the butts of sdppies are long exposed for good hard thrusting......
From: kojakbt22 Jul-8 2:11 am
To: pJUDGE2009 (4 of 38)
16614.4 in reply to 16614.1
> I hope he can get on board at least half a dozen quality, intelligent, men-of-substance comrades in time for the next GE.
Yes, I think this is very impt. Already in SBF, some people are whacking that Ng guy... I think something to do with business fallouts. I didn't read the details...
From: torch_bearer Jul-8 4:15 am
To: kojakbt22 (5 of 38)
16614.5 in reply to 16614.4
There is a touch of the con-man facade about him given the ventures he's involved in, like the typical Internet marketing scams etc.
To add, because he did not attain high education qualifications, he tried to artificially compensate for it by sounding boastful about very modest career accomplishments shows his insecurity and lack of self-esteem.
From: kojakbt22 Jul-8 4:24 am
To: torch_bearer (6 of 38)
16614.6 in reply to 16614.5
Since there is already controversy about him, for the sake of opposition politics, perhaps Ng can consider not running for elections. Can always help out from the back... RP is a new party and with KJ there, I think people will be happy to give RP a chance. But they must make sure they don't put up controversial figures to run for elections or their own party name will tarnish... I hope KJ can get more reputable professionals into his party to seriously challenge PAP... All you need is a core group of people to start, just like PAP in the 50s...
From: torch_bearer Jul-8 4:49 am
To: kojakbt22 (7 of 38)
16614.7 in reply to 16614.6
What about that idiot, Yaw Shin Loong, with his voting for PAP and even worse justification for his indefensible action by writing a garbage Introspection of Perspectives piece? I think WP promoted him to be Ah Khiang's assistant and heir apparent in the aftermath. Sometimes, you wonder if WP is competing with PAP to see who is more out of touch with the ground.
By comparison, at least, Ng, to his credit, has done nothing of the sort, unless you count the conviction for running an employment agency without a licence, which really is a small matter. All Ng has to do is to get involved in some respectable mainstream business rather than dubious Internet scams and he would be half-way towards redeeming himself.
Yaw, on the other hand, is a goner, and he made himself look more of an idiot by volunterering for more ICTs.
when the SDP IB fails to attack other opp MP wannabes, they do so in other pirated sbf sites. just go and think....can SDP be trusted or thrusted? master chee is confirmed IMPOTENT. he can't control his horde of rabid sdppy doggies running amok!
u still wanna donate ur hard earned money to breed such bunch of pariah rabid doggies? if u do, please remember one day one of the rabid pariahs would bite u back just like the one biting the hand that feeds him in NUS scholarship now.
emptiness is form...form is emptiness
have u wonder why i m being targeted by mastershapeshifter n his clones?
got time to protest, no time for court - that's sdp's PATRIOTISM. jokers right?
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