Lamei Jaslyn Go "suan" KJ in her face book
Jaslyn Go: I am honored that KJ think that i speak for 30 political parties in SG. Much as I like to accept the compliment I am afraid I am just a humble activist (who is standing trial for acting on my conviction) who is not a member of any political party.
Jaslyn Go: I hope to see more people coming forward to join me in standing / speaking up and effecting the reform of SG politics and not sitting in the comfort behind their computers behaving like a arm chair critic...te food - LUPCHEONGS
chia sai's lupcheong was just terrible. it was a TIGER HEAD with RAT-TAIL. it was awful!! it was terribly unfulfiling. hmmm....the nerd's one should taste better, as lamui thought to herself. you see, her favorite snack was LUPCHEONG or sausages or franks or in hokkien, we simply called it TWUI
ever since that fateful DAY of tasting the nerd's gift of cum spiked bayi chocs shaped in TWUI, she was grossly obsessed.
the boss of RP happened to be chocolaty dark and smelling divine unlike the nerd who was full of turdy stains. unwittingly, she was stimulated everytime his pic was shown in his FB which was like to her means "FUCKING BITCH". it sent waves of imaginery orgasmic vibrations into her desperate trolling cells. whenever she accessed it, she would wet the seat.
well, as the sayng goes: if u ve it, flaunt it, use it or in simple term - execute her nefarious FLIRT&DESTROY. she must have that chocolaty TWUI from the RP boss!!
in her usual slutty manner, she left a F&D massage - oops! message in the FB or FUCKING BITCH page hoping to entice and seduce her chocolaty TWUI - the precious rod of our latest hero in our martial arts in local politics world.
would RP boss succumb to her nasty F&D? would he give up RP CLAN and transfer all power to the SDP circus of clowns??
actually NO! sorry, no go for that lau go this time:p she overestimated the rattling of her skinny bony frame. guess for the time being, it would be TWUI from the nerd JJ - mon, wed, fri and then TWUI from her disappointing chia sai - tues, thurs and sat.
what's for sunday then? well, use ur imagination!! SUNDAY was purely for orgy lah!!
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