Wednesday, July 29, 2009

expanding prick of master chee...

master chee's regular upsized cockrice with pickled inflated ego as side dish...

once again, master chee bragged about his expanding power - the TWUI.

just like his ever increasing IMAGINERY supports, sdppies are boasting about their great expansion and conquest. they are now going regional and then GLOBAL.

actually in the cyberworld, it's UNIVERSAL AND INFINITY. perhaps later, master chee would include that to his new heights of the illusioned dreamy fantasy. changi holiday resort, he would have plenty of time to do that.

lamui's favorite food - LUPCHEONGS

Lamei Jaslyn Go "suan" KJ in her face book


Jaslyn Go: I am honored that KJ think that i speak for 30 political parties in SG. Much as I like to accept the compliment I am afraid I am just a humble activist (who is standing trial for acting on my conviction) who is not a member of any political party.

Jaslyn Go: I hope to see more people coming forward to join me in standing / speaking up and effecting the reform of SG politics and not sitting in the comfort behind their computers behaving like a arm chair critic...
te food - LUPCHEONGS

chia sai's lupcheong was just terrible. it was a TIGER HEAD with RAT-TAIL. it was awful!! it was terribly unfulfiling. hmmm....the nerd's one should taste better, as lamui thought to herself. you see, her favorite snack was LUPCHEONG or sausages or franks or in hokkien, we simply called it TWUI

ever since that fateful DAY of tasting the nerd's gift of cum spiked bayi chocs shaped in TWUI, she was grossly obsessed.

the boss of RP happened to be chocolaty dark and smelling divine unlike the nerd who was full of turdy stains. unwittingly, she was stimulated everytime his pic was shown in his FB which was like to her means "FUCKING BITCH". it sent waves of imaginery orgasmic vibrations into her desperate trolling cells. whenever she accessed it, she would wet the seat.

well, as the sayng goes: if u ve it, flaunt it, use it or in simple term - execute her nefarious FLIRT&DESTROY. she must have that chocolaty TWUI from the RP boss!!

in her usual slutty manner, she left a F&D massage - oops! message in the FB or FUCKING BITCH page hoping to entice and seduce her chocolaty TWUI - the precious rod of our latest hero in our martial arts in local politics world.

would RP boss succumb to her nasty F&D? would he give up RP CLAN and transfer all power to the SDP circus of clowns??

actually NO! sorry, no go for that lau go this time:p she overestimated the rattling of her skinny bony frame. guess for the time being, it would be TWUI from the nerd JJ - mon, wed, fri and then TWUI from her disappointing chia sai - tues, thurs and sat.

what's for sunday then? well, use ur imagination!! SUNDAY was purely for orgy lah!!


Monday, July 20, 2009

a dart carrying message

while heaving and grunting heavily bonking vigorously his biggest exhaust from his 600 cc kong-out bike, a dart whizzed by n hit the thick macho black rugged back tyre.

it was a close shave. it missed chia sai's precious cumspitting cobra by a mere few inches. since his cobra was also a mere few inches, hitting it would be a miracle!.

whizzzzzz....the air gradually deflated out of the back tyre. the bike limping away and so was his little cobra wriggling in that big dark exhaust.

an irated chia sai pulled out the dart at the same time when he retrieved his little pet cobra. what's that, he asked. a tiny note was attached to the dart. it read:

From: TJasoon 8:29 pm

Sigh he wants to fight LKY but really is LKY fighting him ? Does an elephant even know that a mosquito or fly exists ? I mean at the very least Dr Chee in his hey day was a political threat, so was TLH so was JB and even more so FS because of his eloquence and unrivaled legal skills.

And what has he done to warrant the degree of persecution he perceives or sees ? I can't believe that he as a lawyer is still going on about his handphone and camera which he was complaining about from day one. He was arrested for crying out loud and if he had even know or begin to ask himself what "arrested" means he a) would not have cried b) would have gotten a cheap handphone c) an even cheaper camera all in good preparation and finally spared us all a load of petulant complaining and whining

Come to think of it he is thick skinned enough to claim association and lineage with opposition luminaries as stated above on the basis of joint persecution is a wonder he did not not associate himself with Mandela and Aung San

with that message, a sudden streak of lighting cracked n brightened up the dark sky. the rain fell...the tears fell but it wasn't discernible whether it was the rain or it was his tears just like his patriotism when cowardly admitted defeat to the kangaroo court whether it was his deflated ego or just the authentic yellow stripe which was gradually appearing on his back......

yellow or patriotism. whichever way u put it, peasants are now wiser to differentiate them.

the special deadly low class skills of the sdppies discpiles

1. shoot poisonous darts while camouflaging in another nasty clones. mastershapeshifter JJ and the rest got an image to upkeep. of course, he can't shoot those darts in his real form.

2. best known for using my li'l brother LTS' fat butt for their face disguises.

3. the super deadly FLIRT&DESTROY skill where lamui doesn't need to lift a clitoria to instigate horny nerds and chee hongs to do her dirty chores.

4. the used, abused and discarded technique. it's something like disposal chopsticks or plates n other cutlery. this one best deployed by master chee himself.

5. the attention whoring skill. that one everyone has already known if u ve read until here

6. the sour grapes and rancid pussy masturbatory self healing technique. that one, most also have witnessed it. example would the "increasing support sdppie clan's been getting." later it would be upgraded to terms like TREMENDOUS SUPPORT or finally LANDSLIDE SUPPORT. but everyone already by now should have know it's really ILLUSIVE OR IMAGINERY SUPPORT to inflate their own egos or simply stated : SELF MASTURBATING each other for that emotional calm cumming support.

7. the fabulous discord sowing eye-winking shots. "teck siong, why u still dun accept me into your FRIENDS LIST huh?" wink..wink...and one more tght wink, u will see mata kaylo or crosseyes pussy banging walls.

8. indignant nation - something they adapted from the PINK CLAN. when u got urself dumped and some nerd seems to be prettier than their posterboy, time to bonk the exhaust of either of the 3 junk out bikes. if not enough, plug in the fuzzy sounds 6 speakers to attract more mating attention.

9 oh that illusive supports again. well, send a snake to slither into a newly formed clan like RP which would be underestimated as resided with blurcocks. too bad, overly underestimated the prowess of RP BOSS and hence basfully slithered back and licking its sore ratlling tip.

10. the top deadly skill. a skill so deadly, their honorable master of this skill AH Q would be greatly proud of. if lose the erection, just blame it on the LEEgime's machinery, the peasants who anyhow vote and finally the famiLEE out to crush them just like cockroaches for which they becoming more and more like the detestable roaches.

and so, the rattling, the ranting, the bellowing, the moaning, the groaning and the estactic cummings continue into oblivion......

RANTING of chia sai

Dear MM, PM

When i was a 13 year old boy, i bought the two books of your (Lee Kuan Yew¡¯s) speeches by Alex Josey. To me you were a hero, you led Singapore from colonialism to independence. Your speeches were complex and had carried a lot of detail. Though i did not understand them fully, i had great respect for them.

In 1988 when i was fifteen, i witnessed what was shown on TV and the news of the marxist ISD arrests detentions. I thought Lawyer Peter Cuthbert Low was doing a damn good and brave job. Subsequent to the televised confessions to the marxist conspiracy, i was a misleadingly convinced of what the government had to do. Nevertheless, the behaviour and high handedness of your administration disgusted me.

In those years, with the exception of the 1985 economic recession, Singapore did well, so in the thought that there was still overall good in the administration, my political inclinations still remained with the then prevailing administration.

1988 General Election, Workers¡¯ Party¡¯s JB Jeyaretnam, Jufrie Mahmood, Francis Seow and i think Wee Han Kim all make close runs into parliament but fail to enter it by small margins. Having been misled by the PAP that Jufrie was playing communal politics i guess many in the middle ground gave their vote to the PAP.

WP¡¯s Dr Tan Bin Seng contested my ward in Changi against Teo Chong Tee. I remembered waving to Dr. Tan.

I also saw the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, i wondered if indeed it was necessary to do so. If staying in power justified the means of anything, then anything goes is it not? But staying in power had many facets and motives, though violence was used, i did not see the highest echelons of the Chinese government thereafter seek to enrich itself.

In 1990 or so, you then spoke crap to the people about pegging political and administrative position (public service) salaries to the to earners in the private sector. I wondered what shit was beginning to show. In 1991 was the year when a number of my classmates had danced with a huge inflatable hammer during swing singapore. I recalled that they were manhandled to the police post and the inflatable hammer balloon burst. The Police did not take action after establishing that they were not linked to the Workers¡¯ Party. I heard the recollection of the events by my classmates in Victoria Junior College with disgust.

In 1991, PM Goh Chok Tong loses 3 seats to the SDP and 1 seat to WP. I then saw further steps taken to broaden the grip using GRCs.

I had entered military national service in 1992, i met Teo Chee Hean once when he was the Chief of Navy, I had a favourable impression on him afterall he was our CNV. His departure from the Navy and entry into politics was expected as by then you develop a sense of where the press will try to open the road for the PAP, that prepares the way for the political steps to be taken.

In 1992, SDP contests Marine Parade by-election introducing Commodore Teo Chee Hean. SDP loses quite dismally. Subsequent to that are mistakes made by SDP and dramatic responses by the PAP and its admininstration towards Dr. Chee Soon Juan and the SDP.

In 1994, i entered law school. I read about the defamation cases in first year of law school. I saw the number of political cases which smeared the legal landscape.

In the January 1997 General Election, I was feverishly preparing for my 2nd semester in 3rd year. I saw the close fight in Cheng San GRC degenerate into threats and almost gangsterism. According to PAPpy reports, We now have a chinese chauvinist and so on. Subsequent to a victory in Cheng San, your PAP then continued to lay waste to the personal estates of opposition candidates. WP¡¯s Tang Liang Hong and JB Jeyaretnam.

I forgot to add, i was in a clinic in Bedok when JB Jeyaretnam did his decoy rounds. I shook his hand.

Year 2000, I was insidiously recruited into the PAP fold shortly after being called to the Bar. The induction to MPS under Chng Hee Kok opened my eyes. Chng Hee Kok was a good MP but what the PAP had created negated the good work. I also met Tan Cheng Bock once, i was impressed by the way he treated his men and his constituents, i also witnessed the loyalty and dedication of the party members at his branch. The PAP had its deep failings in creating a system that no longer served the nation but more to serving itself. GE2001, i began to distance myself from the PAP.

General Election 2001, the elections department disqualifies the WP¡¯s Ajunied attempt at nomination. I remember James Gomez leading the rest of the team walking down the staircase.

Dismayed by the strength of the opposition and the uneven playing field. I entered WP in 2004. I contested the GE2006 election. I lost the fight at East Coast GRC.

7th November 2006, I quit the Workers¡¯ Party over a ban placed on me from engaging and criticising the PAP in internet forums using very harsh words under my real name. I left the party because i saw no reason why an opposition party should seek to silence its members from engaging in debates on political issues.

This is totally different from the application of party whip or party discipline unlike what was described by Assoc Prof Ho Khai Leong in the Today Newspaper following the fallout. There is no party position to contradict at all. When the party refuses to take a stand or is too slow to do so, is it right to gag your members?

I entered the citizen activist fold in 2007. My paths crossed with the much demonised SDP. I begin to see the truly valiant hard fighters that remained in the opposition. I was arrested with members of the SDP on 15th March 2008 World Consumers¡¯ Day Parliament House Protest.

In the police station, i witnessed in person the courage and the strength of SDP members in standing up to the Regime. My phone and beloved digital camera is still being kept by the prosecution. I am keeping this in mind all the time. Your boys think that this will intimidate me. The longer it drags, the more disgusted i become.

I know on Monday 12th May 2008, the two of you Excellencies were going all out to crush the SDP. This is all well and fine. It just unfortunate that i like to side the underdog. The harder you hit the SDP, the harder i will fight you.

The fight was adjourned seemingly because your missus and mommy had a 2nd stroke. I pray for her speedy recovery. I bear no ill feelings towards her. She is not the one who has to go, if you get what i mean

With Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew is down with her 2nd stroke, the mortality of life must be pretty clear to your two Excellencies by now. Even if the PAP retains its grip on Singapore - by all means necessary - can you take Singapore with you wherever you go? Is it not time to be a little more realistic? Is it too late to salvage a good name for posterity?

Now i really I cannot recall where i left those two books by Alex Josey, to me they are now utter rubbish. I am ashamed of saying what i will do to your Lee Kuan Yew memoirs Third World to First when i lay my hands on them.

I will now do anything to unseat the PAP from power. Whether or not their MPs are good men and whether or not they give the oft-quoted excuse that their hands are tied. This is my promise to you. Mark my words.

funny, he pleaded guilty just like that and sitll ranting vainly. such pretty words from the ex-prettier wp's poster boy.

moni moni cum monk - that's how much he owns!

1) a two-storey semi-detached house in Bedok Ria Crescent?
2) the $1.38 million condominium on Meyer Road
3) house worth almost A$300,000.
4) BMW S540 executive series
5) premier country club in Perth membership costing A$30,000
6) a racing horse ?
7) property in Seattle
8) a two-storey bungalow in Melbourne swapped for a penthouse
9) BMWs - gifts from an elderly monk in Melbourne.

by the way, they haven't really check into his bank accounts and personal holdings in stocks/ shares and other precious gifts yet. now who won't wannabe monk these days?!!

tai-chi monk botak in big trouble!

The former Ren Ci Hospital CEO, Ming Yi told a court on Friday that he is a "modern-day monk". --ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

THE former Ren Ci Hospital CEO told a court on Friday that he is a 'modern-day monk'.

'Easy with money'
WHEN quizzed, the monk admitted that he was "easy with money" but denied that he had similarly been easy with Ren Ci's money.

"Buddhist monks, we are no more living in the mountains. We are not living in the forest. We are in the city now," he said.

... more
Buddhist monk Ming Yi's admission came after his assets were brought to light at the resumed hearing of the criminal trial against the 47-year-old and his former personal aide, Raymond Yeung.

Ming Yi is accused of forgery, providing false or misleading information to the Commissioner of Charities, conspiracy to falsify a payment voucher and the misappropriation of Ren Ci funds. Yeung is a co-accused on two of the charges.

It was revealed in court on Friday that Ming Yi's assets started with a property in Mountbatten Road in the late 80s- the site of Chao Yin Lodge - which the monk used to run. A devotee had helped with the downpayment and other devotees chipped in for the subsequent instalments.

This property was then sold off, and with the money, a two-storey semi-detached house in Bedok Ria Crescent, worth $1.48 million, was bought in 1994, the new site of the lodge.

But Ming Yi also bought a $1.38 million condominium on Meyer Road a year later, which he claimed was for investment.

He then set his sights oversees when he and his disciple and ex-Ren Ci treasurer, Mr Wee Beng Seng, bought a piece of land worth A$87,000 in 1998.

With that land, he built a house worth almost A$300,000.

His purchases in Australia also extended beyond property.There was a BMW S540 executive series which he bought there in late 1998.

Mr Wee and Ming Yi also joined a premier country club in Perth that year, paying almost A$30,000 to join.

Ming Yi also bought a horse the next year but sold it off subsequently when he found that the trainer was using it for racing.

There was also a property in Seattle.

Sometime in 2002, Ming Yi also bought a two-storey bungalow in Melbourne with Yeung. This was sold off two years later for a penthouse in the same area. The two also owned BMWs - gifts from an elderly monk - there.

appearance million dollar acupuncturist

July 16, 2009
Man charged over banners
By Elena Chong

A SELF-EMPLOYED man who allegedly put up banners of escaped JI detainee Mas Selamat Kastari at two places was charged in court on Thursday.

Zeng Guoyuan, 55, who claimed trial to six charges in all, is accused of putting up a banner showing a picture of Mas Selamat with the caption 'DEAD' on the wall of a shop at Tai Thong Crescent in MacPherson without the authority and consent of the owner on March 20 last year.

Mas Selamat has since been arrested and detained under the Internal Security Act in Malaysia.

On Dec 22, Zeng allegedly affixed a banner of Mas Selamat against the wall outside a shop at Block 69 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh without the authority and consent of Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council.

A week later, Zeng is said to have pasted a banner featuring a 'charge sheet'' on the wall there.

He also faces three counts of failing to turn up at Tanglin police division after being issued with notices in August and September last year.

Zeng, a former Worker's Party candidate at the 1991 general elections, will be back in court on Aug 17 for a pre-trial conference.

new story coming soon. stay tuned!

Sex sex sex one sex

Martial arts in local politics ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
leetahbar Today 02:20 AM
by FuckSamLeong 1,790 33,313

was checking the martial arts in local politics stats and chanced on this figure. doesn't it remind of someone's thirst for lust?

tremors in peesailand last nite

did u feel the TREMORS last nite while drinking kopi here in this kopitiam?

well, the snake did slither last nite and every nite till its CLONE BREEDING SEASON is over, ie., it's back to the drawing board for the tertiary nerd. IT'S TERTIARY HOLIDAYS TIME!!
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Thursday, July 9, 2009

breeding season for the clones

well, it's that time of the year. JJ needs to mate. he's the mastershapeshifter - the horniest of them all. it's mating season or THE TERTIARY HOLIDAYS. JJ got one month to breed and reproduce more of his nasty clones here which is their breeding ground.

JJ's birthday is also around the corner. wonder would he receive pussyjuiced belgium choc from the abc troll lamui? she got his cum spiked belgium so it would be courtesy she returns him with her pussyjuiced ones.

and there is gaylord chia sai - the stingy kiam kana who would rather bonks the exhausts out of his 3 junkie bikes and moanfully exploded all his 6 speakers. he wouldn't even cum on lamui and she is rather pissed!

to stimulate chia sai into envy, she wilfully posted a letter publicly thanked JJ's delisexious cum spiked belgium chocs. chia sai meanwhile was still busy bonking his bikes - one in the morning, another for lunch and the final biggest exhaust pipe for dinner. he bonks from dusk to dawn...and continues dawn to dusk.

the frigid lamui is now all tight up. she needs attention. she craves desperately for it. how u think we have desperate laukuaybu from abc is derived from? yep! there u ve it - your answer.

meanwhile, JJ is horniest during mating season which co-incides with the scholarly nerd's holiday. he is free to create mischiefs, havocs and discords sowing among the different opposition clans.

just like the self-denial master chee, JJ has many "supporters" - his own cum-induced clones created to give a false illusions about the horde of "supportes" he has in this kopitiam.

as the moon turns full, JJ gradually slithers fractically for a mate. any mate with a hole will do. this transformed snake is horny and desperate. guess what he found? a sotong - a pure breed bluesotong - the most toxic available.

when a snake mates with the most poisonous bluesotong mollusc in tampines area, a newbreed evolves!!

ladies and gents, the newbreed of clones are HERE!! yes! they are here...especially when it's TERTIARY HOLIDAY TIME aka clones breeding season.

the butts of sdppies are long exposed for good hard thrusting......

From: kojakbt22 Jul-8 2:11 am
To: pJUDGE2009 (4 of 38)

16614.4 in reply to 16614.1

> I hope he can get on board at least half a dozen quality, intelligent, men-of-substance comrades in time for the next GE.

Yes, I think this is very impt. Already in SBF, some people are whacking that Ng guy... I think something to do with business fallouts. I didn't read the details...

From: torch_bearer Jul-8 4:15 am
To: kojakbt22 (5 of 38)

16614.5 in reply to 16614.4


There is a touch of the con-man facade about him given the ventures he's involved in, like the typical Internet marketing scams etc.

To add, because he did not attain high education qualifications, he tried to artificially compensate for it by sounding boastful about very modest career accomplishments shows his insecurity and lack of self-esteem.

From: kojakbt22 Jul-8 4:24 am
To: torch_bearer (6 of 38)

16614.6 in reply to 16614.5

Since there is already controversy about him, for the sake of opposition politics, perhaps Ng can consider not running for elections. Can always help out from the back... RP is a new party and with KJ there, I think people will be happy to give RP a chance. But they must make sure they don't put up controversial figures to run for elections or their own party name will tarnish... I hope KJ can get more reputable professionals into his party to seriously challenge PAP... All you need is a core group of people to start, just like PAP in the 50s...

From: torch_bearer Jul-8 4:49 am
To: kojakbt22 (7 of 38)

16614.7 in reply to 16614.6


What about that idiot, Yaw Shin Loong, with his voting for PAP and even worse justification for his indefensible action by writing a garbage Introspection of Perspectives piece? I think WP promoted him to be Ah Khiang's assistant and heir apparent in the aftermath. Sometimes, you wonder if WP is competing with PAP to see who is more out of touch with the ground.

By comparison, at least, Ng, to his credit, has done nothing of the sort, unless you count the conviction for running an employment agency without a licence, which really is a small matter. All Ng has to do is to get involved in some respectable mainstream business rather than dubious Internet scams and he would be half-way towards redeeming himself.

Yaw, on the other hand, is a goner, and he made himself look more of an idiot by volunterering for more ICTs.

when the SDP IB fails to attack other opp MP wannabes, they do so in other pirated sbf sites. just go and think....can SDP be trusted or thrusted? master chee is confirmed IMPOTENT. he can't control his horde of rabid sdppy doggies running amok!

u still wanna donate ur hard earned money to breed such bunch of pariah rabid doggies? if u do, please remember one day one of the rabid pariahs would bite u back just like the one biting the hand that feeds him in NUS scholarship now.

emptiness is form...form is emptiness
have u wonder why i m being targeted by mastershapeshifter n his clones?
got time to protest, no time for court - that's sdp's PATRIOTISM. jokers right?

Michael Jackson's Casket went MISSING!!!!

we are now entering the TWILIGHT'S ZONE....

中央社 更新日期:"2009/07/09 07:27"

(中央社記者顏伶如舊金山8日專電)流行天王麥可傑克森的棺木昨天在眾目睽睽下,從告別式會場被護送離開後 ,到目前為止,媒體都查不出究竟暫放何處,這位男星的靈柩可謂「行蹤成謎」。

麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)告別式昨天在洛杉磯大型體育館「史戴普斯中心」(Staples Center )舉行,棺木在眾目睽睽下從告別式會場被護送離開後,一直到今天下午為止,都沒有任何媒體可以證實棺木究竟 暫放何處。

昨天上午8時餘,傑克森家族先在林茵紀念公園(Forest Lawn Cemetery)為這位男星舉行不對外公開的家祭,隨後這位男星靈柩被送上靈車,在車隊護送下運抵「史戴 普斯中心」告別式會場。


傑克森家族面對外界詢問麥可傑克森的靈柩是否已運回林茵紀念公園?究竟何時下葬?確切安葬地點何在?也都三 緘其口。

美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)記者今天則引述不具名消息來源指出,為了避開媒體跟蹤,昨天告別式結束之後, 麥可傑克森的靈柩是被運上一部救護車,而不是原來的靈車,前往傑克森家族指定的秘密地點。

今天有好萊塢媒體報導指出,由於法醫仍未完成麥可傑克森腦部的神經病理學化驗,傑克森家族必須等待法醫完成 所有化驗之後取回腦部,才能安排這位男星的安葬事宜。

娛樂電視頻道E!今天報導,洛杉磯郡法醫辦公室證實,法醫方面目前仍保留麥可傑克森部分腦部,將做為釐清這 位男星死因的化驗之用,相關檢驗報告也需要數週的時間才能完成。

as the plot unfolds....

From: pJUDGE2009 Jul-8 6:39 am
To: killpappy unread (16 of 33)

16614.16 in reply to 16614.15

Actually, frankly, I have no memory of who Elder Ng is. So I think, by extension, most heartlanders will also have no impression of Elder Ng. If that's the case, he will not be able to pull in much votes, hence his contribution will be very limited, if any. I'm sure his loyalty to JBJ is admirable, that is a very important quality, but more important will be how one can impact on the party's direction (agenda), image (attractiveness) and on the electorate (votes).

What opposition really need are a "new" crop of individuals that can offer interesting alternative ideas on how we can improve our lives, particularly in the economic sphere, and then socio-political. I see, for the future, a real need for fresh faces of good standing and sound ideas. Our society has changed dramatically in the last 10 years; like it or not, candidates with credible educational background will gain voter trust more easily, because the voters are themselves better educated. This is a realistic assessment of the ground. They will not vote down, they want to vote up. The older citizens are more or less diehards set in their old ways - if they have voted PAP most of their lives, most likely they will continue to do so.

I dont know what happened at Reform Party, but I think Kenneth J sounds like an exciting prospect for the opposition going forward, so I hope he doesnt falter and that he can gather more support especially from well-educated individuals with good jobs. I speak from an outsider's point of view i.e. I dont care what has happend internally, I just want a stronger opposition that can truly push back PAP's dominance. Accomplishing the mission is the only imperative, everything else is just collateral.

not very much i m afraid. and NO, he wasn't and never was RP's chairman. this title was a media gag deviously devised by ng ejay who has link with SPH.

now with this old goat out of RP's way, progress of the party and its revival can commence.

so how much do u know the insider story? it involves lamei who was all along trying to suck up to nts, KJ and infiltrate RP by boasting tht "20 of her sdp F&D victims had joined rp" what a misleading brag!!
but the dearth of the whole drama was finally credited to none other but ng ejay who joined RP as member then resigned but not after he stole a few RP members along with him together with ng teck siong.

the real drama then began...but how many know what was going on? ng teck siong with ejay as his sidekick now were trying to "get even" with RP. again, nts was never RP's chairman. it was a misnomer and a ploy by ng ejay who passed such misleading info to the press and hence, everyone tot nts was the co-founder of RP for which he is definitely NOT!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

message from the boss of RP CLAN

Kenneth Jeyaratnam
The crisis - and reforms
In the wake of government's record in past few years, it will be hard for it to claim it alone can solve Singapore's economic problems, says the new Reform Party leader.
July 7, 2009
The following is a speech by Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Reform Party leader, at the Foreign Correspondents Association Lunch on July 2, 2009.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for inviting me to this luncheon today. The Foreign Correspondents Association has been here in Singapore even longer than I have and like my father has played a significant and historic role in the story of our region’s history.
It is surely no less an historic moment for Singapore’s newest political party, The Reform Party to be given this exciting platform.
I am very proud to join the ranks of such prominent figures as our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his father Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and from the opposition Jaswant Singh of India, Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim and so many other statesman, politicians and even Nobel Prize winners.

Not least of these is my dear late father JBJ. I really do feel unworthy but then again, maybe July is a quiet month for the press.
You have asked me to discuss my hopes and visions for The Reform Party and how I see the current political situation in Singapore.

However as an economist I shall insist on boring you with my views on the current economic situation and the economic future for Singapore.
I hope you won’t mind if I start by adding a bit of background to my emergence on the political scene. It seems to me that the ladies and gentleman of the press are in dire need of a bit more information about me.
I say this because despite being Singaporean, I am always referred to in the press as ‘British-trained economist’, Kenneth Jeyaretnam.
Hmm..I wonder why I have never read in the Singapore press, British-trained mathematician prime minister Lee Hsien Loong or British trained-lawyer, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.
Naturally I suspect that the mainstream media want to light up a subliminal marker in the people’s minds that a)I’m a foreigner and b) that my economics is suspiciously left-wing because it’s from a country associated with economic failure and the welfare state.
In actual fact I’m much less British than, my father, who spent many more years than I as a British subject. So I went to University in England but I was born here, I went to school here, excepting two years, and I completed National Service.

And I always say that if I’m fit to die for my country then I’m fit to stand for it.
I’m not ashamed of being a patriot. On the second point I have always believed by and large in free markets, though governments may need to intervene to prevent undesirable or suboptimal outcomes.
Indeed at Cambridge, I often used to have economics discussions with our current Finance Minister, Mr Tharman, who was there doing a masters, and at that time he was far, far to the left of me on most economic policy issues.
In addition to British-trained the other appendage to my name is usually “Son Of.”.. JBJ. That one is of course entirely true. I’m just grateful my father’s name wasn’t Sam!
There’s no arguing that the Reform Party and indeed the very notion of an active opposition, was my father’s legacy to Singapore.
He always strove, at great personal cost, to get the people to realise they had the power to change things just by exercising their democratic rights - Hence his call at the inauguration dinner to the people to arise from their slumber.
Unfortunately many here wear ear plugs when they slumber but luckily for me there’s nothing like a recession for waking people up.
It’s a legacy which I’m proud to continue but also to extend and adapt to the current needs of Singapore.
We have always been told that the current authoritarian framework has benefited us economically - I feel we’re victims of the approved version of history.
In fact Singapore’s growth record is good but not spectacular.
It hardly compares with nations such as Taiwan and South Korea - Nations that started considerably poorer and are now at comparable levels of per-capita real incomes. Nations which moved away from authoritarianism and are now much freer than Singapore-so that authoritarian framework is clearly no longer beneficial.
The task I have set myself for the Reform Party is to get across the message that the Faustian bargain the electorate thought they had struck in surrendering liberty for economic prosperity didn’t have to be so.
In some of my economic articles for the Party I have talked about an outmoded economic model which doesn’t really improve the welfare of the bulk of Singaporeans.
While the GDP growth rate over the last few years looked impressive, fuelled globally by an unsustainable growth in US imports, the productivity of the workforce first stagnated and then fell sharply.
Growth was built upon the addition of seemingly inexhaustible inputs of cheap labour from abroad with concomitant dire consequences for the real wages of those at the median and below.
Domestic consumption has been driven down to a level that is on a par with China and countries at a much earlier stage of development.
The savings rate rose to 47% in 2008 which given what little we hear about the decline in value of our external investments is manifestly excessive.
Yet all we hear from the government is that we need to have more of the same policies of cutting business costs and just wait for the inevitable return of the US consumption binge.
So whilst the need for Reform in the field of democracy and civil rights is an integral part of the Party’s platform I believe that there are equally fundamental reforms that need to be made in the economic sphere.
In essence The Reform Party has become the double Reform Party.
These are indeed exciting times for Democracy and the Opposition in Singapore. Given its record over the last few years it will be difficult for the government to continue its claim that it alone has a monopoly on good economic management.
Or at least we hope to make it difficult for the government to go on claiming that monopoly.
Unfortunately it is also a very challenging time for the Opposition. After many years of conditioning, Singaporeans think very differently to those who have been brought up in a liberal western democracy.
There’s little point, I’ve found, in talking about the European Convention on Human Rights to people who think that expressing an opinion will lead to mob rule and rioting.
Or, as we were told often in the past, that foreign investment and MNCs would flee Singapore if there were significant numbers of Opposition MPs in Parliament.
The latest parliamentary changes proposed by the government don’t help promote democracy - amounting to no more than smoke and mirrors.
It’s a cheap parlour trick that will have no impact at all on The Reform Party’s strategy - but clearly gives the government a legitimate excuse for changing constituency boundaries yet again.
The silent and peaceful protesters in Iran summed up our feelings best when they held up notices saying simply, “election not selection”
Throughout all, I maintain my belief in the people of Singapore. We are its greatest resource. We are a uniquely talented and situated nation and we deserve prosperity and emancipation.
In time we will come to the realisation that these are not mutually exclusive but actually are dependent one upon the other.

the chiefy of RP CLAN had spoken. applause!!

every success to RP CLAN but they have to be wary about spies from the SDP CLAN who shall never miss an opportunity to exploit, instigate or sow discords if they couldn't accomplish their own lame vendetta with hidden sinister motive.

this old mare was the cause of XINJIANG UNREST

a seemingly harmless old lady but it was rumoured that she was the cause to the bloody unrest in XINJIANG, china. seen here with RICHARD GERE

Kadeer was born into poverty but enjoyed a successful career as an entrepreneur, starting first with a laundry service and then expanding her activities to eventually own a trading company and department store in Xinjiang. She was also an active philanthropist within the community, most notably through her foundation of the 1,000 Families Mothers Project, a charity intended to help Uyghur women start their own local businesses.[1]

Kadeer's successes as a businesswoman earned her the local nickname "the millionairess" and also a position at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. She became a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, but was barred from re-election in 1998 for failing to condemn her husband's statements in the United States.[1]

Having been a witness to the Gulja Incident in 1997, in 1999 she was detained by PRC authorities on charges of "leaking state secrets", having sent newspaper clippings to her husband Sidik Rouzi, an expatriate living in the United States who is active in protesting Chinese policies towards the Uyghur people. Kadeer was detained in August 1999 while on her way to meet a US Congressional Research Service delegation investigating the situation in Xinjiang at the time, and was alleged to be in possession of a list of 10 people "suspected of having a connection with national separatist activities".

She was convicted on 10 March, 2000 in the Urumqi Intermediate People's Court, of "endangering state security".[1]

In 2004, her sentence was reduced by a year based on citations of good behavior in the women’s prison of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region where she was being held. On 14 March 2005, Kadeer was released early, nominally on medical grounds, to United States custody. The U.S. had pressured for her release, and the action came in advance of a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the region. In exchange to Kadeer's release, the United States agreed to drop a resolution against China in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, causing human rights organizations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to moderate their praise somewhat.[citation needed] On 17 March, Kadeer flew to the U.S. and joined her family in Washington, D.C..

In 2004 she won the Rafto Prize for human rights, and in 2006 she was nominated by Swedish parliamentarian Annelie Enochson as one of the candidates (among 191 people who were publicly nominated) for the Nobel Peace Prize. Annelie Enochson stated in her nomination, Rebiya Kadeer champions the rights of western China's Uighur ethnic group and is one of China's most prominent advocates of women's rights... [she] has also used her resources as founder and director of a large trading company in northwestern China to provide fellow Uighurs with training and employment.[2] The Chinese government condemned the nomination.[3]

Kadeer was elected as the president of the World Uyghur Congress by its II. General Assembly meeting held on 24−27 November 2006, in Munich, Germany.

A biography of Kadeer, "Die Himmelsstürmerin" (The Great Idealist), written by German writer Alexandra Cavelius in German, was published in June 2007 by German publisher Heyne-Verlag, a subsidiary of Random House. An English translation, Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace with China, was published in the United States by Kales Press in May 2009.

She has denied the existence of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, and has stated her belief that all Uyghur organizations fight peacefully.[4]

On 5 June 2007, at a conference on democracy and security held in Prague Rebiya Kadeer met privately with President George W. Bush and Mrs. Bush. In his speech, President Bush said about her: "Another dissident I will meet with here is Rebiya Kadeer, whose sons have been jailed in what we believe is an act of retaliation for her human rights activities. The talent of men and women like Rebiya is the greatest resource of their nations- far more valuable than the weapons of their army or oil under the ground. So America calls on every nation that stifles dissent to end its repression, trust its people and grant its citizens the freedom they deserve."[5]

On 17 September 2007, the United States House of Representatives passed by a voice vote House Resolution 497[6], demanding the Chinese Government to release the imprisoned children of Rebiya Kadeer and Canadian citizen Huseyin Celil, and change its suppressive policy towards the Uyghur people. Speaking in support of the bill, Congressman Chris Smith said: "At turning points in history ... one honest and courageous man or woman often comes to represent the entire people in the eyes of the world ... For the Uyghur people, deprived of their religious freedom, robbed of their cultural and linguistic rights and marginalized in their own homeland by the government-organized Han Chinese migration, it is Rebiya Kadeer."[7]

July 2009 unrest
See main article July 2009 Ürümqi riots.

On 5 July 2009, hundreds of Uighur protesters clashed with Chinese anti-riot police in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang, two days after ethnic unrest left at least 156 dead and more than 800 injured. Chinese officials have blamed the unrest on separatist groups abroad, who it says want to create an independent homeland for the Muslim Uighur minority. Exiled Uighur businesswoman and activist Rebiya Kadeer was accused by the provincial government of "masterminding" the violence, but she has denied having anything to do with it.

Bloodshed in peesailand!

there were many mocked terrorist attacks practices in peesailand nowadays. just imagine suppose a real public violent protest were to happen during one of master chee's so called "peaceful protest", would chee be able to contain it? this bloody bloodshed in XINJIANG was over some jobs problem and was reportedly initiated by a frail old woman. peacefuL? we never know until it goes out of control.

that my friends is the REAL MOTIVE of master chee - to cause unrest, disruption in the society and maybe bloodshed. do we the peasants want this to happen?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

chia sai can't even match a little mata

a fierce battle is now ongoing at that thread. the gay boys of chia sai was activated to protect, defend and attack ferociously their hopeless 1/2past6 gaylord chia sai.

the trouble is all those SDP IB gayboys are nothing but little yelping chihuahuas who are best ingredient for stews. little doggies makes the most wonderful slurpy stews. YUMMY!!

a fake chia sai appears briefly to distract others. the real one as usual remains passive. perhaps one of the gayboy disguised nasty nic could be his. even in cyberforum, the gaylord chia remains aloft and arrogant. of course, in the real world he dies many more times easier. fortunately, his AH Q mentally keeps motivating him with regular FLIRT&DESTROY being massaged onto him, he is always HARD ON but rarely cums in orgasms. perhaps, a powderful dose of ANDROMEN cream is all that la mui needs to really spur him higher into great bliss. or perhaps, it is already GAMEOVER for the CONDOM HEROES of the martial arts in local politics.

high in her reserve list, it is the great opporunity to the nerd JJ to drop pants and t-shirt in the fastest unbeatable record time. as the nerd has also masterd his speciality called JIU YANG SHEN GONG where he can drown a water buffalo by sheer mental control spraying his excessive cumjuices, could be a let down for the old laukuaybu.

but wait!!

didn't the laukuaybu lamui just celebrate her 38 birthday? the lovelorn opportunist JJ is really clever. he cums into BELGIUM CHOC and lovingly sent it to the hungry lamui. she really relishes it to such a state that she must post it in her TIC-N-TAC to announce to the martial art world.

poor chia sai!! the poor gaylord is left now bonking his 3 bikes with extra big exhaust pipe. they might be mean machines but definitely not sex machines. all 3 bikes break down. his loud moanings and groans also burst all his 6 amplifiers which are now whimpering in fuzzy noises.

the martial arts world of politics is really getting more sexciting. master chee provides the public comedy relief while his highly-skilled disciples provide the X-rated one.

stay tuned for more when the remaining TBTS clowns would be heading to changi resort for some louder moanings and groanings! master chee just loves the place and now with some many accompanying him, it would be orgy from dusk to dawn - break - and continue from dawn to dusk!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

give me belgium choc, i thank thee!

many should ve known by now why the troll needs to "thank deeply" ng ejay. beside his cum spiked belgium chococlate secretly given to that laukuaybu's birthday, it's a psychological ploy to stimulate the nerd into fierceful defence/attack for her.

E for Ejaculating is quite aptly applied to that horny jay nerd.:D

don't forget. we have never read how she ever thanks her own husband, parents, in-laws, siblings or close relatives. it's always the lawyer, the nerd and many unrelated sdp clowns.

the reason is clear cut. it's a form of deadly FLIRT & DESTROY. nothing less but many things hidden more;)

FLIRT&DESTOY belgium chocolate

warning: this brand of chocolate is very sensually erotic. feed her with that and it would be OPEN SESAME from the bony legs! this means JJ had found the secret entrance to pussy cave while chia sai being the original suitor had failed miserably.

cheapo van houten choc lost to belgium choc. the nerd had finally gained entry to pussy hole. wow wow wee!!

a bitch's quality of a good boyfriend....


goal of a bitch

Lamei : EJay you are My Knight, My fuck Buddy, MY lisenting ear..hahaha

very simple, direct but kind of "stiff":



so are u perfect for her?