our self-proclaimed jianghu heelo chia sai is now facing tonnes of headaches. but being the AH Q natural, he incessantly blames everything and everyone around except himself. it's the gov fault. er no! the system fault...no again, my bike fault cos it breaks down on me. goodness! he comes so close to blaming lamui - probably the REAL fault who jinxes up his otherwise blissfully marriage.
the indecent liasion with lamui strained his relationship with his newly married wife. it created much hurts and emotional toils on many = the wifey, her parents, chia sai, his parents, lamui n her parents and finally the innocent la ge and his family not forgetting the teletubbies children.
chia sai's latest whinnings are loud and ranting. but in actual fact, it just show how weak, arrogant and ignorant stubborn idiot he really could be. if 2.5 tael of gold summon by the imperial magistrate could awaken him, it's all worth it! but knowing the stubborn ox, i m afraid it needs a bigger dosage to shove it up its anal-retentive arse before the clear-cut message could even reach his thick-skulled brain. sad stubborn ox!! never really learn a thing. sad indeed!
ChiaTiLik the half past 6 lawyer,think PAP dare not face him in the elections. hahah -----------------------------------------------------------
I want to retire from Politics – and they are giving me the chance to go with a bang!
Of late I had been hit with a heavy bout of lethargy because work has been treating me badly and I was nursing a depressed mood because my bikes were breaking down and my audio system is not performing the way it should.
My political comrades could not pull me out of the rut simply because they did not understand how i feel. They are firstly non-lawyers, secondly non-audiophiles and thirdly non-bikers.
I have 6 amplifiers and 3 were in the workshop, the other 3 dont perform well and were spewing noise.
I have 3 motorcycles, 1 is perpetually in the workshop, 1 is almost breaking down and the final I still do not have the balls to ride.
I have something like 25 active matters, and I think they don’t bring in enough money.
Worse still, I was summoned for questioning by Mr. S Vikie of Central Police Division, Singapore Police Force for my role in the screening of One Nation Under Lee sometime last year. This investigation came at 12th June 2009 a very opportune time when i was feeling down and depressed. I was told that this morning an entourage of 5 supposed officers came to serve me some papers at my office, the service failed because i was not in simply because my stupid bike was not performing the way it should, i was somewhere on the CTE.
I have not seen the papers yet but i can almost be sure that they are linked to the investigations conducted earlier.
I had decided that i wanted to disengage from it all. But it seems that they would not allow me to. Why? was the question that featured in my head.
The Police had framed a possible charge of me obstructing a public servant in the situation of the private movie screening some time last year [more writings soon on this event to show how stupid the entire system has become]. This charge carries a fine of S$2,500/- .
The fine of S$2,500 stared at me in the face. it was no surprise. If i am convicted of this charge i would be disqualified from running in elections.
Now why would they want to disqualify me from running in the elections? That is the question
Is it because they dare not face me again at the polls and the ballot box?
Like i said, I really had enough I had originally wanted to retire from politics for good but it seems that certain idiots choose to keep me engaged.
From the way it seems either they like me too much so much so that they want to keep me in the game or they are too worried of my next challenge and are too ballless to face me on the rally stage. In the light of the depression and exhaustion and lethargy, these facts are the solemn confirmation that the right approach to challenge the PAP has been found. Because, this makes them lose their balls.
For the PAPpies reading this, let me say this to you:
The proper way to demolish your opponent would be to find your balls to face him and square off at the proper arena, thereafter seek to give him something like a vote score below the 20% mark by either branding him as a chauvinist, an extremist, a psychopath or you know what. Dig up whatever scandal you can find that will be the challenge
Don’t be a crybaby and hide behind someone’s skirt. And seek to prevent people from contesting against you. It does not work well for your whatever little balls and guts that you may have or whatever shards of self-esteem and psyche still remaining.
Relax boys, though you lack the balls, there is no need to fear actually, because elections are actually a very tedious affair for the opposition.
Furthermore, this elections will also be a non-starter. Firstly things dont look bright enough for a successful challenge. Secondly I don’t think many of us have the funds. I am due to settle the division of matrimonial assets flowing from my divorce and I would find difficulty finding the funds to make the 2nd electoral challenge. Thirdly, the ground has not shifted. Furthermore, relatives are already laughing at my stupidity of not keeping money for myself You see… In Singapore spending your own hard earned money for opposition politics is not deemed as a very wise move
In GE2006, I spent like $13,000 or so on election expenses. That i think it is a brand new choice 400cc bike thrown away, or alternatively 3 very very very capable power amplifiers.
Therefore, if you give me the choice, i actually think i will not be running this round. However, in the event i were to be made to pay S$2,500 to sit out an election that would be a blessing . Firstly i would save money and energy and time. Secondly, i can save the energy and solve my personal issues. Lastly but most importantly, it further gives me the chance to run down the entire PAP as totally BALLLESS and without the guts to face an opponent like me. In the realm of politics, to be put in a position to denigrate an entire ruling party like that is like getting manna from heaven.
This allows me to go off the political arena with a bang Take it that this is a big thank you from me.
More expressions of gratitude will come soon – in the form of tributes and exaltations of the ruling party never seen before.