dont'be sucked dried by kampung pontianaks!
Kampung Night, anyone?
Friday, 21 January 2011
Singapore Democrats
Remember Dazzle with The Democrats (photo gallery here)? Yes, its been one year since we celebrated our 30th anniversary and what a celebration it was! The time has come for another anniversary dinner and this year, we're going to have even more fun.
We're heading back to the good, old days when we got together on Kampung Night.
Remember the days when the guys took so much care in grooming their long locks (and Lee Kuan Yew made so much effort in snipping off)? And what about those tight shirts and bell-bottoms?
What about some chatek or five-stones? Or marbles and tikam-tikam?
Be serenaded again by Teresa Teng and P Ramlee, or rock and roll to Chuck Berry's Johnny B Goode.
It's going to be a great evening helping us to celebrate another anniversary of the SDP's fight for democracy in Singapore. So join us for our Kampung Night on 19 Feb 11, Saturday starting at 6 pm.
The dinner is also a fund-raising event for a cause that we all have a stake in. The general elections will soon be called and we are in the thick of preparing for it. We need funds to fight the PAP at the polls, and to do a competent job we need financial support. Tickets for the dinner are sold at $30 and proceeds from the sales will go towards our election campaign.
So let's go back in time and experience a bit of nostalgia during those good, old kampung days. Come and have an evening of food and fun with the party that speaks up for you.
Watch videos of SDP's earlier dinners:
30th Anniversary Dinner (2010) - photo slideshow here
Hawaiian Night (2008) - photo slideshow here
Tickets available
To purchase the tickets, please use the Paypal button below or email us at sdp@yoursdp.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call Ms Jaslyn Go at 9239-3133.
observed carefully. why is USD jaslyn go collecting $ on behalf of SDP'S pontianak night?
this question is still very loud and valid:
it means that none of the sdp members is honest in handling $. only jaslyn go from another political party USD is qualified and credible to handle sdp's funds.
aren't the SDP ashamed of themselves? so where's the money going??
don't be sucked dried of your hard earned money by kampung pontianaks. it isn't worth it!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
where's the support?
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Singapore Democrats
Dear Friends,
You may know that the Judiciary has rejected Dr Chee Soon Juan's appeals against his conviction for speaking in public without a permit — incidents that date as far back as 2005. He was sentenced to $20,000 fine or 20-weeks imprisonment in default. He has until 10 Feb 2011 to pay up or to go to jail. (See here for details.)
The High Court's decision is not unexpected but its timing is most unfortunate. The SDP is in the midst of preparing for the General Election which is expected to be called within the first half of this year.
With Dr Chee at its helm, the SDP has grown tremendously in the last few years. It has attracted many credible candidates and energetic young people who are eager to help the party do well in the elections and serve the people.
We cannot afford to have Dr Chee incarcerated during this crucial period. We urge you and your friends to help us ensure that he will continue to lead our party to victory this GE. Please give generously. (See here for ways to help.)
In solidarity,
Gandhi Ambalam
Chairman Francis Yong
Vice-Chairman John Tan
Asst. Secretary-General
Gerald Sng
Treasurer Jeffrey George
Asst. Treasurer Chee Siok Chin
Member, CEC
Mohd Jufrie Mahmood
Member, CEC Mohd Isa Abdul Azizy
Member, CEC Slvester Lim
Member, CEC
Johnny Hoe
Member, CEC Laurence Lai
Member, CEC
Ways to give
Paypal or credit card
(pls goto SDP site at
Bank transfer or deposit (to Dr Chee's spouse's account)
Account Name: Ms. Huang Chih Mei
Bank Name: United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB)
Account No: 314-106-026-9 (savings account)
Bank Address: UOB Ltd, Thomson Branch, 251/253 Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 574376
Swift Code: UOVBSGSG
(Note: No ATM card required if you use a UOB cash deposit machine)
You can write a cheque made payable to Ms. Huang Chih Mei and mail it to 12A Jalan Gelenggang, Singapore 578192.
If non of the above methods works for you, please email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to make alternative arrangements.
when i saw this appeal, i was quite flabbergasted. chee had claimed that there were increased support but when it comes to donation, there is very little to prove it.
another thing, he had written a personal "condolence"letter to lau lee on the demise of the latter's wife. in that letter he claimed that his wife and he were mostly living separated. she's taiwanese. why now is the appeal for donation be channelled into mrs chee's account?
finally, chee created those folly knowing that he would be charged but yet he still did those public clowning. now that - just as he had anticipated that he was being charged to the tune of 20k, he appealed for donation. maybe this time he underestimated the gravity of his antic resulting in such heavy fine. that was his silly action and he should be responsible for it. it just contradicts to the "causes" that he always prides himself to be. and in this case, it seems again that he is hoping that his punishment (the fine) be shouldered by his supporters, that is, if he has those willing paying and cash-rich supporters.
if everytime he flouts the law, his supporters are compelled to cough out the money to settle for his predicament, then what the hell is chee really fighting for? himself orfor the benefits of his supporters. is this chee guy for real to begin with?
please note: it's his supporters and followers who are obsessed by chee's antics. most singaporeans just couldn't give a damn!
Singapore Democrats
Dear Friends,
You may know that the Judiciary has rejected Dr Chee Soon Juan's appeals against his conviction for speaking in public without a permit — incidents that date as far back as 2005. He was sentenced to $20,000 fine or 20-weeks imprisonment in default. He has until 10 Feb 2011 to pay up or to go to jail. (See here for details.)
The High Court's decision is not unexpected but its timing is most unfortunate. The SDP is in the midst of preparing for the General Election which is expected to be called within the first half of this year.
With Dr Chee at its helm, the SDP has grown tremendously in the last few years. It has attracted many credible candidates and energetic young people who are eager to help the party do well in the elections and serve the people.
We cannot afford to have Dr Chee incarcerated during this crucial period. We urge you and your friends to help us ensure that he will continue to lead our party to victory this GE. Please give generously. (See here for ways to help.)
In solidarity,
Gandhi Ambalam
Chairman Francis Yong
Vice-Chairman John Tan
Asst. Secretary-General
Gerald Sng
Treasurer Jeffrey George
Asst. Treasurer Chee Siok Chin
Member, CEC
Mohd Jufrie Mahmood
Member, CEC Mohd Isa Abdul Azizy
Member, CEC Slvester Lim
Member, CEC
Johnny Hoe
Member, CEC Laurence Lai
Member, CEC
Ways to give
Paypal or credit card
(pls goto SDP site at
Bank transfer or deposit (to Dr Chee's spouse's account)
Account Name: Ms. Huang Chih Mei
Bank Name: United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB)
Account No: 314-106-026-9 (savings account)
Bank Address: UOB Ltd, Thomson Branch, 251/253 Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 574376
Swift Code: UOVBSGSG
(Note: No ATM card required if you use a UOB cash deposit machine)
You can write a cheque made payable to Ms. Huang Chih Mei and mail it to 12A Jalan Gelenggang, Singapore 578192.
If non of the above methods works for you, please email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to make alternative arrangements.
when i saw this appeal, i was quite flabbergasted. chee had claimed that there were increased support but when it comes to donation, there is very little to prove it.
another thing, he had written a personal "condolence"letter to lau lee on the demise of the latter's wife. in that letter he claimed that his wife and he were mostly living separated. she's taiwanese. why now is the appeal for donation be channelled into mrs chee's account?
finally, chee created those folly knowing that he would be charged but yet he still did those public clowning. now that - just as he had anticipated that he was being charged to the tune of 20k, he appealed for donation. maybe this time he underestimated the gravity of his antic resulting in such heavy fine. that was his silly action and he should be responsible for it. it just contradicts to the "causes" that he always prides himself to be. and in this case, it seems again that he is hoping that his punishment (the fine) be shouldered by his supporters, that is, if he has those willing paying and cash-rich supporters.
if everytime he flouts the law, his supporters are compelled to cough out the money to settle for his predicament, then what the hell is chee really fighting for? himself orfor the benefits of his supporters. is this chee guy for real to begin with?
please note: it's his supporters and followers who are obsessed by chee's antics. most singaporeans just couldn't give a damn!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
lau lee's 10k kungfu manual sold out!
MM Lee: A mythological figure?
lau lee after a brief recluse from the demise of his beloved wifey returned with a fury. his latest deadly kungfu manual was published and priced at 10k taels. it was a sold out!! master chee must be fuming. he realised his CHEET A NATION kungfu manual had realised its prowess: a nation cheeted!
master chee was in turmoil. why couldn't his deadly kungfu manual CHEET A NATION selling at 10 tael, yep! without the K or '000 suffix, wasn't selling and had to be removed from most bookshops. yet lau lee's 10K tael HARDENED TOOT was selling like hot cakes. it was a SOLD OUT! to hit 10k taels, master chee would ve to sell 1000 copies of his CHEET while lau lee would just need 1 HARDENED copy to slam master chee a knockout.
in a delirious irrational confusion, master chee vomitted a fountain of blood. he vomitted another sputtum when the magistrate court convicted him to a humongous fine for his unlicensed public clowning and booked him a long recluse in changi holiday resorts. every probable reasoning didn't seem to compute for the dilemma master chee was facing now.
could it be the leegime's machinery working at overtime and overdrive as the GE was approaching? was it a synchronisation to make sure that master chee was permanently miamed and devastated?
cannot compute....cannot compute...
master chee was spinning into a frantic frenzy! would his SDP CLAN be targeted next for closing down? the big longkang was still there welcoming all the sdppies disciples and zombied followers with its tranquil water with deep under currents.
lau lee after a brief recluse from the demise of his beloved wifey returned with a fury. his latest deadly kungfu manual was published and priced at 10k taels. it was a sold out!! master chee must be fuming. he realised his CHEET A NATION kungfu manual had realised its prowess: a nation cheeted!
master chee was in turmoil. why couldn't his deadly kungfu manual CHEET A NATION selling at 10 tael, yep! without the K or '000 suffix, wasn't selling and had to be removed from most bookshops. yet lau lee's 10K tael HARDENED TOOT was selling like hot cakes. it was a SOLD OUT! to hit 10k taels, master chee would ve to sell 1000 copies of his CHEET while lau lee would just need 1 HARDENED copy to slam master chee a knockout.
in a delirious irrational confusion, master chee vomitted a fountain of blood. he vomitted another sputtum when the magistrate court convicted him to a humongous fine for his unlicensed public clowning and booked him a long recluse in changi holiday resorts. every probable reasoning didn't seem to compute for the dilemma master chee was facing now.
could it be the leegime's machinery working at overtime and overdrive as the GE was approaching? was it a synchronisation to make sure that master chee was permanently miamed and devastated?
cannot compute....cannot compute...
master chee was spinning into a frantic frenzy! would his SDP CLAN be targeted next for closing down? the big longkang was still there welcoming all the sdppies disciples and zombied followers with its tranquil water with deep under currents.
leegime's PAPPY'S ANGELS
Tay Ping Hui says politicians are the world's best actors
following the footstep of CHARLIE'S ANGELS, the leegime now set forth their own version of angels - PAPPY'S ANGELS.
why were 2 pappy's hunks and a wayang actor deployed to form PAPPY'S ANGELS to entertain the masse was a real bewilderment. could it be that the next GE, the leegime was seriously facing the eminent threat of losing more provinces to the opposition clans?
have anyone wonder why tay pin hui was choosen instead of any other tcs actors/actresses?
funny. by the way, who was footing all the bills for that wayang show?
following the footstep of CHARLIE'S ANGELS, the leegime now set forth their own version of angels - PAPPY'S ANGELS.
why were 2 pappy's hunks and a wayang actor deployed to form PAPPY'S ANGELS to entertain the masse was a real bewilderment. could it be that the next GE, the leegime was seriously facing the eminent threat of losing more provinces to the opposition clans?
have anyone wonder why tay pin hui was choosen instead of any other tcs actors/actresses?
funny. by the way, who was footing all the bills for that wayang show?
Friday, January 21, 2011
crocodile tears or real tears of condolence? sympathy or gloat?
found a secret letter master chee wrote to lau lee consoling him for the demise of his beloved wife. read and decide whether it was real or hid a sinister spite of glee.
Chee Soon Juan writes to Lee Kuan Yew
By admin, on 9 October 2010
Share0diggsdigg“Free yourself from the prison of wealth and power that keeps you from cherishing that most precious of life’s qualities – humanity,” writes Chee Soon Juan in an open letter to Lee Kuan Yew, who is mourning the passing of his wife, Kwa Geok Choo.
Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo in happier times - Photo courtesy of Fit To Post
Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Minister Mentor
Dear Mr Lee,
As you grieve over the loss of Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, many Singaporeans grieve with you. Everytime someone dear to us passes away, the pain is deep. Losing a loved one is the cruelest act that life can inflict on humans.
Even as you mourn the loss of Mdm Kwa, I am certain that you think of the happier moments that the both of you shared and that you, of all the people in this world, were the one to have had the pleasure of spending a lifetime with her. That, at least, is to be celebrated.
But while you had Mdm Kwa on whom you cultivated your affection, there were others who were deprived of that very same joy. They were not separated from their loved ones by that surly grasp of death, but by political power with which you wielded, and wielded so ruthlessly and unjustly.
You had Mr Chia Thye Poh locked up for most of his adult life. He was incarcerated when he was only 25 and regained his freedom only when he turned 57. Even Nelson Mandela spent less years under detention. The best years of Mr Chia’s life were so inhumanely taken away. He had a girlfriend who could not wait for him and who left him when he was still in prison.
Dr Lim Hock Siew married Dr Beatrice Chia. When I met them recently, I saw the love – unspoken but abiding – that they had for each other despite the fact that you had kept them apart for 20 years.
Then there is Mr Said Zahari whom you also imprisoned for years, 17 years to be exact. He spoke lovingly of his late wife, Salamah, whom he adored. She faithfully and lovingly tended home while waiting for her soulmate to return and to hold her and to talk with her. She struggled with their four children, running a foodstall to eke out a living while Said languished in prison. Their children often had no money to go to school.
To this day, he asks for God’s forgiveness for breaking the oath he made with Salamah to be together when they married each other. When she died in 2004, his heart must have broken into a thousand pieces, just like yours is breaking into a thousand pieces.
While you loved your wife, they loved theirs too.
There are scores of others who cannot be reunited with their families because you have made it so. Ms Tang Fong Har, who was detained in 1987 and who subsequently fled to Hong Kong, has been wanting to return to Singapore to see her ailing mother. But she cannot because there is still the threat of her being re-arrested if she returns.
Others like Mr Tang Liang Hong are also separated from their families because they cannot return to Singapore without facing incarceration.
I, too, have family. My wife wishes for me to return to Taiwan with her to be with her family. I cannot fulfill that obligation because you have made it so. I did go to Taiwan last year, but only to attend my father-in-law’s funeral. He had asked about me before he died but by the time I got to his bedside after I managed to get the Official Assignee’s approval to leave the country, he had lost consciousness. I never got to say goodbye.
It pains me to think that the only time I can be with my wife and children in Taiwan is when someone in the family dies.
You have taken away much of what I have but despite all that you have done to me and mine, I bear you no ill-will. As I said to you during our trial in 2008, you are an intelligent man, I only hope that you will become a wise one. I meant it then and I mean it now. Love and the relationships we have with family and friends are what matter most. Riches and power mean little when those dearest to us leave us.
I extend to you my deepest sympathies on the demise of Mdm Kwa. I want to express my condolence in the sincerest manner I know how. But while I commiserate with you on your loss, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportuinity to tell you, if you don’t already know, how much pain you have inflicted on your political opponents and whose families you have torn apart, the same kind of pain that you presently feel.
In the remaining time while you still walk this earth with us, turn from your ways. Free yourself from the prison of wealth and power that keeps you from cherishing that most precious of life’s qualities – humanity. It is still not too late.
Chee Soon Juan
Chee Soon Juan is secretary general of the Singapore Democratic Party
Chee Soon Juan writes to Lee Kuan Yew
By admin, on 9 October 2010
Share0diggsdigg“Free yourself from the prison of wealth and power that keeps you from cherishing that most precious of life’s qualities – humanity,” writes Chee Soon Juan in an open letter to Lee Kuan Yew, who is mourning the passing of his wife, Kwa Geok Choo.
Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo in happier times - Photo courtesy of Fit To Post
Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Minister Mentor
Dear Mr Lee,
As you grieve over the loss of Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, many Singaporeans grieve with you. Everytime someone dear to us passes away, the pain is deep. Losing a loved one is the cruelest act that life can inflict on humans.
Even as you mourn the loss of Mdm Kwa, I am certain that you think of the happier moments that the both of you shared and that you, of all the people in this world, were the one to have had the pleasure of spending a lifetime with her. That, at least, is to be celebrated.
But while you had Mdm Kwa on whom you cultivated your affection, there were others who were deprived of that very same joy. They were not separated from their loved ones by that surly grasp of death, but by political power with which you wielded, and wielded so ruthlessly and unjustly.
You had Mr Chia Thye Poh locked up for most of his adult life. He was incarcerated when he was only 25 and regained his freedom only when he turned 57. Even Nelson Mandela spent less years under detention. The best years of Mr Chia’s life were so inhumanely taken away. He had a girlfriend who could not wait for him and who left him when he was still in prison.
Dr Lim Hock Siew married Dr Beatrice Chia. When I met them recently, I saw the love – unspoken but abiding – that they had for each other despite the fact that you had kept them apart for 20 years.
Then there is Mr Said Zahari whom you also imprisoned for years, 17 years to be exact. He spoke lovingly of his late wife, Salamah, whom he adored. She faithfully and lovingly tended home while waiting for her soulmate to return and to hold her and to talk with her. She struggled with their four children, running a foodstall to eke out a living while Said languished in prison. Their children often had no money to go to school.
To this day, he asks for God’s forgiveness for breaking the oath he made with Salamah to be together when they married each other. When she died in 2004, his heart must have broken into a thousand pieces, just like yours is breaking into a thousand pieces.
While you loved your wife, they loved theirs too.
There are scores of others who cannot be reunited with their families because you have made it so. Ms Tang Fong Har, who was detained in 1987 and who subsequently fled to Hong Kong, has been wanting to return to Singapore to see her ailing mother. But she cannot because there is still the threat of her being re-arrested if she returns.
Others like Mr Tang Liang Hong are also separated from their families because they cannot return to Singapore without facing incarceration.
I, too, have family. My wife wishes for me to return to Taiwan with her to be with her family. I cannot fulfill that obligation because you have made it so. I did go to Taiwan last year, but only to attend my father-in-law’s funeral. He had asked about me before he died but by the time I got to his bedside after I managed to get the Official Assignee’s approval to leave the country, he had lost consciousness. I never got to say goodbye.
It pains me to think that the only time I can be with my wife and children in Taiwan is when someone in the family dies.
You have taken away much of what I have but despite all that you have done to me and mine, I bear you no ill-will. As I said to you during our trial in 2008, you are an intelligent man, I only hope that you will become a wise one. I meant it then and I mean it now. Love and the relationships we have with family and friends are what matter most. Riches and power mean little when those dearest to us leave us.
I extend to you my deepest sympathies on the demise of Mdm Kwa. I want to express my condolence in the sincerest manner I know how. But while I commiserate with you on your loss, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportuinity to tell you, if you don’t already know, how much pain you have inflicted on your political opponents and whose families you have torn apart, the same kind of pain that you presently feel.
In the remaining time while you still walk this earth with us, turn from your ways. Free yourself from the prison of wealth and power that keeps you from cherishing that most precious of life’s qualities – humanity. It is still not too late.
Chee Soon Juan
Chee Soon Juan is secretary general of the Singapore Democratic Party
what free speech for master chee?
gapore High Courts rejects Chee’s appeal for free speech
Posted: 20 Jan 2011 04:00 PM PST
High Court Judge Steven Chong had rejected Singapore Democratic Party’s Dr Chee Soon Juan’s appeal for free speech yesterday, slapping a $20,000 fine and a 20-weeks imprisonment in default.
On 20 June 2006, Chee was charged with eight counts of speaking in public without a licence between 13 November 2005 and 22 April 2006 on the basis that he allegedly violated the Public Entertainments and Meeting Act.
Four charges were left on appeal; the Attorney-General dropped three charges and Chee served a jail term for one.
The following is an excerpt from the Singapore Democrats website.
Dr Chee Soon Juan’s appeals to the Judiciary to protect the freedom of speech of Singaporeans has again failed. High Court Judge Steven Chong this morning upheld Dr Chee’s convictions for speaking in public without a permit.
The SDP leader was sentenced to $20,000 fine and 20-weeks imprisonment in default. Dr Chee was given until 10 Feb 11 before beginning his jail term.
In his submissions, Dr Chee had argued that the system was abused by the PAP and laws were being used by the ruling party to deny the opposition and civil society from exercising their political rights.
With civil liberties, the opposition and the people are prevented from publicly discussing and bringing pressure to bear on the PAP to protect their economic rights.
Shorn of their rights, Singaporeans today find themselves in a helpless position even as they find their jobs threatened and their wages decline. They continue to remain at the mercy of a Government whose greatest priority to take care of the elite.
master chee was a very difficult customer to serve. if the magistrate were to let him go scots free, he would comprain and mocking that the court feared him. now they charged him and really charged him big time, of course master chee ranted and comprained even louder. complains and comprains and ranting.....that was what master chee seemed to be good at. or at least indirectly hinting to his foreign ang mo towkays that he was indeed doing much tedious works to make peesailand and their law looked bad. then what??
what had master chee trying to achieve all this while knowing that his nonsense was pure craps? yet he still did it. what a crappy clown!
note: uncle yap was also charged and fined but was left out in the SDP CLAN's manual. why? strange. how could they purposely leave out this crazy uncle who faithfully followed master chee blindly into the big longkang?
here's another report about this case:
SDP chief, supporter's appeals turned down
by Teo Xuanwei
05:55 AM Jan 21, 2011
SINGAPORE - Could Opposition supporter Yap Keng Ho be mounting a bid in the upcoming General Elections (GE)?
Yap, 49, who is often seen at the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) activities, dropped a hint yesterday when the High Court upheld his conviction and sentence for making public addresses without licences on four occasions in 2006.
He told Justice Steven Chong he intended to appeal to the President to reduce the $2,000 fine imposed on him for each of the four charges to $1,999 so that he would still be eligible to "take part" in the elections.
Anyone fined $2,000 and above in the five years before the polls are held will be disqualified from contesting.
Mr Yap had committed these offences with SDP chief Chee Soon Juan while they were promoting the party newsletter The New Democrat.
Dismissing the pair's appeals yesterday, Justice Chong said their assertion that the authorities had a discriminatory licensing policy aimed at opposition parties was "wholly misconceived".
Dr Chee, 48, and Mr Yap had alleged that the authorities had a "blanket policy" of not granting licences for public activities to opposition parties.
They had also argued that they should not have needed licences because they were only making sales pitches for the newsletter, like hawkers would their wares.
Disagreeing, Justice Chong said they were making addresses similar to political rallies and that they never had the intention to apply for the requisite licences.
He added that they should have applied for licences to substantiate their claims about discriminatory treatment by the authorities.
"Given that there was no application for the licence, there is no decision that the court can review," said Justice Chong.
"Without an application for a licence by the appellants, any alleged discriminatory licensing policy would have no effect on the appellants and would therefore be irrelevant to the appellants' offences."
Dr Chee, who was fined $5,000 for each of the four charges, said he would serve the default 20-week jail sentence.
Mr Yap has served the 30-day default sentence for three of his offences.
He has opted to serve the two-week default jail term for the remaining offence. They will begin their sentences on Feb 10. TEO XUANWEI
the poor uncle yap seemed to be isolated and avoided by SDP CLAN after all his unsung effort and involvement with master chee's public clowning. SDP CLAN's manual had left him out from any due credit. why like that one?? 没有功劳也有苦劳。
Posted: 20 Jan 2011 04:00 PM PST
High Court Judge Steven Chong had rejected Singapore Democratic Party’s Dr Chee Soon Juan’s appeal for free speech yesterday, slapping a $20,000 fine and a 20-weeks imprisonment in default.
On 20 June 2006, Chee was charged with eight counts of speaking in public without a licence between 13 November 2005 and 22 April 2006 on the basis that he allegedly violated the Public Entertainments and Meeting Act.
Four charges were left on appeal; the Attorney-General dropped three charges and Chee served a jail term for one.
The following is an excerpt from the Singapore Democrats website.
Dr Chee Soon Juan’s appeals to the Judiciary to protect the freedom of speech of Singaporeans has again failed. High Court Judge Steven Chong this morning upheld Dr Chee’s convictions for speaking in public without a permit.
The SDP leader was sentenced to $20,000 fine and 20-weeks imprisonment in default. Dr Chee was given until 10 Feb 11 before beginning his jail term.
In his submissions, Dr Chee had argued that the system was abused by the PAP and laws were being used by the ruling party to deny the opposition and civil society from exercising their political rights.
With civil liberties, the opposition and the people are prevented from publicly discussing and bringing pressure to bear on the PAP to protect their economic rights.
Shorn of their rights, Singaporeans today find themselves in a helpless position even as they find their jobs threatened and their wages decline. They continue to remain at the mercy of a Government whose greatest priority to take care of the elite.
master chee was a very difficult customer to serve. if the magistrate were to let him go scots free, he would comprain and mocking that the court feared him. now they charged him and really charged him big time, of course master chee ranted and comprained even louder. complains and comprains and ranting.....that was what master chee seemed to be good at. or at least indirectly hinting to his foreign ang mo towkays that he was indeed doing much tedious works to make peesailand and their law looked bad. then what??
what had master chee trying to achieve all this while knowing that his nonsense was pure craps? yet he still did it. what a crappy clown!
note: uncle yap was also charged and fined but was left out in the SDP CLAN's manual. why? strange. how could they purposely leave out this crazy uncle who faithfully followed master chee blindly into the big longkang?
here's another report about this case:
SDP chief, supporter's appeals turned down
by Teo Xuanwei
05:55 AM Jan 21, 2011
SINGAPORE - Could Opposition supporter Yap Keng Ho be mounting a bid in the upcoming General Elections (GE)?
Yap, 49, who is often seen at the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) activities, dropped a hint yesterday when the High Court upheld his conviction and sentence for making public addresses without licences on four occasions in 2006.
He told Justice Steven Chong he intended to appeal to the President to reduce the $2,000 fine imposed on him for each of the four charges to $1,999 so that he would still be eligible to "take part" in the elections.
Anyone fined $2,000 and above in the five years before the polls are held will be disqualified from contesting.
Mr Yap had committed these offences with SDP chief Chee Soon Juan while they were promoting the party newsletter The New Democrat.
Dismissing the pair's appeals yesterday, Justice Chong said their assertion that the authorities had a discriminatory licensing policy aimed at opposition parties was "wholly misconceived".
Dr Chee, 48, and Mr Yap had alleged that the authorities had a "blanket policy" of not granting licences for public activities to opposition parties.
They had also argued that they should not have needed licences because they were only making sales pitches for the newsletter, like hawkers would their wares.
Disagreeing, Justice Chong said they were making addresses similar to political rallies and that they never had the intention to apply for the requisite licences.
He added that they should have applied for licences to substantiate their claims about discriminatory treatment by the authorities.
"Given that there was no application for the licence, there is no decision that the court can review," said Justice Chong.
"Without an application for a licence by the appellants, any alleged discriminatory licensing policy would have no effect on the appellants and would therefore be irrelevant to the appellants' offences."
Dr Chee, who was fined $5,000 for each of the four charges, said he would serve the default 20-week jail sentence.
Mr Yap has served the 30-day default sentence for three of his offences.
He has opted to serve the two-week default jail term for the remaining offence. They will begin their sentences on Feb 10. TEO XUANWEI
the poor uncle yap seemed to be isolated and avoided by SDP CLAN after all his unsung effort and involvement with master chee's public clowning. SDP CLAN's manual had left him out from any due credit. why like that one?? 没有功劳也有苦劳。
Friday, January 14, 2011
peasants' words under fire?
TOC Statement: Keep Calm and Carry On
why did the leegime fear the words from the peasants? were they so unconfident about themselves.....untrusting about their fabulous policies that they doubted their own faith in the peasants'submission to them?
who would the peasants side or believe in more? well, the results of the next GE shall tell.
why did the leegime fear the words from the peasants? were they so unconfident about themselves.....untrusting about their fabulous policies that they doubted their own faith in the peasants'submission to them?
who would the peasants side or believe in more? well, the results of the next GE shall tell.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
day, night and eclipse
The Media Development Authority (MDA) has written to The Online Citizen’s Joshua Chiang and Choo Zheng Xi, informing them that TOC has been determined to be ‘providing a programme for the promotion or discussion of political issues relating to Singapore’. As such, the website has to be registered with the MDA ‘under condition 4 of the Schedule to the Broadcasting (Class License) Notification’.
The email arrived at 4.13 pm today and included a nine-page registration form. Particulars demanded in the form include details of the web publisher, web host and five other editorial members currently residing in Singapore.
TOC has 14 days to register.
the imperial courts of the leegime now feared the influences from TOC or TALKING OF COCKS which was a website that opposed everything the leegime did in peesailand. i mean really everything from durians to cherries to the tiny grapeseeds!
the leegime wanted TOC to be classified as political site. when this was done, they would have to reveal who were their kungfu experts behind those deadly calligraphy brushstrokes skill. most might not knew it that our nerdy kungfu expert JJ was one of the TOC gang. u bet that he could be now packing and preparing to abscond at the slightest hint of an invasion from the leegime.
the question was rekindled by the leegime: WHO FUND TOC? sound familiar to WHO FUND MASTER CHEE?
if it were the peasants who funded TOC, that would be good. it meant that most peasants were pissed off by the leegime's bloodsucking policies. however, what if the funds were derived from foreign forces? then every peasants should be made wary as to what evil motive lurked behind those insiduous foreigners.
another school of thoughts would be the intimidation felt by the leegime cos the deadly master brushstrokes from TOC were indeed doing much damages and internal injuries to the paps bureaucracy. GE was drawing nearer. there might be a chance that the leegime might be overthrown if such black ink kept splashing against them from TOC... and the peasants-cum-voters bought it and were convinced.
whatever it was, this coming GE would be really exciting. it could be a turning point or desist to the overdue leegime's dynasty.
there were 3 types of peasants in peesailand. they were like day who were the average trueful simple peasants. then there were peasants who were like the night and were just straightforwardly bad and evil. finally there were eclipse - peasants who appeared like good day but were actually dark as night. the last category was best represented by master chee and his SDP CLAN of imbecile zombies who couldn't differentiate day or night. they were blind zombied followers and their fate was long sealed to the big longkang.
The Media Development Authority (MDA) has written to The Online Citizen’s Joshua Chiang and Choo Zheng Xi, informing them that TOC has been determined to be ‘providing a programme for the promotion or discussion of political issues relating to Singapore’. As such, the website has to be registered with the MDA ‘under condition 4 of the Schedule to the Broadcasting (Class License) Notification’.
The email arrived at 4.13 pm today and included a nine-page registration form. Particulars demanded in the form include details of the web publisher, web host and five other editorial members currently residing in Singapore.
TOC has 14 days to register.
the imperial courts of the leegime now feared the influences from TOC or TALKING OF COCKS which was a website that opposed everything the leegime did in peesailand. i mean really everything from durians to cherries to the tiny grapeseeds!
the leegime wanted TOC to be classified as political site. when this was done, they would have to reveal who were their kungfu experts behind those deadly calligraphy brushstrokes skill. most might not knew it that our nerdy kungfu expert JJ was one of the TOC gang. u bet that he could be now packing and preparing to abscond at the slightest hint of an invasion from the leegime.
the question was rekindled by the leegime: WHO FUND TOC? sound familiar to WHO FUND MASTER CHEE?
if it were the peasants who funded TOC, that would be good. it meant that most peasants were pissed off by the leegime's bloodsucking policies. however, what if the funds were derived from foreign forces? then every peasants should be made wary as to what evil motive lurked behind those insiduous foreigners.
another school of thoughts would be the intimidation felt by the leegime cos the deadly master brushstrokes from TOC were indeed doing much damages and internal injuries to the paps bureaucracy. GE was drawing nearer. there might be a chance that the leegime might be overthrown if such black ink kept splashing against them from TOC... and the peasants-cum-voters bought it and were convinced.
whatever it was, this coming GE would be really exciting. it could be a turning point or desist to the overdue leegime's dynasty.
there were 3 types of peasants in peesailand. they were like day who were the average trueful simple peasants. then there were peasants who were like the night and were just straightforwardly bad and evil. finally there were eclipse - peasants who appeared like good day but were actually dark as night. the last category was best represented by master chee and his SDP CLAN of imbecile zombies who couldn't differentiate day or night. they were blind zombied followers and their fate was long sealed to the big longkang.
Monday, January 10, 2011
now the whole peesailand knows!

just as expected, local chinese daily published saikongseng's close encounter with the third kind. or could it be a 4th kind?
if ah seng had related it as the encounter of bodhisattva MANSJURI or wen su pusa appearing to him sitting on a white elephant levitating upon a white cloud, perhaps he could be the next cult leader to overtake master chee who led a rabid gang of imbecile zombied followers.
poor saikongseng! now he had really done himself in!! time for him to don on his saikong costume and initiate some positive public image upgrade to alleviate damage control done to himself.
the moral of the day: speak more; wrong more.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
saikongseng and his technicolored UFOs

NSP Goh Meng Seng claims he has seen UFO
January 7th, 2011 | Author: Editorial
Mocked photo
Goh Meng Seng, the Secretary-General of the National Solidarity Party (NSP) has admitted that he is a firm believer of UFO/alien and claims that he has personally seen an alien craft.
In an article published on sgpolitics on 3rd January 2011, Mr Goh, who recently sold his HDB flat to fund his election campaign claims that he has seen the alien craft in 1999 and described the said object as “no human technology can explain or did what that object did”.
According to him, the said oval shape object “looks like a glowing white cloud floating in the air. It was floating just outside my windows. I was watching TV at that time.”
He added:
It caught my eyes because of its “glowing” nature and the way it moved, in a slow and steady movement which somehow looked “unnatural” to me. I tried to take a closer by moving to the window. Just a minute later, it just zipped and zoomed out of my sight within a blink of my eyes… I believe no human technology could make any object to move at such a great speed.
Such image is still imprinted in my mind deeply. Just too bad I didn’t have any video camera back then to record the whole process. From then on, I always keep an open mind about UFO sightings. Some UFO sighting reports around the world coincide with my own witnessing experience… such objects just zip and zoom out of sight within seconds.
Whether or not this news about the three gigantic spaceship is real, I really don’t know. Top travel from Earth to Pluto or Jupiter by a normal human space exploration crafts will take years… tens of years. If it takes only 2 years to reach Earth, it is already traveling at 20 times or more than human technology could do.
Keep an open mind. In my opinion, there are two types of UFOs on Earth. Some are human made, by some countries like America or Russia. But these are the ones which could just fly at “normal” speed due to technological limitations. They may be in saucer shape, have the ability to hover around etc but do not have the technology of traveling at the speed of light. Those which could do that, most probably are alien types.
This writer is unable to confirm if the said object was indeed an alien craft or some un-manned drone sent by the ruling party to spy on Mr Goh prior to the General election.
yep! it gotta be JJ again using his creative smearing brush technique to paint a sarcastic picture of saikongseng. seng had recorded a close-encounter with UFOs fluttering and zooming past his window one dark starry nite.
enveloped with stimulation and inspiration, he blogged it. obviously, JJ was closely monitoring him, saw his blog and broadcasted it. now it had somewhat become a butt of a joke. if it were to be master chee, u bet a different reaction would transpire. JJ had never spoken bad about SDP CLAN, master chee ah juan and anything related to them. however, if it was from other clans, a molehill would be transformed into a mountain!
just like USD which was created and now ruled by lamui and SF by chia sai had never been highlighted. it wasn't even explained or revealed or probed into so as to quash rumours that both clans were actually initiated by master chee.
why the need for shadowy SDP CLAN's subsidiaries of not one but two was anyone guesses. such action didn't augur well with the peasants. it created much confusion. and if there was confusion, u bet the paps leegime shall win again in the next GE.
so is SDP CLAN a confusion mongering vessel from the paps to destroy opposition's unity, confusiong the peasatns and re-assure that the leegime stays in power?
more to come.
PS. note that AUTHOR is feebly accredited. the real slimer behind that story was none other JJ, the nerdy dwarf with the deadly calligrapher's paint brush.
Monday, January 3, 2011
the link between USD & SDP CLAN
take a good hard look towards the end of the group picture of this video. who do u see? the one in black hottie pants. right!! that's lamui, the chiefy of USD CLAN. confirmed that USD is a disguised subsidiary of SDP CLAN. do u see any other clan chiefies cheering with master chee?
of course not!
they have better things to do than sdppies trying to rekindle their deadly mind controlling skill of turning simpleton peasants into imbecilic zombies. all the chiefies were wise to dissociate as far as possible from SDP CLAN which was a jinx and mixing up with them would inadvertedly lead one into the big problematic longkang of suffering.
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