Thursday, October 29, 2009

secret mission to the pharoah's tomb

the sdp clan had been in the news again. sadly, the SHITTIMES gave them a miss. master chee was exasperated after being also ignored by SHENG SIONG, a reputable grocerer who was targeted by his hairy bayi sidekick, AMABOLAN.

amabolan was persistently trying to harrass the chio secretary of SHENG SIONG. she was grossly pissed off by this hairy bayi's abnoxious body odour. anyway, SHENG SIONG was doing a leegal biz supplying cheap groceries to peasants while the bayi amabolan was a ruffian who loved using hooligan tactics. well, that was the sdppie's speciality: BULLY THE WEAK BUT WHIMPER AT THE POWDERFUL which was why they targeted SHENG SIONG instead of CUNT. CUNT had the famiLEE's backing and emit a pussy stench which was so familiar akin with sdppies trolls and pussies. they smelled alike and hence it was kinda of ka di lan or family related & orientated.

running out of wits, master chee decided that he would don on his messiah outfit to become MESSIAH CHEE or meesiam chee or missmy chee or whatever. he instucted lamui to embark on a secret journey to EGYPT to hunt for the NOAH OF ARK from one of the pharoah's tomb.

it was now clear that why they were asking for alms and donations. this was the preparation for the SECRET MISSION TO THE PHAROAH'S TOMB - the search for the powderful and legendary ARK.

once messiah chee get his hands on this holey treasure, he could easily defeat the PAPS and the LEEgime with it. wow!! and we thought RAIDER'S OF THE LOST ARK indiana joe had already sealed it up.

would the peasants got their money's worth from the donations they generously and foolishly being CHEETED into sdppie's bank account? would lamui land in the right tomb or would she lay in one of the tomb - permanently? would she divert her attention and instead search for the CROWN OF CLEOPATRA in order to seize power from messiah chee? don't forget, lamui called herself the EMPRESS DOWAGER. the sudden twists and turns churning as the story progresses.......

stay tuned and find out what the outcome would be.

important note: she gotta be back before the arrival of USA obamamamak, the powderful black president. messiah chee was hatching another devious plot for another - what else? public circus show to entertain the world's most powderful man who was visiting peesailand in a couple of weeks.

NOV spells a very exciting month! so better stay tuned for more real-life reporting. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

blue teetusee from taiwan

while SDP is trying to weave the pink teetusee deploying chia sai, over in taiwan there is a BLUE TEETUSEE.

sdppie please pay attention to what BLUE TEETUS can do hor;)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

gaylord chia sai acquired pink kungfu

chia sai was now trying his hand in the pink kungu. he winked at ai-leeahlau who was the reputated pink kungfu master. ai-lee was seduced into the gaylord's mocked up pink teetucave.

there while both alone, gaylord chia sai - in his truest form began emitting teetu-see or pink spider webs to entice and seduce ai-leeahlau into submission.

chia sai wasn't called the pretty boy for nothing. behind his straight and stiff mannerism belied the dual-life of a gaylord who lord over a horde of gayboys lovingly known as teetukias or spiderboys. (do observe his limping hands gesture.) whoever offended chia sia, he would resort to his gaylord mannerism and deploy his teetukias to spam his poor victims who would usually be astounded as to how those pinky teetukias spiderboys got their personal particulars.

those were just little crappy antics that didn't do much damage except pissing his intended victim. li'l brother LEETAHSAR was once such frequently targeted victim.

ai-leeahlau was conned into blurting out his secret manual to chia sai. this could mean to a new beginning to another insiduous plot against the martial arts world of politics. what ai-leeahlau who was the pink activist trying to accomplish all these years might just be destroyed if he were FLIRT&SEDUCE by chia sai. the gaylord had learned well from his troll, lamui who was ever so exponent in FLIRT&DESTROY stance.

maybe lamui could modify it into FLIRT&SEDUCE&DESTROY. ah juan's sis, bull-dog faced chin chin was already seduced by her. ah juan was F&D too along the way. there were pics to show how close now lamui was to the chee's siblings. could they be threesoming on and off?

it was such a sleazy and gleazy world now infecting the SDP clan. everyone seemed to be!

let us now wait until chia sai mastered the deadly PINK KUNGFU plagiarised from the pink master ai-leeahlau. hopefully ai-leeahlau wouldn't end up like their habitual fate of falling into the big longkang and that ai-leeahlau would snap out of chia sai's FLIRT&SEDUCE stance to continue his quest to establish a order for his pink tribe.

until then, u bet there would be more sexciting and pinkie happening soon.

stay tuned....only exclusive to sbf real-life happening in peesailand!:D

SDP clan seeking divine PINK POWER aid

there are a few critierias that need to be straightened up:

1. chiatilik has never claimed his stance as a SDP member. his troll has revealed and exposed him as "still PARTYLESS"

2. then why is SDP engaging him? if he's partyless, is he an unofficial spokesman for sdp?

3. alex au is a gay rights activist which is good for that community. why is SDP engaging into PINK POWER? there are many gay and lesbian members in SDP?

4. what's really behind the motive of this video clip?

it doesn't look as simple as it is. we also just realise the gaylord wisps when he speaks. observe his eye contact and think.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

beware of poisonous LEEgal darts!

the abnoxious 1/2past6 si ye, chia sai finally was hit by his own tricks and treats. a poisonous LEEgal dart shot out suddenly from nowhere to hit him and now stunning the entire martial arts world.

it had confirmed his habits of handling important issue. it also confirmed about his culinary skills which were always half baked, half cooked and half done. for those who dare to taste his 1/2past6 skills would be inflicted with terrible diarrhoea. if that didn't kill him, his 300tael per hour bill would. either that or he would give u his trick after disguising it as treat.

now the table had turned. it was chia sai himself being hit by another poison leegal dart shot out by another mysterious swordsman known as zhu yong zhen who is now hot on his bloody trail. read this rather long winded blog for details:

Friday, October 16, 2009

a duel with the CONDOM HEROES

currently, lamui was involved in the magistrate court. she was charged for trolling and trying to instigate chaos in the martial arts world of politics. she was one of the main components of the crazy dragon deadly 18 blows. however, already a few blows had already absconded. this deadly stance was now maimed, weakened and faced certain nasty chroming from the LEEgime soon. the magistrate would dispense the torture after the interrogation was duly completed.

the silly gang of blurcock disciples cum sdppie clowns of master chee looked hopelessly lost. some like lamui was trying to wriggle her way out by denying her presence and involvement in that crazy dragon deadly 18 blows stance which by the way had now been left with only about 15. their public demo on that stance was such a freak joke which left many peasants laughing in stitches!

lamui being a very suspicious petty troll decided to msn ramseth who was obscenely infatuated with her and had been brutally hit by her deadly FLIRT&DESTROY sinister winks. he was now under her spell.

lamui: ramy, how the mata knew my hideout? u told them is it? u were also a mata kia last time.

ram: no my dear.....i didn't.

lamui, already scheming shot out a F&D stance: ok then. never mind. i miss u, i love u...i beri lonely without u. can we meet tonight? i m horny for u. i zoom in my black sexmobile in about an hour time to pick up for hoolalala, ok?

ram: ON AH!! yes!! on!! what perfume u want me to spray? mandom 69?

soon, a mandomly smelling ramseth was all attired waiting for lamui's sexmobile. wheesh! it was here. swish! and they were gone.

soon the meanacing sexmobile was rambling and humping up and down. there was groaning, moaning and shrieking inside.

scene change....we are now inside the sexmobile observing what was going on with all those XXX grunting sounds.

oh no! ramseth was all bounded up. he was naked with legs held up and tied spread awide. lamui was smirking. chia sai was inside there too. both of them suspected ramseth as the undercover from the LEEgime. they are going to chrome him to get answers.

lamui: u better tell us what u did, u scoundrel!!
ram: i did nothing. i love u dear. why u doing this to me?
c s: give it to him. shuck it in!!

in her hand was an awfully funny little prick. it was a dildo! it was electronically remote controlled. wow! happening!!

lamui: ramy, u double crossed me many times. u fed me with wrong info and made me killed the blurcock piggy leetahsar! although i didn't really do it myself. the nerd JJ was glad to do the dirty work for me. but now....u also sabo me to my arch enemy saikongseng and the matas. why?!!

in a fit of fury, she shucked it into him. the evil dildo began its sinister drilling. was all over soon. ramseth passed out in orgasmic ecstasy. he was thrown off among some bushes with his clothings strewn unceremoniously all over. his thongs was left hanging on a branch swaying with the gentle breeze. all was quiet. only the crickets were singing with an occasional croak from a toad.

poor ramseth! in his effort to please both side of lamui and saikongseng who was also his good buddy had now faced shunning from both parties.

ramseth was rescued by a pair of young lovers who was trying to copulate in the same bush where he was lying out cold.

back at the hospital, ramseth now suffered from chronic diarrhoea from all the dildoing torture he got from lamui. he was dreadfully dehydrated. the wicked chroming with the remote controlled dildo also left him ED. poor thing!! in his daze, suddenly leetahsar appeared in his dream and taught him a new fantastic long lost kungfu stance.

miraculously, he recovered fast soon after that uncanny dream. he practised the skill taught to him and he vowed that he would take revenge on the CONDOM HEROES couple for doing such disservice to him.

stay tuned for the DUEL WITH THE CONDOM HEROES soon.....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

she gotta eat her own words now :(

Tak Boleh Tahan Protest @ Singapore Parliament police video from uncleyap on Vimeo.

she was in the protest according to this videoclip. she was carrying a sleepy kid on her left hand while her right was grasping to another kid.

how would she going to wriggle her way out now by lame arguments and wasting everyone's time in court?:mad:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

saliva aids chiefy khiang with a sudden poison darts

chiefy khiang was rather pissed when the LEEgime shunned him about upgrading his province hougang's old lifts. they bypassed him and treated him non-existence and instead empowered the useless voted-out lackey buah chiku seetoh to make important annoucement.

after ah khiang's powderful words was almost losing its tenacity, SHISH!! zoomed in another poison dart from his sidekick, saliva....

WP rebuts ministry's reply on lift upgrading

I AM responding to the reply from the Minister for National Development's press secretary on Tuesday ('Ministry: MP Low wrong on lift upgrading'), as the Member of Parliament for Hougang, Mr Low Thia Khiang, is currently out of town.

The reply states that the Housing and Development Board's (HDB) letter last Friday ('Why grassroots advisers announce lift upgrading') 'should be read in conjunction with' the minister's earlier explanations to the media.

This acknowledges that the reason given by the HDB in reply to Mr Muhammad Yusuf Osman's letter ('MPs should front initiative', Oct 7) does not stand up to scrutiny.

Mr Muhammad Yusuf had pointedly asked why protocol seemed to be ignored when the HDB worked with the unelected candidates in opposition wards to announce lift upgrading programme (LUP) plans rather than with the elected MPs.

It is not disputed that the LUP is a government programme. After all, it is to rectify a design flaw in public housing which does not cater for an ageing society. Given this imperative, the public interest should trump politics.

Mr Low's letter on Saturday ('No basis for MP not to announce lift upgrading: Low'), responding to the HDB's reply, was not about wanting credit for the programme.

He has stated that he is prepared to work with the Government's appointees for the benefit of his constituents, and indeed has met the grassroots adviser several times over many months to give input on the LUP plans for Hougang.

It was the HDB's unjustifiable answer to Mr Muhammad Yusuf - that the grassroots adviser was more appropriate than the MP to announce the LUP plans because he was able to gather residents' input and marshal support for the plans - which compelled Mr Low's response.

The HDB should have just given the real reason in its reply and not beat around the bush.

The Ministry of National Development's (MND) reply on Tuesday further states that the LUP is funded from Budget surpluses, which opposition MPs are not responsible for generating.

However, the Budget surpluses are hardly the effort of the Government alone as they include significant contributions from the public through taxes, levies and stamp fees, which the Government simply reaps.

Finally, the MND reply also appears to interpret the general election as an event where the only outcome which matters is who forms the government.

This shows the respect the Government has for the people's choice of MP, who is vested with the constitutional mandate to represent the constituency.

Sylvia Lim (Ms)
Workers' Party

the balless truth about being PARTYLESS

the balless truth about being partyless


I]she blogs. she brats. she very lan-C. BUT SHE DARE NOT ADMIT. just like she speaks in SDP videoclip but lately we - yes, distinctively hear n read in black & white that she's NOT a SDP but "partyless".

so how serious is her words and how authentic is her "cause"??

now for the latest kuai lan LAN-Cness with the court. boy! is she going to get it this time to act cute and try to be funny! what a silly troll!

when come to claim credits and accolades, she isn't shy or hesitant about it. well, it says alot of AUTHENCITY, TRUTHFUL & SINCERITY of the whole agenda of SDP. but luckily, she claims she's partyless. what a joke!![/i]

CCB Jaslyn Go!! The TBT video showed her protesting, in court said she not involved!


It was a long and tiring trial for most of us this tranche. Much time was wasted by my two fellow co-defendants Yap and Carl during their cross examination with William Goh.

When it came to be my turn, i thought that by being straight to the point and not wasting time, my questioning would be smooth. It seemed that i was wrong.

The following is my cross examination with DSP William Goh (formerly ASP, was promoted after this case).

Jas : during the material day and time did u see me?

WG : yes

Jas : where did you see me?

WG : I saw her at Parliament Square and subsequently at Funan.

Jas : what was I doing?

WG : at Parliament Square I saw her with a child and same thing at Funan.

Jas : can you please reconfirm your answer that you saw me with only one kid? not two or three?

DJ : Ms Go would you like me to repeat his answer?

Jas : no, I would like the witness to reconfirm his answer.

WG : yes. I rem only 1.

Jas : I didn’t suppose you can point out in the video what i was doing at that point in time.

WG : I don’t know what she was doing unless I see the video again.

Jas : so would u like to see the video again?

DJ : Ms Go, is that necessary?

Jas : depends on the witness as he is the one requesting to see the video in order to identify what I am doing

DJ : We been going through the past few days the video and I am asking if it is necessary for us to waste time watching the video again.

Jas : I am not the one asking the witness to watch the video, instead he was the one requesting to in order to identify what I am doing. However, I can move on to my next question. Mr Goh, did you see me carrying the placards?

WG : no

Jas : did u c me walking from Parliament Square to Funan?

WG : on that day I didn’t recall seeing her walk from Parliament Square to Funan. I saw her at Parliament Square n subsequetly at Funan.

Jas : when u stopped the group at Funan did u notice where I was?

WG : no

Jas : I put it to you that during the entire period you did not notice where I was, what I was doing n whether or not I was in the group.

WG : I saw her in red tee at Parliament Square when group was there n subsequntly at Funan when after some of the group were arrested and remaining those at the back of group then I saw her standing on my right nearer to the staircase of Funan with 2 or 3 other women and men in red tees and some other children.

Jas : you saw me standing at Funan. Am i right?

WG : at funan I saw her somewhere on my right nearer to staircase of Funan with some other men n women wearing red tees and some other children.

Jas : I put it to u that you are here today to testify as a prosecution witness but you have no evidence of me commit any offence.

WG : I believe she was part of the group although I didn’t see her within the activities of the group. Perhaps can see video to confirm that.

Jas : I put it to you that you have no evidence against me but you have to watch the video to verify and even then you can’t verify.

WG : there were so many in the group I don’t recall or specifically keep an eye on Ms Go to specify what she did on that day all the time.

Jas : I rest my case.

It was amazing how DSP William Goh can change his evidence. During DPP’s examination-in-chief, he pointed out that he can only remember some of the defendants, naming Dr Chee, Siok Chin, Gandhi and John. After being taken through the video playback minute by minute over several days by Carl (which the Judge and the DPP did not object) during his cross-examination, it dawned on him that he could identify me.

Judge Chia Wee Kiat and DPP Issac Tan allowed Carl and Yap to go on and on when the questions they asked are neither relevant nor related to their defence.

However, when it came to be my turn, you can see from the above….

let's rewind....

some of her sdppies comrades were arrested on the spot. she and the nerd stripped the fastest and sneaked off thinking they would be safe. yep! safe for the time being but their hideouts and particulars were betrayed by the captured comrades.

at night, the police came a knocking on her door. now the whole abc neighbourhood knows about it.

finally as the accussed in the witness box, she disclaimed her involvement. do not forget she also revealed that she's PARTYLESS, ie, she INS'T a sdppy.

what's the weight of her words now? it's featherweight. u cannot blame her. she's a fishmonger's wife and hence quite balless.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

thum being fuck - the sex pervert snake oil conman

LOL! how can that loser & coward clone knows so much? go think about it.

there was another guy thum being fuck aka bluesotong who visited my li'l brother LTS' very often. he looked like a decent family married guy with 2 grownup sons. could u imagine some joker living in tampines TROPICA driving all the way quite daily to ask LTS out for makan? that wasn't it yet. after makan, he would post LEECH, CHEAT & EXPLOIT. did he mention LTS also pay quite expensively for the meals, i.e LTS gave treats? many who had met my lil brother would have known who was the actual one paying the bills after the makan.

now why would thum being fuck wanna do such silly thing? to drive all the way, pickup my li'l brother to go makan and then accused him of LEECH, CHEAT & EXPLOIT?

but his purpose of acquainting with my li'l brother LTS was a very diabolical one.

could this sex pervert be him? i wonder

his mannerism is the same like the SDP which claims to care and concern for peasants and yet on the other hand appealing for DONATIONS to aid them tide over the costs of leegal suits which they are so fond of accumulating. very strange, contradicting and conflicting clowns, don't u think so?

like i said before, many only try to present a good image about him/herself. but my li'l brother LTS present everything good, bad and the damn ugly side of humanity.

do u hv the guts to do that by the way? anyway, it's for fun reading. nothing serious but those losers and cowards clones are really taking it real bad and resentful.

why huh? why leh?

thanks for pushing this thread to beyond 57K= viewership. that's cool!

master chee's wish comes true!

Oct 13, 2009
Appeal over SDP 5's acquittal
By Zakir Hussain

THE Attorney-General's Chambers is appealing against the acquittal of five opposition leaders and supporters for allegedly taking part in an illegal procession in September 2007.

A spokesman for the Chambers told The Straits Times on Monday that it filed the appeal last week.

Among the five, who were acquitted last week, are Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) leaders Ghandi Ambalam, John Tan and Chee Siok Chin.

The other two are SDP supporters Yap Keng Ho and Chong Kai Xiong.

The defendants represented themselves in court.

The appeal will be heard in the High Court at a date to be fixed.

it is weird. could master chee be possessing some kind of magical wish stone? he hopes to be convicted and now it seems that he gets his wish come true!

Friday, October 9, 2009

WP chiefy low's powderful words

the paps' LEEgime is also exploiting a circumstance to turn the situation into their dire advantages. one such deplorable cheapskate strategy is upgrading of pigeonholes.

the opposition province of hougang which was continuously won by WP CLAN is finally marked for the upgrading. however, the way it is carried belittle the chiefy who rules there namely chiefy low ah khiang.

since ah khiang's kungfu is no where near to lau lee or pinkie his faggoty dong fang bu bai or 侜æ–č歄莄. not to be mistaken with 侜æ–č䞍莄。the former is every eastern step fails whereas the latter means every eastern step SUCCEEDS.

so here's chiefy low's powderful words. his kungfu stance doesn't seem to singe a hair fron the LEEgime. hopefully, his barrage of words would do some damage.

Oct 10, 2009
No basis for MP not to announce lift upgrading: Low
I REFER to the HDB's reply yesterday ('Why grassroots advisers announce lift upgrading').

The HDB deems the grassroots adviser as the appropriate person to announce the lift upgrading programme because he gathers input from residents, ensures that the plans meet residents' needs, can propose changes based on residents' feedback, and seek residents' support.

On what basis does the HDB assume that the Member of Parliament, who has the support of the constituency's electorate, is unable to do the same and is therefore inappropriate to play the same role as the adviser?

The HDB acknowledged that it is the town councils that have an in-depth knowledge of the schedule and status of the works and can coordinate other projects to minimise inconvenience to residents.

Moreover, town councils are required to co-pay for the lift upgrading programme whereas grassroots organisations are not.

Why is the chairman of the town council, the elected MP statutorily responsible for town management and who must decide to pay for the programme, deemed inappropriate to play a leading role in it?

The role of the elected opposition MP in this process is relegated to an administrative role, perhaps merely to authorise payment for the programme from the town council funds.

This is the manifestation of the Government's attitude towards elected opposition MPs, that they are not representative of the constituency but the grassroots advisers are, despite the fact that the grassroots advisers, candidates of the People's Action Party (PAP), had been rejected by the voters in Potong Pasir and Hougang.

I suppose the PAP wants its potential candidates in the next election to claim credit for the programme, although the money does not come from either the PAP or the grassroots organisation. This is playing politics.

I am prepared to work with anyone from the Government for the benefit of my constituents.

However, I feel compelled to respond because the HDB's justification for the role of advisers in opposition wards in the programme touches on the fundamental issue of respecting the will of the people expressed at elections.

The elected MP in opposition wards is here reduced to performing a municipal function.

This says much of the respect of the ruling party for the will of the people expressed at general elections and how mature we are as a democracy.

Low Thia Khiang
Member of Parliament for Hougang

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

so chee prays to his unhooleey dog


master chee is getting his wish answered after praying to his unhooleey dog.

the ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S CHAMBERS is considering whether to appeal against the acquittal.

if the AG were to proceed, it would mean chee can use ths drama to rant even louder to his foreign master under the guise of free speeches, human rights and democrapsy.

such is the way of the evil and cunning chee. but then if AG appeals, it would mean DJ JOHN NG was wrong to acquit them. whatever it was, the action fr SDP didn't in anyway make sgp a better place. it didn't solve any peasants' livelihood problem. it contributed NOTHING. it just wasting more public resources.

does it amount to asset or liability?

if it's LIABILITY, it's always CHEE so do not be CHEETED!

Oct 8, 2009
A-G Chambers mulls appeal
By Kor Kian Beng

THE Attorney-General's Chambers is considering whether to appeal against the acquittal of five opposition leaders and supporters charged with taking part in an illegal procession in September 2007.

A spokesman for the Chambers told The Straits Times on Wednesday that it has up to 10 days to file the appeal.

Among the five who were acquitted this week were Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) leaders Gandhi Ambalam, John Tan and Chee Siok Chin. The other two were SDP supporters Yap Keng Ho and Chong Kai Xiong.

The defendants represented themselves in court while the prosecution was represented by Deputy Public Prosecutor John Lu and Assistant Public Prosecutor Evelyn Jasmine Lee.

District Judge John Ng, in a written judgment on Tuesday, cleared the five of charges of taking part in a procession without a valid permit on Sept 16, 2007.

If convicted, they would have faced a fine of up to $1,000 under the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act.

Read the full story in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

master chee is such a GREAT JOKER CHOKER!

what a joke! whether convict or free them, chee soon juan shall still make helluva noise. how to please such joker?

Judge's decision: Nothing to be elated about, nothing to despair Judge's decision: Nothing to be elated about, nothing to despair
Wednesday, 07 October 2009
Chee Soon Juan

DJ John Ng
Before we pop the bubbly and celebrate the acquittal of my colleagues by District Judge John Ng over the protest walk on 16 Sep 07, it is important to examine the Judge's reasoning behind his decision (read the full Judgement here).

Judge Ng had ruled that the Miscellaneous Offences Act (MOA) under which the defendants had been charged was not unconstitutional. He wrote that "There was no basis for the defendants to attack the constitutionality of the legislation."

Perhaps. But Mr Ng misses the bigger point which is that the police will not approve any application for outdoor political activity. The defendants made this point their main contention.

Put simply: the MOA requires groups of 5 or more to apply for permits. Nothing unconstitutional about this, one might argue, at least not in this part of the Act. After all the Constitution does provide for certain conditions under which the Government can deny such activity. Applications for permits will allow the police to assess each case on its merits.

But the PAP goes to the other extreme where it determines that no outdoor political activity is allowed under any condition. The Judge acknowledges this: "The defendants were able to show by their cross-examinations of the prosecution witnesses that there was a policy not to grant any permit for political events to be held outdoors."

Such a policy or administrative act is not backed up by any law and runs contrary to Article 12 of the Constitution.

So while the legislation (MOA) may not be unconstitutional, the administrative act of denying all applications is. This is the nub of our contention: The Government's decision to ban all political activity in public areas is ultra vires the Constitution.

Defendants had submitted on the case of Boddington v PP in which the UK House of Lords unequivocally and emphatically ruled that if an "administrative act undertaken pursuant to [the parent law] is ultra vires and unlawful and that if he establishes that he has committed no crime."

Unfortunately, Judge Ng ignored this point and simply said that "whether a permit could or could not be obtained is not an issue and would not be relevant." He failed to explain why this point is not an issue or how it is irrelevant.

So the main contention of the defence case was not addressed by the Judge. Does this mean that the case is completely unhelpful to the bigger goal of clawing back our fundamental rights as citizens?

No. As my colleague and defendant John Tan said: "This is the first time a judge in Singapore has conceded that not all political activities (in this instance a protest procession) in public places equals public disorder."

It is a small yet significant concession. Judge Ng acknowledges that the reason why the procession (or walk) did not contravene the MOA and its Rules is because it "did not cause inconvenience to the public, affect traffic flow or make noise which disturbed the public peace."

Call this judgement a judicial baby-step if you will. But isn't it true that all things great always first happen with baby-steps?

So what happens next? The Prosecution may appeal, the High Court may overturn Judge Ng's decision, other judge's may re-look at the cases that are on-going - who knows? In other words, what will come from this one single judgment is unclear. It may or may not lead to bigger things.

What is absolutely clear, however, is that without challenge, the status quo will remain. I am reminded that failure does not come when we fall short, it comes when we don't try - a subject I will talk more about in a subsequent piece.

cold depressive autumn for sdp clan

BryanT - SDP's sad or happy day? Tue 06 Oct 2009 6:45 PM SDP members and supporters won't know whether to laugh or cry over this acquittal.

Obviously, SDP should be euphoric that the acquittal vindicates what they have done in Sep 07. They could also rejoice that the judge has been amicable enough to interpret the law in their favour.

But I would like to remind SDP that it was let off on what seems like a technicality - the lack of a clear legal definition of "progression". Hence the judge has had to rely on a “natural and ordinary” meaning of the word.

SDP should note that this oversight (ie. lack of definition) can be easily corrected by parliament in future, although personally I think we should let it be, besides the fact it would make the government seem retributive to make the amendment at this stage.

On the other hand, SDP has reasons to be sad because the acquittal DEBUNKS their long-held and oft-repeated insinuation that the judiciary is at the beck-and-call of the ruling party. Here was a case whereby the judge has given SDP the benefit of doubt with regards to the law.

Based on its mindset, whenever judgments were proffered that were not favourable to the SDP, it would make accusations of judges being biased and beholden to the government. This mindset is embodied recent accusations made by its supporters of the type as follows:

- Shame on those lap dogs - the judges, ministers, technocrats, etc who are so educated yet have to suck up to one old
peesai miserable man.

- the ruling party has used the whole civil system like the police, army, media and justice to perpetrate the manipulation and suppression on the people

- Everyone knows kangaroos run our courts!

Now that a judge has shown clear and balanced legal mind to acquit these SDP members, the party and its supporter can no longer lay claims to persistent legal suppression. SDP can no longer deliberately breach laws and then attribute their incarceration to miscarriage of justice.

A principled judiciary is not helpful to SDP's cause since it has essentially lost one of its raison d'ĂȘtre to overhaul the Singapore system.

I know a sparrow does not summer make, but overall it's a sad autumn day for SDP.

as usual, sdp hopes for the worst to have happened to them. but when something really nice happen to them, they are confused and depressed.

members, supporters, sympathisers and activists - CONFUSING!!

Judge acquits five SDP leaders and activists
By Ong Dai Lin, TODAY | Posted: 07 October 2009 0703 hrs

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Singapore Democratic Party's logo

SINGAPORE: They have been hauled to court many times for staging protests and other activities in public, with a guilty verdict the regular outcome.

On Tuesday, however, a group of Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) leaders and activists were acquitted of holding a procession without a permit.

On Sept 16, 2007, five of them had marched from Speakers' Corner to Queenstown Remand Prison to mark the first anniversary of a protest led by SDP secretary-general Chee Soon Juan at the World Bank-International Monetary Fund meetings in 2006.

[I]The group, comprising SDP chairman Gandhi Ambalam, assistant secretary-general John Tan, central executive committee [B][U]member[/U][/B] Chee Siok Chin, SDP [B][U]supporter[/U][/B] Yap Keng Ho and [B][U]human rights activist[/U][/B] Chong Kai Xiong, also wore white T-shirts with the words "Democracy Now" and "Freedom Now". [/I]

In his written judgment, District Judge John Ng noted that the group had walked mainly on pedestrian pathways and did not attract "any significant" attention of the public.

They also did not carry any of the usual equipment associated with a protest, such as placards or banners, and the walk did not disrupt pedestrian flow.

The judge said: "It was a group of people walking purposefully in a public place from one point to another, but on this occasion, it never amounted to a procession."

He added that there has to be a distinction drawn between "walking in a group from one point to another, even if it was to commemorate an event, and being part of a procession".

When contacted, Institute of Policy Studies senior research fellow Gillian Koh told MediaCorp: "The judgment suggests at face value that there are political activities that seem to be acceptable which we never thought would be allowed."

She said that political activists should look at the previous cases and the specifics of the judgment, and "they would want to be cautious in staging political activities in order to avoid running afoul of various laws".

The five SDP leaders and activists had been charged for participating in a procession without a valid permit. Each of them could have been fined up to S$1,000 if convicted.

and now there is another new category who are not SDP MEMBER but "human rights activist".

this brings us to the next question. human rights activists, are they on its neutral position or representing a political party such as SDP? if they do represent a political party, why then aren't they subscribed themselves as "MEMBERS"? what's the logic behind ths for not bold enough to enrol as "MEMBERS"?

yet, the SDP is claiming that their "membership is growing from strength to strength". isn't this confusing the peasants and putting up a fake picture about their real supports? confusing enough or not?

magistrate also sianz to charge SDPpies craps now

Oct 7, 2009
SDP five cleared
By Kor Kian Beng, Political Correspondent

THREE leaders and two supporters of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) were acquitted in court on Tuesday of the charge of taking part in an illegal march in 2007.

The SDP leaders were Mr Gandhi Ambalam, chairman; Mr John Tan, assistant secretary-general; and Ms Chee Siok Chin, central executive committee member. The supporters were Mr Yap Keng Ho and Mr Chong Kai Xiong.

The five were cleared of charges of taking part in a procession without a valid permit on Sept 16, 2007. If convicted, they would have faced a fine of up to $1,000 for the offence under the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order & Nuisance) Act.

District Judge John Ng, in a written judgment, said he acquitted the five on the sole ground that he did not consider what they had done a 'procession'.

'The prosecution's position appears to be that so long as a group of five or more people walked from one point to another point in a public place to commemorate an event, the people in that group had participated in a procession for the purposes of the Act...I am not able to agree with such a simplistic interpretation of the word 'procession',' he wrote.

The walk by the SDP five was held to mark the first anniversary of a similar protest planned for September 2006, when the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings were held in Singapore.

whether the magistrate charged, jailed or screwed sdppies disciples, there would always be some far fetched comments from those clowns. if they had broken the law, then they would be charged. when they were charged, they would rant like loudhailers as though they were higher than the law.

now they were set free. magistrate was too sianz with their looney antics. he knew they were broke to poor or even got money also refused to pay. jailing them would be wasting the country's rice.

the wise magistrate decided to free them. such a kind and compassionate magistrate! even after freeing them, they wasn't any words of thanks or appreciationg. the rantings continued.....

typical sdppies disciple - whether u jailed them or free them, there is always lame comments. they are still thinking they are the law and above the law.


Monday, October 5, 2009

why ah lian loves ah juan?

Originally Posted by amsyl

Chee Soon Juan
I met Chee Soon Juan two years ago at a barbeque organised by The Online Citizen in East Coast Park. He brought his wife and three daughters with him. I had a friendly chat with him.

I met him on a few subsequent occasions. I gave some puzzles, quizzes and my books to him to give to his daughters. I have always wondered about how difficult life must be for his daughers in school.

I have spoken to Chee Soon Juan spoke on a few occasions and heard him speak at public meetings. He came across as being a sensible person and has some views about what is good for Singapore. I agree with his views on the need to have to promote democracy and to have a government that reflects the aspirations of the people and is accountable to the people.

The mainstream media has painted a negative picture of Chee Soon Juan. Many Singaporeans perceive him in a negative light, which I believe is a wrong perception. I hope that they will have the chance to meet him and listen to him, or read his views in this blog.

I met a friend at a coffee shop this morning. I told him about my views of Chee Soon Juan and his family. He agreed with me. He had heard a story that Soon Juan's daughter had to speak up in class and tell her classmates, "My father did not commit any crime". He was emotional; tears came down from his eyes when he said, "I wonder how any parent would feel if our own daughter had to face this kind of difficulty in the class".

I like to wish Chee Soon Juan, his wife and three daughters all the best as they face the difficulty of life in Singapore. I hope that more Singaporeans will come forward to express their support to him and his family.

Tan Kin Lian
Posted by Tan Kin Lian at 12:07 PM

the sins of the father fall on the daughters. chee doesn't care about the dilemma his family or anybody faces. he's just bent on having his personal vendetta and revenge on the famiLEE.

just look at his mesmerised clowns who followed him into the big longkang. those clowns are but just his pawns which are dispensable and disposable.

another tonic or toxic soup brewing in ah lian's cauldron. tan ah lian the former chiefy of CUNT was all passive and neutral about CUNT's management and bureaucry.

once he left, he had never stop ranting about CUNT and the LEEgime's mismanagement. why like dat one huh? why leh?

not long ago, he sucked up to master chee. were they passively in love now? a new dawn of BROKEBACK MT FABER soon?

interesting! the pains in the butt they had to go through to accomplish their hidden intention, that is, to be dominant ruler of the martial arts world of politics.

wow!! interesting indeed!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

lau lee in ABC moonlighting

last nite lau beh see lee was in abc market instead. shit! and that was suppose to be queenstown. weird! it's confusing! so abc is queenstown and queenstown is not abc??

abc was the territory of the haggling fishmonger troll. she just loved to tekan baey ayam. she even comprained the poor korean hunk look alike to lau lee over petty illeegal parking summon and bangala parading at her lift landing.

and now or rather yesterday nite when the MOON was bright and round, lau lee - the overlord of peesailand turned up in her territory. what did she do? MIA - missing in action. she should ve approached lau lee and repeated her accusation against baey ayam. sh must add that baey ignored her or baey got hots for her. whatever it was, maybe she could have found baey sexier and cuter than her 1/2pastsix. must be regretting missing the forest for a lame tree. LOL!

so lau lee was there meeting the peasants and having mooncake with them when i said mooncake, i really mean MONSTER MOONCAKE - the biggest u ve ever seen next to lau lee's full moon.

but the abc fishmonger troll was missing. just when the loud ranting was most needed, she was missing in action!

why huh? why leh?

Friday, October 2, 2009

any aftermath after the dinner?

wow! tonic or rather toxic soup brewing in slow fire in the SDP's cauldron.


wonder was there any after dinner aftermath or to put it directly: after dinner entertainment?

it was quite tense that dinner. SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO was also missing from her zany newtissuepaper leeporting. TOC or the terokonlineclown leeporters were also missing. why so many missing this year? was it because JBJ was permenantly missing and so they follow suit?

one thing for sure: the atmosphere this evening was very different from last year's.