I did not mean for someone to actually 'burn'
Man arrested after making Facebook comment on food-poisoning incident
By Benson Ang
August 25, 2010
He had posted a number of comments on Facebook about the Youth Olympics Games (YOG).
But Mr Abdul Malik Mohammed Ghazali, 27, may have gone too far with a recent posting on a Facebook group which says that it is against the organising committee of the YOG because of several issues.
Unhappy with a series of incidents connected with the Games, Mr Malik allegedly said it was time to hold Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, the Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), responsible.
Mr Malik was arrested by police yesterday and is being investigated for his online postings.
In response to media queries, the police confirmed that a man in his late 20s was arrested yesterday "in connection with investigations into offences related to incitement of violence". He is now on bail and investigations are ongoing.
more to come.....
surprised or rather anticipated. malik the infamous YOG flammer has openly apologised to vivian balakrishna in NEWPAPER today.
the real surprise was (again suspected and confirmed) that he revealed he was joining SDP. perhaps, he was already being instigated and backed by SDP in the first place and now inevitably had to formally admit the link. it's like putting the cart before the horse ,ie, committed, exposed and re-wrote the storyline to make it feel that SDP wasn't the mitigating and main causal supporting factor behind all his nonsense
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
SDP CLAN schemed to wreck YOG
Young Democrats call for support for Abdul Malik
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Singapore Democrats
The Young Democrats met with Mr Abdul Malik Muhammad Ghazali yesterday. Mr Abdul was arrested for posting the following comment on Facebook: "It's time to burn the minister and the pap for this incident". He was released on bail pending further investigation.
During our meeting Mr Malik revealed that, on top of the questions pertaining to the issue, the police had asked him questions such as whether he had joined any political party and what were his political affiliations.
How is Mr Abdul's political affiliation relevant to the issue at hand, which is about the YOG and his comments in the Facebook group set up to take issue with the Government's handling of the Games? Is the Singapore Police Force going to decide on its course of action based on the blogger's political affiliation?
It is also disturbing that comments made by netizens can be taken out of context and be misconstrued by the authorities who are showing increasing signs of paranoia.
Mr Abdul's use of the word "burn" is a figure of speech and should not be taken literally just as Mr Lee Kuan Yew's violent imagery of meeting his opponents in a cul-de-sac and drawing a hatchet is not taken literally by the police.
Mr Lee's actual quote: "Everybody knows that in my bag I have a hatchet, and a very sharp one. You take me on, I take my hatchet, we meet in the cul-de-sac."
Mr Abdul is being investigated for “inciting violence and public disorder” under Section 267 Chapter 244 of the penal code. His laptop was also seized as part of the investigation. He is also being investigated for his involvement in the 'I Hate YOG Organising Committee' group in Facebook.
The Young Democrats stand by Mr Abdul Malik. It is perfectly within his rights to set up the Facebook group and to be associated in any way to any political group he wishes.
Also, it is the Young Democrats' view that Mr Abdul Malik has been singled out. A perusal of said group's content shows comments that are even more contentious.
The 'I Hate the YOG Organising Committee' group was formed by netizens to express their disatisfaction and disgruntlement towards the YOG's organising committee over their handling of the event. The comments therein should be taken as fair comment and criticism. Our mother party has also spoken up on the matter as have several bloggers.
The Internet is currently the only way that citizens can voice out their dissent and dissatisfaction because the traditional media is heavily influenced by the state. And yet, even this little avenue that is left for the citizens to exercise our rights to freedom of expression is fast being taken away.
This development is of grave concern to us in the Young Democrats and we emphatically register our disquiet over the matter. We will continue to speak up and act for Singaporean youths whenever and wherever they are unjustly treated by the state.
We offer our support to Mr Abdul Malik and we hope that all other youth organisations will do the same.
Jarrod Luo
Honorary Secretary
for Young Democrats
it happened. yes, again. what else good could be transpired from the nation-wreacking martial arts clan of SDP?
YOG was in town recently. the highly anticipated sports event which only handpicked the most ideal and qualified venue to host it. this time, the honour happened to land in the hands of peesailand.
the world's best sportsmen congregrate in the tiny island dot of peesailand. what a honour to every peasants here!
this was a humongous grand happening. lots of money and gold taels had to be invested in to ensure that peesailand could prove to the world their hospitality, generosity and capability to handle such mammoth task.
hiccups were aplenty. many volunteers were recruited to help out. they spent much of time, effort and even own expenses to see to the success of YOG. in return, they wre rewarded with food fit for dogs (plain rice with a small piece of fried pork chop and a few strands of small pieces of long bean). as if that wasn't an enough insult, a number of volunters were down with food poisoning as reported.
the initial cost of YOG was reported to be 100M+ which later escalated into almost 386M!! no wonder peasants were mad cos for them to plead for extra 30copper coins per month would be rebutted with "do u wanna eat in teahouses or roadside stalls?"
the same scroogy minitoot vivi balabala was the overall chiefy in this event. and he was a marked target for the SDP CLAN to stir up unrest and hatred.
and so the story went on with a young malay guy, malikita who was full of anger and feeling of injustice began a trail of flaming against the minitoot vivi. flaming wasn't enough, he hinted to "burning"....and pretty soon, the imperial secret guards were set upon him and arrested him for inciting violence and unrest.
when news about malikita's arrest came to light, it was inevitable that a strange feeling was welling within me....a feeling which SDP CLAN could be behind the instigation of such bold, brash, defiant and totally foolish gimmick.
true enough, sdp clan was now bragging and exploiting more likewised idiotic peasants to rebel against the imperial court and demanded release of malikita.
YOG was a grand sports even where world's best sportsmen pit their skills against one another. it was an honour and great fortune that peesailand was bestow with. as usual, SDP CLAN had once again shown to peasants they shall not stop at any slightest opportunity just to embarrass peesailand and paint such ugly but false pictures about a peaceful, harmonious and happy country.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Singapore Democrats
The Young Democrats met with Mr Abdul Malik Muhammad Ghazali yesterday. Mr Abdul was arrested for posting the following comment on Facebook: "It's time to burn the minister and the pap for this incident". He was released on bail pending further investigation.
During our meeting Mr Malik revealed that, on top of the questions pertaining to the issue, the police had asked him questions such as whether he had joined any political party and what were his political affiliations.
How is Mr Abdul's political affiliation relevant to the issue at hand, which is about the YOG and his comments in the Facebook group set up to take issue with the Government's handling of the Games? Is the Singapore Police Force going to decide on its course of action based on the blogger's political affiliation?
It is also disturbing that comments made by netizens can be taken out of context and be misconstrued by the authorities who are showing increasing signs of paranoia.
Mr Abdul's use of the word "burn" is a figure of speech and should not be taken literally just as Mr Lee Kuan Yew's violent imagery of meeting his opponents in a cul-de-sac and drawing a hatchet is not taken literally by the police.
Mr Lee's actual quote: "Everybody knows that in my bag I have a hatchet, and a very sharp one. You take me on, I take my hatchet, we meet in the cul-de-sac."
Mr Abdul is being investigated for “inciting violence and public disorder” under Section 267 Chapter 244 of the penal code. His laptop was also seized as part of the investigation. He is also being investigated for his involvement in the 'I Hate YOG Organising Committee' group in Facebook.
The Young Democrats stand by Mr Abdul Malik. It is perfectly within his rights to set up the Facebook group and to be associated in any way to any political group he wishes.
Also, it is the Young Democrats' view that Mr Abdul Malik has been singled out. A perusal of said group's content shows comments that are even more contentious.
The 'I Hate the YOG Organising Committee' group was formed by netizens to express their disatisfaction and disgruntlement towards the YOG's organising committee over their handling of the event. The comments therein should be taken as fair comment and criticism. Our mother party has also spoken up on the matter as have several bloggers.
The Internet is currently the only way that citizens can voice out their dissent and dissatisfaction because the traditional media is heavily influenced by the state. And yet, even this little avenue that is left for the citizens to exercise our rights to freedom of expression is fast being taken away.
This development is of grave concern to us in the Young Democrats and we emphatically register our disquiet over the matter. We will continue to speak up and act for Singaporean youths whenever and wherever they are unjustly treated by the state.
We offer our support to Mr Abdul Malik and we hope that all other youth organisations will do the same.
Jarrod Luo
Honorary Secretary
for Young Democrats
it happened. yes, again. what else good could be transpired from the nation-wreacking martial arts clan of SDP?
YOG was in town recently. the highly anticipated sports event which only handpicked the most ideal and qualified venue to host it. this time, the honour happened to land in the hands of peesailand.
the world's best sportsmen congregrate in the tiny island dot of peesailand. what a honour to every peasants here!
this was a humongous grand happening. lots of money and gold taels had to be invested in to ensure that peesailand could prove to the world their hospitality, generosity and capability to handle such mammoth task.
hiccups were aplenty. many volunteers were recruited to help out. they spent much of time, effort and even own expenses to see to the success of YOG. in return, they wre rewarded with food fit for dogs (plain rice with a small piece of fried pork chop and a few strands of small pieces of long bean). as if that wasn't an enough insult, a number of volunters were down with food poisoning as reported.
the initial cost of YOG was reported to be 100M+ which later escalated into almost 386M!! no wonder peasants were mad cos for them to plead for extra 30copper coins per month would be rebutted with "do u wanna eat in teahouses or roadside stalls?"
the same scroogy minitoot vivi balabala was the overall chiefy in this event. and he was a marked target for the SDP CLAN to stir up unrest and hatred.
and so the story went on with a young malay guy, malikita who was full of anger and feeling of injustice began a trail of flaming against the minitoot vivi. flaming wasn't enough, he hinted to "burning"....and pretty soon, the imperial secret guards were set upon him and arrested him for inciting violence and unrest.
when news about malikita's arrest came to light, it was inevitable that a strange feeling was welling within me....a feeling which SDP CLAN could be behind the instigation of such bold, brash, defiant and totally foolish gimmick.
true enough, sdp clan was now bragging and exploiting more likewised idiotic peasants to rebel against the imperial court and demanded release of malikita.
YOG was a grand sports even where world's best sportsmen pit their skills against one another. it was an honour and great fortune that peesailand was bestow with. as usual, SDP CLAN had once again shown to peasants they shall not stop at any slightest opportunity just to embarrass peesailand and paint such ugly but false pictures about a peaceful, harmonious and happy country.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
haunting sexual harrassment from lamui

Local News
狮城女穿少少 男人:性骚扰
lau baey, the posterboy of the LEEgime was recently unwittingly slipped on his words. it must have been the sexual harrassment of the siao cha bor desperate fishmonger's wife from the abc market. she was none other the infamous lamui, driver of a menancing black sexmobile which got itself being booked for illeegally parking offence.
she seeked lau baey who was unfortunate to be the MP or magistrate of province of ABC. although lau baey tried to held her to get the summon waived, she was smitten by his charisma. lau baey was afterall the "posterboy" with the deadly korean look-alike killer charm.
needless to say, lamui, the desperate abc fishonger's wife was shunned. as we all know that this was a desperate housewife who over-rated herself about her mediocre look of hiao-cheeness thought she could flirt&destroy any lame tom, harry and particularly the dick to her sickening bitchiness. she was devastatingly wrong - as usual or else her loverboy chiasai wouldn't be bashed up by her hubby, the greenhat swordsman.
poor lau baey! he was now the butt of joke for grovelling at bosomic groves. just like another rear arse admiral lui tua tui who proclaimed he didn't surf porn. tsk..tsk! ya right!
this sudden outburst to disclaim about the leeport about being uncomforted when peasant seeked his aid wearing low-cut exposing boobs attire put him in a very discmfortable uneasiness. probably it was a reminder about the mental torment that lamui had directly inflicted on lau baey.
poor baey! the occupational hazards that he had to face as a MP - magistrate of province for ABC - the notorious dwelling hideout for lamui.
and the forums went all wild....
From: kojakbt_89 Aug-16 8:41 am
To: 西北賭郎 (HardRCafe) (7 of 26)
37622.7 in reply to 37622.6

Just look at him... u think he is a gay?
kojakt is a host of 3in1 delphiforum - a site that is biased and full of prejudices and probably another vessel of SDP IB linked to the SDP CLAN.
Edited 8/16/2010 8:42 am ET by kojakbt_89
Saturday, August 14, 2010
what could be brewing in evil master chee's mind
a bag of tricks and evil political exploitations?
11 dec, 1950 - Maria Hertogh riots. a tragedy that was exploited by politicians to create trouble. a tussle for a girl between her dutch mother and the malay mother who adopted her became a religious conflict with 18 deads.
15 feb 1851 - anti catholic riots. for 5 days, non christian chinese fr secret societies attacked chinese who had converted to become catholics.
5 may 1854 - hokkien-teochew riots. hokkiens and teochews disagreed over politics in china. their societies clashed for almost 2 weeks killing some 600.
21 oct, 1871 - hokkien teochew riots. a hokkien caught a teochew in the act of picking his pocket and this led to a clash between the 2 communities' gangs. for days, people fought openly o the streets.
sep to oct, 1956 - chinese middle school riots. thousands of chinese school students went on strike against the british autorities after their union was closed down. rioting spread: 13 died and 123 injured.
21 jul 1964 & sep 2 - racial riots. during a procession to celebrate prophet mohammed's birthday, fighting broke out between malays and chinese probably instigated by politicians (yes, again people who could be like chee soon juan) who wanted to make trouble for singapore.
june 1969 - on may 13, riots broke out between chinese and malays in malaysia after an election. b june, the riots spread to singapore: leaders of malaysian triad societies instigated groups here to attach one another.
11 dec, 1950 - Maria Hertogh riots. a tragedy that was exploited by politicians to create trouble. a tussle for a girl between her dutch mother and the malay mother who adopted her became a religious conflict with 18 deads.
15 feb 1851 - anti catholic riots. for 5 days, non christian chinese fr secret societies attacked chinese who had converted to become catholics.
5 may 1854 - hokkien-teochew riots. hokkiens and teochews disagreed over politics in china. their societies clashed for almost 2 weeks killing some 600.
21 oct, 1871 - hokkien teochew riots. a hokkien caught a teochew in the act of picking his pocket and this led to a clash between the 2 communities' gangs. for days, people fought openly o the streets.
sep to oct, 1956 - chinese middle school riots. thousands of chinese school students went on strike against the british autorities after their union was closed down. rioting spread: 13 died and 123 injured.
21 jul 1964 & sep 2 - racial riots. during a procession to celebrate prophet mohammed's birthday, fighting broke out between malays and chinese probably instigated by politicians (yes, again people who could be like chee soon juan) who wanted to make trouble for singapore.
june 1969 - on may 13, riots broke out between chinese and malays in malaysia after an election. b june, the riots spread to singapore: leaders of malaysian triad societies instigated groups here to attach one another.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
too slow, too late?
Aug 11, 2010
Chiam: Vacating Potong Pasir a personal sacrifice to strengthen opposition
I REFER to Mr Michael Tan's letter last Saturday ('Chiam should have spared a thought for loyal voters').
I must balance the interest of Singapore and the interest of the residents of Potong Pasir.
To have a strong democracy, Singapore must have enough opposition in Parliament to balance the strength of the People's Action Party. Singapore has had only two opposition MPs for far too long, without the prospect of a successful opposition bid in capturing a group representation constituency (GRC).
I have decided to make a sacrifice by coming out of my comfort zone to capture a GRC in order to expand the strength of the opposition. I have not abandoned the residents of Potong Pasir. Their interest is always with me and so, for this reason, I have chosen my wife to take my place and represent me in Potong Pasir. She has been helping me all these years in parliamentary and constituency work.
I chose her because she is able and trustworthy, and not because she is my wife. Unlike Mr Low Thia Khiang (the other opposition MP, for Hougang), who is much younger than me, I have completed six elections. It is time for me to move forward to help the opposition grow. I seek your understanding and support for my decision, which was not an easy one to reach. In time, I hope Mrs Chiam will be able to earn the residents' trust to serve them.
I thank all residents for their unwavering support all these years and for my choice of the new candidate.
Chiam See Tong
MP for Potong Pasir
master chiam's ambitious plan to win some more bigger provinces could have come a bit too slow and too late. he was after all quite old now and striken with stroke. his health condition wasn't too good and his speech was rather blur.
the question on every peasants' mind now was : would he live until D-DAY? pray and keep the fingers crossed.
then there was the in-house bickering between auntie chiam and the protege desmondo (going to be ex soon). desmondo was feeling the heat of auntie chiam's breathe on his neck. instead of he being continued as the 2nd hand man to helm the clan, auntie chiam had taken over and cut into his queue. that could have pissed him off and now the internal strife and squabbling began......
Chiam: Vacating Potong Pasir a personal sacrifice to strengthen opposition
I REFER to Mr Michael Tan's letter last Saturday ('Chiam should have spared a thought for loyal voters').
I must balance the interest of Singapore and the interest of the residents of Potong Pasir.
To have a strong democracy, Singapore must have enough opposition in Parliament to balance the strength of the People's Action Party. Singapore has had only two opposition MPs for far too long, without the prospect of a successful opposition bid in capturing a group representation constituency (GRC).
I have decided to make a sacrifice by coming out of my comfort zone to capture a GRC in order to expand the strength of the opposition. I have not abandoned the residents of Potong Pasir. Their interest is always with me and so, for this reason, I have chosen my wife to take my place and represent me in Potong Pasir. She has been helping me all these years in parliamentary and constituency work.
I chose her because she is able and trustworthy, and not because she is my wife. Unlike Mr Low Thia Khiang (the other opposition MP, for Hougang), who is much younger than me, I have completed six elections. It is time for me to move forward to help the opposition grow. I seek your understanding and support for my decision, which was not an easy one to reach. In time, I hope Mrs Chiam will be able to earn the residents' trust to serve them.
I thank all residents for their unwavering support all these years and for my choice of the new candidate.
Chiam See Tong
MP for Potong Pasir
master chiam's ambitious plan to win some more bigger provinces could have come a bit too slow and too late. he was after all quite old now and striken with stroke. his health condition wasn't too good and his speech was rather blur.
the question on every peasants' mind now was : would he live until D-DAY? pray and keep the fingers crossed.
then there was the in-house bickering between auntie chiam and the protege desmondo (going to be ex soon). desmondo was feeling the heat of auntie chiam's breathe on his neck. instead of he being continued as the 2nd hand man to helm the clan, auntie chiam had taken over and cut into his queue. that could have pissed him off and now the internal strife and squabbling began......
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
brainwashing of youths
it was another NDP celebration in peesailand. this would be the 45 years of celebration for indepdence. but look what SDP CLAN's brainwashed kids were being brainfed with a different kind of fodder.
master chee was such an evil mind-bender and mental-freak. would the LEEgime take action against such evil doctrine corrupting the young minds?
ok, peesilander youths might not be cartoon but at least they were not as mind-controlled like master chee's zombied brainless young ninjas in the making.
while the whole nation rejoiced in NDP, SDP clan was sulking in resentful unhappiness....
master chee was such an evil mind-bender and mental-freak. would the LEEgime take action against such evil doctrine corrupting the young minds?
ok, peesilander youths might not be cartoon but at least they were not as mind-controlled like master chee's zombied brainless young ninjas in the making.
while the whole nation rejoiced in NDP, SDP clan was sulking in resentful unhappiness....
unique KPKB deadly kungfu of master chee
‘Mr Lui Tuck Yew
Ministry for Information, Communication and the Arts
140 Hill Street
#02-02 MICA Building,
Singapore 179369
Dear Sir:
Re: The New Democrat
We have finally received the approval for our application to publish The New Democrat - after a delay of more than three months.
It is hard to imagine how the renewal of our newspaper licence can take such a long time. As we have noted in our previous emails to you, MDA officials indicated that such applications take only a couple of weeks to process and that it was you who was sitting on our application.
The delay has caused us substantial difficulties. Given the fact that elections will have to be called in the not-too-distant future, you will agree that such a disruption to our communication efforts with voters is most unfair.
We have the right to know what was holding up our licence.
Two, we want to know what the proper procedure and guidelines for processing such applications are.
Three, under what statute did you rely on to delay our application?
Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
master chee being the whimpiest clan master had once again proven that he was a difficult little whimp to deal with. the LEEgime had finally acceded him to allow his sale of their in-clan's calligraphy. even approving it would entail another special kungfu master chee was deadly in, that is, the kungfu of deadly KOWPEHKOWBU or KPKB for short.
master chee had inadvertently placed himself as a mocked overlord of the martial arts fratenity in local politics. they don't approve his demand, he KPKB. now they approved his whim, he also KPKB.
oh brother!! and this was the kungfu master who was suppose to lord over peasants? mati lah! if he succeeded, then all peasants would have to be forced to master his deadly kungfu in KPKB. it would be many times worst than peesailand's compulsory NS
Ministry for Information, Communication and the Arts
140 Hill Street
#02-02 MICA Building,
Singapore 179369
Dear Sir:
Re: The New Democrat
We have finally received the approval for our application to publish The New Democrat - after a delay of more than three months.
It is hard to imagine how the renewal of our newspaper licence can take such a long time. As we have noted in our previous emails to you, MDA officials indicated that such applications take only a couple of weeks to process and that it was you who was sitting on our application.
The delay has caused us substantial difficulties. Given the fact that elections will have to be called in the not-too-distant future, you will agree that such a disruption to our communication efforts with voters is most unfair.
We have the right to know what was holding up our licence.
Two, we want to know what the proper procedure and guidelines for processing such applications are.
Three, under what statute did you rely on to delay our application?
Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
master chee being the whimpiest clan master had once again proven that he was a difficult little whimp to deal with. the LEEgime had finally acceded him to allow his sale of their in-clan's calligraphy. even approving it would entail another special kungfu master chee was deadly in, that is, the kungfu of deadly KOWPEHKOWBU or KPKB for short.
master chee had inadvertently placed himself as a mocked overlord of the martial arts fratenity in local politics. they don't approve his demand, he KPKB. now they approved his whim, he also KPKB.
oh brother!! and this was the kungfu master who was suppose to lord over peasants? mati lah! if he succeeded, then all peasants would have to be forced to master his deadly kungfu in KPKB. it would be many times worst than peesailand's compulsory NS
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