he asked: suppose ang mo michael from the pap win the GE, it means that the whole GRC is just a fallacy cos michael is from the minority and yet voters still choose him.
the purpose of GRC is to make sure minority gets represented in parliament. the actual ethic should be sufficient opp mps should be included in parleement to represent the opposing voices in peesailand. for the record from the last GE, tbe opposing voices stood at 33.3% and this were only represented by 2 opp mps. fair?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
RP now and PR tomorrow
PR here stands for Permanently Resigned, i.e, no longer RP member after brief joining. what could be wrong with RP after grandmaster JBJ's death? could it be like what was alleged about KJ's difficult persona?
frankly most of opp parties kungfu masters were quite similar in such lofty i-say-u-follow attitude. if that were to continue, losing GE would be inevitable. even if wards were to be won, internal conflict and strife might still persist and make their victory a mockery and a great disappointment to the voters.
the opp masters and their disciples had just got to get their act right and in tandem. sadly, this is easier said than done. a strong reliable and respectful leadership appeared to be missing in the opp clans.
The past few days were sheer torture as I was caught up by the political turmoil in Reform Party. Many people have already knew that I have joined Reform Party then and equally shocked to learn that I have left them only after a few weeks.
For the record, I have left Reform Party on my own accord and did so before the news broke out for the departure of the other nine members. I was not influenced in any way by their infamous departure.
I have never thought that my short encounter with politics would be that colourful and eventful and I am only into my second month! My learning curve in politics has taken on a fourth gear ride…
Never in my wildest dream would I imagine myself to join a political party and quitting it a few weeks later…it was a personal setback to say the least.
I actually took a few days off to clear my head and hope to make a come back soon given that my political ambition is still very much alive. The episode though disappointing has also allowed me to fast-track on my political learning curve.
I have heard that politics can be difficult and taxing but could never fathom that the emotional stress can be that overwhelming especially when something went that awry. I must be on every major newspaper and socio-political sites by now.
I joined the party after speaking with Kenneth – Reform Party’s Secretary General – on the first week of February. I took a week to think through before making up my mind to join them.
Before that, we have a few email exchange while I was still residing in Sydney. It was all very cordial but superficial.
We met up in Starbucks Orchard and though it was only an hour of chat, I knew that this guy is serious in what he is doing and more importantly very driven.
Nevertheless, despite his (Kenneth Jeyaretnam's) mesmerizing presence, he also came across as somewhat detached and rather aloof. He hardly smiles and if he does, it is artificial and almost unnoticeable.
I was caught in a dilemma as though I like the party’s mandate and his overwhelming presence, I am rather uncomfortable with his persona.
I knew that if you could not work well with the party’s secretary general, you will be in for a rough time. The many unpleasant incidents that I read from the press involving opposite parties have really put me on my guard.
After deliberating between Reform Party (RP) and National Solidarity Party (NSP), I took the calculated risk of joining RP – knowing fully that my decision could be wrong. It was one of those decision that you knew you have to do despite the fact that it may carry some form of risk.
I preferred to take some calculated risk than err on the side of caution. My adventure with life has somewhat geared me to do that and having live abroad for a while, I guess I am more risk-taking and battled than most people when it comes to handling adversity.
Walk-abouts and questions
I went for a few rounds of walk-abouts with the team and realized that they have a lot of youth joining them. I have never seen so many youth coming out on a week day doing something that is so meaningful and life-exchanging and it was a very motivational moment for me.
If this group of youth can come out of their busy schedule to knock on doors for Singapore without any personal agenda on a week day, how can I not come out and do the same if I want to stand up as a political candidate during the next election?
Nevertheless, the nagging question remained: Where is Tony and Hazel and why are most of the walk-abouts dominated by the youth? Where are all the adults or potential candidates? It is perplexing and no one is willing to talk about such matter with me.
Though I don’t really know Tony and Hazel well enough, we have exchanged several facebook messages last year and they struck me as decent people who believed in what they are doing. They have also spoken well of Reform Party then and have asked me to join them if I returned to Singapore.
We lost contact for the whole of last year and I reckoned that they must be busy with work and other matters.
I have also never contacted them at all when I deliberated on whether to join Reform Party or not. I felt that such decision is best made by myself independently and I don’t like to be unduly influenced by anyone.
Moreover, Kenneth seems to be the main man in the party and despite repeated denials, one could not help but believe that ultimately he will call the shots when it comes to the shove. The gnawing fear that this is yet another one-man party is undeniably strong.
After a few rounds of walk-abouts and casual chats with Kenneth, I felt that indeed I have real difficulty connecting with him.
He is rather introverted in nature though I knew that he tried his very best to connect with the people around him. We chatted casually a few times and it was mostly very official and on party’s matters. My heart sank as I would prefer a more than cordial relationship with the party’s secretary-general if possible. At least, I would want to see the SG to be someone who is approachable and forthcoming.
If he is always seen to be putting up walls around him then it will be difficult for anyone to come and share their life with him.
Many of us have paid a great price to join opposition politics thinking that we can do something for our country. Friends and even family members may shun away from us when we join the opposition.
Some have also place their rice bowl in jeopardy and families have crossed swords with one another when their loved ones join opposition politics.
Personally, my wife has told me that she will divorce me if I join politics.
There is this fear that is so ingrained in many of us that once a person joins opposition politics, he has already sign his death certificate and he is on a journey of no happy return.
Singapore’s culture
Maybe in Singapore or Asia in general, most of us prefer a more casual working relationship with our fellow party members especially when opposition politics is seen as daunting and intimidating.
Our government’s unrelentless use of suits to knock opposition candidates down have definitely sent out a chilling message to the opposition field – its going to be a hard ride if you want to join the opposition politics. You will also rub shoulders easily the wrong way given the tension in the opposition party camp.
Of course, one could not expect the SG to bring himself so low that no one will respect him but at least he should be seen as approachable and communicative.
If possible, he should find out more about the strengths and weaknesses of his members or potential election candidates and try to provide him as large a platform for him to manovure politically as possible. More importantly, the potential candidates need time and room to move around freely so that he will find his niche and political acumen over time.
Most of us come in to serve politically after counting the cost and if we encounter too many shut-off or close-door, we may as well not join politics at all and remain as normal citizens or arm chair critics.
By the third week after joining RP, I was already feeling very edgy and uncomfortable mainly with the disappearance of my couple friend and my inability to connect well with my SG.
I called Kenneth and told him that I wanted to have a chat with him face to face. The first thing he asked me was: “Are you pulling out?” I was shocked and even exasperated and knew that the chat wasn’t going to be anything cordial.
I am someone who preferred to talk out my doubts and of course, wanted some answers if possible.
We arranged to meet and the talk deteriorated from the first minute. I am in no liberty to disclose our exchange here and I hope that readers will respect this decision of mine.
The whole issue boiled down to a lot of differences between us and
an unwillingness to be transparent with one another.
Nevertheless, my short traumatic experience has enabled me to offer a few suggestions to potential opposition party candidates and also to our various opposition parties here.
If you want to join opposition party politics, be prepared that there is no perfect party to join. Each party has it’s strengths and weaknesses and you won’t know party suits you until you join one.
Attend their walk-abouts and open-house events. Don’t jump straight into one and regret later on as it will be tricky to withdraw your membership once it is approved.
Talk to the people around you and get a feel of how they run their operations. As election time is very near, most parties will be in high gear now and this is the best time to actually go on the ground and attend their many scheduled events.
More importantly, check out the secretary general who normally will be the person to call the shots though there will always be the CEC around to act as a check.
If you sense that the SG is someone who is very highly regarded and even revered, then you have to decide whether you can accept such a party philosophy.
Sadly in Singapore, most parties are centred around one man – normally the SG and we all know that when this happens, most of the other party members will hardly have a say in the opposition party affairs. It will be sad if there is only one person who makes all the decisions for the party.
For the party’s secretary general, its always wise to allow the party members, especially if he is being identified as a potential election candidate, to go on a few rounds of walk-abouts and party events with the team. This way, he is able to get a feel of the team dynamics and more importantly judge whether he can gell with the team members or not.
Someone has told me that identifying a potential election candidate is like going on a date. You get to know one another, identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses and decide whether the marriage will still carry on.
Some may feel that the union will not last and wants to call it quit. Others will take off smoothly and the union ends up in a marriage of permanence.
Due to the shortage of abled talent in opposition politics, I urge all Singaporeans who want to make a difference, to join us.
You need not be a well-educated professional but someone who really wants to do something for the country whole-heartedly despite adversities. Of course, if you are educated, it will come in as a good bonus but it is not something that is really crucial.
You need to have a lot of steel before coming in – knowing that you will face up to a lot of pressure from your peers and family members. Its best also to count your cost as there will be a price to pay in many ways.
For one, you can’t be a private person anymore especially if you are a potential election candidate. Your life, mistakes and even your family may be up for public scrunity. Just look at my short one-month political experience and you will know what I mean.
Opposition politics is not for the weak-minded and definitely not for someone who wants to see some tangible return. There may be more sacrifices than returns of any form here.
Nevertheless, the personal satisfaction from doing something for your country is worth all the money and gold many of us are earnestly seeking out for ourselves here.
frankly most of opp parties kungfu masters were quite similar in such lofty i-say-u-follow attitude. if that were to continue, losing GE would be inevitable. even if wards were to be won, internal conflict and strife might still persist and make their victory a mockery and a great disappointment to the voters.
the opp masters and their disciples had just got to get their act right and in tandem. sadly, this is easier said than done. a strong reliable and respectful leadership appeared to be missing in the opp clans.
The past few days were sheer torture as I was caught up by the political turmoil in Reform Party. Many people have already knew that I have joined Reform Party then and equally shocked to learn that I have left them only after a few weeks.
For the record, I have left Reform Party on my own accord and did so before the news broke out for the departure of the other nine members. I was not influenced in any way by their infamous departure.
I have never thought that my short encounter with politics would be that colourful and eventful and I am only into my second month! My learning curve in politics has taken on a fourth gear ride…
Never in my wildest dream would I imagine myself to join a political party and quitting it a few weeks later…it was a personal setback to say the least.
I actually took a few days off to clear my head and hope to make a come back soon given that my political ambition is still very much alive. The episode though disappointing has also allowed me to fast-track on my political learning curve.
I have heard that politics can be difficult and taxing but could never fathom that the emotional stress can be that overwhelming especially when something went that awry. I must be on every major newspaper and socio-political sites by now.
I joined the party after speaking with Kenneth – Reform Party’s Secretary General – on the first week of February. I took a week to think through before making up my mind to join them.
Before that, we have a few email exchange while I was still residing in Sydney. It was all very cordial but superficial.
We met up in Starbucks Orchard and though it was only an hour of chat, I knew that this guy is serious in what he is doing and more importantly very driven.
Nevertheless, despite his (Kenneth Jeyaretnam's) mesmerizing presence, he also came across as somewhat detached and rather aloof. He hardly smiles and if he does, it is artificial and almost unnoticeable.
I was caught in a dilemma as though I like the party’s mandate and his overwhelming presence, I am rather uncomfortable with his persona.
I knew that if you could not work well with the party’s secretary general, you will be in for a rough time. The many unpleasant incidents that I read from the press involving opposite parties have really put me on my guard.
After deliberating between Reform Party (RP) and National Solidarity Party (NSP), I took the calculated risk of joining RP – knowing fully that my decision could be wrong. It was one of those decision that you knew you have to do despite the fact that it may carry some form of risk.
I preferred to take some calculated risk than err on the side of caution. My adventure with life has somewhat geared me to do that and having live abroad for a while, I guess I am more risk-taking and battled than most people when it comes to handling adversity.
Walk-abouts and questions
I went for a few rounds of walk-abouts with the team and realized that they have a lot of youth joining them. I have never seen so many youth coming out on a week day doing something that is so meaningful and life-exchanging and it was a very motivational moment for me.
If this group of youth can come out of their busy schedule to knock on doors for Singapore without any personal agenda on a week day, how can I not come out and do the same if I want to stand up as a political candidate during the next election?
Nevertheless, the nagging question remained: Where is Tony and Hazel and why are most of the walk-abouts dominated by the youth? Where are all the adults or potential candidates? It is perplexing and no one is willing to talk about such matter with me.
Though I don’t really know Tony and Hazel well enough, we have exchanged several facebook messages last year and they struck me as decent people who believed in what they are doing. They have also spoken well of Reform Party then and have asked me to join them if I returned to Singapore.
We lost contact for the whole of last year and I reckoned that they must be busy with work and other matters.
I have also never contacted them at all when I deliberated on whether to join Reform Party or not. I felt that such decision is best made by myself independently and I don’t like to be unduly influenced by anyone.
Moreover, Kenneth seems to be the main man in the party and despite repeated denials, one could not help but believe that ultimately he will call the shots when it comes to the shove. The gnawing fear that this is yet another one-man party is undeniably strong.
After a few rounds of walk-abouts and casual chats with Kenneth, I felt that indeed I have real difficulty connecting with him.
He is rather introverted in nature though I knew that he tried his very best to connect with the people around him. We chatted casually a few times and it was mostly very official and on party’s matters. My heart sank as I would prefer a more than cordial relationship with the party’s secretary-general if possible. At least, I would want to see the SG to be someone who is approachable and forthcoming.
If he is always seen to be putting up walls around him then it will be difficult for anyone to come and share their life with him.
Many of us have paid a great price to join opposition politics thinking that we can do something for our country. Friends and even family members may shun away from us when we join the opposition.
Some have also place their rice bowl in jeopardy and families have crossed swords with one another when their loved ones join opposition politics.
Personally, my wife has told me that she will divorce me if I join politics.
There is this fear that is so ingrained in many of us that once a person joins opposition politics, he has already sign his death certificate and he is on a journey of no happy return.
Singapore’s culture
Maybe in Singapore or Asia in general, most of us prefer a more casual working relationship with our fellow party members especially when opposition politics is seen as daunting and intimidating.
Our government’s unrelentless use of suits to knock opposition candidates down have definitely sent out a chilling message to the opposition field – its going to be a hard ride if you want to join the opposition politics. You will also rub shoulders easily the wrong way given the tension in the opposition party camp.
Of course, one could not expect the SG to bring himself so low that no one will respect him but at least he should be seen as approachable and communicative.
If possible, he should find out more about the strengths and weaknesses of his members or potential election candidates and try to provide him as large a platform for him to manovure politically as possible. More importantly, the potential candidates need time and room to move around freely so that he will find his niche and political acumen over time.
Most of us come in to serve politically after counting the cost and if we encounter too many shut-off or close-door, we may as well not join politics at all and remain as normal citizens or arm chair critics.
By the third week after joining RP, I was already feeling very edgy and uncomfortable mainly with the disappearance of my couple friend and my inability to connect well with my SG.
I called Kenneth and told him that I wanted to have a chat with him face to face. The first thing he asked me was: “Are you pulling out?” I was shocked and even exasperated and knew that the chat wasn’t going to be anything cordial.
I am someone who preferred to talk out my doubts and of course, wanted some answers if possible.
We arranged to meet and the talk deteriorated from the first minute. I am in no liberty to disclose our exchange here and I hope that readers will respect this decision of mine.
The whole issue boiled down to a lot of differences between us and
an unwillingness to be transparent with one another.
Nevertheless, my short traumatic experience has enabled me to offer a few suggestions to potential opposition party candidates and also to our various opposition parties here.
If you want to join opposition party politics, be prepared that there is no perfect party to join. Each party has it’s strengths and weaknesses and you won’t know party suits you until you join one.
Attend their walk-abouts and open-house events. Don’t jump straight into one and regret later on as it will be tricky to withdraw your membership once it is approved.
Talk to the people around you and get a feel of how they run their operations. As election time is very near, most parties will be in high gear now and this is the best time to actually go on the ground and attend their many scheduled events.
More importantly, check out the secretary general who normally will be the person to call the shots though there will always be the CEC around to act as a check.
If you sense that the SG is someone who is very highly regarded and even revered, then you have to decide whether you can accept such a party philosophy.
Sadly in Singapore, most parties are centred around one man – normally the SG and we all know that when this happens, most of the other party members will hardly have a say in the opposition party affairs. It will be sad if there is only one person who makes all the decisions for the party.
For the party’s secretary general, its always wise to allow the party members, especially if he is being identified as a potential election candidate, to go on a few rounds of walk-abouts and party events with the team. This way, he is able to get a feel of the team dynamics and more importantly judge whether he can gell with the team members or not.
Someone has told me that identifying a potential election candidate is like going on a date. You get to know one another, identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses and decide whether the marriage will still carry on.
Some may feel that the union will not last and wants to call it quit. Others will take off smoothly and the union ends up in a marriage of permanence.
Due to the shortage of abled talent in opposition politics, I urge all Singaporeans who want to make a difference, to join us.
You need not be a well-educated professional but someone who really wants to do something for the country whole-heartedly despite adversities. Of course, if you are educated, it will come in as a good bonus but it is not something that is really crucial.
You need to have a lot of steel before coming in – knowing that you will face up to a lot of pressure from your peers and family members. Its best also to count your cost as there will be a price to pay in many ways.
For one, you can’t be a private person anymore especially if you are a potential election candidate. Your life, mistakes and even your family may be up for public scrunity. Just look at my short one-month political experience and you will know what I mean.
Opposition politics is not for the weak-minded and definitely not for someone who wants to see some tangible return. There may be more sacrifices than returns of any form here.
Nevertheless, the personal satisfaction from doing something for your country is worth all the money and gold many of us are earnestly seeking out for ourselves here.
saikongseng and his sabotaged strategems
NSP 'badly hit' by boundary changes
Three single seats which Opposition party was eyeing now in GRC
by Ong Dai Lin
05:56 AM Feb 25, 2011
SINGAPORE - National Solidarity Party (NSP) secretary-general Goh Meng Seng said the party had been "badly hit" by the electoral boundary changes.
Three of the previous Single Member Constituencies (SMCs) that it was working in - Macpherson, Yio Chu Kang and Nee Soon Central - have been incorporated into a Group Representation Constituency (GRC).
However, he is happy that the GRC seats remain in Jurong and Tampines - areas in which the party has also been working.
Mr Goh said the party's strategy is to contest in electoral divisions where the NSP has a presence.
For instance, although half of Jalan Besar GRC - which the NSP has expressed interest in contesting - is incorporated into the newly-formed Moulmein-Kallang GRC, the party will be interested in the new GRC.
He added the party is looking at fielding 20 to 30 candidates in the elections.
Asked about his own plans for the polls, Mr Goh said he is "fixated with Tampines". He has been reported to be keen in taking on National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan, who heads the PAP team in Tampines GRC, to highlight housing issues.
The NSP has contested in Tampines GRC four times, in the 2006, 2001, 1991 and 1988 polls.
Although the number of single-member wards has increased from nine to 12, Mr Goh said it does not necessarily mean better opportunities for the Opposition.
He described the increase as a "bait" for better candidates from the opposition to leave their GRCs for the SMCs.
"Losing an SMC means only one seat, but if the People's Action Party loses a GRC, it means losing four to five seats."
He added the main battle in the General Election will be for Singaporeans to decide if they can be easily bought over by the Budget goodies or vote for the future.
man proposes; heaven disposes...
after many months of planning and strategems studies, saikongseng thought that this time round at GE contest, he could field NSP disciples to contest in his meticulously planned provinces according to his disciples' ba zi.
the leegime got wind about saikongseng's highly probable winning strategems. to counteract it, the paps splitted and re-aligned a number of the provinces which were considered favourable and advantages to saikongseng's NSP CLAN.
now saikongseng was thoroughly pissed. all his careful planned strategems, studies of the stars and even telephatic connection with UFOs and aliens ended up quite fruitless once the provinces were redrawn.
Three single seats which Opposition party was eyeing now in GRC
by Ong Dai Lin
05:56 AM Feb 25, 2011
SINGAPORE - National Solidarity Party (NSP) secretary-general Goh Meng Seng said the party had been "badly hit" by the electoral boundary changes.
Three of the previous Single Member Constituencies (SMCs) that it was working in - Macpherson, Yio Chu Kang and Nee Soon Central - have been incorporated into a Group Representation Constituency (GRC).
However, he is happy that the GRC seats remain in Jurong and Tampines - areas in which the party has also been working.
Mr Goh said the party's strategy is to contest in electoral divisions where the NSP has a presence.
For instance, although half of Jalan Besar GRC - which the NSP has expressed interest in contesting - is incorporated into the newly-formed Moulmein-Kallang GRC, the party will be interested in the new GRC.
He added the party is looking at fielding 20 to 30 candidates in the elections.
Asked about his own plans for the polls, Mr Goh said he is "fixated with Tampines". He has been reported to be keen in taking on National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan, who heads the PAP team in Tampines GRC, to highlight housing issues.
The NSP has contested in Tampines GRC four times, in the 2006, 2001, 1991 and 1988 polls.
Although the number of single-member wards has increased from nine to 12, Mr Goh said it does not necessarily mean better opportunities for the Opposition.
He described the increase as a "bait" for better candidates from the opposition to leave their GRCs for the SMCs.
"Losing an SMC means only one seat, but if the People's Action Party loses a GRC, it means losing four to five seats."
He added the main battle in the General Election will be for Singaporeans to decide if they can be easily bought over by the Budget goodies or vote for the future.
man proposes; heaven disposes...
after many months of planning and strategems studies, saikongseng thought that this time round at GE contest, he could field NSP disciples to contest in his meticulously planned provinces according to his disciples' ba zi.
the leegime got wind about saikongseng's highly probable winning strategems. to counteract it, the paps splitted and re-aligned a number of the provinces which were considered favourable and advantages to saikongseng's NSP CLAN.
now saikongseng was thoroughly pissed. all his careful planned strategems, studies of the stars and even telephatic connection with UFOs and aliens ended up quite fruitless once the provinces were redrawn.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
mutiny in RP CLAN and LLHV infection
Feb 24, 2011
Jeyaretnam hits back at former members
He accuses them of staging mass walkout for publicity and to damage Reform Party
By Kor Kian Beng
Reform Party chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam (second from left) with former CEC members (from left) Tony Tan Lay Thiam, James Teo and Justin Ong in 2009. At least nine, and by some accounts 'close to 20', members have quit the party. -- ST FILE PHOTO
REFORM Party (RP) chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam yesterday hit back at a group of former members who resigned recently, accusing them of staging the mass walkout to inflict 'maximum damage' on the party and to gain 'maximum publicity' for their own political careers.
He also refuted the reasons given by the breakaway group - that they had quit the party because of personal differences with him, and that they had found it difficult to work with him.
If that was the case, he said, they should have sought mediation with him before quitting.
'The timing of this departure, its highly coordinated and planned manner and the way the individuals then went to the press, hardly seems an appropriate response to personal incompatibility,' he said in a press statement.
The statement came a day after a mass resignation involving at least nine, and by some accounts 'close to 20', members.
They included five members of the party's nine-member central executive committee (CEC): treasurer James Teo, 51; organising secretary Jeisilan Sivalingam, 41; youth wing chief Justin Ong, 25; and CEC members Jeannette Aruldoss, 46, and Tony Tan Lay Thiam, 41, a former government scholarship holder.
Others included Mr Tan's wife, Ms Hazel Poa, 41; freelance writer Samantha De Silva, 27; dentist Gan Theng Wei, 35; advertising executive Nicole Seah, 24; and career counsellor Gilbert Goh, 48.
Mr Goh had joined the party just two weeks ago.
Ms Poa, appointed the spokesman for the group, confirmed the resignations on Monday after she was contacted by The Straits Times.
Going by interviews with Mr Jeyaretnam and other party sources, the resignations came in the wake of a CEC meeting on Feb 10. Several non-CEC members who were prospective election candidates were also at the meeting.
Mr Jeyaretnam's explanation for the resignations is that he called for an inquiry into the conduct of four members who were at the meeting, which he himself had not attended.
He said he had received a complaint from two members at the meeting who said they saw two other members - who were prospective candidates - giving hongbao (red packets) to one of the CEC members.
The CEC member who received the money cast a vote that resulted in the two members who complained being barred from entering the meeting.
'There is no suggestion here that there was any causal connection between the money given and the resulting vote,' Mr Jeyaretnam said, but he added that the complaint was legitimate.
Apart from Mr Jeyaretnam who is the secretary-general, the remaining three CEC members are chairman Tan Tee Seng, and members Mohammed Affendy Abdul Rahim and Andy Zhu.
Other sources close to the party, however, say that the resignations stemmed from interpersonal conflicts caused by Mr Jeyaretnam's leadership style and personality.
He was said to have criticised members openly at meetings, behaviour which several former RP members said they found offensive.
The internal strife nearly boiled over last year when several members threatened to quit. Last-ditch peace talks prevented the exodus then - until this week.
But Mr Jeyaretnam yesterday rejected allegations of him being a 'personally intractable' leader.
He said he had offered to step down as secretary-general and to 'give Mr Tony Tan or whoever wanted it, my full support in that role'.
Other party sources, however, said neither Mr Tan nor anyone else wanted the post. Mr Tan himself declined comment.
Ms Poa said yesterday that the hongbao given to the unnamed CEC member came from her and her husband Tony, but 'there was absolutely no bribery involved'.
She said the hongbao was meant for the children of the CEC member who was often unemployed and that this was the second year they had given him hongbao.
'We give out a lot of hongbao during Chinese New Year and had not thought this was something that needed explaining,' she said.
Ms Poa also said the breakaway group does not want to comment further on what had happened as it wants to minimise damage to the party arising from their departure.
She added: 'In the one year that we have been in the party, although we have our disagreements, we have also seen Mr Jeyaretnam's drive and dedication.
'Since we cannot achieve agreement, we do not wish to be in his way. The party has an election to prepare for, and further speculations are not constructive.'
it happened before. it's happening again now.
how could that have happened? was it the fault of RP's chiefy KJ or the RP mutineers? 5 senior disciples of RP CLAN quit over some "ängpows". what ang pows?
it was a conspiracy!
in the end, would the RP mutineers hop themselves into SDP like that last time where JJ led some RPpies into SDP? The whole martial arts saga was a real joke! while the paps were busy formulating their strategies to usurp the entire peesailand, opp clans on the other hand were all fighting among themselves. they had been doing that and IS still continuing doing just that. what a shame!
KJ on the other hand were alleged to be too obssessed with lime. and he loved it light. the new highly skilful RP disciples also loved lime and loved it light. too much limelight and too little to share among themselves? in the end, most of them were seriously and critically being infected by the deadly virus called LLHV or LimeLightHoggingVirus.
it was cool season now and viruses ruled. besides having to deal with the deadly H1N1 bird flu, opp parties were contaminated by LLHV. symptoms of this deadly infection were: everyone sees every other one no up. they only thought they were the centre of attention. they loved lime and they loved light but in the end they were pissed cos they just couldn't get enough of those lime light. they wanna hog the limelight but KJ seemed not sharing enough lime and light with all his skilful disciples. so now they callled it quit.
the conspiracy theory could be that these RP quitters might be victims of other opp clans'instigation and secret discords sowing particularly notorious from the SDP clan. most of these RP quitters were rated as creme de cream materials in the political kungfu arena. most were bestowed with deadly political martial arts skills that might enhance the winning of a province in the next GE contest which was drawing nearer.
now how?
SHUDDUP AND FISH!! that was what most of the opp clans were now eyeing and engaging. rod, hook and sinker all standby to fish in the runaway RPpies. even if the ex-RPpies were to land with the other clans, there was no guarantee taht there wouldn't be repeated upheavals.
most of them appeared to very egoistic and individualistic. they were seriously infected by LLHV - LimeLightHoggingVirus. it was contagious. it spreaded rapidly and fierefully,
the grand conspiracy: could those rp mutineers prior being RPpies already disguised themselves as TROJAN HORSE virus skilfully trained and dispatched by the paps? ah.....that would be another interesting theory to start cracking with.
for now, let's await to see which opp clans fish and hook the most of those RP runaway fishes.
Jeyaretnam hits back at former members
He accuses them of staging mass walkout for publicity and to damage Reform Party
By Kor Kian Beng
Reform Party chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam (second from left) with former CEC members (from left) Tony Tan Lay Thiam, James Teo and Justin Ong in 2009. At least nine, and by some accounts 'close to 20', members have quit the party. -- ST FILE PHOTO
REFORM Party (RP) chief Kenneth Jeyaretnam yesterday hit back at a group of former members who resigned recently, accusing them of staging the mass walkout to inflict 'maximum damage' on the party and to gain 'maximum publicity' for their own political careers.
He also refuted the reasons given by the breakaway group - that they had quit the party because of personal differences with him, and that they had found it difficult to work with him.
If that was the case, he said, they should have sought mediation with him before quitting.
'The timing of this departure, its highly coordinated and planned manner and the way the individuals then went to the press, hardly seems an appropriate response to personal incompatibility,' he said in a press statement.
The statement came a day after a mass resignation involving at least nine, and by some accounts 'close to 20', members.
They included five members of the party's nine-member central executive committee (CEC): treasurer James Teo, 51; organising secretary Jeisilan Sivalingam, 41; youth wing chief Justin Ong, 25; and CEC members Jeannette Aruldoss, 46, and Tony Tan Lay Thiam, 41, a former government scholarship holder.
Others included Mr Tan's wife, Ms Hazel Poa, 41; freelance writer Samantha De Silva, 27; dentist Gan Theng Wei, 35; advertising executive Nicole Seah, 24; and career counsellor Gilbert Goh, 48.
Mr Goh had joined the party just two weeks ago.
Ms Poa, appointed the spokesman for the group, confirmed the resignations on Monday after she was contacted by The Straits Times.
Going by interviews with Mr Jeyaretnam and other party sources, the resignations came in the wake of a CEC meeting on Feb 10. Several non-CEC members who were prospective election candidates were also at the meeting.
Mr Jeyaretnam's explanation for the resignations is that he called for an inquiry into the conduct of four members who were at the meeting, which he himself had not attended.
He said he had received a complaint from two members at the meeting who said they saw two other members - who were prospective candidates - giving hongbao (red packets) to one of the CEC members.
The CEC member who received the money cast a vote that resulted in the two members who complained being barred from entering the meeting.
'There is no suggestion here that there was any causal connection between the money given and the resulting vote,' Mr Jeyaretnam said, but he added that the complaint was legitimate.
Apart from Mr Jeyaretnam who is the secretary-general, the remaining three CEC members are chairman Tan Tee Seng, and members Mohammed Affendy Abdul Rahim and Andy Zhu.
Other sources close to the party, however, say that the resignations stemmed from interpersonal conflicts caused by Mr Jeyaretnam's leadership style and personality.
He was said to have criticised members openly at meetings, behaviour which several former RP members said they found offensive.
The internal strife nearly boiled over last year when several members threatened to quit. Last-ditch peace talks prevented the exodus then - until this week.
But Mr Jeyaretnam yesterday rejected allegations of him being a 'personally intractable' leader.
He said he had offered to step down as secretary-general and to 'give Mr Tony Tan or whoever wanted it, my full support in that role'.
Other party sources, however, said neither Mr Tan nor anyone else wanted the post. Mr Tan himself declined comment.
Ms Poa said yesterday that the hongbao given to the unnamed CEC member came from her and her husband Tony, but 'there was absolutely no bribery involved'.
She said the hongbao was meant for the children of the CEC member who was often unemployed and that this was the second year they had given him hongbao.
'We give out a lot of hongbao during Chinese New Year and had not thought this was something that needed explaining,' she said.
Ms Poa also said the breakaway group does not want to comment further on what had happened as it wants to minimise damage to the party arising from their departure.
She added: 'In the one year that we have been in the party, although we have our disagreements, we have also seen Mr Jeyaretnam's drive and dedication.
'Since we cannot achieve agreement, we do not wish to be in his way. The party has an election to prepare for, and further speculations are not constructive.'
it happened before. it's happening again now.
how could that have happened? was it the fault of RP's chiefy KJ or the RP mutineers? 5 senior disciples of RP CLAN quit over some "ängpows". what ang pows?
it was a conspiracy!
in the end, would the RP mutineers hop themselves into SDP like that last time where JJ led some RPpies into SDP? The whole martial arts saga was a real joke! while the paps were busy formulating their strategies to usurp the entire peesailand, opp clans on the other hand were all fighting among themselves. they had been doing that and IS still continuing doing just that. what a shame!
KJ on the other hand were alleged to be too obssessed with lime. and he loved it light. the new highly skilful RP disciples also loved lime and loved it light. too much limelight and too little to share among themselves? in the end, most of them were seriously and critically being infected by the deadly virus called LLHV or LimeLightHoggingVirus.
it was cool season now and viruses ruled. besides having to deal with the deadly H1N1 bird flu, opp parties were contaminated by LLHV. symptoms of this deadly infection were: everyone sees every other one no up. they only thought they were the centre of attention. they loved lime and they loved light but in the end they were pissed cos they just couldn't get enough of those lime light. they wanna hog the limelight but KJ seemed not sharing enough lime and light with all his skilful disciples. so now they callled it quit.
the conspiracy theory could be that these RP quitters might be victims of other opp clans'instigation and secret discords sowing particularly notorious from the SDP clan. most of these RP quitters were rated as creme de cream materials in the political kungfu arena. most were bestowed with deadly political martial arts skills that might enhance the winning of a province in the next GE contest which was drawing nearer.
now how?
SHUDDUP AND FISH!! that was what most of the opp clans were now eyeing and engaging. rod, hook and sinker all standby to fish in the runaway RPpies. even if the ex-RPpies were to land with the other clans, there was no guarantee taht there wouldn't be repeated upheavals.
most of them appeared to very egoistic and individualistic. they were seriously infected by LLHV - LimeLightHoggingVirus. it was contagious. it spreaded rapidly and fierefully,
the grand conspiracy: could those rp mutineers prior being RPpies already disguised themselves as TROJAN HORSE virus skilfully trained and dispatched by the paps? ah.....that would be another interesting theory to start cracking with.
for now, let's await to see which opp clans fish and hook the most of those RP runaway fishes.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
a song dedicated to SDP CLAN
if there's ONE meaning to all their antics, ploys and hidden motives, it's really NO MEANING.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
lamui & her egyptian mummy-daddy
Jaslyn Go congratulates Egyptian opposition leader
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Singapore Democrats

Jaslyn Go (front row, left) with LI delegates at Ayman Nour's home in Cairo. (Nour is in the front row shaking hands with LI President Hans van Baalen)
Dear Ayman Nour,
How are you? I hope you are well with all the tumultuous events that have taken place in your country over the last few days.
More importantly I rejoice with your people the freedom they have claimed for themselves by the toppling of Mr Hosni Mubarak. The Egyptian people today stand tall and proud for they have changed not just your country but the world as well.
I remember when we met in Cairo when you hosted us to a party at your home in 2009, you had said that free and fair elections in Egypt won't come about until the government is forced to hold one, and that in order to force free and fair elections Egyptians needed to defy the repressive laws through civil disobedience or nonviolent action.
How true your words have become.
Despotic regimes never voluntarily give up their stranglehold on power by holding free and fair elections. I have quickly learned that democracy cannot come about through elections that are controlled by undemocratic governments.
Hosni Mubarak held elections during his entire reign and always claimed a overwhelming majority of the votes. We know that that has been a lie. It takes for the people to hold peaceful assemblies in order force the such governments to hold free elections which is exactly what Egyptians did.
The Singapore Democratic Party is also working for free and fair elections and one day I believe that we in Singapore will also bring about democratic change.
We must press on and believe that despotic regimes cannot last forever, and they fall when courageous people step forward to demand change. Your people have demonstrated this exceptional courage to the rest of the world and we salute you.
In solidarity,
Jaslyn Go
Ms Go met Mr Ayman Nour when she attended the Liberal International Congress held in Cairo, Egypt in November 2009. Mr Ayman is the leading opposition politician when Mr Hosni Mubarak was president. A lawyer, Nour is an emblematic figure in Egypt and was in thick of the protests in Tahrir Square.
At the head of the liberal El-Ghad (‘Tomorrow’) party, which he founded in 2004, he was Mubarak’s main opponent in the 2005 presidential elections. He only won eight percent of the vote with the former president claiming the huge majority of the vote. Nour contested the results, and continued to work for electoral reform.
after a brief camel humping in egypt with fattie john, lamui had adopted a mummy or rather a daddy from the egyptian pyramid tomb. strange isn't it? lamui who claimed herself partyless pantyless was all the while master chee's top-grade disciple.
not long ago, she even set up USD or U SEE DITDIT CLAN. it was all very confusing! now peasants witnessed her name top on the list in SDP CLAN. which clan was she really in now?
lamui once proclaimed herself the EMPRESS DOWAGER flanked by her limping knights called the F4. JJ and chai sai was among her enunches. later she sparred with chiasai and created the CONDOM HEROES and was being bashed up by greenhat swordsman who was lamui's official husband.
now to rub on some egyptian limelight, she sent a congratulatory message to her egyptian mummy-daddy. and what was that suppose to mean? to the peasants, it was a joke! she might have unknowingly adopted her eygptian mummy-daddy but was he even wary enough to know or remember her?

looking at the picture, some even deduced that the she was photoshopped into the motley crowd. none except lamui was looking at the camera and she really did looked out of placing.
egyptian artillery aid for the SDP CLAN? next on cue, aunn san su kyi would be congratulated.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Singapore Democrats

Jaslyn Go (front row, left) with LI delegates at Ayman Nour's home in Cairo. (Nour is in the front row shaking hands with LI President Hans van Baalen)
Dear Ayman Nour,
How are you? I hope you are well with all the tumultuous events that have taken place in your country over the last few days.
More importantly I rejoice with your people the freedom they have claimed for themselves by the toppling of Mr Hosni Mubarak. The Egyptian people today stand tall and proud for they have changed not just your country but the world as well.
I remember when we met in Cairo when you hosted us to a party at your home in 2009, you had said that free and fair elections in Egypt won't come about until the government is forced to hold one, and that in order to force free and fair elections Egyptians needed to defy the repressive laws through civil disobedience or nonviolent action.
How true your words have become.
Despotic regimes never voluntarily give up their stranglehold on power by holding free and fair elections. I have quickly learned that democracy cannot come about through elections that are controlled by undemocratic governments.
Hosni Mubarak held elections during his entire reign and always claimed a overwhelming majority of the votes. We know that that has been a lie. It takes for the people to hold peaceful assemblies in order force the such governments to hold free elections which is exactly what Egyptians did.
The Singapore Democratic Party is also working for free and fair elections and one day I believe that we in Singapore will also bring about democratic change.
We must press on and believe that despotic regimes cannot last forever, and they fall when courageous people step forward to demand change. Your people have demonstrated this exceptional courage to the rest of the world and we salute you.
In solidarity,
Jaslyn Go
Ms Go met Mr Ayman Nour when she attended the Liberal International Congress held in Cairo, Egypt in November 2009. Mr Ayman is the leading opposition politician when Mr Hosni Mubarak was president. A lawyer, Nour is an emblematic figure in Egypt and was in thick of the protests in Tahrir Square.
At the head of the liberal El-Ghad (‘Tomorrow’) party, which he founded in 2004, he was Mubarak’s main opponent in the 2005 presidential elections. He only won eight percent of the vote with the former president claiming the huge majority of the vote. Nour contested the results, and continued to work for electoral reform.
after a brief camel humping in egypt with fattie john, lamui had adopted a mummy or rather a daddy from the egyptian pyramid tomb. strange isn't it? lamui who claimed herself partyless pantyless was all the while master chee's top-grade disciple.
not long ago, she even set up USD or U SEE DITDIT CLAN. it was all very confusing! now peasants witnessed her name top on the list in SDP CLAN. which clan was she really in now?
lamui once proclaimed herself the EMPRESS DOWAGER flanked by her limping knights called the F4. JJ and chai sai was among her enunches. later she sparred with chiasai and created the CONDOM HEROES and was being bashed up by greenhat swordsman who was lamui's official husband.
now to rub on some egyptian limelight, she sent a congratulatory message to her egyptian mummy-daddy. and what was that suppose to mean? to the peasants, it was a joke! she might have unknowingly adopted her eygptian mummy-daddy but was he even wary enough to know or remember her?

looking at the picture, some even deduced that the she was photoshopped into the motley crowd. none except lamui was looking at the camera and she really did looked out of placing.
egyptian artillery aid for the SDP CLAN? next on cue, aunn san su kyi would be congratulated.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
master chee became the LEADER of martials arts fraternity
Singapore opposition leader escapes jail term
Economy Government and Policy
On Thursday 10 February 2011, 16:21 SGT
A vocal opposition leader in Singapore Thursday escaped a jail term after an online donation drive raised enough money to pay a fine instead.
Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), had faced a fine of Sg$20,000 ($16,000) after being convicted of "making an address in a public place without a licence" in 2006.
Chee, 48, would have been imprisoned for 20 weeks had he failed to pay the amount by Thursday, prompting his political party to organise an online fund-raising drive.
"We are glad to announce that we have reached the target of Sg$20,000 in contributions for Dr Chee Soon Juan's fine," said a post on the SDP's website.
"More than just keeping Dr Chee out of jail, Singaporeans have rallied and sent a message that they will not sit idly by when the opposition is persecuted."
The SDP said many of the donors were "youths," and added the success of the drive was unprecedented.
"This is a historical development in that it is the first time that Singaporeans have rallied together to show such encouraging support for an opposition cause," it said.
"It is important that we continue to (use) cyberspace to increase political space in Singapore. This exercise has given civil society and the opposition a gauge on the power of the new media."
Chee was convicted on four counts of speaking in public without a permit after a trial lasting from 2007 to 2010. His final appeal against his conviction dismissed by a high court on January 17, 2011.
International rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) had on Wednesday slammed the sentence imposed on Chee, who has been jailed in the past for actions related to his struggle against the ruling People's Action Party.
"The Singaporean government is once again abusing the justice system and trampling on basic rights to remove an opposition politician from the political playing field," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights Watch.
"The government should end this persecution of Dr. Chee and show that free speech is not a dead letter in Singapore."
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A Yahoo! User 1 minute ago Report Abuse
Every home and every country has its own rules and regulations. Why does he need to stubbornly go against the law when he can jolly apply for permit to speak at the Speaker Corner or to speak in public. If such person do not know how to behave appropriately, how can he lead a country. I am puzzled and sad that there are such people who condon such act. This shows the inmaturity of such people. I just can not imagine how sensible are those people. Chee and those people are in fact the puppets of outsiders who want to destroy our country. They are preaching about freedom of speeches which they used to disguise their main ill intent. For me, I will not trust such irresponsible person.
since when master chee had been the "leader" was really puzzling. SDP CLAN after master chiam had always have the lowest votes. well, peesailand didn't consider master chee the LEADER but that didn't mean the ang mo lau gaos couldn't pedestal master chee as their version of leader of martials art fraternity.
chee really lived up to his deadly CHEET skills. he loved to be branded as the leader. he loved all the misled info and the exaggerated attention. that's master chee - master of CHEET skill!
more about master chee from another blog:
Economy Government and Policy
On Thursday 10 February 2011, 16:21 SGT
A vocal opposition leader in Singapore Thursday escaped a jail term after an online donation drive raised enough money to pay a fine instead.
Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), had faced a fine of Sg$20,000 ($16,000) after being convicted of "making an address in a public place without a licence" in 2006.
Chee, 48, would have been imprisoned for 20 weeks had he failed to pay the amount by Thursday, prompting his political party to organise an online fund-raising drive.
"We are glad to announce that we have reached the target of Sg$20,000 in contributions for Dr Chee Soon Juan's fine," said a post on the SDP's website.
"More than just keeping Dr Chee out of jail, Singaporeans have rallied and sent a message that they will not sit idly by when the opposition is persecuted."
The SDP said many of the donors were "youths," and added the success of the drive was unprecedented.
"This is a historical development in that it is the first time that Singaporeans have rallied together to show such encouraging support for an opposition cause," it said.
"It is important that we continue to (use) cyberspace to increase political space in Singapore. This exercise has given civil society and the opposition a gauge on the power of the new media."
Chee was convicted on four counts of speaking in public without a permit after a trial lasting from 2007 to 2010. His final appeal against his conviction dismissed by a high court on January 17, 2011.
International rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) had on Wednesday slammed the sentence imposed on Chee, who has been jailed in the past for actions related to his struggle against the ruling People's Action Party.
"The Singaporean government is once again abusing the justice system and trampling on basic rights to remove an opposition politician from the political playing field," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights Watch.
"The government should end this persecution of Dr. Chee and show that free speech is not a dead letter in Singapore."
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A Yahoo! User 1 minute ago Report Abuse
Every home and every country has its own rules and regulations. Why does he need to stubbornly go against the law when he can jolly apply for permit to speak at the Speaker Corner or to speak in public. If such person do not know how to behave appropriately, how can he lead a country. I am puzzled and sad that there are such people who condon such act. This shows the inmaturity of such people. I just can not imagine how sensible are those people. Chee and those people are in fact the puppets of outsiders who want to destroy our country. They are preaching about freedom of speeches which they used to disguise their main ill intent. For me, I will not trust such irresponsible person.
since when master chee had been the "leader" was really puzzling. SDP CLAN after master chiam had always have the lowest votes. well, peesailand didn't consider master chee the LEADER but that didn't mean the ang mo lau gaos couldn't pedestal master chee as their version of leader of martials art fraternity.
chee really lived up to his deadly CHEET skills. he loved to be branded as the leader. he loved all the misled info and the exaggerated attention. that's master chee - master of CHEET skill!
more about master chee from another blog:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
are the angmo lau gaos stringing master chee?
master chee's impending jail term news had reached the ears of the angmo lau gaos or the red-haired foreign monkeys. it was something very kaypohing about these foreign monkeys. they just loved meddling in affair of peesailand when their own country was in a bedlam.
the question or mystery now: was master chee with his SDP CLAN a pawn stringed by the angmo lau gaos to bring chaos - hopefully not - to peesailand?
Human Rights Watch to Singapore: Drop charges Against Chee
Posted: 08 Feb 2011 07:36 PM PST
For Immediate Release
Singapore: Drop Charges Against Opposition Leader
Chee Soon Juan Faces Prison for Conviction Violating Free Speech Rights
(New York, February 9, 2011) – The Singaporean government should drop politically motivated charges brought in 2006 against opposition party leader Dr. Chee Soon Juan that will lead to a prison term on February 10, 2011, if he does not pay a fine, Human Rights Watch said today.
Chee faces a prison term of 20 weeks starting February 10 if he cannot pay fines of S$20,000 (US$15,720) for “making an address in a public place without a license,” which was upheld by an appeals’ court on January 20. Human Rights Watch said that the convictions violated Chee’s rights to freedom of expression and assembly.
“The Singaporean government is once again abusing the justice system and trampling on basic rights to remove an opposition politician from the political playing field,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The government should end this persecution of Dr. Chee and show that free speech is not a dead letter in Singapore.”
Chee, 48, is the secretary-general of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). He was convicted four times, in each case for speaking in a public area with street vendors for four to five minutes about upcoming elections ultimately held in May 2006. He spoke to crowds that observers estimated ranged up to 40 or 50 people. In each instance, Chee encouraged people to purchase copies of the The New Democrat, the party newspaper, as a way to support his party. The courts convicted Chee of violating the Public Entertainments and Meetings Act (PEMA), which provides that “any person who provides … any public entertainment without a license under this Act, shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.”
Chee is currently prohibited under the Singaporean constitution from serving in Parliament. Section 45 of Singapore’s constitution states that anyone who “has been convicted of an offence by a court of law in Singapore … and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year or to a fine of not less than $2,000 and has not received a free pardon” is not qualified to be a member of parliament. Political observers believe that national elections for parliament will be held in the first half of 2011.
For years the government has relied on repressive laws to jail and bankrupt Chee. Between 1999 and 2006, Chee was arrested four other times for violating Singapore’s laws restricting public speech and assembly. In November 2006, he chose imprisonment rather than pay a S$5,000 fine. In 2002, senior leaders Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong sued Chee for remarks he allegedly made regarding a loan to Indonesian President Suharto. In February 2006, after Chee failed to pay the S$500,000 (US$393,000) in court-awarded damages, he was declared bankrupt, which prohibited him from running in the 2006 elections and from leaving the country.
Other members of the Singapore Democratic Party also have been fined and jailed, many repeatedly, for speaking without a permit or for peacefully demonstrating.
Singapore’s human rights record will undergo international scrutiny in May in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process at the United Nations Human Rights Council. Singapore’s violations over many years of the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly should be prominently raised by governments commenting on Singapore’s human rights record, Human Rights Watch said.
“If the penalties were not so severe, it would be laughable that a so-called ‘democratic’ government would actually lock up someone for giving a speech on a sidewalk and encouraging people to buy their party’s broadsheet,” Robertson said. “The governments reviewing Singapore’s record at the Human Rights Council should highlight cases where Singapore’s oppressive laws make peaceful speech a criminal offense.”
To read Human Rights Watch’s December 2006 news release, “Singapore: Release Opposition Party Leader,” please visit:
To read Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2011 chapter on Singapore, please visit:
according to sources, the donation drive to save master chee's butt from intense chroming in changing resort had now reached 18k+. with another 1k+, master chee would be able to exchange that with the magistrate court to defer his compelled recluse. chee's butt would be saved!
the ethic here was: how come chee need public donation for all his public nonsense? is the public fuelling his mischief? whenever the shits left by master chee, the cleaning would be left to the poor peasants. when would such antic cease and desist? master chee was shirking his responsibility for the bad tiding he sowed.
i guess a valuable lesson here would never be learned....and the political martial arts upheavals in peesailand would continue as long as master chee was stringed by the foreign angmo lau gaos which motivated him persistently.
LATEST UPDATE: http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?webtag=3in1kopitiam&nav=messages&prettyurl=%2F3in1kopitiam%2Fmessages
According to the SDP CLAN, $20,120 had been reached. would the ball stop there or would there be more donation drive to save master chee again in a deja vu? by the way, what's going to happen to the extra $120? a bonus angpow of good luck for master chee?
is this personal charity drive by the internet legal? if it is, then everyone could post a sad-sob story and the silly peasants would start pouring in their money. could this be a landmark start to INTERNET CONJOB??
whenever master chee shits or diarrhoae, peasants were manipulated to wipe his arse clean with all their hard-earned dollar bills. sad! :(
the question or mystery now: was master chee with his SDP CLAN a pawn stringed by the angmo lau gaos to bring chaos - hopefully not - to peesailand?
Human Rights Watch to Singapore: Drop charges Against Chee
Posted: 08 Feb 2011 07:36 PM PST
For Immediate Release
Singapore: Drop Charges Against Opposition Leader
Chee Soon Juan Faces Prison for Conviction Violating Free Speech Rights
(New York, February 9, 2011) – The Singaporean government should drop politically motivated charges brought in 2006 against opposition party leader Dr. Chee Soon Juan that will lead to a prison term on February 10, 2011, if he does not pay a fine, Human Rights Watch said today.
Chee faces a prison term of 20 weeks starting February 10 if he cannot pay fines of S$20,000 (US$15,720) for “making an address in a public place without a license,” which was upheld by an appeals’ court on January 20. Human Rights Watch said that the convictions violated Chee’s rights to freedom of expression and assembly.
“The Singaporean government is once again abusing the justice system and trampling on basic rights to remove an opposition politician from the political playing field,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The government should end this persecution of Dr. Chee and show that free speech is not a dead letter in Singapore.”
Chee, 48, is the secretary-general of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). He was convicted four times, in each case for speaking in a public area with street vendors for four to five minutes about upcoming elections ultimately held in May 2006. He spoke to crowds that observers estimated ranged up to 40 or 50 people. In each instance, Chee encouraged people to purchase copies of the The New Democrat, the party newspaper, as a way to support his party. The courts convicted Chee of violating the Public Entertainments and Meetings Act (PEMA), which provides that “any person who provides … any public entertainment without a license under this Act, shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.”
Chee is currently prohibited under the Singaporean constitution from serving in Parliament. Section 45 of Singapore’s constitution states that anyone who “has been convicted of an offence by a court of law in Singapore … and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year or to a fine of not less than $2,000 and has not received a free pardon” is not qualified to be a member of parliament. Political observers believe that national elections for parliament will be held in the first half of 2011.
For years the government has relied on repressive laws to jail and bankrupt Chee. Between 1999 and 2006, Chee was arrested four other times for violating Singapore’s laws restricting public speech and assembly. In November 2006, he chose imprisonment rather than pay a S$5,000 fine. In 2002, senior leaders Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong sued Chee for remarks he allegedly made regarding a loan to Indonesian President Suharto. In February 2006, after Chee failed to pay the S$500,000 (US$393,000) in court-awarded damages, he was declared bankrupt, which prohibited him from running in the 2006 elections and from leaving the country.
Other members of the Singapore Democratic Party also have been fined and jailed, many repeatedly, for speaking without a permit or for peacefully demonstrating.
Singapore’s human rights record will undergo international scrutiny in May in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process at the United Nations Human Rights Council. Singapore’s violations over many years of the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly should be prominently raised by governments commenting on Singapore’s human rights record, Human Rights Watch said.
“If the penalties were not so severe, it would be laughable that a so-called ‘democratic’ government would actually lock up someone for giving a speech on a sidewalk and encouraging people to buy their party’s broadsheet,” Robertson said. “The governments reviewing Singapore’s record at the Human Rights Council should highlight cases where Singapore’s oppressive laws make peaceful speech a criminal offense.”
To read Human Rights Watch’s December 2006 news release, “Singapore: Release Opposition Party Leader,” please visit:
To read Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2011 chapter on Singapore, please visit:
according to sources, the donation drive to save master chee's butt from intense chroming in changing resort had now reached 18k+. with another 1k+, master chee would be able to exchange that with the magistrate court to defer his compelled recluse. chee's butt would be saved!
the ethic here was: how come chee need public donation for all his public nonsense? is the public fuelling his mischief? whenever the shits left by master chee, the cleaning would be left to the poor peasants. when would such antic cease and desist? master chee was shirking his responsibility for the bad tiding he sowed.
i guess a valuable lesson here would never be learned....and the political martial arts upheavals in peesailand would continue as long as master chee was stringed by the foreign angmo lau gaos which motivated him persistently.
LATEST UPDATE: http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?webtag=3in1kopitiam&nav=messages&prettyurl=%2F3in1kopitiam%2Fmessages
According to the SDP CLAN, $20,120 had been reached. would the ball stop there or would there be more donation drive to save master chee again in a deja vu? by the way, what's going to happen to the extra $120? a bonus angpow of good luck for master chee?
is this personal charity drive by the internet legal? if it is, then everyone could post a sad-sob story and the silly peasants would start pouring in their money. could this be a landmark start to INTERNET CONJOB??
whenever master chee shits or diarrhoae, peasants were manipulated to wipe his arse clean with all their hard-earned dollar bills. sad! :(
Friday, February 4, 2011
master chee is going for 5 mths kungfu recluse
February 4th, 2011 | Author: Your Correspondent | Edit
Following the failed appeal against conviction, Dr Chee Soon Juan, Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) will be going to Prison on February 10 and will be spending the General Elections(GE) behind bars. This is despite an appeal made to the general public at large for donations in an effort to keep the democracy icon out of jail in order for him to helm the SDP’s General Elections campaign.
The imminent incarceration of the man who first burst onto the scene in the 1992 Marine Parade by-elections whereby he stood against the then-Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is another sad indictment of the city state’s harsh and repressive political regime.
For Dr Chee Soon Juan, a former noted Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore (NUS) who was dismissed under contentious circumstances, the latest salvo by the ruling PAP government against him is just one of many that he has accumulated in his bumpy career as the most outspoken critic and opposition leader.
Throughout his years as the leader of the SDP, Dr Chee has led numerous campaigns and protests to highlight the growing income inequality among Singaporeans and the desperate plight of the lower-income in Singapore to survive. As a result of his unrelenting and uncompromising stance on democracy, human rights and justice in Singapore, he has already spent numerous months behind bars to the detriment of his health. It is widely reported that during his 2006 incarceration, he developed complications that had resulted in him being transferred to Changi General Hospital for immediate medical treatment. Allegations soon surfaced, that he has been deliberately poisoned.
This latest spell of jail-time, is a result of charges of “speaking without a permit” that stems all the way back to the 2006 General Elections. The charges themselves are curious and a misnomer, given that the Republic’s constitution clearly states that…”every citizen of Singapore has the right to freedom of speech and expression”. The timing and length of the trial itself is curious, given that the tendency and history of the Singapore legal system are to process cases efficiently and without delay- this trial itself has dragged on from 2007 until now, conveniently enough to put the democracy icon behind bars just when the General Elections are approaching.
What is noteworthy however, at least to the casual outside observer was the deafening silence from the other local opposition parties with regards to the verdict. Unlike the chorus of condemnation and messages of solidarity that one might expect to find in other countries, the lack of response from the other local opposition parties is a testament to how poisonous the relations are between the opposition parties in Singapore. So far, only Kenneth Jeyaretnam, the youngest son of the illustrious and noted democracy advocate J.B Jeyaretnam (who was himself extremely close to the SDP Secretary-General) and current leader of the Reform Party has spoken out against the ruling and pledged funds to keep him out.
However, despite the childish animosity between the opposition political parties in Singapore, it is important to note that for the local burgeoning civil society and population at large, Dr Chee Soon Juan is still the most popular opposition figure despite his numerous convictions and time behind bars. Indeed, at a recent town-hall style forum organised by TheOnlineCitizen(TOC), the famous democracy icon was greeted with a deafening roar and a thunderous standing ovation as he was introduced, as compared with the more muted response given to the other opposition leaders at the forum.
In recent weeks, in an effort to be free for the duration of the critical General Elections, in a period whereby Singapore is experiencing unprecedented levels of demographic change and a spiralling cost of living, the SDP has launched the earlier mentioned appeal to the public for donations, which has so far failed to achieve its target.
However, for the firebrand and staunch defender of the people, time behind bars, is not something that he fears or dreads.
Indeed, such is his strength of his beliefs and convictions that during the proceedings at the Singapore High Court, upon the dismissal of his appeal, Dr Chee Soon Juan merely said to the Court: “You may convict me but I am comforted that I stand before the judgment of a higher court, the court of History. I do not live for the here and now. My words will speak louder in the future than presently. I rest assured I will be vindicated. It is with this knowledge that I remain an unrepentant defender of the people’s rights and an advocate of their freedom.”
Ne’er a truer word was spoken.
at the last call, SDP CLAN boasted they had collected slightly more than 10k tael. they needed 20k to save master chee from being butt chromed in the notorious changi holiday resort which chee would be in solitary recluse.
it was already such an embarrassment that a mere 20k SDP CLAN also couldn't cough it out. probably they were saving it for the LEE CHEE GUAN's exorbitant bak kwa during thie chinese new year period.
what humiliated the SDP CLAN further was their past boastings about enlarged supports and so on didn't materialise. master chee was booked for a reservation in changi resort. this time it was for 5 months which was many much prolonged than his usual a week or 2.
5 months in solitary kungfu confinement. when master chee was released u bet his arse would be a dignified chromed hardened platinum in the highest honor and purity.
but wait! this could be another more devious ploy.....a hideous scheme to ply for more public sympathy. then again sympathing is intangible. dollars and cents are more practical now to help master chee. so where's the money?!! - a quote for master chee himself.
something was quite conflicting here: u saw them camel humping in EGYPT. that kind of trip would have cost close to 10k but now the same kind of money was missing to save master chee. goodness!! lots and lots of ?????s
Following the failed appeal against conviction, Dr Chee Soon Juan, Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) will be going to Prison on February 10 and will be spending the General Elections(GE) behind bars. This is despite an appeal made to the general public at large for donations in an effort to keep the democracy icon out of jail in order for him to helm the SDP’s General Elections campaign.
The imminent incarceration of the man who first burst onto the scene in the 1992 Marine Parade by-elections whereby he stood against the then-Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is another sad indictment of the city state’s harsh and repressive political regime.
For Dr Chee Soon Juan, a former noted Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore (NUS) who was dismissed under contentious circumstances, the latest salvo by the ruling PAP government against him is just one of many that he has accumulated in his bumpy career as the most outspoken critic and opposition leader.
Throughout his years as the leader of the SDP, Dr Chee has led numerous campaigns and protests to highlight the growing income inequality among Singaporeans and the desperate plight of the lower-income in Singapore to survive. As a result of his unrelenting and uncompromising stance on democracy, human rights and justice in Singapore, he has already spent numerous months behind bars to the detriment of his health. It is widely reported that during his 2006 incarceration, he developed complications that had resulted in him being transferred to Changi General Hospital for immediate medical treatment. Allegations soon surfaced, that he has been deliberately poisoned.
This latest spell of jail-time, is a result of charges of “speaking without a permit” that stems all the way back to the 2006 General Elections. The charges themselves are curious and a misnomer, given that the Republic’s constitution clearly states that…”every citizen of Singapore has the right to freedom of speech and expression”. The timing and length of the trial itself is curious, given that the tendency and history of the Singapore legal system are to process cases efficiently and without delay- this trial itself has dragged on from 2007 until now, conveniently enough to put the democracy icon behind bars just when the General Elections are approaching.
What is noteworthy however, at least to the casual outside observer was the deafening silence from the other local opposition parties with regards to the verdict. Unlike the chorus of condemnation and messages of solidarity that one might expect to find in other countries, the lack of response from the other local opposition parties is a testament to how poisonous the relations are between the opposition parties in Singapore. So far, only Kenneth Jeyaretnam, the youngest son of the illustrious and noted democracy advocate J.B Jeyaretnam (who was himself extremely close to the SDP Secretary-General) and current leader of the Reform Party has spoken out against the ruling and pledged funds to keep him out.
However, despite the childish animosity between the opposition political parties in Singapore, it is important to note that for the local burgeoning civil society and population at large, Dr Chee Soon Juan is still the most popular opposition figure despite his numerous convictions and time behind bars. Indeed, at a recent town-hall style forum organised by TheOnlineCitizen(TOC), the famous democracy icon was greeted with a deafening roar and a thunderous standing ovation as he was introduced, as compared with the more muted response given to the other opposition leaders at the forum.
In recent weeks, in an effort to be free for the duration of the critical General Elections, in a period whereby Singapore is experiencing unprecedented levels of demographic change and a spiralling cost of living, the SDP has launched the earlier mentioned appeal to the public for donations, which has so far failed to achieve its target.
However, for the firebrand and staunch defender of the people, time behind bars, is not something that he fears or dreads.
Indeed, such is his strength of his beliefs and convictions that during the proceedings at the Singapore High Court, upon the dismissal of his appeal, Dr Chee Soon Juan merely said to the Court: “You may convict me but I am comforted that I stand before the judgment of a higher court, the court of History. I do not live for the here and now. My words will speak louder in the future than presently. I rest assured I will be vindicated. It is with this knowledge that I remain an unrepentant defender of the people’s rights and an advocate of their freedom.”
Ne’er a truer word was spoken.
at the last call, SDP CLAN boasted they had collected slightly more than 10k tael. they needed 20k to save master chee from being butt chromed in the notorious changi holiday resort which chee would be in solitary recluse.
it was already such an embarrassment that a mere 20k SDP CLAN also couldn't cough it out. probably they were saving it for the LEE CHEE GUAN's exorbitant bak kwa during thie chinese new year period.
what humiliated the SDP CLAN further was their past boastings about enlarged supports and so on didn't materialise. master chee was booked for a reservation in changi resort. this time it was for 5 months which was many much prolonged than his usual a week or 2.
5 months in solitary kungfu confinement. when master chee was released u bet his arse would be a dignified chromed hardened platinum in the highest honor and purity.
but wait! this could be another more devious ploy.....a hideous scheme to ply for more public sympathy. then again sympathing is intangible. dollars and cents are more practical now to help master chee. so where's the money?!! - a quote for master chee himself.
something was quite conflicting here: u saw them camel humping in EGYPT. that kind of trip would have cost close to 10k but now the same kind of money was missing to save master chee. goodness!! lots and lots of ?????s
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