#1 16-07-2008, 02:37 PM
Alfrescian Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 94
My Reputation:Points: 117 / Power: 20
A Nice Begining
Hi Sam,
When you first announce this new forum, I was many hours late to register LaMei nick, and LaMei was already registered by someone else.. Even my name JaslynGo, GoHuiLeng in whatever combination were also taken.
NgEjay and TiLik (in whatever combination) was also registered.
Today I saw the posting by ptader that his nick too was registered by someone other than himself and shortly you responded by asking him to quickly go register his ptader nick as you have reopen the nick to him.
I decided to try and was pleasantly surprise that I too can register back my LaMei nick. Same goes for NgEjay and TiLik..
Thank you for making the effort to let us keep our nicks from your the other forum, though our nick was no big deal, but the effort some people go through to 'chop' all our nicks is rather malicious and with the clear intention to impersonate us.
I applaud you for taking the initiative to de-registered the nicks and allow the genuine ones to register back their respective nicks.
This will keep impersonators with the malicious intention at bay...
This in my view is a good start to your new forum.
Thank you Sam and congrats on your new forum..
My well wishes to your new forum, hope you are able to achieve greater success than SBF..
lamei had proclaimed that "she doesn't post in sbf forums or any other besides those linked only to SDP...."
who then is the posing and posting in her name? ngejay is also making such claims. but a quick check in 3in1 shows that he was there in dec 2009. lamei and ngejay might not be posting in their ORIGINAL nics but nobody can tell when they put on their nasty clones' disguises and do the spams.
my entire thread of the same name has been unceremoniously OBLITERATED from sbf kopitiam. scroobal is the despicable culprit behind it. one who is so prejudiced and jealous cock being made a "moderator" must be the greatest joke for a forum to claim they are for FREE SPEECHES.
this was the sbf thread that was DELETED suddenly:
how credible are their words? the original scrobal (one 'o') was also probably banned by combined effort of ngejay/lamei along with many others who probably up till now still didn't know how they were hit and then banned.
Ng E-Jay screws Screwball!
I have been impersonated on Sammyboy Alfresco forum again
Announcement from the Editor
06 Jan 2010
I have been impersonated on Sammyboy Alfresco forum again.
At least two monikers have used my photograph in their avatar and fraudulently made posts in my name.
I have observed their postings are very crude, vulgar, and if I may add, highly defamatory in nature.
There is even one moniker who tried to parody my website name, Sgpolitics.net, by registering the nick “AssGeePolyTicksDotCom”.
I regard these actions are intimidation, harassment, and criminal defamation.
I have not lodged a complaint for two reasons: Firstly the moderator Scroobal had previously posted in the old and new SBF forum that he has very little regard for me and my pals (Lamei and Tilik), and will not entertain any correspondence from us. Secondly, even although he has taken action against imposters in the past, that does not seem to have stopped them. They simply register new nicks and repeat their rabid filth.
Please note that I have not been participating in online forums EXCEPT the SDP website for a few months now, and will not do so henceforth.
Therefore any moniker in an online forum with the exception of the SDP website claiming to be me should be regarded as an imposter.
and this.....
3 Comments on I have been impersonated on Sammyboy Alfresco forum again
1. Jaslyn Go on Thu, 7th Jan 2010 11:27 am
any moniker registered with the intent to impersonate us is deem as our detractors..
but any moniker registered to attack LTS/LTB or to voice their negative views about other political parties is always the F4 gang / SDP IB…
and all this coming from the newly appointed Scrobal who openly claimed he has little regards to us when we never cross path with him…expect him to be fair moderator??? you guess is as good as mine Knight..
I stop going to the forum altogether as the way some of them mutually masturbate each other just make me sick..
some points to ponder:
1. it's strange that lamei always appears to back ngejay's words and vice versa.
2. "has very little regard" appears 2 times. it does appear synchronise to match words by words so that least suspicion would be created. but it already has.
3. "i stop going to the forum altogether"....could this be taken seriously?
lamei's claim that she was "least interested in politics" is really contradictory. she's tremendously popular now with SDP but she refuses to be a full fledged sdp member instead brags that she's "partyless". why create such ambiguity that could be really confusing?
well, i do not think they are posting - at least not in their original nicks. that would make bad impression on SDP which they are adhered to now. but in other clones' nics, the possibility is most likely but we never know. no one has the guts to admit to that. if they are honest enough, they don't have to create any extra clones.
Ptrader - an ISD operative fox? how do u guys derive that? by alleging him such might give him an illusive superiority and pride posting in forums.
ISD has better and far more important things to do than to deal with little people entertaining in forums.
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