this is really master chee ah juan - the super indestructible cockroach.

this can't be master chee. do not be fooled!
believe it or not, after wp gang went to watch THOR, the thunder god, ALJUNIED finally belongs to them.
lucky, the FLASH wasn't shown yet. if the pap see that, it could be a landslide victory to them. LOL!!
now we gotta wait for CAPTAIN AMERICA, GREEN LANTERN, SPIDERMAN 4 AND XMEN 4. dón't forget that IAMFOUR followups. there would be a IAM5, IAM6....until they run out of IAMSICKABOUTIT
green lantern should be very interesting to jaslyn go. she loves making her husband "green" like wearing green hat. chiatilik should see SPIDERMAN 4. with all his teetu c, he should start building an army of his gayboys once again to help him in the next GE, i.e, if he's running.
as for CAPTAIN AMERICAN, that's for goh meng seng. he should start losing weight cos his elder brother david had sadly been a fatal casualty of cardiac arrest. it's about time he looks after his health. capt AMERICAN should be his idol. if he achieves that kind of physique, TAMPINES gay and lesbos votes shall be his in the next GE run.
there u have it. each comic hero is affinated to each opp party. THOR's mighty weapon is the HAMMER and that in a way brought in the heavenly luck for WP which won 6 seats and now ascended to be sgp's most powderful opp party.
keep it up!
if there's a WONDER WOMAN, sylvia should date someone like my li'l brother leetahsar to watch it. avoid ramseth if she doesn't wish for abortion later.
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