our CONDOM HEROES, lamui and chia sai after a pantyless partyless GABRA NITE with SDP CLAN had decided to call it quit. they left SDP CLAN to set up a new clan. they called it USD CLAN or U SEE DITDIT CLAN, translated from hokkien U DIE COCKSTANDING.
SDP associate Jaslyn Go and others set up new political party to contest in next general election
April 1, 2010 by admin
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Written by Our Correspondent
The United Singapore Democrats (USD) becomes the latest political party to join Singapore already crowded political landscape when its registration was confirmed last week.
Its key leaders have been known to be associated with the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) including its President Ms Narayanasamy Gogelavany who contested in Sembawang GRC under the SDP banner during the 2006 elections.
Ms Jaslyn Go who has been actively involved in SDP activities including being its emcee for some functions, is the secretary of the new party.
Other members are Young Democrats member Muhammad Shamin and Chong Kai Xiong.
According to a party insider who spoke to us on the condition of anonymonity, they have decided to form a new party instead of joining SDP due to some ersonality differences?and concerns about the future direction of SDP.
The new party was registered to contest in the next general election. It is not known if it will cause a split within SDP as some of its founding members have close ties with other SDP Youth Wing members.
It is believed that Mr Chia Ti Lik and Mr Seelan Palay, who are known to be close to Ms Jaslyn Go may also be joining the new party at a latter date.
For a small nation with a population of only 5 million people, there are no less than 10 political parties dotting the political landscape, a number of which are as good as being defunct such as the Singapore Justice Party.
Unlike the Malaysian opposition, the Singapore opposition seems unable to work together and has been wrecked by repeated in-fighting and petty conflicts.
For example, a 17 year old feud between SDP Secretary-General Dr Chee Soon Juan and Singapore People Party Secretary-General Chiam See Tong was dredged up in the media again last week.
Unless the opposition unite, pool their limited resources together and come under a common umbrella like the Singapore Democratic Alliance to contest the next election, it will be impossible for it to challenge the PAP juggernaut with its well-oiled grassroots machinery.
What the opposition needs is not quantity but quality, a strong, cohesive and credible alternative to the PAP rather than a motley crowd of small parties driven by self-interests and big egos.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
SDP CLAN - the spokeman of HOPELESSNESS
Banned Join Date: Mar 2010
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My Reputation:Points: 43 / Power: 0
Lina Loh to Lianhe Zaobao on Chee-Chiam rift: Chiam was being forced out of SDP
In her first ever interview with the mainstream media, the wife of veteran opposition leader Mr Chiam See Tong, Ms Lina Loh revealed that Mr Chiam was forced out of the Singapore Democratic Party he founded in 1980.
Ms Loh contacted Lianhe Zaobao herself after reading the Zaobao interview with Dr Chee Soon Juan which was published on 28 February 2010.
Dr Chee was quoted as saying in the interview that he tried to stop Mr Chiam from leaving SDP to no avail, but was disputed by Ms Loh who said it is only “half the story.”
Ms Loh was interviewed together with former SDP CEC member and current Singapore People Party’s Chairman Mr Sin Kek Tong by Lianhe Zaobao journalist Ms Yew Lun Tian.
She sneered at Dr Chee’s claims that he had wanted Mr Chiam to stay.
“If he really wanted to keep Mr Chiam, he coulld well reject the position of the Secretary-General or object to his expulsion when the CEC moved a motion to do so,” she was quoted as saying in Lianhe Zaobao.
During that critical disciplinary proceedings taken against Mr Chiam, only one out of 13 CEC members objected to Mr Chiam’s expulsion. Another one abstain.
Mr Chiam had been hauled up for disciplinary action by SDP CEC for criticizing Dr Chee Soon Juan’s hungry strike in the media. The latter had done so to protest against his “unfair” sacking from NUS for “misusing” research funds.
Ms Loh revealed that Mr Chiam had threatened to resign from his position as Secretary-General in a fit of anger and was amenable to mediation between the two camps spearheaded by Mr Sin.
As Mr Chiam was heading towards the political oblivion as being sacked from SDP would mean he lose his parliamentary seat as well, Mr Sin founded the Singapore People’s Party in 1994 which Mr Chiam eventually joined later in the year.
Ms Loh stressed that her decision to be interviewed is not to bad-mouth Dr Chee or to argue with him.
“I am only saying the truth for my husband to let the younger generation to understand Uncle Chiam, I need to step forward to clarify that he did not abandon SDP, when we were forced to leave, we were in so much pain in our hearts,” she said.
Mr Chiam’s acrimonious departure from SDP marked the beginning of its decline. After reaching dazzling heights during the 1991 general election when it won an unprecedented 3 seats, it would go on to lose all its seats in the 1997 election.
Though Dr Chee has perservered against all odds to keep the party together in the face of crippling defamation lawsuits launched against it by PAP leaders, it is unlikely that SDP will regain its former glory again.
Banned Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 2
Infractions: 0/4 (11)
My Reputation:Points: 43 / Power: 0
Lina Loh to Lianhe Zaobao on Chee-Chiam rift: Chiam was being forced out of SDP
In her first ever interview with the mainstream media, the wife of veteran opposition leader Mr Chiam See Tong, Ms Lina Loh revealed that Mr Chiam was forced out of the Singapore Democratic Party he founded in 1980.
Ms Loh contacted Lianhe Zaobao herself after reading the Zaobao interview with Dr Chee Soon Juan which was published on 28 February 2010.
Dr Chee was quoted as saying in the interview that he tried to stop Mr Chiam from leaving SDP to no avail, but was disputed by Ms Loh who said it is only “half the story.”
Ms Loh was interviewed together with former SDP CEC member and current Singapore People Party’s Chairman Mr Sin Kek Tong by Lianhe Zaobao journalist Ms Yew Lun Tian.
She sneered at Dr Chee’s claims that he had wanted Mr Chiam to stay.
“If he really wanted to keep Mr Chiam, he coulld well reject the position of the Secretary-General or object to his expulsion when the CEC moved a motion to do so,” she was quoted as saying in Lianhe Zaobao.
During that critical disciplinary proceedings taken against Mr Chiam, only one out of 13 CEC members objected to Mr Chiam’s expulsion. Another one abstain.
Mr Chiam had been hauled up for disciplinary action by SDP CEC for criticizing Dr Chee Soon Juan’s hungry strike in the media. The latter had done so to protest against his “unfair” sacking from NUS for “misusing” research funds.
Ms Loh revealed that Mr Chiam had threatened to resign from his position as Secretary-General in a fit of anger and was amenable to mediation between the two camps spearheaded by Mr Sin.
As Mr Chiam was heading towards the political oblivion as being sacked from SDP would mean he lose his parliamentary seat as well, Mr Sin founded the Singapore People’s Party in 1994 which Mr Chiam eventually joined later in the year.
Ms Loh stressed that her decision to be interviewed is not to bad-mouth Dr Chee or to argue with him.
“I am only saying the truth for my husband to let the younger generation to understand Uncle Chiam, I need to step forward to clarify that he did not abandon SDP, when we were forced to leave, we were in so much pain in our hearts,” she said.
Mr Chiam’s acrimonious departure from SDP marked the beginning of its decline. After reaching dazzling heights during the 1991 general election when it won an unprecedented 3 seats, it would go on to lose all its seats in the 1997 election.
Though Dr Chee has perservered against all odds to keep the party together in the face of crippling defamation lawsuits launched against it by PAP leaders, it is unlikely that SDP will regain its former glory again.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
more master chee's bad news....
Chiam was forced out of SDP, says his wife
OPPOSITION Member of Parliament for Potong Pasir Chiam See Tong had been forced out of his previous party, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), and had not insisted on quitting, his wife told Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao.
Mrs Lina Chiam, 61, contacted the daily in response to its report last month citing SDP secretary- general Chee Soon Juan's version of events in 1993, which she called "half of the truth".
At the SDP's 30th-anniversary celebration, Dr Chee, 48, said that he tried to persuade Mr Chiam not to resign as the SDP's secretary-general, but Mr Chiam was bent on quitting.
Click here to find out more!
Mrs Chiam conceded, in an interview published in Lianhe Zaobao yesterday, that the SDP's central committee had asked Mr Chiam not to resign.
But it eventually convened a disciplinary hearing and forced him to leave the party, she said.
If Dr Chee had really wanted Mr Chiam to stay, he could have voted against sacking Mr Chiam, or declined to become secretary-general, Mrs Chiam said.
She said that she was setting the record straight so the younger generation would know that Mr Chiam, 75, now the Singapore People's Party's secretary- general, did not betray the SDP and was pained to leave it.
OPPOSITION Member of Parliament for Potong Pasir Chiam See Tong had been forced out of his previous party, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), and had not insisted on quitting, his wife told Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao.
Mrs Lina Chiam, 61, contacted the daily in response to its report last month citing SDP secretary- general Chee Soon Juan's version of events in 1993, which she called "half of the truth".
At the SDP's 30th-anniversary celebration, Dr Chee, 48, said that he tried to persuade Mr Chiam not to resign as the SDP's secretary-general, but Mr Chiam was bent on quitting.
Click here to find out more!
Mrs Chiam conceded, in an interview published in Lianhe Zaobao yesterday, that the SDP's central committee had asked Mr Chiam not to resign.
But it eventually convened a disciplinary hearing and forced him to leave the party, she said.
If Dr Chee had really wanted Mr Chiam to stay, he could have voted against sacking Mr Chiam, or declined to become secretary-general, Mrs Chiam said.
She said that she was setting the record straight so the younger generation would know that Mr Chiam, 75, now the Singapore People's Party's secretary- general, did not betray the SDP and was pained to leave it.
mrs chiam confirmed master chee tekan master chiam

master chiam the founder of SDP CLAN, was ruling over it peacefully for many years. along he picked up master chee and decided to train him as a protege or the next master in line for SDP CLAN.
however, in his impatience, chee ah juan sabo-ed his master and kicked him out of SDP CLAN. poor master chiam! after that ungrateful incident, he no longer dare took up another protege disciple. but graciously as master chiam could be, he kept this mum and buried in his sadden disappointed heart until now. mrs chiam not cannot tahan any longer the injustice and suffering borne by her husband. she voiced out:
master chiam had since then suffered an incurable injury of his crushed heart. it was called BETRAYAL or the canto saying: sek woon min, fun woon tai. translated: eat from the bowl and then overturned it - a description for ungratefulness and ingratitude and betrayal.
Local News
詹时中太太首次受访说 当年詹时中被徐顺全逼走

master chiam the founder of SDP CLAN, was ruling over it peacefully for many years. along he picked up master chee and decided to train him as a protege or the next master in line for SDP CLAN.
however, in his impatience, chee ah juan sabo-ed his master and kicked him out of SDP CLAN. poor master chiam! after that ungrateful incident, he no longer dare took up another protege disciple. but graciously as master chiam could be, he kept this mum and buried in his sadden disappointed heart until now. mrs chiam not cannot tahan any longer the injustice and suffering borne by her husband. she voiced out:
master chiam had since then suffered an incurable injury of his crushed heart. it was called BETRAYAL or the canto saying: sek woon min, fun woon tai. translated: eat from the bowl and then overturned it - a description for ungratefulness and ingratitude and betrayal.
Local News
詹时中太太首次受访说 当年詹时中被徐顺全逼走
Thursday, March 25, 2010
my god chee! your undies is dropping!!
The way that the report is written is clearly an attempt to portray me as being evasive about my income. I had told the Zaobao reporter, Ms Yew Lun Tian, clearly that I depended on my books and from time to time, help from my relatives for survival. Because she found it hard to believe that this was sufficient, I told her that we lived simply and frugally……Yet Ms Yew reported it in such a way that I was trying to avoid her answer and had something to hide. What is left unsaid, although clearly implied, is that I may be a stooge of a foreign agent conducting activities against Singapore.”
if i were wearing a red tight undies, of course i keep it private. hey! i wanna win some money in the casino or on the mahjong table. i cannot reveal my specialied magical red undies for everyone to see, can i? if i do, my talisman red undies shall lose all its prowess...and then i might really drop undies and lose it to some horny shrewd laukuaybu eyeing in between my legs.:p
so what is so secretive about master chee's special research? he working on some kind of sinister mind controlling skill. he did mention "his research is about human beings..." why so secretive and evasive like his oversized undies concealed?
my god chee!! his books won accolades and award?? how cum papers didn't leeport? it's something glorious he brought to peesailand. our own harry potter story writer. incheerible!!
so now poor leeport YEW AH LIAN comes along and asks chee...
ah lian: my god chee, how do u live on? what do u live on? when would u be living on??
master chee: ....... ( bo heel. bo chap. bo bak ti!)
ah lian: ok lor, i just leeport what u dun say properly. i put EVASIVE hor.
master chee: ....... (bo heel. bo chap. bo bak ti!)
and all hell from SDP CLAN breaks loose!!
if i were wearing a red tight undies, of course i keep it private. hey! i wanna win some money in the casino or on the mahjong table. i cannot reveal my specialied magical red undies for everyone to see, can i? if i do, my talisman red undies shall lose all its prowess...and then i might really drop undies and lose it to some horny shrewd laukuaybu eyeing in between my legs.:p
so what is so secretive about master chee's special research? he working on some kind of sinister mind controlling skill. he did mention "his research is about human beings..." why so secretive and evasive like his oversized undies concealed?
my god chee!! his books won accolades and award?? how cum papers didn't leeport? it's something glorious he brought to peesailand. our own harry potter story writer. incheerible!!
so now poor leeport YEW AH LIAN comes along and asks chee...
ah lian: my god chee, how do u live on? what do u live on? when would u be living on??
master chee: ....... ( bo heel. bo chap. bo bak ti!)
ah lian: ok lor, i just leeport what u dun say properly. i put EVASIVE hor.
master chee: ....... (bo heel. bo chap. bo bak ti!)
and all hell from SDP CLAN breaks loose!!
master chee spotted and caught in tight undies
chinese paper leeported about the evasiveness and the slippery kungfu of master chee which he had highly acquired since his disciple days in NUS HILL - the famed kungfu hooley mountains where most of the present famous and notorious martial arts exponents were trained.
From: kojakbt_89 Mar-23 10:54 pm
Zaobao journalist posts clarification on Facebook that she did not “sabotage” Dr Chee Soon Juan in her interview with him
March 24, 2010 by admin
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Written by Our Correspondent
Lianhe Zaobao journalist Ms Yew Lun Tian who conducted a rare interview with Singapore Democratic Party leader Dr Chee Soon Juan a few weeks ago, has posted a clarification on her Facebook denying that she had attempted to put Dr Chee in a bad light deliberately by portraying him as being evasive about his income.
Dr Chee had taken offence at the following segments of the interview which was published on 28 February 2010 in Lianhe Zaobao:
The above was translated to an article by Jeremy Au Yong which was published in Straits Times the next day:
“After being prompted a few times, he replied he also gets money from doing research work overseas…….When asked what area of research work he does, he replies vaguely “er, human behaviour or something like that”.
A day later, SDP Assistant Secretary-General John Tan sent a letter to the editors of both Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao on behalf of Dr Chee who was in prison:
“I wish to give you the heads up that there are several matters in the reports over which Dr. Chee takes issue with. For instance, the articles appear to suggest, inaccurately, that Dr. Chee was evasive when touching on questions about foreign funds.” (read article here)
This was followed by letters written by Dr Chee Soon Juan to the forum pages of Lianhe Zaobao and Straits Times on 7 March 2010:
“Dr Chee Soon Juan has written letters to the forum pages of the Lianhe Zaobao and Straits Times over the interview that was published by Zaobao on 28 Feb 10 where the newspaper said that the SDP secretary-general was evasive when asked about his income.” (read article here)
The Straits Times Forum published Dr Chee’s letter on 17 March 2010 titled “Chee claims ZB interview implied he was anti-S’pore.”
Dr Chee accused the article by Ms Yew as an attempt to portray him as being evasive about his income:
“The way that the report is written is clearly an attempt to portray me as being evasive about my income. I had told the Zaobao reporter, Ms Yew Lun Tian, clearly that I depended on my books and from time to time, help from my relatives for survival. Because she found it hard to believe that this was sufficient, I told her that we lived simply and frugally……Yet Ms Yew reported it in such a way that I was trying to avoid her answer and had something to hide. What is left unsaid, although clearly implied, is that I may be a stooge of a foreign agent conducting activities against Singapore.” (read letter here)
In a posting on her Facebook yesterday, Ms Yew wrote that she received numerous feedback from friends and colleagues who thought that her interview was another attempt by the mainstream media to sabotage Dr Chee after reading his letter in the Straits Times Forum.
She added that she was tired of explaining to them individually and she is now laying the facts on her Facebook for readers to judge for themselves.
Ms Yew revealed that she was the one who initiated the interview with Dr Chee as she thought that readers are curious about him and the 30th anniversary dinner of SDP presented an opportunity for the interview with the emphasis that she was not directed from “above” to do so.
“Alongside the interview was a 500 word news article about the Dinner, and a photo of the fashion show highlighting SDP uniform. Both were written by me. To my knowledge, this is the first time local media ran a profile interview of Dr Chee and gave SDP under him so much publicity,” she wrote.
She explained further that she implied Dr Chee’s replies were evasive in the article because they were as she had to ask at least seven times in different ways to get the answers. In other words, she was simply reporting the facts as there were – that Dr Chee did appear to be evasive.
A partial transcript of the interview is posted here.
The predictable response of Dr Chee and his supporters may be sparked by historical animosities between him and the Singapore media which had demonized him countless of times in the past.
To be fair, the articles on the SDP anniversary dinner and the interview with Dr Chee by Ms Yew were largely objective, fair and balanced and did portray SDP positively on a whole, even prompting one blogger to write an article “The coming around of SDP and Dr Chee”.
Ms Yew even used a smiling photo of Dr Chee in her article (see left) and quoting him in a caption to generate a positive image of him and SDP which will not be the case had she really wanted to “sabotage” him.
While the mainstream media has not done itself any favors with some blatant unfair and inaccurate mis-reporting on opposition leaders in the past, we have to be rational and give credit when it is due.
Adopting an antagonistic stance against the mainstream media all the time will not do the opposition any favors.
In this case, though Dr Chee was portrayed as being evasive in the interview, he did state clearly the source of his income which has helped to dispel lingering public doubts about him and this would not be possible if Ms Yew had not proposed the interview to her superior in the first place.
From: kojakbt_89 Mar-23 10:54 pm
Zaobao journalist posts clarification on Facebook that she did not “sabotage” Dr Chee Soon Juan in her interview with him
March 24, 2010 by admin
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Written by Our Correspondent
Lianhe Zaobao journalist Ms Yew Lun Tian who conducted a rare interview with Singapore Democratic Party leader Dr Chee Soon Juan a few weeks ago, has posted a clarification on her Facebook denying that she had attempted to put Dr Chee in a bad light deliberately by portraying him as being evasive about his income.
Dr Chee had taken offence at the following segments of the interview which was published on 28 February 2010 in Lianhe Zaobao:
The above was translated to an article by Jeremy Au Yong which was published in Straits Times the next day:
“After being prompted a few times, he replied he also gets money from doing research work overseas…….When asked what area of research work he does, he replies vaguely “er, human behaviour or something like that”.
A day later, SDP Assistant Secretary-General John Tan sent a letter to the editors of both Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao on behalf of Dr Chee who was in prison:
“I wish to give you the heads up that there are several matters in the reports over which Dr. Chee takes issue with. For instance, the articles appear to suggest, inaccurately, that Dr. Chee was evasive when touching on questions about foreign funds.” (read article here)
This was followed by letters written by Dr Chee Soon Juan to the forum pages of Lianhe Zaobao and Straits Times on 7 March 2010:
“Dr Chee Soon Juan has written letters to the forum pages of the Lianhe Zaobao and Straits Times over the interview that was published by Zaobao on 28 Feb 10 where the newspaper said that the SDP secretary-general was evasive when asked about his income.” (read article here)
The Straits Times Forum published Dr Chee’s letter on 17 March 2010 titled “Chee claims ZB interview implied he was anti-S’pore.”
Dr Chee accused the article by Ms Yew as an attempt to portray him as being evasive about his income:
“The way that the report is written is clearly an attempt to portray me as being evasive about my income. I had told the Zaobao reporter, Ms Yew Lun Tian, clearly that I depended on my books and from time to time, help from my relatives for survival. Because she found it hard to believe that this was sufficient, I told her that we lived simply and frugally……Yet Ms Yew reported it in such a way that I was trying to avoid her answer and had something to hide. What is left unsaid, although clearly implied, is that I may be a stooge of a foreign agent conducting activities against Singapore.” (read letter here)
In a posting on her Facebook yesterday, Ms Yew wrote that she received numerous feedback from friends and colleagues who thought that her interview was another attempt by the mainstream media to sabotage Dr Chee after reading his letter in the Straits Times Forum.
She added that she was tired of explaining to them individually and she is now laying the facts on her Facebook for readers to judge for themselves.
Ms Yew revealed that she was the one who initiated the interview with Dr Chee as she thought that readers are curious about him and the 30th anniversary dinner of SDP presented an opportunity for the interview with the emphasis that she was not directed from “above” to do so.
“Alongside the interview was a 500 word news article about the Dinner, and a photo of the fashion show highlighting SDP uniform. Both were written by me. To my knowledge, this is the first time local media ran a profile interview of Dr Chee and gave SDP under him so much publicity,” she wrote.
She explained further that she implied Dr Chee’s replies were evasive in the article because they were as she had to ask at least seven times in different ways to get the answers. In other words, she was simply reporting the facts as there were – that Dr Chee did appear to be evasive.
A partial transcript of the interview is posted here.
The predictable response of Dr Chee and his supporters may be sparked by historical animosities between him and the Singapore media which had demonized him countless of times in the past.
To be fair, the articles on the SDP anniversary dinner and the interview with Dr Chee by Ms Yew were largely objective, fair and balanced and did portray SDP positively on a whole, even prompting one blogger to write an article “The coming around of SDP and Dr Chee”.
Ms Yew even used a smiling photo of Dr Chee in her article (see left) and quoting him in a caption to generate a positive image of him and SDP which will not be the case had she really wanted to “sabotage” him.
While the mainstream media has not done itself any favors with some blatant unfair and inaccurate mis-reporting on opposition leaders in the past, we have to be rational and give credit when it is due.
Adopting an antagonistic stance against the mainstream media all the time will not do the opposition any favors.
In this case, though Dr Chee was portrayed as being evasive in the interview, he did state clearly the source of his income which has helped to dispel lingering public doubts about him and this would not be possible if Ms Yew had not proposed the interview to her superior in the first place.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
THE CATCH OF SDP GABRA NITE! lovely doveys!!
covered up flattery of JJ, the mastershapeshifter
Sgpolitics.net salutes Tak Boleh Tahan protesters
March 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under: TBT
Written by Ng E-Jay
12 March 2010
On Thursday 11 March, the Tak Boleh Tahan protestors who congregated outside Parliament House almost exactly two years ago to call on the government to help the poor cope with escalating prices were convicted of assembly and procession without a permit.
The protesters conducted the event peacefully and did not on their own cause disruption to the public or to traffic flow, apart from attracting the interest of some on-lookers. Nonetheless they were still convicted under the Miscellaneous Offences Act.
Mr Gandhi Ambalam, Ms Chee Siok Chin, and Dr Chee were fined the maximum amount of $2,000 ($1,000 for each charge) and sentenced to 2 weeks’ jail in default. Seven others were each fined a total of $1,800 for the two charges and 12 days’ imprisonment in default.
The authorities have made it clear that no permit will be granted for outdoor political activities, rendering the permit system a white elephant that serves no purpose whatsoever. As clear as day too is the fact that certain laws in Singapore are used to stifle political dissent and prevent certain opposition voices from being heard publicly.
During the trial, the defendants argued that Article 12 of the Singapore Constitution which states that citizens are to be treated equally under the law had been contravened because the police allowed a similar event organized by CASE to take place, but denied the rights of the Tak Boleh Tahan activists to do likewise.
The defendants also argued that the government policy on banning all outdoor political activities regardless of circumstances contravened Article 14 of the Constitution which guarantees the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly unless national security is under threat.
The judge disallowed both lines of defence.
Sgpolitics.net salutes Tak Boleh Tahan protesters for championing the right of all citizens to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, which are fundamental human rights as well as essential cornerstones of any true democracy.
One need look no further than Hong Kong or Taiwan to see how a culture of respect for political dissent has created a thriving climate in which people are motivated to think on their feet and play an active role in shaping the nation’s destiny.
Contrast this to Singapore’s situation where every bit of dissent is being carefully controlled and managed by the government, much in the same way the whole economy is being run. Is it any wonder why Singaporeans have growth politically apathetic and show such disinterest in being involved in national affairs?
The Tak Boleh Tahan activists are not just victims of the government’s micromanagement of every aspect of political discourse in Singapore. They are also victims of the government’s iron-fisted approach to dealing with dissenting voices that they cannot tolerate, because of the fear on the part of the ruling clique that if such voices were to be given free expression, Singaporeans might take heed and this would erode their power base.
The Tak Boleh Tahan activists have endured political persecution as a result of their beliefs and convictions, and many of them have paid a heavy price as a result of standing unwaveringly by the values they hold dear.
Even though I was one of the 18 activists who were charged in 2008, I cannot count myself yet as being amongst the ranks of such activists. I can only admire their guts of steel and resolve from a distance.
Currently, the defendants are appealing the decision and the execution of the sentences have been stayed pending appeal.
I wish all the activists the best of luck in reaching out to as many Singaporeans and winning as many minds as possible.
I will always be humbled by the monumental sacrifices in terms of personal freedom and time that some of these activists have had to put up with to bring this basic message to all Singaporeans.
They do this not for any fame or glory, but simply because they love Singapore.
during the execution of the crazy dragon 18 deadly blows, JJ was the first to break free from the deadly kungfu stance formation. to avoid detection, the mastershapeshifter undressed himself to remove the team unique red t-shirt.
too bad. his hideout was betrayed by one of the 18 TAKBOLEHTAHAN nicompoops. he was arrested, put on trial and without further hesitation was also the first to plead guilty. he got himself fined for 600 taels which co-incidentally was an angpow given by the LEEgime to every peasants.
and now, his flattery and hypocritical admiration for the bigger fools and clowns from the SDP CLAN. when he hits the keyboard, JJ is much deadlier with his stubby plump fingers.
March 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under: TBT
Written by Ng E-Jay
12 March 2010
On Thursday 11 March, the Tak Boleh Tahan protestors who congregated outside Parliament House almost exactly two years ago to call on the government to help the poor cope with escalating prices were convicted of assembly and procession without a permit.
The protesters conducted the event peacefully and did not on their own cause disruption to the public or to traffic flow, apart from attracting the interest of some on-lookers. Nonetheless they were still convicted under the Miscellaneous Offences Act.
Mr Gandhi Ambalam, Ms Chee Siok Chin, and Dr Chee were fined the maximum amount of $2,000 ($1,000 for each charge) and sentenced to 2 weeks’ jail in default. Seven others were each fined a total of $1,800 for the two charges and 12 days’ imprisonment in default.
The authorities have made it clear that no permit will be granted for outdoor political activities, rendering the permit system a white elephant that serves no purpose whatsoever. As clear as day too is the fact that certain laws in Singapore are used to stifle political dissent and prevent certain opposition voices from being heard publicly.
During the trial, the defendants argued that Article 12 of the Singapore Constitution which states that citizens are to be treated equally under the law had been contravened because the police allowed a similar event organized by CASE to take place, but denied the rights of the Tak Boleh Tahan activists to do likewise.
The defendants also argued that the government policy on banning all outdoor political activities regardless of circumstances contravened Article 14 of the Constitution which guarantees the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly unless national security is under threat.
The judge disallowed both lines of defence.
Sgpolitics.net salutes Tak Boleh Tahan protesters for championing the right of all citizens to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, which are fundamental human rights as well as essential cornerstones of any true democracy.
One need look no further than Hong Kong or Taiwan to see how a culture of respect for political dissent has created a thriving climate in which people are motivated to think on their feet and play an active role in shaping the nation’s destiny.
Contrast this to Singapore’s situation where every bit of dissent is being carefully controlled and managed by the government, much in the same way the whole economy is being run. Is it any wonder why Singaporeans have growth politically apathetic and show such disinterest in being involved in national affairs?
The Tak Boleh Tahan activists are not just victims of the government’s micromanagement of every aspect of political discourse in Singapore. They are also victims of the government’s iron-fisted approach to dealing with dissenting voices that they cannot tolerate, because of the fear on the part of the ruling clique that if such voices were to be given free expression, Singaporeans might take heed and this would erode their power base.
The Tak Boleh Tahan activists have endured political persecution as a result of their beliefs and convictions, and many of them have paid a heavy price as a result of standing unwaveringly by the values they hold dear.
Even though I was one of the 18 activists who were charged in 2008, I cannot count myself yet as being amongst the ranks of such activists. I can only admire their guts of steel and resolve from a distance.
Currently, the defendants are appealing the decision and the execution of the sentences have been stayed pending appeal.
I wish all the activists the best of luck in reaching out to as many Singaporeans and winning as many minds as possible.
I will always be humbled by the monumental sacrifices in terms of personal freedom and time that some of these activists have had to put up with to bring this basic message to all Singaporeans.
They do this not for any fame or glory, but simply because they love Singapore.
during the execution of the crazy dragon 18 deadly blows, JJ was the first to break free from the deadly kungfu stance formation. to avoid detection, the mastershapeshifter undressed himself to remove the team unique red t-shirt.
too bad. his hideout was betrayed by one of the 18 TAKBOLEHTAHAN nicompoops. he was arrested, put on trial and without further hesitation was also the first to plead guilty. he got himself fined for 600 taels which co-incidentally was an angpow given by the LEEgime to every peasants.
and now, his flattery and hypocritical admiration for the bigger fools and clowns from the SDP CLAN. when he hits the keyboard, JJ is much deadlier with his stubby plump fingers.
master chee - the foxy yao jin
wow! master chee was a yao jin. his foxy bushy tail was gradually being exposed!!
Coffeeshop Chit Chat - SDP Chee: SPH leeporter misquote me
From: kojakbt_89 5:53 am
To: ALL (1 of 3)
Mar 17, 2010
Chee claims ZB interview implied he was anti-S'pore
THE report, 'Chee on foreign funds, Chiam's exit from SDP' (March 1), stated: 'In the (Lianhe Zaobao) article, the interviewer asked him (Dr Chee Soon Juan) about rumours that he had been able to engage in civil disobedience and other activities here because he received financing from foreign donors.
'The article said that, after much probing, he replied: 'I am an academic, and will occasionally receive research funding from overseas. I have written award-winning books, and have taken part in overseas research programmes.'锟?
'But Dr Chee did not say what the research entailed. All he would say was: 'Maybe research like human behaviour.''
The way that the report is written is clearly an attempt to portray me as being evasive about my income. I had told the Zaobao reporter, Ms Yew Lun Tian, clearly that I depended on my books and from time to time, help from my relatives for survival.
Because she found it hard to believe that this was sufficient, I told her that we lived simply and frugally.
At one point, she said she felt embarrassed about having to ask me where I lived and what kind of HDB flat I lived in.
This is an indication that she was aware that she was probing into my personal matters. Nonetheless, I obliged her by answering her question.
Yet Ms Yew reported it in such a way that I was trying to avoid her answer and had something to hide.
What is left unsaid, although clearly implied, is that I may be a stooge of a foreign agent conducting activities against Singapore.
This is the favoured line of an autocratic regime and its controlled media: They portray their opponents as traitorous individuals in cahoots with foreigners to undermine the country.
In all my years of service to this country, I have always worked with one and only one objective in mind: To speak up for my fellow citizens and empower them so that they can stand up for themselves.锟?
In what way do I harm Singapore's interests by fighting for democracy and the political rights of Singaporeans?
Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
EDITOR'S NOTE: Our report was based on an article in Lianhe Zaobao. The editor of Zaobao has said that he stands by the article.
Coffeeshop Chit Chat - SDP Chee: SPH leeporter misquote me
From: kojakbt_89 5:53 am
To: ALL (1 of 3)
Mar 17, 2010
Chee claims ZB interview implied he was anti-S'pore
THE report, 'Chee on foreign funds, Chiam's exit from SDP' (March 1), stated: 'In the (Lianhe Zaobao) article, the interviewer asked him (Dr Chee Soon Juan) about rumours that he had been able to engage in civil disobedience and other activities here because he received financing from foreign donors.
'The article said that, after much probing, he replied: 'I am an academic, and will occasionally receive research funding from overseas. I have written award-winning books, and have taken part in overseas research programmes.'锟?
'But Dr Chee did not say what the research entailed. All he would say was: 'Maybe research like human behaviour.''
The way that the report is written is clearly an attempt to portray me as being evasive about my income. I had told the Zaobao reporter, Ms Yew Lun Tian, clearly that I depended on my books and from time to time, help from my relatives for survival.
Because she found it hard to believe that this was sufficient, I told her that we lived simply and frugally.
At one point, she said she felt embarrassed about having to ask me where I lived and what kind of HDB flat I lived in.
This is an indication that she was aware that she was probing into my personal matters. Nonetheless, I obliged her by answering her question.
Yet Ms Yew reported it in such a way that I was trying to avoid her answer and had something to hide.
What is left unsaid, although clearly implied, is that I may be a stooge of a foreign agent conducting activities against Singapore.
This is the favoured line of an autocratic regime and its controlled media: They portray their opponents as traitorous individuals in cahoots with foreigners to undermine the country.
In all my years of service to this country, I have always worked with one and only one objective in mind: To speak up for my fellow citizens and empower them so that they can stand up for themselves.锟?
In what way do I harm Singapore's interests by fighting for democracy and the political rights of Singaporeans?
Chee Soon Juan
Singapore Democratic Party
EDITOR'S NOTE: Our report was based on an article in Lianhe Zaobao. The editor of Zaobao has said that he stands by the article.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
messiah chee and his BELIEVE message for 2010
messiah chee was also master chee from the SDP CLAN which preached on public disobedient and ABOVE THE LAW mannerism. here, he preached liked the new age messiah.
hiaz! sometime one would feel that chee could make a great and wonderful pastor than a lame fucker in local politic. no doubt, he was the most charismatic no wonder ding-dong nerd, desperate horny fishmonger wife and half past 6 horny lawyer would deeply fall in luv with.
just imagine putting master chee in a church and called it CHEEISM FREEDOM CHURCH. what dramatic impact it may create and maybe outshine all the existing money intensed religious paganism.
master chee might henceforth be well-known internationally and even universally and cosmically as VENERAL REVERENCE YOUR HOOLEENESS SAVIOUR CHEE - ultimate founder and ruler of CHEEISM FREEDOM CHURCH. oh....the light...the light....! don't miss his hooleey light!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
pantyless partyless and the cloak of invisibility
the GABRA SDP NITE was a nite for wild party animals! firstly, the cost of the event was $50 per participants. it was a HALAL buffet with FREE FLOW OF WINE. yep! u got it right. HALAL VS ALCOHOL side by side.
the water buffalos of alcoholics anonymous were thrilled but the non-drinkers and muslims lembus were disadvantaged - paying dearly to subsidise the drinkers. the surprise for the nite had to be the invited vip orang utans ang mo lau kaus who were foreigners and alleged "human rights" fighters.
WHAT THE FUCK!!?? wtf were those foreign insurgents doing in a domestic GARBA SDP PARTY?? so now it was even clearer that $50 from imbecile sdppies went to subsidize for those foreign troublemakers who would exacerbate master chee's evil sliming against peesailand. it would be better and more effective when the orang utan ang mo lau kaus got themselves stoned like pigs.
there u have it folks! the years of GABRAING of the sdp clan and more gabraing years to follow after this. well, the big longkang is always there waiting for the flea circus of clowns to fall in - as usual, what else?
Monday, March 1, 2010
wu lin kungfu chiefs avoided SDP GABRA NITE
Last night, SDP held its 30th Anniversary bash at the Concorde Hotel. Amid the pomp and pageantry were about a hundred guests, including foreign diplomats, civil society activists and members of the opposition. Noticeably absent, and perhaps an indication that the Government抯 decade-and-a-half campaign to marginalize Chee is still holding sway, is the no show from the entire Workers?Party, including Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim, and the founder of SDP himself, Chiam See Tong, now with the SPP. Strikingly, all three are currently the only opposition members of Singapore抯 Parliament. Surprisingly, joining the list of absentees was a new kid of the opposition block, Kenneth Jeyaretnam of the Reform Party.
all the martial arts honchos refrained themselves from attending master chee's GABRA NITE. of course they would! it could be a deadly trap when foreign forces which master secretly collaborated were invited FREE OF CHARGE as vips.
those poor sdppies disciples, supporters, followers and mostly other imbeciles were compelled to pay $50 - an exorbitant fee to attend. perhaps unknown to them, they were made a "robert" to subsidise for the presence of those foreigners who drank like water buffalos. this could explain why the GABRA NITE highlighted on "FREE FLOW OF WINE". well, it wasn't RIBENA SYRUP & TAP WATER, it was alcohol which contra-indicative to their HALAL food for the muslims and the non-drinkers.
ALL HAD BEEN CONNED INTO PAYING SOMETHING EXTRA which didn't benefit them local imbeciles paid that excessive amount to subsidise the buffalo bills reportedly from USA, SWEDEN and all the beer dunking countries.
it seemed that master chee loved FTs more than LTs. good gracious!! and LTs were unwittingly made to pay for FTs who get to drink to their hearts' delight.
wonder how many ang mo lau kaus (red haired monkeys) got themselves stoned and then a mass orgy ensued. wow wow wee!!!
all the martial arts honchos refrained themselves from attending master chee's GABRA NITE. of course they would! it could be a deadly trap when foreign forces which master secretly collaborated were invited FREE OF CHARGE as vips.
those poor sdppies disciples, supporters, followers and mostly other imbeciles were compelled to pay $50 - an exorbitant fee to attend. perhaps unknown to them, they were made a "robert" to subsidise for the presence of those foreigners who drank like water buffalos. this could explain why the GABRA NITE highlighted on "FREE FLOW OF WINE". well, it wasn't RIBENA SYRUP & TAP WATER, it was alcohol which contra-indicative to their HALAL food for the muslims and the non-drinkers.
ALL HAD BEEN CONNED INTO PAYING SOMETHING EXTRA which didn't benefit them local imbeciles paid that excessive amount to subsidise the buffalo bills reportedly from USA, SWEDEN and all the beer dunking countries.
it seemed that master chee loved FTs more than LTs. good gracious!! and LTs were unwittingly made to pay for FTs who get to drink to their hearts' delight.
wonder how many ang mo lau kaus (red haired monkeys) got themselves stoned and then a mass orgy ensued. wow wow wee!!!
confirmed! master chee had foreign bosses!!
Chee speaks up on Chiam
Feb 28, 2010
Chee speaks up on Chiam
By Jeremy Au Yong, Political Correspondent
SINGAPORE Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan has addressed two often controversial issues that have shadowed him: whether he gets funds from foreign sources, and his role in Mr Chiam See Tong's exit from the party.
He spoke on these issues in an interview that LianHe Zaobao published on Sunday in conjunction with the SDP's 30th anniversary.
In it, he acknowledged that he received some funds from foreign sources for research work, and played down his role in Mr Chiam's departure from the party in 1993.
Asked about how he supported his family, he told the Chinese-language daily that his income was mainly from the sale of his books and occasional financial assistance from friends and family.
'We live a simple life, and I invest the extra resources in the fight for democracy,' said Dr Chee, who lives in a three-room HDB flat in Toa Payoh with his wife and three children.
He was declared a bankrupt in February 2006 after failing to pay $500,000 in damages to Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew for defaming them during the 2001 General Election.
Feb 28, 2010
Chee speaks up on Chiam
By Jeremy Au Yong, Political Correspondent
SINGAPORE Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan has addressed two often controversial issues that have shadowed him: whether he gets funds from foreign sources, and his role in Mr Chiam See Tong's exit from the party.
He spoke on these issues in an interview that LianHe Zaobao published on Sunday in conjunction with the SDP's 30th anniversary.
In it, he acknowledged that he received some funds from foreign sources for research work, and played down his role in Mr Chiam's departure from the party in 1993.
Asked about how he supported his family, he told the Chinese-language daily that his income was mainly from the sale of his books and occasional financial assistance from friends and family.
'We live a simple life, and I invest the extra resources in the fight for democracy,' said Dr Chee, who lives in a three-room HDB flat in Toa Payoh with his wife and three children.
He was declared a bankrupt in February 2006 after failing to pay $500,000 in damages to Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew for defaming them during the 2001 General Election.
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