many years back, a sinister internal feud was building up after master chiam took in chee ah juan as his most prominent disciple.

master chiam sadly wrote his blood letter and left his SDP CLAN which had now been thoroughly mind-controlled by chee ah juan. most of master chiam's beloved elder disciples turned against the poor desponded and disappointed master chiam. in his deepest sorrow, he pricked his finger and wrote about his quitting SDP CLAN.

fast forward 2010. auntie lina couldn't tolerate any longer. she challenged master chee who usurped SDP CLAN to a showdown. auntie won with a few waves of her deadly silk handkerchief. master chee suffered serious internal injury and vowed to take revenge for his embarrassing defeat.

henceforth, SDP CLAN motivated its minions to do what unrelated feat just to con peasants to think they were "concerned" for them. the TAK BOLEH TAHAN's deadly sequence of CRAZY DRAGON DEADLY 18 BLOWS was executed. again to much public shame, all the members in this lame deadly stance were miamed and caught by the leegime. many more ludicrous ordeals repeated. the impression now peasants had for SDP CLAN was just one word: LAME!
latest update: revenge of master chee. by hook or by crook, chee was all out to stop master chiam from becoming the supreme ruler of all the opp. clans. chee wanted to the the new leeder of SDA. the quest was now on to see who would get to be the new chiefy.....anger flared, precious time, effort and constructive strategem planning were wasted by the intrusion of master chee and chiam's betrayer - his own beloved disciple DEMONDO LIMBODOH - the latest
kang ren or
baddie to a new twist in martial arts in local politics.
more juicy and exciting sequences to come soon.....stay tuned.
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