it really does magic on his zombied beloved disciple, chia sai. even though, master chee realised that he is now on the losing ends when he witnessed one by one of his more formidable disciples begin pleading guilty. he was quietly displeasured cos all those PG used the same lame excuses: "GOT WORK COMMITMENT AND DUN VE ENOUGH TIME...."
This "NO TIME" excuse has become the official reason to kill the guilt or being coward and breaking free from the CRAZY DRAGON DEADLY 18 BLOW stance. this deadly kungfu formation is now left with 13 goondus. gosh! #13 - an accursed figure. would each slip into the magistrate's personal chamber and start pleading guilty??
in the end, it would be inevitable that only master chee would opt for his regular checking-in into queenstown holiday resort for another 2 weeks. then, all his disciples would start publicising what a patriotic marty master chee would be.
the disciples are just short of canonising master chee into ST CHEE OF JUAN. such is the ultimate level of pyschic skill master chee has achieved and dominate over his zombied disciples. peasants just couldn't help but awe at such dreadful mind-control and mind boggling deadly kungfu.
and so, as master chee's pyschic wavelength is doing magic on chia sai bird-blain, he was inspired to write his FIELD REPORT. ooh! he must be aching over the loss of 1.6 tael which he could ve bought more cans of FORTUNE SHARKSFIN OR BUTTFACE ABALONE. luckily, he still owns a dried antique abalone which he could nestle into when his craving lust for it.....
Pleading Guilty to Assembly and Procession without Permit – Why Pay More?
I took part in a protest on 15th March 2008. I was charged for 2 offences on 11th July 2008.
Yesterday, I decided to plead guilty to the charges i was facing as i already had gone through 2 tranches of 2 weeks each. This tranche would be the 5th week. The time spent on going on and on with evasive police witnesses in court was becoming more of a dread day by day.
I decided to plead guilty and disengage from the proceedings as i had my professionalism to my clients as priority. Surayah decided to do the same for reasons of her own.
DPP Issac Tan was visibly happy to know that i have thrown in the towel, the press was there ready to pounce…. ST’s Elena Chong and another reporter which I could not identify was there to report on the proceedings.
The charges were read. Surayah mitigated.
When District Judge James Leong asked me for my mitigation, this was what i said:
“I stand before this court with the dubious distinction of being an officer of the Court charged for offences which i am pleading guilty to.
Under normal circumstances i would be ashamed of myself but this is not the case here. It is my position that the law in question is designed to curb the activities of opposition political parties and it is my duty as a citizen to stand up against a law which violates principles of democracy and freedom.
Not out of defiance or disrespect towards the Court or the prosecution, i must state that I stand first and foremost a citizen of this country and because of my political convictions i cannot say that this will be the only offence.”
DPP Issac Tan jumped on my words and pressed the Court to take note of my lack of remorse.
District Judge James Leong took note of that and i was slapped with $200/- more for each charge.
ST was very quick with the report that i had thrown in the towel and that I had been fined $800 for each of the charges. However absolutely no mention was made by our mainstream media on why was it that i had to pay more?
Carl stopped me outside court and told me that if i had said too much. He told me that if i had stopped midway, i would not have been made to pay the additional S$400/-. So was it worth it? He asked me with a cheeky grin.
I told Carl that the $400 was well worth every cent as i needed to be clear that by pleaing guilty i am not backtracking on the principles and values i tried to push for. To me, i was only being frank to fellow officers of the court [the DPPs Issac Tan, David Low and the APP] an the Judicial Officer District Judge James Leong.
But frankly was being made to pay extra money wise?
To me, someone who has had the audacity to stand for public office, it was a simple matter of principle, of truthfulness and accountability, of being having the guts to break the law and face the consequences. Furthermore, the $400 is money from my own pocket which i will gladly pay as the price. From my recollection, other politicians have been made to pay sums in excess of S$400,000 for saying things that are objectionable to the powers that be.
Critics will say “In essence, i was made to pay S$1,600/- of my hard earned money [I don't make much anyway ] to the State because of my noseyness in wanting to speak up for my fellow citizens and also of my big mouth during mitigation in Court. This was $400/- more painful than the rest of my co-accused.”
But at the end of the day, the $400/- that was losing was every cent my hard earned money. I don’t mind losing it to stand by principles of truthfulness and accountability.
This obviously pales in comparison with the position of stupidly losing S$4.6 billion of taxpayers’ money under extremely dubious circumstances and wanting to be shrouded under the cloak of secrecy.
For the Public Officers [public servants] reading such a comparison, I am sure they will be able to appreciate the finer differences between the two situations and reckon among the two, which would deserve greater respect.
I think by the above reasoning, i should measure up pretty well. And there are no prizes for guessing where i would stand from a scale of 1 to 10.
really sad. as stubborn and immature as ever. as self-righteous and self-glorify as ever. master chee is really good at brainwashing and increasing such stupidity from dumb to dumber. really sad!
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