lamui and her new beau
as the GE contest held every 4 yrs drew near, SDP CLAN after having started a few subsidiaries clans such as USD where lamui ruled and SF where chiasai ruled began their deadly smoky skill. it was called the FOGGY CONFUSION OF DUALITY.
in this grand martial arts contest which only happened once every 4 or 5 yrs in peesailand, all the clans pitted their formidable kungfus against the familee and their minions the PAPPIES. it was during this particular period that peasants were given the golden opportunaity to select the dominant clan to rule over them. whichever clan got the highest votes, shall rule for the next 4 or 5 yrs and were entitled to milk the poor peasants high and dry. balls would be grasped and butt painfully screwed and many would be milked dry.
it had happened in the past GE contests and each time the familee and their minion pappies were elected to rule over them. it was like a habitual ritual. peasants moaned, groaned, cursed and swore at the pappies and their avaricious leegime but when come GE, again they voted them in. peesailand was such a strange sado-machoistic country that seemed to enjoy being screwed pain pain.
but wait, this coming GE would be very anticipating. could it be that peasants need a different style of painful screwing? the ground felt the presence of many opposition clans that were fully equipped with kungfu exponents blessed with certain secret deadly skills that boast to be able to tackle the pappies and defeat at least a few of them so that the opp winner could rule over a certain province.
SDP CLAN was very active. many had suspected that this could be a pappy's mole deployed to mess things up for the collective opp clans. master chee with his devious plan had set up shops in another few opp clans - USD and SF.
the notorious CONDOM HEROES team of lamui and chiasai were deployed as the respective chiefies. but wait, report from JJ, the turdy nerd who was master in shapeshifter just came in....
Jaslyn Go: Social activist, potential election candidate
March 29, 2011 by admin
Filed under: Current Affairs and Politics
Written by Ng E-Jay
29 March 2011
On Monday, the Straits Times introduced Ms Jaslyn Go as a potential election candidate for the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). She was seen making her rounds at Yuhua constituency, an area formerly a part of Jurong GRC. If she contests in Yuhua, she will likely be facing PAP’s Grace Fu.
But what the Straits Times did not report was the heart-rending story of a 39-year old female resident of Yuhua, who is living in dire circumstances, and who told the SDP team that all she wanted was a decent paying job so that she could care for her family and “keep our heads high with dignity“. [1]
Mdm Tan is living in a 3-room flat with her three children. The SDP reported that she had lost her job as a cleaner because she would take time off to attend to her children whenever one of them fell ill. Mdm Tan had sought the help of her Member of Parliament, Ms Grace Fu, but to no avail. The utilities in the flat, including electricity and water, are under threat of being disconnected. [2]
The SDP team provided Mdm Tan and her children with basic necessities and also brought along a doctor to render medical assistance to one of her kids.
Jaslyn Go has been involved in this kind of community work and social activism for over a year with the SDP, way before she had any inkling that she might be a potential election candidate.
I believe one of the first community initiatives she participated with SDP was a visit to a nursing home in September 2009.
Jaslyn’s career in social activism has its roots in her keen observation of the problems ordinary people face in their day-to-day chores.
In February 2009, she came across an incident in which a Tanjong Pagar Town Council staff member was loudly and publicly berating a cleaner for not doing his work properly. Even if the worker was not up to scratch, Jaslyn pointed out that there was no necessity for such behaviour from the council staff. She wrote to the town council to register her concern and to ask that all workers be treated with respect. (See here and here.)
But Jaslyn’s involvement in political and civil activism goes back even further than that.
She was one of the Tak Boleh Tahan 18 who were charged in court for participating in an assembly and procession without a permit in March 2008. The group of 18 had commemorated World Consumer Right’s Day by holding a press conference at Parliament House and a subsequent walk-about at Funan Centre. Some members had also carried placards and distributed flyers engaging Singaporeans on the issue of the rising cost of living.
Fast forward to today, three years later, and the mainstream media finally acknowledges that the escalating cost of living is indeed one of the “hot-button” election issues. [3]
Three years ago, activists and SDP members had already sounded the alarm that Singaporeans were being hurt by rising inflation. However, it is only today, when the elections are drawing near, that the issue is brought out into the open by the media. It is three years too late, and countless individuals like Mdm Tan of Yuhua constituency have suffered under the failed policies of the PAP.
was it confusing?
which clan was lamui suppose to be representing? wasn't she the chiefy of USD or U SEE DITDIT CLAN? why was she now a sdppy? even more confusing: she had never admitted she was a sdppy. she always boasted how faked up chilvarous of her to remain partyless and pantyless.
it was a devious hoax meticulously schemed by none other fraudster master chee ah juan. so now it appeared that many peasants were thoroughly confused. who should they vote?
the beauty of SDP CLAN's evil plan was to delegate notorious stinky name such as lamui to divert peasants' votes for more appropriate opp clans. SDP would hence dilute the overall opp votes to ensure that the pappies would garner a superior votes to eventually win the province over.
suppose there were only one opp candidate challenging a pappy for a certain province. the voting would be simple: it was either opp or pappy, i.e, a 50 vs 50 chance.
in come SDP ever ready to mess up the almost fair competition. it was going to be a 3-corners fight. maybe pappy got 40%, another opp got 30% and sdp got the balance of 30%. result: pappy WINS!! if without the presence of sdp, probably the opp could end up with 60% and of course, the result : opp wins!!
as the GE was drawing nearer, SDP CLAN's of initiating their deadly FOGGY CONFUSION DUALITY began to get thicker. it muddled up the peasants' sight and confused their thoughts. they were now quite foggy brained and chances were the pappies might just win this contest all over again.
no thanks to the sdp clan!