Tuesday, June 29, 2010

another subsidiary gang of SDP CLAN formed

chia sai and ng ah teck annouced their liasion and formation of another new political martial art clan called SP or SOCIALITIS POO clan. both martial arts exponent were highly respected individuals involved in many SDP CLAN's public clowning activities. chia sai was also the official mike holder for master chee when he sang his blues in 7th month getai. ah teck on the other hand was unceremoniously booted out of RP clan and had since taking refuge in SDP hideout.

one would wonder why take refuge and claiming partyless when they could just conveniently join as SDP disciple. master chee would surely be exhilirated and bestowed them with some dummy high level position such as the gatekeeper or housekeeper or even the mike holder post.

ah teck was hardly heard of after he quit his previous clan. chia sai on the other hand was delegated to be the wisping host in SDP CLAN's in house LIVE WITH SAI talkshow. official mike holder - a very suitable post master chee already given to chia sai for interviewing some passe virtually unknown characters. as usual, chia sai asked prejudiced question with anticipative equally biased answers regarding the politial martial state of peesailand. the usual SDP's human rights, free speeches and all the crappy democrapsies issues.

presumably the talkshow was another failure bragged - as usual again - to top-rated internet viewership. it died a natural death. anticipated.

chia sai was one attention whore seeker who craved for media attention and importance. to enhance that, it seemed that the one way was to create a stir in the political martial scene.

as a result, ng ah teck was roped in to form SOCIALITIS POO clan with 8 other mysterious ninjas and turtles who probably were from SDP CLAN and also probably the same disciples who aided lamei in her new clan of USeD or U SEE DIT DIT. USeD was now dormant and subsidiary in waiting for the mass migration of SDP CLAN once the mass execution edict was passed by the LEEgime.

why then another poltiical martial clan being formed?

SHIT TIMES only leeported very briefly. all 10 members chose to remain mum about their motive, agenda or riddle. only chia sai and ah teck's names were mentioned. according to martial arts observer cum professori, he guessed that such formation could be a ploy to diffuse political supports and ruining of peasants; votes later when the GE finally come.

the best way to do this was to create more political martial arts clans to cause confusion to the peasants. confused peasants would like to vote EVERY clans and thus voiding their precious votes for the authentic more reputable brand-named opp martial arts clans.

then a very die die must know why question was hanging in every peasants' lip:

WHY DID CHIA SAI, NG AH TECK, LAMUI and probably JJ's turn next need to form new clans when they were seen very active in SDP's public clowning antics? was there a clash of opinions? an internal strife and craving for power?

JJ, chia sai and lamui were the martial arts experts of unholy trinity. the threesome was now splitted up indivually with JJ in SDP, chia sai in SP and lamui in USeD.

the political martial arts world now awaits for more splitting of SDP CLAN. SEELAN kwee - the black mamba could be forming another hindu clan and probably calls it TP or TAMBI PRATA clan. JJ could also be scheming for a new clan. who knows....ninjas and turtles breeding season are now voracious as the GE draws near.

chances for brand-named opp clans now face a more difficult and uphill task to win the province they have invested much time and effort into with the appearances of more ninjas and turtles to mess up their strategies.

ninjas and turtles breeding season

NINJA ASSASSIN need to rid SDP turtle ninjas


NINJA ASSASSIN was a action flick starring korean hunk RAIN. in our political scene, we really need him to rid all the turtle ninjas breeding in SDP.

do u dare confront them?

gohmengseng has been stalked in the past. those ninja turtles tried to ruin him by trying to break his ricebowl. the despicables posted his vehicle, his shop and even defamed him hiding a mistress.

why would sure people want to do that?

do not forget too that chiam see tong wasn't spare. there were posters defaming him being a "rogue" lawyer. yet in a public news, THERE WAS REALLY A ROGUE LAWYER who ran away with the client's wife and got bashed up by the husband.

but strangely, the pair of adulterous couple were honored especially by chee and his SDP. why is it like that?

those dubious ninjas claimed to support opps but then again they attacked the prominent opp more outstanding people like gms, cst, ltk, sylvia lim and many others.

i can tell u guys those ninjas are none other from SDP!.

look at the recent spates: CHEE VS LINA CHIAM, NG TECK SIONG (written by ng ejay) vs Kenneth Jeyaratnam of RP. which political party are they from? SDP!! now why would they beside creating public troubles now trying to sabotage other opp parties' cadres?

finally, SDP has caused so much troubles, chee anticipates that it might have to close by force or voluntarily. that's why another clone party USD was set up. here's the funny part. it was set up by a partyless pantyless. now u realise why many choose to be active in SDP but refuse to be branded a SDP member preferring to remain partyless and pantyless.

this kind of behaviour, u tell me does it entail to an honest, sincere and responsible party?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

ah juan picking cunt sin's cherries

after the TAK BOLEH TAHAN trial and the devastating defeat of sdp clan's CRAZY DRAGON 18 DEADLY BLOWS, there seemed to be a disturbing peace in the martial arts of local politics.

recently there was an artistic vandalism occurring in peesailand's pride of SMRT or Squeezed Messed Repulsive Train where peasants were being daily Squeezed like sardines which Messed up their hairdos and clothings making many feeling Repulsive after they had no other choice but to enter the Trains of SMRT.

some peasants had displayed awed disbelief that such local pride SMRT could be so easily graffiti. fortunately, the Swiss and engkor (england) ang mos were just "artists" and not artistic terrorists who would otherwise made peesailand prouder by their special display of fireworks.

SDP CLAN's chiefy ah juan had ran out of ammunition to hantam the LEEgime and their lackeys. along came this godsend fiasco and wahla!! here we go again!! cherries picking season for chee ah juan.

wong cunt sing, the assistant primed minitoot in charge, could be having a hard time now trying to karaoke hitting the hit pitch of THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM when challenged by ah juan's I AM BAD, AM REALLY BAD from MJ's BAD. ah sing's last rendition about hitting the dreadfully cold folk song: MAS SELAMAT DATANG MAS - an inspirational farewell song lyrics from peesailand's #1 terrorist captive MAS who breezefully limped and swam off to matland without a trace but was eventually captured by matlanders over a drugged satays and ketupats meal. and phew!! mas' farts emitted from excessive bawang really could be smelled all over in peesailand all the way from matland JB!!

ah juan, ah juan....just when would u ever learn?

the lackeys of the LEEgime were entitled to their million$ gold taels not for practicality and wisdom. they were richly rewarded more for their talents of words usuage. their prowess in verbal kungfu was many times deadlier and fatalistic than any of the other deadly kungfus - secret or non-secret combined that could be mastered in the political world of martial arts.

you say the wrong words, you get sued off your pants. your bank accounts get freezed and your assets impounded. heads get chopped and rolled. so dun pray pray!!

they did a bad job, all that was ever needed were words. yep!! talented, original, creating and unique phrases such as:

"it's an honest mistake, let's move on....."

"silent? so be it...."

"gst is to help the poor and needies...."

the more cheem and controversial the better. it would blur peasants further and if they tried to think or delve too much into their bombastic words, they would unwittingly be inflicted with internal injury with drastic blood vomitting consequences.

there were so many such defeating deadly words that smoothly coated and sweetened every cherries. so chiefy ah juan, the cherry that u had picked, was it honeyed, molassed or caramelised?

Take responsibility, SDP tells PAP government

Take responsibility, SDP tells PAP government

Thursday, June 3, 2010


the real JJ addressing to SDP CLAN's followers, disciples, zombies, imbeciles, turtles, ninjas and etc.

pirate copy JJ blessed with kong hee fatt choy.