first there was the long awaited grand duel GE2011. immediately after that came, the Presidential Erection. (god knows why we need to elect a president when all the while it was put up there by the pap.)
soon after GE, there were x-rated rumble in WP. ysl was booted out unceremoniously after some illicit affairs. no explanation, no clarification, no nothing. out he went just like that. a procrastinated by-erection was finally (and relunctantly) called for.
again, the pap lost big time. desmond boy was devastated, disappointed and was in tears. all his senior lau yau kwai 老妖怪could not save and put him on the high mp pedestal. more noises in wp and more sackings.
finally, come NDP n supermodel pinky's 东方不败 武林大会 NDP national craps......
and now the dusts settle.
what's next?
where are all the opps and their strategies to win more votes in the next GE? all seem to be hibernating except for chee who came up with another secret manual.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Friday, December 9, 2011
martials arts ending 2011

ng and chia had since separated after GE2011. (whether they are still allies is anybody's guess). because of ng's complacency, TG PAGAR GRC was a walkover win by pap.

our politic is like a martial arts melodrama. someone even whimsically photoshopped the characters that were involved during the GE2011. all those fictitious characters' names were from LOUIS CHA's famed swordsfighting novel called HEAVEN SABRE DRAGON SWORD.
if pap were to be synonymous to the MING CLAN that perhaps it represents righteous, fairness and integrity. like in the wu-xia story itself, ming clan finally triumphed.
with that, we come to a close of the MARTIAL ARTS IN LOCAL POLITICS series. until the next 5 yrs, most of the opp clans would be hibernating while SDP CLAN - as usual - would be scheming to run down gov. when would they ever stop....or just stop and carefully think about their actions?
god knows!!
if paps are reckoned to be living mostly in ivory tower, then SDP should be staying another floor higher above them which makes the latter more detached from voters. if sdp doesn't change, come 5 yrs later, they should remain at the bottom rung with the lowest votes.
Friday, October 21, 2011
blur doctor, new presidento and his whitehorse named patrick
today's wayang title about the blur dr sitting on a whitehorse named patrick which belonged to the new presidento of peesailand.
pinky had all the script formulated behind the scene. directions were specifically given how to express those operatic lines once all the lead opera singers were put on parleementary stage.
there was much rumbling about preferential treatment to presidento whitehorse patrick. it was about time to dramatised it and so blur doc was put into the role of the whitehorse's rider singing the HI! HO! PATRICK AWAY!!.....
well, if that wasn't clear, here come the hen that talks cock. "kock, kock, kock....kuay!" he cockodoodle dee. that should put the cherry on the pie where more than 80 bluebirds were baked into the pie would convince the nation once and for all:
presidento's favorite whitehorse patrick was fed on usual fodder, whacked with the usual army whip and showered in the usual open cubicle. no special treatment. confirmed and double confirmed.
tok tok cheng!!
opera ends.
everyone happily eating the merrymaking pie baked with 80 blackbirds singing when cut open?
PTUI!! remember to spit out any remnant feathers or u would be choked. thank-you. :P
PS. did u notice that 80 bluebirds become 80 blackbirds? that's what happening when listen to too many paps'opera, blue becomes black and peasants end up blue and black :(
pinky had all the script formulated behind the scene. directions were specifically given how to express those operatic lines once all the lead opera singers were put on parleementary stage.
there was much rumbling about preferential treatment to presidento whitehorse patrick. it was about time to dramatised it and so blur doc was put into the role of the whitehorse's rider singing the HI! HO! PATRICK AWAY!!.....
well, if that wasn't clear, here come the hen that talks cock. "kock, kock, kock....kuay!" he cockodoodle dee. that should put the cherry on the pie where more than 80 bluebirds were baked into the pie would convince the nation once and for all:
presidento's favorite whitehorse patrick was fed on usual fodder, whacked with the usual army whip and showered in the usual open cubicle. no special treatment. confirmed and double confirmed.
tok tok cheng!!
opera ends.
everyone happily eating the merrymaking pie baked with 80 blackbirds singing when cut open?
PTUI!! remember to spit out any remnant feathers or u would be choked. thank-you. :P
PS. did u notice that 80 bluebirds become 80 blackbirds? that's what happening when listen to too many paps'opera, blue becomes black and peasants end up blue and black :(
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
tan, tan, tan and tio tan
finally, the PE ended in peesailand. the contest of the TANS. eventually tony emerged as the winner by a horse nostril to become the ultimate presidento of peesailand.
blames were rummaging throughout the cyberworlds. tan lian lian was the poor tan who kena tio tan or whacked bad. his security deposit of 48K taels was confiscated cos he got the lowest support of 4.9%. tan say say on the other hand proved himself to be a new threat to the pap leegime and got away with about 25% support. tan c b lost by a very slim margin of 0.34% to tony and so the blames circulated...
if ah lian didn't contest, perhaps ah say would have won. if ah lian and ah say forfeited, then c b would have won. in the end and in reality, tony won.
so was it really true that if the other 3 contestants had co-operated, one of them would end up a clear winner?
the rule of the martial arts grand contest in peesailand was this: DISUNITE AND PAP WOULD EMERGE WINNER.
those jokers would forever never learn because they themselves wanted the limelight. who would be so glorious to give way to the other especially if he wasn't from the pap royal court?
blames were rummaging throughout the cyberworlds. tan lian lian was the poor tan who kena tio tan or whacked bad. his security deposit of 48K taels was confiscated cos he got the lowest support of 4.9%. tan say say on the other hand proved himself to be a new threat to the pap leegime and got away with about 25% support. tan c b lost by a very slim margin of 0.34% to tony and so the blames circulated...
if ah lian didn't contest, perhaps ah say would have won. if ah lian and ah say forfeited, then c b would have won. in the end and in reality, tony won.
so was it really true that if the other 3 contestants had co-operated, one of them would end up a clear winner?
the rule of the martial arts grand contest in peesailand was this: DISUNITE AND PAP WOULD EMERGE WINNER.
those jokers would forever never learn because they themselves wanted the limelight. who would be so glorious to give way to the other especially if he wasn't from the pap royal court?
Friday, July 15, 2011
new TAN for president wannabe, lau goh beh tong!
Tan Jee Say : Why I want to be President
when u think SDP CLAN is all quiet and calm....along pops out a new TAN JEE SAY as the new kid of the block for the president wannabe post. his liaison with SDP CLAN and especially chee ah juan, their master is already reason for dubious controversy. is ah say there really for the bigger goodness of the peesailanders? or is he there becos of personal snides from his former mentor-cum-master lao goh? or is he a straightforward stooge being mind manipulated and exploited by chee ah juan master in hypnotising and churning out imbeciles and zombies?
or maybe he's there becos of the cool $4M taels that is forthcoming for the next 5 yrs?
whatever the reasoning, one thing for sure: if ah say become the president lau goh would be the first one to beh tong! and he would henceforth be permanently miamed into bo chok yong or 无作用。
when u think SDP CLAN is all quiet and calm....along pops out a new TAN JEE SAY as the new kid of the block for the president wannabe post. his liaison with SDP CLAN and especially chee ah juan, their master is already reason for dubious controversy. is ah say there really for the bigger goodness of the peesailanders? or is he there becos of personal snides from his former mentor-cum-master lao goh? or is he a straightforward stooge being mind manipulated and exploited by chee ah juan master in hypnotising and churning out imbeciles and zombies?
or maybe he's there becos of the cool $4M taels that is forthcoming for the next 5 yrs?
whatever the reasoning, one thing for sure: if ah say become the president lau goh would be the first one to beh tong! and he would henceforth be permanently miamed into bo chok yong or 无作用。
Saturday, July 9, 2011
ah chee's foreign boss behind BERSIH YELLOW SHIRTS ?
chee soon juan's foreign boss could also be boss of anwar. the latter was depicted in tv news being hurt by teargas bomb.
why does a foreign entity in guise of human rights interfere with another's country political affair and yet their very own country's human rights situation is in such a mass?
there's only one big nasty word to describe them:
TROUBLEMAKERS of the cho - bo - lan!!
won't be surprised if SDP CLAN initiated by chee ah juan were also involved in this BERISH YELLOW SHIRT at hong lim. we are now treading in very dangerous subservient waters. the authority should investigate whether chee and his lame SDP were involved with followup leegal action.
if such a insidious troublemaking bud is not nipped, singapore doesn't need any external terrorism to bring it down. all they need is chee soon juan and SDP to do the nasty work to appease their foreign boss to bring down singapore.
Bersih 2.0 Singapore plans a gathering of yellow in Hong Lim Park
Posted by theonlinecitizen on July 9, 2011 6 Comments
24Shareby: Ravi Philemon/
A group of Malaysians who live and/or work in Singapore, identifying themselves as Bersih 2.0 Singapore, are planning a gathering in Hong Lim Park today at 2pm. Describing themselves as apolitical and non-partisan, they are calling for free and fair election in Malaysia.
They have said on their Facebook page that “we are guests in Singapore and have no wish to do anything that is not within the confines of Singapore law.”
There will most likely be no speeches or demonstrations in Hong Lim Park today.The sympathisers to the cause are being invited to turn up in yellow tops in a show of solidarity to lend support to their “fellow friends in KL (Kuala Lumpur)”.
This activity which will mirror the rally planned in KL, is one of the many rallies planned in major locations worldwide.
Margaret John Amnesty International Canada’s Coordinator for Singapore/Malaysia says, “the news from Malaysia shows a fast-deteriorating situation” which calls for urgent action.
and what rights does that lady have to disrupt the peace of another country?
why does a foreign entity in guise of human rights interfere with another's country political affair and yet their very own country's human rights situation is in such a mass?
there's only one big nasty word to describe them:
TROUBLEMAKERS of the cho - bo - lan!!
won't be surprised if SDP CLAN initiated by chee ah juan were also involved in this BERISH YELLOW SHIRT at hong lim. we are now treading in very dangerous subservient waters. the authority should investigate whether chee and his lame SDP were involved with followup leegal action.
if such a insidious troublemaking bud is not nipped, singapore doesn't need any external terrorism to bring it down. all they need is chee soon juan and SDP to do the nasty work to appease their foreign boss to bring down singapore.
Bersih 2.0 Singapore plans a gathering of yellow in Hong Lim Park
Posted by theonlinecitizen on July 9, 2011 6 Comments
24Shareby: Ravi Philemon/
A group of Malaysians who live and/or work in Singapore, identifying themselves as Bersih 2.0 Singapore, are planning a gathering in Hong Lim Park today at 2pm. Describing themselves as apolitical and non-partisan, they are calling for free and fair election in Malaysia.
They have said on their Facebook page that “we are guests in Singapore and have no wish to do anything that is not within the confines of Singapore law.”
There will most likely be no speeches or demonstrations in Hong Lim Park today.The sympathisers to the cause are being invited to turn up in yellow tops in a show of solidarity to lend support to their “fellow friends in KL (Kuala Lumpur)”.
This activity which will mirror the rally planned in KL, is one of the many rallies planned in major locations worldwide.
Margaret John Amnesty International Canada’s Coordinator for Singapore/Malaysia says, “the news from Malaysia shows a fast-deteriorating situation” which calls for urgent action.
and what rights does that lady have to disrupt the peace of another country?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
legend of god of merciless KUAN YEW and old granny

christopher lee: ah ma, how cum u so rich and possess this sutra of the MERCILESS KUAN KEW?

Ah ma: huh?? simi sudah sudah?? li kong simi??

CL: aiyo!! ah ma, dun grab my balls!! u ve mastered the skill from this merciless sutra huh? aiyo!! pain...pain!!!

ah ma: oh! so that's the deadly kungfu of balls grabbing from the sudah! i din know leh. can i try grabbing ur balls again? u like loving it hor.

CL: i m enlightened now, ah your devastating balls grabbing skill!! no wonder balls-carriers of the merciless KUAN YEW ascend in their positions very fast!

mei mei: wow! so powderful one!! i must get this sutra of the merciless kuan yew and learn how to grab christopher by his balls too!

ah ma: carry his balls, he gives us home....

ah ma: don't carry, everyone gets screwed by KY....

ah ma: KUAN YEW is our saviour. everyone cannot live by a day without being screwed by his KY!! hallelujah! i m now enlightened by the sudah of merciless KY!!
christopher lee from mediacorpse was suppose to be wayanging to praise and apple-polish the GOD OF MERCILESS KUAN YEW who was the grand overlord of peesailand. diligently, an nondescript old granny was selected for the supportive role for this wayang in national tv.
old granny was all praises. she didn't even need a script. she just blasted on and on heaping praises upon praises for merciless god KUAN YEW. surprisingly, poor the old granny could be and probably an illiterate, she however possessed the powderful sutra for chanting MERCILESS KUAN YEW. don't ask. i can decipher how in the hell she could own this powderful yet very expensive rare sutra of the MERCILESS KUAN YEW. still scratching head....and soon would be scratching balls.
and so she continued...blah...blah...blah on the goodness of the almighty god of merciless KUAN YEW. ignorant to her, many old folks might soon face the stark future of not having enough youngster to look after them. KUAN YEW being the merciless had in one of his sutras forced many to be sterilised. yep! vasectomised. cutchap! chop, chop!!
his sutra of STOP AT 2 was a terribly evil success of the unmerciful that peesailand now laced new blood to replenish itself. peesailand was just a small litter red dot hardly even visible in the atlas without any natural resources. its only resources was the peasants who thrived the land.
with KUAN YEW'S powderful sutra of STOP AT 2, peasants now depleted themselves in reproducing new blood. and the land suffered in negative population growth.
for wayang old granny, she could consider herself lucky (even though it was a mocked up to con the nation), future old folks may not have the luxury of a younger peasants to look after them.
give it another 10 or 15 yrs down the road, the bad karma would unmercilessly haunt the land which should now be filled with old and very old debilitated peasants of peesailand.
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