Dr Chee Soon Juan’s foreign liaisons: an act of patriotism or treachery?
November 21, 2009 by admin
Filed under Opinion
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Written by our (fake) Correspondent
Singapore opposition politician Dr Chee Soon Juan is not new to controversy and this time round he managed to get himself in the spotlight both at home and abroad again for a series of damning interviews he gave to U.S. radio stations castigating the Singapore government for its “political repression” on the eve of the APEC Summit held in Singapore.
Robert Amsterdam, a Canadian lawyer representing Dr Chee pro bono in his court cases, published an equally damaging White Paper calling on U.S. President Barack Obama to voice out his concerns about Singapore’s “human rights record” during his visit here which was widely publicized in the international media.’
The state media predictably published an article with a glaring headline “Canadian with links to Chee attacks Singapore’s political system” to portray Dr Chee as a “foreign stooge”, a label which he had found hard to shake off.
This is not the first time that Dr Chee had made used of the western media to attack the Singapore government.
In 1995, he staged a protest in Williams’ College where then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong was to receive a Master’s degree from his alma mater.
Dr Chee’s “antics” was frowned about by Singaporeans who disapproved of him using “outsiders” to criticize their country’s leaders, which was reflected in subsequent elections in the declining share of votes received by his Singapore Democratic Party.
By and large, Dr Chee’s criticisms of Singapore in the west will hardly dent public confidence in the ruling party which maintains a tight grip on the Singapore media.
Neither will it have any impact on Singapore’s relationships with the United States and other countries. President Obama reaffirmed the excellent bilateral relations between Singapore and the United States during the APEC Summit. He did not meet Dr Chee or bring up Singapore’s “repressiveness” to its hosts.
Though Singapore is a tiny country, it has always been a key strategic ally of the United States in the region. Furthermore, its “repressiveness” pales in comparison to what is happening elsewhere in the region such as China, Vietnam and North Korea.
It will be foolhardy to expect the United States to strain diplomatic ties with Singapore by meddling in its domestic affairs.
Dr Chee may be able to generate bring attention to his cause, but its impact is likely to be minimal at least in the near future.
Not that his words doesn’t hurt the ruling party a bit. Singapore’s international image and standing have definitely taken a beating from the wave of negative publicity about its harsh and repressive laws to curtail the civil liberties of its citizens.
Branding is especially important for a small city-state like Singapore. What is the first impression that comes to one mind when Singapore is mentioned? Probably a nanny authoritarian state in contrast to Hong Kong which is widely viewed as a modern, cosmopolitan and liberal city though it is under communist rule.
One seldom hears the criticisms leveled at Singapore elsewhere – in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan or South Korea. Singapore can do without such persistent, if not irritating negative portrayal of its political system.
As for Dr Chee, the Singapore government can well afford to ignore him given that he is a spent force who posed little or no threat to them.
Being a bankrupt, Dr Chee is barred from contesting in future elections. His colleagues are unlikely to get elected either on a SDP ticket.
So is Dr Chee is a patriot or traitor?
Most Singaporeans certainly don’t regard him as a “patriot” trying to speak up for them.
To be fair to him, the mainstream media has been most biased towards him and is relatively successful in concocting an image of him of seeking out a personal vendetta against government leaders for bankrupting him.
To the ever faithful followers of the state media and the ruling party, Dr Chee is a traitor who will scoop to any means to defame the Singapore government.
But again, a traitor would have left Singapore a long time ago to fire pot shots at the ruling party from a safe distance afar rather than risk his livelihood and the future of his children by staying put in Singapore.
Dr Chee’s use of the foreign media to attack the Singapore government smacks more of desperation than a well-thought move. It is political suicide for any aspiring opposition politician who wishes to win a seat in parliament.
Besides Dr Chee, no other opposition leaders or MPs have criticized the Singapore government in the international press.
The ruling party has cleverly quoted them as examples that opposition politicians do exist in Singapore as long they don’t defame government leaders like Dr Chee in its defence.
Dr Chee is fighting a losing battle on his own without support even from his fellow opposition leaders or Singaporeans.
While he deserved some credit for his fighting spirit, doubts must be raised about his political acumen.
As history have shown us, the ruling party will not flinch from taking drastic actions to preserve its own interests despite international pressure, e.g. the arrests of 20 or so social workers and activists under “Operation Spectrum” in 1988.
Dr Chee and the SDP will be far better off building up their support at the grassroots level so that they will have a better chance of winning a coveted seat in the next general elections.
The Americans who heard Dr Chee’s interviews would probably have forgotten about Singapore and Dr Chee by now.
chee's biggest supporters are FOREIGNERS and not local peasants which really is very confusing. chee is sgporean, his supporters foreigners. why is chee exploiting foreigners to bash his own country? who would perish if one day chee succeeds? the foreigners or the locals? doesn't that make chee a very devious national traitor of the highest level?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
some thoughts for the following happening:
SDP Wall of Shame
Dr Chee Soon Juan
1992 - Misappropriated funds as NUS staff, drank glucose while on hunger strike
1993 - Overthrew Chiam See Tong as Sec-Gen, Chiam sued the SDP, SDP lost and paid Chiam damages
2001 - Shouted at Goh Chok Tong with accusations that have no truths, lost defamation suit
2002 - Fined $3000 for speaking on racial issues (tudung)
2002 - Charged for trespassing Istana, rally without permit
2006 - SDP Chairman Ling How Doong said CEC planning to remove Chee
GE2006 - Worst performer at polls, not even 25% of votes garnered
2006 - Declared bankrupt, jailed for contempt of court
2006 - All members of SDP apologised for slanderous remarks on NKF except Chee and sister
2006 - Failure to pay $5000 fine, jailed for 5 weeks
2007 - Attempt to leave country without permit
2008 - Arrested for Tak Boleh Tahan protests
Currently sells books to earn a living, asks members to sell his books to derive income.
Autocratic leadership within party
Jarrod Luo (H. Sec of YD)
Email: [email]duckispro@hotmail.com[/email]
Involved in Forwin88.com (online gambling)
Linked to Sunshine Empire
Activists that are ashamed to be called SDP members:
Ng E Jay
Pleaded guilty to TBT trial immediately after trial starts
Yap Keng Ho
Raised nonsensical questions in TBT trial such that Chia Ti Lik asked him to shut up
Chia Ti Lik
Pleaded guilty due to work commitment in TBT trial
Ex-PAP, WP member
Read Complaint by client
Jasyln Go aka lamei
proclaimed herself and sidekick chia as "partyless" yet represented SDP in many of their promo flicks like the recent EGYPT meeting.
Seelan Palay
Guitarist belong to the band Ila Mitra, yet to get artist-in-residency gig
Hunger-strike for the release of HINDRAF leaders in Malaysia
Defended Burmese workers [despite SDP's anti-foreigner stance]
Questioned Need for defence spending in times of economic crisis
the recent egypt trip which sdp sent john tan n jaslyn go as representatives did not mention how the trip was sponsored? could it be donations from supporters? or the incumbent forking out their own costs which is quite improbable? or worst and most diabolical: sponsored by a foreign entity as rumoured fiercely in the martial arts world?
SDP Wall of Shame
Dr Chee Soon Juan
1992 - Misappropriated funds as NUS staff, drank glucose while on hunger strike
1993 - Overthrew Chiam See Tong as Sec-Gen, Chiam sued the SDP, SDP lost and paid Chiam damages
2001 - Shouted at Goh Chok Tong with accusations that have no truths, lost defamation suit
2002 - Fined $3000 for speaking on racial issues (tudung)
2002 - Charged for trespassing Istana, rally without permit
2006 - SDP Chairman Ling How Doong said CEC planning to remove Chee
GE2006 - Worst performer at polls, not even 25% of votes garnered
2006 - Declared bankrupt, jailed for contempt of court
2006 - All members of SDP apologised for slanderous remarks on NKF except Chee and sister
2006 - Failure to pay $5000 fine, jailed for 5 weeks
2007 - Attempt to leave country without permit
2008 - Arrested for Tak Boleh Tahan protests
Currently sells books to earn a living, asks members to sell his books to derive income.
Autocratic leadership within party
Jarrod Luo (H. Sec of YD)
Email: [email]duckispro@hotmail.com[/email]
Involved in Forwin88.com (online gambling)
Linked to Sunshine Empire
Activists that are ashamed to be called SDP members:
Ng E Jay
Pleaded guilty to TBT trial immediately after trial starts
Yap Keng Ho
Raised nonsensical questions in TBT trial such that Chia Ti Lik asked him to shut up
Chia Ti Lik
Pleaded guilty due to work commitment in TBT trial
Ex-PAP, WP member
Read Complaint by client
Jasyln Go aka lamei
proclaimed herself and sidekick chia as "partyless" yet represented SDP in many of their promo flicks like the recent EGYPT meeting.
Seelan Palay
Guitarist belong to the band Ila Mitra, yet to get artist-in-residency gig
Hunger-strike for the release of HINDRAF leaders in Malaysia
Defended Burmese workers [despite SDP's anti-foreigner stance]
Questioned Need for defence spending in times of economic crisis
the recent egypt trip which sdp sent john tan n jaslyn go as representatives did not mention how the trip was sponsored? could it be donations from supporters? or the incumbent forking out their own costs which is quite improbable? or worst and most diabolical: sponsored by a foreign entity as rumoured fiercely in the martial arts world?
Friday, November 20, 2009
the mystery of the GINZA - uncovered
why kept it a mystery until now? obviously, the foreign backer in chee's finance could be something that needs further probing.
The SDP was officially accepted as an Observer in the Liberal International last week at its annual Congress which was held in Cairo, Egypt.
Together with the SDP, Burma's National League for Democracy headed by Mdm Aung San Suu Kyi and Thailand's ruling Democrat Party led by prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva were also accepted into LI.
Earlier in May this year, the organisation's Bureau (LI's governing body) had approved the Singapore Democrats' application in Vancouver, Canada.
The other Asian members of LI are the Democratic Progressive Party (Taiwan), the Gerakan Party (Malaysia), and the Liberal Party (Philippines).
John Tan making a point during the conference
Represented by Assistant Secretary-General Mr John Tan and Ms Jaslyn Go, the acceptance of the SDP was unanimous. Mr Tan gave an impassioned presentation on the repression in Singapore.
He also chaired a session on New Technology, Development and Education where the subject of the use of the Internet to spread democratic values was the focus.
Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim was invited to give the opening address. Ms Go caught up with the Malaysian Opposition Leader.
“Yes, we have a lot to learn from each other,” Mr Anwar told Ms Go, “I am in contact with some of the youth from your party.” He was referring to the Young Democrats who had visited Malaysia earlier this year. (See here)
The SDP representatives also invited the LI to hold its Congress in Singapore, an idea which was warmly received by its leaders, including president Hans van Baalen.
John and Jaslyn at the Giza
Ms Go focused on expanding the Singapore Democrats' international network. She said, "I believe we have shown our new friends the real Singapore and not the false facade that has been portrayed by the PAP."
But it was not all work and no play for the delegates. Mr Tan and Ms Go managed to catch some sightseeing outside of the conference. They visited the Pyramids of Giza and took a cruise down the Nile.
The PAP was itself a member of another international organisation, the Socialist International. In 1976, it was called to answer for its crackdown on the opposition and the media.
The late president Devan Nair and former PAP stalwart attended the conference in London and chided the SI for its "absurd allegations of ill-treatment, torture and inhuman conditions in our prisons and detention centres." The party then quickly resigned to save itself the ignominy of being sacked.
Nair was to later recant. "I am obliged to eat a good number of the words I uttered in London in 1976," he wrote in his foreword in To Catch A Tartar by Mr Francis Seow. He admitted that he was "all too gullible" when he accepted the Government's words at face value.
as anticipated, the usual sliming about singapore, the gov and the mockery of the law. why would singaporeans who profess their "concern" for their own citizens wanna do that for? does singapore and everyone who lives here benefit when traitorous SDP paints us so bad to the whole world? why doesn't lamei paints the bad things about herself then? oh! that's different isn't it? u smear your country and that's very ok and patriotic.
sdppies are indeed strange fellow citizens living in singapore and hating it so much that they must smear it constantly with shits to the foreigners. srrange patriotism indeed!
The SDP was officially accepted as an Observer in the Liberal International last week at its annual Congress which was held in Cairo, Egypt.
Together with the SDP, Burma's National League for Democracy headed by Mdm Aung San Suu Kyi and Thailand's ruling Democrat Party led by prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva were also accepted into LI.
Earlier in May this year, the organisation's Bureau (LI's governing body) had approved the Singapore Democrats' application in Vancouver, Canada.
The other Asian members of LI are the Democratic Progressive Party (Taiwan), the Gerakan Party (Malaysia), and the Liberal Party (Philippines).
John Tan making a point during the conference
Represented by Assistant Secretary-General Mr John Tan and Ms Jaslyn Go, the acceptance of the SDP was unanimous. Mr Tan gave an impassioned presentation on the repression in Singapore.
He also chaired a session on New Technology, Development and Education where the subject of the use of the Internet to spread democratic values was the focus.
Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim was invited to give the opening address. Ms Go caught up with the Malaysian Opposition Leader.
“Yes, we have a lot to learn from each other,” Mr Anwar told Ms Go, “I am in contact with some of the youth from your party.” He was referring to the Young Democrats who had visited Malaysia earlier this year. (See here)
The SDP representatives also invited the LI to hold its Congress in Singapore, an idea which was warmly received by its leaders, including president Hans van Baalen.
John and Jaslyn at the Giza
Ms Go focused on expanding the Singapore Democrats' international network. She said, "I believe we have shown our new friends the real Singapore and not the false facade that has been portrayed by the PAP."
But it was not all work and no play for the delegates. Mr Tan and Ms Go managed to catch some sightseeing outside of the conference. They visited the Pyramids of Giza and took a cruise down the Nile.
The PAP was itself a member of another international organisation, the Socialist International. In 1976, it was called to answer for its crackdown on the opposition and the media.
The late president Devan Nair and former PAP stalwart attended the conference in London and chided the SI for its "absurd allegations of ill-treatment, torture and inhuman conditions in our prisons and detention centres." The party then quickly resigned to save itself the ignominy of being sacked.
Nair was to later recant. "I am obliged to eat a good number of the words I uttered in London in 1976," he wrote in his foreword in To Catch A Tartar by Mr Francis Seow. He admitted that he was "all too gullible" when he accepted the Government's words at face value.
as anticipated, the usual sliming about singapore, the gov and the mockery of the law. why would singaporeans who profess their "concern" for their own citizens wanna do that for? does singapore and everyone who lives here benefit when traitorous SDP paints us so bad to the whole world? why doesn't lamei paints the bad things about herself then? oh! that's different isn't it? u smear your country and that's very ok and patriotic.
sdppies are indeed strange fellow citizens living in singapore and hating it so much that they must smear it constantly with shits to the foreigners. srrange patriotism indeed!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
master chee loves everything USA
master chee loves everything USA
Coffeeshop Chit Chat - Singapore Democratic Party's open house Subscribe
From: woo99 7:53 pm
To: ALL (1 of 1)
For those who are interested;
Greetings to all,
All of your are invited to attend Singapore Democratic Party's open house this Friday, 20 Nov' 09. Come and get to know the members of SDP as well as members of its youth wing, The Young Democrats.
Do bring along a friend and join in the lively chat and discussion that will be taking place.
Event: SDP & Young Democrats Open House
Date: 20 Nov 09 (Friday)
Time: 07:30pm
Venue: 2A Jalan Gelenggang
Street Directory Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_...l_site_105257/
From AMK Bus Interchange: Take Bus No. 169 and alight at Sembawang Hills Food Centre
From Little India Mrt: Take bus No 980 and Alight at Sembawang Hills Food Centre
Muhd Khalis Rifhan,
Programme Director,
Young Democrats (SDP)
even for his hideout, he chooses it to be located in USA or Ulu Sembawang Area.
sdp clan is now abuzzed with a flurry of activities but evidently they are all bo liao instigations or exploitations in some forms to smear peesailand further. strange creatures they have in their clan living in peesailand and shits smearing their own beloved cuntry.
it's also very unusual that bankrupted master chee could afford landed property as his delusive hideout. perhaps the isolation of such remote location allows them to train for some more devious and unorthodox skills and certain illicit activity.
maybe it's purposely located in such desolated ulu area so that master chee could be assured that those F&D peasants who go would be roughly affirm that they could be prospective victims who can be further brain-washed easily to turn them into SDP zombies fighters or simple IMBECILES PAWNS. the readily USED, ABUSED & DISPOSAL without any strings attached category.
even their message is quite instantaneous and demands swfit response - or total ignorance - depending on the extent and effectiveness of their brainwave interferrence signals. usually the peabrains and the hare-brains peasants might receive those signals loud and clear. however, such imbecilic breed are now quite rare. many have awaken to the nastiness and dire mischiefs from master chee. clearly, his recent telephatic voice heard all over dubious USA radios is a confirmation of this evil master's diabolical plot, i.e, to destroy peesailand. if he can't, at least he could smear, fix , defame or embarrass the beloved cuntry to the world. by doing so, he then can account and leeport to his swedish backer who are depositing piles of bank notes into his secret bank accounts.
maybe that's explained why master chee could afford living in such spacious landed hideout while most other opp clans were in hdbs or cheaper locations.
a word of caution: if u were there, do not eat the food. do not even sip the drink. they could be spiked. it has to be spiked in order for their nasty brain-washing deadly kungfu skill to work successfully on prospective hare-brain peasants who are prospective F&D victims. if u do not heed this warning, then welcome to their SDP ZOMBIES CLUB of IMBECILES. and later other peasants shall see u heading for the big longkang along with their usual circus of clowns.
Coffeeshop Chit Chat - Singapore Democratic Party's open house Subscribe
From: woo99 7:53 pm
To: ALL (1 of 1)
For those who are interested;
Greetings to all,
All of your are invited to attend Singapore Democratic Party's open house this Friday, 20 Nov' 09. Come and get to know the members of SDP as well as members of its youth wing, The Young Democrats.
Do bring along a friend and join in the lively chat and discussion that will be taking place.
Event: SDP & Young Democrats Open House
Date: 20 Nov 09 (Friday)
Time: 07:30pm
Venue: 2A Jalan Gelenggang
Street Directory Map: http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_...l_site_105257/
From AMK Bus Interchange: Take Bus No. 169 and alight at Sembawang Hills Food Centre
From Little India Mrt: Take bus No 980 and Alight at Sembawang Hills Food Centre
Muhd Khalis Rifhan,
Programme Director,
Young Democrats (SDP)
even for his hideout, he chooses it to be located in USA or Ulu Sembawang Area.
sdp clan is now abuzzed with a flurry of activities but evidently they are all bo liao instigations or exploitations in some forms to smear peesailand further. strange creatures they have in their clan living in peesailand and shits smearing their own beloved cuntry.
it's also very unusual that bankrupted master chee could afford landed property as his delusive hideout. perhaps the isolation of such remote location allows them to train for some more devious and unorthodox skills and certain illicit activity.
maybe it's purposely located in such desolated ulu area so that master chee could be assured that those F&D peasants who go would be roughly affirm that they could be prospective victims who can be further brain-washed easily to turn them into SDP zombies fighters or simple IMBECILES PAWNS. the readily USED, ABUSED & DISPOSAL without any strings attached category.
even their message is quite instantaneous and demands swfit response - or total ignorance - depending on the extent and effectiveness of their brainwave interferrence signals. usually the peabrains and the hare-brains peasants might receive those signals loud and clear. however, such imbecilic breed are now quite rare. many have awaken to the nastiness and dire mischiefs from master chee. clearly, his recent telephatic voice heard all over dubious USA radios is a confirmation of this evil master's diabolical plot, i.e, to destroy peesailand. if he can't, at least he could smear, fix , defame or embarrass the beloved cuntry to the world. by doing so, he then can account and leeport to his swedish backer who are depositing piles of bank notes into his secret bank accounts.
maybe that's explained why master chee could afford living in such spacious landed hideout while most other opp clans were in hdbs or cheaper locations.
a word of caution: if u were there, do not eat the food. do not even sip the drink. they could be spiked. it has to be spiked in order for their nasty brain-washing deadly kungfu skill to work successfully on prospective hare-brain peasants who are prospective F&D victims. if u do not heed this warning, then welcome to their SDP ZOMBIES CLUB of IMBECILES. and later other peasants shall see u heading for the big longkang along with their usual circus of clowns.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
prelude to resurrection of ramseth's death
secret messages were received. they exposed lamui's extravagance. her jaguar instead of the black sexmobile she was driving. her lavishness for expensive trip to Egypt, to the river NILE swimming with the crocodiles....her exploration of mummy's tomb to hunt for the illusive NOAH ARK which contained the secret manual kungfu from the gods.
her mission: to retrieve it for master chee so that he could be fully installled as the messiah and using the ARK's scrolled kungfu to devastate the domination of the famiLEE in peesailad.
then another revelation from messages of the carrier pigeons from ramsey:
a blotch of blood stain smeared the note.
the next day, another carrier pigeon's note arrived: RAMSY IS DEAD. HE WOULD BE CREMATED NEXT MORNING.....
poor guy, all his pals who got those messages and thought he had died a heartbroken loverboy.
the news began to spread like wild fire in sbf theatre. as soon as everyone was in bereavement over ramsy's sudden death, the dead guy appeared and posted his messages.
it stunted the martial arts world. was that a ghost or was that a yao kuai?
no. it was ramsy! he admitted that it was all a prank to attract the attention of lamui who had ignored him for too long.
oh! the power of FLIRT&DESTROY. once hit, forever would be dwindling in her grasp of manipulation, deceit and deployement.
very soon, the hordes of lamui's F&D victims arose to create more nonsense and to embrazen the bitchy mama of the martial arts world.
more nonsense to come....stay tuned.:
her mission: to retrieve it for master chee so that he could be fully installled as the messiah and using the ARK's scrolled kungfu to devastate the domination of the famiLEE in peesailad.
then another revelation from messages of the carrier pigeons from ramsey:
a blotch of blood stain smeared the note.
the next day, another carrier pigeon's note arrived: RAMSY IS DEAD. HE WOULD BE CREMATED NEXT MORNING.....
poor guy, all his pals who got those messages and thought he had died a heartbroken loverboy.
the news began to spread like wild fire in sbf theatre. as soon as everyone was in bereavement over ramsy's sudden death, the dead guy appeared and posted his messages.
it stunted the martial arts world. was that a ghost or was that a yao kuai?
no. it was ramsy! he admitted that it was all a prank to attract the attention of lamui who had ignored him for too long.
oh! the power of FLIRT&DESTROY. once hit, forever would be dwindling in her grasp of manipulation, deceit and deployement.
very soon, the hordes of lamui's F&D victims arose to create more nonsense and to embrazen the bitchy mama of the martial arts world.
more nonsense to come....stay tuned.:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
monty from the NORTH USA
Canadian with links to Chee attacks S'pore's political system
Government says lawyer is recycling Chee's views, facts speak for themselves
By Jeremy Au Yong, Political Correspondent
A CANADIAN lawyer with ties to opposition politician Chee Soon Juan has issued a 63-page 'white paper' attacking Singapore's political system and judiciary.
The paper has attracted a 25-page response from the Singapore Government.
The 63-page white paper was published on the website of Mr Robert Amsterdam, the co-founder of law firm Amsterdam & Peroff.
The website of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), www.yoursdp.org, carries a link to the paper.
The SDP is headed by Dr Chee who today remains a bankrupt after failing to pay debts incurred as a result of losing defamation suits filed by ruling party politicians.
Amsterdam & Peroff, which has offices in London and Toronto, has offered free legal advice to the university lecturer-turned-opposition leader.
The white paper, entitled The Repression of Political Freedoms in Singapore, provides an account of Dr Chee's political career.
It says: 'Being the leader of one of Singapore's most important opposition parties - the Singapore Democratic Party - Dr Chee has been sued, charged, and sentenced ever since his first political act of opposition.'
Using his many court cases as examples, it alleges that Singapore's judiciary is not independent and that political freedoms are constrained.
It calls on international bodies like the World Bank and the International Bar Association to put pressure on the Republic to reform its political system.
Leaders coming to Singapore for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit this weekend are also urged to arrange meetings with Dr Chee and other civil society representatives.
In addition, the paper calls for all outstanding charges against him to be dropped.
Mr Amsterdam did not respond to this newspaper's calls.
According to earlier press reports, he represented Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, when the latter was charged with fraud in 2003.
The tycoon, who acquired his wealth during the era of then President Boris Yeltsin through shares in the Yukos oil company, lost his case and was sentenced to nine years' jail in 2005.
According to a February 2009 report in Romanian current affairs publication Q Magazine, Mr Amsterdam is, himself, a rather controversial figure.
The article states that there are persistent rumours that he maintains 'ambiguous relations with the secret services of certain Western countries, starting with those of the United States and Great Britain'.
A source close to the British services is quoted as saying that Mr Amsterdam 'was repeatedly approached to give information about the situation in Russia and about the Yukos case'.
The same article also suggests that his legal failure in the Yukos case led him to switch to a more media-centric strategy.
It said: 'Amsterdam quickly learnt the lesson of his judicial failure and quickly decided to modify his battle plans. He realised that as he was facing a bold Russian justice system, his best chance to win was to fight the case in the media with the international public as judge.'
Asked for its response to the white paper, the Singapore Government said the paper 'recycles the views and comments that Dr Chee has regularly expressed'.
It provided its own account of his political career, including his sacking by the National University of Singapore in 1993 for misusing research funds, his ouster of former SDP chief Chiam See Tong, and his various criminal convictions over the years.
'He has deliberately sought to break the law and has chosen to go to prison even though the courts imposed only fines on him,' the Government's response noted.
The response, which can be found at www.gov.sg, said the Government would not respond to 'each and every unfounded allegation' in the white paper, but 'encourages readers to research the facts which are publicly available and which speak for themselves'.
Government says lawyer is recycling Chee's views, facts speak for themselves
By Jeremy Au Yong, Political Correspondent
A CANADIAN lawyer with ties to opposition politician Chee Soon Juan has issued a 63-page 'white paper' attacking Singapore's political system and judiciary.
The paper has attracted a 25-page response from the Singapore Government.
The 63-page white paper was published on the website of Mr Robert Amsterdam, the co-founder of law firm Amsterdam & Peroff.
The website of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), www.yoursdp.org, carries a link to the paper.
The SDP is headed by Dr Chee who today remains a bankrupt after failing to pay debts incurred as a result of losing defamation suits filed by ruling party politicians.
Amsterdam & Peroff, which has offices in London and Toronto, has offered free legal advice to the university lecturer-turned-opposition leader.
The white paper, entitled The Repression of Political Freedoms in Singapore, provides an account of Dr Chee's political career.
It says: 'Being the leader of one of Singapore's most important opposition parties - the Singapore Democratic Party - Dr Chee has been sued, charged, and sentenced ever since his first political act of opposition.'
Using his many court cases as examples, it alleges that Singapore's judiciary is not independent and that political freedoms are constrained.
It calls on international bodies like the World Bank and the International Bar Association to put pressure on the Republic to reform its political system.
Leaders coming to Singapore for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit this weekend are also urged to arrange meetings with Dr Chee and other civil society representatives.
In addition, the paper calls for all outstanding charges against him to be dropped.
Mr Amsterdam did not respond to this newspaper's calls.
According to earlier press reports, he represented Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, when the latter was charged with fraud in 2003.
The tycoon, who acquired his wealth during the era of then President Boris Yeltsin through shares in the Yukos oil company, lost his case and was sentenced to nine years' jail in 2005.
According to a February 2009 report in Romanian current affairs publication Q Magazine, Mr Amsterdam is, himself, a rather controversial figure.
The article states that there are persistent rumours that he maintains 'ambiguous relations with the secret services of certain Western countries, starting with those of the United States and Great Britain'.
A source close to the British services is quoted as saying that Mr Amsterdam 'was repeatedly approached to give information about the situation in Russia and about the Yukos case'.
The same article also suggests that his legal failure in the Yukos case led him to switch to a more media-centric strategy.
It said: 'Amsterdam quickly learnt the lesson of his judicial failure and quickly decided to modify his battle plans. He realised that as he was facing a bold Russian justice system, his best chance to win was to fight the case in the media with the international public as judge.'
Asked for its response to the white paper, the Singapore Government said the paper 'recycles the views and comments that Dr Chee has regularly expressed'.
It provided its own account of his political career, including his sacking by the National University of Singapore in 1993 for misusing research funds, his ouster of former SDP chief Chiam See Tong, and his various criminal convictions over the years.
'He has deliberately sought to break the law and has chosen to go to prison even though the courts imposed only fines on him,' the Government's response noted.
The response, which can be found at www.gov.sg, said the Government would not respond to 'each and every unfounded allegation' in the white paper, but 'encourages readers to research the facts which are publicly available and which speak for themselves'.
SDP CLAN trying to exploit obamamak
SDP's appeal to Obama
a secret letter by the ang mo lau kau to president obamamak. the ang mo lau kau is a canadian. how far is the distance between canada and peesailand by the way?
......this one is written by his lawyer Robert amsterdam
The effusive praise President Barack Obama has for former Singaporean Prime Minister and now Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew is another gesture that has led many to wonder where the present administration sits on human rights issues. The forthcoming APEC summit in Singapore presents an opportunity for the president to set the record straight.
Asia is vital for the Obama Administration for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the imperative that even perceptions of democracy must be judged against not just American values, but universal values. Amnesty International recently released an open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling attention to this very topic. In it, the organisation urges him to uphold Canada's reputation as a human rights supporter while attending the APEC summit by addressing ongoing human rights concerns in the island nation. Among these concerns is the case of Dr. Chee Soon Juan, one which President Obama would be well-advised to consider.
Dr. Chee, the oft-jailed leader of the Singapore Democratic Party, has extended an invitation to meet with President Obama and/or his entourage to leaven the president's praise of Singapore's autocracy with an acknowledgment that destroying political opposition should not be acceptable in any culture. Dr. Chee has been incarcerated seven times for attempting to exercise the basic human right to freedom of expression, which includes free speech and assembly, and recently recounted the conditions under which he has been held:
I have been jailed seven times in the past. In jail I spend 23 hours in a cell with a metallic door - no bars. The cell measures 15 feet by 6 feet and is shared with three cellmates (I was in solitary confinement during my first two terms). We have 45 minutes of 'yard time' and another 15 minutes for a shower. If it rains, we have no yard time. Sometimes it rained during yard time a few days in a row and so we spent 24 hours a day in the cell for a few days straight.
In one corner is a latrine, the squatting kind. There is no sink, nor is there a wash area. We brush our teeth over the toilet bowl. Meals are adequate except that on one occasion, I felt ill after taking the food and realised that my food tray was marked. I refused to eat after that and insisted on seeing my wife. They didn't allow me and so I went without food for more than a week. They then transferred me to the hospital when I got too weak and after seeing my wife and getting assurances from them that my tray will not be marked, I resumed eating. That was quite an ordeal.
I spend much of my time running the party and getting projects done: maintaining the website, publishing and selling the party newspaper to raise funds, organising activities, etc. Over the last couple of years, I have spent much time in court for several trials all proceeding simultaneously. At the moment, one has just ended and another one is being immediately brought on by the attorney general. There are five trials running simultaneously and the hearings overlap one another.
If you collapse all the hearing dates, I've spent in total about 7-8 months in court over the last year or so battling these cases. I represent myself in all of them because no lawyer in Singapore dares to represent me
I have three children, aged 5, 7, and 10. They need attention and I make sure that I don't neglect them and their needs.
Apart from this I sell my books to earn income for my family.
A crucial point of these Kafkaesque circumstances is that part of the punishment is being made to sit through endless legal proceedings. With all due respect to the judicial officers, these proceedings concern nothing more than attempting to exercise basic rights allegedly guaranteed under Singapore's constitution.
Dr Chee has also filed for bankruptcy as a result of a series of defamation suits brought against him by government leaders. He was ordered to pay more than a million dollars in total and has lost all his possessions trying to pay this sum. As a result of his being made bankrupt, he is barred from standing elections and banned from traveling out of Singapore. He has been subject to the aforementioned conditions for the following charges:
Speaking without a permit (3 counts)
Contempt of court (2 counts)
Attempting to speak and trespass (of presidential residence)
Speaking on a religious topic
Attempting to leave the country without a permit
Selling books without a license
No American president should be anything but horrified by the conditions under which Dr. Chee and other loyal opponents of the regime have been harassed.
What mention the president makes, if any, of this critical failing of the Singaporean model should give a very good idea of how much priority the Obama Administration really gives to human rights.
It is an opportunity that should not be wasted.
a secret letter by the ang mo lau kau to president obamamak. the ang mo lau kau is a canadian. how far is the distance between canada and peesailand by the way?
......this one is written by his lawyer Robert amsterdam
The effusive praise President Barack Obama has for former Singaporean Prime Minister and now Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew is another gesture that has led many to wonder where the present administration sits on human rights issues. The forthcoming APEC summit in Singapore presents an opportunity for the president to set the record straight.
Asia is vital for the Obama Administration for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the imperative that even perceptions of democracy must be judged against not just American values, but universal values. Amnesty International recently released an open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling attention to this very topic. In it, the organisation urges him to uphold Canada's reputation as a human rights supporter while attending the APEC summit by addressing ongoing human rights concerns in the island nation. Among these concerns is the case of Dr. Chee Soon Juan, one which President Obama would be well-advised to consider.
Dr. Chee, the oft-jailed leader of the Singapore Democratic Party, has extended an invitation to meet with President Obama and/or his entourage to leaven the president's praise of Singapore's autocracy with an acknowledgment that destroying political opposition should not be acceptable in any culture. Dr. Chee has been incarcerated seven times for attempting to exercise the basic human right to freedom of expression, which includes free speech and assembly, and recently recounted the conditions under which he has been held:
I have been jailed seven times in the past. In jail I spend 23 hours in a cell with a metallic door - no bars. The cell measures 15 feet by 6 feet and is shared with three cellmates (I was in solitary confinement during my first two terms). We have 45 minutes of 'yard time' and another 15 minutes for a shower. If it rains, we have no yard time. Sometimes it rained during yard time a few days in a row and so we spent 24 hours a day in the cell for a few days straight.
In one corner is a latrine, the squatting kind. There is no sink, nor is there a wash area. We brush our teeth over the toilet bowl. Meals are adequate except that on one occasion, I felt ill after taking the food and realised that my food tray was marked. I refused to eat after that and insisted on seeing my wife. They didn't allow me and so I went without food for more than a week. They then transferred me to the hospital when I got too weak and after seeing my wife and getting assurances from them that my tray will not be marked, I resumed eating. That was quite an ordeal.
I spend much of my time running the party and getting projects done: maintaining the website, publishing and selling the party newspaper to raise funds, organising activities, etc. Over the last couple of years, I have spent much time in court for several trials all proceeding simultaneously. At the moment, one has just ended and another one is being immediately brought on by the attorney general. There are five trials running simultaneously and the hearings overlap one another.
If you collapse all the hearing dates, I've spent in total about 7-8 months in court over the last year or so battling these cases. I represent myself in all of them because no lawyer in Singapore dares to represent me
I have three children, aged 5, 7, and 10. They need attention and I make sure that I don't neglect them and their needs.
Apart from this I sell my books to earn income for my family.
A crucial point of these Kafkaesque circumstances is that part of the punishment is being made to sit through endless legal proceedings. With all due respect to the judicial officers, these proceedings concern nothing more than attempting to exercise basic rights allegedly guaranteed under Singapore's constitution.
Dr Chee has also filed for bankruptcy as a result of a series of defamation suits brought against him by government leaders. He was ordered to pay more than a million dollars in total and has lost all his possessions trying to pay this sum. As a result of his being made bankrupt, he is barred from standing elections and banned from traveling out of Singapore. He has been subject to the aforementioned conditions for the following charges:
Speaking without a permit (3 counts)
Contempt of court (2 counts)
Attempting to speak and trespass (of presidential residence)
Speaking on a religious topic
Attempting to leave the country without a permit
Selling books without a license
No American president should be anything but horrified by the conditions under which Dr. Chee and other loyal opponents of the regime have been harassed.
What mention the president makes, if any, of this critical failing of the Singaporean model should give a very good idea of how much priority the Obama Administration really gives to human rights.
It is an opportunity that should not be wasted.
master chee teams up with ang mo lau kau
in his desperation to fight a losing battle against the LEEgime in peesailand, master chee had even resorted to team up with some foreign ang mo lau kau to smear shits on the country he conned that he was fighting fervently for peasants' welfare.
his main motive now was to ride on the opportunity about the presence of foreign overlords who were in peesailand now for the APEC meeting. his main target was USA obamamak. his mission was trying his best to instigate the most powderful man in the world to sanction peesailand. he didn't care if he succeed in killing the LEEgime along with all the 4 million peasants with it. for his assignment was only beholden to his foreign financier backing.
the evil of master chee was revealed in the shit times. what would the LEEgime do to counteract chee's devious ploy?
yep! NOTHING. they just put chee on the IGNORE MODE cos it was a waste of time clarifying or responding to the crazy master. all those he had tried to smear against his own country was a repeat. master chee was now like a broken radio which kept playing the same old lame boring tune.
a national traitor, loser and wily fox - as usual. what do u expect from such dubious clown master who runs a notorious fleas circus of imbecile clowns?
Nov 11, 2009
Canadian attacks political sytem
A CANADIAN lawyer with ties to opposition politician Chee Soon Juan has issued a 63-page 'white paper' attacking Singapore's political system and judiciary. The paper has attracted a 25-page response from the Singapore Government. The 63-page white paper was published on the website of Mr Robert Amsterdam, the co-founder of law firm Amsterdam & Peroff. The website of the Singapore Democratic Party, www.yoursdp.org, carries a link to the paper. The SDP is headed by Dr Chee who today remains a bankrupt after failing to pay debts incurred as a result of losing defamation suits filed by ruling party politicians. Amsterdam & Peroff, which has offices in London and Toronto, has offered free legal advice to the university lecturer-turned-opposition leader. The white paper, entitled The Repression of Political Freedoms in Singapore, provides an account of Dr Chee's political career.
Read the full report in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.
his main motive now was to ride on the opportunity about the presence of foreign overlords who were in peesailand now for the APEC meeting. his main target was USA obamamak. his mission was trying his best to instigate the most powderful man in the world to sanction peesailand. he didn't care if he succeed in killing the LEEgime along with all the 4 million peasants with it. for his assignment was only beholden to his foreign financier backing.
the evil of master chee was revealed in the shit times. what would the LEEgime do to counteract chee's devious ploy?
yep! NOTHING. they just put chee on the IGNORE MODE cos it was a waste of time clarifying or responding to the crazy master. all those he had tried to smear against his own country was a repeat. master chee was now like a broken radio which kept playing the same old lame boring tune.
a national traitor, loser and wily fox - as usual. what do u expect from such dubious clown master who runs a notorious fleas circus of imbecile clowns?
Nov 11, 2009
Canadian attacks political sytem
A CANADIAN lawyer with ties to opposition politician Chee Soon Juan has issued a 63-page 'white paper' attacking Singapore's political system and judiciary. The paper has attracted a 25-page response from the Singapore Government. The 63-page white paper was published on the website of Mr Robert Amsterdam, the co-founder of law firm Amsterdam & Peroff. The website of the Singapore Democratic Party, www.yoursdp.org, carries a link to the paper. The SDP is headed by Dr Chee who today remains a bankrupt after failing to pay debts incurred as a result of losing defamation suits filed by ruling party politicians. Amsterdam & Peroff, which has offices in London and Toronto, has offered free legal advice to the university lecturer-turned-opposition leader. The white paper, entitled The Repression of Political Freedoms in Singapore, provides an account of Dr Chee's political career.
Read the full report in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
smeaing of peesailand has begun.....
from the LIONEL SHOW: here's this fella soon Ju-An chee......let's the smearing of peesailand begins! (what an imbecile and a traitor!)
Monday, November 9, 2009
master chee on AIR!
one way or another, master chee must get his dire fix on smearing peesailand. he just got to do it when obamak, the most powderful overlord of the world was visiting.
he even asked the question and puzzled over "why would obamak be visiting peesailand...." chee ah juan was now known to those dubious US radiostation as chee ah Ju-An which made it sound more like a korean and peesailander.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Singapore Opposition Leader Wants Obama To Address Human Rights Abuses During Upcoming Visit
Talk Radio News Service, 9 Nov 2009
Talk Radio News Service Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner speaks with Mr. Soon Ju-An Chee (Chee Soon Juan), the opposition leader in Singapore. Soon Ju-An (Soon Juan) tells Ms. Ratner that he and his supporters would like U.S. President Barack Obama to address the serious human rights abuses taking place in Singapore when he visits that nation later this week. Soon Ju-An (Soon Juan) adds that Obama must hold political leaders in Singapore accountable for various violations involving the country’s legal system and crackdown on the press
more chee smear-talk shows on US radio
Singapore Democrats, 9 Nov 2009
Throughout this week Dr Chee Soon Juan will go on a series of radio shows in America. Some of these shows, such as Air America, are heard nationwide whereas others air regionally across a few states.
One of the interviews will be with Mr Ron Reagan who hosts his own programme on Air America called The Ron Reagan Show which airs live in the US during the evening rush-hour. Mr Reagan is the son of the late Ronald Reagan, former president of the US.
Among some of the stations that Dr Chee will be doing is Talk Radio News, American Urban Radio Network, and Head On Radio Network. The programmes on these networks are also broadcast by other stations throughout the
after ah Ju-an was ignored by obamak, master chee now infact didn't welcome him to peesailand.
he even asked the question and puzzled over "why would obamak be visiting peesailand...." chee ah juan was now known to those dubious US radiostation as chee ah Ju-An which made it sound more like a korean and peesailander.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Singapore Opposition Leader Wants Obama To Address Human Rights Abuses During Upcoming Visit
Talk Radio News Service, 9 Nov 2009
Talk Radio News Service Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner speaks with Mr. Soon Ju-An Chee (Chee Soon Juan), the opposition leader in Singapore. Soon Ju-An (Soon Juan) tells Ms. Ratner that he and his supporters would like U.S. President Barack Obama to address the serious human rights abuses taking place in Singapore when he visits that nation later this week. Soon Ju-An (Soon Juan) adds that Obama must hold political leaders in Singapore accountable for various violations involving the country’s legal system and crackdown on the press
more chee smear-talk shows on US radio
Singapore Democrats, 9 Nov 2009
Throughout this week Dr Chee Soon Juan will go on a series of radio shows in America. Some of these shows, such as Air America, are heard nationwide whereas others air regionally across a few states.
One of the interviews will be with Mr Ron Reagan who hosts his own programme on Air America called The Ron Reagan Show which airs live in the US during the evening rush-hour. Mr Reagan is the son of the late Ronald Reagan, former president of the US.
Among some of the stations that Dr Chee will be doing is Talk Radio News, American Urban Radio Network, and Head On Radio Network. The programmes on these networks are also broadcast by other stations throughout the
after ah Ju-an was ignored by obamak, master chee now infact didn't welcome him to peesailand.
Monday, November 2, 2009
lamui & the 17 alibabas

from our last stop.....
lamui was deployed to EGYPT to recover the NOAH OF ARK by master chee who was now more messiah than master. chee was now holeeier than thou. he needed desperately to quench his thirst for revenge against the famiLEE. sadly, each time he did that, he ended up in the big longkang along with all his clownly disciples.
in egypt, lamui encountered the horny 17 alibabas. the trouble with the alibabas, they were more interested in themselves than in her. one of the reasons could be their boobs were anytime bigger than hers or they could be.....(u know lah:p)
helplessly, she just posed her best posture and hoped to garner more other alibabas' attention.
did she retrieve the ARK or did she got only the FARK? whichever it was, who was paying for her journey to the mommy's tomb? did sdppie clan con peasants' dough to sponsor for this holeey trip?
stay tuned for more .....:D
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