this year RP CLAN's dinner seem desolated. there used to be more jokers on stage cheering to the guests. this year many were missing. among them was fattie ed. where the hell could he be? thought he was the "official mc" but now a noisy indian laukuaybu had replaced him. why huh? why leh?
ah! the opening of the aged nu er hong, the passing of the brotherhood cup.....but WAIT!!
did we see master chee on the right of KJ? on the left was grandmaster chiam. poor goat wasn't looking really good:( it seemed that 3 out of 7 spirits had left him. he looked kinda blur, blank and lost in space.
observe whether master chee had slipped his mind-controlling pill sneakily into the wine as it was poured out.
someone saw the CONDOM HEROES of lamui and chia sai. they were more subtle and toned down. no more F&D winks shooting out or chia sai executing his warped crazy dragon deadly 18 blows.
strangely, JJ was absent. why huh? why leh? neither did he shapeshift into another clone? he was MIA - missing in action! weird! JJ, lamui and chia sia had combined their unique kungfu stances and could easily execute the mind blowing THE THREE STOOGEYS crippling blows. lamui mesmerised victim with her bitchy FLIRT&DESTROY stroke while JJ would kick te frontal and chia sai would mount the rear. gosh! it did look like an orgic unorthodox move! and down go one mouth frothing victim. THE 3 STOOGEYS crippling blows was not one to pray pray with , ok!:p
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
REMINDER: tomorrow is the night: RP DINNER
have all the true heroes and heroines from the martial arts world booked their dinner reservation to attend RP CLAN'S annual dinner?
remember to show your authentic support for RP. please do not follow, learn or be blain-washed like those imbeciles from the SDP CLAN. though my li'l brother LEETAHSAR won't be there and so are all his GOFs or gods of fortune rich and powderful supporters, there is always a next year for us
for those who are present and may wish to join, they could hunt for the spiritual swordsman gohmengseng aka saikongseng from the NSP CLAN. grandmaster chiam see tong should be present with his intensed qi-gong kungfu wifey. chiam looks hale and hearty and probably has recovered 100% from his internal injury suffered by a nasty dart shot in the dark probably executed by sdppy master chee.
please look out for the infamous CONDOM HEROES duo of lamui and chia sai. observe if the turdy nerd and mastershapeshifter JJ who might be trailing behind them oogling at the buttless lamui. who would they be bringing this time? i mean the teletubbies kids of lamui. it would be good to bring along one of them. boy or girl, whichever. it would come handy for blocking any sinister poisonous darts that might shoot out from the dark. the teletubbies kid would make good defence just like what they did during the TBT protest bringing teletubbies kids as their first line of defence against the matas.
by the way, teletubbies kids eat for free so if u pay one adult fare of $45, u get urself bloated and u feed the kid too - FOC!
gosh! i wonder what the dishes would be like. er...cold dish, then spinach with mocked abalone (pirated cheapo abalone), followed by seabass, roast chicken and maybe a soup and dessert to wind up the dinner. well, that was last year. it was only $30.
this year at $45/pax, maybe there would be sharksfin and rounded it up with bird's nest soup. well, of course the pirated version of gelatined fins and nest. anyway, would the diner leave with a hungry tummy or would they leave with leftovers ta pau? last year, my gang of GOFs left with empty tummies and all of us headed to goodwood inn for a sumptuous round of taiwanese porridge buffet.
it would be good that there might be after dinner "live entertainment" like sdppy seelan gui and his gang of bullies targeting some famous posters here, e.g lockiliberal. luckily, ramseth and his gang of WP intervene. if not there could be a ROYAL RUMBLE happening. it was a very happening event purportedly instigated by turdy nerd JJ and chia sai - so that was how it got started: the rumour and the farce. jeezes!
so tomorrow is D- NITE. u guys attending, remember to keep a good lookout for certain unexpected twist of events. it would be safer to get the matas on the standby cos some how rather there seems to be an unseen force which might appear.
don't forget. the old goat ng ah teck could be back to usurp his dethroned crown. there might be a plot or scheme or motive. most of the nasty sddpies could be armed to their teeth to create unwarranted uproars. as usual, SDPPIES are just the specimens best for bo cheng hu kind of nonsense.
you can be sure the matas are all mobilised to maintain the peace and order. remember to FR the happenings and share with everyone. enjoy your dinner and fattie edmund might be doing a striptease show! LOL!! that was a joke!! and a wish
remember to show your authentic support for RP. please do not follow, learn or be blain-washed like those imbeciles from the SDP CLAN. though my li'l brother LEETAHSAR won't be there and so are all his GOFs or gods of fortune rich and powderful supporters, there is always a next year for us
for those who are present and may wish to join, they could hunt for the spiritual swordsman gohmengseng aka saikongseng from the NSP CLAN. grandmaster chiam see tong should be present with his intensed qi-gong kungfu wifey. chiam looks hale and hearty and probably has recovered 100% from his internal injury suffered by a nasty dart shot in the dark probably executed by sdppy master chee.
please look out for the infamous CONDOM HEROES duo of lamui and chia sai. observe if the turdy nerd and mastershapeshifter JJ who might be trailing behind them oogling at the buttless lamui. who would they be bringing this time? i mean the teletubbies kids of lamui. it would be good to bring along one of them. boy or girl, whichever. it would come handy for blocking any sinister poisonous darts that might shoot out from the dark. the teletubbies kid would make good defence just like what they did during the TBT protest bringing teletubbies kids as their first line of defence against the matas.
by the way, teletubbies kids eat for free so if u pay one adult fare of $45, u get urself bloated and u feed the kid too - FOC!
gosh! i wonder what the dishes would be like. er...cold dish, then spinach with mocked abalone (pirated cheapo abalone), followed by seabass, roast chicken and maybe a soup and dessert to wind up the dinner. well, that was last year. it was only $30.
this year at $45/pax, maybe there would be sharksfin and rounded it up with bird's nest soup. well, of course the pirated version of gelatined fins and nest. anyway, would the diner leave with a hungry tummy or would they leave with leftovers ta pau? last year, my gang of GOFs left with empty tummies and all of us headed to goodwood inn for a sumptuous round of taiwanese porridge buffet.
it would be good that there might be after dinner "live entertainment" like sdppy seelan gui and his gang of bullies targeting some famous posters here, e.g lockiliberal. luckily, ramseth and his gang of WP intervene. if not there could be a ROYAL RUMBLE happening. it was a very happening event purportedly instigated by turdy nerd JJ and chia sai - so that was how it got started: the rumour and the farce. jeezes!
so tomorrow is D- NITE. u guys attending, remember to keep a good lookout for certain unexpected twist of events. it would be safer to get the matas on the standby cos some how rather there seems to be an unseen force which might appear.
don't forget. the old goat ng ah teck could be back to usurp his dethroned crown. there might be a plot or scheme or motive. most of the nasty sddpies could be armed to their teeth to create unwarranted uproars. as usual, SDPPIES are just the specimens best for bo cheng hu kind of nonsense.
you can be sure the matas are all mobilised to maintain the peace and order. remember to FR the happenings and share with everyone. enjoy your dinner and fattie edmund might be doing a striptease show! LOL!! that was a joke!! and a wish
Friday, September 18, 2009
1/2past6 si ya (or legal adviser) in action
chia say: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a
chia sia: Did you check for blood pressure?
chia sai: Did you check for breathing?
chia sai: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
chia sai: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
chia sai: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
chia sia: Did you check for blood pressure?
chia sai: Did you check for breathing?
chia sai: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
chia sai: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
chia sai: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
gathering of the red communist SDP clowns

wow! someone is getting to be the "closest" to messiah chee but she ain't mary magdalene. mrs chee is missing and so is the 1/2past6 lawyer. she can't be the next to the abc troll and it seems ah chin is now ranked #4 (according to the closeness to master chee).
wow again!! FLIRT&DESTROY is definitely the name of the game here.
2nd front row, 3rd from the right. is the nerd ngejay now confirmed as a SDPPY? was that why he left RP in a hurry cos his plot had failed miserably?
ng teck siong is also missing from the group pic. or is he hidding at the 4th row, 4th from the left?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
LI complains about LEE to UN MEETING
as usual, traitorous national betrayer master chee had confirmed himself to be was behind all these craps. he was instigating LI to hantam LEE, namely lau lee from the infamous famiLEE LEEgime which ruled over peesailand for 2 generations now. there might be a 3rd uprising famiLEE progeny in the making if SDP CLAN kept on with their incessant public nonsense which was now taken globally and internationally to smear the good name of peesailand with all their craps and shits smearing activities.
it was puzzling. why would master chee who fail miserably here to rapport with the peasants want to take his personal vengeance and vendetta worldwide? who would bother about a tiny red dot peesailand? obviously, master chee is the bad guy here in this land where peasants consider themselves fortunate to be born in and FTs clamber too to be naturalised here.
as usual again, master chee is surely up to more nonsense to follow on the arrival of the overlord of the overlords of the martial arts world - THE ARRIVAL OF USA OBAMA - overlord of the USA and the most powderful man in the world.
stay tuned....and now for the crappy comprains SDP CLAN and chee are truly good for: TO BRING PEESAILAND DOWN.
The Liberal International (LI) has submitted a written statement to the United Nations' Human Rights Council. The statement cites human rights violations in several countries including Singapore and Burma. (See below)
LI is an international body of liberal democratic parties with ruling parties as members including the US Democratic Party. The SDP's membership was recently approved by the LI's Bureau and will be confirmed at its Congress to be held in Cairo in October this year.
On another front, the Young Democrats have just returned from a communications workshop in Hong Kong this week. The event was organised by the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD). YD Honorary Secretary Jarrod Luo attended the workshop together with activist Chong Kai Xiong.
LI Statement
The International Bar Association (IBA) produced a report in July 2008 after it held one of its annual conferences in Singapore. In that report, the IBA stated that:
“The judiciary in Singapore has a good international reputation for the integrity of their judgments when adjudicating commercial cases that do not involve the interests of People’s Action Party (PAP) members or their associates. However, in cases involving PAP litigants or PAP interests, there are concerns about an actual or apparent lack of impartiality and/or independence, which casts doubt on the decisions made in such cases.”
That same year, half a dozen individuals were found guilty of contempt of court in three separate cases. The five Singaporeans and one US citizen were imprisoned.
In addition, the editor of the Wall Street Journal was ordered to pay approximately 5,000 Euros for contempt of court in three articles that appeared in the newspaper.
In March 2008, a group of activists participated in a peaceful protest against price hikes and the million-dollar salaries of the ministers. Led by Chee Soon Juan, the group was arrested and the activists were prosecuted for taking part in an assembly and procession without permit.
Notes the Attorney-General's Chambers’s complicit role in its suppression of freedom of expression, assembly and procession and urges the Attorney-General's Chambers to stop prosecuting activists in Singapore;
Stands in solidarity with the persecuted democracy activists and censures the Singapore Government for its use of public institutions against the Singapore Democratic Party and its associates;
Urges the judiciary to adhere to its commitment to uphold justice in the city-state without prejudice, fear or favour.
if there were really fear, then why wasn't master chee and his imbecile diisciples being detained and thoroughly chromed by ISD (Imbecile, silly and dimwit) - the secret imperial assassins of the royal famiLEE?
it was puzzling. why would master chee who fail miserably here to rapport with the peasants want to take his personal vengeance and vendetta worldwide? who would bother about a tiny red dot peesailand? obviously, master chee is the bad guy here in this land where peasants consider themselves fortunate to be born in and FTs clamber too to be naturalised here.
as usual again, master chee is surely up to more nonsense to follow on the arrival of the overlord of the overlords of the martial arts world - THE ARRIVAL OF USA OBAMA - overlord of the USA and the most powderful man in the world.
stay tuned....and now for the crappy comprains SDP CLAN and chee are truly good for: TO BRING PEESAILAND DOWN.
The Liberal International (LI) has submitted a written statement to the United Nations' Human Rights Council. The statement cites human rights violations in several countries including Singapore and Burma. (See below)
LI is an international body of liberal democratic parties with ruling parties as members including the US Democratic Party. The SDP's membership was recently approved by the LI's Bureau and will be confirmed at its Congress to be held in Cairo in October this year.
On another front, the Young Democrats have just returned from a communications workshop in Hong Kong this week. The event was organised by the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD). YD Honorary Secretary Jarrod Luo attended the workshop together with activist Chong Kai Xiong.
LI Statement
The International Bar Association (IBA) produced a report in July 2008 after it held one of its annual conferences in Singapore. In that report, the IBA stated that:
“The judiciary in Singapore has a good international reputation for the integrity of their judgments when adjudicating commercial cases that do not involve the interests of People’s Action Party (PAP) members or their associates. However, in cases involving PAP litigants or PAP interests, there are concerns about an actual or apparent lack of impartiality and/or independence, which casts doubt on the decisions made in such cases.”
That same year, half a dozen individuals were found guilty of contempt of court in three separate cases. The five Singaporeans and one US citizen were imprisoned.
In addition, the editor of the Wall Street Journal was ordered to pay approximately 5,000 Euros for contempt of court in three articles that appeared in the newspaper.
In March 2008, a group of activists participated in a peaceful protest against price hikes and the million-dollar salaries of the ministers. Led by Chee Soon Juan, the group was arrested and the activists were prosecuted for taking part in an assembly and procession without permit.
Notes the Attorney-General's Chambers’s complicit role in its suppression of freedom of expression, assembly and procession and urges the Attorney-General's Chambers to stop prosecuting activists in Singapore;
Stands in solidarity with the persecuted democracy activists and censures the Singapore Government for its use of public institutions against the Singapore Democratic Party and its associates;
Urges the judiciary to adhere to its commitment to uphold justice in the city-state without prejudice, fear or favour.
if there were really fear, then why wasn't master chee and his imbecile diisciples being detained and thoroughly chromed by ISD (Imbecile, silly and dimwit) - the secret imperial assassins of the royal famiLEE?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Leetahsar invited to rp clan's annual dinner
wow wow wee!! i didn't know my li'l brother LEETAHSAR had any connection with the RP CLAN. he was being invited to attend their annual dinner. glad that he might be but he had signed a "cum donation program". he is a pedigree stud perfect with seeds to impregnate some desperate houswives whose husbands' bullets are not as powderful as they used to be in the good o' days.
the last sexsion for the cum milking might coincide with the dinner and hence his undecisive predicament. after all that's over, he would be handsomely rewarded and that would coincide with his massive christmas shopping spree. LOL!
we, his gang of GOFs hence couldn't book the tables much as we love too. if our li'l brother LEETAHSAR isn't there, we won't be too. it would be too boring to sit through the dinner. perhaps, next year maybe and provided he wouldn't be called up for national duty to donate any more personal stuffs or fluids. sheesh!! the blur goon is indeed full of shit! hahahaha....
The Reform Party 1st Anniversary Dinner
"Inviting all to celebrate our first anniversary!"
Host: The Young Reformers: The Reform Party Youth Wing
Type: Party - Dinner Party
Network: Global
Price: S$45.00 per pax
Date: Friday, September 25, 2009
Time: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: Fortunate Restaurant @ Blk 181 Lorong 4, Toa Payoh #02-602, Singapore 310181
Phone: 65349641
DescriptionThe programme for the evening will include speeches by our Secretary-General, C.E.C members and President of our Youth Wing. Dinner will be followed by a prize ceremony for the winners of our Young Reformers’ logo design competition.
Tickets are priced at $45.00 and are available at our office located at 18A Smith Street. Alternatively, you can R.S.V.P at 6534 9641 or at
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Bob Sim wrote
thanks KJ. but my admission date to the hosp is not confirmed yet. that's why i couldn't give u a firm answer as yet. i would love to attend but wonder if it's ok if there's a last minute gate crashing?
the last sexsion for the cum milking might coincide with the dinner and hence his undecisive predicament. after all that's over, he would be handsomely rewarded and that would coincide with his massive christmas shopping spree. LOL!
we, his gang of GOFs hence couldn't book the tables much as we love too. if our li'l brother LEETAHSAR isn't there, we won't be too. it would be too boring to sit through the dinner. perhaps, next year maybe and provided he wouldn't be called up for national duty to donate any more personal stuffs or fluids. sheesh!! the blur goon is indeed full of shit! hahahaha....
The Reform Party 1st Anniversary Dinner
"Inviting all to celebrate our first anniversary!"
Host: The Young Reformers: The Reform Party Youth Wing
Type: Party - Dinner Party
Network: Global
Price: S$45.00 per pax
Date: Friday, September 25, 2009
Time: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: Fortunate Restaurant @ Blk 181 Lorong 4, Toa Payoh #02-602, Singapore 310181
Phone: 65349641
DescriptionThe programme for the evening will include speeches by our Secretary-General, C.E.C members and President of our Youth Wing. Dinner will be followed by a prize ceremony for the winners of our Young Reformers’ logo design competition.
Tickets are priced at $45.00 and are available at our office located at 18A Smith Street. Alternatively, you can R.S.V.P at 6534 9641 or at
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Bob Sim wrote
thanks KJ. but my admission date to the hosp is not confirmed yet. that's why i couldn't give u a firm answer as yet. i would love to attend but wonder if it's ok if there's a last minute gate crashing?
Friday, September 11, 2009
famiLEE secret kungfu manual - A SELL OUT!
master chee wrote a secret manual about his mind-washing kungfu which he invented himself after being booted out from the reputated sacred kungfu institution in NUS HILL. he claimed that his kungfu manual was selling like hot shou bin or chinese pancake. but did it really sell? ah.....
the famiLEE had also came out with their version of PAP'S SECRET 101 KUNGFU MANUAL. did it sell? well, it's so hot that it's out of stock! already a 3rd round of printing is in queue!! ah.....yes, again ah! who are the kungfu crazed exponents would wanna buy such manual? famiLEE's kungfu secrets manual is more expensive than master chee but it sells better than chee's shou bin. why huh? why leh?
master chee claims that his are always out of stocks meaning he should be very rich and is something like peesailand's version of JK ROWLING with her fantasy HARRY POTTER tales.
yes! ah......again!
Sep 12, 2009
Book on PAP a best seller
Third print run ordered for Men In White just days after launch
By Cai Haoxiang
A NEW book on the People's Action Party (PAP) looks set to be one of the year's best sellers, with stores here reporting brisk sales and a third printing already ordered to meet demand.
An estimated 75per cent of 10,000 retail copies of Men In White were sold within the first four days of the book's launch on Tuesday, according to Marshall Cavendish International (Asia).
The publishing company's general manager, Mr Chris Newson, said yesterday that a second printing of 6,000 books had been pre-booked by distributors.
A third printing of 10,000 has now been ordered.
'We will probably run a fourth printing of a further 10,000 copies, as demand from retailers is mounting daily,' Mr Newson said. 'The book has been flying off the shelves. At Books Kinokuniya, for instance, about 1,000 copies have been snapped up.
'Men In White has been a phenomenal success and is the biggest blockbuster Singapore book since Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's memoirs,' said store director Kenny Chan, 57.
The 692-page book chronicles the PAP's rise, fall, split and resurgence in the 55 years since it was formed in 1954.
It is written by Straits Times senior journalists Sonny Yap, Richard Lim and Leong Weng Kam, who interviewed 300 people, including leftists whose voices are not featured in existing literature on Singapore's history. They also went through 200 oral history interviews and pored over confidential documents.
The book was commissioned and published by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and designed and produced by Marshall Cavendish International (Asia).
Author Sonny Yap, 59, is happy about the sales: 'A lot of people who bought the book lived through the times. Hopefully, it will also be picked up by young people so they can understand the values and sacrifices of Singapore's pioneering generation.'
Read the full story in Saturday's edition of The Straits Times.
the famiLEE had also came out with their version of PAP'S SECRET 101 KUNGFU MANUAL. did it sell? well, it's so hot that it's out of stock! already a 3rd round of printing is in queue!! ah.....yes, again ah! who are the kungfu crazed exponents would wanna buy such manual? famiLEE's kungfu secrets manual is more expensive than master chee but it sells better than chee's shou bin. why huh? why leh?
master chee claims that his are always out of stocks meaning he should be very rich and is something like peesailand's version of JK ROWLING with her fantasy HARRY POTTER tales.
yes! ah......again!
Sep 12, 2009
Book on PAP a best seller
Third print run ordered for Men In White just days after launch
By Cai Haoxiang
A NEW book on the People's Action Party (PAP) looks set to be one of the year's best sellers, with stores here reporting brisk sales and a third printing already ordered to meet demand.
An estimated 75per cent of 10,000 retail copies of Men In White were sold within the first four days of the book's launch on Tuesday, according to Marshall Cavendish International (Asia).
The publishing company's general manager, Mr Chris Newson, said yesterday that a second printing of 6,000 books had been pre-booked by distributors.
A third printing of 10,000 has now been ordered.
'We will probably run a fourth printing of a further 10,000 copies, as demand from retailers is mounting daily,' Mr Newson said. 'The book has been flying off the shelves. At Books Kinokuniya, for instance, about 1,000 copies have been snapped up.
'Men In White has been a phenomenal success and is the biggest blockbuster Singapore book since Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's memoirs,' said store director Kenny Chan, 57.
The 692-page book chronicles the PAP's rise, fall, split and resurgence in the 55 years since it was formed in 1954.
It is written by Straits Times senior journalists Sonny Yap, Richard Lim and Leong Weng Kam, who interviewed 300 people, including leftists whose voices are not featured in existing literature on Singapore's history. They also went through 200 oral history interviews and pored over confidential documents.
The book was commissioned and published by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and designed and produced by Marshall Cavendish International (Asia).
Author Sonny Yap, 59, is happy about the sales: 'A lot of people who bought the book lived through the times. Hopefully, it will also be picked up by young people so they can understand the values and sacrifices of Singapore's pioneering generation.'
Read the full story in Saturday's edition of The Straits Times.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
sarongs dropped, songkoks flew! kepala kena ketok!
assalaimulakum! which is peace to everyone! why such unhappy and unfortunate drama could have taken place? maybe the BERSILAT CLAN should calm down and go back to their ISLAMIC teaching. assalaimulakum! peace, harmony and love to everyone abang, kakak dengan adek! :)
Sep 10, 2009
PKMS faction goes online
By Cai Haoxiang
THEY failed to gain control of the party premises in Eunos last week. So the faction claiming to be the rightful leaders of the opposition Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) has now moved to establish a presence online.
The group set up an e-mail account and said on Wednesday it would use it as a way to serve the community.
'We can still function, regardless of whether we can operate from a building or not,' Madam Lella Mardiiiah Mohamed, 35, a member of the group, told reporters at a press conference at Hong Lim Park.
With the account, the group will be able to respond to queries and provide the Malay community with advice on family and education matters, and help the unemployed search for jobs online, she said. Madam Lella is deputy president of the group which last week tried to change the locks at the PKMS office building in Eunos.
Their attempt on Sept 3 sparked clashes with members of the group that has control of the premises. The incident led to the arrest of 21 people for rioting. Four men were also taken to hospital with injuries.
One of the injured, Mr Ramlan Mohamad, 49, was warded in intensive care with a fractured skull. He is now out of intensive care, said his twin brother Ramli Mohamad.
Both brothers, along with Madam Lella, are part of a breakaway group that has spent the past two years trying to gain control of the PKMS. Several members of this group had been suspended from the party in 2007 by the PKMS supreme council led by Mr Osman Hassan, 64.
Mr Osman's council does not recognise the breakaway group's claims to be the legitimate leaders of the party. In the wake of the clashes, the council also rebuffed a suggestion by the group represented by Madam Lella that the two sides might reconcile.
On Wednesday, she said that her group did not have the finances to mount a fresh legal challenge against Mr Osman and his council.
But it would, in the meantime, aim to continue to serve the community. Hence the initiative to start the e-mail service, she said, adding that those interested could send their queries to [email][/email]
Sep 10, 2009
PKMS faction goes online
By Cai Haoxiang
THEY failed to gain control of the party premises in Eunos last week. So the faction claiming to be the rightful leaders of the opposition Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) has now moved to establish a presence online.
The group set up an e-mail account and said on Wednesday it would use it as a way to serve the community.
'We can still function, regardless of whether we can operate from a building or not,' Madam Lella Mardiiiah Mohamed, 35, a member of the group, told reporters at a press conference at Hong Lim Park.
With the account, the group will be able to respond to queries and provide the Malay community with advice on family and education matters, and help the unemployed search for jobs online, she said. Madam Lella is deputy president of the group which last week tried to change the locks at the PKMS office building in Eunos.
Their attempt on Sept 3 sparked clashes with members of the group that has control of the premises. The incident led to the arrest of 21 people for rioting. Four men were also taken to hospital with injuries.
One of the injured, Mr Ramlan Mohamad, 49, was warded in intensive care with a fractured skull. He is now out of intensive care, said his twin brother Ramli Mohamad.
Both brothers, along with Madam Lella, are part of a breakaway group that has spent the past two years trying to gain control of the PKMS. Several members of this group had been suspended from the party in 2007 by the PKMS supreme council led by Mr Osman Hassan, 64.
Mr Osman's council does not recognise the breakaway group's claims to be the legitimate leaders of the party. In the wake of the clashes, the council also rebuffed a suggestion by the group represented by Madam Lella that the two sides might reconcile.
On Wednesday, she said that her group did not have the finances to mount a fresh legal challenge against Mr Osman and his council.
But it would, in the meantime, aim to continue to serve the community. Hence the initiative to start the e-mail service, she said, adding that those interested could send their queries to [email][/email]
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
TOP 10 LOOKOUTS during RP CLAN's dinner
what to look out for during RP DINNER
this dinner event should be very interesting. there are many happenings to look out for. here are some:
1. observe whether any SDPpies who might be present
2. whether lamei would be there with original husband or pirated one.
3. see which teletubbies she would be bringing - whether is joel or carl. those are the superman's related names by the way cos she always thinks herself as some kind of "wonderwoman" without the wonder bra and the golden lasso of TRUTH of course! LOL!
4. which teletubbie kid the 1/2past6 lawyer would be carrying this time. by the way, this isn't a TAK BOLEH TAHAN protest. they do not need children to act as their defensive and protective barrier.
5. look out for the nerd, ngejay holding hand in hand his long lost father ng teck siong. will the long lost father&son team be there? to celebrate or to create a scene?
6. watch out for cute fatty edmund ng. he's still as friendly as ever. just dun understand why so many losers and cowards love to slam him.
7. would AVIATION LIM aka thinknothing aka avantas aka wayangparty aka dunno what be instigating and paying some mats yoyo kids to distribute defaming flyers?
8. would seelan and his ah neng gang be harrassing marcus aka lockiliberal during that night like last year?
9. would lockiliberal be as generous as last year to book an entire table?
10. gohmengseng should definitely be there. would most of the nsp stars turn out too? steve chia is scootering matland now. would he be back to grace the event?
these are the top 10 LOOKOUTS during that night.
would KJ be clarifying and explaining what really happen in RP like why ngejay joined & quit? why ng teck siong who claimed himself as a founding partner quit abruptly and coincidentally when he discovered his long lost son ngejay? would he be also explaining the intrusion o SDPPIES deployed by the troll lamei into RP? what was the purpose, intention or hidden motive that could hv been involved?
there are many things and explanation that need to be revealed and straightened out so that RP could finally move in a direction which is transparent, honest and look upon as without hidden agenda that could be hindering in the eyes of the voters, supporters and general peasants.
why SDP fails miserably is probably due to the clowning of chee soon juan. on one hand, he professes to be concern about peasants' welfare but on the other more sinister hand, he is trying to instigate president obama to SANCTION singapore.
how to trust chee? it's best to THRUST him than to trust him. don't u think so too?
this dinner event should be very interesting. there are many happenings to look out for. here are some:
1. observe whether any SDPpies who might be present
2. whether lamei would be there with original husband or pirated one.
3. see which teletubbies she would be bringing - whether is joel or carl. those are the superman's related names by the way cos she always thinks herself as some kind of "wonderwoman" without the wonder bra and the golden lasso of TRUTH of course! LOL!
4. which teletubbie kid the 1/2past6 lawyer would be carrying this time. by the way, this isn't a TAK BOLEH TAHAN protest. they do not need children to act as their defensive and protective barrier.
5. look out for the nerd, ngejay holding hand in hand his long lost father ng teck siong. will the long lost father&son team be there? to celebrate or to create a scene?
6. watch out for cute fatty edmund ng. he's still as friendly as ever. just dun understand why so many losers and cowards love to slam him.
7. would AVIATION LIM aka thinknothing aka avantas aka wayangparty aka dunno what be instigating and paying some mats yoyo kids to distribute defaming flyers?
8. would seelan and his ah neng gang be harrassing marcus aka lockiliberal during that night like last year?
9. would lockiliberal be as generous as last year to book an entire table?
10. gohmengseng should definitely be there. would most of the nsp stars turn out too? steve chia is scootering matland now. would he be back to grace the event?
these are the top 10 LOOKOUTS during that night.
would KJ be clarifying and explaining what really happen in RP like why ngejay joined & quit? why ng teck siong who claimed himself as a founding partner quit abruptly and coincidentally when he discovered his long lost son ngejay? would he be also explaining the intrusion o SDPPIES deployed by the troll lamei into RP? what was the purpose, intention or hidden motive that could hv been involved?
there are many things and explanation that need to be revealed and straightened out so that RP could finally move in a direction which is transparent, honest and look upon as without hidden agenda that could be hindering in the eyes of the voters, supporters and general peasants.
why SDP fails miserably is probably due to the clowning of chee soon juan. on one hand, he professes to be concern about peasants' welfare but on the other more sinister hand, he is trying to instigate president obama to SANCTION singapore.
how to trust chee? it's best to THRUST him than to trust him. don't u think so too?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
sarongs dropped, kapala kena ketok!
Violence broke out on Thursday between rival factions of one of Singapore's opposition parties
SINGAPORE: Violence broke out on Thursday between rival factions of one of Singapore's opposition parties - the Singapore Malay National Organisation or PKMS.
PKMS is short for Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura.
Five people were injured and admitted to hospital. Four have since been discharged, while one member is in intensive care. Twenty-one people were arrested for rioting.
The fighting took place outside the PKMS headquarters in Eunos between two camps - the outgoing and incoming office bearers - who are feuding over power transition.
The old guard accused a leader of the new committee of inciting violence by sending an SMS to its supporters to take over the party by force. The message had called the outgoing leaders "traitors" who allegedly used up party funds.
Osman Hassan, PKMS president (2006-2009), said: "They came and so I asked my members to straight away call the police. But I'm surprised that by the time they arrived, the police were already here. So the fight broke out in front of the police."
But the new guard said they were merely trying to change the lock to the building to prevent illegal immigrants from entering. They claimed the outgoing committee, headed by Osman, would not allow them to do so and attacked them.
Nor Lella Mohamed, PKMS deputy president (2008-2010), said: "There are two legal office bearers here. We are fully aware that their term has expired on 2 September. Some of their Supreme Council members told us that they are not having any AGM, (which) they are supposed to (do so). So if they are not having it, we take it as their term has already expired. After we had a meeting with our own Supreme Council, they decided that we should go to PKMS and sort this thing out."
Channel NewsAsia spoke to the family of the victim admitted to the intensive care unit in hospital. There was clearly some tension when the reporter mentioned Osman, suggesting there was quite a deep divide between the two sides.
Family members said the victim, Ramlan, was conscious when they met him but both his eyes were swollen shut.
This is not the first time violence has broken out between the two rival factions.
The new guard had claimed some of its members who had served on the previous committee were unlawfully terminated from their leadership positions.
Both sides had also accused each other of misappropriating party funds and violating their party's constitution.
- CNA/yb/ir
SINGAPORE: Violence broke out on Thursday between rival factions of one of Singapore's opposition parties - the Singapore Malay National Organisation or PKMS.
PKMS is short for Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura.
Five people were injured and admitted to hospital. Four have since been discharged, while one member is in intensive care. Twenty-one people were arrested for rioting.
The fighting took place outside the PKMS headquarters in Eunos between two camps - the outgoing and incoming office bearers - who are feuding over power transition.
The old guard accused a leader of the new committee of inciting violence by sending an SMS to its supporters to take over the party by force. The message had called the outgoing leaders "traitors" who allegedly used up party funds.
Osman Hassan, PKMS president (2006-2009), said: "They came and so I asked my members to straight away call the police. But I'm surprised that by the time they arrived, the police were already here. So the fight broke out in front of the police."
But the new guard said they were merely trying to change the lock to the building to prevent illegal immigrants from entering. They claimed the outgoing committee, headed by Osman, would not allow them to do so and attacked them.
Nor Lella Mohamed, PKMS deputy president (2008-2010), said: "There are two legal office bearers here. We are fully aware that their term has expired on 2 September. Some of their Supreme Council members told us that they are not having any AGM, (which) they are supposed to (do so). So if they are not having it, we take it as their term has already expired. After we had a meeting with our own Supreme Council, they decided that we should go to PKMS and sort this thing out."
Channel NewsAsia spoke to the family of the victim admitted to the intensive care unit in hospital. There was clearly some tension when the reporter mentioned Osman, suggesting there was quite a deep divide between the two sides.
Family members said the victim, Ramlan, was conscious when they met him but both his eyes were swollen shut.
This is not the first time violence has broken out between the two rival factions.
The new guard had claimed some of its members who had served on the previous committee were unlawfully terminated from their leadership positions.
Both sides had also accused each other of misappropriating party funds and violating their party's constitution.
- CNA/yb/ir
bersilat, keris and songkoks flying
Thursday, September 3, 2009
21 arrested in PKMS fight
21 arrested in PKMS fight
Hammers used in brawl sparked by leadership tussle; 4 taken to hospital
By Jennani Durai & Wendy Hui
Police inspecting the scene of the fight on Changi Road, outside the PKMS office building. Four men were taken to hospital with injuries, including one warded in intensive care with a fractured skull. -- ST PHOTO: BRYAN VAN DER BEEK
AN ONGOING leadership tussle within opposition political party Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) turned violent on Thursday when the two factions got into a brawl outside its office building in Eunos.
Four men had to be taken to hospital with head and arm injuries, with one of them warded in intensive care with a fractured skull. Police arrested a total of 21 people, two of them women, for rioting with dangerous weapons in relation to the incident, which happened around noon.
Those arrested, who include the four taken to hospital, are aged between 27 and 69. It is not known if those arrested were all PKMS members. Weapons such as hammers and screwdrivers were said to have been used in the fight. Anyone convicted of rioting with dangerous weapons can be jailed up to 10 years and caned.
For the last three years, PKMS has been split into two groups which have been at loggerheads with each other. The police have been called in several times in the past over previous bust-ups involving PKMS leaders. The party's leadership dispute was also brought before the Subordinate Courts.
Madam Lella Mardiiiah Mohamed, who introduced herself as the party's deputy president, said eight members of her team had gone to the PKMS premises on Thursday to change the locks. She said they had sent an e-mail message to the police as well as the current council to inform them of their plans to do so.
Thursday was supposed to be the day the term of the current council, led by president Osman Hassan, ended, she said. Madam Lella, 35, said she and her new council had been voted in at an extraordinary general meeting held last November.
But Mr Osman, 64, said he did not recognise the new team and refused to give up office. 'It's not legal for them to have called that meeting,' he said.
He also said that his council's term did not end on Thursday. It would end only when an annual general meeting is held, Mr Osman said, adding that he will 'fix internal matters' before he calls for one. Madam Lella said her group was stopped just outside the PKMS building by members of Mr Osman's council, including his deputy president Ali Asjadi, who was among those arrested.
Both sides got into an argument and a fight soon broke out. Mr Osman said the other side had started the fight and were the ones who had brought the weapons. 'Last time, I didn't want to get aggressive, but now they forced me to,' he said.
Three other men were also taken to the hospital but were discharged on the same day. Two of them, Mr Yusof Jaffar and Mr Salleh Mohamed Said, were members of Madam Lella's group, while Mr Azhar Ali was from Mr Osman's side.
Read the full story in Friday's edition of The Straits Times
21 arrested in PKMS fight
21 arrested in PKMS fight
Hammers used in brawl sparked by leadership tussle; 4 taken to hospital
By Jennani Durai & Wendy Hui
Police inspecting the scene of the fight on Changi Road, outside the PKMS office building. Four men were taken to hospital with injuries, including one warded in intensive care with a fractured skull. -- ST PHOTO: BRYAN VAN DER BEEK
AN ONGOING leadership tussle within opposition political party Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) turned violent on Thursday when the two factions got into a brawl outside its office building in Eunos.
Four men had to be taken to hospital with head and arm injuries, with one of them warded in intensive care with a fractured skull. Police arrested a total of 21 people, two of them women, for rioting with dangerous weapons in relation to the incident, which happened around noon.
Those arrested, who include the four taken to hospital, are aged between 27 and 69. It is not known if those arrested were all PKMS members. Weapons such as hammers and screwdrivers were said to have been used in the fight. Anyone convicted of rioting with dangerous weapons can be jailed up to 10 years and caned.
For the last three years, PKMS has been split into two groups which have been at loggerheads with each other. The police have been called in several times in the past over previous bust-ups involving PKMS leaders. The party's leadership dispute was also brought before the Subordinate Courts.
Madam Lella Mardiiiah Mohamed, who introduced herself as the party's deputy president, said eight members of her team had gone to the PKMS premises on Thursday to change the locks. She said they had sent an e-mail message to the police as well as the current council to inform them of their plans to do so.
Thursday was supposed to be the day the term of the current council, led by president Osman Hassan, ended, she said. Madam Lella, 35, said she and her new council had been voted in at an extraordinary general meeting held last November.
But Mr Osman, 64, said he did not recognise the new team and refused to give up office. 'It's not legal for them to have called that meeting,' he said.
He also said that his council's term did not end on Thursday. It would end only when an annual general meeting is held, Mr Osman said, adding that he will 'fix internal matters' before he calls for one. Madam Lella said her group was stopped just outside the PKMS building by members of Mr Osman's council, including his deputy president Ali Asjadi, who was among those arrested.
Both sides got into an argument and a fight soon broke out. Mr Osman said the other side had started the fight and were the ones who had brought the weapons. 'Last time, I didn't want to get aggressive, but now they forced me to,' he said.
Three other men were also taken to the hospital but were discharged on the same day. Two of them, Mr Yusof Jaffar and Mr Salleh Mohamed Said, were members of Madam Lella's group, while Mr Azhar Ali was from Mr Osman's side.
Read the full story in Friday's edition of The Straits Times
it's all for one thing: POWER!
just when we thought only the chinese are crazy about power grapple, we witnessed some songkoks and sarongs started flying in the malay bersilat kungfu clan PKMS CLAN.
one young minah was voted to be the chiefy but obviously there were resentment from the orang tuah or elder folks who were keenly trying to adhere to the power and prestige of their position in the clan.
this drama reminds us about a very similar case occuring in the RP where ng ah teck who unwittingly discovered JJ was his aiya long lost son. both long lost father and son team soon began to scheme to usurp the power clutch from KJ, the chiefy of RP clan and the son of the late jedi master JBJ.
things went awry resulting ah teck and JJ being ousted. it was believed that both aiya father/son team now is scheming another plot to try and dominate jianghu or the martial arts of the political world.
very soon, RP would be holding their 2nd dinner gathering for all the heroes and heroines from the martial world.
who would be there? who would absent themselves? what colors would be revealed? would there by flying saucers, smashing bowls, sneaky chopsticks darts?
stay put to see. the drama would be coming soon!
one young minah was voted to be the chiefy but obviously there were resentment from the orang tuah or elder folks who were keenly trying to adhere to the power and prestige of their position in the clan.
this drama reminds us about a very similar case occuring in the RP where ng ah teck who unwittingly discovered JJ was his aiya long lost son. both long lost father and son team soon began to scheme to usurp the power clutch from KJ, the chiefy of RP clan and the son of the late jedi master JBJ.
things went awry resulting ah teck and JJ being ousted. it was believed that both aiya father/son team now is scheming another plot to try and dominate jianghu or the martial arts of the political world.
very soon, RP would be holding their 2nd dinner gathering for all the heroes and heroines from the martial world.
who would be there? who would absent themselves? what colors would be revealed? would there by flying saucers, smashing bowls, sneaky chopsticks darts?
stay put to see. the drama would be coming soon!
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