From: pJUDGE2009 Jul-8 6:39 am
To: killpappy unread (16 of 33)
16614.16 in reply to 16614.15
Actually, frankly, I have no memory of who Elder Ng is. So I think, by extension, most heartlanders will also have no impression of Elder Ng. If that's the case, he will not be able to pull in much votes, hence his contribution will be very limited, if any. I'm sure his loyalty to JBJ is admirable, that is a very important quality, but more important will be how one can impact on the party's direction (agenda), image (attractiveness) and on the electorate (votes).
What opposition really need are a "new" crop of individuals that can offer interesting alternative ideas on how we can improve our lives, particularly in the economic sphere, and then socio-political. I see, for the future, a real need for fresh faces of good standing and sound ideas. Our society has changed dramatically in the last 10 years; like it or not, candidates with credible educational background will gain voter trust more easily, because the voters are themselves better educated. This is a realistic assessment of the ground. They will not vote down, they want to vote up. The older citizens are more or less diehards set in their old ways - if they have voted PAP most of their lives, most likely they will continue to do so.
I dont know what happened at Reform Party, but I think Kenneth J sounds like an exciting prospect for the opposition going forward, so I hope he doesnt falter and that he can gather more support especially from well-educated individuals with good jobs. I speak from an outsider's point of view i.e. I dont care what has happend internally, I just want a stronger opposition that can truly push back PAP's dominance. Accomplishing the mission is the only imperative, everything else is just collateral.
not very much i m afraid. and NO, he wasn't and never was RP's chairman. this title was a media gag deviously devised by ng ejay who has link with SPH.
now with this old goat out of RP's way, progress of the party and its revival can commence.
so how much do u know the insider story? it involves lamei who was all along trying to suck up to nts, KJ and infiltrate RP by boasting tht "20 of her sdp F&D victims had joined rp" what a misleading brag!!
but the dearth of the whole drama was finally credited to none other but ng ejay who joined RP as member then resigned but not after he stole a few RP members along with him together with ng teck siong.
the real drama then began...but how many know what was going on? ng teck siong with ejay as his sidekick now were trying to "get even" with RP. again, nts was never RP's chairman. it was a misnomer and a ploy by ng ejay who passed such misleading info to the press and hence, everyone tot nts was the co-founder of RP for which he is definitely NOT!
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