SDP CLAN has never ceased to amaze whenever there is a special day. so it's labour day, may lst. and what is their message? another hidden agenda which ends off with "happy wishing". what irony! their secret message instigates once again the peasants to rebel against the LEEgime.
they never miss an opportuniy to preach their "messages" - x'mas day - rebel against the gov. chinese new year - rebel against the gov....APRIL FOOL'S DAY - rebel against the gov.
what other days would their message hide another secret code of REBEL AGAINST THE GOV?? when shall SDP CLAN ever stop? perhaps, they are nearing their total annihilation soon. hey! they should be ok! they already have a standby reserved clan set up - USD CLAN or U SEE DITDIT clan - all standing by for mass migration when SDP CLAN is finally obliterated.
The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has published its May Day message on its website. (Click here to view it.)
In its message, the SDP says that Singaporean workers “have been systematically reduced to mere digits without dignity and tenure of employment”, by a ruling party that has “morphed into an authoritarian capitalist outfit”.
The SDP also says there is no protection for workers, because they are unable to form independent trade unions to safeguard their rights, such as their rights to a minimum wage, retrenchment entitlements, or job security in the face of an unchecked inflow of foreigners.
The SDP wants to see a minimum wage law enacted, a Singaporean First policy in place, weekly working hours respected, and rampant exploitative practice of contract labour curtailed.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
ah juan's secret letter.....

master chee secretly sent a letter by his carrier pigeon to PM. as he knew that everyone in the LEEgime was quite allergic to him, he exploited his sidekick orhbalan to do it. clever hor? anything happen orhbalan sure kena laulan!! or blame for any misgiving.
Advantageous for the PAP to leave Bukit Panjang as it is
Posted: 20 Apr 2010 10:24 PM PDT
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has written to the Prime Minister’s office to leave Bukit Panjang as a Single Member Constituency in the next General Elections (GE).
SDP claims on its website that the party has been visiting the constituency for years and has intensified their work there since the last GE in 2006.
They say, “We will put in everything to wrest the seat from the PAP (People’s Action Party).”
It is quite obvious that SDP and PAP have taken polar positions on the issue of the wet market takeover and the subsequent wet market stalls rental hikes by Sheng Siong Supermarket in Bukit Panjang.
Dr Teo Ho Pin the current elected Member of Parliament (MP) of Bukit Panjang constituency has maintained that “market forces should determine the rental (hike of 30% by Sheng Siong)”.
Whereas, the SDP has said that market forces cannot determine the market stall rentals because Bukit Panjang has got only one wet market and without another wet market to offer competition to Sheng Siong, there can be no market forces at play in this issue.
The governing party of Singapore has often alleged that Singaporeans have “repeatedly rejected Dr Chee, his politics and his party”, while the SDP blames its electoral defeats on the political system of Singapore, which is in a dire need of democratic reform.
If the Bukit Panjang SMC is left intact as it currently is, it will not only be an opportunity for the voters there to decide to support or reject the current MP and his performance, but it will also be a perfect opportunity for the current government to bring home its point (if SDP loses) that Singaporeans have indeed rejected the SDP.
And if the SDP won, it would also be to the advantage of the PAP for then, they could slam home the message that the political system is fine and needs no drastic reforms as claimed by the SDP.
But of most advantage to the PAP, would be its ability to tell the rest of the electorate at the next GE that it is not afraid of a fair fight.
The Prime Minister should instruct the Elections Department of Singapore, which comes under his purview to seriously consider the request of the SDP to leave Bukit Panjang Single Member Constituency as it currently is, as the Elections Department redraws the electoral divisions for the next GE.
SDP’s letter to the Prime Minister’s Office:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

goh meng seng without his saikong gown
saikongseng was trying to setup KAI PANG CLAN or BEGGAR CLAN to have a final showdown with pap's LEEgime. it was either a win all or lose all situation. ah seng was leeported to be selling his mansion for 400K taels to invest in his quest to conquer tampines GRC province. if he succeeded, his hk wifey and daughter would come over peesailand to live happily ever after with him. but if he failed, then he would balek kampung to HK to live unhappily ever after with his family there.
the wagers are now on! would saikongseng win the magistrate post or MP and rule over tampines? if he loses, what would be his next plan? really to live in exile in hk?? how now? BET LAH!! lai ah!! 3:2, u bet ah seng win, u get 3 taels for 2 wager :)
国民团结党秘书长吴明盛 准备卖屋参加大选
国民团结党秘书长吴明盛出售组屋,为大选筹钱 。(档案照)
gms has now unwittingly exposed himself to the elements. yep! he has dropped his undies!
his ardent stalkers of cowards and losers especially from the SDP IB are smirkingly scheming now and realise his weak point n vulnerability.
besides facing the imminent bombarbments by paps to brand him as a QUITTER LOSER should he lose, pap opponents might use such words as "irresponsibility" and "non-commitment" and other new words they would cook up to hit at gms who's now a sitting fat duck waiting to be roasted into a yummy peking duck!
there are also the troll lamei who gms had offended for not shaking her properly - the hands i meant when she offered it and trying to seduce the family-oriented loving husband seng. along with lamei lurk a bunch of ninja turltes who would be easily F&D to do her biddings and gohmengseng is her one time favorite target.
take a leaf from the recent squabbles. chee vs chiams and ngtecksiong/ejay vs KJ/RP, it would be very proabable that this revelation about ah seng selling his flats would result in another fracas.
so keep an eye on the ST FORUMS. sure many would write io criticise gms.
then what about u guys?
scroobal proposes a "fund raising". is he for real or just trying to get some media attention?
can a guy so petty to have censured most of my postings and many others be that magnimanious , generous, sincere and helpful?
whatever it is, the only things let for us to do is to pray that ah seng wins the next GE. to do so, ah seng shall need all the voluntary help the brothers and sisters can generously offer. if u cannot help in cash, then help in service.
during the GE, there's alot of labour intensive works need to be done.
Monday, April 19, 2010
my pyschedelic purple technicolored sexmobile
mysterious oracle coming true......
leetahsar's oracle to KJ is coming true
Setting the record straight
Reform Party founders challenge Kenneth Jeyaretnam's claims in interview
Letter from Ng Teck Siongand Gopal Prabha Former Chairman and former Vice-Chairman, and co-founders of the Reform Party 05:55 AM Apr 19, 2010
We refer to the exclusive interview "I am my own man: Kenneth Jeyaretnam" (April 8) and would like to correct defects in certain points he raised about our history.
It was incorrect of him to claim that the Reform Party did not hold Central Executive Council (CEC) meetings for about four or five months prior to his so-called "election" as secretary-general.
After the passing of our party chief Mr J B Jeyaretnam on Sept 30, 2008, we held four meetings - on Oct 17, 2008, Nov 15, 2008, Feb 21, 2009 and March 21, 2009 - save the ones for December 2008 and January 2009 due to the festive seasons and year-end holidays. We even held a party forum on Feb 28, 2009 at the Allson Hotel. All these have been documented.
His allegation that the party was in quite a bad state et cetera was again unsubstantiated. Both of us prepared the accounts, kept them up-to-date and reported the affairs at every CEC meeting. We also got them completed for the year ending March 31, 2009, which was in time to submit the Annual Returns to the Registrar of Societies.
We focused our attention on building up our logistics and the finances - crucial to our survival. Our cash flow was improving and we were slowly, but surely, progressing.
With four electoral successes with those opposition teams in our bags, exposure to town council management and a long standing technical know-how, we felt we were better placed to oversee a new opposition political entity and promulgate its interests.
No doubt we had only a School Certificate and a Diploma between us and not "double-firsts" from Cambridge.
After a motion to make him secretary-general of the party at our seventh CEC meeting on March 21, 2009 was rejected, he started taking a condescending approach to us. We gave him ample opportunities to follow protocol and to talk to us, but he did not follow.
It all culminated on April 26, 2009 at what was to be our eighth CEC meeting, when he initiated a change in leadership with help from certain CEC members. He even summoned the long ago, resigned, ex-treasurer to come and aid in his cause.
Had we stood our grounds and fought, it would have all spilled out to the open, prematurely. We adjourned, let him off the hook and stepped aside, keeping mum.
Now we take this opportunity and wish to set the record straight. We believe that one needs to be genuine and humble fundamentally to lead fellow men. We gave the party the "Sun" logo - the epitome of Truth!
We called ourselves the Reform Party, whose agenda is to be freed from false illusions and to build the foundation for the future betterment of Singaporeans.
way back before all this nonsensical petty squabbling begins, my li'l brother has emailed KJ and cautioned him about my pet snake slithering away in his party. this has finally come to light that dissidents of RP have turned traitorous to slime mercilessly against the party they professed that "they have founded with the late JBJ".
how could this be so when what we see now is making the pap smirking with joys. the traitors are trying to nip the bud of RP before it could bloom gloriously. poor KJ! for those with faith in JBJ should also have their faith in his son KJ and support him all the way until victory be with RP and traitors shall choke on their own false allegations.
one very vital question KJ must clear. did my pet snake sow the discord or enhance it while he was briefly there? KJ must make to realise those ninjas are very good at borrowing others' parangs for the kill.
chee uses my pet snake and he in turn uses an old goat to get to the unwary KJ. for those who know more, u must share the details so that we can see the true colors of SDP ninja turtles hard at work.
according to report, ng teck siong is now with SDP and so is ngejay. can someone confirm?
Setting the record straight
Reform Party founders challenge Kenneth Jeyaretnam's claims in interview
Letter from Ng Teck Siongand Gopal Prabha Former Chairman and former Vice-Chairman, and co-founders of the Reform Party 05:55 AM Apr 19, 2010
We refer to the exclusive interview "I am my own man: Kenneth Jeyaretnam" (April 8) and would like to correct defects in certain points he raised about our history.
It was incorrect of him to claim that the Reform Party did not hold Central Executive Council (CEC) meetings for about four or five months prior to his so-called "election" as secretary-general.
After the passing of our party chief Mr J B Jeyaretnam on Sept 30, 2008, we held four meetings - on Oct 17, 2008, Nov 15, 2008, Feb 21, 2009 and March 21, 2009 - save the ones for December 2008 and January 2009 due to the festive seasons and year-end holidays. We even held a party forum on Feb 28, 2009 at the Allson Hotel. All these have been documented.
His allegation that the party was in quite a bad state et cetera was again unsubstantiated. Both of us prepared the accounts, kept them up-to-date and reported the affairs at every CEC meeting. We also got them completed for the year ending March 31, 2009, which was in time to submit the Annual Returns to the Registrar of Societies.
We focused our attention on building up our logistics and the finances - crucial to our survival. Our cash flow was improving and we were slowly, but surely, progressing.
With four electoral successes with those opposition teams in our bags, exposure to town council management and a long standing technical know-how, we felt we were better placed to oversee a new opposition political entity and promulgate its interests.
No doubt we had only a School Certificate and a Diploma between us and not "double-firsts" from Cambridge.
After a motion to make him secretary-general of the party at our seventh CEC meeting on March 21, 2009 was rejected, he started taking a condescending approach to us. We gave him ample opportunities to follow protocol and to talk to us, but he did not follow.
It all culminated on April 26, 2009 at what was to be our eighth CEC meeting, when he initiated a change in leadership with help from certain CEC members. He even summoned the long ago, resigned, ex-treasurer to come and aid in his cause.
Had we stood our grounds and fought, it would have all spilled out to the open, prematurely. We adjourned, let him off the hook and stepped aside, keeping mum.
Now we take this opportunity and wish to set the record straight. We believe that one needs to be genuine and humble fundamentally to lead fellow men. We gave the party the "Sun" logo - the epitome of Truth!
We called ourselves the Reform Party, whose agenda is to be freed from false illusions and to build the foundation for the future betterment of Singaporeans.
way back before all this nonsensical petty squabbling begins, my li'l brother has emailed KJ and cautioned him about my pet snake slithering away in his party. this has finally come to light that dissidents of RP have turned traitorous to slime mercilessly against the party they professed that "they have founded with the late JBJ".
how could this be so when what we see now is making the pap smirking with joys. the traitors are trying to nip the bud of RP before it could bloom gloriously. poor KJ! for those with faith in JBJ should also have their faith in his son KJ and support him all the way until victory be with RP and traitors shall choke on their own false allegations.
one very vital question KJ must clear. did my pet snake sow the discord or enhance it while he was briefly there? KJ must make to realise those ninjas are very good at borrowing others' parangs for the kill.
chee uses my pet snake and he in turn uses an old goat to get to the unwary KJ. for those who know more, u must share the details so that we can see the true colors of SDP ninja turtles hard at work.
according to report, ng teck siong is now with SDP and so is ngejay. can someone confirm?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
the son, the father and the puppetmaster

victory soon as the puppetmaster?

transssssssformation pet ssssssssnake
Mr Ng Teck Siong intends to hold a press conference at Speaker’s Corner on Saturday evening (10 Apr) to make a public statement regarding Mr Jeyaretnam’s remarks about the Reform Party and Mr Ng’s leadership. Details will be announced as soon as they are available.
did any attend ah siong's talk that evening?
this is an extract from his "son" ng ejay who i believe is trying to exploit leeporters to print his "father" ah siong's displeasure against RP and its chief KJ. the reason is obvious.
ejay quit RP as soon as he joined it. the reason was unclear why he joined and quit just as fast as he protested and stripped his red t-shirt or went to court and PG as fast as he paid the reduced fine and zoomed off to post more yabadabado in his blog to excuse for his as fast as he could be action.
now why ng teck siong isn't taken seriously when he joins SDP? little has been heard about his prowess in SDP except he's now the most popular puppet wayanged by son who is none other also the slippery puppet master.
i m so bloody proud of my pet snake who's other new found talent discovered in puppetry.
Monday, April 12, 2010
father/son tag team match against KJ, RP's chiefy

shin min chinese daily - the chinese paper that exposed it all. remember the bashing of the wife stealing lawyer?
KJ hinted that that was a mysterious and greater force which was manipulating ng ah teck for suddenly attacking him. hardly did he know that that force was JJ, the long lost son of ah teck.
when warding off ah teck lauhanku's tofu soft blows, wham! bamm!! alakazam!! from behind JJ executed his deadly groin kick. ouch!! KJ was hit which explained why he always covered there whenever he did his walkabout round in the province.
luckily for KJ, he wore his ball-guard, nothing devastatingly. the precious were still dingdonging there. now it was his turn to hit back. a tight slap! spraccccccccck!! ooh!! both father and son team were hit with five fingers printing reddening across their cheeks. and the fight went on......
Former Reform Party chairman takes its chief to task
Posted: 11 Apr 2010 01:43 PM PDT
By Ng E-Jay
Former Reform Party chairman Ng Teck Siong has spoken to the mainstream press, taking Kenneth Jeyaretnam, the party’s Secretary-General, to task for making remarks that implied the party was a rudderless vessel devoid of leadership under Mr Ng’s charge.
Mr Jeyaretnam had said during an interview with TODAY newspaper that when he assumed leadership of the party in April last year, it was a “drifting, rudderless empty vessel” in which “morale had dwindled, the number of members had decreased and there hadn’t been central executive committee meetings for about four or five months.”
Mr Ng held a press conference on Saturday evening at Hong Lim park during which he read out a personal statement to a gathering of around a dozen, refuting Jeyaretnam’s claims.
In his statement, Mr Ng revealed that there had been a total of four CEC meetings held between October 2008 and March 2009. Meetings in Dec 08 and Jan 09 had been called off due to the holiday season. Photocopied minutes of the meetings as well as attendance lists were put on display by Mr Ng at Speaker’s Corner to demonstrate the veracity of his assertions.
Mr Ng also said that the party’s coffers were slowly being built up by sales of JBJ’s books, an activity that Mr Ng claimed was frowned upon by Kenneth Jeyaretnam.
Mr Ng then went on to elaborate on the events surrounding the CEC meeting held on 26 April 09 which resulted in the motion of no-confidence passed against him as well as the election of Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam as Secretary-General.
According to Mr Ng, several CEC members had refused to sign the attendance list and were not allowing the meeting to proceed as planned. Mr Ng then vacated the meeting. He was absent when the motion of no-confidence was passed against him.
Mr Ng said this incident was “terribly unfortunate”, as he had originally intended to “embark on the party’s second phase of development” after expelling a couple of members including Mr Balraj Naidu from the CEC.
On Sunday, Mr Ng also spoke to the Shin Min Daily News, which quoted him as accusing Mr Jeyaretnam of displaying arrogance and leading the party down a misguided path.
During his interview with Shin Min, Mr Ng countered Jeyaretnam’s earlier allegations that he had failed to find a successor to the post of Secretary-General in a timely fashion by stating that a decision had been made to elect a new Secretary-General in April 09, but Mr Jeyaretnam had been very impatient with the process.
Mr Ng also asserted that the Reform Party under Kenneth Jeyaretnam’s leadership has lost its original direction as laid out by the late J.B. Jeyaretnam. He said that Mr Jeyaretnam’s sole focus on economic matters to the neglect of political rights was misguided.
Mr Ng also expressed interest in contesting the next general elections.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam says he will not respond further
Separately, Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam told the Shin Min Daily News that it would be inappropriate for him to continue responding to Mr Ng Teck Siong’s comments.
Mr Jeyaretnam would only clarify that when he told TODAY reporter Loh Chee Kong that the Reform Party was a rudderless vessel at the time he assumed leadership of the party, he was referring to the unfilled post of Secretary-General, and his remarks were not meant to be an indictment of Mr Ng or anyone else.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
master chee invites his foreign ally to hantam peesailand
it's gotta be SDP CLAN again. it gotta be chee ah juan. yes again! what else? master chee is the only traitor that invites outsider to meddle with peesailand domestic politic.
Opposition alliance will force openness and democracy
Posted: 10 Apr 2010 08:52 AM PDT
“If I were a citizen of Singapore, I would want to speak and vote freely. And this would be what I would demand from all political parties”, says Mr Hans van Baalen, Member of European Parliament and the current President of Liberal International (LI), the worldwide federation of liberal and progressive organizations and political parties.
Mr van Baalen, is in Singapore at the invitation of its LI partner Singapore Democratic Party for the Council of Asian Democrats and Liberals (CALD)-LI Mission to Asia titled “Fortifying Liberal Democracy and Partnership in the Region”.
“The parliament cannot be the ‘rubber-stamp’ of the government. For it not to be so, the opposition must be voted into parliament, so that they can question and also correct the government”, says Mr van Baalen.
“Singapore is an important country but it is not a free country; for the economy and politics continue to be under the dominance of the ruling party. Although Singapore looks much civilised from the outside, it does not have free and fair elections; and to force this to happen, the opposition, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and free citizens must work together”, he insists.
He believes that the opposition parties and independent candidates must find common platforms to work together. “The common objective of the opposition should be to challenge the dominance of the PAP (People’s Action Party).”
“Of course opinions and ideologies will differ between political parties. But to me the differences are not so big,” he continues. “The opposition alliance between parties and individuals, should work together to ensure that there are no walkovers in any constituency”, he says.
“The people should decide if they want a multi-party or two-party democracy, but my personal opinion is, a two-party system will be the most efficient, at least until Singapore develops as a mature democracy.”
Mr van Baalen then cited the example of Chile which is a multi-party democracy now, but it happened because in 1985 eleven opposition parties (with differing political ideologies) banded together against a strong-armed government led by Augusto Pinoche, to bring about a much needed change.
“Only this (opposition alliance), will force openness and democracy”, Mr van Baalen says. “If not, they (PAP) will fail to change”.
Mr van Baalen has also a “friendly advice” for the opposition in Singapore. “Look for forces of change within the PAP, especially the young leaders and work with them. This will be the beginning of a very good model for Singapore.”
Democracy is not chaos and it is not contrary to Asian values. This is a message the opposition has to continually and strongly emphasise to the electorate, believes Mr van Baalen.
Mr van Baalen says that he invited the PAP for a dialogue but was refused. “Never has any government refused us discussion. This proves that the government is very insecure. The governing party has got to change or loose significance”, he adds.
Mr van Baalen believes that the PAP should rightly be playing a prominent role to bring about change, but in the absence of this, only the opposition alliance can bring about the much needed change.
“To this end, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats and Liberal International are always ready to help when asked. We will support the democrats for change”, he promises.
Report by: Ravi Philemon
Opposition alliance will force openness and democracy
Posted: 10 Apr 2010 08:52 AM PDT
“If I were a citizen of Singapore, I would want to speak and vote freely. And this would be what I would demand from all political parties”, says Mr Hans van Baalen, Member of European Parliament and the current President of Liberal International (LI), the worldwide federation of liberal and progressive organizations and political parties.
Mr van Baalen, is in Singapore at the invitation of its LI partner Singapore Democratic Party for the Council of Asian Democrats and Liberals (CALD)-LI Mission to Asia titled “Fortifying Liberal Democracy and Partnership in the Region”.
“The parliament cannot be the ‘rubber-stamp’ of the government. For it not to be so, the opposition must be voted into parliament, so that they can question and also correct the government”, says Mr van Baalen.
“Singapore is an important country but it is not a free country; for the economy and politics continue to be under the dominance of the ruling party. Although Singapore looks much civilised from the outside, it does not have free and fair elections; and to force this to happen, the opposition, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and free citizens must work together”, he insists.
He believes that the opposition parties and independent candidates must find common platforms to work together. “The common objective of the opposition should be to challenge the dominance of the PAP (People’s Action Party).”
“Of course opinions and ideologies will differ between political parties. But to me the differences are not so big,” he continues. “The opposition alliance between parties and individuals, should work together to ensure that there are no walkovers in any constituency”, he says.
“The people should decide if they want a multi-party or two-party democracy, but my personal opinion is, a two-party system will be the most efficient, at least until Singapore develops as a mature democracy.”
Mr van Baalen then cited the example of Chile which is a multi-party democracy now, but it happened because in 1985 eleven opposition parties (with differing political ideologies) banded together against a strong-armed government led by Augusto Pinoche, to bring about a much needed change.
“Only this (opposition alliance), will force openness and democracy”, Mr van Baalen says. “If not, they (PAP) will fail to change”.
Mr van Baalen has also a “friendly advice” for the opposition in Singapore. “Look for forces of change within the PAP, especially the young leaders and work with them. This will be the beginning of a very good model for Singapore.”
Democracy is not chaos and it is not contrary to Asian values. This is a message the opposition has to continually and strongly emphasise to the electorate, believes Mr van Baalen.
Mr van Baalen says that he invited the PAP for a dialogue but was refused. “Never has any government refused us discussion. This proves that the government is very insecure. The governing party has got to change or loose significance”, he adds.
Mr van Baalen believes that the PAP should rightly be playing a prominent role to bring about change, but in the absence of this, only the opposition alliance can bring about the much needed change.
“To this end, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats and Liberal International are always ready to help when asked. We will support the democrats for change”, he promises.
Report by: Ravi Philemon
Saturday, April 10, 2010
RP chief's turn to execute his kungfu stances
Apr 11, 2010
Reform Party chief slammed
FORMER Reform Party (RP) chairman Ng Teck Siong has lambasted the party's current chief, Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam, for remarks that the RP was in a bad state a year ago just before he took over.
Mr Ng, 69, also questioned the sincerity of Mr Jeyaretnam, 51, in taking over the mantle of his father, the late Mr J.B. Jeyaretnam.
In a statement yesterday, the man who founded the RP in 2008 together with the elder Jeyaretnam, just a few months before the latter's death, said the younger Jeyaretnam and several others had, in fact, created trouble at a party meeting in April last year.
Mr Ng resigned from the RP at that meeting after a vote of no-confidence against him. Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam was then elected secretary-general.
Mr Ng, who stuck with the elder Jeyaretnam for many years, was countering remarks made by the younger Jeyaretnam in the Today newspaper last Thursday.
In those remarks, Mr Jeyaretnam said his father, who died in September 2008, had always hoped one of his two sons would follow him into politics. He also accused the RP under Mr Ng of being a 'drifting, rudderless empty vessel', which held no meetings for 'four or five months' before the one in April.
Read the full story in The Sunday Times.
Reform Party chief slammed
FORMER Reform Party (RP) chairman Ng Teck Siong has lambasted the party's current chief, Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam, for remarks that the RP was in a bad state a year ago just before he took over.
Mr Ng, 69, also questioned the sincerity of Mr Jeyaretnam, 51, in taking over the mantle of his father, the late Mr J.B. Jeyaretnam.
In a statement yesterday, the man who founded the RP in 2008 together with the elder Jeyaretnam, just a few months before the latter's death, said the younger Jeyaretnam and several others had, in fact, created trouble at a party meeting in April last year.
Mr Ng resigned from the RP at that meeting after a vote of no-confidence against him. Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam was then elected secretary-general.
Mr Ng, who stuck with the elder Jeyaretnam for many years, was countering remarks made by the younger Jeyaretnam in the Today newspaper last Thursday.
In those remarks, Mr Jeyaretnam said his father, who died in September 2008, had always hoped one of his two sons would follow him into politics. He also accused the RP under Mr Ng of being a 'drifting, rudderless empty vessel', which held no meetings for 'four or five months' before the one in April.
Read the full story in The Sunday Times.
风流侠客ramseth melancholically written a 中飘歌 dedicated to master chee.
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 4,119
My Reputation:Points: 467 / Power: 67
Re: master chee's deadly kungfu vs auntie lina's hanky
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 4,119
My Reputation:Points: 467 / Power: 67
Re: master chee's deadly kungfu vs auntie lina's hanky
Friday, April 9, 2010
master chee's 3 deadly strikes lost to auntie lina
master chee after being exposed of his treachery against master chiam to sabo him pain pain now received some revenge from auntie lina, wifey of chiam. auntie lina though could have taken on chee long ago had tolerated and loon until she cannot loon, she poo-ed everything out.
now master chee was all covered with abnoxious shits from his own sinister plot 20 yrs ago. it was sweet revenge for auntie lina!!
not to be seen as losing face or exposing his bushy foxy tail, master retaliated and returned auntie lina with 3 sets of deadly kungfu. he called it PART 1, PART 2 and ASA LA VISTA BABY!! PART 3. suprisingly, auntie lina didn't even bate an eye when bombarded with master chee's 3-steps deadly kungfu hurled against her.
today, she shot back and gently with a brush of her fragrant hanky, she really panky the hell out of master chee!! wow wow wee! steady poon pee pee!! go auntie go!! ur the GIRL!!
Apr 10, 2010 Chee's convenient exclusion SINGAPORE Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general Chee Soon Juan's reply ('No one forced Chiam out: SDP chief', April 2) to my comments in a report ('Chiam's SDP exit: Wife speaks up', March 29) conveniently failed to mention what the motion was about, when no SDP central executive committee (CEC) member supported Mr Chiam. The motion by Mr Chiam was to censure Dr Chee for his hunger strike. Dr Chee went ahead with the hunger strike on his own despite Mr Chiam's disagreement. The hunger strike was in connection with his sacking by the National University of Singapore.Lina Chiam (Mrs) CEC member Singapore People's Party
Mr Chiam is much-loved and respected by his constituents. He has done a great job in Potong Pasir. But let's be frank: In a democratic country, if a party has failed for 25 years to expand its base beyond one seat in Parliament then I think the leaders would have been voted out.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam's Reform Party
note: obviously KJ doesn't endorsing the behaviour of master chee nor the way sdp disciples are causing so much public disturbances.
now master chee was all covered with abnoxious shits from his own sinister plot 20 yrs ago. it was sweet revenge for auntie lina!!
not to be seen as losing face or exposing his bushy foxy tail, master retaliated and returned auntie lina with 3 sets of deadly kungfu. he called it PART 1, PART 2 and ASA LA VISTA BABY!! PART 3. suprisingly, auntie lina didn't even bate an eye when bombarded with master chee's 3-steps deadly kungfu hurled against her.
today, she shot back and gently with a brush of her fragrant hanky, she really panky the hell out of master chee!! wow wow wee! steady poon pee pee!! go auntie go!! ur the GIRL!!
Apr 10, 2010 Chee's convenient exclusion SINGAPORE Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general Chee Soon Juan's reply ('No one forced Chiam out: SDP chief', April 2) to my comments in a report ('Chiam's SDP exit: Wife speaks up', March 29) conveniently failed to mention what the motion was about, when no SDP central executive committee (CEC) member supported Mr Chiam. The motion by Mr Chiam was to censure Dr Chee for his hunger strike. Dr Chee went ahead with the hunger strike on his own despite Mr Chiam's disagreement. The hunger strike was in connection with his sacking by the National University of Singapore.Lina Chiam (Mrs) CEC member Singapore People's Party
Mr Chiam is much-loved and respected by his constituents. He has done a great job in Potong Pasir. But let's be frank: In a democratic country, if a party has failed for 25 years to expand its base beyond one seat in Parliament then I think the leaders would have been voted out.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam's Reform Party
note: obviously KJ doesn't endorsing the behaviour of master chee nor the way sdp disciples are causing so much public disturbances.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
sdp's father/son team attacking RP CLAN now
when we thought that master chee was scheming to discredit master chiam, chee's ex-master another character assasination plot appeared.
again, it was from the SDP CLAN. long lost father ng ah teck found by long lost RP's betrayer son ng JJ. together they teamed up. father told son stories and son JJ who was equipped with golden brush wrote and painted out the colorful misleading story about RP CLAN specially targeting at their chiefy KJ.
interesting!! it always had to be an SDPPY involved in causing some storms and assasination attempts. simply incredible!! by the way the GE could be nearing. perhaps secret edicts had been issued to SDP to do what the LEEgime wanted them to do ..or else!! off with all their heads!!
ormer RP chairman refutes Kenneth Jeyaretnam’s claims
Posted by theonlinecitizen on April 8, 2010 12 Comments Mr Ng Teck Siong, former Chairman of the Reform Party, intends to provide a formal response concerning remarks recently made by Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam that implied the Reform Party was an empty vessel devoid of leadership when Mr Jeyaretnam took over as Secretary-General last year.
In an exclusive interview with TODAY freelance reporter Loh Chee Kong published on 08 Apr (see here), Mr Jeyaretnam said that when he was elected party chief, the party “was in quite a bad state”, that it was a “drifting, rudderless empty vessel” in which “morale had dwindled, the number of members had decreased and there hadn’t been central executive committee meetings for about four or five months.”
Speaking to TOC’s Political Desk on the same day the TODAY article was published, Mr Ng Teck Siong refuted these assertions, claiming that the party had been healthy and progressing up to the time he resigned as party Chairman.
Mr Ng said that after JBJ passed away, the Reform Party had conducted at least two CEC meetings between October 2008 and April 2009. He had chaired each of the meetings and maintained proper attendance records.
The Reform Party had attracted over 20 members from all walks of life, as of Mr Ng’s departure. During his tenure with the party, Mr Ng had organized several walkabouts at Jurong West and had conducted sales of JBJ’s books at Raffles City Shopping Centre, Speaker’s Corner, Harbour Front, as well as in the HDB heartlands.
The party had also successfully organized a forum in February 2009 analysing the government’s Budget statement. It was attended by about 70 people, including members of the opposition parties such as Mr Steve Chia from the National Solidarity Party (NSP), Mr Sin Kek Tong from Singapore People’s Party (SPP), Mr Gandhi Ambalam, Ms Chee Siok Chin and Dr Chee Soon Juan of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), as well as prominent public figures like Mr Tan Kin Lian.
Mr Ng however admitted that he had not been successful in attracting enough capable leaders and members into the party as he would have liked.
The TODAY article quoted Kenneth Jeyaretnam as saying that for the first time, Singapore has an opposition party that “is perceived as economically competent, credible, and proposing alternative policies that could really make a difference or change Singapore”.
But Mr Ng criticised Mr Jeyaretnam for failing to address Singapore’s flawed political system, which if not rectified, would hold back Singapore’s progress in other areas.
Mr Ng also disapproved of Mr Jeyaretnam’s remarks concerning veteran opposition leader Chiam See Tong. Mr Jeyaretnam had said: “In a democratic country, if a party has failed for 25 years to expand its base beyond one seat in Parliament then I think the leaders would have been voted out.”
Mr Ng said that this remark was uncalled for. In the 1991 general elections, the SDP under Mr Chiam See Tong’s leadership had captured 3 parliamentary seats, demonstrating that Mr Chiam had the capability to expand the party’s base.
During his interview with TOC’s Political Desk, Mr Ng also recounted the events leading up to his resignation from the Reform Party. He said that in early 2009, Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam had approached him and asked to be appointed the Secretary-General. Mr Ng had refused, citing Jeyaretnam’s lack of political experience. However, the party agreed to accept Jeyaretnam as an ordinary CEC member. Shortly thereafter, Mr Jeyaretnam again asked for the post of Secretary-General, and when repeatedly refused by Mr Ng, rallied other CEC members to pass a motion of no-confidence against Mr Ng. Thereafter, Mr Ng resigned from the party, citing that he had lost the confidence of his colleagues.
Mr Ng Teck Siong intends to hold a press conference at Speaker’s Corner on Saturday evening (10 Apr) to make a public statement regarding Mr Jeyaretnam’s remarks about the Reform Party and Mr Ng’s leadership. Details will be announced as soon as they are available.
Ng E Jay
well, the senior ng wasn't anything close to chiam see tong who headed SDP once. much i would like to add that it seem to be a DEJA VU ala carte SDP chee soon juan ousting chiam see tong.
in ng's case, he was a deadwood in RP who persistently obssessed with power.
another thing very interesting to note. this episode was cleverly written by ng ejay, my loose pet snake at large. and ejay by the way had also joined RP briefly. just like his speed of removing his red-t shirt and slithering slippery off before the cops could spot him, he was also the fastest to quit RP as quickly as he was accepted as a RP member.
of course, this beautiful article was written without prejudice. it was written without malice and mischief. how could it be? ng ejay is now the prized darling of the troll, SDP, TOC, TEMASEK REVIEW and etc. he's best a behind the scene scriptwriterof the "highest patriotic level".
wow! i m so proud of my freed pet snake!
again, it was from the SDP CLAN. long lost father ng ah teck found by long lost RP's betrayer son ng JJ. together they teamed up. father told son stories and son JJ who was equipped with golden brush wrote and painted out the colorful misleading story about RP CLAN specially targeting at their chiefy KJ.
interesting!! it always had to be an SDPPY involved in causing some storms and assasination attempts. simply incredible!! by the way the GE could be nearing. perhaps secret edicts had been issued to SDP to do what the LEEgime wanted them to do ..or else!! off with all their heads!!
ormer RP chairman refutes Kenneth Jeyaretnam’s claims
Posted by theonlinecitizen on April 8, 2010 12 Comments Mr Ng Teck Siong, former Chairman of the Reform Party, intends to provide a formal response concerning remarks recently made by Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam that implied the Reform Party was an empty vessel devoid of leadership when Mr Jeyaretnam took over as Secretary-General last year.
In an exclusive interview with TODAY freelance reporter Loh Chee Kong published on 08 Apr (see here), Mr Jeyaretnam said that when he was elected party chief, the party “was in quite a bad state”, that it was a “drifting, rudderless empty vessel” in which “morale had dwindled, the number of members had decreased and there hadn’t been central executive committee meetings for about four or five months.”
Speaking to TOC’s Political Desk on the same day the TODAY article was published, Mr Ng Teck Siong refuted these assertions, claiming that the party had been healthy and progressing up to the time he resigned as party Chairman.
Mr Ng said that after JBJ passed away, the Reform Party had conducted at least two CEC meetings between October 2008 and April 2009. He had chaired each of the meetings and maintained proper attendance records.
The Reform Party had attracted over 20 members from all walks of life, as of Mr Ng’s departure. During his tenure with the party, Mr Ng had organized several walkabouts at Jurong West and had conducted sales of JBJ’s books at Raffles City Shopping Centre, Speaker’s Corner, Harbour Front, as well as in the HDB heartlands.
The party had also successfully organized a forum in February 2009 analysing the government’s Budget statement. It was attended by about 70 people, including members of the opposition parties such as Mr Steve Chia from the National Solidarity Party (NSP), Mr Sin Kek Tong from Singapore People’s Party (SPP), Mr Gandhi Ambalam, Ms Chee Siok Chin and Dr Chee Soon Juan of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), as well as prominent public figures like Mr Tan Kin Lian.
Mr Ng however admitted that he had not been successful in attracting enough capable leaders and members into the party as he would have liked.
The TODAY article quoted Kenneth Jeyaretnam as saying that for the first time, Singapore has an opposition party that “is perceived as economically competent, credible, and proposing alternative policies that could really make a difference or change Singapore”.
But Mr Ng criticised Mr Jeyaretnam for failing to address Singapore’s flawed political system, which if not rectified, would hold back Singapore’s progress in other areas.
Mr Ng also disapproved of Mr Jeyaretnam’s remarks concerning veteran opposition leader Chiam See Tong. Mr Jeyaretnam had said: “In a democratic country, if a party has failed for 25 years to expand its base beyond one seat in Parliament then I think the leaders would have been voted out.”
Mr Ng said that this remark was uncalled for. In the 1991 general elections, the SDP under Mr Chiam See Tong’s leadership had captured 3 parliamentary seats, demonstrating that Mr Chiam had the capability to expand the party’s base.
During his interview with TOC’s Political Desk, Mr Ng also recounted the events leading up to his resignation from the Reform Party. He said that in early 2009, Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam had approached him and asked to be appointed the Secretary-General. Mr Ng had refused, citing Jeyaretnam’s lack of political experience. However, the party agreed to accept Jeyaretnam as an ordinary CEC member. Shortly thereafter, Mr Jeyaretnam again asked for the post of Secretary-General, and when repeatedly refused by Mr Ng, rallied other CEC members to pass a motion of no-confidence against Mr Ng. Thereafter, Mr Ng resigned from the party, citing that he had lost the confidence of his colleagues.
Mr Ng Teck Siong intends to hold a press conference at Speaker’s Corner on Saturday evening (10 Apr) to make a public statement regarding Mr Jeyaretnam’s remarks about the Reform Party and Mr Ng’s leadership. Details will be announced as soon as they are available.
Ng E Jay
well, the senior ng wasn't anything close to chiam see tong who headed SDP once. much i would like to add that it seem to be a DEJA VU ala carte SDP chee soon juan ousting chiam see tong.
in ng's case, he was a deadwood in RP who persistently obssessed with power.
another thing very interesting to note. this episode was cleverly written by ng ejay, my loose pet snake at large. and ejay by the way had also joined RP briefly. just like his speed of removing his red-t shirt and slithering slippery off before the cops could spot him, he was also the fastest to quit RP as quickly as he was accepted as a RP member.
of course, this beautiful article was written without prejudice. it was written without malice and mischief. how could it be? ng ejay is now the prized darling of the troll, SDP, TOC, TEMASEK REVIEW and etc. he's best a behind the scene scriptwriterof the "highest patriotic level".
wow! i m so proud of my freed pet snake!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
edict from LEEgime to master chee

a top secret edict from the LEEgime was issued to master chee ah juan, puppetmaster of SDP CLAN:
note: this message shall self-destruct in 15 seconds - STARTING NOW....
Chee strikes back against PAP’s propaganda of him ousting Chiam See Tong from SDP in 1993
April 8, 2010 by admin
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Written by Our Correspondent
Singapore Democratic Party Secretary-General Dr Chee Soon Juan has struck back at the PAP for perpetuating a “falsehood” about him “ousting” Mr Chiam See Tong from the party 17 years ago.
Mr Chiam founded the SDP in 1980 and led it to its greatest height in 1991 when it won an unprecedented three seats in Parliament.
The historical feud was dredged up again following Dr Chee’s interview with Lianhe Zaobao in February 2010 in which Dr Chee denied plotting to remove Mr Chiam as SDP’s Secretary-General.
Mr Chiam’s wife Ms Lina Loh subsequently contacted Lianhe Zaobao for an interview to dispute Dr Chee’s version of events prompting the latter to write another letter to the Straits Times Forum to clarify his stance.
Dr Chee has written a three part series published on the SDP website giving a detailed explanation of what really transpired in 1993.
He claimed that the PAP had been exploiting the issue after Mr Chiam resigned as Secretary-General of SDP:
“The ruling party knew that it could inflict maximum damage if it pitted Mr Chiam against me. Mr Goh Chok Tong, then prime minister, had once told his party members: Mr Chiam was no threat but had, in fact, been “good” for the PAP as “without him, it would have been more difficult to destroy (Singapore Democratic Party chief) Chee Soon Juan”. (Party sets five goals to win elections in 2002, Straits Times, 12 Jan 98)”
Though Dr Chee has been criticized by some quarters for harping on an old issue, he felt there is a need to speak up now to “set the record straight”:
“Equally important, I want to stop the PAP and its media from resurrecting a falsehood that began nearly 20 years ago and using it the upcoming elections to hammer the SDP and me again…….Some say that the matter happened so long ago and that it is not relevant anymore. I beg to differ. The PAP and the media will trot this issue out from time to time especially when the elections draw near, as is the case now, to jolt the memory of voters, in particular the older ones, of what had happened.”
With the emergence of the internet as an alternative source of information to counter the PAP’s propaganda through the mainstream media, it will become increasingly harder for it to continue to propagate blatant lies and myths without losing credibility itself.
NOTE: notice the highlight in RED: written by our correspondent. why dare not state the name of the writer? i see. it's probably my pet snake who wrote that. the writting style is about the same. my pet snake always plays illusive. he's a coward and therefore would rather do all the "behind the scene" dirty works.
but why now? WHY NOW MASTER CHEE HAS TO DO ALL THESE DIRTY LAUNDRY WASHING? ah.....GE is near. and LEEgime's edict is very very serious. if master chee ah juan doesn't follow, he would have his entire SDP CLAN decapitated!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
GCT:without chee, it's very difficult to get rid chiam
Re: Part 3: Goh Chok Tong - Without Chiam, harder to destroy Chee
why is chee so specific in telling his side of story until now? when people asked him about the nature of his "foreign source of income" he just blah blah a few words. this one nobody asked him to narrate and yet he blaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....until part how many already. very cartoon chee!!
the title should be:
.....and shit!!! still failed. chee u better perk up, shape out or ship out of the pap's secret service to rid chiam once and for all....OR ELSE!
Chee Soon Juan
When Mr Chiam's resignation as secretary-general was made public, the PAP wasted no time in exploiting the issue. The ruling party knew that it could inflict maximum damage if it pitted Mr Chiam against me. Mr Goh Chok Tong, then prime minister, had once told his party members:
Mr Chiam was no threat but had, in fact, been "good" for the PAP as "without him, it would have been more difficult to destroy (Singapore Democratic Party chief) Chee Soon Juan".
During a Parliament sitting in Jun 93, PAP Ministers ad MPs took to the floor to pile it on, extolling Mr Chiam and skewering the SDP. One even called the situation "a coup" against Mr Chiam. There was no question whose side the PAP was on:
Mr Wong Kan Seng stated: “Without him (Mr Chiam), what is the SDP?”
Former PAP MP Mr Tan Cheng Bock: “Mr Chiam appreciates the whole political scene, I think he did not want to rock the boat although he genuinely believed that certain things must be changed, which is fair enough.”
Former PAP MP Mr Loh Meng See: “It is sad because the whole event sounds like a coup against Mr Chiam.”
Even former Nominated MP, now Attorney-General, Mr Walter Woon weighed in: “He (Mr Chiam) founded the SDP and I don't see that he should give it up.”
As I mentioned in Part 1, the PAP even published cartoons in its party magazine, Petir, depicting me as an ingrate whom Mr Chiam brought in to the party only to be kicked out by me.
Of course the media got the cue and has since been ruthless in doing anything and everything to make me look as evil as possible vis-a-vis Mr Chiam. In the months following the split, headline after headline portrayed the SDP and me as the bad guy:
The PAP did not let up. In November 1994 during a Parliament sitting Mr Goh Chok Tong, then prime minister, further goaded:
I am surprised that SDP MPs are prepared to work for somebody who has been called a cheat and a liar and who has not sued. The system, which we want to work, is to keep out such people from Parliament.
A few weeks later at the party elections in January 1995, Mr Chiam tabled a resolution that
This conference notes with regret that our acting secretary-general has been called a cheat and liar in public more than once and he has not taken any legal action to clear his name. As such his name and consequently also that of the party's name is tainted, and accordingly, I move that this conference calls on Dr Chee Soon Juan to forthwith undertake to commence a court action to clear his name, failing which, he shall not be allowed to hold office in the SDP.
It is true that Mr Chiam's repeated attacks though the years, widely publicised by the media, have taken its toll. It was no wonder that Mr Goh told his party members that without Mr Chiam, it would have been more difficult to destroy me.
Even today the Straits Times is still at it. Take a look at these two photographs that the newspaper used last week in its report Chiam's SDP exit: Wife speaks up (29 Mar 10). While it picked a picture of a smiling and friendly Mrs Chiam, the editor deliberately chose one of me that looked anything but normal.
For years the media have been doing this. Photographs, more than words, create impressions in readers and the Singapore Press Holdings knows this. This is why it goes to great lengths to make sure that Singaporeans continue to get the worst possible impression of me.
Just yesterday, the Straits Times published a letter lambasting me for my confontational style while holding in high regard Mr Chiam's. The propaganda continues.
Mr Chiam's scorched-earth tactics culminated in the 1997 general elections when he quit the SDP to join the Singapore People's Party as its leader.
He then sent a Mr Farid to contest in Bukit Gombak to force a three-cornered fight with Mr Ling How Doong who stood under the SDP banner. Both opposition candidates lost, of course, with Mr Farid having his election deposit forfeited as he polled below the minimum required of one-eighth of the total votes.
Living with the burden
Through all these years, I have not said much about the split. For 17 years I have had to live with the perception that I was the villain in this episode. I still do because most Singaporeans still don't klnow the truth, and the PAP media seems determined to keep it that way.
A sliver of hope that I have is that with the Internet, the truth will slowly begin to emerge.
To be sure, I have had various opportunities to return fire. The Singapore Press Club's invitation to speak was one (see Part 2). But I declined them because I did not want to let the PAP capitalise on the split and be accused of breaking up the opposition.
In addition I have written several books but, again, I have stayed away from being critical about Mr Chiam because I did not want the PAP to further exploit it. In my first book Dare To Change which I wrote immediately after the saga in 1994, I made only one mention of Mr Chiam and even then it was to call for opposition unity:
The two main opposition parties, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) lead by Chiam See Tong until 1993 and the Workers' Party (WP) led by the determined Joshua B. Jeyaretnam has been challenging the PAP on similar issues with similar viewpoints...It would make much sense for both camps to pool their resources together with the ultimate and over-riding objective to entrench the Opposition in Singaporean politics.
When the SDP organised an official visit to Australia in September 1994, I telephoned Mr Chiam to invite him along. I was still hoping that we could mend the differences. He declined saying that he had to attend an inter-parliamentary conference.
I have long been wanting to tell Singaporeans about Mr Goh's admission that the PAP had used Mr Chiam to destroy me. Remember, he made this statement in Jan 1998. It has been 12 years since. I have kept this under wraps and not mentioned it in public for reasons cited above.
So why now?
But last week after so many years, Mrs Chiam continues to tell the public that it was I who ousted her husband. Even after Today published Mr Chiam's comments that were critical of the SDP in February last year, I still held back and wished Mr Chiam well.
I had attended Mr Chiam's 25th anniversary dinner as MP of Potong Pasir last year. Again I wished him well. The SDP organised two public forums and invited leaders of the other opposition parties, Mr Chiam included, to speak. No one can accuse me of not trying to bury the hatchet with Mr Chiam.
But my overtures continue to be met with the untrue statement that I kicked him out of the SDP.
The last straw came recently when a student at the NUS, who had read about Mrs Chiam's interview, informed me on my Facebook that her political science textbook, Politics and Governance in Singapore (McGrawHill) written by Associate Professor Bilveer Singh, also said that Mr Chiam had been ousted by me:
This prominent and popular leader (Mr Chiam) of the opposition party has worked hard to present a credible alternative to the PAP. However, he has not always been successful in this endeavor. He left the Singapore Democratic Party following the challenge by Dr Chee Soon Juan.
...Some of the leading opposition political parties are 'wracked by internal dissension.' A case in point includes the ousting of the most senior opposition member, Chiam See Tong from his post in the SDP by a then relative novice, Chee Soon Juan.
Then textbooks start to write such inaccuracies and students are taught them, it is no longer just rhetorical back and forth between politicians.
Without correction, these untruths get passed down from university textbooks to secondary textbooks and before long, it becomes historical fact that I was actually the one who schemed to oust Mr Chiam from the party when nothing could be further from the truth.
Bilveer Singh
Unlike other researchers such as Dr Hussein Mutalib, who had interviewed me for his work, I have never spoken or been interviewed by Dr Bilveer Singh.
This is why I have chosen to speak up now. I do this not to attack Mr or Mrs Chiam; I continue to wish them well. I do it because I need to set the record straight so that teachers like Dr Singh will get the history right.
Stop the lie
Equally important, I want to stop the PAP and its media from resurrecting a falsehood that began nearly 20 years ago and using it the upcoming elections to hammer the SDP and me again.
My only regret is that I did not do this sooner. I have retreated time and again, and kept silent all these years about this issue. After a whle it becomes dishonest for me to continue to hide the truth. Our supporters deserve to know what really went on.
Some say that the matter happened so long ago and that it is not relevant anymore. I beg to differ. The PAP and the media will trot this issue out from time to time especially when the elections draw near to jolt the memory of voters, in particular the older ones, of what had happened.
I want to put a stop to this once and for all. The PAP and the media must not be allowed to continue to use this falsehood against me and the SDP.
I owe it to my party, my colleagues and supporters, and my family to clear the air. I have to relate the details of the matter in this series of articles so that Singaporeans, and academics who write history, will know the truth of what happened in those fateful few months in 1993.
In 4th and final Part, I explain why I took over as secretary-general following the departure of Mr Chaim.
why is chee so specific in telling his side of story until now? when people asked him about the nature of his "foreign source of income" he just blah blah a few words. this one nobody asked him to narrate and yet he blaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....until part how many already. very cartoon chee!!
the title should be:
.....and shit!!! still failed. chee u better perk up, shape out or ship out of the pap's secret service to rid chiam once and for all....OR ELSE!
Chee Soon Juan
When Mr Chiam's resignation as secretary-general was made public, the PAP wasted no time in exploiting the issue. The ruling party knew that it could inflict maximum damage if it pitted Mr Chiam against me. Mr Goh Chok Tong, then prime minister, had once told his party members:
Mr Chiam was no threat but had, in fact, been "good" for the PAP as "without him, it would have been more difficult to destroy (Singapore Democratic Party chief) Chee Soon Juan".
During a Parliament sitting in Jun 93, PAP Ministers ad MPs took to the floor to pile it on, extolling Mr Chiam and skewering the SDP. One even called the situation "a coup" against Mr Chiam. There was no question whose side the PAP was on:
Mr Wong Kan Seng stated: “Without him (Mr Chiam), what is the SDP?”
Former PAP MP Mr Tan Cheng Bock: “Mr Chiam appreciates the whole political scene, I think he did not want to rock the boat although he genuinely believed that certain things must be changed, which is fair enough.”
Former PAP MP Mr Loh Meng See: “It is sad because the whole event sounds like a coup against Mr Chiam.”
Even former Nominated MP, now Attorney-General, Mr Walter Woon weighed in: “He (Mr Chiam) founded the SDP and I don't see that he should give it up.”
As I mentioned in Part 1, the PAP even published cartoons in its party magazine, Petir, depicting me as an ingrate whom Mr Chiam brought in to the party only to be kicked out by me.
Of course the media got the cue and has since been ruthless in doing anything and everything to make me look as evil as possible vis-a-vis Mr Chiam. In the months following the split, headline after headline portrayed the SDP and me as the bad guy:
The PAP did not let up. In November 1994 during a Parliament sitting Mr Goh Chok Tong, then prime minister, further goaded:
I am surprised that SDP MPs are prepared to work for somebody who has been called a cheat and a liar and who has not sued. The system, which we want to work, is to keep out such people from Parliament.
A few weeks later at the party elections in January 1995, Mr Chiam tabled a resolution that
This conference notes with regret that our acting secretary-general has been called a cheat and liar in public more than once and he has not taken any legal action to clear his name. As such his name and consequently also that of the party's name is tainted, and accordingly, I move that this conference calls on Dr Chee Soon Juan to forthwith undertake to commence a court action to clear his name, failing which, he shall not be allowed to hold office in the SDP.
It is true that Mr Chiam's repeated attacks though the years, widely publicised by the media, have taken its toll. It was no wonder that Mr Goh told his party members that without Mr Chiam, it would have been more difficult to destroy me.
Even today the Straits Times is still at it. Take a look at these two photographs that the newspaper used last week in its report Chiam's SDP exit: Wife speaks up (29 Mar 10). While it picked a picture of a smiling and friendly Mrs Chiam, the editor deliberately chose one of me that looked anything but normal.
For years the media have been doing this. Photographs, more than words, create impressions in readers and the Singapore Press Holdings knows this. This is why it goes to great lengths to make sure that Singaporeans continue to get the worst possible impression of me.
Just yesterday, the Straits Times published a letter lambasting me for my confontational style while holding in high regard Mr Chiam's. The propaganda continues.
Mr Chiam's scorched-earth tactics culminated in the 1997 general elections when he quit the SDP to join the Singapore People's Party as its leader.
He then sent a Mr Farid to contest in Bukit Gombak to force a three-cornered fight with Mr Ling How Doong who stood under the SDP banner. Both opposition candidates lost, of course, with Mr Farid having his election deposit forfeited as he polled below the minimum required of one-eighth of the total votes.
Living with the burden
Through all these years, I have not said much about the split. For 17 years I have had to live with the perception that I was the villain in this episode. I still do because most Singaporeans still don't klnow the truth, and the PAP media seems determined to keep it that way.
A sliver of hope that I have is that with the Internet, the truth will slowly begin to emerge.
To be sure, I have had various opportunities to return fire. The Singapore Press Club's invitation to speak was one (see Part 2). But I declined them because I did not want to let the PAP capitalise on the split and be accused of breaking up the opposition.
In addition I have written several books but, again, I have stayed away from being critical about Mr Chiam because I did not want the PAP to further exploit it. In my first book Dare To Change which I wrote immediately after the saga in 1994, I made only one mention of Mr Chiam and even then it was to call for opposition unity:
The two main opposition parties, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) lead by Chiam See Tong until 1993 and the Workers' Party (WP) led by the determined Joshua B. Jeyaretnam has been challenging the PAP on similar issues with similar viewpoints...It would make much sense for both camps to pool their resources together with the ultimate and over-riding objective to entrench the Opposition in Singaporean politics.
When the SDP organised an official visit to Australia in September 1994, I telephoned Mr Chiam to invite him along. I was still hoping that we could mend the differences. He declined saying that he had to attend an inter-parliamentary conference.
I have long been wanting to tell Singaporeans about Mr Goh's admission that the PAP had used Mr Chiam to destroy me. Remember, he made this statement in Jan 1998. It has been 12 years since. I have kept this under wraps and not mentioned it in public for reasons cited above.
So why now?
But last week after so many years, Mrs Chiam continues to tell the public that it was I who ousted her husband. Even after Today published Mr Chiam's comments that were critical of the SDP in February last year, I still held back and wished Mr Chiam well.
I had attended Mr Chiam's 25th anniversary dinner as MP of Potong Pasir last year. Again I wished him well. The SDP organised two public forums and invited leaders of the other opposition parties, Mr Chiam included, to speak. No one can accuse me of not trying to bury the hatchet with Mr Chiam.
But my overtures continue to be met with the untrue statement that I kicked him out of the SDP.
The last straw came recently when a student at the NUS, who had read about Mrs Chiam's interview, informed me on my Facebook that her political science textbook, Politics and Governance in Singapore (McGrawHill) written by Associate Professor Bilveer Singh, also said that Mr Chiam had been ousted by me:
This prominent and popular leader (Mr Chiam) of the opposition party has worked hard to present a credible alternative to the PAP. However, he has not always been successful in this endeavor. He left the Singapore Democratic Party following the challenge by Dr Chee Soon Juan.
...Some of the leading opposition political parties are 'wracked by internal dissension.' A case in point includes the ousting of the most senior opposition member, Chiam See Tong from his post in the SDP by a then relative novice, Chee Soon Juan.
Then textbooks start to write such inaccuracies and students are taught them, it is no longer just rhetorical back and forth between politicians.
Without correction, these untruths get passed down from university textbooks to secondary textbooks and before long, it becomes historical fact that I was actually the one who schemed to oust Mr Chiam from the party when nothing could be further from the truth.
Bilveer Singh
Unlike other researchers such as Dr Hussein Mutalib, who had interviewed me for his work, I have never spoken or been interviewed by Dr Bilveer Singh.
This is why I have chosen to speak up now. I do this not to attack Mr or Mrs Chiam; I continue to wish them well. I do it because I need to set the record straight so that teachers like Dr Singh will get the history right.
Stop the lie
Equally important, I want to stop the PAP and its media from resurrecting a falsehood that began nearly 20 years ago and using it the upcoming elections to hammer the SDP and me again.
My only regret is that I did not do this sooner. I have retreated time and again, and kept silent all these years about this issue. After a whle it becomes dishonest for me to continue to hide the truth. Our supporters deserve to know what really went on.
Some say that the matter happened so long ago and that it is not relevant anymore. I beg to differ. The PAP and the media will trot this issue out from time to time especially when the elections draw near to jolt the memory of voters, in particular the older ones, of what had happened.
I want to put a stop to this once and for all. The PAP and the media must not be allowed to continue to use this falsehood against me and the SDP.
I owe it to my party, my colleagues and supporters, and my family to clear the air. I have to relate the details of the matter in this series of articles so that Singaporeans, and academics who write history, will know the truth of what happened in those fateful few months in 1993.
In 4th and final Part, I explain why I took over as secretary-general following the departure of Mr Chaim.
Monday, April 5, 2010
news....and more news!! mah peow poh....!!
Why can’t Singapore’s opposition parties remain united?
Instead of slugging it out with the People’s Action Party (PAP) in Parliament and arguing about government’s policies in the public sphere, opposition parties in Singapore are fighting amongst themselves.
1st match: Chiam See Tong vs Dr Chee Soon Juan
The feud between both of them can be traced back to the 1993 election. According to the Singapore Democratic Party website. the feud started when Dr Chee was sacked by NUS and went on a hunger strike:
Dr Chee was sacked by the National University of Singapore where he was a Lecturer. Dr Chee went on a hunger strike as a mark of protest. He was subsequently sued by his department head, Dr S Vasoo, faculty dean, Dr Ernest Chew, and secretary, Ms Janice Chen, when he disputed his sacking.
Mr Chiam first supported Dr Chee’s action but later changed his mind and called for the Party to censure the assistant secretary-general (Dr Chee was elected to the post in February 1993). None of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) members supported Mr Chiam’s motion whereupon the Party leader tended his resignation, citing that he had lost the confidence of his colleagues.
A few of the CEC members, including Dr Chee, tried to persuade Mr Chiam to remain as secretary-general. However, Mr Chiam stated that he would do so only if he could be granted the power to appoint and dismiss the Party’s cadre members. He also wanted the removal of Mr Wong Hong Toy as vice-chairman.
Under the Party’s constitution a simple majority of the CEC was needed to appoint cadre members, not any one individual leader. The CEC did not have the constitutional power to accede to Mr Chiam’s demands. A few weeks later, Mr Chiam gave a speech at the Singapore Press Club attacking the Party’s leadership. It was only then that the CEC voted to expel him.
The Press Club had extended a similar invitation to Dr Chee to counter Mr Chiam. Knowing that the PAP-controlled media had every intention to fan the flames, Dr Chee declined the invitation. But when he subsequently informed the organizers that he would speak but on the Party’s alternative policy ideas instead of the altercation with Mr Chiam, the Press Club withdrew the invitation.
Mr Chiam sued the CEC for wrongful dismissal and won. He remained with the Party until the 1997 general elections when he resigned to form another party.
Mr Chiam went on to form the Singapore People’s Party and together with the Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) and the Singapore Justice Party (SJP), they formed the Singapore Democratic Alliance.
Fast forward seven years later.
In a 28 February 2010 interview with Lianhe Zaobao, Dr Chee claimed that in the 1993 dispute, he had pleaded with Mr Chiam to stay on in the SDP.
A few days later, after reading the interview, Mr Chiam’s wife, Ms Lina Loh contacted Lianhe Zaobao herself to rebuff Dr Chee’s claims that he wanted Mr Chiam to stay. She said:
If he really wanted to keep Mr Chiam, he coulld well reject the position of the Secretary-General or object to his expulsion when the CEC moved a motion to do so.
She went on to explain her decision in coming out to defend Mr Chiam:
I am only saying the truth for my husband to let the younger generation to understand Uncle Chiam, I need to step forward to clarify that he did not abandon SDP, when we were forced to leave, we were in so much pain in our hearts.
Dr Chee felt that the response from Ms Loh was a ‘personal attack’ on him as she was accusing him of ousting Dr Chiam. He responded in kind by writing ‘An open letter to all opposition supporters’.
He wrote that he bear no grudge against Mr Chiam and that he was misunderstood:
At the Reform Party dinner in 2009, I approached Mr Chiam to wish him well.
I attended his 25th anniversary dinner as an MP because I bore him no grudge and I was hoping the same from him.
The Singapore Democrats had even organised two public forums in 2008 and 2009 where we invited all the opposition party leaders, including Mr Chiam, to see how we could cooperate. We also invited him to our 30th anniversary dinner.
I did all this in the hope of burying the hatchet with Mr Chiam.
Unfortunately today’s outburst published in the Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao and My Paper where Mrs Lina Chiam made a host of personal attacks against me were untrue. It has poisoned the well again.
This must stop. I have been demonised by the PAP and its media for long enough. I have been accused of ousting Mr Chiam which is a blatant lie. Records will show this.
I have refrained from answering my critics on this matter because I was hoping that the past would remain where it belongs, and that we can look ahead and focus on our fight for a democratic Singapore.
Depending on the developments over the next day or so, it may be necessary to set the record straight over the episode of Mr Chiam’s departure from the SDP.
I say “may be” because even at this late stage I am hoping that something can still be done to avert any open clash with Mrs Chiam. Suffice it to say that the ball is in her court.
I want to put a stop to the lies propagated by the PAP and the media that I had entered the SDP and ungratefully usurped Mr Chiam’s position as leader. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There are many details that hitherto Singaporeans do not know because they have been obscured or covered by the SPH in the past.
Sometimes it takes more courage to walk away from a fight. But there comes a time when one has to turn around and face one’s accusers and say “No more.”
2nd match: Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) vs..itself
Since 2006, PKMS has been split into two groups which have been at loggerheads with each other.
The police have been called in several times in the past over previous bust-ups involving PKMS leaders. The party’s leadership dispute was also brought before the Subordinate Courts.
Things came to a head in 2009.
The two factions got into a brawl outside its office building in Eunos. Four men had to be taken to hospital with head and arm injuries, with one of them warded in intensive care with a fractured skull.
Police arrested a total of 21 people, two of them women, for rioting with dangerous weapons in relation to the incident, which happened around noon.
Those arrested, who include the four taken to hospital, are aged between 27 and 69 and were all PKMS members. Weapons such as hammers and screwdrivers were said to have been used in the fight.
This is the sorry state of the opposition parties in Singapore.
Amidst trading barbs in the mainstream media and declaring war on each other, one wonders if they realised that the ruling party, the People’s Action Party (PAP) is still in power and laughing at all the drama.
But that is some light at the end of the tunnel. Opposition parties like The Workers’ Party of Singapore and the newly-formed, Reform Party are quietly going about with their activities and working the ground.
We need to have opposition parties to keep the PAP on their toes and make sure that PAP does not forget its responsibility to serve Singaporeans.
In order to do that, opposition parties must remain united and take the fight to the PAP instead of fighting among each other. But judging from the two episodes highlighted above, they still have a long way to go.
It is also important to note that the mainstream media chooses what it wants to report. Putting opposition parties in a bad light is part of the ruling party’s propaganda.
for every one supporter of SDP, there are at least 50 who are pissed with chee!
Instead of slugging it out with the People’s Action Party (PAP) in Parliament and arguing about government’s policies in the public sphere, opposition parties in Singapore are fighting amongst themselves.
1st match: Chiam See Tong vs Dr Chee Soon Juan
The feud between both of them can be traced back to the 1993 election. According to the Singapore Democratic Party website. the feud started when Dr Chee was sacked by NUS and went on a hunger strike:
Dr Chee was sacked by the National University of Singapore where he was a Lecturer. Dr Chee went on a hunger strike as a mark of protest. He was subsequently sued by his department head, Dr S Vasoo, faculty dean, Dr Ernest Chew, and secretary, Ms Janice Chen, when he disputed his sacking.
Mr Chiam first supported Dr Chee’s action but later changed his mind and called for the Party to censure the assistant secretary-general (Dr Chee was elected to the post in February 1993). None of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) members supported Mr Chiam’s motion whereupon the Party leader tended his resignation, citing that he had lost the confidence of his colleagues.
A few of the CEC members, including Dr Chee, tried to persuade Mr Chiam to remain as secretary-general. However, Mr Chiam stated that he would do so only if he could be granted the power to appoint and dismiss the Party’s cadre members. He also wanted the removal of Mr Wong Hong Toy as vice-chairman.
Under the Party’s constitution a simple majority of the CEC was needed to appoint cadre members, not any one individual leader. The CEC did not have the constitutional power to accede to Mr Chiam’s demands. A few weeks later, Mr Chiam gave a speech at the Singapore Press Club attacking the Party’s leadership. It was only then that the CEC voted to expel him.
The Press Club had extended a similar invitation to Dr Chee to counter Mr Chiam. Knowing that the PAP-controlled media had every intention to fan the flames, Dr Chee declined the invitation. But when he subsequently informed the organizers that he would speak but on the Party’s alternative policy ideas instead of the altercation with Mr Chiam, the Press Club withdrew the invitation.
Mr Chiam sued the CEC for wrongful dismissal and won. He remained with the Party until the 1997 general elections when he resigned to form another party.
Mr Chiam went on to form the Singapore People’s Party and together with the Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) and the Singapore Justice Party (SJP), they formed the Singapore Democratic Alliance.
Fast forward seven years later.
In a 28 February 2010 interview with Lianhe Zaobao, Dr Chee claimed that in the 1993 dispute, he had pleaded with Mr Chiam to stay on in the SDP.
A few days later, after reading the interview, Mr Chiam’s wife, Ms Lina Loh contacted Lianhe Zaobao herself to rebuff Dr Chee’s claims that he wanted Mr Chiam to stay. She said:
If he really wanted to keep Mr Chiam, he coulld well reject the position of the Secretary-General or object to his expulsion when the CEC moved a motion to do so.
She went on to explain her decision in coming out to defend Mr Chiam:
I am only saying the truth for my husband to let the younger generation to understand Uncle Chiam, I need to step forward to clarify that he did not abandon SDP, when we were forced to leave, we were in so much pain in our hearts.
Dr Chee felt that the response from Ms Loh was a ‘personal attack’ on him as she was accusing him of ousting Dr Chiam. He responded in kind by writing ‘An open letter to all opposition supporters’.
He wrote that he bear no grudge against Mr Chiam and that he was misunderstood:
At the Reform Party dinner in 2009, I approached Mr Chiam to wish him well.
I attended his 25th anniversary dinner as an MP because I bore him no grudge and I was hoping the same from him.
The Singapore Democrats had even organised two public forums in 2008 and 2009 where we invited all the opposition party leaders, including Mr Chiam, to see how we could cooperate. We also invited him to our 30th anniversary dinner.
I did all this in the hope of burying the hatchet with Mr Chiam.
Unfortunately today’s outburst published in the Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao and My Paper where Mrs Lina Chiam made a host of personal attacks against me were untrue. It has poisoned the well again.
This must stop. I have been demonised by the PAP and its media for long enough. I have been accused of ousting Mr Chiam which is a blatant lie. Records will show this.
I have refrained from answering my critics on this matter because I was hoping that the past would remain where it belongs, and that we can look ahead and focus on our fight for a democratic Singapore.
Depending on the developments over the next day or so, it may be necessary to set the record straight over the episode of Mr Chiam’s departure from the SDP.
I say “may be” because even at this late stage I am hoping that something can still be done to avert any open clash with Mrs Chiam. Suffice it to say that the ball is in her court.
I want to put a stop to the lies propagated by the PAP and the media that I had entered the SDP and ungratefully usurped Mr Chiam’s position as leader. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There are many details that hitherto Singaporeans do not know because they have been obscured or covered by the SPH in the past.
Sometimes it takes more courage to walk away from a fight. But there comes a time when one has to turn around and face one’s accusers and say “No more.”
2nd match: Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) vs..itself
Since 2006, PKMS has been split into two groups which have been at loggerheads with each other.
The police have been called in several times in the past over previous bust-ups involving PKMS leaders. The party’s leadership dispute was also brought before the Subordinate Courts.
Things came to a head in 2009.
The two factions got into a brawl outside its office building in Eunos. Four men had to be taken to hospital with head and arm injuries, with one of them warded in intensive care with a fractured skull.
Police arrested a total of 21 people, two of them women, for rioting with dangerous weapons in relation to the incident, which happened around noon.
Those arrested, who include the four taken to hospital, are aged between 27 and 69 and were all PKMS members. Weapons such as hammers and screwdrivers were said to have been used in the fight.
This is the sorry state of the opposition parties in Singapore.
Amidst trading barbs in the mainstream media and declaring war on each other, one wonders if they realised that the ruling party, the People’s Action Party (PAP) is still in power and laughing at all the drama.
But that is some light at the end of the tunnel. Opposition parties like The Workers’ Party of Singapore and the newly-formed, Reform Party are quietly going about with their activities and working the ground.
We need to have opposition parties to keep the PAP on their toes and make sure that PAP does not forget its responsibility to serve Singaporeans.
In order to do that, opposition parties must remain united and take the fight to the PAP instead of fighting among each other. But judging from the two episodes highlighted above, they still have a long way to go.
It is also important to note that the mainstream media chooses what it wants to report. Putting opposition parties in a bad light is part of the ruling party’s propaganda.
for every one supporter of SDP, there are at least 50 who are pissed with chee!
mah piew poh....mah piew poh....
Zaobao Interview with Dr Chee Soon JuanShare
by Yew Lun Tian (notes) Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 1:18pm
Please hit me with your comments and critic. Apologise for English translation not available yet.
Headline: 徐顺全:现在是民主党30年来巅峰时刻
Byline: 游润恬
Publication: ZB
Date: Sunday, 28 February 2010
Page: 6
Picture Caption: 徐顺全表示民主党过去五年吸引了许多新人,党员的整体素质也比从前高了。(邬福梁摄)
五年前没有资源 办25周年晚宴
夫妇没有工作 怎么养家?
“打不打算脱离穷籍 这个问题不应该问我”
民主党的作风比较强硬,工人党的作风比较中庸。几年前一个对政党政治提出尖锐批评的“大戏党”(Wayang Party)网站出现,不客气地指工人党根本是在作戏,不是真正在搞反对党政治。
大戏党后来改名为淡马锡评论(Temasek Review),对其他反对党的批评也有所收敛,不过网主的身份依然神秘。针对大戏党网站是由民主党幕后操纵,目的是打击其他反对党并提升民主党地位的传言,徐顺全矢口否认。
....and more news coming.
by Yew Lun Tian (notes) Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 1:18pm
Please hit me with your comments and critic. Apologise for English translation not available yet.
Headline: 徐顺全:现在是民主党30年来巅峰时刻
Byline: 游润恬
Publication: ZB
Date: Sunday, 28 February 2010
Page: 6
Picture Caption: 徐顺全表示民主党过去五年吸引了许多新人,党员的整体素质也比从前高了。(邬福梁摄)
五年前没有资源 办25周年晚宴
夫妇没有工作 怎么养家?
“打不打算脱离穷籍 这个问题不应该问我”
民主党的作风比较强硬,工人党的作风比较中庸。几年前一个对政党政治提出尖锐批评的“大戏党”(Wayang Party)网站出现,不客气地指工人党根本是在作戏,不是真正在搞反对党政治。
大戏党后来改名为淡马锡评论(Temasek Review),对其他反对党的批评也有所收敛,不过网主的身份依然神秘。针对大戏党网站是由民主党幕后操纵,目的是打击其他反对党并提升民主党地位的传言,徐顺全矢口否认。
....and more news coming.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
so it was all along SDP CLAN that helped LEEGIME won!
Alfrescian Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 39
Infractions: 0/4 (11)
My Reputation:Points: 161 / Power: 0
Re: Walkabout in West Coast GRC
Dear Sir,
At the time of writing this, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) is known to be preparing for a General Election (GE) which is expected to be held within the few months. For the past 30 years the SDP has been active in GE. In 1991 it rose to prominence by winning 3 seats.
Since the 1990s, Dr Chee Soon Juan has continuously held the position of secretary-general in SDP. Dr Chee and his sister Ms Chee Siok Chin has tried to raise the profile of SDP by being more directly critical of the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP). This has resulted in the SDP being involved in a series of civil and criminal lawsuits.
Between 1984 and 1991, the PAP had seen its share of valid votes decreased from 78% to 61%. The actions of the Chee siblings had been to the advantage of the PAP. It had managed to portray the SDP and other critics as an assembly of hot-headed radicals. As a result, the SDP had been indirectly helping the PAP to win votes.
In the 1997 GE, the PAP reversed the decreasing vote trend by winning 65% of valid votes. In the 2001 GE, the PAP increased its valid vote share to 75%. In the 2006 GE, the SDP received approximately of 25% of valid votes in its contests. This was far below the 33% average for all opposition candidates.
Currently the SDP may be able to increase its vote share or even win a parliamentary seat due to apparent rising anti-PAP sentiments. It is essential the SDP should maintain contact with the masses through cool-headed rational discussion.
The Chee siblings had been associated with confrontational methods and this had almost certainly put off many voters. Therefore the writer urged the Chee siblings to maintain a low profile in the expected 2010 GE. It can still play a role as mentors to potential candidates.
With the large inflow of immigrants which are expected to more supportive of the PAP, this opposition would had to be very careful
not to give away any advantage to the PAP.
Yours truly,
Mr Chua Yuankai
Alfrescian Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 39
Infractions: 0/4 (11)
My Reputation:Points: 161 / Power: 0
Re: Walkabout in West Coast GRC
Dear Sir,
At the time of writing this, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) is known to be preparing for a General Election (GE) which is expected to be held within the few months. For the past 30 years the SDP has been active in GE. In 1991 it rose to prominence by winning 3 seats.
Since the 1990s, Dr Chee Soon Juan has continuously held the position of secretary-general in SDP. Dr Chee and his sister Ms Chee Siok Chin has tried to raise the profile of SDP by being more directly critical of the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP). This has resulted in the SDP being involved in a series of civil and criminal lawsuits.
Between 1984 and 1991, the PAP had seen its share of valid votes decreased from 78% to 61%. The actions of the Chee siblings had been to the advantage of the PAP. It had managed to portray the SDP and other critics as an assembly of hot-headed radicals. As a result, the SDP had been indirectly helping the PAP to win votes.
In the 1997 GE, the PAP reversed the decreasing vote trend by winning 65% of valid votes. In the 2001 GE, the PAP increased its valid vote share to 75%. In the 2006 GE, the SDP received approximately of 25% of valid votes in its contests. This was far below the 33% average for all opposition candidates.
Currently the SDP may be able to increase its vote share or even win a parliamentary seat due to apparent rising anti-PAP sentiments. It is essential the SDP should maintain contact with the masses through cool-headed rational discussion.
The Chee siblings had been associated with confrontational methods and this had almost certainly put off many voters. Therefore the writer urged the Chee siblings to maintain a low profile in the expected 2010 GE. It can still play a role as mentors to potential candidates.
With the large inflow of immigrants which are expected to more supportive of the PAP, this opposition would had to be very careful
not to give away any advantage to the PAP.
Yours truly,
Mr Chua Yuankai
fools of APRIL'S FOOLS is real!
USD or U SEE DITDIT was not a joke. it was a real fool of APRIL'S FOOL!!
lamui had been manipulated by master chee to set up this sure-die clan, U SEE DITDIT as SDP CLAN after having caused so much public nuisance would very well be soon as compelled to close shop. it might be closed but SDP disciples and especially master chee ah juan hadn't have enough of his nonsensical trick.
USD was a set up as a standby refuge for the SDP disciples to second should the inevitable occur. it should be pretty sooner than one thinks.

United Singapore Democrats — a new political party
Posted: 01 Apr 2010 01:26 PM PDT
By Ng E-Jay
The registration of a new political party, the United Singapore Democrats (USD), has caused much buzz in cyberspace.
The party members, however, are keeping mum for now. They will disclose further details about the new party at a press conference that will be held at a later date.
It is understood that the time taken for the Registrar of Societies to approve the new party was only three months, and that the application came with 10 names.
It is also understood that the party will soon hold an extraordinary general meeting with the view of electing new office bearers, and also apply for a permit to publish a newsletter. The party has yet to design a logo.
According to the Straits Times, the President of the USD is Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany (Monica Kumar), who stood as an SDP candidate in Sembawang GRC during the 2006 general elections. [1]
The Party Secretary is Ms Jaslyn Go Hui Leng, an activist who frequently represents the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) at international conferences. She represented the SDP at the Council of Asian Liberal Democrats’ (CALD) Women’s Caucus that was held at the Philippine island of Batanes in May 2009, and attended CALD’s general assembly held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, earlier last month. She also represented the SDP at Liberal International’s (LI) annual congress that was held at Cairo, Egypt in November 2009, during which SDP was formally accepted as an LI observer.
Ms Sophia Tan is the treasurer. Other pro tem committee members of the party include Mr Chong Kai Xiong, Mr Muhd Shamin, Mr Palay Kulandaivelu and Ms Rachel Zeng Rui Qing.
Mr Muhd Shamin is an up and coming political activist who is currently on a three-month internship with the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. He represented the SDP Youth Wing at the invitation of Malaysia’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to observe the Permatang Pasir by-election held in August 2009 which resulted in a handsome win for the Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS).
The mainstream media has speculated that the party could serve as a vehicle for existing SDP members or supporters should the latter be wound up due to the legal damages from a defamation suit brought against it in 2006 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
The USD has chosen not to comment on this.
When quizzed about unsubstantiated remarks made about the party on certain websites which include talk about a possible split within the SDP, the party rubbished those comments as being so far off the mark as to be unworthy of attention.
Apr 1, 2010
New political party formed
By Sue-Ann Chia
A NEW political party - the United Singapore Democrats (USD) - has just been registered last week.
At least four of its leaders have links to the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), with one of them contesting the 2006 General Election as part of the SDP's six-man team in Sembawang GRC.
The Straits Times understands that Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany, who stood as an SDP candidate, is the president of the new USD.
The party's secretary is Ms Jaslyn Go, who regularly attends SDP events and represented it at an overseas conference last November.
The other two USD party members with SDP ties are: Mr Muhd Shamin, who is a member of SDP's youth wing and began a three-month internship in the European Parliament in January; and Mr Chong Kai Xiong, who was involved in SDP-led events such as the Tak Boleh Tahan protests against rising living costs two years ago.
The formation of the new political party was published in the Government Gazette yesterday.
Read the full story in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.
partyless pantyless has ascended finally to gain some dreadfully needed attention courtesy from my pet snake ngejay. but wait! where's the other 2 components of F4 - the FANTASICK 4 of martials arts in local politics.
all this are but a farce of pawning movements executed by master chee ah juan. it would soon that these bunch of clowns would just hobble into the big longkang. there are just too much notoriety about them to enable them to really win the trust of peasants.
this should answer your question. SDP is facing closing shop. the troll was manipulated by chee soon juan to set up new shop so that all their scanty members wouldn't be scattered. there are limited sdp members to begin with and once those are gone, they shall be gone for good. then csj would be very lonely looking stupid ranting on his own.
The mainstream media has speculated that the party could serve as a vehicle for existing SDP members or supporters should the latter be wound up due to the legal damages from a defamation suit brought against it in 2006 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
lamui had been manipulated by master chee to set up this sure-die clan, U SEE DITDIT as SDP CLAN after having caused so much public nuisance would very well be soon as compelled to close shop. it might be closed but SDP disciples and especially master chee ah juan hadn't have enough of his nonsensical trick.
USD was a set up as a standby refuge for the SDP disciples to second should the inevitable occur. it should be pretty sooner than one thinks.

United Singapore Democrats — a new political party
Posted: 01 Apr 2010 01:26 PM PDT
By Ng E-Jay
The registration of a new political party, the United Singapore Democrats (USD), has caused much buzz in cyberspace.
The party members, however, are keeping mum for now. They will disclose further details about the new party at a press conference that will be held at a later date.
It is understood that the time taken for the Registrar of Societies to approve the new party was only three months, and that the application came with 10 names.
It is also understood that the party will soon hold an extraordinary general meeting with the view of electing new office bearers, and also apply for a permit to publish a newsletter. The party has yet to design a logo.
According to the Straits Times, the President of the USD is Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany (Monica Kumar), who stood as an SDP candidate in Sembawang GRC during the 2006 general elections. [1]
The Party Secretary is Ms Jaslyn Go Hui Leng, an activist who frequently represents the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) at international conferences. She represented the SDP at the Council of Asian Liberal Democrats’ (CALD) Women’s Caucus that was held at the Philippine island of Batanes in May 2009, and attended CALD’s general assembly held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, earlier last month. She also represented the SDP at Liberal International’s (LI) annual congress that was held at Cairo, Egypt in November 2009, during which SDP was formally accepted as an LI observer.
Ms Sophia Tan is the treasurer. Other pro tem committee members of the party include Mr Chong Kai Xiong, Mr Muhd Shamin, Mr Palay Kulandaivelu and Ms Rachel Zeng Rui Qing.
Mr Muhd Shamin is an up and coming political activist who is currently on a three-month internship with the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. He represented the SDP Youth Wing at the invitation of Malaysia’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to observe the Permatang Pasir by-election held in August 2009 which resulted in a handsome win for the Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS).
The mainstream media has speculated that the party could serve as a vehicle for existing SDP members or supporters should the latter be wound up due to the legal damages from a defamation suit brought against it in 2006 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
The USD has chosen not to comment on this.
When quizzed about unsubstantiated remarks made about the party on certain websites which include talk about a possible split within the SDP, the party rubbished those comments as being so far off the mark as to be unworthy of attention.
Apr 1, 2010
New political party formed
By Sue-Ann Chia
A NEW political party - the United Singapore Democrats (USD) - has just been registered last week.
At least four of its leaders have links to the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), with one of them contesting the 2006 General Election as part of the SDP's six-man team in Sembawang GRC.
The Straits Times understands that Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany, who stood as an SDP candidate, is the president of the new USD.
The party's secretary is Ms Jaslyn Go, who regularly attends SDP events and represented it at an overseas conference last November.
The other two USD party members with SDP ties are: Mr Muhd Shamin, who is a member of SDP's youth wing and began a three-month internship in the European Parliament in January; and Mr Chong Kai Xiong, who was involved in SDP-led events such as the Tak Boleh Tahan protests against rising living costs two years ago.
The formation of the new political party was published in the Government Gazette yesterday.
Read the full story in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.
partyless pantyless has ascended finally to gain some dreadfully needed attention courtesy from my pet snake ngejay. but wait! where's the other 2 components of F4 - the FANTASICK 4 of martials arts in local politics.
all this are but a farce of pawning movements executed by master chee ah juan. it would soon that these bunch of clowns would just hobble into the big longkang. there are just too much notoriety about them to enable them to really win the trust of peasants.
this should answer your question. SDP is facing closing shop. the troll was manipulated by chee soon juan to set up new shop so that all their scanty members wouldn't be scattered. there are limited sdp members to begin with and once those are gone, they shall be gone for good. then csj would be very lonely looking stupid ranting on his own.
The mainstream media has speculated that the party could serve as a vehicle for existing SDP members or supporters should the latter be wound up due to the legal damages from a defamation suit brought against it in 2006 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
no horse run for master chee now.

Friday, April 2, 2010
Chee Soon Juan lied to escape from questions from media
On the 28th of March 2010, Chee Soon Juan commented to the Shin Min Daily, rebutting the accusations by Mdm Loh Woon Lee Lina (otherwise known as Mrs Linda Chiam, wife of Mr Chiam See Tong) that Mr Chiam See Tong was ousted from the Singapore Democratic Party by Chee.
The article was then translated to English by The Straits Times on 29 March 2010.
Appearing cornered by Mrs Chiam, Chee Soon Juan "told the Chinese-language daily he did not want to take the issue further".
However, on 2 April 2010, the Straits Times published a forum letter written by Chee Soon Juan. He started the letter with "Mrs Chiam See Tong's comments in Monday's report... is regrettable". And then he continued to explain that "no one forced Chiam out".
What happened between the 3-4 days? Nobody knows.
Going back on his words, Chee Soon Juan went ahead to defend himself and stressed that Mr Chiam was wrong in that Mr Chiam "spoke at a Singapore Press Club and attacked his own party".
The forum letter was not posted on the SDP's website. This is the first time SDP is not posting its letter written to the press on its website.
Apparently, Chee Soon Juan had lied to the press, saying that he did not want to pursue the issue further, so as to escape from the questions that are posed to him by reporters.
This is yet another stark instance where the integrity of Chee Soon Juan is exposed.
Thinking back, do you believe him when he did the hunger strike? You shouldn't, because he drank glucose during the "hunger strike".
Vote wisely.
Friday, April 2, 2010
to those who support master chee, remember this quote...
"The people's Action Party tried all means to defeat my husband, but failed after several general elections. But the SDP achieved it effortlessly with one stroke of the pen and did the PAP a great service. "
- auntie lina, wifey of ex-sdp clan master chiam ah tong who was now the new master of SPP Clan or Sibei Peesailander Party CLAN.
- auntie lina, wifey of ex-sdp clan master chiam ah tong who was now the new master of SPP Clan or Sibei Peesailander Party CLAN.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
leetahsar & his technicolor purple teetu sexmobile

leetahsar's technicolored purple teetu sexmobile. COOOLZZZ!!
leetahsar sets up a new opp party
i ve sponsored my li'l brother LEETAHSAR and have officially set up a new opp party. we have decided to name it:
please give your support. among the members are mostly his GOD OF FORTUNES pals and supporters. our aim is to better and improve lives of all singaporeans beginning by hopefully winning a ward for LTS.
we members of his powderful GODS OF FORTUNE gang are dying to see how LTS going to drive the paps mps and minitoots big time coconuts when u people vote him into parleement and see him in a barrage of verbal actions.
don't forget, he can bang tables. he doesn't need a mic to speak. he's blessed wth a thunderous loud voice. and if they get him high, he might just crack them a injurious joke or blast out a song.
parleement shall not be be the same when LEETAHSAR turns it upside down. LOL!!
sorry for u folks. we won't be calling u for DONATIONS like the beggars clan fr the SDP.
we would back leetahsar fully. infact when the GE comes, we would be distributing free gifts. the GOFs maybe getting their prc mei meis or sexy secretaries dressed up to exhibits all grooves and curves and would be giving free ksses for all who support and vote for TAHSAR PARTY
leetahsar is also fighting for the GAY RIGHTS and boy!! he has all the pink votes hot behind him. the opp parties overlook this pink force and would be surprised what a humongous population it can be.
the closet gays and lesbos are mostly in SDP but they are just not brash enough like leetahsar who would loudly and boldly provide a voice for them and seek a justifiable rights for this group of brothers and sisters.
leetahsar is a unprejudiced bloke who dare speaks up if there is injustice. unlike creepies like those in SDP who presented themselves as YEE LAI CHAN with all their sobby tales but in fact back home and unseen, they are really the evil LEI HIONG KUM or evil stepmother reincarnated.
look at ngejay. infront like a holy goodie 2 shoes. behind, he's my pet snake creating havocs with numerous clones trying to defame opp parties and their prominents GE candidates. does he ever criticise or voice any displeasure about SDP's biggest and lamest nonsense?
what, why and how the hell SDP is fighting for peasants? god knows! they rant, they brag...again do u think the peasants care less about those silly public antics. yep! only god knows!
make sure u will be there when leetahsar speak. we have bestowed him a very special sexmobile...oops! something like a sexmobile but better. it's a VW purple volkswagen - refurnished and equipped with the most outrageous gimmicks. well, if the purple sexmobile isn't sold for a cannot resist price, then u guys shall get to drool over it.
black suzuki sexmobile is nothing compare to what we give him. suzuki can only hump an adulterous couple, leetahsar' sexmobile can even have an ORGY!!
so be there when the time comes. the prc mei meis with curves and grooves would be too good to miss. AND the sexmobile is always handy and nearby
oh by the way, gohmengseng had viewed LEETAHSAR's purple sexmobile VW. he's orgasmic and ED (erected dick) until now. he's pleading with LTS to lend him that sexmobile cos he would be in the heat soon - MATING SEASON, that is!
unknown to everyone and especially gms, we also have built in pin cam and ahem! we can remotely videotape all the raucous action gong on inside there when the sexmobile humps up and down squeakingly adding into the moaning, groaning and grunting orchestra.
later when we have compiled enough XXX real action, standby to buy the release. but for those who support LTS in the GE, each would get a vcd FOC!! hopefully, by then one of the "action" episode stars could be gms!
Re: leetahsar sets up a new opp party
strange right? sdp cowards are creeping up. if u jokers like it, u can jump ship and cum on over to TAHSAR PARTY. u get to use the unique purple sexmobile for FREE! no problem. there are many surpising discovery once u are inside this contraption. u r sure to love it!!
panicky master chee hantam back auntie lina chiam
after the LIAN HE chinese newspaper exposed about chee's scheming devious plot which ousted chiam through si mu auntie lina chiam, wife of master chiam, chee was hyperventilating and panicky.
without further delay, he sent a messenger pigeon to the SHIT TIMES and published it to counteract auntie lina's allegation about his evil scheme 20 yrs back which tekan drastically the original SDP CLAN founder master chiam.
u can bet your butt there would be a barrage of verbal battle uprising soon. the crafty master chee was finally nearing to be exposed as a wily fox yao jin reincarnated.
stay tuned for more update now venturing into the realm of spiritualism. no wonder, evil aura could be strongly detected in SDP CLAN which was now invaded by pai kut jin aka lamui, teetukong jin chia sai and of course the deadly poisonous my pet snake yao jin, JJ>
wow!! really happening this time! martial arts is now upscaling into another higher realm involving the spiritual world. it also explained why the frequent appearance of gohmengseng aka SAIKONG SENG and soon we would see how he pit his spiritual kungfun against all the SDP yao jins. LOL!!
Chee called Mrs Chiam a LIAR
Wah, getting more and more interesting...i cannot wait for Mrs Chiam response to Chee for calling her a liar...
ST Forum
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Apr 2, 2010
No one forced Chiam out: SDP chief
MRS Chiam See Tong's comments in Monday's report ('Chiam's SDP exit: Wife speaks up') is regrettable. It is a fact, recorded even in court documents, that Mr Chiam See Tong resigned as Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general in 1993 when no central executive committee (CEC) members supported a motion he proposed. No one forced him out.
It is also a fact that the SDP did not announce his resignation for about a month, during which several CEC members, including me, had visited Mr Chiam repeatedly to persuade him to change his mind but to no avail.
Former SDP MP Cheo Chai Chen confirmed this when he told Shin Min Daily News that he and other members tried to persuade Mr Chiam several times but Mr Chiam 'didn't want to listen to what we had to say'. Even the present chairman of his Singapore People's Party, Mr Sin Kek Tong, said he had reminded Mr Chiam to be watchful of his language and behaviour, but Mr Chiam 'didn't think he should listen to my suggestions'.
Mr Chiam insisted he would return as secretary-general only if we gave him sole power to appoint and dismiss CEC and cadre members. This was clearly undemocratic and, more important, against the party's Constitution. It would have landed the SDP in legal trouble.
After it was decided that the CEC could not accede to his demands and his resignation became public, Mr Chiam spoke at a Singapore Press Club gathering where he attacked his own party. He did so although he, when he was still secretary-general, had made party leaders sign an oath not to criticise the SDP after they left office.
It was only after Mr Chiam's serious attack in his press club speech that the CEC acted and voted overwhelmingly to expel him.
All these are facts recorded in court documents that happened nearly 20 years ago. Since then, the People's Action Party has capitalised on this matter to hit out at the SDP and, in particular, me. My only wish is to record that it was not I who forced Mr Chiam out.
After Mr Chiam's departure, I had a responsibility as assistant secretary-general to do one of two things: pick up the pieces and lead the SDP in a new direction or to let it flounder and die. I chose the former.
We bear Mr Chiam no ill will and wish him well. The SDP has moved on.
Dr Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
without further delay, he sent a messenger pigeon to the SHIT TIMES and published it to counteract auntie lina's allegation about his evil scheme 20 yrs back which tekan drastically the original SDP CLAN founder master chiam.
u can bet your butt there would be a barrage of verbal battle uprising soon. the crafty master chee was finally nearing to be exposed as a wily fox yao jin reincarnated.
stay tuned for more update now venturing into the realm of spiritualism. no wonder, evil aura could be strongly detected in SDP CLAN which was now invaded by pai kut jin aka lamui, teetukong jin chia sai and of course the deadly poisonous my pet snake yao jin, JJ>
wow!! really happening this time! martial arts is now upscaling into another higher realm involving the spiritual world. it also explained why the frequent appearance of gohmengseng aka SAIKONG SENG and soon we would see how he pit his spiritual kungfun against all the SDP yao jins. LOL!!
Chee called Mrs Chiam a LIAR
Wah, getting more and more interesting...i cannot wait for Mrs Chiam response to Chee for calling her a liar...
ST Forum
Home > ST Forum > Story
Apr 2, 2010
No one forced Chiam out: SDP chief
MRS Chiam See Tong's comments in Monday's report ('Chiam's SDP exit: Wife speaks up') is regrettable. It is a fact, recorded even in court documents, that Mr Chiam See Tong resigned as Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general in 1993 when no central executive committee (CEC) members supported a motion he proposed. No one forced him out.
It is also a fact that the SDP did not announce his resignation for about a month, during which several CEC members, including me, had visited Mr Chiam repeatedly to persuade him to change his mind but to no avail.
Former SDP MP Cheo Chai Chen confirmed this when he told Shin Min Daily News that he and other members tried to persuade Mr Chiam several times but Mr Chiam 'didn't want to listen to what we had to say'. Even the present chairman of his Singapore People's Party, Mr Sin Kek Tong, said he had reminded Mr Chiam to be watchful of his language and behaviour, but Mr Chiam 'didn't think he should listen to my suggestions'.
Mr Chiam insisted he would return as secretary-general only if we gave him sole power to appoint and dismiss CEC and cadre members. This was clearly undemocratic and, more important, against the party's Constitution. It would have landed the SDP in legal trouble.
After it was decided that the CEC could not accede to his demands and his resignation became public, Mr Chiam spoke at a Singapore Press Club gathering where he attacked his own party. He did so although he, when he was still secretary-general, had made party leaders sign an oath not to criticise the SDP after they left office.
It was only after Mr Chiam's serious attack in his press club speech that the CEC acted and voted overwhelmingly to expel him.
All these are facts recorded in court documents that happened nearly 20 years ago. Since then, the People's Action Party has capitalised on this matter to hit out at the SDP and, in particular, me. My only wish is to record that it was not I who forced Mr Chiam out.
After Mr Chiam's departure, I had a responsibility as assistant secretary-general to do one of two things: pick up the pieces and lead the SDP in a new direction or to let it flounder and die. I chose the former.
We bear Mr Chiam no ill will and wish him well. The SDP has moved on.
Dr Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
the final coffin nail for U SEE DITDIT CLAN
condom heroes set up new CLAN - martial arts in local politics
USD or u see ditdit clan was formed because of this insider's news.....
According to a party insider who spoke to us on the condition of anonymonity, they may have decided to form a new party instead of joining SDP due concerns about its future – it will serve as a “back-up” in case SDP is wound up by the defamation lawsuits launched by the PAP.
master chee and his bulldog faced chinchin were still seriouly and internally injured during the fierce due with the LEEgime father lee and his son pinkie. hence the proteging and uprising of the CONDOM HEROES lamui n chia sai.
SDP CLAN now also facing the possibility of being blasted into smitterens due to the immense gold taels it owed to the unholy trinity of the father lee, the son and the unholy goh. if sdp clan go, then where were all the sdppies imbeciles going to seek refuge?
USD or U See DITDIT clan was thus formed. if those imbeciles didn't perish in SDP then U See DITDIT would drive in the last conffin nail for them to , eh...SEE DITDIT lor!
USD or u see ditdit clan was formed because of this insider's news.....
According to a party insider who spoke to us on the condition of anonymonity, they may have decided to form a new party instead of joining SDP due concerns about its future – it will serve as a “back-up” in case SDP is wound up by the defamation lawsuits launched by the PAP.
master chee and his bulldog faced chinchin were still seriouly and internally injured during the fierce due with the LEEgime father lee and his son pinkie. hence the proteging and uprising of the CONDOM HEROES lamui n chia sai.
SDP CLAN now also facing the possibility of being blasted into smitterens due to the immense gold taels it owed to the unholy trinity of the father lee, the son and the unholy goh. if sdp clan go, then where were all the sdppies imbeciles going to seek refuge?
USD or U See DITDIT clan was thus formed. if those imbeciles didn't perish in SDP then U See DITDIT would drive in the last conffin nail for them to , eh...SEE DITDIT lor!
condom heroes USD or U SEE DITDIT CLAN
SDP associate Jaslyn Go and others set up new political party to contest in next general election
April 1, 2010 by admin
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Written by Our Correspondent
The United Singapore Democrats (USD) becomes the latest political party to join Singapore’s already crowded political landscape when its registration was confirmed last week.
Its key leaders have been known to be associated with the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) including its President Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany who contested in Sembawang GRC under the SDP banner during the 2006 elections.
Ms Jaslyn Go who has been actively involved in SDP activities including being its emcee for some functions, is the secretary of the new party.
Other members are Young Democrats member Muhammad Shamin and Chong Kai Xiong.
According to a party insider who spoke to us on the condition of anonymonity, they may have decided to form a new party instead of joining SDP due concerns about its future – it will serve as a “back-up” in case SDP is wound up by the defamation lawsuits launched by the PAP.
The new party was registered to contest in the next general election. It is not known if it will cause a split within SDP as some of its founding members have close ties with other SDP Youth Wing members.
It is believed that Mr Chia Ti Lik and Mr Seelan Palay, who are known to be close to Ms Jaslyn Go may also be joining the new party at a latter date.
For a small nation with a population of only 5 million people, there are no less than 10 political parties dotting the political landscape, a number of which are as good as being defunct such as the Singapore Justice Party.
Unlike the Malaysian opposition, the Singapore opposition seems unable to work together and has been wrecked by repeated in-fighting and petty conflicts.
For example, a 17 year old feud between SDP Secretary-General Dr Chee Soon Juan and Singapore People Party’s Secretary-General Chiam See Tong was dredged up in the media again last week.
Unless the opposition unite, pool their limited resources together and come under a common umbrella like the Singapore Democratic Alliance to contest the next election, it will be impossible for it to challenge the PAP juggernaut with its well-oiled grassroots machinery.
What the opposition needs is not quantity but quality, a strong, cohesive and credible alternative to the PAP rather than a motley crowd of small parties driven by self-interests and big egos.
April 1, 2010 by admin
Filed under Headlines
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Written by Our Correspondent
The United Singapore Democrats (USD) becomes the latest political party to join Singapore’s already crowded political landscape when its registration was confirmed last week.
Its key leaders have been known to be associated with the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) including its President Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany who contested in Sembawang GRC under the SDP banner during the 2006 elections.
Ms Jaslyn Go who has been actively involved in SDP activities including being its emcee for some functions, is the secretary of the new party.
Other members are Young Democrats member Muhammad Shamin and Chong Kai Xiong.
According to a party insider who spoke to us on the condition of anonymonity, they may have decided to form a new party instead of joining SDP due concerns about its future – it will serve as a “back-up” in case SDP is wound up by the defamation lawsuits launched by the PAP.
The new party was registered to contest in the next general election. It is not known if it will cause a split within SDP as some of its founding members have close ties with other SDP Youth Wing members.
It is believed that Mr Chia Ti Lik and Mr Seelan Palay, who are known to be close to Ms Jaslyn Go may also be joining the new party at a latter date.
For a small nation with a population of only 5 million people, there are no less than 10 political parties dotting the political landscape, a number of which are as good as being defunct such as the Singapore Justice Party.
Unlike the Malaysian opposition, the Singapore opposition seems unable to work together and has been wrecked by repeated in-fighting and petty conflicts.
For example, a 17 year old feud between SDP Secretary-General Dr Chee Soon Juan and Singapore People Party’s Secretary-General Chiam See Tong was dredged up in the media again last week.
Unless the opposition unite, pool their limited resources together and come under a common umbrella like the Singapore Democratic Alliance to contest the next election, it will be impossible for it to challenge the PAP juggernaut with its well-oiled grassroots machinery.
What the opposition needs is not quantity but quality, a strong, cohesive and credible alternative to the PAP rather than a motley crowd of small parties driven by self-interests and big egos.
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