to be honest, there isn't. there are many vengeful spirits mainly enamanating fr the pap where many backdoor mps could be facing their graves soon. yep! asa la vista, baby!! u ve your thrill screwing peasants for 5 yrs. it's about time, u'll be put to rest...and rest in peace.
from lau goh, as usual his super bionic kaisu and kiasi spirit prevail. his pair of detestable spirits always foul the GE atmosphere. there the immortal spirit. piangzz!! gone was his wife. gone were his many kakis. and now even gone is SAI BABA...but this immortal spirit still remains.
when he remains means i shall be robbed off my rights to vote. yep!! ve waited like more than 20 yrs and was eagerly hoping i could vote. but NO!! so how long must i wait? he dies first or i go first? he dies, i may be able to vote. at last!! i go first means i shall complain to the KING OF HADES. i m a victim robbed by the immortal sinkie spirit of my rights to vote
now all his backdoors metrosexual mps who are just plain decorative vases materials, who promise to speak for voters...but what voters??? WE DON'T GET TO VOTE!! fuck you and fuck you dead!
now singaporeans maybe a gullible lot - a stupid foolish spirit who are easily appeased by angpows which are to be distributed soon. then what? in exchange for their precious sacred votes! what else?!!
once that LEEGALISED transaction is completed, the fates of ALL singaporeans are sealed or rather SCREWED for the next 5 long yrs. so after the GE, there sure to be many whinning, moaning and regretful spirits.
so where are the TRUE HEROIC SPIRIT in singapore? u wanna show it now by voting out the lording spirit that piss our livelihood, making many breathless and suffocating for irrational increases. they don't want us dead and stiff. they only want half of our spirit and keeping the other half alive for us so that everyone can slave to enrich their domination.
so it's NOW OR NEVER! show singapore, we are spirited. we truly want a lst class gov with lst class opposition in parliament to speak for us. we don't wanna choke. and surely we don't want to be screwed until we are half dead and under thier mercy.
oh no! not this. not the next!
so brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, let combine our tortured spirit and VOTE THE HELL OUT OF THE PAP! time to cast out the EVIL SPIRIT that lord over us for so long. time to paste our TALISMAN and exorcise all their nonsense once and for all!
that TALISMAN is our VOTE....and VOTE THE PAP OUT!! or there might NOT be another 2nd chance.
pap, prepare to say your ASA LA VISTA! we shall pray for you...and pray the hell out of you!
Last edited by leetahbar; Today at 05:00 PM.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
in cold storage - 打入冷宫

sdp clan's kamizaki gang minus lamui
The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) unveiled its first batch of six candidates for the upcoming General Election (GE) on Thursday, at a press conference held at The Landmark Village Hotel.
SDP secretary-general Dr Chee Soon Juan said the slate of candidates the party will be fielding in this GE are ‘high-calibre professionals’ and ‘committed Singaporeans’ who will make this GE about the people.
The six candidates are: Dr James Gomez, 46; Ms Michelle Lee, 35; Mr Jarrod Luo, 27; Mr John Tan, 49; Ms Teo Soh Lung, 62; and Dr Vincent Wijeysingha, 40.
It is yet to be announced which constituencies these six candidates will be fielded in.
Dr Gomez said he personally feels like, in his own words, “a new me” and that he feels more “refined – in terms of my thoughts on policies”. He says, “I feel more politically stronger. And it’s not just me. I have the opportunity to work with a new operating system: the revitalized and energetic SDP team that will be working hard for the people.” Dr Gomez joined the SDP last November. He is currently the Deputy Associate Dean (International) and Head of Public Relations at the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences at Monash University, Australia.
Ms Michelle Lee, 35, is a English and Literature teacher, and has first-class honors in Government and Economics. “Singapore is on a bullet train of so called progress,” Ms Lee said, “However many Singaporeans do not have the opportunity to catch this train and are falling behind. Their real life problems are not given any weight.” She also cited the rising costs of living and the influx of foreign labor as the reasons for putting many Singaporeans under intense pressure. She also urged the voters to carefully consider the very many issues that affect them. She reiterates, “The government should be the servant of the people and not the masters.”
“Being involved in politics is, ultimately, to serve the people,” says first-time candidate Mr Luo. He is the Honorary Secretary of the Youth Wing of the SDP: The Young Democrats. He joined the SDP back in 2008. Mr Luo says he is looking “forward to serving them (the people).”
Mr John Tan, fondly called “my trusted assistant” by Dr Chee, highlighted empowerment or rather the lack of, as a key issue in Singapore. “I have studied intrinsic motivation and empowerment,” Mr Tan said. “But, when I look around me, many of my fellow Singaporeans experience anything but empowerment. And that is something I want to bring to this country. It is something that everyone has to feel for themselves and I believe that the PAP Government has stolen that from us. How can we feel empowered when every time things go wrong, we get blamed and when every time things go right, they get the glory?” Mr Tan is the Assistant Secretary-General of the party. He is also a social psychologist who spent ten years in the United States researching and writing on intrinsic motivation and empowerment.
Ms Teo Soh Lung, a widely known political figure, is a former lawyer who is also the co-founder of the Law Society Criminal Legal Aid Scheme. Ms Teo was embroiled in controversy when she called for the Government to withdraw the Legal Profession Amendment Bill which had sought to take away the rights of the Law Society to comment on legislation. She was later, in 1987, arrested and incarcerated without trial under the Internal Security Act. She was released four months later but was imprisoned again for refuting the Government’s allegations against her. She was finally released in 1990.
Ms Teo recounted her state of mind after her release. “I had wound up my legal practice and I seriously contemplated moving to a less developed country in Asia where I can contribute something,” she said. It was then that her mother’s health took a turn for the worse and she stayed back and worked on her memoir (Beyond the Blue Gate). “A few years later, I thought through my decision in the position of a Singaporean. I thought, ‘Why should I leave Singapore when there is so much to be done here?’ I am no quitter so I decided to stay. And I wish to contribute to my own country.”
“We are in the presence of greatness,” quipped Dr Vincent Wijeysingha, referring to what Ms Teo. Dr Wijeysingha cited Ms Teo’s memoir as one of the things that brought him into politics. Dr Wijeysingha is the Executive Director of Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) which is a non-government organization which advocates the rights of migrant workers. Dr Wijeysingha is also believed to be responsible for heading the SDP team which drew up the Shadow Budget 2011 (click here) the SDP’s economic programme.
Dr Wijeysingha focused on the PAP’s policy framework which was first revealed in their public statement on 19 March 2011 and later solidified in their manifesto, which was released a few days ago. Dr Wijeysingha pointed out a few interesting events that happened in that gap (between the public statement and the manifesto).
Among the events highlighted were, Tampines Group Representative Constituency (GRC)’s Member of Parliament (MP), Mr Mah Bow Tan’s comment, “A massive amount of reserves is more important than housing the people” (which Mr Mah Bow Tan reiterated to the Straits Times again); and Tanjong Pagar GRC’s MP Ms Indranee Rajah’s letter to the Straits Times which implied that ‘dictatorship is more important than the people of Singapore.” Dr Wijeysingha labels these comments as “deeply revolting.”
“This is the time for the people to make a decision on Singapore,” he said.
initially, master chee was engrossed in lamui's deadly FLIRT&DESTROY kungfu. trying to get fresh, she was always squaating, kneeling or even nudging next to master chee during every group photoshoot.
now as the GE drew near, setting aside personal preferences, a new unheard swordswoman MICHELLE was substituted to take on a GRC led by gomez who was now training his aborigine deadly skills in oz.
it was a queer coincidence! michelle was also the name of wifey of chia sai. chia sai was also a victim of FLIRT&DESTROY deadly stroke of seduction which caused the breaking up of his marriage to michelle. and now another MICHELLE appeared....what irony!
the new greenhorn MICHEELE displaced lamui from the GRC team. would she be permanently put into SDP CLAN's deep freezer or as the chinese phrase put it: 打入冷宫 ??
.....more to come, stay tuned.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
chia sai critically injured by ng ah teck
months ago, deadwood ng ah teck and pretty boy chia sai joined forces to form SF CLAN. as the GE drew nearer, ng ah tech was too excited. he wanted to be in the limelight. he wanted more lime and light than chia sai who at the other hand was as limelight lover as ah teck.
to be in the forefront of the limelight, ng ah teck executed a terrible deadly deadwood palm smack right into chia sia's vital organ. with a yelp!, chia sai now suffered terrible internal and critical injury. SF now hinged in a very precarious position with internal massacre taking place anytime now....and pap didn't even need to send any ninja to obliterate SF. what a joke!!
to be in the forefront of the limelight, ng ah teck executed a terrible deadly deadwood palm smack right into chia sia's vital organ. with a yelp!, chia sai now suffered terrible internal and critical injury. SF now hinged in a very precarious position with internal massacre taking place anytime now....and pap didn't even need to send any ninja to obliterate SF. what a joke!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
JJ and his powderful brush of deceit
it was spring soon in peesailand. the other season was summer there. the birds were chirping happily. the mangoes were in full bloom with tempting fruits hanging in big bunches. the fever was on. it was real hot. THE GE FEVER!! JJ being the dwarf elf with the deadly groin kick was keeping low. he had too. he was only like barely 3ft tall. beside his deadly elf balls kick, JJ had another secret weapon - his powderful brush. just look what he now trying to sabotage saikongseng of NSP CLAN and the rest of the opp clans...or for that matter any clans that was fighting against the leegime except the decepticons SDP CLAN. Why is NSP such a bully? (Part 1) April 5th, 2011 Author: Contributions I read this news (See with great disappointment in NSP. Why is NSP not keen on RP’s proposal to exchange Pioneer SMC and Radin Mas SMC with Chua Chu Kang GRC? We have all seen RP worked the ground for the past two years (especially in Pioneer, West Coast, Chua Chua Kang and Hong Kah) since Kenneth Jeyaretnam became the Secretary General of RP. Moreover, RP is among the first to announce that it will be contesting at West Coast GRC, Chua Chu Kang GRC, Pioneer SMC, Hong Kah North SMC and Radin Mas SMC (See on the same day the electoral boundaries were released. I know this because I “Like” all opposition facebook page since 2009 (those with facebook page) and I have been seeing RP update its status on facebook about its walkabouts in these locations but not for NSP. Let me give you a very obvious example -_ I challenge Steve Chia who is set to contest in Pioneer SMC to show pictures of his walkabouts (or even NSP’s walkabouts) in Pioneer BEFORE the election boundaries were announced. I can tell you this guy is an opportunist who had previously announced his retirement in GE2006 on 20 March 2006 (see and but now he is back to “fight” with RP for Pioneer SMC. We all know that the PAP will benefit most from any 3-corner fight. I urge all opposition parties to be fair and only contest in the area which you have been working the ground. I also urge all Singaporeans to vote for the opposition party who had worked the ground and not any other opposition who are “opportunist”. So why is NSP being such a bully? Maybe NSP likes to harbour “moles”? Or is NSP set to be the next “approved” opposition party? I will explain why I think NSP likes to harbor “Moles” in my next letter. . JJ
Friday, April 1, 2011
the mrbrown show: election day
did the paps machinery deprive most singaporeans the rights to vote OR there isn't authentic opposition opponents to challenge the paps? why then the need GRCs even though paps has already a winning streak? paps could be the origin and mother of KIASUISM & KIASEEISM unigue to singapore :( would i be able to exercise my rights to vote this GE or another walkover?? :(( I WANT TO VOTE, PLEASE!!
did the paps machinery deprive most singaporeans the rights to vote OR there isn't authentic opposition opponents to challenge the paps? why then the need GRCs even though paps has already a winning streak? paps could be the origin and mother of KIASUISM & KIASEEISM unigue to singapore :( would i be able to exercise my rights to vote this GE or another walkover?? :(( I WANT TO VOTE, PLEASE!!
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