between Chiam and Chee.[5] Chiam was formally ousted by
the SDP; and he joined the SPP. As Members of Parliament (MPs) in Singapore are not supposed to join a party in his/her term unless he/she decides to call a by-election, Chiam would not leave the SDP until 1997.[citation needed] On the other hand, the SDP, headed by Chee, was later sued by Chiam See Tong, for insinuating that Chiam was acting on behalf of the ruling party. SDP lost and was ordered to pay Chiam damages of $150,000. [6]
Chee lost in the 1997 election, in the MacPherson Single Member Constituency; garnering 34.8% of the votes, below the national average for the other opposition candidates for that election.[7]
[edit] 2001-2005
[edit] 2001 General Elections and its aftermath
In the Singapore General Election, Chee led another team, losing with 20.2% of the votes in Jurong GRC in 2001. After the election, Chee was sued for defamation by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew for remarks he made during the General Election. He allegedly accused both Goh and Lee for misleading Parliament over an alleged $17 billion loan to former Indonesian president Suharto. Chee lost the lawsuits and was ordered to pay S$200,000 to Lee and S$300,000 to Goh. Chee was later declared a bankrupt in 2006, for failing to pay the damages.
In 2002, Chee was fined S$3,000 for speaking at the Speakers' Corner in Singapore on 15 February 2002, which requires prior registration and where discussion about race and religion is prohibited. Chee was commenting about the suspension of three Muslim schoolgirls whose parents wanted them to wear headscarves in school. Chee commented that it is against the parents' personal choice to force their children not to wear headscarves.[8]. As a result of this conviction, Chee was ineligible for the 2006 general election.
Later on Labour Day, 1 May 2002, Chee staged a rally in front of Istana, official residence and office of the President of Singapore. Chee had earlier applied for a license to hold the rally, but the application was denied. Chee was later charged for trespassing and for attempting to hold a rally without a license by the Police.[9].
[edit] Disallowed Documentary
See also: Censorship in Singapore
In 2004, Martyn See directed a documentary on Dr. Chee called Singapore Rebel. It was supposed to be screened at the Singapore International Film Festival but was forced to be withdrawn from the festival and later banned by the Singapore government because of its political content. Singapore's Film Act forbids the production and distribution of "party political" films, which are defined as films "made by any person and directed towards any political ends in Singapore". Martyn See agreed to surrender the film on 29 August 2005 along with his video camera, though he still faces the threat of prosecution. Despite the Singapore government's efforts to stop the distribution of such a documentary, the documentary is available on the Internet. [10]
[edit] 2006-present
[edit] 2006 election
Despite a recent rule in Singapore that bans podcasting during elections, [11] Chee released a political podcast nevertheless on 23 April 2006. However, it was, on the order of the Elections Department, removed by 25 April 2006. [12] On 27 April 2006, Chee challenged Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to a public debate about the government role in the NKF scandal during a forum held in the National University of Singapore, titled - "The General Election: Does Singapore have a choice?"[13]
On the same day, nomination day for Singapore's General Election 2006, SDP chairman Ling How Doong was reported to say the party's executive committee is planning to remove Dr Chee Soon Juan as its secretary-general. This was quickly debunked by both Chee and chairman Ling, with them blaming the local media as being a government mouthpiece and waging a campaign against the SDP. [14] At the 2006 General Elections, the SDP was the worst performer at the polls. They are the only party that did not garner at least 25% of the votes. [15]
[edit] Civil disobedience at Annual Meetings of IMF and World Bank
On August 22, 2006, Chee announced that he was planning to hold rallies and marches in Singapore during 61st Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group as part of Singapore 2006 in September 2006 to protest against the rising income gap and raise awareness of the hardship of working-class people in the country. [16][17][18] The police application for the protest was rejected on 30 August 2006.[19] Nonetheless, Chee, in the SDP website, continued to urge people to participate in the protest. [20] [21]
On September 9, 2006, Chee started to alert the public to the planned "Empower Singaporeans Rally and March" on September 16, 2006 by distributing leaflets but was stopped by the police from doing so. The police then reminded the public that anyone participating in Chee's planned rally and march would be committing an offence.[22][23]
On September 13, 2006, Chee invited both Mr Paul Wolfowitz, President of World Bank and Mr Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, to his planned rally on September 16, 2006. At a press conference the next day, Chee announced that his application to be a civil society representative to Singapore 2006 as a representative of the Open Singapore Centre, was rejected by the IMF/World Bank. His sister and party's member Chee Siok Chin's application to represent the Alliance for Reform & Democracy in Asia, was approved by the IMF/World Bank but was rejected by the Singapore government.[24][25] On September 15, 2006, Chee released a podcast that warned Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong that the Singapore 2006 event was a "public relations disaster" for Singapore. [26]
On September 16, 2006, Chee started off the "Empower Singaporeans Rally and March" at 1100 at the Speakers' Corner, Singapore, Hong Lim Park but was stopped by the police when he started his march.[27][28] As the police had formed a human barricade to stop him whenever he resumed his march, Chee announced at 1730 that there would be a rally the following day in front of the Parliament House.[29] Nevertheless, Chee was stopped from leaving the park unless he agreed to stop the protest immediately. Left with no choice, he stayed at the park with his party's members and supporters.[30]
On September 17, 2006, Chee announced his plan to continue the protest by remaining at the park until the start of the IMF-World Bank meetings two days away. On September 18, 2006, after hours of negotiations with police, Chee went to Raffles City to hand out pamphlets to the public and he returned to the park.[31] Chee stopped his protest accordingly at noon on September 19 and concluded that his protest had achieved its purpose.[32] Chee further announced that the just concluded 72-hour protest was only a start. Chee mentioned that for the next few months, more activists would be recruited and trained, and more activities would be organized for the campaign to bring pressure on the Singapore Government to reform.[33]
[edit] 2006 bankruptcy and contempt of court
On 10 February 2006, Chee was declared a bankrupt by the High Court, after failing to pay S$500,000 in damages awarded to Goh and Lee in the 2001 defamation lawsuit. Upon this bankruptcy order, Chee will not be allowed to stand for elections until February 2011. [34]
On 24 February 2006, Singapore attorney-general filed contempt of court charges against Chee for refusing to answer court's questions and criticising the Singapore judiciary during a bankruptcy petition hearing on February 10. [35] Later, Chee was sentenced to a day in jail and a fine of $6,000, but he failed to pay the fine and was jailed for an additional seven days. [36] [37] He was released on 24 March 2006. [38]
In April 2006, Chee was stopped at the airport as he was preparing to board a flight to Istanbul. He is currently facing a charge for attempting to leave the country without official approval, which he was required to seek as a bankrupt.[39]
[edit] NKF incident
On 21 April 2006, Chee rejected an offer by Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan to call for a Commission of Inquiry to look into his ministry's handling of the NKF Scandal, instead he asked the government to stop all their 'wayang'. [40] This came after the former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his son, the current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had demanded an apology from SDP (including Chee) for their slanderous remarks on the NKF in the latest issue of its party newspaper, The New Democrat.[41] In it, SDP insinuated that the government was run like the NKF, and had covered up the infamous NKF Scandal that had rocked Singapore, suggesting corruption at the highest level.
The SDP, its 12 members and its printer, Sum Kwai Lum trading as Melodies Press Company, had until 10am April 25, to respond to the demands for an apology. This apology, according to the text set out in the letters of demand, was to be published in two local dailies on April 27, failing which both leaders would sue all parties involved. But the SDP announced ahead of time they would not be apologising. However, currently all members of the SDP and the printer have apologised except Chee Soon Juan and his sister Chee Siok Chin.
The defamation lawsuit by the PAP leaders Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and Goh Chok Tong, against Chee, his sister and the SDP for insinuating that the government was run like the NKF is ongoing.[42]
[edit] Charges for speaking in public without a permit
On 20 June 2006, Chee was charged in court facing eight counts of speaking in public without a licence between 13 November 2005 and 22 April 2006, allegedly violating the Public Entertainments and Meeting Act. Two other SDP members were also charged. [43]
On 23 November 2006, Chee was jailed for five weeks over his failure to pay a S$5,000 fine for speaking in public without a permit in April 2006. Two other SDP members, Gandhi Ambalam and Yap Keng Ho, were also imprisoned.[44] Chee reportedly became ill in prison, leading to speculations from the SDP that he was poisoned. From a statement released by SDP [45], Chee was feeling nauseous and dizzy, and was unable to sleep.
Four days later, the Ministry of Home Affairs asserted that Chee was treated the 'same as other prisoners' and that the SDP's claims were 'baseless, malicious and seek to undermine the reputation of the Singapore Prison Service'.[46] On December 3, 2006, after the doctor at the Queenstown Remand Prison had found traces of blood in Dr Chee's urine, he was admitted to Changi General Hospital. [47] On 10 December 2006, about a dozen of Chee's supporters, including Chee's family and his sister Chee Siok Chin, held a protest march starting at the Speakers' Corner in Singapore and ending at Queenstown Remand Prison where Chee was incarcerated.[48] Several foreign non-government organisations released statements expressing concerns about Chee's health and treatment in prison.[49]
Chee was released on 16 December, 2 weeks short of his sentence, for good behavior in jail.[45] Two days later, he published a statement on what happened during his stint in jail. He claimed that his food tray was marked, and that the light in his cell had remained on during the night, causing sleep deprivation. [50] Two days later, the Ministry of Home Affair replied to this, claiming "Chee’s insinuations about being the victim of a food conspiracy are ridiculous and a product of his own mischief..." and that "Chee’s purported 'ailment' in prison served only to provide an expedient story for his associates and foreign supporters to faithfully distort and exploit for political mileage." [49] Chee immediately released another statement rebutting MHA, claiming "the MHA’s statement is riddled with inconsistencies, contradictions and outright lies." [51]
Another hearing began for Dr. Chee began on 8 January 2007 for attempting to leave the country without a permit.[52]
[edit] Tak Boleh Tahan arrests and trial
Main article: Tak Boleh Tahan
On March 15, 2008, Chee Soon Juan and 17 others were arrested at a demonstration held outside Parliament and later charged with unlawful assembly. The trial began on October 23, 2008.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
bt, bs, bks SDPPIES!!
the title is in hokkien: bo tua , bo suay, bo ka see sdppies!! literally translated, it means that SDPPIES are wild and undiscipline.
this factors badly on the leadership of chee soon juan who even with his small minions group couldn't get them in order and disciplined. it also means that chee is an individualistic and self-centred. he doesn't care if his sdppies go hog wild or rabid and start biting anyone they find detestable.
if chee were to be a good leader, his house of rabid pariah doggies would be well-trained poodles and chihuahuas and not strayed foaming pariahs!
take for example, the recent much talked about ngejay's open criticism published in TOC against WP and its leader low thia khiang. perhaps that was why the reason, ngejay has never declared his stance as a sdp member in order to do such nefarious discords sowing attacks particularly aimed at wp>
if he has confirmed himself as a SDPPY, then chee would have to explain the action of his ka kia about why he specifically picked on WP. (i believe last year, ngejay did the same thing).
while being an opp party, its primary role is to object bad policy from the ruling paps. the intention is to IMPROVE and not confuse the goodness or badness of such paps' policy. opp party serves as a underdog voice but not as a rabid doggie biting at every policy the paps churn out.
the good policies are difficult to come by. if there is one, opp party has the duty to approve, enhance and even help to explain its intrinsic value to the peasants. as for the bad ones, then obviously all opp parties should collectively unite and fight against its implementation.
what we are seeing now is the further weakening of opp unity with such dubious SDPPY nerdy clown like ejay hurling his own warped prejudices. SDP is cunning to a state of very crafty just like chee soon juan who always hide the real intention behind a faked up action that seems to concern for peoples' welfare. chee always fails cos the motive is just too obvious.
and now, come along ngejay and his bunch of other stooges with a different style to mislead the masses.
it seem that the existence of SDP is sole and primarily to target at other opp parties. since they no longer can tackle the paps which they always end up a miserable failure, their next best effort is to create a name for themselves by tackling and sabotaging other opp. and which opp party is best to be sabotaged? WORKERS' PARTY, of course!
lamei and chiatilik were formerly from there. both the bonnie and clyde dirty couple bear ill-wills towards wp cos chia being a 1/2passt6 didn't seem to be highlighted or became the centre of attention. his impatience with ltk couldn't hide his own personal displeasure that he wasn't given a more influential position and hence the harbouring of that grudges until today even after he quit.
on the other hand, lamei was once quite an asset to WP. she claimed (and boasted) that she helped in some of the major event by sending bangala workers, lorry and tools from her husband's contracting firm. she was quite well respected then and was the best friend of tan swee bee who was suppose to be the god-daughter of low thia khiang.
things changed and took a drastic turn after her illicit liasion with chia and it became a never ending feud with WP. the story has been re-told many times. it's very weird that SDP gladly accepted these 3-stooges gang of ejay, lamei n chia into their refuge without insisting them to become official SDPPIES.
isn't it strange?!!
this factors badly on the leadership of chee soon juan who even with his small minions group couldn't get them in order and disciplined. it also means that chee is an individualistic and self-centred. he doesn't care if his sdppies go hog wild or rabid and start biting anyone they find detestable.
if chee were to be a good leader, his house of rabid pariah doggies would be well-trained poodles and chihuahuas and not strayed foaming pariahs!
take for example, the recent much talked about ngejay's open criticism published in TOC against WP and its leader low thia khiang. perhaps that was why the reason, ngejay has never declared his stance as a sdp member in order to do such nefarious discords sowing attacks particularly aimed at wp>
if he has confirmed himself as a SDPPY, then chee would have to explain the action of his ka kia about why he specifically picked on WP. (i believe last year, ngejay did the same thing).
while being an opp party, its primary role is to object bad policy from the ruling paps. the intention is to IMPROVE and not confuse the goodness or badness of such paps' policy. opp party serves as a underdog voice but not as a rabid doggie biting at every policy the paps churn out.
the good policies are difficult to come by. if there is one, opp party has the duty to approve, enhance and even help to explain its intrinsic value to the peasants. as for the bad ones, then obviously all opp parties should collectively unite and fight against its implementation.
what we are seeing now is the further weakening of opp unity with such dubious SDPPY nerdy clown like ejay hurling his own warped prejudices. SDP is cunning to a state of very crafty just like chee soon juan who always hide the real intention behind a faked up action that seems to concern for peoples' welfare. chee always fails cos the motive is just too obvious.
and now, come along ngejay and his bunch of other stooges with a different style to mislead the masses.
it seem that the existence of SDP is sole and primarily to target at other opp parties. since they no longer can tackle the paps which they always end up a miserable failure, their next best effort is to create a name for themselves by tackling and sabotaging other opp. and which opp party is best to be sabotaged? WORKERS' PARTY, of course!
lamei and chiatilik were formerly from there. both the bonnie and clyde dirty couple bear ill-wills towards wp cos chia being a 1/2passt6 didn't seem to be highlighted or became the centre of attention. his impatience with ltk couldn't hide his own personal displeasure that he wasn't given a more influential position and hence the harbouring of that grudges until today even after he quit.
on the other hand, lamei was once quite an asset to WP. she claimed (and boasted) that she helped in some of the major event by sending bangala workers, lorry and tools from her husband's contracting firm. she was quite well respected then and was the best friend of tan swee bee who was suppose to be the god-daughter of low thia khiang.
things changed and took a drastic turn after her illicit liasion with chia and it became a never ending feud with WP. the story has been re-told many times. it's very weird that SDP gladly accepted these 3-stooges gang of ejay, lamei n chia into their refuge without insisting them to become official SDPPIES.
isn't it strange?!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
the unholy 3some stooges

the unholy 3some in some unhooleey action!
our famous threesome - ngejay, chiatilik and lamei have never declare their political stance whether they are already SDPPIES or not. however, they can be seen in many of sdp deadwood forums and lame public antics.
suddenly it dawns on me the answer why they DARE NOT declare their stance.
yep! it all has to do with chee soon juan. again another or his insiduous scheme. you see, if the unholy threesome were branded SDPPIE, then their behaviour and postings would directly represent SDP's. these 3 stooges being very individualistic and self-centred surely won't want their limelight to be shared, stolen or diluted.
chee on the other hand can use either of the 3 jokers to hantam other opp parties especially the recent one where ngejay hantam low thia khiang. if ejay were to be a SDP, then that would put chee in a very awkard position.
the unholy 3some have from eon already bear grudges against WP, their chiefy low, sleepish sylvia and many of their prominent outspoken members such as lockiberal, melvin tan, andrew loh, shin long, swee bee and etc.....
why was there a grudge, a resentment and a vengeful hatred that is waitng and dying to "get even" with WP?
perhaps, some of the old timer like gohmengseng, ramseth and even jacys could share some enlightening insight.
unless we understand how this kind of petty and vengeful mentality were evolved, the feud and in-house fighting between the opp parties shall continue. on the surface, it appears as though they are criticising on THE POINT but the undercurrent shows otherwise IF u know the history of that sticky feud.
the unholy 3some has chiatilik at the tip over lamei over ngejay. however, the lowest is the craftiest while the highest is the stupidest. lamei is the go between. whatever chiatilik wants to carry out an instigation, he would F&D lamei who in turn F&D ngejay and out a bomb would explode at whoever or whichever opp party chia targets.
ejay is deeply obsessed with lamei who was super horny in chiatilik who dumps his own official wife who depressively aborted her unborn baby.
it's all about LUST. the power of LUST to utilise it to exploit, instigate and make use of others to do all one's dirty works.
ngejay is a brilliant nerd only good in figures - the mathematical one for heaven's sake. for the physical fleshy figure, he is a real fool who likes flat chested bosom and bony fragile frame bitches. the one that pretend to be more sickly the more he gets stimulated and would play super-nerd and tries to protect.
and so being at the bottom of the unholy threesome, ngejay would always do all the dirty works. if he cannot appear in his ngejay, he can deploy his unlimited nasty clones which are pooed out faster then he can cum.
that's how many forums like this ORIGINAL kopitiam and all its pirated version and others like TOC, WAYANGPARTY etc could be over run by this nerd alone.
NOTE: he did it last it. he repeats it this year. yep! again! why?
so what if ngejay is a geylang cheongster and wanked the hell out by his transvestite camp mate for $50? he isn't a confirmed SDPPIE so he's not related. he can continue to be wanked the hell out if he wants.
so what if lawyer steals client's wife. he's not sdppie either. he could ram some laukuaybu until the cock crows....that's got nothing to do with sdp cos he's not related too.
and if the horny wife wanna run away with lawyer with nerd with bangala or with any tom, harry and especially the DICK, it has nothing to do with SDP too. she ain't their member.
she can kill an unborn baby, slaughter a cocking chee or screaming chicken, twist the head off a duck or smack her maid, abuse her mum-in-law, neglect her own sick father and etc.....IT'S HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SDP cos she simply isn't a bonafide sdppie!
so there u have it: thousand and one reason for NOT being a SDP but acting very sdppie. that is the craftiest way SDP handles and endorses moral nonsense. as long as they ARE not sdp members, SDP endorses all those lame action cos it needs the unholy 3some for a bigger scheme of their evil plot.
Monday, August 17, 2009
lead actor, JJ the spitting stink bug
alamak! ngejay, i didn't left u out what. u are acting a very important and special role - the abnoxious 3 footer stink bug. don't worry. chee would ensure that they add another 2 pairs of short legs to your original pair of short legs. they would be the same length and carroty shaped.
one question: do u want the other 4 legs to be hairy so that your own smooth short stump carrot legs would outshine them?
ok! ON!! we can add a humongous prick to stick out of ur spitting butthole. no problem!
one question: do u want the other 4 legs to be hairy so that your own smooth short stump carrot legs would outshine them?
ok! ON!! we can add a humongous prick to stick out of ur spitting butthole. no problem!
there u go! another lovely and artistic suggestion for master chee to prepare his money making month from the HUNGRY GHOSTS. the sdppies are actually hungrier than the hungry ghosts.
so for their next ENCORE wayang opera peformance, chee could think of scripting for the new butterflies lovers. he got all the "increased supports" to aid him effortlessly.
the black and white ghouls - seelan kia and casper could throw in their pc and media expertise. (refreshing: the 2 ghoulies being arrested by the matas for standing like idiots outside MOM's house?)
the role for male butterfly, it definitely gotta be chia sai the prettiest boy. female bitchfly should naturally fits la mui. JJ could be the spitting stinking bug. this stinky bug spews abnoxiously from his little tight butt with humongous toxic gas explosion.
there would be roaches, cockroaches, maggots and other creepie crawlies....well, whatever u name it, sdppie fleas circus has it! IT'S A FLEAS CIRCUS, dun ever forget that!
it would be a halloween opera for SDP CLAN's modern BUTTERFLIES LOVERS! surely gonna be a runaway hit!!
master chee could now even rant louder: " that's where my money coming from" soon!!
so for their next ENCORE wayang opera peformance, chee could think of scripting for the new butterflies lovers. he got all the "increased supports" to aid him effortlessly.
the black and white ghouls - seelan kia and casper could throw in their pc and media expertise. (refreshing: the 2 ghoulies being arrested by the matas for standing like idiots outside MOM's house?)
the role for male butterfly, it definitely gotta be chia sai the prettiest boy. female bitchfly should naturally fits la mui. JJ could be the spitting stinking bug. this stinky bug spews abnoxiously from his little tight butt with humongous toxic gas explosion.
there would be roaches, cockroaches, maggots and other creepie crawlies....well, whatever u name it, sdppie fleas circus has it! IT'S A FLEAS CIRCUS, dun ever forget that!
it would be a halloween opera for SDP CLAN's modern BUTTERFLIES LOVERS! surely gonna be a runaway hit!!
master chee could now even rant louder: " that's where my money coming from" soon!!
is baey yam keng a descendant of ma wern qing?
ma wen qing is hanyu and translated to engrish should be BAEY WERN KENG.
still blur? baey wen keng is the 3rd party who stole chu yin tai from liang shan po.
baey yam keng is a korean look-alike hunk hounded by abc desperate troll.
baey yam keng. baey wern keng....ma yan qing, ma wern qing. related by descendancy?
if they were related, then my god!! the abc troll could be chu yin tai back for her revenge!
gosh! if this theory is true, SDP CIRCUS OF CLOWN might just be singing their 7th wayang opera titled: LIANG SHAN PO & CHU YIN TAI, guest starring baey yam keng acting as his great great great grandfather ma wern qing.
this is so bizzarre!!
still blur? baey wen keng is the 3rd party who stole chu yin tai from liang shan po.
baey yam keng is a korean look-alike hunk hounded by abc desperate troll.
baey yam keng. baey wern keng....ma yan qing, ma wern qing. related by descendancy?
if they were related, then my god!! the abc troll could be chu yin tai back for her revenge!
gosh! if this theory is true, SDP CIRCUS OF CLOWN might just be singing their 7th wayang opera titled: LIANG SHAN PO & CHU YIN TAI, guest starring baey yam keng acting as his great great great grandfather ma wern qing.
this is so bizzarre!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Master chee singing 7th mth getai soon
as we know master chee is saddled with debts - enormous debts. being a bankrupt, he was still saddled with debts - unnecessary debts. poor lau cheebyekia! keeps on harping and boasting about his "increased supports". how pathetic can he get? begging for alms from poor peasants by exploiting his TIT FOR TAT webpage - TELEPATHIC INFO TRANSMISSION for TELEPHATIC ACCEPTANCE TRANSFER - or whatever u can think of. this story just runs so long until i forgot what was the orginal TIT FOR TAT stood for
but wait....there is a spirit in the air. music & lyrics:
they are one...they do their part. sing to together...hearts to hearts...for we all know that SDPPIES ARE FOR PRICKS...to longkang...they shall go in....
the spirit of NATIONAL DAY was just over. another spirit which is more sinister, foggy and boisterous is on its way. the spirit from the 7TH MONTH OF THE HUNGRY GHOSTS!!
it's GETAI and OPERA season soon. chee's circus of clowns would be kept pretty busy. don't forget: THEY NEED MONEY - PLENTY OF IT!!
master chee with his pipa would be highly in demand. chia sai, the microphone carrier would be best suited ...er...as chee's personalised microphone carrier. what else? he cannot sing. maybe he could act as one of the guniang hua dan in the opera. lamui with her manly testerone loaded voice would play the xiao sheng. what a pair! the reversed transgender change!. finally grabbing the GETAI SPIRIT all to themselves!
it would be a terrific month for the SDPPIES FLEA CIRCUS!
they need money, don't forget. sorry, the radio isn't broken...THEY REALLY NEED MONEY to save themselves! queenstown holiday resort is bankrupted. all those clowns are heading and spending their holidays in changi resorts. and they need money to check themselves in and enjoy a super orgic stays. 2 is a pair; 3 a threesome...more that 10 sdppie clowns are a super orgy season for them! wow!!
meanwhile, sdppie's TIT FOR TAT could start promoting their brand of pipa strumming and bejing opera by master chee. chia sai, lamui and JJ could replay their roles in the famous WU SONG KILLED TIGER story and re-enact their respective roles: SIMON KING -the horny bastar, pang chin lian - the horny unfaitfhul bitch and wu da lang the horniest among them all - 3 footer shortie with the short legs.
who's going to act as wu song - the hero of this WATER MARGIN EPISODE? ah....master chee, of course!
our WU SONG aka chee needs a new facelift type. no...no...this is a brand new WU SONG. he doesn't need to his his knuckle duster to bash to the cat shits out of the poor tiger. that would be cruelty to animal for heaven's sake!
chee, the modern WU SONG only needs to preach. ya lah! blah..blah..blah...and his non stop mind cuddling blah-blah shall kill the tiger. it drives it coconut and banana. the tiger just goes into a frenzy then a stroke, a coma and then a dead pussy cock standing - of course!!
sure will accumulate lots of money and sell to a full house of anticipative audience. there u are sddpie clowns. don't say i didn't help u hor....i've just given u a money printing idea.
so better wake up to your fucking idea and get your butts moving!!
but wait....there is a spirit in the air. music & lyrics:
they are one...they do their part. sing to together...hearts to hearts...for we all know that SDPPIES ARE FOR PRICKS...to longkang...they shall go in....
the spirit of NATIONAL DAY was just over. another spirit which is more sinister, foggy and boisterous is on its way. the spirit from the 7TH MONTH OF THE HUNGRY GHOSTS!!
it's GETAI and OPERA season soon. chee's circus of clowns would be kept pretty busy. don't forget: THEY NEED MONEY - PLENTY OF IT!!
master chee with his pipa would be highly in demand. chia sai, the microphone carrier would be best suited ...er...as chee's personalised microphone carrier. what else? he cannot sing. maybe he could act as one of the guniang hua dan in the opera. lamui with her manly testerone loaded voice would play the xiao sheng. what a pair! the reversed transgender change!. finally grabbing the GETAI SPIRIT all to themselves!
it would be a terrific month for the SDPPIES FLEA CIRCUS!
they need money, don't forget. sorry, the radio isn't broken...THEY REALLY NEED MONEY to save themselves! queenstown holiday resort is bankrupted. all those clowns are heading and spending their holidays in changi resorts. and they need money to check themselves in and enjoy a super orgic stays. 2 is a pair; 3 a threesome...more that 10 sdppie clowns are a super orgy season for them! wow!!
meanwhile, sdppie's TIT FOR TAT could start promoting their brand of pipa strumming and bejing opera by master chee. chia sai, lamui and JJ could replay their roles in the famous WU SONG KILLED TIGER story and re-enact their respective roles: SIMON KING -the horny bastar, pang chin lian - the horny unfaitfhul bitch and wu da lang the horniest among them all - 3 footer shortie with the short legs.
who's going to act as wu song - the hero of this WATER MARGIN EPISODE? ah....master chee, of course!
our WU SONG aka chee needs a new facelift type. no...no...this is a brand new WU SONG. he doesn't need to his his knuckle duster to bash to the cat shits out of the poor tiger. that would be cruelty to animal for heaven's sake!
chee, the modern WU SONG only needs to preach. ya lah! blah..blah..blah...and his non stop mind cuddling blah-blah shall kill the tiger. it drives it coconut and banana. the tiger just goes into a frenzy then a stroke, a coma and then a dead pussy cock standing - of course!!
sure will accumulate lots of money and sell to a full house of anticipative audience. there u are sddpie clowns. don't say i didn't help u hor....i've just given u a money printing idea.
so better wake up to your fucking idea and get your butts moving!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sdp - shits depositing pricks

the shits cesspool from SDP. yucks!
SDP already got plenty of shits-makers inside their circus of clowns. we have ngejay - the mastershifter and turds producer.
there's the troll a famed discord sower who would not hesitate to stir more shits. and of course, how could we miss the illusive half-past-shit lawyer.
chee suan juan is surrounded by shitholes, loves shits stirring and practically spews all the stinky shits which pissed off many peasants like me.
and so, the correct definition of SDP should be :
Shits Depositing Pricks
if all misled SDP sympathisers choose to remain brainwashed by chee soon juan, by all means continue to do so. the big longkang is large enough to take all the clowns and imbeciles into its refuge.
chee has done practically nothing good, positive or constructive either to the nation, to the peasants or to any opp parties except SDP which by the way belongs originally to chiam see tong. chee ousted chiam in a very sneaky way. he brain washed all the cec members to vote chiam out. and look what happen to SDP today.
it's just a shits cesspool occupied by a bunch of ignorant, arrogant and over-rated shitheads, clowns and mainly imbeciles who pride at their nonsense which piss peasants off.
to them, it's PATRIOTISM. to everyone who can see clearly, they spell SHITS clearer than shits itself!
deadly FLIRT&DESTROY taking toll on victims
the deadly flirt&destroy from lamui is indeed effective and taking its toll on many young but horny peasants. a squirt of her pussyjuice PJ grade #4 would instantly turns rational minds into irrational zombies who are now sdppies imbeciles under the mind control of master chee.
lamui has indeed served this lesser fool but more sinister mutherfucker of peesailand well. good bitch! her latest devious skill - again the borrow other's paraang for the kill.
this time she wickedly exploited the death of an army dr who was bonded to NS to stir up hatred among the peasants. to enhance it, all the pussyjuiced zombied imbeciles were activated to chorus in after her.
her cherries target is now aimed - oh, no! not baey ayam. it is targeted now at GEORGIE. yep! the one lau chee juan was eyeing but was ungraciously n distastefully ignored. hence, lamui is deployed for the tasking for chee sai or chickenshits throwing.
really! this is super absurd. it's better than CAROL BURNETTE standup comic. but the famed abc troll and desperate bitch lamui wasn't even funny. her hidden motive is easily exposed just like her bony spaghetti 3 pcs for $10 silk t-shirt or her children's size hot pants. boobless under her china imitation triumph not-so-extra prop-up bras and her pinkie SWAN-brand pink panties...they are all exposed just like her obvious ill-intention which is to sow more discords and distrust against the gov.
how and when would such antic stop? well, it couldn't and it won't. it all depend on how powderful and far her pussyjuice can squirt and how many hits on lame hare-brains who are willing to be zombied to become sdppie imbeciles under the freak mind control by master chee.
somewhere, somehow, many chilvarous swordsmen and swordswomen who pledge LOYALTY, PATRIOTISM & RIGHTEOUS to our beloved peesailand begin to pop up one by one to stop the spread of this deadly virus inherent in lamui's chow chee bye pussyjuice. she has now upgraded to be a hiao laukuaybu chee with the deadly c c b loaded with mind boggling juices.
so beware, peasants! a squirt of pussyjuice would bring indefinite addiction and permanent suffering. learn this practical lesson from chia sai or the greenhat swordsman or those who had and are going to fall into the big longkang soon.
lamui has indeed served this lesser fool but more sinister mutherfucker of peesailand well. good bitch! her latest devious skill - again the borrow other's paraang for the kill.
this time she wickedly exploited the death of an army dr who was bonded to NS to stir up hatred among the peasants. to enhance it, all the pussyjuiced zombied imbeciles were activated to chorus in after her.
her cherries target is now aimed - oh, no! not baey ayam. it is targeted now at GEORGIE. yep! the one lau chee juan was eyeing but was ungraciously n distastefully ignored. hence, lamui is deployed for the tasking for chee sai or chickenshits throwing.
really! this is super absurd. it's better than CAROL BURNETTE standup comic. but the famed abc troll and desperate bitch lamui wasn't even funny. her hidden motive is easily exposed just like her bony spaghetti 3 pcs for $10 silk t-shirt or her children's size hot pants. boobless under her china imitation triumph not-so-extra prop-up bras and her pinkie SWAN-brand pink panties...they are all exposed just like her obvious ill-intention which is to sow more discords and distrust against the gov.
how and when would such antic stop? well, it couldn't and it won't. it all depend on how powderful and far her pussyjuice can squirt and how many hits on lame hare-brains who are willing to be zombied to become sdppie imbeciles under the freak mind control by master chee.
somewhere, somehow, many chilvarous swordsmen and swordswomen who pledge LOYALTY, PATRIOTISM & RIGHTEOUS to our beloved peesailand begin to pop up one by one to stop the spread of this deadly virus inherent in lamui's chow chee bye pussyjuice. she has now upgraded to be a hiao laukuaybu chee with the deadly c c b loaded with mind boggling juices.
so beware, peasants! a squirt of pussyjuice would bring indefinite addiction and permanent suffering. learn this practical lesson from chia sai or the greenhat swordsman or those who had and are going to fall into the big longkang soon.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
the difference between edmund and those losers mentioned is there wasn't any published news about edmund. the same cannot be said for the losers gang especially the couple mentioned.
a certain sin min chinese paper published that scuffle with headline:
no names was mentioned about this drama. there is one very very mysterious question that hasn't been answered till today, i.e, why didn't policemen charge the violent husband who bashed up that taekwondo blackbelted lawyer? why didn't that bashed up lawyer press charges against him?
it was a case of causing bodily hurt and illegal trespassing into lawyer's office.
the next question:
why didn't irate and betrayed husband file a complaint against wife stealing lawyer? he engaged him for a law suit. he didn't engage him to provide intimate personal service. lawyer's job for this case is on the desk. how could it be upgraded to be in the bed or a sexmobile?
X-FILE? maybe. but the most humorous part: SDP ENDORSES SUCH BEHAVIOUR.
the concealed abortion story was a recent revelation from a reliable source who was probably involved in this RECTANGLE MESSY LOVE AFFAIRS: the suffering wife, the betrayed aggrieved husband, a desperate troll and her lover the fucking lawyer.
now u go solve the who's who in what part this drama entails.
interesting, isn't it? those adulterous lead actor & actress still can brag about "concern for peasants"....well, u go think about their actions whether compatible to what they preach. the choice is your.
u believe them, u believe and endorse ADULTERY just like the warped minds of SDP bunch of imbeciles!
a certain sin min chinese paper published that scuffle with headline:
no names was mentioned about this drama. there is one very very mysterious question that hasn't been answered till today, i.e, why didn't policemen charge the violent husband who bashed up that taekwondo blackbelted lawyer? why didn't that bashed up lawyer press charges against him?
it was a case of causing bodily hurt and illegal trespassing into lawyer's office.
the next question:
why didn't irate and betrayed husband file a complaint against wife stealing lawyer? he engaged him for a law suit. he didn't engage him to provide intimate personal service. lawyer's job for this case is on the desk. how could it be upgraded to be in the bed or a sexmobile?
X-FILE? maybe. but the most humorous part: SDP ENDORSES SUCH BEHAVIOUR.
the concealed abortion story was a recent revelation from a reliable source who was probably involved in this RECTANGLE MESSY LOVE AFFAIRS: the suffering wife, the betrayed aggrieved husband, a desperate troll and her lover the fucking lawyer.
now u go solve the who's who in what part this drama entails.
interesting, isn't it? those adulterous lead actor & actress still can brag about "concern for peasants"....well, u go think about their actions whether compatible to what they preach. the choice is your.
u believe them, u believe and endorse ADULTERY just like the warped minds of SDP bunch of imbeciles!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"she kills my baby!! bitch!!"
this dramatic love triangle began - or was it a rectangle affair started because of WP CLAN's swee swee's innocent introduction.....
mi chell and chia sai were disciple from NUS HILL - the "big brother" martial arts school where many great kungfu exponents were born and bred there.
the couple was si shiong and si mei (kungfu brother n sister). they were intensely in love. finally they tied the knot. chia sai after trained in his si ya (ancient lawyer) worked diligently in his uncle si ya fu (ancient law firm).
as he was still a greenhorn and a super blurcock - and he is still now more blur and greener - business was bad for him or bo sen li. he decided to exploit into political kungfu and join WP CLAN. this was the beginning to a the suffering continuous sticky liasion.
la mui was married with 2 teletubbies kids to a suave charismatic jianghu heelo, greenhat swordsman who was running his own security or pao piao. one day, an expensive goods was placed in his care but when it was delivered, his client complained that it was not in perfect original condition. a legal tussle ensued.
meanwhile, la mui was also mingling in WP CLAN hoping to canvass some security business for her husband greenhat swordsman. her best friend, the goddaughter of WP chiefy ah khiang was swee swee. la mui got many kang tao or lobangs from swee swee as ah khiang was quite influential and ruled over a ward called HOU GANG ZHEN.
it was natural that swee swee suggested lamui to seek leegal advice from WP's poster boy si ya, chia sai to solve greenhat's leegal predicament. lamui gladly took her advice. a matchmaking ...oops! an appointment was arranged for lamui n chia sai. it was indeed an indecent matchmaking whic swee swee didn't in her far fetched mind anticipated.
it had unwittingly planted a seed of LUST, BETRAYAL....and eventual suffering caused by illicit liasion of ADULTERY! it also caused the premature death of an unborn child of mi shell, the silent suffering and loving wifey of chia sai.
greenhat's leegal tussle with his powderful client was a sticky one. lamui had to keep seeing chia sai to update him about the latest about this matter. she seemed to be spending more time with the 1/2 past 6 si ya than her family.
gradually, they fell in love. meanwhile mi shell, the wifey of chia sai was pregnant. he spent more time now with lamui than his own suffering pregnant wifey. mi shell began to get suspicious. greenhat also began to get suspicious. swee swee was alos getting suspicious. THE ENTIRE WP CLAN was already damn suspicious. but lamui and chia sai who were now lovers in intense love just shirked the suspicion off.
lamui now as gettin even bitchier over chia sai. she would used her unique black sexmobile to pick & send chia sai. it was a great distance across valleys, hills n more valleys - just to pick & send chia. she drove from her fome to his home and then pick & send him to his work place in the city. after work, again pick & send but to a secluded forest where......(go imagine la!:p)
mi shell's suspicion was confirmed. chia sai had been unfaithful to her. greenhat's suspicion also confirmed. lamui had been unfaithful to him. mi shell fell into pre-natal depression. she hurt so much she couldn't take it any longer. she wanted a divorce. she was filled with sorrow and at the same time frenzy with rage and disappointment. she wanted to get even with chia sai. she aborted his child! then she filed for divorce. it was over between her and chia sai. she obliged him for lamui.
it seem that lamui being an older laukuaybu had worn the affair of the heart. but really, did she? did she really win and make a baby's life as a sacrifice?
greenhat swordsman was furious. he had requested for si ya or leegal service on the table. he didn't expect that such service went beyond onto the bed! his beloved black chariot was being abused as a black sexmobile some more. imagine the fodder he had to feed to his chariot just to provide an instrument for the lust of his wife lamui and his si ya, chia sai. he exploded in rage!
greenhat swordsman's anger burst the last straw after he received homing pigeon carrying messages to lamui from chia sai. he waited. when an outgoing homing pigeon flew out from lamui's window, he shot it down with an arrow, retrieved the message and was deeply shocked!! lamui called his two charming kids TOU YUE PIN. that was it!!
he sped off into town into chia sai's office. he banged his table and showed him the messages he had been saving all the while. after he banged the table, he continue to bang among other things chia sai's head. the guan pin or ancient matas were called in. it was weird. chia sai dare not leeported the bashing from greenhat swordsman. he only told the guan pin that they were just having some private kungfu practising. it was all a misunderstanding that kaypohji peasants went to report about the ruckkus.
lamui on hearing what had happened created a bigger fuss when greenhat returned home. one big tight smack was sent across her face. she fell. she wept. she ran out of the house wailing like a mad crazy woman. where else could she go? to the nerd, JJ's.
JJ was saddened by the incident. he was all along deeply obsessed with lamui. the nerd loved flat chested bitches like SUN YAN ZHI, the opera singer. he was so obssessed he even fell in love with his transvestite si di who dressed himself as a bitch and gladly wanked JJ's off his retained intense cum for such long period.
being a mastershapeshifter, JJ transformed himself to a girl and called himself MICHELLQUEK. he approached lamui, counselled her and put his short arms over her shoulder to caress her. JJ was now a fat bitch called MICHELLQUEK. lamui loved to be touched. she was a desperate troll, don't forget.
as MQ, JJ exploited the situation and encouraged lamui to divorce her husband greenhat. he also suggested dumping her 2 teletubbies as they would be a burden to her and hence, her degratory termed used for her kids: TOU YUE PIN.
it was decided. she took JJ aka MICHELLEQUEK's perversed advice....and the rest was history.
from henceforth, lamui and chia sai became officially the adulterous couple known to the martial arts world of politics as the CONDOM HEROES!.
wow lau eh!! liddat also can one huh??!!
mi chell and chia sai were disciple from NUS HILL - the "big brother" martial arts school where many great kungfu exponents were born and bred there.
the couple was si shiong and si mei (kungfu brother n sister). they were intensely in love. finally they tied the knot. chia sai after trained in his si ya (ancient lawyer) worked diligently in his uncle si ya fu (ancient law firm).
as he was still a greenhorn and a super blurcock - and he is still now more blur and greener - business was bad for him or bo sen li. he decided to exploit into political kungfu and join WP CLAN. this was the beginning to a the suffering continuous sticky liasion.
la mui was married with 2 teletubbies kids to a suave charismatic jianghu heelo, greenhat swordsman who was running his own security or pao piao. one day, an expensive goods was placed in his care but when it was delivered, his client complained that it was not in perfect original condition. a legal tussle ensued.
meanwhile, la mui was also mingling in WP CLAN hoping to canvass some security business for her husband greenhat swordsman. her best friend, the goddaughter of WP chiefy ah khiang was swee swee. la mui got many kang tao or lobangs from swee swee as ah khiang was quite influential and ruled over a ward called HOU GANG ZHEN.
it was natural that swee swee suggested lamui to seek leegal advice from WP's poster boy si ya, chia sai to solve greenhat's leegal predicament. lamui gladly took her advice. a matchmaking ...oops! an appointment was arranged for lamui n chia sai. it was indeed an indecent matchmaking whic swee swee didn't in her far fetched mind anticipated.
it had unwittingly planted a seed of LUST, BETRAYAL....and eventual suffering caused by illicit liasion of ADULTERY! it also caused the premature death of an unborn child of mi shell, the silent suffering and loving wifey of chia sai.
greenhat's leegal tussle with his powderful client was a sticky one. lamui had to keep seeing chia sai to update him about the latest about this matter. she seemed to be spending more time with the 1/2 past 6 si ya than her family.
gradually, they fell in love. meanwhile mi shell, the wifey of chia sai was pregnant. he spent more time now with lamui than his own suffering pregnant wifey. mi shell began to get suspicious. greenhat also began to get suspicious. swee swee was alos getting suspicious. THE ENTIRE WP CLAN was already damn suspicious. but lamui and chia sai who were now lovers in intense love just shirked the suspicion off.
lamui now as gettin even bitchier over chia sai. she would used her unique black sexmobile to pick & send chia sai. it was a great distance across valleys, hills n more valleys - just to pick & send chia. she drove from her fome to his home and then pick & send him to his work place in the city. after work, again pick & send but to a secluded forest where......(go imagine la!:p)
mi shell's suspicion was confirmed. chia sai had been unfaithful to her. greenhat's suspicion also confirmed. lamui had been unfaithful to him. mi shell fell into pre-natal depression. she hurt so much she couldn't take it any longer. she wanted a divorce. she was filled with sorrow and at the same time frenzy with rage and disappointment. she wanted to get even with chia sai. she aborted his child! then she filed for divorce. it was over between her and chia sai. she obliged him for lamui.
it seem that lamui being an older laukuaybu had worn the affair of the heart. but really, did she? did she really win and make a baby's life as a sacrifice?
greenhat swordsman was furious. he had requested for si ya or leegal service on the table. he didn't expect that such service went beyond onto the bed! his beloved black chariot was being abused as a black sexmobile some more. imagine the fodder he had to feed to his chariot just to provide an instrument for the lust of his wife lamui and his si ya, chia sai. he exploded in rage!
greenhat swordsman's anger burst the last straw after he received homing pigeon carrying messages to lamui from chia sai. he waited. when an outgoing homing pigeon flew out from lamui's window, he shot it down with an arrow, retrieved the message and was deeply shocked!! lamui called his two charming kids TOU YUE PIN. that was it!!
he sped off into town into chia sai's office. he banged his table and showed him the messages he had been saving all the while. after he banged the table, he continue to bang among other things chia sai's head. the guan pin or ancient matas were called in. it was weird. chia sai dare not leeported the bashing from greenhat swordsman. he only told the guan pin that they were just having some private kungfu practising. it was all a misunderstanding that kaypohji peasants went to report about the ruckkus.
lamui on hearing what had happened created a bigger fuss when greenhat returned home. one big tight smack was sent across her face. she fell. she wept. she ran out of the house wailing like a mad crazy woman. where else could she go? to the nerd, JJ's.
JJ was saddened by the incident. he was all along deeply obsessed with lamui. the nerd loved flat chested bitches like SUN YAN ZHI, the opera singer. he was so obssessed he even fell in love with his transvestite si di who dressed himself as a bitch and gladly wanked JJ's off his retained intense cum for such long period.
being a mastershapeshifter, JJ transformed himself to a girl and called himself MICHELLQUEK. he approached lamui, counselled her and put his short arms over her shoulder to caress her. JJ was now a fat bitch called MICHELLQUEK. lamui loved to be touched. she was a desperate troll, don't forget.
as MQ, JJ exploited the situation and encouraged lamui to divorce her husband greenhat. he also suggested dumping her 2 teletubbies as they would be a burden to her and hence, her degratory termed used for her kids: TOU YUE PIN.
it was decided. she took JJ aka MICHELLEQUEK's perversed advice....and the rest was history.
from henceforth, lamui and chia sai became officially the adulterous couple known to the martial arts world of politics as the CONDOM HEROES!.
wow lau eh!! liddat also can one huh??!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
it's all about CHEEs (X-rated)
when lau chee talks to georgie...
lau chee: c'mon here, georgie! lim lau chee wanna speak to u!!
georgie: kong simi lau c b? lim peh bo eng. u go find your hiao chee in ABC !! choy lei du sor!!
here come abc hiao lau chee
abc hiao lau chee: ah chee wei, write to pappie la. looks like formal issue leh...rite leh...rite leh
ah lau chee: ON ah, hiao chee! me sure rite one!! your FLIRTY chee is sibei orgasmic chow chee! beh tong u know!
abc hiao lau chee breeds lots of siao siao chees
and all the hiao lau chee's siao siao chees chirp in unison:
ah chee ah, rite leh..rite leh! rite to georgie. kua yi cho simi puki.
the power of the chow c b's feed of FLIRT&DESTROY. bo chee poon A see! (no chee will die pain pain!)
Originally Posted by leetahbar
does this answer everyone question of being taken for a ride? a daily ride by nasty clones who are actually bred by the mastershapeshfiter to target on my li'l brother leetahsar? ask yourself why do they wanna do such cowardly cheapo things? aren't they for FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS & DEMOCRAPSY?
do u guys witness any examples of any of those crapsy they preach n brag?
they are the siao xiao chee chees with little xiao xiao jiji. AND THEY ARE BALLESS by the way!
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Member Since: 6/15/2007
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lecture hasn't started yet is it, nerd?
when lau chee talks, all his hiao chees, laukuaybu chees, hiao lkb chees and of course all the xiao xiao chees with their xiao jijis would gather to give praises.
HALLELUJAH!! they would shout, kneel and prostrate and prepare themselves to be laid.
BOINK!.....another xiao xiao chee is pooed out from either one of the lau chee or the hiao laukuaybu chee.
and that unfortunately was how another nasty clone xiao xiao chee with a little balless xiao jiji was born......and here we go again!
lau chee: c'mon here, georgie! lim lau chee wanna speak to u!!
georgie: kong simi lau c b? lim peh bo eng. u go find your hiao chee in ABC !! choy lei du sor!!
here come abc hiao lau chee
abc hiao lau chee: ah chee wei, write to pappie la. looks like formal issue leh...rite leh...rite leh
ah lau chee: ON ah, hiao chee! me sure rite one!! your FLIRTY chee is sibei orgasmic chow chee! beh tong u know!
abc hiao lau chee breeds lots of siao siao chees
and all the hiao lau chee's siao siao chees chirp in unison:
ah chee ah, rite leh..rite leh! rite to georgie. kua yi cho simi puki.
the power of the chow c b's feed of FLIRT&DESTROY. bo chee poon A see! (no chee will die pain pain!)
Originally Posted by leetahbar
does this answer everyone question of being taken for a ride? a daily ride by nasty clones who are actually bred by the mastershapeshfiter to target on my li'l brother leetahsar? ask yourself why do they wanna do such cowardly cheapo things? aren't they for FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS & DEMOCRAPSY?
do u guys witness any examples of any of those crapsy they preach n brag?
they are the siao xiao chee chees with little xiao xiao jiji. AND THEY ARE BALLESS by the way!
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Member Since: 6/15/2007
Posts: 140
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lecture hasn't started yet is it, nerd?
when lau chee talks, all his hiao chees, laukuaybu chees, hiao lkb chees and of course all the xiao xiao chees with their xiao jijis would gather to give praises.
HALLELUJAH!! they would shout, kneel and prostrate and prepare themselves to be laid.
BOINK!.....another xiao xiao chee is pooed out from either one of the lau chee or the hiao laukuaybu chee.
and that unfortunately was how another nasty clone xiao xiao chee with a little balless xiao jiji was born......and here we go again!
ALERT! nasty clones done - one by one
the season of nasty clone breedings is beginning to take its toll on the nerdy snake mastershfiter. he wanks so hard and cums so much, he's also depleted. his energy is low....and tomorrow spells the end of his clones mating season. he would have to slither back into NUS hill crawling as fast as his short legs could take him. he's worn out - totally and orgasmically cummed out!
oops! another nasty clone done! yeh!!! GO BABY GO!!
oops! another nasty clone done! yeh!!! GO BABY GO!!
new NDP song but still same old lame song fr opp clans
if opp parties keep harping on such deadwood subjects, u bet they shall lose again. those people gotta learn how to talk more senses. if those jobs are not taken by FTs, do u think locals can handle them?
do locals wanna go do contruction works? or be nurses wiping arses and smelling shits? do locals willing serve as waiters or sales persons or other service line? ( even the whores are FT! LOL!!)
the worldwide economy is bad. sgp isn't spared. in truth, sgp is coping well. the gov is doing all they can. yes, i agree. they could have done more but it's still up to us to do the utmost.
opp parties in propagating and exploiting this world phenomena situation n hoping to exploit it into their advantage is sealing the last coffin pin in their own shaky situation.
the message opp parties should be promoting should be:
we are all singaporeans. be it paps or opps supporters. we work together to promote a better singapore - a better live for all singaporeans. discrediting the gov and using factless accusation only hit back at the opp's credibility.
i believe deep within every opp supporters' heart, we know that this would work. it wouldn't garner more ground supports. conversely, it just proven pinkie's mockery that opp parties do not have the type of calibre to be an opp voice in parleement.
c'mon, every opp political wannabes! time to behave more politically matured and still stuck like a frog in a well!
look around us...open your eyes and look clearly.
if singapore were to be ruled by traitor chee, do u think we would have come so far?
all these peace, security and unity of the citizens could be destroyed by depicable characters such as chee - if he succeeds. but HALLELUJAH!! he always fails!
do locals wanna go do contruction works? or be nurses wiping arses and smelling shits? do locals willing serve as waiters or sales persons or other service line? ( even the whores are FT! LOL!!)
the worldwide economy is bad. sgp isn't spared. in truth, sgp is coping well. the gov is doing all they can. yes, i agree. they could have done more but it's still up to us to do the utmost.
opp parties in propagating and exploiting this world phenomena situation n hoping to exploit it into their advantage is sealing the last coffin pin in their own shaky situation.
the message opp parties should be promoting should be:
we are all singaporeans. be it paps or opps supporters. we work together to promote a better singapore - a better live for all singaporeans. discrediting the gov and using factless accusation only hit back at the opp's credibility.
i believe deep within every opp supporters' heart, we know that this would work. it wouldn't garner more ground supports. conversely, it just proven pinkie's mockery that opp parties do not have the type of calibre to be an opp voice in parleement.
c'mon, every opp political wannabes! time to behave more politically matured and still stuck like a frog in a well!
look around us...open your eyes and look clearly.
if singapore were to be ruled by traitor chee, do u think we would have come so far?
all these peace, security and unity of the citizens could be destroyed by depicable characters such as chee - if he succeeds. but HALLELUJAH!! he always fails!
Re: Sgp's joy is sdp's sorrow
Originally Posted by leetahbar
no voucher. i m in the elitist class unlike cheapo like u. but i got newspaper cutting for u to see
tell us who were the lead actor n actress inside that story leh. are they now together and already betrayed their own spouses?
no guesses for the best lead actress and best lead actor from that chinese news report?
Originally Posted by leetahbar
no voucher. i m in the elitist class unlike cheapo like u. but i got newspaper cutting for u to see
tell us who were the lead actor n actress inside that story leh. are they now together and already betrayed their own spouses?
no guesses for the best lead actress and best lead actor from that chinese news report?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
for those who think SDP speaks for HUMAN RIGHTS, FREE SPEECHES AND DEMOCRAPSY, well....er...they actually do! in their own style like this:
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Messages: 20 Yesterday
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:42 PM Hakka Tiow
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:41 PM Hakka Tiow
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:40 PM Hakka Tiow
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:39 PM Hakka Tiow
yep! in their own style trying to ban those who critical about their "own style" or their own brand of FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS & special brew called DEMOCRAPSY. read carefully is CRAPSY not CRACY.
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View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
Messages: 20 Yesterday
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:42 PM Hakka Tiow
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:41 PM Hakka Tiow
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:40 PM Hakka Tiow
08-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:39 PM Hakka Tiow
yep! in their own style trying to ban those who critical about their "own style" or their own brand of FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS & special brew called DEMOCRAPSY. read carefully is CRAPSY not CRACY.

just listen to how lamei defames HDB but wait! she herself bought a very expensive point block executive flat in ABC with circular balcony some more.
if HDB is accused as profiteering from peasants and selling us flats that are exorbitant, when we - the flat owners decide to sell our "exorbitant" flat, do we sell it cheaply or demand the HIGHEST PRICE we can fetch?
of course, we want the highest price for our own flat. if that's the case, why then accuse HDB of doing the same?
would lamei sell her house at the price she originally bought from HDB? if say she bought her exec flat for $250k - a very expensive price indeed, later when she wanna sell, does she intend to sell it at 250K or very much higher. her flat now could be worth in the region of above 500k. if she sell at say 500K, isn't she slapping herself by selling also at an obscenely higher price?
what is the logic o her making that stupid brainless speech on NATIONAL DAY some more and representing SDP? is she one of the SDP CEC member by the way to begin with? isn' she slapping herself and proving how chronic lame SDP persist to behave and try to instill mistrust and dsunity in our society?
so tell me. what is the purpose of a NATIONAL DAY speech coming from SDP?
there's nothing good, encouraging or optimistic. SDP only tries to excerbate the current economic downturn that is face worldwide. singapore is in fact handling it quite well compare to other countries.
what does SDP have in mind that could really help singapore POSITIVELY & CONSTRUCTIVELY?
PRACTICALLY NONE! if they have none, it's better for them to SHUDTHEFUCKUP! instead of trying their best to exploit a dire situation and turn the peasants into a state of disunity and disharmony. what good do we have if SDP successfully achieves that? you want singapore to be like what's happening in KL now? or maybe thailand?
we must learn to treasure the peace and stability of our nation and not to be maliciously misled by betrayers and traitors from SDP. what good has chee soon juan done or contributed to our nation?
his aim is to bring singapore down. our joy is chee's sorrow and our misery is chee's rejoice. such is the warped mentally of SDP. you really want them to take care for your ward? seriously. you think these sdppies are good people? look into their own personal lives and think again.
even during a day of national celebration, SINGAPORE 44TH NATIONAL DAY, the sddpies would not spare to propagate GLOOM & DOOM in peesailand. why do they loving doing such things? spreading fears, heighten anxieties and sowing distrust in our gov and hence trying to create disunity in our nation - seems to be their national pledge of loyalty to our country.
chee siok chin - what has she achieved so far after trying to play punk with her brother soon juan with the gov? NOTHING! what they set out to accomplish failed miserably cos the peasants were wise to see through their hidden agenda and motive, i.e, to bring down our beloved SINGAPORE.
lamei aka jaslyn go - what does she do best? maybe she should be telling us why is she living in an executive point block in ABC. if she is so dissatisfied with our system, why is she sending her 2 kids to gov school? she might like to explain a paper reports that appeared to be insinuating her involved in some romantic entanglement. who is she actually living with now would be very interesting. we have never heard how she thanks husband before but she would hesitate to thank everyone's else except her own family especially her loving husband. surprise?
the other 2 aunties who spoke in malay and tamil, no comment. but if it's from SDP, it's usually bad tidings for our beloved SINGAPORE.
SDP is a very funny opp party that relishes if singapore suffers and suffers if there's good news in the the heartland. they have never ceased to speak ill of our efficient system. why? why do these people harbour such great hatred? are they "patriots" or traitors of our country?
all of these laukuaybus benefitted in some way from our very efficient system - a system where many countries admire and try to copy. but these bunch of good-for-nothing laukuaybus trolls just love to sow such negativities of mistrust, hatred of the gov, discredibility of our leaders, sowing doubts about our laws and everything bad in this land but without any basis.
even in our national day, a day to celebrate our accomplishment and how far we have come and how peaceful, successful and united our nation has progress, WHY MUST THESE CLOWNLETS CONTINUE TO PROPAGATE SUCH NEGATIVE FEELINGS TOWARDS THE COUNTY?
SDP - the opp party that gloats at miseries of peasants and exploits it to go against gov, go against the peace, go against everything that every citizens has tried so hard to forge a harmonious and cohesive society....
SDP- an unique party manipulated by foreign forces which chee dares not even dare to clarify. an opp party that relish when peasants suffers and suffers when peasants rejoices. even during such an eventful NATIONAL DAY which we have come 44 years already, SDP is still totally ignorant, naive and traitorous to persistently propagate bad tidings for our beloved singapore.
people wake up!! stand up against such devious factors who disguise FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS & DEMOCRAPSY for your more insiduous weaponry to bring down the gov, disrupt public peace and eventually trying to sink SINGAPORE.
by doing so successfully, chee would be able to answer to his foreign financial backers and claims for bigger rewards.
Friday, August 7, 2009
National Day is a mourning day to sdp clan!
it's singapore's NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION once again tomorrow. everyone is so anticipating to the fireworks, the marching parade, the mass performance, the goodies bags and alot of other activities and partying that follow after the main course.
to a nation, it's a time to celebrate joyously. a time to be proud about our singapore and what we as true blue SINGAPOREANS have achieved. forget about the depressive economic bad news. let our hair down and lets boggie!!
but wait!!
with so much joy and exuberances, to the SDP CLAN it spells GLOOM & DOOM!! why huh? why leh?
chee attacks sgp laws, their leaders and singapore efficient system wthout any basis, hence he always loses when being taken to court. the outcome of pending the trial of the 18 TBT is so anticipative. we have seen how their "brave patriots" pleaded guilty without much hesitation nor encouragemnt and more flatteries being poured in to uplift their warped sense of cowardice - yep! IN THE HIGHEST LEVEL, of course!
any good news peasants have in sgp is BAD NEWS to the SDP. if there's good news to peasants, SDP would not be able to exploit a dire situation to hit back at the gov.
any messages from SDP is NO message. it's simply a deliverance of gloom and doom which our nation can gladly do without.
if there is a slightest good news in singapore, it definitely spells BAD NEWS to SDP.
such is the truth about SDP under the nefarious chee that contort lies into truth and truth into lies.
one question we should be getting honestly from chee: IS HE BEING FINANCIALLY BACKED BY FOREIGN FORCES? could that devious force that seeks to see the deterioration and disunity of our nation be coming from SWEDEN?
would chee dare to clarify that? and please DO NOT hide behind a fake veil of HUMAN RIGHTS, FREE SPEECHES AND DEMOCRAPSY! the way your SDP IB has shown here is enough to set the ISD on u bunch of losers and cowards.
to a nation, it's a time to celebrate joyously. a time to be proud about our singapore and what we as true blue SINGAPOREANS have achieved. forget about the depressive economic bad news. let our hair down and lets boggie!!
but wait!!
with so much joy and exuberances, to the SDP CLAN it spells GLOOM & DOOM!! why huh? why leh?
chee attacks sgp laws, their leaders and singapore efficient system wthout any basis, hence he always loses when being taken to court. the outcome of pending the trial of the 18 TBT is so anticipative. we have seen how their "brave patriots" pleaded guilty without much hesitation nor encouragemnt and more flatteries being poured in to uplift their warped sense of cowardice - yep! IN THE HIGHEST LEVEL, of course!
any good news peasants have in sgp is BAD NEWS to the SDP. if there's good news to peasants, SDP would not be able to exploit a dire situation to hit back at the gov.
any messages from SDP is NO message. it's simply a deliverance of gloom and doom which our nation can gladly do without.
if there is a slightest good news in singapore, it definitely spells BAD NEWS to SDP.
such is the truth about SDP under the nefarious chee that contort lies into truth and truth into lies.
one question we should be getting honestly from chee: IS HE BEING FINANCIALLY BACKED BY FOREIGN FORCES? could that devious force that seeks to see the deterioration and disunity of our nation be coming from SWEDEN?
would chee dare to clarify that? and please DO NOT hide behind a fake veil of HUMAN RIGHTS, FREE SPEECHES AND DEMOCRAPSY! the way your SDP IB has shown here is enough to set the ISD on u bunch of losers and cowards.
ngejay and wayangparty ninja turtles

words from sdp are like shits out of my big fat butts!
About Wayangparty/Temasek review Subscribe
From: commoner2009 Aug-4 11:37 pm
To: ALL (1 of 28)
Haven't really trusted the Wayang party since apology to SHT.
Why did they call themselves as Wayang Party (WP) in the 1st place, because they feel Worker's Party not doing their job? A ploy to tarnish the worker's party hardwork? And sometimes, when mentioned in other blogs/site, WP people still not sure whether it was Worker's or Wayang's Party.....
Now they renamed as Temasekreview. 1st thing that come to my mind is Temasek is under review, will be transparent and accountable thus the review. It is a probably a subliminal programing to make people less hate Temasek, that the review is making progress and making temasek holdings more open.
If one really reads the article on Temasekreview:
Lukewarm response to Tan Kim Lian latest petition:
Though there were some rumblings of bewilderment and discontent on the ground, nobody dares to question the decision of the Temasek Board.
to me, subsconsciously, the website has make people believe Tan Kim Lian is not longer effective, and nobody shld dare to question Temasek Holdings....
Anyway, this is just my opinion of the new Temasekreview which to me, I will not recommend to my opposition skewed friends and relatives
many are being taken for a ride and a wild goose chase. the answer lies with the nerd, NGEJAY. he's secretly linked with WAYANGPARTY as both wanted to see the downfall of workers' party. why do they wanna do that? well, to realise this answer, u must trace and back track all the way back when chiatilik and lamei was undercovering within WP and brewing and concocting some kind of evil agenda...
they know. they are not telling. they could be with wayangparty cos the motives are similar : TO DESTROY WP AND OTHER OPP PARTIES.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
PEESAILAND's real national day song
[B][I]this song LEKUASIMI is truly the authentic NATIONAL DAY song for all peasants here.:D[/I][/B]
laugh and enjoy! :)
laugh and enjoy! :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
a new deadly tai ji kungfu fr SDPPIES.
ng ejay's clones' style of posting are so obvious. it spams, it defames and it doesn't react to the TOPIC OF THE THREAD. it's a more deviated and perverted attack on my poor li'l brother LEETAHSAR. just go and think who have such grievous vendetta against LTS? who else? those who the silly goon last time brought home and treated them like vip guests! LOL!!
Originally Posted by Debonerman
Can you people tell me who is the vulgar spammer in the picture? It's the short fat conman who dare not reply to my challenge to meet in Tampines. A very big mouth hero who use fuck your mother cheebye in posts on the internet. I hereby challenge him to post and say he is not a faggot with no balls and is willing to declare a time and place to meet me face to face. But then maybe he will need to run to his fuck buddy leetahbar to have his cock sucked to fortify his courage.
i knew it!!
after attacking KJ from RP and even his brother philip was spared, the attacking mode now is shifted to NSP. pretty soon it would be concentrated on their GE wannabe prospectives like gohmengseng, steve chia and etc.
have u all notice that the SDP IB manipulated by the nerdy snake mastershapeshifter does not attack ng teck siong or chee soon juan or those relatedto sdppies?
ah....so they would push all these lame and cowardly cheapo action to the pappies in their usual standard tai ji kungfu way.
so what's the point of SDP's existence? right on! to destroy other opp parties and break up any unity that are forming.
Originally Posted by Debonerman
Can you people tell me who is the vulgar spammer in the picture? It's the short fat conman who dare not reply to my challenge to meet in Tampines. A very big mouth hero who use fuck your mother cheebye in posts on the internet. I hereby challenge him to post and say he is not a faggot with no balls and is willing to declare a time and place to meet me face to face. But then maybe he will need to run to his fuck buddy leetahbar to have his cock sucked to fortify his courage.
i knew it!!
after attacking KJ from RP and even his brother philip was spared, the attacking mode now is shifted to NSP. pretty soon it would be concentrated on their GE wannabe prospectives like gohmengseng, steve chia and etc.
have u all notice that the SDP IB manipulated by the nerdy snake mastershapeshifter does not attack ng teck siong or chee soon juan or those relatedto sdppies?
ah....so they would push all these lame and cowardly cheapo action to the pappies in their usual standard tai ji kungfu way.
so what's the point of SDP's existence? right on! to destroy other opp parties and break up any unity that are forming.
Desperation of the nasty clones
as the breeding season of the nasty clones from the snake mastershapeshifter heats up, the nerd JJ hadn't still gotten himself laid by lamui or gaylord chia sai. it would be a great disappointment cos soon he would have to return to his hideout in NUS hill and be stressed out of hissss freaking butt!
the desperation of JJ's nasty clones had now turned quite personal. they are attacking my poor li'l brother LEETAHSAR all over this kopitiam. sadly, there wasn't much of a response or viewership. only their clones there self-masturbating each other. what a failure and a super loser!!
they are cowards ..... COWARDS IN THE HIGHEST LEVEL. it's a contradiction and probably the truth opposite to what their master chee had flirtedly praised them to a new height idiotism - yep! and again IDIOTISM IN THE HIGHEST LEVEL.
and look what they ve given to me - 108 INFRACTIONS...and still counting. 108 - the number of beads which i was given with a string of buddhist beads. ormitofu.....sadhu, sadhu.....
JJ, the best mastershapeshifter nerd has up till today doesn't know how to correctly spell the words DIE PAIN PAIN. he shall learn it pretty soon in real life. like my li'l brother LTS always ends his posting....
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Messages: 12 Sunday
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Welcome, leetahbar.
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the desperation of JJ's nasty clones had now turned quite personal. they are attacking my poor li'l brother LEETAHSAR all over this kopitiam. sadly, there wasn't much of a response or viewership. only their clones there self-masturbating each other. what a failure and a super loser!!
they are cowards ..... COWARDS IN THE HIGHEST LEVEL. it's a contradiction and probably the truth opposite to what their master chee had flirtedly praised them to a new height idiotism - yep! and again IDIOTISM IN THE HIGHEST LEVEL.
and look what they ve given to me - 108 INFRACTIONS...and still counting. 108 - the number of beads which i was given with a string of buddhist beads. ormitofu.....sadhu, sadhu.....
JJ, the best mastershapeshifter nerd has up till today doesn't know how to correctly spell the words DIE PAIN PAIN. he shall learn it pretty soon in real life. like my li'l brother LTS always ends his posting....
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View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.
Messages: 12 Sunday
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Welcome, leetahbar.
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love our beloved country, SINGAPORE!
as long as readers open their eyes wide and big...and please can see clearly and not BLINDLY, i would have accomplished my citizen's role in exposing the evil scheme of chee soon juan and his betraying SDP.
open your ears listen to the ground. beside peasants complaining about paps, the complaints and peeves against chee and SDP are even louder and more intense.
go ahead if u still trust traitors who are bent to destroy singapore. do not regret it if all this would suay suay happen cos it would be too late.
look at KUALA LUMPUR now. protests and protests. who benefit? the instigators...those like our HIGHEST PATRIOTIC chee and his circus of clowns.
so think carefully about my words. to the clones, it's a revelation and they are all anxious and apprehensive now. what good does it do to me by doing so? NOTHING! i m doing it simply because i love my country and not like chee doing it to bring singapore down.
if u r a true blue singaporean, BE PROUD OF YOUR COUNTRY. go travel around the world and witness what's real and what's not. then u would appreciate my words better.
open your ears listen to the ground. beside peasants complaining about paps, the complaints and peeves against chee and SDP are even louder and more intense.
go ahead if u still trust traitors who are bent to destroy singapore. do not regret it if all this would suay suay happen cos it would be too late.
look at KUALA LUMPUR now. protests and protests. who benefit? the instigators...those like our HIGHEST PATRIOTIC chee and his circus of clowns.
so think carefully about my words. to the clones, it's a revelation and they are all anxious and apprehensive now. what good does it do to me by doing so? NOTHING! i m doing it simply because i love my country and not like chee doing it to bring singapore down.
if u r a true blue singaporean, BE PROUD OF YOUR COUNTRY. go travel around the world and witness what's real and what's not. then u would appreciate my words better.
Monday, August 3, 2009
suffering of wisdom
"idiots! idiots!....and more IDIOTS!! why am i surrounded by IDIOTS!!??"
this would be a silent cursing of master chee dealing with his bunch of imbecile sdppies.
if u r wise, u suffer. WISDOM IS SUFFERING.....
u see what the ignorants do not see. u understand the REAL thing behind a fake show of FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY. u put forth your most sincere and honest views and u get only flammings, insults, humiliation and at times it get to be very personal.
when that happens, isn't it already evident that that certain brand of FREE SPEECHES, blah..blah..blah are already proven to be FAKE?
the wisdom of seeing things in deeper insight is inborn in everyone of us. however, due to our distraction of prejudices, biases and flatteries, such gift is usually being drowned in a sea of sweet nothing of FLIRT & DESTROY. u get flirted first and later be destroyed. you die pain pain without even knowing why and still think u die a "patriot in the highest level".
CRAPS! ALL CRAPS!! just like their craps of DEMOCRAPSY!!
what have those sdppies imbecile contributed to singapore besides making themselves a public fool? does chee is ever so ambitious that he hope to turn singapore into a public protest like what is happening now in KUALA LUMPUR? is that what every singaporeans hope for?
wisdom in us allow us and prevent us from falling prey into such mind-controlling betrayer in singapore. but the trouble is, not many apply that god-given wisdom. for those who are fortunate and wise to see through such ploy, in a way, we suffer for the sake of those misled brothers and sisters who are now more like zombied clowns. zombied because they are now devoid of a thinking brain - devoid of the god-given wisdom to think rationally.
to be wise is to suffer. however, to be foolish is also to suffer. while being wise, we suffer cos we see how the foolish suffer and still ignorant about it. they suffer even though deep within themselves, they know it's not logical and rather irrational. but they are now steep into such deceiving "causes" that their brains have been long fried and finally zombied and being mind controlled.
the wise see it and suffer. the imbeciles do not realise it and finally suffer a greater retribulation. and the best part, all it needs is something like this:
rest assured, the wise would suffer, no doubt but the imbeciles shall die pain pain and cock standing...and still do not know why it should be happening and ending like what they do not anticipate.
this would be a silent cursing of master chee dealing with his bunch of imbecile sdppies.
if u r wise, u suffer. WISDOM IS SUFFERING.....
u see what the ignorants do not see. u understand the REAL thing behind a fake show of FREE SPEECHES, HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY. u put forth your most sincere and honest views and u get only flammings, insults, humiliation and at times it get to be very personal.
when that happens, isn't it already evident that that certain brand of FREE SPEECHES, blah..blah..blah are already proven to be FAKE?
the wisdom of seeing things in deeper insight is inborn in everyone of us. however, due to our distraction of prejudices, biases and flatteries, such gift is usually being drowned in a sea of sweet nothing of FLIRT & DESTROY. u get flirted first and later be destroyed. you die pain pain without even knowing why and still think u die a "patriot in the highest level".
CRAPS! ALL CRAPS!! just like their craps of DEMOCRAPSY!!
what have those sdppies imbecile contributed to singapore besides making themselves a public fool? does chee is ever so ambitious that he hope to turn singapore into a public protest like what is happening now in KUALA LUMPUR? is that what every singaporeans hope for?
wisdom in us allow us and prevent us from falling prey into such mind-controlling betrayer in singapore. but the trouble is, not many apply that god-given wisdom. for those who are fortunate and wise to see through such ploy, in a way, we suffer for the sake of those misled brothers and sisters who are now more like zombied clowns. zombied because they are now devoid of a thinking brain - devoid of the god-given wisdom to think rationally.
to be wise is to suffer. however, to be foolish is also to suffer. while being wise, we suffer cos we see how the foolish suffer and still ignorant about it. they suffer even though deep within themselves, they know it's not logical and rather irrational. but they are now steep into such deceiving "causes" that their brains have been long fried and finally zombied and being mind controlled.
the wise see it and suffer. the imbeciles do not realise it and finally suffer a greater retribulation. and the best part, all it needs is something like this:
rest assured, the wise would suffer, no doubt but the imbeciles shall die pain pain and cock standing...and still do not know why it should be happening and ending like what they do not anticipate.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
SCROLL THAT CURSOR but don't see hor!!
scroll your SPEED CURSOR to about 1.39. what do u see? a censored face of our famous FREE SPEECHES & HUMAN RIGHT FIGHTER!!
belgium chocs for the lst correct answer!
i m pregnant! who's the father huh?
another clone shift change? no more INFRACTION from the gayish plp liao
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01-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:22 PM Ah Guan
01-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:36 PM Ah Guan
01-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:35 PM Ah Guan
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alamak!! how come my stories they so kan cheong huh? the stories i wrote very real is it??? alamak!! NO LAH!!
i m pregnant! who's the father huh?
it was again another lonely night. the sky were darken and momentarily lit by a sudden streak of lightning. the thunders rumbled......
back at the ABC province, a desperate lamui sat glancing out of the window. greenhat swordsman was busy in his chivalrous martial arts world duty as one who fought against INJUSTICE, INEQUALITY and maybe soon INFIDELITY.
dejectedly, she went to her antique cupboard, opened it and found....what's this?. she asked herself. "oh gosh! JJ u r so so sweet....ur belgium chocs! how could i forgot all about it duing that wonderful night......"
what wonderful night?? what? what??
well, it began ........ (stay tuned for more )
Messages: 162 Private Messages in Folder: Inbox
Messages: 14 Yesterday
01-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:22 PM Ah Guan
01-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:36 PM Ah Guan
01-08-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:35 PM Ah Guan
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alamak!! how come my stories they so kan cheong huh? the stories i wrote very real is it??? alamak!! NO LAH!!
i m pregnant! who's the father huh?
it was again another lonely night. the sky were darken and momentarily lit by a sudden streak of lightning. the thunders rumbled......
back at the ABC province, a desperate lamui sat glancing out of the window. greenhat swordsman was busy in his chivalrous martial arts world duty as one who fought against INJUSTICE, INEQUALITY and maybe soon INFIDELITY.
dejectedly, she went to her antique cupboard, opened it and found....what's this?. she asked herself. "oh gosh! JJ u r so so sweet....ur belgium chocs! how could i forgot all about it duing that wonderful night......"
what wonderful night?? what? what??
well, it began ........ (stay tuned for more )
the attacks on RP CLAN has begun!
do not worry every RP supporters!! our big brother NG KJ is reading this now. he should be taking appropriate action to stew our beloved tasty short snake in the matter of time. later everyone would be invited to feast on TONIC SHORT SNAKE STEW - the tonic and essence from the geylang lorongs will boost your MANDOM for the whole horny night!
Today, 03:09 AM
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,494
My Reputation:Points: 174 / Power: 19
K & P Jeyaratnam A Big Disappointment
Coffeeshop Chit Chat - K & P Jeyaratnam A Big Disappointment Subscribe
From: The 21-Gun Salute KNLBCCBPKLJHKCTNMKSFL (Abal0ne) Aug-1 5:50 pm
To: ALL (1 of 46)
The great JB Jeyaratnam had fire in his belly and confronted unbelievable injustice pummelled on him fearlessly. He sacrificed a cushy life and died a pauper because he truly cared for Singapore and passionately wanted a democratic Singapore.
Kenneth Jeyaratnam has at least stood up to take over leadership of the Reform Party. But thus far, he is timid as a mouse probably not wanting to lose whatever material comfort he now enjoys. If he continues in this way, there is no hope in a million years for him to be elected into Parliament, if indeed that is his desire. JBJ's track record clearly shows that there is a sizeable enough group of Singaporeans who will vote for a credible opposition who is willing to confront the PAP. If Kenneth sincerely wants to go into politics, then he owes the Reform Party, the people of Singapore and most of all his late father to do it with passion and fearlessly. Otherwise, go back to his cushy job as a fund maanger. Dont waste everyone's time.
Philip is an even greater disappointment. Sleeping with the enemy in the Law Society.
Both Kenneth and Philip, as sons of an opposition icon have more than an even chance of ensuring an opposition in Parliament. They have enough exposure both domestically and internationally confront the PAP and launch a prolonged and effective campaign to install true democracy in Singapore.
I dont how the conversation at the Jeyaratnam dinner table goes and I imagine JBJ leaves it very much to his sons to deside their own destiny. But deep down, I believe that JBJ will be very disappointed if his whole life's work and sacrifice goes down the drain with his death.
Many of us here in this forum and in the real world would very much like to do more for freedom of speech and association in Singapore. But as ordinary invisible citizens, we really dont stand much of a chance with the draconian PAP laws and it is understandable that most do not do so.
JBJ the true lion heart literally fought till his death for his passion.
Kenneth and Philip owes it to JBJ to ensure that he did not die in vain.
If they are waiting for the right time, it is now.
Otherwise they can wait forever because the PAP will never make the grounds sweet for them to start. On the contrary they will only make it harder.
just for the record. both nasty clones in this kopitiam and those pirated ones are pooed out from the same mastershapeshifter with very short legs
Today, 03:09 AM
Alfrescian Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,494
My Reputation:Points: 174 / Power: 19
K & P Jeyaratnam A Big Disappointment
Coffeeshop Chit Chat - K & P Jeyaratnam A Big Disappointment Subscribe
From: The 21-Gun Salute KNLBCCBPKLJHKCTNMKSFL (Abal0ne) Aug-1 5:50 pm
To: ALL (1 of 46)
The great JB Jeyaratnam had fire in his belly and confronted unbelievable injustice pummelled on him fearlessly. He sacrificed a cushy life and died a pauper because he truly cared for Singapore and passionately wanted a democratic Singapore.
Kenneth Jeyaratnam has at least stood up to take over leadership of the Reform Party. But thus far, he is timid as a mouse probably not wanting to lose whatever material comfort he now enjoys. If he continues in this way, there is no hope in a million years for him to be elected into Parliament, if indeed that is his desire. JBJ's track record clearly shows that there is a sizeable enough group of Singaporeans who will vote for a credible opposition who is willing to confront the PAP. If Kenneth sincerely wants to go into politics, then he owes the Reform Party, the people of Singapore and most of all his late father to do it with passion and fearlessly. Otherwise, go back to his cushy job as a fund maanger. Dont waste everyone's time.
Philip is an even greater disappointment. Sleeping with the enemy in the Law Society.
Both Kenneth and Philip, as sons of an opposition icon have more than an even chance of ensuring an opposition in Parliament. They have enough exposure both domestically and internationally confront the PAP and launch a prolonged and effective campaign to install true democracy in Singapore.
I dont how the conversation at the Jeyaratnam dinner table goes and I imagine JBJ leaves it very much to his sons to deside their own destiny. But deep down, I believe that JBJ will be very disappointed if his whole life's work and sacrifice goes down the drain with his death.
Many of us here in this forum and in the real world would very much like to do more for freedom of speech and association in Singapore. But as ordinary invisible citizens, we really dont stand much of a chance with the draconian PAP laws and it is understandable that most do not do so.
JBJ the true lion heart literally fought till his death for his passion.
Kenneth and Philip owes it to JBJ to ensure that he did not die in vain.
If they are waiting for the right time, it is now.
Otherwise they can wait forever because the PAP will never make the grounds sweet for them to start. On the contrary they will only make it harder.
just for the record. both nasty clones in this kopitiam and those pirated ones are pooed out from the same mastershapeshifter with very short legs
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