next, there was a sudden announcement of the capture of #1 terrorist, MAS SELAMAT. wong cunt sing, the 2nd right handed man from the LEEgime was so pleased and proud of himself. he began singing and operaing praises upon praises on himself, his hometeam of matas and his special intelligient agents ISD or Imbecile Stupid & Dumb.
matland, the neighbour of peesailand had lowered paid matas and caught mas during APRIL 1st. they informed wong cunt sing who thought it was a cranky april fool joke. if his lumpar one hometeam couldn't catch mas, how was it possible those kampong matlanders apprehended him so easily? yep, it was a joke to wong until they sent some of mas' shaved beard to him that he realised it was true after having it DNA-ed.
so far so good..... exciting news to keep peesailand alive and excited.
the martial arts world has been in quite a doldrum beside the last little petty nondescript news about resignation of ng ah teck, co-founder of RP CLAN. and even pettier news about JJ's hello/goodbye stint in RP after finding his aiya longlost father ah teck. father and son r contemplating of setting up proably another martial arts clan to take on the wu-lin politics world.
SDP clan as usual posting discreditable pettier unrelated news about how bad the gahment is, how corrupted the LEEgime.....etc, etc, etc. they would be facing the magistrate DAREEN PAO again next month. an uncanny calm before the storm.

chia sai and lamui the CONDOM HEROES were now laying low. there was a weird news in LIANHE wacky times that a bitch bit off the dick of her lover in a sexmobile at a secluded lover's spot after a van rammed into it. it was a warning for those kungfu experts to be careful where they put their precious in some iron-teeth bitches' mouth. what a cranky and freaky accident!!
RP CLAN's boss is also planning great scheme to strengthen his grasp on his new found power. he is facing immediate criticisms from ah teck who is probably instigated by shadowy ninja behind his back. the most probable culprit could none other be JJ.
this storyteller has of late been targeted and bombarded by hordes of crazy clones seemingly from the same source. who else? but the nasty SDPPIES led by JJ, the mastershapeshifter.
this has brought us to the attention that the boisterous SDP CLAN has been good little boys and girls. lately after so many news breaking events, they were quite dormant and passive. hmmm...doesn't look like the nature of the sddppies or master chee's pattern.
being a SDPPY used to get into the news with their public misbehaviour. however, after bouts of repeats, peasants have gone tired and sick of it. even the SHITTYTIMES feeling that sdppies' antics are no longer newsworthy. it's so predictable now. it even forms certain standard pattern.
first, master chee would stir up a ruckus about some silly topic like FORTUNE SHARKSFIN increased in price to stage a public demo that livelihood had reached a neck breaking point and called themselves TAK BOLEH TAHAN!
for now, they should stir up another more appropriate public ranting about fair issue: PAY MATLANDERS FOR CAPTURE OF MAS SELAMAT!! do not shortchange our ingenius kampong neighbours for their prowess in bersilat kungfu.
suprisingly, it is all very quiet.....too quiet for comfort. something's brewing. u can just smell the stench in the air.
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