the rise of the SILVER SURFER - yaw shin leong!
js can't help it!
seems that the true SILVER SURFER in our local politics wasn't goh meng seng.
it was YAW SHIN LEONG! he won, didn't he? and now for his megaglomaniac master , GALATICAL should aptly go to LOW THIA KHIANG. his team won the aljunied GRC defeating the overload georgie yeo and exterminated in one swop 2 minitoots.
and so the story continues.......
ysl was once also a targeted victim of the pai kut jin lamui and her horny bf gaylord chiasai. now, ysl triump while the evil couple had broken up. pai kut jin lamui had hit onto some other sdppy disciple. even master chee ah juan wasn't spared.
let's await now for the inevitable duel soon by madam huang rong, wifey of ah juan who had been tolerating and getting winds of her husband rendevous with pai kut jin lamui.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
master chee thinks himself as the ruler of peesailand
the ABnormal master chee after suffering from mass defeat from the recent GE now hallucinating himself as the emperor of peesailand. with the exit of M & M lau lee and lau goh, master chee thought he was now in charge of the parleement. everything he also must comment as though it had to be endorsed by him who was a total loser, a fraudster, a cheat and definitely a DUD and a traitor of peesailand.
what a creepy creepy master chee has once again proven himself to be! first he thought he was above the law and psycho-ed all his SDP minion of imbeciles leading them into the welcoming big longkang. now master chee really thought himself the emperor of peesailand and probably dreaming of establishing the CHEE DYNASTY in no time.
what a joke!
SDP’s statement on the cabinet appointments
May 18th, 2011 | Author: YourSDP | Edit
The question that Singaporeans must ask is not who is appointed to which ministry but rather what policies will emanate from these new ministries.
If there is a lesson in this elections for the PAP it is that the people are fed-up with the it’s policies on the cost of living, foreign workers, housing, transportation, education, etc. Shifting portfolios among ministers without addressing these policies only signals that the Government is interested in cosmetic changes.
For example, if Mr Khaw Boon Wan who replaces Mr Mah Bow Tan continues with the Ministry of National Development’s policy of not revealing the real costs of constructing HDB flats, Singaporeans will still be in the dark as to how much their flats really cost and how much profit the Government is making from HDB sales.
Without this transparency, we cannot make sound policies that guide the pricing of HDB flats. If this is the case, whether it is Minister Khaw or Minister Mah is of no benefit to Singaporeans.
Therefore, we look forward to each minister coming out over the next days and weeks to clearly articulate the new policies and policy initiatives which we expect to be significantly different from their predecessors. Otherwise, it is a clear message that it is politics-as-usual from this Government.
Also, it is noted that ministers who have performed poorly in the previous Government have been retained and given another ministry. For example, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan who managed the Youth Olympic Games poorly and was heavily criticised for his insensitive remarks about the poor, is now given the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources.
And former Environment Minister Mr Yaacob Ibrahim who could not get a grip of the seriousness of the floods that caused so much damage to Singapore now assumes the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts without conclusively dealing with the flood problem .
How will the performance and effectiveness of the Government be raised with such lateral movement?
In addition, we still have Ministers who have been assigned to the Prime Minister’s Office without a portfolio (Mr Lim Swee Say and Mr S Iswaran). Exactly what do these ministers do?
Another unexplained set of appointments are the second ministers. What exactly are their roles? How do they assist the ministers? How are their jobs different from the ministers of state?
PM Lee Hsien Loong must explain to the people why he has made these appointments and how these posts help in the more effective governing of Singapore.
Finally, if PM Lee is genuinely contrite and is determined to lead a government that listens to the people, then he will announce an across-the-board reduction in the Ministers’ salaries. The astronomical wages that the Ministers draw, despite the poor performance of the last government, have caused much anger among Singaporeans.
The SDP has recommended that the PM’s salary be reduced to $60,000 a month and the ministers’ wages follow accordingly.
Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
what a creepy creepy master chee has once again proven himself to be! first he thought he was above the law and psycho-ed all his SDP minion of imbeciles leading them into the welcoming big longkang. now master chee really thought himself the emperor of peesailand and probably dreaming of establishing the CHEE DYNASTY in no time.
what a joke!
SDP’s statement on the cabinet appointments
May 18th, 2011 | Author: YourSDP | Edit
The question that Singaporeans must ask is not who is appointed to which ministry but rather what policies will emanate from these new ministries.
If there is a lesson in this elections for the PAP it is that the people are fed-up with the it’s policies on the cost of living, foreign workers, housing, transportation, education, etc. Shifting portfolios among ministers without addressing these policies only signals that the Government is interested in cosmetic changes.
For example, if Mr Khaw Boon Wan who replaces Mr Mah Bow Tan continues with the Ministry of National Development’s policy of not revealing the real costs of constructing HDB flats, Singaporeans will still be in the dark as to how much their flats really cost and how much profit the Government is making from HDB sales.
Without this transparency, we cannot make sound policies that guide the pricing of HDB flats. If this is the case, whether it is Minister Khaw or Minister Mah is of no benefit to Singaporeans.
Therefore, we look forward to each minister coming out over the next days and weeks to clearly articulate the new policies and policy initiatives which we expect to be significantly different from their predecessors. Otherwise, it is a clear message that it is politics-as-usual from this Government.
Also, it is noted that ministers who have performed poorly in the previous Government have been retained and given another ministry. For example, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan who managed the Youth Olympic Games poorly and was heavily criticised for his insensitive remarks about the poor, is now given the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources.
And former Environment Minister Mr Yaacob Ibrahim who could not get a grip of the seriousness of the floods that caused so much damage to Singapore now assumes the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts without conclusively dealing with the flood problem .
How will the performance and effectiveness of the Government be raised with such lateral movement?
In addition, we still have Ministers who have been assigned to the Prime Minister’s Office without a portfolio (Mr Lim Swee Say and Mr S Iswaran). Exactly what do these ministers do?
Another unexplained set of appointments are the second ministers. What exactly are their roles? How do they assist the ministers? How are their jobs different from the ministers of state?
PM Lee Hsien Loong must explain to the people why he has made these appointments and how these posts help in the more effective governing of Singapore.
Finally, if PM Lee is genuinely contrite and is determined to lead a government that listens to the people, then he will announce an across-the-board reduction in the Ministers’ salaries. The astronomical wages that the Ministers draw, despite the poor performance of the last government, have caused much anger among Singaporeans.
The SDP has recommended that the PM’s salary be reduced to $60,000 a month and the ministers’ wages follow accordingly.
Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
ah juan kong hokkien pun c soo
master chee bo bian! he finally had to resort to speaking in hokkien. his taiwnese hokkien was quite powderful. madam huang ro, his taiwan bor or wifey from the KAI PANG or BEGGAR CLAN must have taught master chee very well.
however, powderful taiwanese hokkien he had blurted, it still failed to garner the required support from peesailanders to push master chee and his SDP CLAN into winning a province and into parleement.
poor chee ah juan! he gotta do better than that if he wants to fool the masses with his deadly mind-control kungfu.
Monday, May 16, 2011
master chee continues to lead SDP CLAN into big longkang
the resignation of the 2 m&m comes with a host of mix feelings from peesailanders. yet master chee's backside is getting itchier. he posted and gloat over their resignations and the ire of peesailanders were breathing down on his neck in no time!
May 17, 2011
SDP's remark
'Enough is enough.'
MADAM GOH SIOK NOI: 'I was appalled by the Singapore Democratic Party's comment that the posts of Minister Mentor and Senior Minister 'served no useful purpose except to drain the national budget' ('SPP, SDP criticise timing of announcement'; yesterday). Given the contributions made by MM Lee Kuan Yew and SM Goh Chok Tong, such remarks were uncalled for. I hope future opposition leaders will set an example for graciousness rather than offer disparaging remarks to spark another round of debate against the People's Action Party. The election is over, choices have been made, enough is enough.'
By-election call
'They contested as MPs, not ministers.'
MR THOMAS RICHARD PRAKASAM: 'I am shocked by the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) view that by-elections should be held in the Group Representation Constituencies where Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong had contested ('SPP, SDP criticise timing of announcement'; yesterday). Even lay citizens like me understand that they contested as MPs, not Cabinet ministers. If this is how the SDP interprets election rules, I would be worried if it gains power.'
May 17, 2011
SDP's remark
'Enough is enough.'
MADAM GOH SIOK NOI: 'I was appalled by the Singapore Democratic Party's comment that the posts of Minister Mentor and Senior Minister 'served no useful purpose except to drain the national budget' ('SPP, SDP criticise timing of announcement'; yesterday). Given the contributions made by MM Lee Kuan Yew and SM Goh Chok Tong, such remarks were uncalled for. I hope future opposition leaders will set an example for graciousness rather than offer disparaging remarks to spark another round of debate against the People's Action Party. The election is over, choices have been made, enough is enough.'
By-election call
'They contested as MPs, not ministers.'
MR THOMAS RICHARD PRAKASAM: 'I am shocked by the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) view that by-elections should be held in the Group Representation Constituencies where Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong had contested ('SPP, SDP criticise timing of announcement'; yesterday). Even lay citizens like me understand that they contested as MPs, not Cabinet ministers. If this is how the SDP interprets election rules, I would be worried if it gains power.'
george was a victim in the local ROMANCE OF THE 3 KINGDOMS

our local version of the 3 kingdoms come in the form of the father, the son and the unholy goh.
this is what happened....
the son didn't want george to be in the cabinet. george was getting too hot and popular and appeared to be overshadowing the son soon if he didn't do something drastic and fast. so along come GE.....
the father in a way wanted george. hence he initmidated that GRC would repent for 5 yrs in the event george got kick out. and suay suay, george was booted out! the father had private clashes with the son. hence the son was explaining about his new school of ruling politic vs his father's old school with the habitual usuage of knuckle-duster and meeting nemesis in cul-de-sac.
as for the unholy goh, this was the craftiest fucker to ve remained around. in spirit he siding nobody but himself. he was in a way forced out of the hot seat. after warming it for a few yrs, he had to pass it to the son fr the royal edict fr the father.
hence, unholy goh also commented on george yeo with a softer threat approach. both the father and unholy goh's evil scheme would in a way encourage indirectly to vote out george's grc gang in order to appease the son.
and there u have it: george met his fate ....and OUT he went. initially, the father wanted to replace prataman. his pay is getting too excessive. by booting george out and then ushering him back as the next elected president, tha nation would have saved plenty of money.
what the father, the son and the unholy goh didn't anticipate was george refused to be played into their diabolical plan of things. he confirmed QUITTING for good.
the father and the unholy goh realised they had goofed up instead of making things easier for the son. george was in a way the bf of the son. george told the son to say SORRY and the son obliged and apologised publicly. that's the intimate influence of george had over the son.
now both the father and unholy goh messed up the son's plan. to reinstate their whammy, they had no other choice but also called it QUIT. now the whole nation is shocked with jaw dropping expression!
what they didn't know was this behind the scene of drama play up of local ROMANCE OF THE 3 KINGDOMS.
george was like GUAN YUN CHANG - the righteous and loyal who was made the sacrifical lamb. GUAN YUN CHANG was the legendary hero who fought bravely like a wolf ...but he possesed a overly compassionate heart of a lamb in a world filled with hungry, cunning and devious wolves.
in the end, guan yun chang was beheaded just like george being booted. guan was canonised as a deity and is very popular with businessmen and the police force in HK.
would george be canonised too? LOL!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
peesailand's double m&m quit!
2 ancient m&m finally quit peesailand parleement as minitoots. mental minitoot lau lee and senile minitoot lau god. together with emperor pinky, the trio formed the indestructible UNHOLY TRINITY of the father, the son and the unholy goh. now that their powderful triangle was broken, how would emperor pinky going to dominate the martial arts political scene in peesailand? even his bf, georgie yeo was being critically injured and out of the parleememnt. georgie won't be able to sidekick with pinky no more.
poor pinky! he was left with ugly like fuck sheman wifey ho chee. his nightmare could be just beginning after GE had just ended. he had lost 7 provinces to the opp clans, namely WP CLAN.
things would be getting hot in parleement in the next parleementary seating with lau lee and lau goh - the left and right hand of the unholy trinity decapitated.
SINGAPORE : Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on Saturday said they have decided to leave the Cabinet for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his team to have a fresh clean slate.
In a joint statement, they said: "We have studied the new political situation and thought how it can affect the future. We have made our contributions to the development of Singapore. The time has come for a younger generation to carry Singapore forward in a more difficult and complex situation.
"The Prime Minister and his team of younger leaders should have a fresh clean slate. A younger generation, besides having a non-corrupt and meritocratic government and a high standard of living, wants to be more engaged in the decisions which affect them.
"After a watershed General Election, we have decided to leave the Cabinet and have a completely younger team of ministers to connect to and engage with this young generation in shaping the future of our Singapore.
"But the younger team must always have in mind the interests of the older generation. This generation who has contributed to Singapore must be well-looked after."
- CNA/ms
poor pinky! he was left with ugly like fuck sheman wifey ho chee. his nightmare could be just beginning after GE had just ended. he had lost 7 provinces to the opp clans, namely WP CLAN.
things would be getting hot in parleement in the next parleementary seating with lau lee and lau goh - the left and right hand of the unholy trinity decapitated.
SINGAPORE : Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on Saturday said they have decided to leave the Cabinet for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his team to have a fresh clean slate.
In a joint statement, they said: "We have studied the new political situation and thought how it can affect the future. We have made our contributions to the development of Singapore. The time has come for a younger generation to carry Singapore forward in a more difficult and complex situation.
"The Prime Minister and his team of younger leaders should have a fresh clean slate. A younger generation, besides having a non-corrupt and meritocratic government and a high standard of living, wants to be more engaged in the decisions which affect them.
"After a watershed General Election, we have decided to leave the Cabinet and have a completely younger team of ministers to connect to and engage with this young generation in shaping the future of our Singapore.
"But the younger team must always have in mind the interests of the older generation. This generation who has contributed to Singapore must be well-looked after."
- CNA/ms
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
one purple sexmobile for SALE

the sweet purple sexmobile

her clean beige innards
if leetahsar aided gohmengseng with his purple sexmobile... this
multi-functional purple sexy cute beauty is left with 3 mths lifeline. after that the gahmen would brutally rape, kill and scrap it. it's now being held ransom by gahmen for the price of $30k +. if i couldn't cough out that ransom money, they would butcher my poor sexy pie into a lump of waste iron.
would wanna adopt it for $25,600 cash?
her interiors:
solid sensurround and stereo sound system. play music machiam u were there in the concert LIVE!
matching beige cushion 7 seaters
crystal-liked hugh handle steering ROD
when reversing, she would yelp in hokkien
innards are multi-voiced effect. one of which is radiokar noises: pee por pee por...mata chia lai liao...pee por ...pee por.
if u stuck in behind roadhog, fear not. built-in special effect speaker allows u to shout expletives to the roadhog to give way.
all back seats could be reclined, withdrawn and turned into instant lovebed. hence, the name SEXMOBILE
complete with curtains for greatest privavy when humping begins. great suspension. no squeaking. only groaning, moaning and maybe suddenly yelping: YES...YES...OH GOD...YES!!
good huh? save u lots of money checking into expensive hotel. just think of the instant convenience when the horny bug strikes u!
so make an offer quick!
fixed price: $25,600. lst cum, lst served!
also available for rental on special occasion. negotiable price depending of activity or "activity".
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
master chee exploiting foreign media with his version of sick democrapsy
tsk..tsk! how many times could those idiotic foreign medias get themselves conned by master chee? damn jialat!!
another bigger peesailander idiot, possibly SDP's disciple so proudly put that up to praise master chee. well, serve him right! all rotten eggs were now aiming and smashing his loser cowardly face and permanently gave him a thorough facial!
CSJ: Singapore is taking the first steps to true democrapsy - master chee's personal warped version 6.5 when he only possessed a puny 2.5 the most.
In the past, Singaporeans would have ignored and dismissed CSJ as talking rubbish as usual. After GE 2011 however, he now increasingly looks like a man whose ideas were ahead of his time. The elections are over but the feeling of frustration and anger of many who supported the opposition is still palpable. You can still hear snatches of conversation where people animatedly talking politics. Frustration is high and I think the interent is going to become even more hostile to the PAP. TPL is the first to be slaughtered. For the next 5 years, she is going to the flashpoint and Opposition whipping girl for the neoptism and corruption in the PAP.
Singapore is taking the first steps to true democracy
Our campaign proves people have had enough of one-party rule. With the help of new media, Singaporeans can shed their fear
Something extraordinary happened in Singapore in May 2011. It was not that the prime minister dissolved parliament and called for general elections. Neither was it that, for the first time since independence, a majority of Singaporeans got to vote.
Instead, a populace finally tired of living under an authoritarian system and of constantly being told how good their rulers were and that their rule was a right and not a privilege.
The Singapore Democratic party (SDP), of which I am leader, was one of the six opposition parties that contested the ruling Peoples' Action party (PAP). We saw an unprecedented surge in the number of people coming forward to volunteer their help. Medical professionals, lawyers, educators, managers and students, poured forth and came into our office by the hundreds. I could see one message written all over their faces: "We have had enough, we want change!"
In any other democracy, no one would bat a eyelid over such a development. But this is Singapore – a country which has seen one-party rule for more than half a century, where citizens are locked away without trial for dissent, and where protests can only occur with a licence from the authorities.
I have been banned for standing in elections because I was sued for defamation by former prime ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong, and ordered to pay more than a million Singapore dollars in damages. I could not meet their demands and was made bankrupt. Under the law bankrupts cannot run for office. Previous opposition leaders have also been dealt with in a similar manner. I have also been repeatedly imprisoned for exercising my right to free speech and assembly. These convictions also bar me from standing in elections.
The overall effect has been that few in Singapore are willing to offer themselves as opposition candidates. This has allowed the PAP an easy passage at every election since 1959. In fact, for an entire decade in the 1970s parliament comprised of only PAP members of parliament.
Anger and disenchantment with the government, which has been accumulating over the years, is palpable. People are fed up with rulers who insist that they are the only ones capable of running the country. Ministers award themselves salaries several times that of the US president, while the poor find themselves homeless and stricken by poverty. Government leaders have lost all sense of what public service is.
This arrogance has caused professionals from the establishment to join us and other opposition parties. Our party fielded two former top civil servants. This would have been unimaginable even a year ago.
The SDP did not win the seats that we contested. It would have been a miracle if we had. For every mainstream media outlet is still firmly in the control of the PAP government. News of my party's campaign activities, our manifesto and our plans for our constituencies were either played down or completely blacked out.
In the past this would have been fatal. But we, and more importantly our small army of supporters, fought back – on the internet. We were able to counter the untruths that were hurled at us and, crucially, put forth our own views and policy positions. The consequence is that we were able to make significant progress in the percentage of votes cast for us.
Conversely, the internet community very successfully put the PAP on the defensive over several missteps. These would not have been evident without the probing in cyberspace.
But years of autocratic rule have taken their toll and undoing this will take more than just one election campaign, a campaign limited to nine days.
In any case, we saw Singaporeans come alive politically and express themselves in quite unprecedented ways.
To be sure, there is still much fear among the people, especially the older generation who have witnessed the heavy hand of the PAP's patriarch and "Minister Mentor" Lee Kuan Yew. But it is also Lee who is generating much of the resentment against the government of which his son, Lee Hsien Loong, is prime minister.
And it is this resentment, buttressed by the new media which has enabled citizens to come together, if only online, that has caused many Singaporeans to shed their fear.
There is no turning back now. The road to freedom is without doubt still long and arduous. But Singapore has taken that first crucial step to making parliamentary democracy a reality.
another bigger peesailander idiot, possibly SDP's disciple so proudly put that up to praise master chee. well, serve him right! all rotten eggs were now aiming and smashing his loser cowardly face and permanently gave him a thorough facial!
CSJ: Singapore is taking the first steps to true democrapsy - master chee's personal warped version 6.5 when he only possessed a puny 2.5 the most.
In the past, Singaporeans would have ignored and dismissed CSJ as talking rubbish as usual. After GE 2011 however, he now increasingly looks like a man whose ideas were ahead of his time. The elections are over but the feeling of frustration and anger of many who supported the opposition is still palpable. You can still hear snatches of conversation where people animatedly talking politics. Frustration is high and I think the interent is going to become even more hostile to the PAP. TPL is the first to be slaughtered. For the next 5 years, she is going to the flashpoint and Opposition whipping girl for the neoptism and corruption in the PAP.
Singapore is taking the first steps to true democracy
Our campaign proves people have had enough of one-party rule. With the help of new media, Singaporeans can shed their fear
Something extraordinary happened in Singapore in May 2011. It was not that the prime minister dissolved parliament and called for general elections. Neither was it that, for the first time since independence, a majority of Singaporeans got to vote.
Instead, a populace finally tired of living under an authoritarian system and of constantly being told how good their rulers were and that their rule was a right and not a privilege.
The Singapore Democratic party (SDP), of which I am leader, was one of the six opposition parties that contested the ruling Peoples' Action party (PAP). We saw an unprecedented surge in the number of people coming forward to volunteer their help. Medical professionals, lawyers, educators, managers and students, poured forth and came into our office by the hundreds. I could see one message written all over their faces: "We have had enough, we want change!"
In any other democracy, no one would bat a eyelid over such a development. But this is Singapore – a country which has seen one-party rule for more than half a century, where citizens are locked away without trial for dissent, and where protests can only occur with a licence from the authorities.
I have been banned for standing in elections because I was sued for defamation by former prime ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong, and ordered to pay more than a million Singapore dollars in damages. I could not meet their demands and was made bankrupt. Under the law bankrupts cannot run for office. Previous opposition leaders have also been dealt with in a similar manner. I have also been repeatedly imprisoned for exercising my right to free speech and assembly. These convictions also bar me from standing in elections.
The overall effect has been that few in Singapore are willing to offer themselves as opposition candidates. This has allowed the PAP an easy passage at every election since 1959. In fact, for an entire decade in the 1970s parliament comprised of only PAP members of parliament.
Anger and disenchantment with the government, which has been accumulating over the years, is palpable. People are fed up with rulers who insist that they are the only ones capable of running the country. Ministers award themselves salaries several times that of the US president, while the poor find themselves homeless and stricken by poverty. Government leaders have lost all sense of what public service is.
This arrogance has caused professionals from the establishment to join us and other opposition parties. Our party fielded two former top civil servants. This would have been unimaginable even a year ago.
The SDP did not win the seats that we contested. It would have been a miracle if we had. For every mainstream media outlet is still firmly in the control of the PAP government. News of my party's campaign activities, our manifesto and our plans for our constituencies were either played down or completely blacked out.
In the past this would have been fatal. But we, and more importantly our small army of supporters, fought back – on the internet. We were able to counter the untruths that were hurled at us and, crucially, put forth our own views and policy positions. The consequence is that we were able to make significant progress in the percentage of votes cast for us.
Conversely, the internet community very successfully put the PAP on the defensive over several missteps. These would not have been evident without the probing in cyberspace.
But years of autocratic rule have taken their toll and undoing this will take more than just one election campaign, a campaign limited to nine days.
In any case, we saw Singaporeans come alive politically and express themselves in quite unprecedented ways.
To be sure, there is still much fear among the people, especially the older generation who have witnessed the heavy hand of the PAP's patriarch and "Minister Mentor" Lee Kuan Yew. But it is also Lee who is generating much of the resentment against the government of which his son, Lee Hsien Loong, is prime minister.
And it is this resentment, buttressed by the new media which has enabled citizens to come together, if only online, that has caused many Singaporeans to shed their fear.
There is no turning back now. The road to freedom is without doubt still long and arduous. But Singapore has taken that first crucial step to making parliamentary democracy a reality.
george yeo lost but captured the heart of the nation

how i wish many pap's mps could emulate george yeo and learn from his humility, graciousness and sincerity. although there is now a bigger but not necessary louder opposition voice in parliament, a true gentleman and a representative of the voters is lost through the unfair system of pap's own kiasu machinery of GRC. time to change, time to scrap GRC and return single member constituency to voters.
Press Statement by George Yeo on 10 May 2011 at MFA
Thank you for waiting a couple of days for me to rest before meeting you.
I would like to make some remarks before taking questions.
Aljunied voters have decided and I respect their decision. Having committed 23 years of service to the residents, it is only natural for me to feel disappointed but this is politics.
It has been my privilege to have served them all these years and they have enriched my life. They have also enabled me to serve in various capacities as a Cabinet Minister in MITA, Health, MTI and MFA for which I am grateful.
Why did we lose Aljunied?
Mr Low Thia Kiang himself said that they won Aljunied not because the Aljunied team did not do a good job, but because the voters wanted WP to be their voice in Parliament.
Mr Low’s analysis is fair and I agree with him. This desire for a strong WP voice in Parliament was a political tide which came in through Aljunied which we were unable to withstand despite our very best efforts. Right from the start, the Workers Party made Aljunied a national battleground.
The fight became one between a Workers Party voice in Parliament and an Aljunied team with two ministers, a potential Speaker of Parliament, a potential minister and a most effective Town Council chairman.
Though I wish the outcome had been different, Aljunied voters have made their choice.
Many of my supporters asked me to stay on to win back Aljunied in five years time. I wanted to level with them and told them last night that it is better for a younger person to take on this important task. I’m already 57 years old and would be 62 by then. Naturally I would help to ensure a smooth handover.
As we ended our campaign on 5 May, I talked about the importance of transforming the PAP. This is a belief I’ve held for some time. It was not something I felt I could say when the campaign started. But, as the campaign went on, as we heard the growing cry from the heart, I decided to make it plain. Like it or not, we are entering a new phase in Singapore’s political development. How we respond to it will decide Singapore’s destiny in the 21st century.
I would help in whatever way I can to bring about this transformation of the PAP. I wish I had a mandate from the people of Aljunied to be a strong advocate of such transformation. But I don’t.
As for remaining in public life, I will contribute in whatever modest way possible.
Many young people have stepped forward to help me in this campaign. Even more have cheered me on. It is not good that so many of them feel alienated from the Singapore they love. I look forward to continue working with them so that the Singapore we struggle for is the Singapore they feel is their own. As to the actual role I can play, I’ll be happy to respond to them. In the last few years, I have learnt much from my young friends. Often they led me rather than I led them.
A younger generation has been politicized in this GE.
Since the GE results came out, there has been a flood of support for me expressed personally, through friends and relatives, on email and, in an astonishing way, on Internet and FB. The words expressed are heartfelt. Many wrote me long passages, some in tears. I’m grateful for the kind and comforting words and the many good wishes. It will be an honour for me to be an advocate of their cause.
As for what I’ll do professionally after stepping down as Minister when the new Cabinet is sworn in, I’m not rushing to make a decision. My wife and I thought we should take our time to think this over. We also need a break to spend more time with the family.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the people of Singapore for the honour of serving them in the last 23 years.
Sunday, May 8, 2011

this is really master chee ah juan - the super indestructible cockroach.

this can't be master chee. do not be fooled!
believe it or not, after wp gang went to watch THOR, the thunder god, ALJUNIED finally belongs to them.
lucky, the FLASH wasn't shown yet. if the pap see that, it could be a landslide victory to them. LOL!!
now we gotta wait for CAPTAIN AMERICA, GREEN LANTERN, SPIDERMAN 4 AND XMEN 4. dón't forget that IAMFOUR followups. there would be a IAM5, IAM6....until they run out of IAMSICKABOUTIT
green lantern should be very interesting to jaslyn go. she loves making her husband "green" like wearing green hat. chiatilik should see SPIDERMAN 4. with all his teetu c, he should start building an army of his gayboys once again to help him in the next GE, i.e, if he's running.
as for CAPTAIN AMERICAN, that's for goh meng seng. he should start losing weight cos his elder brother david had sadly been a fatal casualty of cardiac arrest. it's about time he looks after his health. capt AMERICAN should be his idol. if he achieves that kind of physique, TAMPINES gay and lesbos votes shall be his in the next GE run.
there u have it. each comic hero is affinated to each opp party. THOR's mighty weapon is the HAMMER and that in a way brought in the heavenly luck for WP which won 6 seats and now ascended to be sgp's most powderful opp party.
keep it up!
if there's a WONDER WOMAN, sylvia should date someone like my li'l brother leetahsar to watch it. avoid ramseth if she doesn't wish for abortion later.
how did shortie mah win tampines?
lst do u agree that baey ayam king look gayish? if your answer is YES, then that was how shortie mah won over tampines- PINK VOTES.
Kuan Yew is the god of know all and god of unmerciful. with his thousands sneaky knuckle-dustered hands and his thousands all seen eyes, he saw the PINK VOTES there brewing.
u look at shortie mah. what does he have? nothing. short. ugly and very avaricious which explains why KUAN YEW, the god of unmercy loves him so much. shortie is ergonomically statured for balls carrying and other mouth job.
there u hv it. baey ayam king was deployed immediately there. u realised also that KY had never disciplined ayam king for his act-cute goatee stubble. that heightened his gayishness which was a formidable weapon to win the pink votes over.
and folks, that's how mah the shortie and ugly tan won over tampines - through ayam king's electrifying winks that attracted all the gay pink votes.
should gohmengseng, our saikongseng had also possessed KY's all seeing skill, he would have teased gay vincent botak over fr SDP and at the same put NICOLE on his team. such a combination would win over not only the gays but also the lesbos.
tampines is one hell of pink town. the gays rule there. don't believe,next time when u are there, observe. especially when u go to the toilet, do be aleert and careful. they are there waiting......
Kuan Yew is the god of know all and god of unmerciful. with his thousands sneaky knuckle-dustered hands and his thousands all seen eyes, he saw the PINK VOTES there brewing.
u look at shortie mah. what does he have? nothing. short. ugly and very avaricious which explains why KUAN YEW, the god of unmercy loves him so much. shortie is ergonomically statured for balls carrying and other mouth job.
there u hv it. baey ayam king was deployed immediately there. u realised also that KY had never disciplined ayam king for his act-cute goatee stubble. that heightened his gayishness which was a formidable weapon to win the pink votes over.
and folks, that's how mah the shortie and ugly tan won over tampines - through ayam king's electrifying winks that attracted all the gay pink votes.
should gohmengseng, our saikongseng had also possessed KY's all seeing skill, he would have teased gay vincent botak over fr SDP and at the same put NICOLE on his team. such a combination would win over not only the gays but also the lesbos.
tampines is one hell of pink town. the gays rule there. don't believe,next time when u are there, observe. especially when u go to the toilet, do be aleert and careful. they are there waiting......
sex, lies and million $ pays
sex, lies and million $ pays
it has come to a conclusion that the real purpose of GRC is NOT ushering minority representatives into parliament. rather it's being abused now to intro pretty young cute mei meis such as TIN PEI LING in. can u understand what's the hardup on lau goh? could he been tired about peanutz and now needed little xiao long pao?
then look at the other adversed effect of GRC. many cute young sugar-candy geges also got ushered in. why like that one huh? we have super lollipops such as TEO SER LUCK who's face looks as blank as a drugged gang-raped victim. then the ever smiling baey ayam king. smiles are all he is best at. what else could voters expect from him? yep! insatiable droolings from lau aunties, uncles, mei meis and especailly the gays. somewhere in a gay site, both teo n baey rank on the top list in the gay's favorite choices.
the lies have been recently exposed as predicted by goh meng seng who mentioned in a tv interview: "what if michael palmer got elected? does GRC still necessary?" michael is by himself another cutie pie but he's a minority eurasion. he won. so that reasoning about sgporeans shunning minority candidates is a big fat LIE!!
sex....hmm. this is taboo. but looking at the likes of other so many young cuties, sex may rule!
above all things, definitely the MILLION DOLLAR$$ awaiting to fatten pockets of the more mellow ex-cuties like vivian, teo ser luck and that horribly ugly no-porn ass-shit lui.
there u have it folks, why GRC? it's all about SEX, LIES and million $ payouts. the minority representation and all those reasoning are just CRAPS! lau goh had done it with introduction and persistent defending of TPL. what more could it be clearer?
GRC now backfires against the paps. if the opp parties who had put up a spectacular performance should continue all their good groundworks.
if the opps keep up all their good works, their sincerity would eventually shine through. come 5 yrs later, u bet the sorry arses of the paps many of them shall be booted out!
Aljunied GRC had lost. obi good! the powderful georgie yeo had lost. ok, OBI THE VERY GOOD!! (he's a good man. shortie mah should be the one to go )
what does that tell us? and what does that tell the pap especially the dirty old man who plays tricks of mental intimidation such as REPENT FOR THE NEXT 5 YRS if u dun vote the pap?
yep!! obi obi good!! the pap and the dirty old man must be repenting now. pinky's strategic preGE sorry is now translated into a real SORRY. u think his dirty old man would admit that he's partly to be blamed? of course, not.
old man's tough old school politics is abusing all the instruments available to him such as ISD to shut up dissidents. if he could, he would even do a TIAN AN MEN here if there were more unexpected loses.
to all the aljunied GRC residents.
after sex, lies and million $ pays, what's going to be pulled out from the pap's evil of treats and tricks - mainly more tricks to be expected.
it has come to a conclusion that the real purpose of GRC is NOT ushering minority representatives into parliament. rather it's being abused now to intro pretty young cute mei meis such as TIN PEI LING in. can u understand what's the hardup on lau goh? could he been tired about peanutz and now needed little xiao long pao?
then look at the other adversed effect of GRC. many cute young sugar-candy geges also got ushered in. why like that one huh? we have super lollipops such as TEO SER LUCK who's face looks as blank as a drugged gang-raped victim. then the ever smiling baey ayam king. smiles are all he is best at. what else could voters expect from him? yep! insatiable droolings from lau aunties, uncles, mei meis and especailly the gays. somewhere in a gay site, both teo n baey rank on the top list in the gay's favorite choices.
the lies have been recently exposed as predicted by goh meng seng who mentioned in a tv interview: "what if michael palmer got elected? does GRC still necessary?" michael is by himself another cutie pie but he's a minority eurasion. he won. so that reasoning about sgporeans shunning minority candidates is a big fat LIE!!
sex....hmm. this is taboo. but looking at the likes of other so many young cuties, sex may rule!
above all things, definitely the MILLION DOLLAR$$ awaiting to fatten pockets of the more mellow ex-cuties like vivian, teo ser luck and that horribly ugly no-porn ass-shit lui.
there u have it folks, why GRC? it's all about SEX, LIES and million $ payouts. the minority representation and all those reasoning are just CRAPS! lau goh had done it with introduction and persistent defending of TPL. what more could it be clearer?
GRC now backfires against the paps. if the opp parties who had put up a spectacular performance should continue all their good groundworks.
if the opps keep up all their good works, their sincerity would eventually shine through. come 5 yrs later, u bet the sorry arses of the paps many of them shall be booted out!
Aljunied GRC had lost. obi good! the powderful georgie yeo had lost. ok, OBI THE VERY GOOD!! (he's a good man. shortie mah should be the one to go )
what does that tell us? and what does that tell the pap especially the dirty old man who plays tricks of mental intimidation such as REPENT FOR THE NEXT 5 YRS if u dun vote the pap?
yep!! obi obi good!! the pap and the dirty old man must be repenting now. pinky's strategic preGE sorry is now translated into a real SORRY. u think his dirty old man would admit that he's partly to be blamed? of course, not.
old man's tough old school politics is abusing all the instruments available to him such as ISD to shut up dissidents. if he could, he would even do a TIAN AN MEN here if there were more unexpected loses.
to all the aljunied GRC residents.
after sex, lies and million $ pays, what's going to be pulled out from the pap's evil of treats and tricks - mainly more tricks to be expected.
curse of lamui
SDP CLAN just as predicted lost everything.
vincent the botak gay was FLIRT&DESTROY by lamui who tried to seduce him with a piece of cake. botak vincent must ve eaten it. poor gay! he was already jinxed and was oblivion to it.
though an eloquent and charismatic SDP kungfu master, he could have won and became a peesailand version of HARVEY MILK who was the assasinated lst gay mayor of san francisco. but the curse and jinx fr lamui's deadly FLIRT&DESTROY.
next on the casualty list was teo ah lung - the siao lung nu who was imprisoned by the pap using their nasty ISD was back with a vengeance. she must have been to detached from the folk lore happening in peesailand where lamui after wrecking her own family and went on to wreck chia sai's and now leaving chia sai a wrecked wretched guy after doing all the wrecking was acting as kaypohji for ah lung. die la!!
another curse jinxed into action. ah lung lost...and lost quite big time garnering about 30%+ votes.
then lamui jinxed the entire SDP CLAN kungfun masters by going up stage to steal all the limelight. she was such attention whore. the voters were awed by her present. well, not by her sex appeal or sexiness. she was all bones, flat on the front, flatter on the back. who interested except the turdy nerd jj.
voters were pissed cos many read about that report about how she caused much suffering to her greenhat swordsman husby. what confirmed the desperate housewife's situation was she still got the nerve to bring one of her kid girl to show off. she got 2 teletubbies - a boy and a girl. boy kid was missing which could only means she had successfully separated the young siblings, i.e, divorced.
with her presence on stage, the evil aura permeated the entire atmosphere which she was oblivion and still basking gayfully in it.
among the FLIRT&DESTROY victim, chee could be the one most toxifully poisoned. he should be. his taiwanese wifey wasn't always around just like chee claimed.
oh...the evil aura of yao qi possessing and jinxing every SDP kungfu masters. it was no surprised they lost. the only consolation, their supports level was slight up from their last GE of about 20+%. at least now, it had gone up by about 10%.
for SDP CLAN to progress, a few things need to be straighten asap:
1. master chee ah juan must be incapitated. his kungfu n internal strength had to be neutralise to paralyse and he should be expelled to prevent from causing future public clowning disturbances which piss the peesailanders alot.
2. if ah juan goes so must be his bulldog biting sis ah chin.
3. fattie john has to be rid off too. he plays too much on religious gimmick for his evil motive. that's no good.
4. if all those mentioned were allowed to stay put, come GE in 5 yrs time, the same shall repeat. SDP CLAN SURE LOSE ALL. yes again! mark my words.
5. and please do everyone a favour, exorcise that bitch lamui unless SDPpies enjoy her heinous jinxing, FLIRT&DESTROY and all the wreckings she is capable and extremely good at.
vincent the botak gay was FLIRT&DESTROY by lamui who tried to seduce him with a piece of cake. botak vincent must ve eaten it. poor gay! he was already jinxed and was oblivion to it.
though an eloquent and charismatic SDP kungfu master, he could have won and became a peesailand version of HARVEY MILK who was the assasinated lst gay mayor of san francisco. but the curse and jinx fr lamui's deadly FLIRT&DESTROY.
next on the casualty list was teo ah lung - the siao lung nu who was imprisoned by the pap using their nasty ISD was back with a vengeance. she must have been to detached from the folk lore happening in peesailand where lamui after wrecking her own family and went on to wreck chia sai's and now leaving chia sai a wrecked wretched guy after doing all the wrecking was acting as kaypohji for ah lung. die la!!
another curse jinxed into action. ah lung lost...and lost quite big time garnering about 30%+ votes.
then lamui jinxed the entire SDP CLAN kungfun masters by going up stage to steal all the limelight. she was such attention whore. the voters were awed by her present. well, not by her sex appeal or sexiness. she was all bones, flat on the front, flatter on the back. who interested except the turdy nerd jj.
voters were pissed cos many read about that report about how she caused much suffering to her greenhat swordsman husby. what confirmed the desperate housewife's situation was she still got the nerve to bring one of her kid girl to show off. she got 2 teletubbies - a boy and a girl. boy kid was missing which could only means she had successfully separated the young siblings, i.e, divorced.
with her presence on stage, the evil aura permeated the entire atmosphere which she was oblivion and still basking gayfully in it.
among the FLIRT&DESTROY victim, chee could be the one most toxifully poisoned. he should be. his taiwanese wifey wasn't always around just like chee claimed.
oh...the evil aura of yao qi possessing and jinxing every SDP kungfu masters. it was no surprised they lost. the only consolation, their supports level was slight up from their last GE of about 20+%. at least now, it had gone up by about 10%.
for SDP CLAN to progress, a few things need to be straighten asap:
1. master chee ah juan must be incapitated. his kungfu n internal strength had to be neutralise to paralyse and he should be expelled to prevent from causing future public clowning disturbances which piss the peesailanders alot.
2. if ah juan goes so must be his bulldog biting sis ah chin.
3. fattie john has to be rid off too. he plays too much on religious gimmick for his evil motive. that's no good.
4. if all those mentioned were allowed to stay put, come GE in 5 yrs time, the same shall repeat. SDP CLAN SURE LOSE ALL. yes again! mark my words.
5. and please do everyone a favour, exorcise that bitch lamui unless SDPpies enjoy her heinous jinxing, FLIRT&DESTROY and all the wreckings she is capable and extremely good at.
fly saucer ETs caused ah seng to lose GE

the results were out: tampines province was won by pap. ah seng's chances was probably dashed by his encounter of fly saucer and ETs which he reported and which later spreaded like wild fire.
even there were those cosmic thingy, one should have kept quiet about it. the normal people would take it that only ABnormal people experience that. perhaps that could ve caused valuable votes lost for the poor ah seng.
anyway, it was a good fight. hopefully, ah seng shall be back in 5 yrs time with more deadly kungfu skills mastery. until, we wish him safe and well.
I am responsible for the failures: NSP chief
National Solidarity Party (NSP) chief Goh Meng Seng has claimed responsibility for the party's failure to win any seat in Parliament, despite fielding the most number of opposition candidates for Singapore's General Election.
Goh, who led an NSP team to contest the Tampines group representation constituency (GRC), spoke solemnly at a press conference at the party's headquarters in Jalan Besar late on Saturday night, saying he felt apologetic towards supporters for "letting them down".
NSP fielded 24 candidates for the five-seat GRCs of Chua Chu Kang, Jurong, Marine Parade and Tampines and the single member constituencies (SMCs) of Mountbatten, Pioneer, Radin Mas and Whampoa.
"I'm not happy with this election's results," he said.
Though claiming personal responsibility for the party's losses, he cited the short time to work the ground and "lopsided" media coverage of the party as contributing factors.
He said that he will review NSP's campaign strategies to prepare his team for future elections.
Nevertheless, he said he is particularly proud of the performance of the Choa Chu Kang and Marine Parade teams, which obtained 38.8 percent and 43.35 percent of votes, respectively.
Speaking for his team's 42.78 percent result, he said: "We managed to take at least 10 percent off from PAP's side."
Among the NSP's slates for the GRCs, the Marine Parade team, which includes the youngest and most popular candidate of the election, Nicole Seah, had the closest margin against the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) team led by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.
The NSP chief jokingly said, "Uncle Goh is going to have a hard time sleeping tonight."
The 24-year-old herself said in the press conference that she was wasn't disappointed with her team's result, and instead, she was energised and rejuvenated. Seah's other team mates included 63-year-old Ivan Yeo, 60-year-old Cheo Chai Chen, 31-year-old Spencer Ng and 29-year-old Abdul Salim Harun.
Aside from SM Goh, the PAP group included 45-year-old Fatimah Lateef, 42-year-old Tan Chuan-Jin, 49-year-old Seah Kian Peng and 27-year-old Tin Pei Ling, who was subject to fierce online criticism for her answers in interviews.
On PAP's win in Marine Parade, Tin said, "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and confidence in me. I will continue to do my best for the people of Singapore."
In contrast, Seah shot to stardom on her good looks, witty remarks and willingness to embrace social networking to engage voters.
"Many factors have come into play. One of it is different channels of communicating and disseminating information. This has really led to more Singaporeans stepping up to really talk about what they believe in, and being more bold and courageous than before," said Seah.
Seah has already started preparing for the next General Election with plans to work the ground again soon. Before returning to work on Monday, she will visit some low-income families in MacPherson that she had previously contacted to provide them free tuition.
"To me, this is just the beginning. I never saw this 2011 elections as an end in itself," Seah said.
Nicole has indicated that she will stay in NSP and is willing to take part in future elections.
"I think if you want to go into politics, you have to take a very long-term view with regards to what you want to achieve. You can't make changes in just a short time," said the advertising executive.
Next up for the NSP is leadership renewal. Goh is planning to groom the younger members in NSP to take over the party in the future. He has also hinted that Seah will be cast in a more important role in the party.
With regards to the Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) that the Marine Parade team can be a part of, Seah will leave it up to the party to decide who they will send as an NCMP.
She recognises the contrived role of an NCMP but still hopes to represent the party. "For me, any chance to serve Singapore even in its limited capacity... I would be glad to take it up and use it to serve Singaporeans," said Seah.
Goh plans to get the Marine Parade team to decide who the NCMP will be.
Seah was keeping up with the election results over the radio and cheered for the Worker's Party (WP) when news broke that WP's Aljunied team won.
"This is something really new, exciting and vibrant for Singapore. All this while, we've had a really stagnant political landscape, but I think things are going to change and they are going to get better from here," said Seah.
Monday, May 2, 2011
would lau lee meet his maker if lost 2 smc and 2 GRCs?
everyone should be very worried that if they would to vote our lau lee's favorite money making mah the shortie tan, that would be like one GRC or 5 wards down the drain for the pap. lau lee might get cardiac seizure. then what happen?
another hot seat ward is aljunied where georgie poggie yeo would be aniticipate to a close fight and might highly lose this GRC too. the last GE, georgie won by slim margin over WP's A team headed by sylvia lim. this time round, it could be worst.
then potong pasir with affiable auntie lina at the helm, she might just easily win it from the pap regular loser seetoh yi pin.
over in hougang, ltk has left his comfort zone to contest in a GRC and his protege yaw shin leong took over. it would be a uphill challenge as yaw had stupidly blogged that he actually voted teo ho pin during the last GE. would the voters appreciate his honesty or mock at his foolishness? hougang has all along been untouched by pap, this time the unexpected whammy might just happen :(
the best would be wong kan seng's GRC team lose. that would really put the last nail into lau lee's standing by coffin. would the immortal old man finally mean his match and prepare to meet his maker?
light, action...and CAMERA roll!!
but then contradicting all the euphoria and excess optimism that opp may win, the voters might do the unexpected (or rather anticipated) warped behaviour. they either void their precious vote or vote the pap instead and hoping the other fella would vote the opp instead. if majority think like that, what's going to happen? like the last GE, the opp wins! shit!!
it's no guarantee that opp rallies massively attended by voters would ensure that they would vote for them. last GE's result had shown otherwise. pap won even though their audience paled against those fr the opps. but eventually, pap won.
so people,
another hot seat ward is aljunied where georgie poggie yeo would be aniticipate to a close fight and might highly lose this GRC too. the last GE, georgie won by slim margin over WP's A team headed by sylvia lim. this time round, it could be worst.
then potong pasir with affiable auntie lina at the helm, she might just easily win it from the pap regular loser seetoh yi pin.
over in hougang, ltk has left his comfort zone to contest in a GRC and his protege yaw shin leong took over. it would be a uphill challenge as yaw had stupidly blogged that he actually voted teo ho pin during the last GE. would the voters appreciate his honesty or mock at his foolishness? hougang has all along been untouched by pap, this time the unexpected whammy might just happen :(
the best would be wong kan seng's GRC team lose. that would really put the last nail into lau lee's standing by coffin. would the immortal old man finally mean his match and prepare to meet his maker?
light, action...and CAMERA roll!!
but then contradicting all the euphoria and excess optimism that opp may win, the voters might do the unexpected (or rather anticipated) warped behaviour. they either void their precious vote or vote the pap instead and hoping the other fella would vote the opp instead. if majority think like that, what's going to happen? like the last GE, the opp wins! shit!!
it's no guarantee that opp rallies massively attended by voters would ensure that they would vote for them. last GE's result had shown otherwise. pap won even though their audience paled against those fr the opps. but eventually, pap won.
so people,
leetahsar almost brought tears to Josephine buck-toothed yeo
leetahsar almost brought tears to Josephine buck-toothed yeo
what can i say about my li'l brother the abdominal LEETAHSAR?
LTS was sipping his teh-see siew dai (tea wtih cream n less sugar) at toa payoh hawker centre. buck-toothed josephine had to come and shake hand with him. it became a very interesting dialogue .....
josephine: Hi! nice to meet u. remember vote for pap! ( hand stretched to shake)
leetahsar: (reached out his hand to grab josephine)...can i ve 3 minutes of your time please?
J: sorry bz....(smiled with glistening colgate commercial buck-teeth)
LTS: (held on firmly to her hand) then why come shake hand with me...just by pass me or anyone would be ok. i just wanna pour my displeasure with the pap. so u pap guys aren't really interested lah?
J: (jialat liao and bo bian, smiled and sat down) ok i listen to your unhappiness for awhile.
LTS: u see...there are many old folks hanging around in hawker centres nowadays. many are not buying hawkers' food. some are eyeing at food leftover by others so that they could feast on it. some are counting their coins so that they know they ve enough for a bowl of noodle......
i m saddened. why are all these happening in my ward and many other places when the pap claims that they are looking after all these poor old folks?
J: but we do look after them.....
LTS: (snapping in) you do? then there shouldn't be all these poor old guys behaving like that. the fact that i m also angry at why pap doesn't control the rental of hawkers'stalls? why do they upgrade n then raise all the rentals? and worst, why do they allow the hawkers to sublet and then raise the rentals further to another sub-tenanted hawker. in the end, the bowl of noodle ends up very expensive cos we have to bear all those unreasonable rental costs. why...i really wanna know why aren't the mps looking into this and control the prices...or control the rents and also for the food prices? why is subletting allowed?
u look at some of those stalls there. so many closed. why? either they ve made enough or they are closed for good? why does this allowed to happen?
hawker centres were built to provide affordable food to residents. many just couldn't afford such foods any more. doesn't the pap have the decency to feel shameful that they have allowed such sorry state to happen and persist?
J: sorry uncle. those hiccups are not under our jurisdiction. they belong to NEA.
LTS: (temper brewing and almost shouted WTF!!) but u and the paps always boasted that u look after the poor and the needies, the aged and sick and blah ...blah. so that's not true isn't? u just passed the ball to another statboard...and if i were to go to that statboard, the ball would be passed to the next...and the next. ultimately, it's the pap's administration that is allowing such a irresponsiblity to be passed along like a musical chair.
J: not like that uncle....that's not very fair comment.
LTS: that's inconsequential...whether it's fair or not. the fact that such a sad sorry phenomenum is happening all over many hawker centres. doesn't the pap bear some responsibility that they are the CAUSE? they could easily control the rental, prevent subletting or even control the prices of food sold. if they legitimatise all food prices to be sold at say, $2.... half of the residents' unhappiness over expensive hawker foods would have been solved.
why doesn't the pap administration do that? why allow food prices in hawker centres to escalate like nobody's business? do u call that a "concerned and caring" gov? i doubt so.
J: that's not fair again the comment. we already have social welfare implemented to help the poor and the needies.
LTS: THAT'S INCONSEQUENTIAL AGAIN, MY DEAR.....(louder and sterner tone) pap likes to push the problem...push the blame....claim all the credits but when come to such basic, they are quite ignorant and almost done nothing much to bring down food prices. why is it like that? the miserable welfare dished out is really pathetic. have u tried before to survive on that miserable amount?
J: we have more important things and problems to deal with... and lacking in manpower....
LTS: ya, right! how much is ur mp's pay...and your regular job's pay? mp's i believe is about $14.5K and your regular monthly pay might be even more. so i believe u could engage maybe an assistant capable to help u solve all these pesky problems. u can spare a mere $3 or $4k to engage me....n i see i bring all the prices of all the hawker food down. of course i must be equipped with all the necessary jurisdiction and power to handle the rentals and fix all the irrational rules.
......and it went on and on. by the time, josephine buck-toothed knew it, she had already spent almost an hour talking to the super lo so LTS. she was quietly fuming. her face was blushed and if one looked carefully, she felt humiliated and almost close to tears.
LTS - u big fat idiot!! now why u go and bully such a sweet buck-toothed lady mp? LOL!!
what can i say about my li'l brother the abdominal LEETAHSAR?
LTS was sipping his teh-see siew dai (tea wtih cream n less sugar) at toa payoh hawker centre. buck-toothed josephine had to come and shake hand with him. it became a very interesting dialogue .....
josephine: Hi! nice to meet u. remember vote for pap! ( hand stretched to shake)
leetahsar: (reached out his hand to grab josephine)...can i ve 3 minutes of your time please?
J: sorry bz....(smiled with glistening colgate commercial buck-teeth)
LTS: (held on firmly to her hand) then why come shake hand with me...just by pass me or anyone would be ok. i just wanna pour my displeasure with the pap. so u pap guys aren't really interested lah?
J: (jialat liao and bo bian, smiled and sat down) ok i listen to your unhappiness for awhile.
LTS: u see...there are many old folks hanging around in hawker centres nowadays. many are not buying hawkers' food. some are eyeing at food leftover by others so that they could feast on it. some are counting their coins so that they know they ve enough for a bowl of noodle......
i m saddened. why are all these happening in my ward and many other places when the pap claims that they are looking after all these poor old folks?
J: but we do look after them.....
LTS: (snapping in) you do? then there shouldn't be all these poor old guys behaving like that. the fact that i m also angry at why pap doesn't control the rental of hawkers'stalls? why do they upgrade n then raise all the rentals? and worst, why do they allow the hawkers to sublet and then raise the rentals further to another sub-tenanted hawker. in the end, the bowl of noodle ends up very expensive cos we have to bear all those unreasonable rental costs. why...i really wanna know why aren't the mps looking into this and control the prices...or control the rents and also for the food prices? why is subletting allowed?
u look at some of those stalls there. so many closed. why? either they ve made enough or they are closed for good? why does this allowed to happen?
hawker centres were built to provide affordable food to residents. many just couldn't afford such foods any more. doesn't the pap have the decency to feel shameful that they have allowed such sorry state to happen and persist?
J: sorry uncle. those hiccups are not under our jurisdiction. they belong to NEA.
LTS: (temper brewing and almost shouted WTF!!) but u and the paps always boasted that u look after the poor and the needies, the aged and sick and blah ...blah. so that's not true isn't? u just passed the ball to another statboard...and if i were to go to that statboard, the ball would be passed to the next...and the next. ultimately, it's the pap's administration that is allowing such a irresponsiblity to be passed along like a musical chair.
J: not like that uncle....that's not very fair comment.
LTS: that's inconsequential...whether it's fair or not. the fact that such a sad sorry phenomenum is happening all over many hawker centres. doesn't the pap bear some responsibility that they are the CAUSE? they could easily control the rental, prevent subletting or even control the prices of food sold. if they legitimatise all food prices to be sold at say, $2.... half of the residents' unhappiness over expensive hawker foods would have been solved.
why doesn't the pap administration do that? why allow food prices in hawker centres to escalate like nobody's business? do u call that a "concerned and caring" gov? i doubt so.
J: that's not fair again the comment. we already have social welfare implemented to help the poor and the needies.
LTS: THAT'S INCONSEQUENTIAL AGAIN, MY DEAR.....(louder and sterner tone) pap likes to push the problem...push the blame....claim all the credits but when come to such basic, they are quite ignorant and almost done nothing much to bring down food prices. why is it like that? the miserable welfare dished out is really pathetic. have u tried before to survive on that miserable amount?
J: we have more important things and problems to deal with... and lacking in manpower....
LTS: ya, right! how much is ur mp's pay...and your regular job's pay? mp's i believe is about $14.5K and your regular monthly pay might be even more. so i believe u could engage maybe an assistant capable to help u solve all these pesky problems. u can spare a mere $3 or $4k to engage me....n i see i bring all the prices of all the hawker food down. of course i must be equipped with all the necessary jurisdiction and power to handle the rentals and fix all the irrational rules.
......and it went on and on. by the time, josephine buck-toothed knew it, she had already spent almost an hour talking to the super lo so LTS. she was quietly fuming. her face was blushed and if one looked carefully, she felt humiliated and almost close to tears.
LTS - u big fat idiot!! now why u go and bully such a sweet buck-toothed lady mp? LOL!!
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